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Posts posted by Martel123

  1. rN8O1fF.jpg


    It was an easy month, No massive events. Thing will heat up come June for when we do The Hall Of Fame. I talked with the creative team and we came up with this card.




    MAW Presents: AMERICANA


    In The Main Event, Bradley Blaze and a Mysterious Partner take on The Scheme


    The Tag Titles Are On The Line, IN A FOUR TEAM MATCH!


    Jaylon Martins defends his title against Seth Whitehead


    Will Ade Nelson finally face Guillotine?


    All plus more!




    Bradley Blaze and ??? vs The Scheme (Jonah and The Architect)


    MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Seth Whitehead


    MAW Tag Team: DeMarcus and Gray vs The Wolfpack vs The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


    Ade Nelson vs Guillotine


    Miller Fforde and PN Cronin vs Josh Jacobs and Cheetah Boy


    Hector Hart vs Duke Freeman

  2. <p><strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs Joshua Taylor</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Wolf Hawkin</strong>s vs One Man Army</p><p> </p><p>

    Benny Benson, Edd Stone & Human Arsenal vs<strong> Greg Gauge, Freddy Huggins & Troy Tornado</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Elite</strong> vs Flying Jimmy Foxx & Dean Daniels</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord</strong> vs Mighty Mo</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach </strong>vs Doc Hammond</p>

  3. <p>MAW Americana</p><p>

    Friday, Wk 4, Apr 2020</p><p> </p><p>

    Opening Match</p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Jacobs & Nelson vs <strong>Miller Fforde & Jaylon Martins</strong></p><p><strong>


    Singles Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Local Talent vs <strong>Seth Whitehead</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong> vs Sean Noggin</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Ho Tinh vs T<strong>rix Triumph</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Main Event</p><p>

    Mid Atlantic Championship Match</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    60-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Riley McManus vs<strong> Bradley Blaze ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Prediction:What will be the attendance for the show?:</p>

  4. yi6Q1oo.jpgHXEMgJ2.jpgnWLMYjW.jpgkYYKv5R.jpgC85OZld.jpgdN0MGt2.jpg


    In a pre-show bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, Adam Nevada, Duke Freeman and Seth Whitehead defeated Hector Hart, Micheal Kipp and Tony Baker in 10:06 when Seth Whitehead submitted Micheal Kipp with a Minnesota Stretch. (21)


    MAW Presents: Super Showdown




    Marvin: Welcome everyone too the Super Showdown! Tonight, Bradley Blaze defends his Mid Atlantic title against the veteran, Cheetah Boy.


    Ernest: But my personal match of the night is The Canadian Josh Jacobs taking on that dirt rat Miller Fforde.


    Marvin: That's just your opinion Ernie. But lets get started in the action



    In a decent match, The Heartbreak Express defeated The Past Masters in 6:37 when Johnny Needham pinned The Historian with The Score. (35)


    Marvin: The Heartbreak Express continue their momentum.


    Ernest: Yes but the Past Masters seem pissed. Especially The Sandman, who looks like he wants too kill someone.


    Marvin: Maybe you can manage them.


    Ernest: Yeah right, and risk my announcing job here.


    Marvin: Well whatever the case, Johnny and Ralph continue too show themselves here as true contenders.


    Ernest: Hold on Marv, some fan just got in the ring, with a mic!


    Marvin: That's no fan Ernie, that's one of the recent TCW Graduates. Let's see what the newcomer has too say.




    “My name is Preston Nathan Cronin, otherwise known as PN Cronin. I represent a class of individuals coming from Total Championship wrestling who are here too take over. We are the new stars of pro wrestling and we are the future champions you will see in the coming years. If you don't believe me, watch, as I take on some Samoan from the first class, which has disappointed tremendously so far. Watch and learn.” (23)



    In a bout that had little heat and embarrassing wrestling, PN Cronin defeated Joey Fili in 6:11 by pinfall with a Vision Savate Kick. (12)


    Ernest: Well looks like PN Cronin will try to lead his class up into TCW.


    Marvin: Yup. But wait, now Ade Nelson is out with a mic before his match again-




    “Hold it hold it hold it! Im Ade Nelson, one of the best pro wrestlers alive today. You must earn the right to face me. So how bout you face one of my closet friends since the 1st grade. Zippy, come on .”



    Zippy is shown in the crowd and jumps over the rail and gets into the ring.


    Ade: Zip will always have my back and he will be taking this match for me, isnt that right Zip?


    Zippy: That’s right Adrian and I will do my best too kick this man’s ass/


    Ade: Go get em buddy! (26)



    In a decent match, Guillotine defeated Zippy Deverell in 6:23 when Guillotine pinned Zippy with a sideswipe knee (17)


    Ernest: Not surprised there.


    Marvin: Should've been a handicap match with both best friends.


    Ernest: Guillotine put him up there like Robespierre and chopped his head off.



    In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated Copperhead and Trix Triumph in 9:42 when Tyrone Gray pinned Copperhead with a Rocket Launcher. DeMarcus & Gray make defence number three of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles.


    Ernest: DeMarcus and Gray contunie too show that they are the team too beat in all of the CO-






    'DeMarcus and Gray are attacked by the WolfPack, Heartbreak Express come too the rescue only for Sand and Historian too come out' (25)




    Ernest: Folks we are going into intermission as security rushes out too stop these eight men.





    Starting in June of this year, MAW will induct a legend of MAW into the Hall Of Fame. We will announce who this legend is next month, and they will have a Hall of Fame Speech the weekend of The Fan Festival.



    Marvin: Alright hello everybody, the situation is under control know.


    Ernest: I have a hunk of Ralph Liotta's hair on my monitor. Yuck.


    Marvin: Well, they call him a whole lot of love for a reason.


    Ernest: Shut up Marv.




    In a decent match, Jaylon Martins defeated Harvey Robbinfield in 13:47 when Jaylon Martins pinned Harvey Robbinfield with a Flying Forearm. Jaylon Martins makes defense number three of his MAW American Title. (25)


    Marvin: Jaylon, Harvey and Seth are leading the pack in terms of TCW graduates, but Jaylon just seems too be better then Harvey.


    Ernest: Well we will see if he can beat Seth Whitehead next month.




    In a decent match, Josh Jacobs defeated Miller Fforde in 15:48 by pinfall with a handful of tights. (35)


    Marvin: Oh come on!


    Ernest: Look I dont like either of these men. They both pull these cheats/tricks too one up each other. Have a good ol fashioned brawl and then move on with your career.


    Marvin: That's the most actual truthful thing Ive ever heard you say Ernest.


    Ernest: Shut it.





    In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, Bradley Blaze defeated Cheetah Boy in 22:06 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop. Bradley Blaze makes defence number four of the Mid Atlantic Championship title. (40)


    Marvin: And just like that, Bradley Blaze gets probably his best title defense in.


    Ernest: And who is too stop the cowboy.


    Marvin: Uh oh, they might!




    'The Architect (With some help from Jonah) attacked Bradley Blaze'


    Ernest: Do you not remember that The Architect always has a scheme!


    Marvin: But like this, uncalled for after a title defense like that!


    Ernest: Im okay with it as long as it doesnt become a running habit.


    Marvin: Jesus shut up


    Ernest: Finally you stand up too me!


    Marvin: Thank you all for watching as some of the security check on Bradley Blaze. See you all next month!



    Attendance: 232 (+13)

    Grade: 38



    Sco Y2J 6/7

    Kjarvs 5/7

    Herrbear 5/7

    Tryker 4/7

    Historian 3/7


    Impressive showing by all of you but Sco takes the win. PM me too get a worker you want too have a profile/story about them

  5. <p>TCW Women’s tournament Quarter Final</p><p>

    <strong>Foxxy LaRue</strong> vs. Electric Dreamer</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match for the TCW Tag Team Titles</p><p>

    <strong>The Behemoths ©</strong> vs. Devine Fortune</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match for the TCW Television Title</p><p>

    <strong>Greg Gauge ©</strong> vs. Flying Jimmy Foxx</p><p> </p><p>

    TCW Women’s tournament Quarter Final</p><p>

    Kate Lilly vs. <strong>Danielle Sweetheart</strong></p><p><strong>


    Singles Match</p><p>

    <strong>Dazzling Dave Diamond</strong> vs. Maverick</p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    Troy Tornado vs. <strong>Freddy Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    MAIN EVENT Tag Team Match</p><p>

    Wolf Hawkins and Sammy Bach vs. The Elite (Hawkis and Hammond)</p>

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moafnsteel" data-cite="moafnsteel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47530" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great show and great monthly wrap up! Even though none of the teams I wanted won the tournament, I can't wait to see what you have coming next.<p> </p><p> I blame Zippy 100% for Pryde's loss. Pryde would have won on his own! He is the next GOAT!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Dont diss my Boy Zippy like that</p>
  7. XWA New Wave, Day 1

    Chicago, IL

    Saturday, Third week of January, 2020



    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket A

    Prime Time Jack Pryde vs Garry the Entertainer


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket A

    Raphael vs Axl Cage (Axl Avatar)


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket A

    K.P. Davis (K.P. Avatar) vs Masked Miracle (Masked Avatar)


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket A

    James Diaz vs Kid Fantastic


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket B

    Jack Avatar vs Hammer Hadley


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket B

    Ace Youngblood vs Stan Manna


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket B

    Keith Vegas vs Pepper Pelton


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket B

    Wild Red Stallion vs Jules Night


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket C

    Christopher Ball vs Dreadnought


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket C

    Ozzie Goldstein vs Conner Threepwood


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket C

    Blue Dragon vs Big Tex (Avatar)


    XWA Championship tournament first round, bracket C

    Happy Elwood vs Jason Patterson


    Captain Lucha, Mario Heroic & Nicolas Lopez vs. Amo del Gato, El Critico & Silver Tiger


    MATCH 4

    The Freedom Family (w/ Agueda Alonso) vs. Space Invaders


    MATCH 3

    Felipe Caballero vs. Mr. Lucha III


    MATCH 2

    Electric Dreamer vs. La Hija del Diablo


    MATCH 1

    Coulrophobia vs. Phoenix Cuatro (Phoenix IV & Edo Phoenix IV)

  9. I walked in front of the five men in front of me, all five coming from TCW, who sent them down too get extra training.








    "Adam Nevada, sir."


    "You are a big fella. What do you weigh?"


    "Used to weigh around 305, but I slim down too 275 due too the training.


    "Joel Bryant told me you have got all the tools too be molded into a decent star."


    "Thank you sir."


    "Get started with Marv, he will get you an apartment."


    He jogged off. He seemed like he has the drive too go far, and I hope he can find his own.


    "Next. What's your name?"






    "Hector Hart, my friend."


    "Joel says you were a former member of a Mexican Gang?"


    "Yes but I have moved on, was homeless as a teen and they swooped me in."


    "Im sorry to hear that. Joel says he personally trained you on the technical side of the ring."


    "Yes. He was extremely helpful and I feel that is my strongest suit."


    "Talk To Marvin, he will get you a living space."


    "Thank you my friend."


    He is the most technical wrestler and has some of the other skills. He will be a good talent.


    "Alright number 3, what's your name?"






    "Micheal Kipp"


    "You are from North Dakota, so I must ask. Do you think North and South Dakota should combine too form a single Dakota?"


    "Uhh laughs No, they should stay separate."


    "Well some of the boys think otherwise, so prepare to debate a few."




    "Joel says you have the most potential out of the trainees, do you think you will live up too it?"


    "I will try my best"


    "Go too Marv."


    Joel told me he was going to be a star, so I hope he can live up to it.


    "Number 4, whats your name?"






    "Preston Nathan Cronin, but I go by PN."


    "You are 23 but have seemingly tons and tons of charisma. You ready too train up your actual wrestling?"


    "Hell yeah man."


    "Talk to Marv, then go to Sam, he said he wants too talk to you."




    He seems too have that It Factor too him, but he doesn't have the skills yet too back it up. Sam seems too like him, so he will probably get good fast.


    "Alright the final trainee. Name?"






    "Tony Baker, sir."


    "You seem too be a middle of the pack guy, what separates you from the rest of your graduates?"


    "Hard work sir. I will work my ass off to prove myself to you and Joel.


    "Good. Talk too Marv."


    And that was the last guy. I am supposed too have a call with Joel in a few months too go over his guys, so by then all 10 of the TCW Grads should be looking good. I looked at the poster which we were just done booking too remind myself what I have planed.



    MAW Presents: Super Showdown


    The Mid Atlantic Championship is on the line as Bradley Blaze defends against Cheetah Boy


    In a vicious grudge match, Josh Jacobs takes on former MAW Champ, Miller Fforde


    Plus, Jaylon Martins and DeMarcus/Gray defend there belts, and a new class of TCW talents debut. All that plus even more!



    MAW Super Showdown


    MAW Championship: Bradley Blaze © vs Cheetah Boy

    Miller Fforde vs Josh Jacobs

    MAW American: Jaylon Martins © vs Harvey Robbinfield

    MAW Tag Team Championships: DeMarcus and Gray vs Copperhead and Trix Triumph

    Guillotine vs Ade Nelson

    Joey Fili vs PN Cronin

    The Heartbreak Express vs The Past Masters


    Bonus 1: What will be Match of the Night

    Bonus 2: Who is your favorite Graduate in this new class.

  10. <p>Main Event: CWI Championship - Tribal Warrior vs. "The Indiana Strangler" <strong>Conner Threepwood ©</strong></p><p><strong>


    Co Main Event - Women's Championship Tournament Finals - "Miracle Blonde" Suzanne Brazzle versus "The Mistress of the DDT" <strong>Steph Blake</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Finals - Tag Team Championship Wolf Pack</p><p>

    Singles Match - "American Eagle" Roger Monteiro vs. <strong>The Masked Maul</strong></p><p><strong>

    er VII</strong></p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Semi-Finals - Rock City Stars</p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Semi-Finals - The Wolf PacK</p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 4 - <strong>The Rock City Stars </strong>vs. Hardcore Inheritance w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 3 - <strong>The Dog Soldier</strong>s vs Bred for Battle w/ Andrew Gibson</p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 2 - Blackburn & Patterson vs. <strong>The Wolf Pack w/ Mark Hyatt</strong></p><p>

    March Madness Tournament Match 1 - <strong>DeMarcus & Pelton</strong> vs. Deverell & Pryde</p><p>

    Opening Match: Reece & Wells vs. T<strong>he Femme Fatales</strong></p>

  11. #1 contenders match for shot at Total Elimination


    Ariel Breaks v. Demelza Wade v Brooke Taylor


    #1 contenders match for title shot at Total Elimination


    The New Blood vs. Thunder and lightning v. The Brothers Cain


    Mr. Impact vs. Strong


    Ricky Decolt and Sean Mcfly v. Christian Price and Shooter Sean Deeley


    Aaron Knight vs Dante Dunn


    (P.S, In Imgur, use the "Direct Link" option. It looks better on the forums and avoids the extra clicks.)

  12. <p>OLLIE: Lucha Libre Battle - Saturday Week 4 January 2020</p><p> </p><p>

    MAIN EVENT</p><p>

    <strong>Extraordinario Jr </strong>vs. Nicolas Lopez ©</p><p>

    This match is for el Campeonato Universal OLLIE</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    MATCH 7</p><p>

    <strong>Celeste Moon ©</strong> vs. Mystery Pink</p><p>

    This match is for el Campeonato de las Mujeres OLLIE</p><p> </p><p>

    MATCH 6</p><p>

    20 Man Battle Royal: Amo del Gato, Blue Phantom, Cosmic Rider, Dragon Americano, El Pavo Real, El Toro de Oro Jr, Extranjero Loco, Hellech, Jayson van Pelt, Kamikaze, La Hija del Diablo, Laberinto Jr, Marcos Flores, Marvel Malloy, <strong>North Star Jr,</strong> Phobia, Phoenix II, Phoenix IV & Storm Spillane</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Please push North Star Jr if you can.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    MATCH 5</p><p>

    <strong>Evil Intent © </strong>vs. The Freedom Family (w/ Agueda Alonso)</p><p>

    This match is for el Campeonato de Parejas OLLIE</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>MATCH 4</strong></p><p><strong>

    Electric Dreame</strong>r vs. Queen Amazon</p><p> </p><p>

    MATCH 3</p><p>

    Atlantis Jr, Lobo Blanco & Rebelde Loco <strong>vs. Disturbed, El Hijo de Espada Roja & Silver Tiger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    MATCH 2</p><p>

    Purple Viper vs. <strong>Ursula Saez</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    MATCH 1</p><p>

    Captain Lucha vs.<strong> El Critico</strong></p>

  13. <p>The Latino Kings vs <strong>The Wolf Pack (20-minute time limit)</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jaylon Martins ©</strong> vs Copperhead (Mid Atlantic American Championship match - 30-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Joey Fili vs <strong>Davis Wayne Newton</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Tyrone Gray vs <strong>The Historian</strong> (20-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    The Heartbreak Express <strong>vs</strong> The Scheme (#1 Contender's Match for Tag Titles - 30-minute time limit)</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Josh Jacobs</strong> vs Miller Fforde (20-minute time limit)</p><p>



    Bradley Blaze ©</strong> vs Cheetah Boy (Mid Atlantic American Championship Match - 60-minute time limit)</p><p>


  14. <p>Opening Match</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Guillotine</strong> vs Local Talent</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The Machine!</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    The Greatness vs <strong>The Heartbreak Express w/Lisa Bowen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The Greatness are better single stars then in a tag team.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Miller Fforde vs <strong>Trix Triumph</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Upset due too Josh Jacobs</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Copperhead and Duke Freeman vs <strong>DeMarcus & Gray</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <em>No shock here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    15-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Frankie-Boy Fernandes</strong> vs Jonah Pilgrim w/The Architect</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Jonah is there too lose</em></p><p> </p><p>

    Mid Atlantic American Championship Match</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    30-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    Sandman Winks vs <strong>Jaylon Martins ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Main Event</p><p>

    Singles Match</p><p>

    30-Minute Time Limit</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Ant-Ma</strong>n vs Josh Jacobs</p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Prediction: What will be Match of the Night?: Frankie vs Jonah</p>

  15. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="rN8O1fF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/rN8O1fF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

    I walked out of are arena for tonight. It was a pretty decent show and will help for the long term storylines. I knew I was going too get the TCW graduates any day now so I was going too stay in Virginia for a bit longer then usual before going back too Minnesota. My wife, Elizabeth, and our three kids live there. Whenever I go and book for Sam I take a weekend long trip too my Virginia Apartment and I go back by the beginning of the month. Im staying an extra week so I can meet with the new graduates and get them settled. Before I get in the car, a young man approached me. </p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="ee6fg7P.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ee6fg7P.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    "Names Zippy, nice too meet you Mr. Flair."</p><p> </p><p>

    He shook me hand, in an energetic way. </p><p> </p><p>

    Zippy: "See I came down here to Virginia too talk to you Mr. Flair. I want apart of your wrestle-circus you have going on around here."</p><p> </p><p>

    He spoke with a southern-drawl that would get anyone's attention. He's got that charisma for sure. </p><p> </p><p>

    Jay: "Do you even know who owns this company?"</p><p> </p><p>

    Zippy: "Yes sir, Mr. Keith. But I know you do the daily work around here. </p><p> </p><p>

    Jay: "You got that right....Look. Do you have any match tapes of yourself?</p><p> </p><p>

    Zippy: Yup. On this dvd. If you bring me in Ill be respectful and try my hardest. </p><p> </p><p>

    Jay: "Ill give this too Sam and we will think about it. You got that energy kid."</p><p> </p><p>

    Zippy: "Thanks sir."</p><p> </p><p>

    He walked off, and I knew already I would do whatever it takes too bring that kid in. He has it, and he will become a star.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

  16. From the 70s C-Verse:


    RJ Danzig once deliberately broke someone's arm during a match and had a pattern of other bullying behaviour. Hinted to be Giant Redwood's trainer.


    American Pro Wrestling Federation and it's mafia ties


    A dedicated episode to the 4 major Championship Wrestling from Boston tragedies: The Boston Bomber destroying his own glittering career with hard drug usage, Iron Michael Milligan's death in a car crash in 1976, Promoter Gene Plumelli's death in 1978 which ensured the death of the promotion, and Wild Man Sullivan's death in 1981 in a car crash.


    From 1997 C-Verse


    The chaotic atmosphere, in front of and behind the camera, at Xtreme Wrestling Federation.


    The death of Mr Supreme


    The death of the Hype


    Can you go into detail about The Hype and Mr. Supreme? I know both fell off a bit but didnt know they died.



    In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Seth Whitehead defeated Joey Fili in 7:59 by submission with a Minnesota Stretch. (27)



    MAW Wrestling Classic



    Marvin: Welcome everyone too MAW Wrestling Classic. Tonight you will see 6 barn burning matches up in the Mid Atlantic


    Ernest: Plus the Mid Atlantic Title is on the line, but we dont know who will challenge champion Bradley Blaze yet.


    Marvin: Well looks like The Architect and his goon are out too lay out there case.




    The Architect: Last month, I won the Rip Chord Invitational. Not just any Invitational, the 15th Invitational. That trophy was won by Hernandez, Vessey, Flash, The Owner’s son, Valentine. And I am better then every, single, one of those suckers. Even my helper, Jonah, could beat literally every one of them! I deserve a world title match, and I plan on beating Bradley-


    Cheetah Boy comes out too the theme of:




    Cheetah Boy: Imma have to stop you right there Archie. See the only reason you beat me was because you had your little buddy too stop me from pinning your ass. You cheated your way too the trophy your buddy has. You both don't deserve crap while i'm around.


    Josh Jacobs then comes out to the tune of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4907hmwZF4Q





    Josh Jacobs: Hold it right there. I have not gotten a fair shot at that title Blaze has in over a year! I feel I’ve worked my ass off, dealing with that dirty-ass Miller along the way, just too get a sniff at that belt. Its my turn now, and I want my crack.


    All 3 start bickering, before Sam Keith walks onto the ramp with

    playing in the background.




    Sam Keith: Alright! I’ve heard enough. Josh, you get your title shot tonight, so start training. Cheetah, if you beat Jonah, you get the next shot. If you lose, The Architect fights Bradley next. Yall good now? Good. Now get out of my damn ring. (42)


    Ernest: Well Hot damn

    Marvin: Well there you have it, Josh gets a title match and Jonah and Cheetah will fight it out for a title match next month! Things are getting interesting here tonight.



    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Miller Fforde and The Heartbreak Express defeated Harvey Robbinfield and The Past Masters in 9:47 when Ralph Liotta pinned Sandman Winks with a Swinging Neckbreaker. (34)


    Marvin: Nice match here

    Ernest: And good for Miller, who must be pissed his rival is getting a title shot instead of him.



    In a bout that didn't have much heat and embarrassing wrestling, Guillotine defeated Chip Martin in 9:14 by pinfall with a Sideswipe Knee. (14)


    Ernest Guillotine looks, as always, like a beast!

    Marvin: He has a bright future ahead of him.



    In a decent match, DeMarcus & Gray defeated The Wolf Pack in 12:24 when Sione Tokoeka was disqualified while fighting Nate DeMarcus. DeMarcus & Gray make defence number two of the Mid Atlantic Tag Team titles. (34)


    Sione grabs a chair and slams it over the back of Nate and Tyrone (26)


    Marvin: Horible sportsmenship there. Why would he disqualify himself??

    Ernest: It might be in their best intrests too do so



    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Jaylon Martins defeated Duke Freeman in 11:28 by pinfall with a Flying Forearm. Jaylon Martins makes defence number two of the Mid Atlantic American title. (20)


    Marvin: Great match.

    Ernest: But wait Marv, looks like someone wants too make a challenge. Here comes Harvey!



    Harvey Robinfield: Jaylon! I had enough of watching your sloppy matches. I want to bring back at least a little legitimacy to that title that you have trashed. I challenge you next month for that title in your hands. (16)


    Marvin: Well looks like Jaylon has a new challenger

    Ernest: This will probably be his toughest match yet.



    In a decent match, Cheetah Boy defeated Jonah Pilgrim in 14:26 by pinfall with a Flying Cheetah Pounce. (33)


    Ernest: Well next month Cheetah Boy will get his Mid Atlantic Title shot

    Marvin: But who will be the Champion, we are a bout too find out right now!




    In a decent match, Bradley Blaze defeated Josh Jacobs. in 20:26 by pinfall with a Dallas Drop. During the match, Miller Fforde distracted Josh Jacobs. Bradley Blaze makes Defense number three of his Mid Atlantic Championship (40)


    Ernest: That bastard Miller causted Josh the match

    Mavin: That is definite revenge for what happened at Where it all begins again.

    Ernest: You say? Both men need too be disciplined for what they have done.

    Marvin: Well nevertheless. Thank you all for watching and see you all next month at Super Showdown.


    Attendance: 219

    Show Rating: 38 (-3)



    Kjarvs 6/6

    Herrbear 6/6

    Tryker 5/6

    Deathzone2 5/6


    Congrats too Kjarvs and Herrbear. Please pm if you have got the chance too see either a worker signed too the company (Unemployed and working in america) or Someone in the company too be profiled. Your choice.

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