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About benjirino

  • Birthday 06/14/1987

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  1. Sometimes, having regens turned on creates some... interesting concepts. "Kung Fu Grandpa" Chad Albright wrecking your roster every night!
  2. Is there any way to give a one month "no events" period by default to new promotions? The companies generate and then try to run shows instantly with no regard for time taking to make hirings so more often than not a company's scheduled first show (or shows) don't take place. A minor issue in the grand scheme I know
  3. Good work. If you're looking to save time then I would strongly suggest gaz's sticker pack. It fits the era really well, you'd have minimal issues with missing pictures (because it was originally created for around 93-96 IIRC), and it's also a really good looking pack. If you want a hand on anything, hit me up. 93 is one of my favourite periods to re-book so I've developed a decent knowledge of the time.
  4. And angles. Feats of strength are a major part of a lot of older wrestling angles and shows (obviously they can be gimmicked to an extent, but still).
  5. That's how I've always understood it myself. Like I wouldn't call Shawn Michaels an aerial guy, but I struggle to think of many people flashier in the ring.
  6. Equally, I'd also like to see booking skill degrade. Over time, all people lose touch with what is relevant and cool (some more than others), and this should be a skill that degrades with age to reflect that.
  7. If I may be so bold - an alternative suggestion, as I do think Alliance titles need a tweak, but perhaps in another way. I think the size of the company should decide vote power against all other members of the Alliance (EG: Insignificant gets no voting power, Tiny gets one vote, Small gets two votes, medium gets three votes etc.). Base each vote in the same way trades are done - by relevant pop of the wrestler to the company and their main location(s). So someone with high pop in South West US but poor in Tri-State would get the approval of the South West promotion(s), but not the approval of the Tri-State promotion(s) because they might be over in the one location, but not another. Require a 51% vote share minimum (or more) to get approval to change a champion, so you never have the issue of equal vote numbers. That or expand the titles and have both - as it does seem to be more and more common for a company to loan out their title and champion to another company, in which case the primary company should absolutely have veto power.
  8. Love the idea, dislike the name. How about "Hardly Working", as in "Working hard, or hardly working?" works as a pun for a worker too.
  9. On a weekly level I'll have a vague idea of where I want to go and do it on the fly. On a monthly level I know what my end goal is. On a longer term level, I know what my end goal is but not entirely how I'll get there, because I like to have a vague idea but card is always subject to change due to injuries, failed pushes, surprising pop gains for certain wrestlers and the like.
  10. When debuting, a wrestler will often debut in one alignment and quickly turn to another alignment to create quick heat on them as they betray a beloved fan favourite. I feel like to reflect this, a debuting wrestler should be allowed one "free" turn that is not affected by the time between turns, as technically them debuting isn't any kind of turn, it's just them debuting and showing up before revealing their true colours. Hardly a massive issue, but just one I thought I'd mention.
  11. Would anyone out there be willing to arrange a black haired Bart Biggins and Black & White Masked Velvet Suarez variants of the below, please? ❤️
  12. He had a thing of being named after bookers. "Sully" for Kevin Sullivan?
  13. Mammoth doing 1970, you doing 1992. Good to see my two fave mods from IX making that hot transition with their original creators. Looking forward to this one @Fleisch❤️
  14. They may be the same thing, but in different ratios to be fair.
  15. Are attacker, fighting and make the save really only judged on B/P/H? That seems really weird. Rey Mysterio isn't a brawler, but I remember so many of his awesome make the saves based off of his style. That definitely feels like it should be expanded to all primary fighting styles.
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