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About MatsudiroJr

  • Birthday 08/09/2000

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  1. Straight Man / Comedic Foil - This worker can only work comedy segments if they have someone to contrast with, they will be penalised if trying to do comedy without someone who can play the role of the funny man (meaning that they're either by themselves or the other workers all have the attributes No Comedy Matches, No Sense Of Humour, or Straight Man). Send For The Man! - This worker struggles to work comedy without laughing, if they're in front of a live crowd them corpsing has a chance of either adding to the moment or taking the audience out of it depending on the skills and attributes of the people involved, with this also upsetting workers who have traits like Keeps Kayfabe because they broke character. That risk goes away in cinematic comedy matches/pre-taped comedy angles, but they risk upsetting the other workers involved in the segment by requiring so many takes to get through it with a straight face. Additionally, in segments involving someone with the Notorious Ribber attribute there is a chance that they'll try to break them on purpose as a rib.
  2. The Women's Dusty Classic's lineage is messed up, the 2021 winners are listed as "Dakota Kai, Raquel Gonzalez and 2021 - Kai / Gonzalez" instead of just Kai and Gonzalez.
  3. I have two missing ages I've found the correction for; Billie Starkz was born October 13, 2004 according to onlineworldofwrestling (I haven't found much else backing this up but it adds up with the timeline of her training at 14), and Rok-C was born November 5, 2001 based on a happy birthday post from New Texas Pro Wrestling mixed with the context of her wrestling a certain someone right after her 18th birthday in 2019.
  4. <p>Fire & Flava has the wrong Tasha, it should be Tasha Steelz instead of Tasha Simone.</p><p> </p><p> NOTE: I hadn't seen the newer version, so my apologies if you had already fixed that.</p>
  5. After simulating a couple months, I noticed some issues with some of the titles: - Kenny Omega's AEW title reign is set to start in January 2020 - The Impact Knockouts Tag Titles are set to any gender, which doesn't sound wrong on it's own since Eric Young held them but like I don't think The North ever will (that's who the game crowned as champions haha). - Dezmond Xavier and Zachard Wentz's reign as PWG World Tag Team titles doesn't exist at all, it's listed as if Cobb and Riddle vacated them rather than lost them. - The GCW Tag Team titles don't have a lineage at all, which I feel bad bringing up because I know a lot of smaller titles don't have lineages in your mod, but this is an active title, and it appears to be the only active title missing it's lineage (excluding the DDT Ironman Heavymetalweight title because that would be insane and the UWN World title because from what I've seen it actually has no lineage)
  6. I noticed Harley Race's Wrestling Academy is currently set to have no owner; irl Leland Race has taken it over since Harley's passing.
  7. Allie started wrestling three years before Adam Page and was getting WWE tryouts and doing stuff with FCW before Hangman was in ROH, so I think Allie having more experience than Hangman is correct.
  8. I'm sorry, I didnt mean anything bad by that, I didnt think you labelled him incorrectly intentionally, I was referring to how I was second guessing whether it was wrong or I had been worked, it being intentional referred to the possibility of it being correct and him being a hetero/bisexual man who portrayed a homosexual man. It was surprisingly difficult for me to find anything specific about his sexuality, which made it hard for me to come and confidentially tell you that the mod was wrong and I was right. I hope that makes sense, I'm bad at explaining things.
  9. I hadn't noticed it until I got a random event where he started dating Allie Kat, but Effy is heterosexual in the game, and unless I've been worked I'm pretty sure he is homosexual. I'm really hoping it's an oversight by you and not me being worked, I've genuinely been looking around online because it seems like too perfect of a coincidence for this to have happened on accident haha.
  10. Title Updates I noticed that the 2020 Royal Rumble and Money in the Bank winners (Drew McIntyre, Charlotte Flair, Otis, and Asuka) arent in the lineages of those "titles", and while Cody losing the belt was added to the TNT title lineage, the title was never assigned to Brodie Lee, so Cody is still the champion. Since Cody won it back that last one probably doesn't mean much for the next update, but I thought I'd point it out so anyone who downloads it knows to change that haha.
  11. Kris Statlander I noticed Kris Statlander was missing a date of birth so I looked it up, and according to WrestlingInc (https://www.wrestlinginc.com/profiles/1065/kris-statlander/) she was born August 7, 1995 in West Islip, New York. Also, she said on AEW Unrestricted Podcast that her debut is wrong on Wikipedia, it is actually November 2016. Finally, in the database she is dating Max Caster, but she is currently dating Caleb Konley, as is shown here in this tweet https://twitter.com/calebkonley/status/1262205080843046917?s=21
  12. so, i dont really know how this will effect their work or anything, but here is my attempt at listing who needs to be updated to reflect the #speakingout stuff, both because they have a scandal or because they should have a negative relationship with someone who has a scandal. i'll probably miss out on some people but i'm doing my best to help out. i would encourage you to look into details so you can put them in as accurately as possible, because if i tried to clarify between rape and harassment and abuse and all that this post would be a mile long. - David Starr by someone outside of wrestling - Justin Roberts by someone outside of wrestling - Jimmy Havoc by someone outside of wrestling - Josh Bodom by Lucy Sky (who doesn't appear to be in the mod but if I missed her they should have a negative relationship) - Brian Fury by a trainee - Wolfgang by Laura Ryan (who is no longer active and appears to not be in the mod) - Joe Coffey by Sierra Loxton - Killian Jacobs by Millie McKenzie - Travis Banks by Millie McKenzie (relationship should be split up) - Danny Hudson by Rob Drake (who doesnt appear to be in the mod but I could have missed him) - Xander Cooper by Hollie Barlow (who doesnt appear to be in the mod but I could have missed her) - Michael Elgin by Kaitlin Diemond - Darrell Allen by an anonymous person (which was shared by Sierra Loxton so they should probably have a negative relationship) - Jack Sexsmith by Sierra Loxton - Martin Zaki by Dan Moloney (and they should both not be heterosexual, because the story involves them having previously dated) - Mance Warner by Austin Tyler Morris' fiancé (I couldnt find Morris in the mod but if I missed him there should probably be a negative relationship there) - Johnathan Wolf by someone who was a trainee but seems to not be in the business - Dave Lagana by Liz Savage (who I couldnt find in the mod and is currently not active) - Craig West by Alexxis Falcon - Ligero by Debbie Keitel and Sierra Loxton - Mikey Whiplash by an anonymous group of people from Fierce Females, and Pollyanna said she had that same experience - Jordan Devlin by someone I think isn't involved in wrestling, but most of what I could find about him was articles that vaguely talked about the situation itself and were more about his involvement with Progress and NXT UK - Joey Ryan by someone who was a trainee but seems to not be in the business - Matt Riddle by Candy Cartwright - Dave Crist by Ziggy Haim (who i couldnt find) and Allie Kat - Dave Crist and Samantha Heights by Max the Impaler - Bram by an anonymous ex just referred to as Aimee, which was posted by Sierra Loxton so those two should have a negative relationship there's some other stuff i've noticed while working on this post, Pete Dunne and David Starr should have a negative relationship, it sounds like Pete already hadn't liked Starr, hence the "Anti David Starr" tweet from last year. also, Pete Dunne and Millie McKenzie should probably be friends, and their tag team of The Bruisermates isn't in the mod
  13. I get that, but like what I was saying is that he has only been Jervis for years and has been using that character outside of Chikara, so in my opinion Kevin Condron is a retired gimmick. If you disagree with that and don't want to make the change that's fine but I hope I'm at least making sense haha.
  14. I know you tend to respect kayfabe by having Chikara-type characters separate from the people playing them, but Jervis hasn't wrestled as Kevin Condron since 2018 or Snowflake since 2015, so in my opinion they should be alter egos for Jervis rather than a separate character.
  15. Jorge Estrada's reign with the NWA North American Championship (labelled "= # NWA NA HW 32 — Jorge Estra") is assigned to Jordynne Grace. I couldn't find Jorge Estrada anywhere else in the database, so I think this should be assigned to none, but if that is incorrect feel free to correct me.
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