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About GenMaximo

  • Birthday 11/24/1995

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  1. I'm at Oktoberfest Bash. Reached 43 pop and now I'm lacking stars, but there's no one I can realistically get to fix that, so hopefully my top guys get there soon. I've kept the schedule as it was. I'm still wondering if I should add some monthly events to speed up the popularity gains, but getting to Medium in 4 or 5 years with $500k+ doesn't sound bad. Kruge doesn't need the belt (probably shouldn't have it to begin with, with that popularity) for his feud with MoE. I put it on Paolo Gandalfini in July with MoE interference that Paolo didn't see after having them teaming up against MoE. Kruge will come back for it after turning again in the end of his feud at NBC. I planned to have Hercules go over in the feud with his bro because he's just better, give Bam Bam some time off and then reunite them because Bam Bam can't do much alone with his low stamina. But he handed in notice in July. At least he did it before the feud was over. Now I don't know what to do with Bam Bam, I'm still giving him time off. Bret vs Magnus puts up better matches than the other two feuds. Bret went over, I want him to have a full reign of terror, Byron overtly using his position to help him, etc. The women's division is somewhat unbalanced because the top 3 women are all heels. I had bad luck too because Aud got an awful gimmick. I haven't done much with it, but I'm going to have Karen and Viper getting into MoE (with some supernatural shenanigans involved), Thea and Aud feud ending with double turn, and Cassie feuding with Zofia for the title (still haven't decided who goes over). Gypsy Rose also handed in notice, which is a shame because she has great chemistry tagging with Serena Ventura. I was planning on taking the belt off Hammer & Anvil quickly, but they put on great matches with their good gimmicks and chemistry. Nigerian Hit Squad on the other hand are going to lose a bunch and then get cut. Got a bunch of excursion agreements and sent Hafthor Melsted to CZCW and Demyan Volkov to WLW (he was decent in comedy matches, but I wasn't planning on many of those). Got Fox Mask II, Emiko Miyoshi, Sayuri Honda, and Rina Kasahara on excursions. VWA almost immediately stopped the talent trading, so I went hostile and on a bit of a hiring spree. Cub Balowicz vs Paolo is going to be a great feud.
  2. I'm trying to migrate CVs 2020 db to IX, is there a simple way of getting IX's db default heights that I'm not seeing? My best idea so far is turning back everyone's name that has been changed between versions and then using external editing to copy and paste the height column. That still leaves issues with body type changes and weights, which I imagine I'd have to individually consider, which isn't realistic at all for my ambitions. So I'm just thinking about going with the converter values.
  3. Never played this mod in 2020, but my longest save there was a revival of BSC, so I'm looking forward to trying it this time!
  4. Awesome work, Mammoth! It's given me the push to finally give an AJJ save a try.
  5. There goes my PWSUX/AMAZON save, at least it happened early.
  6. Sounds awesome, looking forward to see in what shape QAW is. Good luck with the project!
  7. <p>That looks great, MHero, thanks for the update.</p><p> Looking forward to seeing the state of women's wrestling after having a great time with PEWWA in 2016.</p>
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