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Everything posted by DarK_RaideR

  1. Rookie C-Verse/Fictional Starlet: Women's Wrestling Revival by @LoNdOn DIW 2022: Lori's Law by @619 Veteran C-Verse/Fictional KENKA Pro-Wrestling: Kick, Submission & Suplex by @CGN91 Honourable mentions Major League Wrestling: Styles Make Fights! by Blodyxe (already nominated) D.A.V.E: Stop The Bleeding (CV07) by QFresh APEX Wrestling: The Alternative To The Stars by Martel123 EMLL Adventures In The Multiverse By Irish Wolf
  2. Showdown in the Big Apple XIV Saturday, Week 3 of April 2015, Tri State, 2.800 fans in attendance w/ Heritage vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) ESW's latest two arrivals on the tag team scene opened the show after the debut of Heritage last month and Mr. America's subsequent match challenge. There is not doubt the future is bright for all these young men, but showing a bit of vulnerability wouldn't hurt their performances. Bonus points to Mr. America for referencing Lady Liberty and playing up to anything patriotic in the Tri State area, a great showing despite his rather gimmicky character (at least by ESW standards) but it was Cornbread Grits Jr. who picked up the win after a Southern Comfort on Independence Day. Dirk Ivers vs Lionel Delorme What would have otherwise been an uninteresting match suddenly gained heat due to the split in fan support; some cheered for the high flying spots of Delorme against heel Ivers, but almost the other half of the audience gave him the "you can't wrestle" chant and cheered every time Ivers ruined the set up for what was teased to be another Delorme aerial spot. Both competitors played to that dynamic and Ivers took in whatever cheers he could get, while Delorme waved fans off, up to the finish of him poking the eye of Ivers and rolling him up with a hand on his tights to secure the win. Certainly not what you'd call a babyface move from Delorme, who cemented his apparent heel turn by bowing and ironically "thanking" the fans on his way back to the locker room. Logan Prince & Creighton Fall vs The Ordinary Guys Prince was in action alongside Fall for his ESW in-ring debut and their team had no problem playing the bullies against The Ordinary Guys. Very much a character driven match, where fans booed the heels and cheered for every chance at a comeback the faces got, even if the outcome wasn't really in doubt. Creighton Fall got a chance to shine by hitting his Injunction finisher and he scored the pin, some ten minutes into the match. After their win, Prince and Fall requested microphones to put themselves over and gloat about their win. They proclaimed themselves to be "The 1%" and said everyone in ESW better watch their backs. Cameron Rich vs Jayson Disaster Following Disaster's dirty pin in the trios match last month, Rich sought revenge in his first singles match since losing the ESW Heavyweight title. Fans did give him the occasional boo when he slowed things on the mat and cheered for Disaster picking up the pace with a bit of brawling, but anything Rich did, he took the most out of it, whether in terms of psychology and fan reaction or pure damage, resulting in a submission victory for him once he caught Disaster in the Neutraliser. Lee Harrison hit the ring next, with Janet Murrin by his side. Harrison cut a fiery promo to say that he's now done fending off Johnny Chase and after last month's win over him, he's been granted a title match tonight. Harrison said he's glad to have Chase in the rearview mirror, which now allows him to focus on the real chase, and that's the chase for gold. ESW Tag Team titles match TW3 vs Joey Relamano & Kenneth Fairmount A seemingly random pairing to put in a title match, Relamano and Fairmount still proved formidable opponents between the veteran's ring IQ and the youngster's enthusiasm. Lil' Dante tried to take things outside the ring for a dirty brawl, but a corckscrew dive from Fairmount on the other three men put an end to that plan. With the action back between the ropes, Relamano attempted to wrestle Deep Freeze to the mat and eliminate his advantage, but the big man was able to power through and hit the Ring Pop for the pin while Fairmount was still reeling outside the ring. With Freeze looming menacingly in the background and cracking his knuckles, Lil' Dante demanded a mic and proclaimed that TW3 rule ESW's tag team division. They've beaten everyone there is to beat and all these new tag teams better take notice, if they step up they're gonna get put down as well. Levi Tundra vs Chris Boone Fans were hot for this one since the challenge was dropped last month and, as if to prove a point, Boone yet again showed up and wrestled the match while clearly suffering from a terrible hangover. Oddly enough, what this took away from in-ring quality it added in storytelling, blurring the lines between reality and kayfabe as the wasted Boone fought the real-life straightedge Tundra. Even the ending looked odd, to the point where one couldn't tell if it was a sloppy call on the fly or whether it had been expertly put together ahead of time, but Tundra hit his finisher and pinned Boone clean in the middle of the ring. Despite his victory, Tundra didn't seem all that thrilled. Instead, he got on the mic and told Boone that he hopes tonight will be a lesson learned, then offered a handshake. Boone refused to shake his hand though and left the ring, flipping fans off on his way back. ESW Heavyweight title match w/ Vince Borden vs Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) As announced, Harrison got his shot at gold and he brought the fight to the champion. Well aware of his power disadvantage, Harrison tried to strike first and overwhelm Borden, which gave him a good chunk of offence before the champion took control. Even then, Harrison refused to give up and lie down as he stayed in the fight and kept kicking out of Borden's big offensive moves. It seemed like his only chance by this point was to stubbornly stay up and exhaust the champion for an opportunity to turn the tables, but the tables were actually turned on him... when Chase made an appearance! Although he did not attack Harrison, Chase went for Murrin instead, pulling her arm and demanding that she follows him out of the arena, nay, come back to him altogether. This of course threw Harrison off his game and the distraction was all the champ needed to zone in and hit the Borden-lands for the pin, retaining the ESW Heavyweight title. Overall
  3. THE BLOODY HAND Taheiji "The Animal" Konoe, Kimi Kawano, Dr. Yumaniac, Edo Phoenix IV, Koichi Kajiwara, Zeshin Makioka
  4. Aaaah looks like I finally showed up on time for one of these! Sign me up, apparently I need to hunt down the HoPW discord server...
  5. No surprise there. Gritty adult noir is still sports entertainment with the occasional blade job or chair shot. Soap opuro is still hard hitting puroresu, just with some angles thrown in.
  6. Manhattan Meltdown 2015 Saturday, Week 3 of March 2015, Tri State, 2.700 fans in attendance w/ Eric Chalice & Jacob Ruthless vs Team USA (with Colt Magnum) After their big debut at the end of last month's show, Team USA opened Manhattan Meltdown with their in-ring debut. Revealed as Independence Day and Mr. America, the duo put on a rather entertaining show to get fans excited against the easy-to-boo pairing of Chalice and Ruthless. With Colt Magnum coaching them from the sidelines, Independence Day held things together thanks to a good mix of technical wrestling and high flying, while Mr. America played worked the crowd using his charisma as he played the part of the powerhouse who waited and then got the hot tag, entering to clear the ring and hit his Star Spangled Banner finisher on Jacob Ruthless to secure the win. Team USA had little time to celebrate, because two new faces walked out and demanded for the music to be cut so they could speak. Taking turns on the microphone, Cornbread Grits Jr. and Chief Strongwolf Jr. introduced themselves as the second generation superstars that they are, while taking jabs at Team USA's gimmickry and berating the fans for cheering them. Furious, Independence Day cut them off and promised to make them eat their words, before Mr. America challenged them to a match next month! Destruction vs Harley Steele Steele was the next victim to get steamrolled by Destruction, the big man toying with him in an absolutely dominant performance until he got bored and flattened him with the Total Destruction. Dirk Ivers vs Kenneth Fairmount Still struggling to find his footing after the departure of Harvey Keenan, Dirk Ivers took on the high flying Kenneth Fairmount in a well received contest. It was a change of pace from mat grappling expert Bradley Merton last month, but Ivers stood his ground as the tough street brawler against some fast paced, athletic offence. Unlike his previous bout against Merton though, Ivers managed to pull off a clean win here without resorting to any shenanigans. Instead, his Anti-Social Remedy finisher did the trick for the 1-2-3. Two months ago, Logan Prince promised to lawyer up and on this night, he revealed his ace (attorney) in the hole: Creighton Fall. Descending from a long and prestigious line of lawyers attached to the wrestling industry, Creighton is the first of his family to take things a step further and enter the squared circle as a competitor. Thus, Prince's move is doubly genious, they claimed, because he not only gained someone to support him legally, but also watch his back in the ring and in the locker room. Cameron Rich & Seventh Street Saints vs Jayson Disaster & TW3 First ever six man tag match to be presented by ESW this year, this was the first for Cameron Rich since losing the ESW Heavyweight title while also building on the rivalry between TW3 and the Saints. The best way to describe this would be "structured chaos". There was intensity and a sense of unpredictability, but things never fell apart as everyone came and went for their planned spots. Furthermore, the finish came out of nowhere when the most unassuming participant of the match, Jayson Disaster, hit a low blow on Rich for the dirty pinfall win. Levi Tundra came out to the ring next with the recently won AAA All Action title around his waist and cut an intense promo, saying he's been on a roll lately but one thing weighs heavily on his mind and its name is Chris Boone. Tundra said he can't stand how he and others are being so passionate, so serious about professional wrestling while people like Boone are allowed to behave so recklessly, so unprofessionally without consequences. This brought out a furious Boone, who took some verbal jabs at Tundra's straight edge lifestyle, saying he thinks he's got the right to act all high and mighty because of it, patronizing him for choices he makes about how he lives his own life. The blurring of kayfabe and reality here had the fans on the edge of their seats, reacting to every punchline and the segment ended with the two men agreeing to meet in the ring next month and find out who the better one is. First Blood match w/ Johnny Chase vs Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) Harrison was granted his request of a rematch, but as it was announced, was going to be a First Blood match. This played up to the heated feud between the two, while also promising a decisive winner without any tricks like Chase pulled off last time. What didn't change from their previous match was the wild brawling in and out of the ring, with the stipulation urging both men to behave in increasingly violent ways as they attempted to bust each other open. A good match through and through, with Harrison getting a measure of revenge when he sent his opponent face first onto a turnbuckle that Chase had previously exposed, resulting in his forehead getting a cut that ended the match. Vince Borden made his entrance next and took a moment on the mic to hype up his main event match that was scheduled to happen next. Borden said he welcomed all challengers and it was Joey Relamano who answered the challenge this month, but just like the champion promised, he would destroy any and all challengers, a streak that was set to begin on this night. ESW Heavyweight title match Vince Borden vs Joey Relamano Relamano had a chance to shine in this marquee match and he made the most of it. Borden attempted to bully him around, but through a combination of ring smarts, experience and technical skill, Relamano stayed in the fight and even pushed the champion as his crisp grappling did a lot towards eliminating the size and power advantage of Borden. Things turned around in spectacular fashion however when the Chicago native applied a front facelock to choke Borden, only for the defending champion to power through and lift him up for a delayed vertical suplex that showcased his strength. From that point, Borden took charge of the match and brought the pain like he knows to. Relamano had the occasional moment to respond, but he was never able to chain together more than a couple of moves before Borden put the brakes to kill his momentum and regain control, leading to a pinfall win with the Borden-lands after fourteen and a half minutes. Overall
  7. Bloodied Yet Unbowed Saturday, Week 2, August 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 573 fans in attendance The Assassins vs Black Widow & Malady This month the Assassins took on a team of visually matching but very different in mindset opponents. Black Widow was all about nasty shots, pokes, rakes, clawing and stretching people on the mat, while Malady utilized a much cleaner style of strikes based on her legitimate kickboxing background. This faiure to get on the same page and the arguments it caused were what ultimately saw Black Widow dropkicked off the apron and onto the barricade outside, leaving Malady all alone to take the Death From Above for the pin. Rating: 58 Individual performances: Assassin #1 68, Assassin #2 55, Widow 40, Malady 32 After the match was over, the Assassins voiced their complaints again about not receiving a tag title shot already while Unstoppable Monsters were yet again in the spotlight this month. Their problem wasn't as much with Ishimura and Tai though, but the hordes of ex-WEXXV men showing up all the time, from the McWades last time to Kajiwara and Makioka last month. Rating: 32 Lady San Juan vs Romi Yamato Yamato made her return after several months off the radar and she put the pedal to the metal for a spectacular comeback. Lady San Juan was all too happy to keep up and respond in kind, which made for a fast paced match full of visually impressive offence. Her lucha based attacks meshed well with the high impact joshi style of Yamato to deliver an exciting contest that ended with an emphatic Yamatotal. Rating: 44 Individual performances: Yamato 47, LSJ 33 Stairway to Hell match Róisín Gross vs Taheiji Konoe Following Konoe's big win last month, Gross took to social media and challenged him to a ladder match, promising to put her years of experience in crazy dives to good use: if Konoe won, he'd be allowed to bring in a person of his choosing to the WQ2020 roster, but if he lost, he'd be out the door. To no one's surprise, despite the ladder situation this very much played out as a deathmatch, with plenty of weapons besides the ladders themselves. As promised, Gross used the ladder on more than one occasion to jump off and hit some insane dive on her opponent, but it was to ultimately be her downfall; during her final ascent, Konoe climbed up the other side and following a reckless headbutt, tossed her off for a fall to the outside, through a table, in a moment that will forever remain in WQ2020's highlight reels, before he finished his climb to win the match. Rating: 52 Individual performances: Konoe 60, Gross 46 Deathmatch w/ Kimi Kawano (with Dr. Yumaniac) vs Naoko Majima After Kawano's appearance last month when he and girlfriend Dr. Yumaniac attacked Naoko Majima, this match felt personal before the bell even rang. "Mad Dog" Majima kicked things off with a suicide dive onto Yumaniac to set the tone and pace of the match, allowing her to face her opponent one on one but also firing him up to unleash the violence. Kawano did not take it easy on Majima and blood flowed early on already, when he grated a piece of barb wire on her forehead to put the crimson mask on. Unphased, Majima kept fighting like a rabid dog and eventually got her revenge when she smashed Kawano face first onto a bunch of light tubes with a bulldog. Majima kept the pressure on but a recovered Dr. Yumaniac interfered to cut off her momentum and provide Kawano with a chance to regroup, which allowed him to swoop up Majima in a Double Arm DDT and score the pin. Rating: 34 Individual performances: Kawano 51, Majima 44 Once the match was over, Mushashibo came out, still on crutches, to berate Kawano for his cowardly tactics and Yumaniac for spitting on women's wrestling with her behavior. Instead of responding, the couple gave a nasty grin and closed the distance up the ramp to pick on what seemed like an easy target... ...but they stopped dead on their tracks when the WQ2020 Queen's Heart champion stepped out to stand on Mushashibo's side! Rating: 38 Tag Team Deathmatch Forlorn Hope vs Unstoppable Monsters Tai and Ishimura were out for revenge after Kajiwara and Makioka cost them a title match last month, bringing much intensity and rage into the bout right out the gates. Their eagerness saw them make a few mistakes, which the veteran team of Forlorn Hope were able to capitalize on and turn things around for a bit, until Kajiwara was hit with a chop block that clipped his notoriously injured knee. This left the Monsters to beat down on Makioka, who carried most of that extended segment in terms of performance with his selling. Kajiwara would eventually climb back on the apron and pull Tai's hair to create an opening for the tag, but once he got back in, a scything kick to the knee from Tai folded him over and set him up for the Tai Bomber that shook the ring. Makioka ran in to break up the cover but caught a lariat from the charging Ishimura for his troubles, clearing the field for the three count and Unstoppable Monsters winning the main event. Rating: 39 Individual performance: Kajiwara 34, Makioka 54, Tai 43, Ishimura 26 Show rating: 45
  8. Stupid me, Unstoppable Monsters lost the match due to outside interference by Koichi Kajiwara and Zeshin Makioka, the Forlorn Hope, but I completely forgot to include that part in the write-up 🤦‍♂️Anyway, imagine that happened and Kitsune mentioned it in her promo. Onwards and upwards! Bloodied Yet Unbowed Tag Team Deathmatch Forlorn Hope vs Unstoppable Monsters Deathmatch Kimi Kawano (with Dr. Yumaniac) vs Naoko Majima Stairway to Hell match Róisín Gross vs Taheiji Konoe Lady San Juan vs Romi Yamato The Assassins vs Black Widow & Malady
  9. I'm a sucker for that anti-establishment vibe, good luck with this!
  10. You seem to have skipped a name in the presentation of the roster. Second row, third from last. If I'm getting the image right, that's probably JD Morgan? Thirded.
  11. Warning from the Past Thursday, Week 2, July 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 573 fans in attendance Grudge Deathmatch Dr. Yumaniac vs Onryo The show began with a violent and rather personal contest, continuing the story of these two teaming together, Dr. Yumaniac going for singles instead of tag gold and Onryo causing her to lose that match in retaliation. Any wrestling on display was limited to brawling, with the rest of the action being weapon spots and wild dives. By deathmatch standards, this was pretty by the numbers with the intensity turned up, enough to get the fans going for a strong start but not involving any wild stunts and Dr. Yumaniac ended it with a clean pin after she hit the Purgatorium on Onryo. Rating: 46 Individual performances: Yumaniac 48, Onryo 35 While Dr. Yumaniac celebrated her win, Fujiko Mushashibo came out with the WQ Queen of the Deathmatch title around her waist and her leg in a cast. Assisted by crutches, Mushashibo got into the ring and called out Naoko Majima, before announcing she'd be out for some time due to her broken leg (which she didn't mention, but broke inside a 5SSW ring) and thus would be vacating the title, allowing the other two women to fight for it. Dr. Yumaniac wasn't having any of it though and requested the title would just be handed to her. When Mushashibo refused and Majima got in her face, a person in a ski mask jumped the guardrail and slid inside the ring to attack both women, before delivering a buckle bomb to Mushashibo and a Death Valley Driver on the apron to Majima. Dr. Yumaniac grabbed the title and held it up high, while the mysterious figure joined her in celebration and removed the mask to reveal himself as... WEXXV alumnus as well as Dr. Yumaniac's real life boyfriend and trainer, Kimi Kawano! Rating: 43 The Assassins vs Petra Forsberg & Rika Tsujimura Petra & Rika teamed up again to take on the high flying team of the Assassins, who kept things fast, athletic and spectacular. Given Forsberg's limited abilities in the ring, it should come as no surprise that she found herself isolated on the wrong half of the ring as the Assassins got to work on her with elaborate combo sequences that saw them tag in and out to keep the pressure on. Forsberg had to work hard for the hot tag and Tsujimura ran in to deliver several kicks and knee attacks that popped the crowd, but she had a lot of ground to cover and couldn't do it all on her own. Eventually, she had to take a break and tag Forsberg back in, only for the Assassins to easily turn things around and pick up from where they left off to bash her and pull off a Death From Above for a pin. Rating: 48 Individual performances: Assassin #1 47, Assassin #2 55, Tsujimura 41, Forsberg 33 After the match, the Assassins grabbed a microphone and repeated their request for a shot at the Blood Sisters tag titles, saying it should be them fighting for those belts tonight and not the Unstoppable Monsters just because of what they accomplished last month. Rating: 46 WQ 2020 Blood Sisters tag titles match The Cannibals © vs Unstoppable Monsters As per the Assassin's mention, the Unstoppable Monsters walked into this title match with the air of having beat the invading McWade brothers just last month and turning the tables in favor of WQ2020 for that show. This momentum was established early on as the challengers absolutely dominated Maneater, although her tenacity kept her kicking out of any pin attempts. Etelka got the tag, using her size and power to give the challengers a harder time in pushing her around, but an assisted powerbomb onto the ring stairs was enough to halt her momentum. The Monsters delivered a beatdown on the outside and it took a dive off the ring post by Maneater to break things up, leaving nothing but broken bodies at ringside. For a while, it looked like things would end at a double countout, but Maneater made it to the ring by the count of 16 and Tai struggled back in at just 19. Maneater knew this was her chance and lay in wait, delivering a Chop Top Drop on Tai just as she was standing back up inside the ring. With Ishimura still laid out on the outside, Maneater made the cover and the pin was made, ensuring the belts stayed with the Cannibals. Rating: 37 Individual performances: Maneater 44, Etelka 42, Tai 45, Ishimura 28 Kitsune Danger made her entrance and cut a promo on all the WEXXV veterans circling Warrior Queen like a pack of sharks, as she said. Danger spoke of how the first wave was pushed back last month and after the S.O.B. aligned themselves with Sakata and Konoe, she would be taking care of "The Animal" up next. Rating: 38 Animals in a Cage Deathmatch Kitsune Danger vs Taheiji "The Animal" Konoe While Kitsune Danger was cutting her promo and then Konoe making his entrance, the ring crew rushed to put together a cage around the ring, skipping the roof to save time and expenses. This cage setup gave the main event a special feel and much like the title used to promote the match, the competitors played up to their respective animals: Konoe was the uncontrollable madman while Danger tried to be smart and sly in her approach, picking her spots and using well-timed dodges to turn her opponent's momentum against him. Konoe crashed and burned on more than one occasion, including an Animalistic Gore attempt that saw him go through a table set up against a corner, but he also delivered plenty of vicious offence, like the spot where he superplexed Kitsune Danger onto a stack of chairs. The cage itself was mostly used to contain the violence and protect fans in the first row, perhaps some stability and integrity concerns keeping the wrestlers from using it as a weapon. Both competitors amped up the spectacle for the finishing stretch and in the end it was Konoe who came off with the win after he speared Danger with an Animalistic Gore. Rating: 65 Individual performances: Danger 66, Konoe 57 Show rating: 53
  12. If you're turning that save into a diary, I would suggest working together for a multiplayer one
  13. Interesting... I was convinced WBW and that logo were an original concept for the LondonVerse.
  14. Flames of Liberty 2015 Saturday, Week 1 of February 2015, Tri State, 3.100 fans in attendance Vince Borden began the show when he came out with the newly won ESW Heavyweight championship title. Despite being a heel, he got a loud ovation, part due to him being over with the fans and part due to him knocking the not-so-popular Cameron Rich off the top of the mountain. Borden then cut a promo to put himself over for winning the big one and proclaim himself as the dominant champion who will destroy any challenger that will stand in front of him. Chris Boone & Jayson Disaster vs The Ordinary Guys The Ordinary Guys are ESW's resident duo of relatable, everyman jobbers which helps in garnering sympathy but the outcome of this match was never in question. Still, they were given a fair amount of offence, to the point where it played out more like a somewhat competitive bout and not a complete squash. Some of it may have been necessary improv on the fly though, since Boone yet again showed up drunk to work and messed up more than a few spots. Not as good as it could have been, but still a solid contest that ended with Disaster hitting the Filthy Bomb on Alvin Benson for the pin. Jacob Ruthless vs Joey Relamano Ruthless was his usual self, antagonizing the fans to turn up the heat while Relamano held the match together like the veteran grappler that he is. It made for a decent, if unspectacular match that still told a story and was fun to watch. Between Ruthless' easy to hate character and cowardly heel tactics, the fans slowly riled up behind Relamano and cheered him on, yet it was still more a case of them wanting to see Rutheless get beat rather than wanting to see Relamano win. And win he did, when he caught Ruthless playing to the crowd and cradled him from behind for the quick pin. Destruction vs Zero Former AWF powerhouse Destruction made his ESW debut in a quick and brutal six minute squash against ESW's designated singles jobber, Zero. Destruction dominated the bout and even seemed in a mood to play with his victim, who he tossed around like a rag doll and slammed repeatedly to the mat, before he ultimately pulled off the Total Destruction to end Zero's torment. Lee Harrison came out next with Janet Murrin by his side and addressed the live audience. He talked about how he's been living rent-free in Johnny Chase's head ever since he beat him and Janet Murrin dumped the man, something Chase just can't get over to the point where he had to have another match last month and cheat to win it. As much as Harrison would like to move on to bigger and better things instead of having to deal with Chase again, he just can't rest with leaving a cheater get the last laugh on him. He has to set the record straight, so he requested a rematch. Bradley Merton vs Dirk Ivers No longer having the support of Harvey Keenan to watch his back, this bout was a test of sorts for Dirk Ivers. He tried to grapple his opponent to the mat, but got outwrestled and Merton put that BA in Physical Therapy to good use as he kept Ivers down for a stretch. Few rope breaks later, it was clear that Merton was the better wrestler, so Ivers switched to a striking approach instead. Merton took a beating, but was able to regain his composure and fight back, much to the delight of the audience who cheered him on. There's no denying these two had something going that elevated the experience and Merton even managed to score a clean win over Ivers with the Check Out. Levi Tundra vs Logan Prince Considering the promo Prince cut last month, he found himself booked against Levi Tundra and though you'd think that made him instantly regret his words, Prince showed no shortage of confidence here. He stood his ground and disrespectfully slapped his opponent, then when momentum swung against him, he resorted to stalling and left the ring, motioning for a timeout. Fans took the bait and booed him relentlessly, only for Tundra to convert those boos into cheers for him when he flew out of the ring with a suicide dive to take down Prince. A brief brawl followed on the outside, which Prince got the best of when he reversed an irish whip to send Tundra into the steps, a spot that busted Tundra open. Prince pressed his advantage and mounted him for a few punches on the cut, but when he rolled him in for the pin attempt only got a two count. Tundra fought on and yet again, Prince shut him down with surprisingly fluid reversals, showcasing his technical prowess. It was ego alone that brought about Prince's downfall, the taunting and showboating carrying him away and providing Tundra with enough time to recover during crucial points of the match, until he eventually made his fired up comeback to hit the Arctic Tundra and win the match. ESW Tag Team titles match TW3 vs Seventh Street Saints The tag titles were on the line next as the champions faced their long time rivals. Ca$hmoney was conspicuously absent (due to him signing an exclusive deal with a major promotion after January's show) but that didn't take anything away from the contest. Deep Freeze started the match for his team and quickly dominated the ring, only for the Saints to pick up the speed and use quick tags to throw him off and turn things around. Lil' Dante got tagged and he was able to keep up with the challengers, though they were the ones to cut the ring in half and isolate him on their corner, something that's usually considered a heel tactic. TW3 are over with the fans though despite being heels and somehow the idea of a hot tag to Deep Freeze worked. The big man cleaned house, Lil' Dante picked his spots to come in and do some easy damage, then Freeze hit Flint with the Ring Pop and covered him to retain. After the match was over, TW3 continued the assault and beat down their defeated opponents, just to establish themselves as heels to be disliked despite being over. Flint and Shiozumi seemed like they were done for, until... Two men hiding their faces under some rather patriotic masks ran down to the ring to make the save. They were followed by former CWE World champion Colt Magnum, who seemed to be their coach and guide as they forced TW3 to a retreat. The show ended with the newcomers standing tall, a strong debut for what seems to be ESW's latest addition to the tag team division. Overall
  15. Sat. W3 October 2021 Osaka, Kansai Region, Japan Attendance: 23.563, Rating: 88, Views: 270.967 (0.54 on Emperor Choice) BCG Six Man titles match 2nd Champions Bruiser Brigade (Atto Savage, Abomination, Monstrosity) vs Challengers Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita & Zeshin Makioka) In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Dread Army (Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) in 18:03 when Abomination pinned Zeshin Makioka with a Chokeslam From Hell. Atto Savage and The Horror make defence number one of the BCG Six Man title. [81] Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman & The Diaz Family) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Motoyuki Miyake) In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) in 12:29 when Logan Diaz pinned Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [65] Three Way Tag Elimination match Miura & Yoshizawa vs Funakoshi & Ginji Kisaka vs Matsumoto & Emoto In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto defeated Funakoshi and Ginji Kisaka and Miura & Yoshizawa in 15:18; the order of elimination was Miura & Yoshizawa first, and then Funakoshi and Ginji Kisaka. [66] Challengers Series Medallions match Gidayu Katou vs Fujio Narahashi vs Yoshinaka Taku In a bout that had great wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Fujio Narahashi defeated Gidayu Katou and Yoshinaka Taku in an Elimination match in 16:12; the order of elimination was Gidayu Katou first, and then Yoshinaka Taku. Fujio Narahashi makes defence number one of the Medallion #2. Fujio Narahashi wins the Medallion #3. Fujio Narahashi wins the Medallion #1. [78] Challengers Series title match 23rd Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs Challenger Fujio Narahashi In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Gargantuan defeated Fujio Narahashi in 15:17 by pinfall with a Choke Slam. Gargantuan makes defence number one of the BCG Challengers Series. [74] After the match, Prometheus made a surprise appearance as he joined Gargantuan in beating down Narahashi. The God Butchers have been reunited in BCG! BCG American title match Champion FEAR vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay In a bout that had superb wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, FEAR defeated Big Bruiser Findlay in 18:28 by pinfall with a Fear Drive. FEAR makes defence number three of the BCG American title. [75] BCG World Tag Team match 17th Champions Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs Challengers The Hurt In a decent match, Mitsukuri & Kinoshita defeated The Hurt in 16:07 when Ichiro Mitsukuri pinned Billy Robinson with a S.T.O.. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita make defence number one of the BCG World Tag Team titles. [60] BCG National title match 3rd Champion Bunrakuken Torii vs Challenger Mabuchi Furusawa In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Bunrakuken Torii in 22:13 by submission with a Furusawa Armbar. Mabuchi Furusawa wins the BCG National title. [91] BCG National title match 12th Champion Razan Okamoto vs 2021 YMGP Winner SUKI In a bout that had superb wrestling and good heat, Razan Okamoto defeated SUKI in 29:37 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. Razan Okamoto makes defence number one of the BCG World title. [84]
  16. The trick had worked. Not just bringing the WEXXV alumni in for the nostalgia pop, not even doing the standard invasion angle, but old enemies aligning themselves against the women? If deathmatch wrestling was a niche thing to begin with, an all-women's deathmatch promotion was a big deal when I started Warrior Queen 2020 and now we'd broken new ground. We'd taken intergender wrestling to the next level. Never before have there been intergender matches in Japan and even on a global scale, no wrestling company would regularly do intergender deathmatches. We were on the bleeding edge of being modern. We were the talk of the die hard fans and even made the news in other media. After May's disaster, we bounced back with the highest gate to date, best rated show since our debut and my bout with Wayne was up there on the top with Mushashiba vs Majima at Too Hot For TV. Talk about a true underdog comeback.
  17. Queen’s Quest Thursday, Week 2 of June 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 681 fans in attendance The show began with another Mizucore and Petra Forsberg singing duet, which of course had the fans roaring in outrage. That said, they popped for a group of masked figures who ran out and interrupted the performance by throwing the two women out of the ring. The mood began to swing however given how unceremoniously they dumped an injured Mizucore, before pulling off their mask to reveal themselves as... What the... It was jaw dropping to see the S.O.B., Warrior Engine XXV's chief villainous factions of gaijin in that ring. The group took in the fan reaction and Henry Lee got on the mic to say that last month, when he came out to do the ceremony in memory of Alex Braun, he had a revelation. He realized what a parody of Ryu Kajahara's groundbreaking promotion this new company is. He then got on the phone to talk to his friends about it and after they watched a few tapes, they agreed that this show doesn't deserve to bear the name it does and to piggyback on the coattails of what they built through their years of sacrifice. Just as Petra Forsberg climbed back on the ring, Lee told his boys to back off: this girl was scheduled to wrestle in the opening match and everyone should just take a step back and watch her prove him right. Rating: 36 Petra Forsberg & Rika Tsujimura vs Naoko Majima & WARRIOR Koiso Given the introductions, both teams went overboard with the spots here as if to prove a point. Furthermore, Koiso went after Forsberg, which was a little story unto itself considering how she interrupted the singing last month to cut the promo she did. Forsberg did a great job of selling the damage she sustained at the show's opening and cowardly backed away, letting Tsujimura do most of the work for their team. Somehow Majima didn't pull off a crazy stunt this time, but a missed suicide dive to the outside was enough to momentarily take her off the match and let Koiso take a beating, before Forsberg blind tagged herself in to hit the Encore and score the pin over her. With S.O.B. still hanging out around the ring, Lee got on the mic again to triumphantly declare how right he was and challenged anyone in the back who thinks they're a solid enough technical wrestler to get in the ring and face "The Trouble from Tennessee". Rating: 31 Individual performances: Forsberg 32, Tsujimura 39, Koiso 27, Majima 36 Henry Bennett vs Nami Genda Last month's headliner and challenger for the title, Nami Genda, answered the challenge. Though not purely a technical masterclass, this match was all about its different flavours, with Bennett raining down the suplexes while Genda showcased the typical junior mix of solid basics, athletic high flying and mat based submission skills. Genda's quick agile style evened the odds against the biggerr, more experienced but also older and battered Bennett, making for a rather competitive match. So much so actually, that Henry Lee had to sneak in some brass knuckles for Bennett to hit Genda with while Wayne and the McWade brothers distracted referee Kyoko Okuda, who showed no fear getting in their face. In doing so though, she missed the hit and thus Bennett scored the pin to win the match, while establishing that his group talked a big game but had to cheat in order to back it up. Rating: 37 Individual performances: Bennett 32, Genda 48 The McWade Brothers vs Unstoppable Monsters Much like before, the McWade Brothers challenged any team in the back to come out and face them. As an exclamation point, Bennett and Wade put the boots to Genda, so Unstoppable Monsters came out for the save, kicking off a crazy brawl that never really happened inside the ring except for its finish. This neat little trick allowed the two teams to brawl extensively among the fans and throughout the venue without the trouble of countouts, since the match never got officially started in the first place. It was intense, it was brutal and it was impressive to see four wrestlers of that size (and age, for the McWades) work such a frantic pace for the full ten or so minutes, before Unstoppable Tai lifted up Dallas McWade in an impressive finale to pin him with the Tai Bomber. Rating: 41 Individual performances: Dean 31, Dallas 30, Tai 48, Ishimura 34 Deathmatch Gareth Wayne vs Kitsune Danger With the invading S.O.B. at one win and one loss, Gareth Wayne got in the ring and demanded an opponent for a deathmatch to settle the score. Out came Kitsune Danger with a stack of light tubes taped together, a clear visual indicator of the madness that would ensue. Much like the Bennett-Genda match earlier, this was about power and age versus youth and intensity, but not a lot of technique was involved. Instead, weapons were swung, dives attempted and it boiled down to grit, toughness and fighting spirit. That said, it seems Kitsune Danger's mask threw her opponent off and after a while, Wayne got obsessed with removing it to show her face. Not in the luchador sense of disrespecting a masked wrestler but, according to what he kept shouting, because he wanted to see the fear in her face. This obsession caused him to skip more than one opportunity to score a pinfall, when instead he opted to try and pull the mask off. Kitsune held onto it the first time, reversed into a roll up the second, but when he went for it a third time, she stepped aside and caught him on the rebound with a Shoulder Breaker for the pin. Rating: 54 Individual performances: Wayne 36, Danger 63 WQ2020 Queen of the Deathmatch title match Fujiko Mushashibo © vs Dr. Yumaniac With 2 wins and 1 loss for the WQ2020 side, the "invading" S.O.B. were repelled and the show moved on to the first part of its double main event. Fujiko Mushashibo put her Queen of the Deathmatch title on the line against Dr. Yumaniac, the woman who'd pinned her in a tag match and officially made the challenge last month. As one would expect, madness ensued between these two and seeing the match play out, it suddenly made sense why Majima or Kitsune Danger didn't pull off any of their usual crazy stunts earlier: because when Mushashibo and Yumaniac did, they really felt big, like a thunder made to sound even louder thanks to the calm before the storm. Dr. Yumaniac almost had this in the bag after fifteen minutes of action, but Onryo showed up to mess with her plans. Didn't lay a hand on her though, just clapped (ironically?) as the good doctor was about to make the pin. Still, the momentary distraction was enough and Mushashibo rolled her opponent up for a near fall, then hit the Fujiko Valentine to seal the deal and make her second successful defence of the title. Rating: 49 Individual performances: Mushashibo 45, Yumaniac 51 WQ2020 Queens Heart title match MACHINE Takami © vs Pinky Perez Big match between two big names, revisiting their original clash in the first ever WQ2020 show back in January. Now more confident and familiar with her opponent, Perez came in hot right out the gates and set a quick pace for the match, trying to force the champion to work her kind of match. Takami is no high flyer, but she kept up with her challenger and instead of trying to slow her down and get her on the match, switched her game plan to drop her on her head as many times as possible. This led to some bone crunching suplexes, few of which started with Takami catching Perez off a high flying move and using the momentum to roll through for the slam. Spectacular match from bell to bell and Perez finally got her coronation after she managed to hit the Pink Butterfly Powerbomb on Takami. A well deserved title win and a new Queen's Heart champion for WQ2020! Rating: 53 Individual performances: Takami 41, Perez 56 After the match was over, Perez celebrated her win but S.O.B. (sans Henry Lee) ran out again to crash the party. They circled the ring like sharks as the fans booed them and they were about to attack the new champion, when... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Battle Sakata and Taheiji "The Animal" Konoe came out through the curtain! Two of WEXXV's beloved veterans made a surprise appearance, yet again causing the fans to cheer as it seemed they were here to save the day and chase the evil gaijin away... except they hugged them instead, before joining in for the 6 on 1 beatdown. The show ended with the WEXXV veterans standing tall, their shocking appearance at the start coming full circle with another shocking debut and the forging of this unholy alliance. What does the future hold for Warrior Queen 2020? Rating: 33 Show rating: 47
  18. Sendai, Japan. Second Friday of May 2020 "What the hell was that?" From across the table, Henry Lee and Umeko Hotta both stared a hole through me. Here I was, just 3 years in the business shouting these two veterans down. I guess it didn't help that I was Kajahara's daughter, they'd probably faced their fare share of nepotism throughout their time already. But, I was also still their boss and as my producers, they had to give me something as to why our show last night bombed so hard. "I'm sorry, that was disrespectful" I immediately conceded. "But the fact remains, that was our worst show to date and we're almost half a year into it. We should be getting better, not worse. I would have your feedback as to what's going on and what needs fixing." Henry Lee gave Hotta a side eye, as if checking whether he could speak up first. As a Westerner, he was probably more used to promoter outbursts and was apparently fine with my apology. "I'm not breaking any new ground here, but the locker room is a mess. I've been handling a lot of minor incidents myself, then we got two scratched rental cars and about half a dozen fistfights that happened or were barely averted. Not exactly the kind of work environment that makes you want to give 100% or trust your co-worker. Especially when your job involves barb wires and spinal impact." I waved my hand, urging him to continue his train of thought. "Normally, I'd advise to lay down the law. Pull in the reins, maybe fire someone to set an example. Thing is, female deathmatch competitors aren't easy to come by. We can't afford any losses to the roster, we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot. For the same reason, it's not like there's a lot of positive influences to bring in either. Unless you want to pay for more road agents to do backstage policing, I don't see a way out of this." There was a prolonged moment of silence that followed Henry's analysis. It was gloomy, but it wasn't false. What I couldn't wrap my head around was the idea that our groundbreaking little company was already on a tailspin and the main reason for that was the girls bickering backstage. We're so much better than that, I couldn't stand thinking of our detractors laughing at how we catfaught our way to oblivion. I looked at Umeko, almost begging for a lifeline. Her stern gaze was anything but the comfort I was seeking. If I hadn't heard of what a rock she is, I'd almost think she was enjoying my torment for daring to shout at her. But she was every bit as pragmatic as her working partner. "I try my best to bring legitimacy to this wrestling company" she finally spoke. It was true, though she did not look down on deathmatches and hardcore wrestling, she and Henry had split producing the two divisions and she'd taken to leading the junior division with impressive passion, as if needing to prove a point. "There's more rookies than veterans in my division, so the matches won't be as good as they need to, for a while at least. If you're not giving me experienced talent to work with, the next best thing you can do is invest in production values. Make shows feel like big time wrestling events with a bit of crazy hardcore action on the side. Right now it feels like an underground murderfest with a bit of wrestling to break up the gore." My mouth almost went faster than my brain did, but I held myself back from saying something I'd regret. "I'm not changing show structure, if that's what you're asking for. This is a hardcore group first and foremost. And I like the grittiness. Adds character. But I understand there are ways to do it that feel... cheap. My question to you is, what do people care about better camera coverage and entrance videos? That's TV stuff and we're not likely to get a broadcast deal anytime soon. If ever. I get the whole 'Percecption is Reality' thing but..." "Then don't improve those" she cut me off. "But we could do with better seating. Security. Ticket collection. Lighting. Barricades. Anything a live audience gets involved with. If this is primarily about live shows and income from tickets, then make it something enticing for fans to experience." I took a moment, nodding in agreement as I tried to put my thoughts in order. Then my eyes widened as it hit me like a ton of bricks. "Next up is Queens Quest, right? Biggest show of the year, hopefully. I am definitely investing in these upgrades to make it feel like a bigger deal, but I have a much bigger bomb to drop. Mr. Lee, I'm gonna need you to make some phone calls..."
  19. Just before the forum migration, I went through the WMMA5 image folder and converted some fighter portraits for use with TEW. Aldous Blackfriar or Deacon Darkhold Lucas Mucus Kalliope Woodchuck Dead Bolt The Silencer/Desert Storm/Sgt. Bubba Lee West Ashley Grover Marie Punnen Cockroach Carter Cub Balowitz
  20. Sat. W3 October 2021 Osaka @ Kansai, Japan Event Card BCG World title match 12th Champion Razan Okamoto vs 2021 YMGP Winner SUKI BCG National title match 3rd Champion Bunrakuken Torii vs Challenger Mabuchi Furusawa BCG World Tag Team match 17th Champions Mitsukuri & Kinoshita vs Challengers The Hurt BCG American title match Champion FEAR vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay Challengers Series title match 23rd Champion Gargantuan vs Challenger Katou/Narahashi/Taku Challengers Series Medallions Triple Threat match Gidayu Katou vs Fujio Narahashi vs Yoshinaka Taku Three Way Tag Elimination match Miura & Yoshizawa vs Funakoshi & Ginji Kisaka vs Matsumoto & Emoto Special Six Man Tag match Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman & The Diaz Family) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka & Motoyuki Miyake) BCG Six Man titles match 2nd Champions Dread Army (Atto Savage & The Horror) vs Challengers Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita & Zeshin Makioka)
  21. Been looking up stuff due to the transfer to the new forums, and just noticed the quoted part. I realized there's loose ends needing to be tied here, so here's a late delivery on my promise: putting out tour results and the card for Lion's Roar X for now, will return to post the show proper. Prior to the tour, Gonkuro Nakanishi and Toshinobu Taku handed in their notice. More important, Azumamaro Kita signed an exclusive deal with BHOTWG, which is why the Black Iron Corps had to drop the tag titles on the first night of the tour. Roaring Lion Tour - Night 1 in Hamamatsu City, Chubu Region Sat. W3 September 2021, 491 Fan 1. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) in 9:40 when Logan Diaz submitted Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Boston Crab. [??] 2. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Danjuro Kikuchi and Yutaka Ogata) in 12:19 when Suguru Emoto pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [53] 3. Razan Okamoto and Gidayu Katou defeated SUKI and Ritsu Ibata in 11:48 when Gidayu Katou pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Lariat. [58] 4. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) defeated Funakoshi, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Sojuro Sen in 16:24 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [60] 5. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita defeated Black Iron Corps in 18:10 when Koyo Kinoshita pinned Azumamaro Kita with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Mitsukuri & Kinoshita win the BCG World Tag Team titles. [66] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 2 in Shizuoka City, Chubu Region Mon. W4 September 2021, 496 Fans 1. Texas Hangman, Original Sinner and The Diaz Family defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) in 9:41 when Logan Diaz pinned Blast Ikoma with a Belly To Belly Suplex. [55] 2. Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Wes Stryker in 9:50 by pinfall with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [36] 3. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Desperado Dave Barker in 11:34 when FEAR pinned Desperado Dave Barker with a Fear Drive. [64] 4. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Mabuchi Furusawa and Yutaka Ogata in 11:38 when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Spinning Forearm Smash. [67] 5. Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ritsu Ibata) defeated Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) in 11:51 when SUKI submitted Noritoshi Miura with a SUKI Special III. [58] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 3 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region Thu. W4 September 2021, 436 Fans 1. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Texas Hangman, Desperado Dave Barker and The Diaz Family in 12:04 when Funakoshi pinned Desperado Dave Barker with a Butterfly Backbreaker. [54] 2. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Original Sinner in 11:49 when Atto Savage submitted Original Sinner with a Cannibal Claw. [62] 3. Suguru Emoto defeated Yoshisada Matsuzawa in 12:24 by pinfall with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [51] 4. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 12:26 when Razan Okamoto pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Brainbuster Suplex. [60] 5. Bunrakuken Torii and Kyuichi Matsumoto defeated Mabuchi Furusawa and Danjuro Kikuchi in 12:16 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [66] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 4 in Okayama, Chugoku Region Sun. W4 September 2021, 435 Fans 1. Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) defeated Texas Hangman, Maelstrom and The Diaz Family in 12:17 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Maelstrom with a Knock Out Kick. [51] 2. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and YL Thorsten Sigurdsson in 11:53 when Atto Savage submitted Thorsten Sigurdsson with a Cannibal Claw. [58] 3. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku and Kyuichi Matsumoto) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ritsu Ibata) in 11:49 when Kyuichi Matsumoto pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Matsumoto Murder Bomb. [59] 4. Razan Okamoto and Gidayu Katou defeated SUKI and Yutaka Ogata in 11:51 when Gidayu Katou pinned Yutaka Ogata with a Lariat. [58] 5. Tanyu Toshusai and Fujio Narahashi defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa and Sojuro Sen in 17:58 when Tanyu Toshusai pinned Sojuro Sen with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [65] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 5 in Hiroshima, Chugoku Region Tue. W1 October 2021, 443 Fans 1. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Bubba Joe in 17:55 when Atto Savage submitted Bubba Joe with a Cannibal Claw. [69] 2. Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Nobuharu Yokokawa) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz, James Diaz and Thorsten Sigurdsson) in 17:51 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Thorsten Sigurdsson with a quick roll up. [53] 3. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Mabuchi Furusawa and Ritsu Ibata in 15:37 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Full Nelson Bomb. [65] 4. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Yutaka Ogata) in 17:49 when Inejiro Yoshizawa pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Yoshizawa Bomb. [66] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 6 in Sapporo, Hokkaido Region Fri. W1 October 2021, 208 Fans 1. Dread Army (FEAR, Atto Savage, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) in 16:01 when Abomination pinned James Diaz with a Chokeslam From Hell. [65] 2. Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi and Ritsu Ibata) in 16:04 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Knock Out Kick. [59] 3. Tanyu Toshusai and Fujio Narahashi defeated Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku in 18:06 when Fujio Narahashi pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a Lariat Clothesline. [72] 4. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura) defeated Funakoshi, Nobuharu Yokokawa and Sojuro Sen in 19:31 when Razan Okamoto pinned Nobuharu Yokokawa with a Brainbuster Suplex. [62] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 7 in Fukuoka, Kyushu Region Mon. W2 October 2021, 459 Fans 1. The Hurt defeated Tanyu Toshusai and Isoruko Arakaki in 14:52 when Billy Robinson submitted Isoruko Arakaki with a Capital City Crucifix. [56] 2. Gidayu Katou defeated Ginji Kisaka in 15:20 by pinfall with a Lariat. Gidayu Katou wins the Medallion #1. [56] 3. Zeshin Makioka and Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Texas Hangman in 18:06 when Rokuemon Matsushita pinned Texas Hangman with an One-Handed Choke Slam. [57] 4. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Danjuro Kikuchi, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 17:50 when Suguru Emoto pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [60] 5. Funakoshi & Kamisaka defeated The Diaz Family in 18:06 when Funakoshi pinned James Diaz with a Butterfly Powerbomb Pin. [62] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 8 in Kumamoto, Kyushu Region Thu. W2 October 2021, 475 Fans 1. Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Gidayu Katou) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (SUKI, Danjuro Kikuchi, Ritsu Ibata and Yutaka Ogata) in 18:28 when Gidayu Katou pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Lariat. [63] 2. Fujio Narahashi defeated Atto Savage in 18:21 by pinfall with a Lariat Clothesline. Fujio Narahashi wins the Medallion #2. [71] 3. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Blast Ikoma and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Texas Hangman, Logan Diaz and James Diaz) in 17:58 when Blast Ikoma pinned James Diaz with a Northern Lights Bomb. [59] 4. Dread Army (FEAR, Abomination and Monstrosity) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita and Zeshin Makioka) in 20:34 when FEAR pinned Zeshin Makioka with a Fear Drive. [72] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 9 in Matsuyama, Shikoku Region Sun. W2 October 2021, 259 Fans 1. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Texas Hangman, Desperado Dave Barker and The Diaz Family in 18:08 when Kadonomaro Kamisaka submitted Desperado Dave Barker with a Triangle Choke. [62] 2. Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Ichiro Mitsukuri and Koyo Kinoshita) defeated Pillars of Puroresu (Mabuchi Furusawa, Danjuro Kikuchi and Yutaka Ogata) in 18:15 when Ichiro Mitsukuri pinned Yutaka Ogata with a S.T.O.. [60] 3. Yoshinaka Taku defeated Zeshin Makioka in 15:22 by pinfall with a Full Nelson Bomb. Yoshinaka Taku wins the Medallion #3. [70] 4. Razan Okamoto and Yoshisada Matsuzawa defeated SUKI and Ritsu Ibata in 16:03 when Yoshisada Matsuzawa pinned Ritsu Ibata with a Double Arm DDT. [62] 5. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Bubba Joe in 17:31 when FEAR pinned Bubba Joe with a Fear Drive. [65] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 10 in Takamatsu, Shikoku Region Tue. W3 October 2021, 259 Fans 1. The Horror defeated The Hurt in 18:26 when Abomination pinned Billy Robinson with an Apocalypse Blast. [71] 2. Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita, Zeshin Makioka, Fujio Narahashi and Isoruko Arakaki) defeated Razan Okamoto, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura and Gidayu Katou in 18:24 when Isoruko Arakaki pinned Yoshisada Matsuzawa with a Lariat. [63] 3. Bruiser Brigade (Big Bruiser Findlay, Logan Diaz, James Diaz and Texas Hangman) defeated Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake and Ginji Kisaka) in 17:46 when Logan Diaz submitted Kadonomaro Kamisaka with a Boston Crab. [60] 4. Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku defeated Mabuchi Furusawa and Danjuro Kikuchi in 21:28 when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Danjuro Kikuchi with a Full Nelson Bomb. [65] Roaring Lion Tour - Night 11 in Sendai, Tohoku Region Thu. W3 October 2021, 228 Fans 1. Seven Samurai (Funakoshi, Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Motoyuki Miyake) defeated Texas Hangman, Desperado Dave Barker and The Diaz Family in 15:53 when Motoyuki Miyake pinned Desperado Dave Barker with a Knock Out Kick. [59] 2. Dawnguard (Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita, Kyuichi Matsumoto and Suguru Emoto) defeated Destiny Bond (Tanyu Toshusai, Rokuemon Matsushita, Fujio Narahashi and Zeshin Makioka) in 18:04 when Suguru Emoto pinned Rokuemon Matsushita with a Dangerous Brainbuster. [64] 3. FEAR and Atto Savage defeated Big Bruiser Findlay and Bubba Joe in 17:34 when Atto Savage submitted Bubba Joe with a Cannibal Claw. [65] 4. Mabuchi Furusawa and SUKI defeated Razan Okamoto and Gidayu Katou and Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku in 21:05; the order of elimination was Bunrakuken Torii and Yoshinaka Taku first, and then Razan Okamoto and Gidayu Katou. [67]
  22. I figured there would be a new round of diaries due to the transfer mess up, but it's fun to see that many of the old ones are also still going now that all the posts have been carried over.
  23. Cry of War Thursday, Week 2 of May 2020 Sendai, Tohoku Region, 542 fans in attendance Henry Lee had to sort out some backstage crap before the show so he came out with a genuinely sour look on his face to announce the 10 bell salute in honor of Alex Braun’s passing. Although he never appeared in Warrior Queen 2020, Braun was a much loved and respected member of the original WEXXV roster that pioneered deathmatch wrestling in Japan, as well as a big name in the global hardcore community thanks to his work with DAVE and PSW up to the time of his death. It was a heartfelt, emotional start to the show, no doubt. Rating: 45 Deathmatch Etelka the Hun vs Naoko Majima The challenge laid out back in March, Etelka stepped up this month and brought her power against Majima, who took a beating and needed to go high risk if she wanted to have a chance instead of getting squashed. Etelka spent most of her time on offence, though her moments of vulnerability were few and precious, like when she went through thumbtacks that had been spread out on a table that was then set on fire. Not like Majima wasn’t going to top that up, she was also desperate for that one big move that would win her the match and she climbed up to the lighting rig for a dive. Unfortunately for her, Maneater rushed in to knock down the entire rig and send her into a nasty fall that got a big reaction as Etelka crawled on top for the cover. Rating: 38 Individual Performances: Majima 47, Etelka 37 The Assassins vs Lady San Juan and Pinky Perez No surprises here, four high flyers doing what they do best in a balls to the wall spotfest. Quick tags at first gave everyone a chance to shine, before the Assassins were able to isolate Lady San Juan and got to work on her. Rapid fire alternating offence showcased how well the Assassins have honed their teamwork but LSJ kept kicking out of everything they had, winning the audience over with her fighting spirit until she was able to make the hot tag. Perez moved around like a pinball and wrecked everything in her path, but for all her work, the Assassins had a solid game plan, dodging her as much as possible in order to focus on pulling her teammate off the apron to ensure no tag would be made. With much chasing to do and little support, Perez quickly emptied the tank and once she was finally able to tag in Lady San Juan, the Assassins zoned in for the kill and flattened her with their spectacular Death From Above double team finisher to score the pin. Rating: 47 Individual performances: Perez 62, LSJ 34, Assassin #1 46, Assassin #2 52 Mizucore and Petra Forsberg came out to do a singing duet, which of course the fans hated. So naturally, they popped when WARRIOR Koiso interrupted the performance. Koiso took it a step further, when she cut a promo about this not being a talent show on TV, then talked about her passion and what this means to her and the girls in the back. Fans ate up her fired up speech and I for one am sure this girl has a bright future ahead of her if she can stay injury free,and not just because of her last name. Rating: 30 Deathmatch Kitsune Danger vs Róisín Gross I started the second half of the show with a match against Gross, coming hot off her Three Way Dance of Death victory. With her now established as a crazy risk taker, we basically set off to one-up each other in deathmatch madness and it was glorious. That piledriver on the ring post might have been a bit too much on my part, I admit, since she seemed legitimately dizzy for a bit and someplace else in her head when I tried to call spots. Might have been a concussion, still she pushed through to end the match and even dumped me spine first on two chairs set back to back. I survived and thanks to my unyielding spirit, fought back until I was able to lock in dad's patented Kajahara Claw for the instant submission. Rating: 45 Individual performances: Danger 59, Gross 46 Tag Team Deathmatch The Hooligan Sisters vs Dr. Yumaniac & Onryo Now this was interesting as a matchup, considering how the Hooligan sisters are inexperienced overall but have spent their entire careers teaming up. Henry Lee played this up in putting the match together, so Dr. Yumaniac and Onryo would get the upper hand individually but the siblings would be able to turn things around and stay in the lead thanks to superior teamwork. Onryo also hurt her foot at one point, but she wove it into the story of the match by selling and struggling to keep up. This could have been the start of a comeback for the Hooligan sisters, but the tag was made and Dr. Yumaniac cleaned house before hitting the Purgatorium for the pin. Rating: 33 Individual performances: Onryo 40, Yumaniac 47, Helena 33, Hannah 38 After the match, Onryo got on the mic to talk up her team (in comparison, if you’ll remember, Dr. Yumaniac teamed up with Mushashibo in the past and it just didn’t click). Onryo said they won on this night.They won last month. Also last month, new tag team champions were crowned, so… when she passed the mic to Dr. Yumaniac though, she didn’t get what she was probably hoping for. Instead of filling in the blanks to issue a challenge for those titles, Dr. Yumaniac said what happened last month is she pinned the Queen of the Deathmatch and on this night, she single-handedly won the match for her side after Onryo hurt herself. To top that, she dropped her shocked teammate to the mat and shouted that she demands a title match with Fujiko Mushashibo. Rating: 39 WQ2020 Queens Heart title match MACHINE Takami © vs Nami Genda Speaking of title challenges, Genda made hers last month so it was time for the main event. As the underdog, she tried to use her agility and to keep things fast in order to stay on top. This gave the match a quick and exciting pace, but it also made her prone to rookie mistakes in the heat of it all. Takami managed to capitalize more than once to change the complexion of the bout, but she just couldn’t keep the elusive Genda on the mat long enough for an extended stretch. So, she adapted, showing her experience and ring intellect while at. Instead of submissions, she went for beautiful bridging suplexes, a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and finally, the Takami Bomb to put away her challenger and retain. Rating: 41 Individual performances: Takami 40, Genda 38 Once the match was over, Takami delivered a victory speech and said she’s beaten everyone there is to beat in the division. This brought out Pinky Perez for a staredown, just as the broadcast team put to words what everyone else was thinking: Takami beat Perez in WQ2020’s first ever main event, but there was never a title involved in that match… Rating: 28 Show rating: 38 Fan predictions KyTeran: 4/5 Rhysrob: 3/5
  24. Empire State of Mind 2015 Saturday, Week 1 of January 2015, Tri State, 2.900 fans in attendance Harvey Keenan and Dirk Ivers made their entrance to open the show. Keenan mocked the fans for making New Year's Resolutions they'll inevitably break, if they haven't already. Unlike them, Keenan doesn't fool himself with such things, but he does have a big change planned to start his year: these people don't deserve the truth of his sermons, so he quit ESW. That froze the smile on Ivers' face and he panicked, trying to convince Keenan to reconsider but he'd have none of this. Chris Boone vs Lionel Delorme Delorme got the early advantage by exploding into a barrage of offence, but Boone suddenly shut him down when he caught him with a german suplex. Boone seemed a bit disoriented standing back up, which prompted the fans to burst into a "drunken master" chant. Didn't help his case that he tried to climb onto the top rope and clearly struggled with his balance, but that did provide Delorme with a chance to regain control of the match. A nice series of moves built to a cradle for a near fall, then a schoolboy for another two count. Third time wasn't the charm as Boone sidestepped (deliberately or not, it's up for debate) and Delorme crashed onto the ropes, allowing Boone to lead the bout. He stayed in the driver's seat for the remainder of the bout and once he caught Delorme in the Elevated Boston Crab, it was all over. Vince Borden's music played and "The Monster of Empire State" hit the ring to make a statement. Borden said he's come close to winning the big one on a few occasions and tonight is the night he'll finally seal the deal when he puts Cameron Rich out to pasture. Eric Chalice vs Kenneth Fairmount Chalice mocked his opponents' hairstyle and got slapped for it, which started a slapping competition between the two. Chalice rolled out of the ring to catch a break but Fairmount gave him no quarter with a suicide dive to the outside between the ropes. The two brawled on the outside until Fairmount missed a flying knee and hit the steps, while Chalice rolled back into the ring in hopes of a countout win. Fairmount made it back in by the count of eight though. Furious, Chalice stomped on him and applied a crossface, but Fairmount was able to force the rope break. Chalice then resorted to his heaviest of offence in hopes of putting his opponent down at last, but Fairmount reversed an attempted superplex by knocking Chalice to the mat and delivering a big splash. That was the turning point of the match and Fairmount had to play catch up, but once he managed to pull off his devastating Omega Driver finisher, there was no kicking out of that. The victory was interrupted by the music of Logan Prince, who walked out mic in hand for a promo. Prince ran down both Chalice and Fairmount as two guys who couldn't make it in the big leagues and ESW for settling for the scraps of bigger companies instead of giving true talented homegrown future prospects like himself a chance to prove themselves… and then move on to success in the big leagues. He's been fighting the good fight against all odds, he said, but there's only so much a man can do. So he has decided to lawyer up against the powers that be and finally end this injustice! w/ Johnny Chase vs Lee Harrison (with Janet Murrin) Arguably ESW's hottest rivalry and for good reason, given not only the history behind this love triangle but also the chemistry evident between the two competitors. The two men immediately jumped at each other's throats and Chase knocked Harrison out of the ring to get things started. This was going to be a recurring theme, with lots of crazy brawling outside the ring when they weren't trading blows inside it. A pure fight, no submissions or mat grappling on display here but the action and intensity more than made up for it. In the end, Chase got the last laugh when he held onto Harrison's trunks to secure a pin. Notorious 187 came out to cut a promo on TW3, but he was quickly interrupted by the tag team champions. As they were walking down to the ring, Ca$hflow attacked 187 from behind and hit him with his pimp stick. This led to a 3 on 1 beatdown and the Notorious One taking a spike piledriver to the concrete floor, meaning he had to be stretchered backstage by the end of all this. Jayson Disaster vs Levi Tundra The initial lockup saw Disaster come on top, but Tundra quickly got right back on his feet for the reset. Disaster then tried a few strikes, to which Tundra responded in kind. This set the tone of the match as they settled down for some mat wrestling, the more experienced Disaster having the initiative but Tundra showing enough heart to survive and fight back. It was only after a few big slams that Disaster felt it was safe enough to climb up top and these few but flashy aerial moves gave him the edge he needed, establishing him as the more well rounded competitor of the two while showing a gap in Tundra's game plan. Still, he could not keep Tundra down long enough for the three count and as exhaustion began to set in, the younger man was able to slowly turn things around and build up to his Arctic Tundra finisher for the pin. ESW Heavyweight title match Cameron Rich vs Vince Borden Rich played this smart, trying to dodge the big man and tire him out by playing cat and mouse. It wasn't endearing to the fans, but it made sense. He couldn't do this forever though and once Borden got a hold of him, the beating began. Rich tried to use his technical acumen to turn things around and eliminate his size disadvantage, but it was a slow grind, leading to a pretty competitive match after its slow start. As things built up to the finish, it came full circle with Rich being the one gasping for air in the end while his opponent looked like an unstoppable force of nature. Thus, the Borden-lands sealed the deal and Vince Borden scored the clean pin to become the new ESW Heavyweight champion. Overall
  25. Empire State Wrestling The darling promotion from the east coast, Empire State Wrestling is an entertaining independent promotion based out of New York. First opening its doors in 1996, ESW didn't exactly set the world alight with its debut show, although it was solid enough to encourage local fans to come back for their second offering. The infamous second show of ESW, "The City Never Sleeps", was absolute gold and would set the trend for what Empire State Wrestling would become known for; a modern independent market for up and coming US talent that eventually go on to be stars of the future. ESW are happy filling their niche role and are more than capable of living within their limitations. Not a threat to the bigger stateside organizations, both the AWF and CWE are respectful when approaching to sign talent as they restrain from raiding the entire promotion and putting them out of business. The roster Faces Levi Tundra Age: 28 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Straight Edge Short Description: “No Limits” Levi Tundra has been making a name for himself in the ESW, where his clean cut, straight edge character has gotten him over as one of the top babyfaces in the promotion; though it may only be a matter of time before he's signed away by a bigger promotion. Cameron Rich Age: 38 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed Short Description: Cameron Rich is a veteran of the ESW roster, having spent much of his career working for the New York based promotion. He has been booked as a top talent, but even among ESW's diehard fans there are some who have questioned whether he truly deserves his spot at the top. Lee Harrison Age: 29 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Old School Face Short Description: Lee Harrison is a young wrestler from Indiana whose first few years in the promotion were forgettable; mainly due to his generic babyface character having no real substance behind it. However, over the past year, Harrison has stepped up his game after he stopped Johnny Chase from attacking his valet Janet Murrin. The ongoing feud has reinvigorated Harrison's character, as he's played the valiant hero willing to put his body on the line to protect the helpless. Notorious 187 Age: 35 Size: Lightweight Gimmick: Gang Leader Short Description: The notorious 187 is a hardened street thug hailing from the mean district of Brooklyn, New York. Combining a fearless brawling approach with a dogged determination to not be beat, the "Notorious 187" has found a great deal of success in a multitude of promotions. Joey Relamano Age: 32 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Old School Face Short Description: Joey Relamano is of Puerto Rican heritage, but was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. A fan of the oldschool style of wrestling from the 70s and 80s, Relamano's unflashy offense will hurt his chances of winning over the more modern wrestling fans, but he's a good worker and has been a solid member of New York's ESW for the past four years. Kenneth Fairmount Age: 30 Size: Lightweight Gimmick: Fun Babyface Short Description: Kenneth Fairmount has been a huge fan of wrestling all his life; A natural athlete, he was noticed by AWF scouts who signed him to a developmental deal in 2005, but after two years of working in the California Wrestling Organisation he opted not to resign with the promotion; tired of being passed over because of his size and Japanese Junior style. Lionel Delorme Age: 26 Size: Lightweight Gimmick: Teen Idol Short Description: 'Pretty Boy' Lionel Delorme is a proffesional wrestler hailing from Belfort, France. Delorme is a very entertaining high flyer, whose Pretty Boy gimmick draws the ire of fans. Although Delorme excels in both his gimmick work and his high flying skills he is pretty poor as an all around wrestler, and relies on big spots to get over with crowds. Bradley Merton Age: 29 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Clean Cut Short Description: Bradley Merton is a promising young all rounder who has spent the last few years wrestling for ESW in his home state of New York. One of the few College educated wrestlers, Merton has a degree in physical therapy, but seems content using that knowledge to contort his opponents with painful submission holds in the ring. Zero Age: 24 Size: Lightweight Gimmick: Mysterious Short Description: Zero is one of the few masked wrestlers in the United States whose real name is unknown. He made his ESW debut by saving Lee Harrison from a two on one beat-down at the hands of Johnny Chase and Jacob Ruthless. A flashy high flyer; Zero mixes kicks in with his aerial maneuvers to create a dynamic offensive style. The Seventh Street Saints Titus Flint and Kenta Shiozumi Age: 29/32 Size: Middleweights Gimmick: Street Fighters Short Description: The Seventh Street Saints' rough street fighting isn't a typical babyface style, but the Saints have spent their entire careers taking the fight to the biggest and toughest opponents. The pseudo-Vigilante team are mainstays of ESW, and have an ongoing rivalry with the thug-like TW3; refusing to be intimidated by threats or violence. The Ordinary Guys Alvin Benson and Harvey Steele Age: 27/30 Size: Middleweights Gimmick: Fan's Own Short Description: Benson and his Steele are fine workers, but simply come across as completely forgettable. Fittingly enough the two have called themselves “The Ordinary Guys,” fan favourite underdogs who don't win much, but always give it their all. Heels Harvey Keenan Age: 36 Size: Middleweights Gimmick: Cult Leader Short Description: Keenan is a dark and moody character in and outside of the ring. Something of an outcast, he is as unpredictable as he is nihilistic. He has gotten a cult following among the fans of Empire State Wrestling, and has an ongoing rivalry with Levi Tundra, who's clean cut, straight edge persona is a perfect foil for Keenan's dark character. Chris Boone Age: 29 Size: Light Heavyweight Gimmick: Punk Short Description: Chris Boone is a 10-year veteran from Memphis, TN. Critics say Boone could one day make it big, if it wasn't for his partying lifestyle; a habit that has slipped him up on more than one occasion. As it currently stands, Boone remains a fixture for ESW where he is booked as a top tier talent and multi-time champion. Jayson Disaster Age: 32 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Narcissist Short Description: Jayson “Disaster” Levine is a North Carolina native who's been wrestling across the East Coast for the past twelve years. Logan Prince Age: 32 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: City Slicker Short Description: Having graduated college with an economics degree, Prince went to work as a financial analyst in the New York Stock Exchange, while working independent wrestling shows sporadically in his spare time. Despite his lucrative job on Wall Street, his passion for wrestling proved too great and Prince signed a contract with ESW. Looking to his former career as inspiration he debuted with a financial whizzkid gimmick. A rich kid who plays and beats the stock market making millions of dollars in the process. Logan Prince always comes to the ring dressed immaculately in a suit. Dirk Ivers Age: 33 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Arrogant Heel Short Description: Dirk Ivers does an excellent job playing an obnoxious heel; mainly because it's not far off from his actual personality. Ivers has portrayed himself as an associate of Harvey Keenan, however, It's debatable whether he actually believes in Keenan's dark philosophy, or simply wants someone to back him up when he bites off more than he can chew. Vince Borden Age: 35 Size: Big Heavyweight Gimmick: Psycho Short Description: Vince Borden started off as a one-note garbage wrestler whose only claims to fame were stiff strikes and taking insane bumps. Knowing his career was going nowhere with his limited ability, he started expanding his moveset and improving his shape. After this change, he was quickly picked up by ESW who loved his superb athleticism and menacing ring presence. He's now established himself as one of the company's top heels and has come close to winning the East Coast title on several occasions. Eric Chalice Age: 34 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Manipulator Short Description: Eric Chalice is a veteran indy wrestler who is best known for having been a member of the original Dynamite USA roster when it was founded in 2002. Chalice spent five years in the promotion, but failed to ever be anything more than an opening level worker, and was fired in 2007 after he antagonized Abraham Sound; the locker room sided with Sound and DUSA management had little choice but to release Chalice. Since then Chalice has been working in ESW, where he's already gotten heat with his fellow wrestlers after he said in an interview he deserved better than to be working in “the minor leagues.” Johnny Chase Age: 33 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Egomaniac Short Description: Johnny Chase has spent the last few years wrestling for ESW; playing a despicable and slimy heel. For most of that time he was accompanied by his valet Janet Murrin. Over time their relationship soured as Chase became more and more controlling and began to frequently put her in danger to help him win matches. He became more and more abusive until finally Lee Harrison stepped in to save Murrin, and the two have been feuding ever since. Jacob Ruthless Age: 30 Size: Middleweight Gimmick: Bully Short Description: Ruthless plays the sexy heartthrob, the man the ladies can't live without and that men envy because they can never be as handsome and awesome as he is. Ruthless struts to the ring with his signature smirk and cocky walk. Teasing that he'll kiss or let any one of the ladies touch him. On the mic he'll denounce all the guys as being fat losers and let the ladies know that he doesn't touch the filthy beasts that they are, as the are not in his class. TW3 (a.k.a. Take What We Want) Deep Freeze and Lil' Dante Age: 30/31 Size: Light Heavyweight/Middleweight Gimmick: Gangstas Short Description: Take What We Want have been the most dominant duo in the recent history of the New York based promotion. Acting as the mouthpiece of the team, Lil' Dante is not only quick to verbally put down his opponents, but actually quite a proficient brawler to boot, while Deep Freeze is a man of very few words, but big actions. Brawling in a very stiff and violent manner, Deep Freeze has become known as a man you do not want to cross paths with in the squared circle. Non-wrestling staff Timothy Packer (Announcer), Dr. Crush (Color Commentator), Lawrence Jenkins (Referee), Janet Murrin, Ca$hflow, (managers), Patrick Yardy (Road Agent), Paul Haydon (Owner, Authority Figure) Author's Note: The LondonVerse might just be my favorite non-Cverse/RW mod, but unfortunately it has yet to see a TEW2020 release and conversion attempts have been tricky so far. Between the migration to the new forums disintegrating my recent diary posts and a lazy holiday where I'm on my laptop with TEW2016 in it, it seems the stars have aligned for me to return to ESW, now with a clear idea that they're supposed to be more like Ring of Honor and less like ECW. This diary will be based on the '16 engine, but I doubt anyone checks those subforums anymore so I'm putting it on the '20 forums instead.
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