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Everything posted by Matt_Black

  1. One year, they claimed it was the networks doing it. Anyway, still not as dumb as Survivor Series.
  2. Who said anything about Wembley? Wembley is still too soon for Max to drop it. The main event for All In should be MJF vs Nick Aldis.
  3. If they're moving Taya onto something else, she'd be a fine pick to win the female side of the Owen.
  4. Yeah. Billy Gunn is arguably more over now than he ever was in DX. My too main quibbles last night were the TBS championship match (really dumb finish, but if keeping the belt on Jade now keeps here out of the Owen Tournament, then that's fine) and the repetitiveness of the BCC. Orange Cassidy coming out to help Adam Cole of all people caused me to raise an eyebrow, but at least their past history is being acknowledged.
  5. Hell, Vince put the belt on JINDER MAHAL for like half a year. Eddie is far more over with the AEW audience. And you'll note they've had him featured fairly well on All Access as well, give him a little more exposure.
  6. See, I love Kingston because of how... authentic as a character he seems. When I first saw him, I thought to myself "... I swear I've sat next to that guy at a bar somewhere."
  7. Mox looks like a wrestler. To paraphrase a line from a review of last year's Forbidden Door, if I recall correctly, Eddie looks, talks, and wrestles like a fan jumped the barricade and security was too afraid to stop him.
  8. You know, for a show that allegedly had a lot of input from Vince McMahon, tonight's RAW wasn't bad. I mean, it wasn't great, because Triple H is in charge, and his booking is mediocre at best, but it wasn't the train wreck some were expecting.
  9. Honestly, how it's been handled, the ROH World championship is only slightly more prestigious than the WWE 24/7 title at this point.
  10. I think the guy who needs to beat MJF for the belt is Eddie Kingston. He's ridiculously over, puts on good matches (remember when he and Danielson got a standing ovation DURING a match), and can go head to head with Max on the mic. Moreover, he's almost the complete antithesis of MJF. Max is a young, good-looking rich kid with a chiseled physique. Eddie is... not any of that, and we love him for it.
  11. I disagree with AAA; it was my second-favorite promotion to play as in 2016. The main issues were how all your top talent would get poached by USPW and NOTBPW within the first year, and how the region made it very, VERY hard to grow in size significantly. If they had been around today, it might be a bit more fun to play as (thanks, WrestleWorld!). Now, for companies I don't like, CILL. I've tried, I want to like them, but the whole thing feels like, "Do you want to play as OLLIE, only with less money, talent, and popularity? Then we have a company for you!"
  12. Max is paying off Sammy. He helps Sammy win, and in return, Sammy gets however much money he wants provided he takes a dive at Double Or Nothing.
  13. Wait, Seth Rollins versus Omos at Backlash? Where did that come from? Did I miss a segment on Monday? Who even wants to see that? ... Aside from Vince, I mean.
  14. Why would Anna feud with Tay? That makes no sense given what we've seen onscreen. If they had established a rift previously, fine, but right now? It would be more abrupt and nonsensical than when Kiera Hogan and Red Velvet suddenly decided they didn't like Jade anymore (admittedly, not that them hanging out with Jade in the first place made more sense).
  15. I thought the show was decidedly middle of the road. The opening segment was tepid, and the end was infuriatingly RAW-esque, with everything in the middle being... fine, at best.
  16. I must say, Trish's "I lost the tag team titles in a terrible match ON PURPOSE" is quite the flex, even by heel standards.
  17. Tony Khan doesn't have any opportunity with Will Ospreay, because Ospreay doesn't actually work for AEW. Tony Khan's priority as far as making stars should be the people he actually has employed on the roster.
  18. AEW doesn't need Ospreay or Sabre, because they have plenty of English wrestlers who are already over. For starters, Hayter, Saraya, and PAC.
  19. I still don't like Michael Cole, but the sheer rancor he summons in his voice for Dominik Mysterio has been wildly entertaining.
  20. I think they're referring to people who can move a lot of merchandise.
  21. Oh, come now, you don't actually believe that? I mean, the main accusation centers around her match with Marina Shafir, who isn't that good (she looks, talks, and wrestles like an alien parasite who took over an actual wrestler and is poorly mimicking what SHOULD be done). And, if the timeline is correct, Thunder might have been injured back then.
  22. I absolutely agree that this story needs to MOVE, but I think we'll see someone added on the other side first. Riho is at best a secondary foil to the Outcasts, with the main opposition being Hayter, Britt, and a third person. That third person? I think we might be seeing Thunder Rosa back soon....
  23. I too have reservations, BUT they kept him off TV for nearly a year, and I don't think Tony Khan would go ahead unless he was as sure as he could be that Jeff was going to stay clean this time. Hopefully, the fact that many friends and family are on the roster should help things, being a support system in place. In my opinion, Tony Khan and AEW thus far have handled the situation very well. I mean, it's not like the incident happened and then they put the tag titles on him for a record setting title reign. Could you IMAGINE if any wrestling company did something like that? It's almost too ludicrous an idea to even imagine!
  24. It feels like there's only one possible Outcasts match, and we see it week after week after week.
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