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Everything posted by Matt_Black

  1. Randy "Unleashed" seems to be the C-Verse equivalent of "Broken" Matt Hardy.
  2. Alexis Lee Littlefeather is basically Trish Stratus. She was hired for her looks, but worked really hard and became a respected in-ring worker.
  3. Yeah, it's the same reason I never bought Zelina Vega as a heel in WWE. She's just so tiny and adorable. Besides, AEW has enough heels in the women's division who get screen time. They need more credible babyfaces. Well, credible faces who aren't hurt. Right now, they've got Stat and Shida and that's basically it. Britt shouldn't be a face, and who knows how long before she gets hurt again, they're content to have Willow job out to everybody, and they don't seem to know if Toni is a face or not.
  4. I'm still dumbfounded that WWE didn't tie up the rights to the Metalingus song or renew the trademark on "Rated R Superstar".
  5. Nothing builds up the next contender for a title like having her eat a visual pinfall. Is AEW really that concerned with making sure Ruby Soho looks strong even in defeat at this point after everything?!?
  6. If you got that as part of the mod I'm thinking of, then you should have a women's title already. It's called the WCG Joshi.
  7. Send them on vacation. If they're that big, you still want the money from merch sales.
  8. They're better not feed Willow to Julia tonight to boost up the latter for Statlander.
  9. The Toni/ Saraya match was better than I expected, which is surprising, as I'm really not big into either one. Though I was expecting a 2 on 1 beatdown to be interrupted by either a returning Thunder Rosa or a debuting Mercedes Mone and instead, it just... stopped. Also, why does Ruby Soho, the person who LOST this year's Owen Hart Tournament, get more TV time right now than Willow Nightingale, who actually WON the darn thing?
  10. At about 14 minutes, that's what you call "damning with faint praise".
  11. GUNTHER reminds me of sauerkraut, in that they're both from German-speaking areas, everyone always seems to love it, and meanwhile I'd rather not have any, thank you.
  12. Too bad the rest of the show didn't live up to that. It wasn't bad, but nothing even came close to matching that segment, though LA Knight still got a very loud reception.
  13. A rare misstep from Shida. She's usually one of the most consistent, best performers in the division. Speaking of, Ricky Starks complaining about unfairness despite being on TV every week. Meanwhile, the winner of this year's women's Owen's Tournament has been sitting back in catering for a month.
  14. Credit where it's due, Jade did a fine job of putting Statlander over, protected finisher notwithstanding. Now, let's hope AEW doesn't screw things up tonight by jobbing out Kris to Britt.
  15. "Rhea Ripley, not medically cleared tonight after being attacked by Nia Jax." Can't tell if that's a work or a shoot.
  16. See, technically, in the ring, he's quite good. Character wise, I have absolutely no reason to care about him. Ooh, he's large and foreign! What is this, 1982?
  17. I hope Jade enjoys catering with Nikki Cross and Xia Li after she gets fed to someone like Charlotte or Nia Jax, because that's probably what's going to happen. At the very least, she's not going to enjoy nearly the amount of protection in matches and angles that AEW gave her.
  18. With Dom, it's genuine heat, but I'm not sure it's the good kind of heat. It's very reminiscent of X-Pac from about 1999-2001.
  19. I mean, this was kind of expected. All Out was loaded. Having another PPV a week later, with a card that was... well.
  20. It wouldn't be the last Monday Night RAW with Vince McMahon in charge of the WWE without someone wildly inflating the attendance numbers for a Wrestlemania event.
  21. Unless there's one I missed (I have taken a break from playing the past two months to work on a recreational writing project), I've downloaded every expansion and loved it. I keep my eyes peeled for more so we can get some willrock goodness for Europe, Australia, and India.
  22. Wouldn't be the first time they did something with Jade that didn't make sense. "Why is Red Velvet in the Baddies? I thought she and Jade hated each other?" Which is why when Red Velvet turned without explanation, I didn't mind, because there was never any explanation to begin with. My personal head-canon is that she got bonked on the head backstage, Fred Flintstone style.
  23. I'm just concerned that Jade, at least up to this point, drags EVERYBODY down. No one, NO ONE, has come out of a program with her looking better for it. Say what you want about Britt Baker (and you can say a LOT), but she got at least two people very over, Thunder Rosa and Jamie Hayter. The only person Jade has gotten over is Jade. Someone once said that other people getting over wasn't the priority, and I could buy that her first six month, maybe the first year. But after two and a half years and the vast majority of the women's division being fed to her, yeah something needs to change. At least she came back. Unlike Paige VanZant, who ate up a lot of TV time, tanked the credibility of at least 3 wrestlers AND the TNT title, got a match and then... just left.
  24. You mean the company that went out of business, was bought by a competitor, and now serves as less interesting NXT?
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