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Everything posted by Matt_Black

  1. <p>So, for my AAA game, Raven Nightfall has announced her retirement, which is not a huge loss. Talia Quinzel recently made the jump from Upper Midcarder to Main Eventer, so she'll fill out the current vacancy in our main event heel scene.</p><p> </p><p> I'm not sure what to do with Tracy Brendon, another of our main eventers. Of our 3 top babyfaces, she has poor chemistry with two of them.</p><p> </p><p> Finally got to D+ pop in the North West, so now the majority of my shows will be in the South West, which is now at E-. After that, I think the next area of attack will be Alberta or British Columbia, as I have several former NOTBPW stars, so that should make it easier to get those up from an F+ to something hire. Provided they don't decide that they really did want to keep them and rehire them out from under me.</p><p> </p><p> Currently, I only have one negative influence in the back, and that's Lily Snyder, which took me by surprise; nothing in her behavior tab suggested I'd have problems with her, or at least she doesn't have "usually a negative influence". After causing a fight with Sally Anne Christianson, she's on probation.</p><p> </p><p> I had been trying to groom Deborah Young for the main event, but she's slipped down at bit, which is actually pretty good. Despite being more over in the North West than any of my main eventers, she was still lacking in some areas, particularly in-ring psychology. (She also gave an interview, apparently; first time I saw that on the news feed for one of my stars, but then I use the partial advance so I miss a lot of it). Currently, she's in a feud with Claire Winters for the Top Contender's Title, since they have great chemistry together.</p><p> </p><p> For the tag team division, Good-Lookin' Bunny is only semi-active, as Katherine Goodlooks has been Main Event ready for awhile. The Uprising is about to join them, as Talia Quinzel has cracked that glass ceiling as well, and Selina Svelte might not be far behind (both are former Femme Fatale champs, both of who's brief reigns took me by surprise because I hadn't paid attention to what the auto booker set up on the weekly show).</p><p> </p><p> So, that leaves our current line-up of The Anti-Establishment (Pamela Rojo & Hellcat Hernadez; heels), Electric Blue (Electric Dreamer and Aquila... uh... however the rest of it goes; faces), Queens of the Damned (La Hija Del Diablo & Queen Amazon; heels), Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder (faces, despite the latter's backstage shenanigans), and the reunited team of Debbie Rose & Kate Lilly (babyfaces). The only main issue here, aside from the aforementioned backstage drama, is that there's a bit of a disparity in card status, with La Hija being the most noticeable, as she's an opener. If pressed, I have another heel team ready- Sally Anne Christianson and Kinuye Mushashibo are "The Northern Conquest", a stable of former NOTBPW wrestlers running an invasion angle. I MIGHT have Amber Allen join them; I would have done it as soon as they showed up, but Amber had been with me for a while as a babyface, and I got the "too soon to turn" note.</p><p> </p><p> The other main roster issue is that there's a bit of lop-sidedness as far as face/ heel dynamics go all over the card. The Main Event and Upper Midcard favor the heels, whereas the Midcard and Lower Midcard are heavily babyface skewed, and most of my Midcarders stink at playing heels, so I can't turn them.</p><p> </p><p> I'm keeping my eye out for talented releases from the "Big Two" companies that have women wrestlers. Emphasis on "talented"; previous playthroughs have taught me that if I'm not careful, I'm only paying for moderately more overness. For instance, Killer Kass was released from USPW, but I'm in no hurry to sign her; QAW or one of the Japanese feds can pick her up for now, and she can gain experience their (and maybe cause QAW to cut some of their talent, who I will then give work too).</p><p> </p><p> Finally, I hired the four cheapest rookies who weren't negative influences and signed them so I had a quick stable of jobbers to get everyone else over. And in the meantime, they can slowly get better. One of them already has become the protege of Raven Nightfall. Who, again, has 87 days left on her contract and will retire in less than 3 months, so there's not a lot our rookie will be taught in that time. Raven's good, but I'm NOT paying her prices to be a manager. There's a lot she's good at, but there are better entertainers and mic workers on the roster.</p>
  2. <p>AAA Thursday Week 3 March 2018</p><p> </p><p> Femme Fatale Champion- Melody</p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Champions- Lily Snyder and Ava Anderson (they might not be holding the belts long; Snyder has become a negative backstage influence, starting a fight with Sally Anne Christianson. She keeps it up, she's getting released or fired. I've got 100% backstage, currently, I don't need anyone messing it up!)</p><p> </p><p> Top Contender's Champion- Claire Winters (I'm so proud of her! Admittedly, a lot of that comes from being Melody's protege, who is also training Sarah Taylor. Man, was she a great investment!)</p>
  3. <p>In my current AAA game, USPW just snatched... <em>Senior Referee Dwight Kumas?!?</em> Of all the talent I expected to have poached, he wasn't one of them. Very talented referee (and AAA Hall of Famer), but... Huh.</p><p> </p><p> Anyway, made an offer to the currently unemployed Pee-Wee Germaine to replace him.</p>
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Winter8905" data-cite="Winter8905" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Another bit of womens news and what I found the most odd was that Alicia Strong is on the way out of USPW... well that is unexpected and something I'm most certainly looking forward to taking advantage of.. </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've played several AAA games, and I've noticed that USPW lets her go quite a bit. I mean, she'll usually get signed back or nabbed by NOTPBW, but it's not too unusual to grab her for a hot minute, whether you're AAA or QAW (in fact, she might get signed to both), and milk her overness for your company while it lasts.</p><p> </p><p> Now, I have never seen Missy Masterson get cut.</p>
  5. <p>AAA December Week 1 2016</p><p> </p><p> Femme Fatale Champion- Cherry Bomb</p><p> Top Contender's Champion- Kate Lilly</p><p> Tag Team Champion- Sara Marie York and Wendy Anderson (transitional champs while I try to straighten out the tag division)</p>
  6. I can usually turn a profit on one show a month thanks to the custom merchandise controls. Anyway, I'll try weekly shows in 2017, unless I get talent raided and have to pull in new workers.
  7. Playing an AAA game and Suzanne Brazzle has announced her retirement, so now is the time to pick a midcard heel to go over her on her last match. The top 3 choices are Emma B****, Ellie May Walton, and Deborah Young, with the last one probably being the choice I'll go with. She's still a bit green, but I'll stick her in matches with Wendy Anderson and Steffi Chee to prep her.
  8. <p>Started anew, because that last AAA game was cursed. People getting hurt left and right, losing money despite only running one show a month with no production increases, etc.</p><p> </p><p> Starts off well, no time decline, economy and wrestling industry on the up. In addition to the monthly shows, I've added quarterly shows for neighboring regions, the second of which will be the next show.</p><p> </p><p> Sara Marie York is the Femme Fatale champ, which has seen a fair amount of turnover. Previous champs include Cherry Bomb and Jaime Quine. </p><p> </p><p> The downside is that Suzanne Brazzle announced her retirement. Why you gotta break my heart, Suzanne?</p><p> </p><p> At the start, immediately cut Cat Jemson, Black Widow, Steph Blake, Paige Croft, and Lady Liberty, replacing them with Deborah Young, Joanna Silver, Elsa Calvo, Claire Winters, "Payback" Emma, and Vixxen as road agent. Also picked up Sandra Shine a few months later, as the roster is a bit heel heavy. Might turn Zoe Ammis face, but I'm always reluctant to commit to long term plans with her, because she almost always gets poached by USPW or NOTBPW. Other candidates for a turn include Ellie May Walton and one or both members of Rose & Lilly.</p>
  9. Way ahead of you on the Dreamer love train. Unfortunately, I'm working under a 2+ year owner goal of "no luchadors". Foxxy I've tried before on other playthroughs, and she never made it past midcard. Good to know about the others, though my next hire will probably be Elsa Calvo. That little Goth spitfire rockets up the card.
  10. <p>Nadia Snow won the Femme Fatale title from Sara Marie York, but got injured in the rematch, so vacated the title & held a battle royal to crown a new champ, which Cherry Bomb won.</p><p> </p><p> In tag teams, Good Looking Bunny defeated Ros & Lilly to become champs; the former are feuding with Blake and Ammis, so that raises the stakes a bit.</p><p> </p><p> Christy Higgins is feuding with​ the Uprising; Selina Svelte keeps interfering in title matches to protect her partner Talia.</p>
  11. <p>Started a new AAA game, using Kate Avatar as head booker, because she's an excellent enhancement talent who never complains. First things first- check the roster overview and see who's contract expires when. Lady Liberty has 563 days?!? Nope, nope, nope. Immediate release. On other playthroughs, she is nothing but trouble. Paige Croft and Steph Blake can be pains in the you-know-where too, but they deliver in matches. Sign Claire Winters, because she's cheap, and a solid (if green) performer.</p><p> </p><p> Check the time decline notes in the creative meeting and- Suzanne Brazzle?!? No! I love her; she has always, always delivered for me in other playthroughs. Oh, well. At least it's just the one. Sometimes I've been smacked with J-Ro and Cherry at the outset.</p><p> </p><p> Owner goals- $350k in 2 years (should be doable), can't dip below #25 in the rankings (easy, at least it has been previously), no luchadors (and for over 2 years; so much for hiring Electric Dreamer), no one with law problems, and, if I recall correctly, no MMA crossovers.</p><p> </p><p> Shortlist several USPW Women's talent, just in case they get let go.</p><p> </p><p> So, the plan for the first show? Everyone works in some fashion or another. Matches, angles, or ideally both. Want to throw Sarah Taylor & Simony Sentinel together in a tag team to make sure they don't have bad chemistry; I usually pair those two up to off-set the heel heavy tag division. "Sugar & Spikes" is what I call the pairing.</p><p> </p><p> So, plan for the first year is to build money with just the monthly events in the home region. I might do a special event in the South West just to make sure pop doesn't dip, as I've had trouble with that in previous playthroughs. Also, try to build up the upper midcard and midcar, to prepare for the inevitable talent raids from USPW and NOTBPW.</p><p> </p><p> Also, will probably send a non-aggression offer to QAW. I always soft sell them at the start, because hey, more women's wrestling is good, and if my workers can work more, they get better, right? The problem is they usually only sign my big stars, quickly jump to regional status, and then I get my tail kicked in the regional battles. We're nipping that in the bud this time. It will limit some of my choices, to be sure, but any big names that I don't sign, they probably will, and they'll cut someone to make room. That'll work great if they pick up Miss American Pie Lora Washington and cut Danielle Sweetheart; my experience with the former is you're paying for an average worker with poor star quality who's only saving grace is that she's moderately more over than the rest of your roster.</p><p> </p><p> I'll also look at Cat Jemson's contract to see when that expires. I don't dare fire her, because she's in tight with Demelza Wade, and Wade is phenomenal and I don't want to anger her. But Cat is pretty much useless. In my experience, anything she can do, someone else on the roster can do better, and they can actually wrestle in matches.</p>
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