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Posts posted by Temes1066

  1. Honestly I love the anime idea


    what about having the stoic Japanese stalwart Kamachi with his ultra solid wrestling and striking skills and team him up with "Rising Sun" Donte Dunn. Give Dunn the Karate Kid gimmick, some fun vignettes with him trying to catch a fly with chopsticks, doing the standing on the logs stuff, trying the Crane Kick in matches and it never working. Meanwhile Kamachi is constantly unimpressed and just gets on with being a workhorse with his nose to the grindstone. Eventually Dunn wins him over, they start tagging, Kamachi does all the donkey work in the bouts while Dunn hot dogs, pick up some unlikely wins and actually become a good unit and good friends, Kamachi starts to lighten up yadda yadda. You can even have Kamachi do the "wax on/wax off" on Dunn or something. Gives them a little bit of a story as opposed to just packaging them as a gimmick right out the door


    I do like your idea, but the need for face tag teams is kind of immediate, with the immanent Zeus & Stevie implosion (damn chemistry). The only face tag teams I have left are: Party Central (aka. Natural Storm) who have no pop in Canada and The Rock City Stars (Stan Manna is in the proverbial dog-house for injuring Vin Tanner).


    I also wouldn't reunite Youth Energy or Whippy and Quibble (those teams were broken up in game so I can't just reunite them, plus Whippy and Shane are busy). In a couple of months Joey Poison is suppose to start teaming with Brett Fraser, but that will take some time as they are currently feuding.

  2. I need some ideas for silly/fun face gimmicks for the newly debuting Donte Dunn and a Tsurayuki Kamachi, who was on excursion in my CGC 2010 game.


    I was thinking of make them a pair of Anime superheroes, but I kinda want to see what you guys can come up with.


    The three rules for ideas:

    • They must have family-friendly/sports entertainment gimmicks.
    • Neither of them are to be bland young blue-chippers.
    • They must be something I can tag team, as I am lacking in Face Tag Teams (stupid, Zeus and Stevie having no chemistry)

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