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Status Replies posted by smw88

  1. Hello, if you are one of the people receiving this message, I just got the go-to to ask for your permission to use your renders that were seen as free pictures in the AltCverse 2022 mod. I plan on using this on a mod I am creating called The GoldVerse 1985, which is supposed to be a series of mods (1993, 1997, 2006, 2016, and in between 2025-2028). So I'm basically asking permission for all of these mods. So will you be allow me to us some of your renders for workers in that mod?

    1. smw88


      Hey, sure. All my renders are available to use for mods provided they are used as provided (changing background is ok), and credit is given. Any questions just give me a shout. Thanks for asking and good luck with the mods.

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