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Posts posted by Temes1066

  1. USPW National Title Match
    'Jacksonville' Jack Jackson defends vs. Grandmaster Phunk
    Comments: I'm not sure how Jack got the belt, but if he didn't drop it to Enygma he ain't dropping it to Phunk

    Rajah vs. Turk Trenneman
    Comments: Rajah is an over the hill ex-Money lackey. Turk meanwhile has a future

    Jaime Quine and ??? vs. The Bombshells
    Comments: The Bombshells are nobodies and Quine starts as the champ.

    'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs. Regular Joe
    Comments: Joe is a complete jobber

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  2. CGC Tag Team Title Match: Johnny Maverick & Eddie Chandler vs Soldiers of Fortune

    The titles wouldn't be switched this close to WrestleFestival

    Biff The Bruiser vs Moose Mulder

    He might be on Jake Sloan's team at WrestleFestival

    Nelson Blais vs Ed Monton

    Who is Nelson Blais?


    You know, I never understood why people who played CV97 want to stick to canon, it not like any of the company will so why should you.

  3. SWF When Hell Freezes Over Predictions

    6 Man Tag Team Match

    Cali Dragons (Remmy Skye, Mikey Lau, Frankie Perez) vs NEO (Koshiro Ino, Yoshiko Taira, Yasanobu Masuono)

    Scythe vs Robert Retro

    SWF Tag Team Championship Match

    Animal Fury vs Brown and Haynes©️

    Steel Cage Match

    El Hijo Del Zonk vs Freddy Huggins w/Laura Catherine Huggins

    Hardcore Match

    Chris Caulfield vs Nick Booth

    6 Man Tornado Tag Team Match

    State Of Destruction vs Brothers Brown

    SWF North American Championship Match

    Captain Atomic/w Donte Dunn vs The Great Kinjite©️/w FAITHLESS

    Lil Henry vs Rick Law

  4. The Triumvirate vs. Faith McGee, Melody and Sara Marie
    Comments: I like Heel Alicia

    Trent Shaffer vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith
    Comments:  Could go either way.

    USPW World Tag Team Titles Match
    Jett & Moor defend vs. The Titans
    Comments: Jett & Moor maybe a make shift team, but The Titans are ancient

    USPW Women's Title Match
    Jaime Quine defends vs. Wendy Anderson
    Comments: Wendy is a jobber!

    USPW National Title Match
    Roger Cage defends vs. Sterling Whitlock
    Comments: I have two questions: 1. Where is Zeus and his Olympus Order? 2. Is Sterling Whitlock really the best help Money can buy?

    Joss Thompson and Mick Muscles vs. Law & Justice
    Comments: Joss is the only one here who isn't above the age of 40.

    USPW World Title Match
    Rich Money defends vs. Running Wolf
    Comments: Duh!!

    Steve Frehley vs. Nicky Champion
    Comments: I'm thinking it will be a draw to extend this rivalry

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