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Everything posted by elmiticomark

  1. Ok, yeah, I got home and ran it using what I assume are similar characters and got the same result (take away probably 30 pop from Blackfriar, so -19 to 37, +poor momentum/poor gimmick, seems about right ) lol. Surprised, but makes senses, that quick add function different with no penalties for out-off place workers (Obv, doing an interview segment in the angle writer garners a penalty warning).
  2. I'm not sure if anyone has addressed this, but the biggest take away I see right away is that you have the segment as an "Interview" but no one is being interviewed and there is no interviewer. Other factors would be the ones listed above.
  3. Star quality is very important in structuring a federations top tier talent and how it can last on a long-term basis; I run an "Other Guys" fed with the best workers I can find who aren't signed; Ernest Youngman and Aldous Blackfriar do incredibly well (Frankie Perez/Cowboy Buck, a few others can take this spot, Davis Wayne Newton for example who is a very good "B+ Player") as I'm getting myself off the ground with their stats, charisma/mic, and above average Star Quality... however, as I progress, a worker like Papa Swoll or Cory Underwood are much more important to long term success. In TCW, you already have the 90+ SQ players, so the 65-79/80 range wrestlers are good to have as that second-tier main eventer. The guy who can work with the guy, more or less, esp. for TCW specifically.
  4. Now I've got a mind to book the movie Snatch as a single event.
  5. What's done is done. *********************************************************************************************************************** I do apologize if this is a bit dark for some users here... and in previous games, I was "whatever" about the character, but I really do not like sexual assault/harassment in the form of repeat behavior... and I want a save without him around. Won't go into personal details, but checking papers is a thing I believe in when in Rome, to phrase it simply. Dual purpose as well with the chosen character to commit the act: so if people are turned of by real crime, and reporting of the actual monsters in the world, I get it... things are dark and we all should really focus on the light; but Dathi Kiernan is a real-life rip of an Irish boxing promoter named Daniel Kinahan. I wanted to at least make something after years of doing legwork to expose some of it... I don't think it's right the boxing game let consumers buy Tyson Fury fights when some of the proceeds quite literally fueled a real-to-life criminal empire that is seemingly far beyond the reach of groups like Gulfo, Sinaloa, and others that get publicized more than regularly [Kinahan Organized Crime Group, if you've never looked into this, I'd advise simply stopping research where the reports from the UK end, the father is in Iran working as the countries military fixer...] I really never want to touch on social issues, but I know a lot of people who purchased PPV events that might not have ever done so if they had an inclination. I'll leave the horrible deeds done by this group up to a users google discretion, but I've noticed NO ONE calls this out, and it's quite honestly going to be looked back on as a huge stain on the already tarnished legacy of boxing if and when it's exposed *to a true and general knowledge level, though MTKG closed in 2022, I've seen all of 2/3 articles covering this or actually detailing what it really was to it's fullest account. [I apologize if any of that info is "to real", you never know what people have been through, but a F--- Mark Carnie, and B) if I bought a boxing event and funded the distribution of vile things I don't believe in, I would kind of want to know] But, for today, the real monster somehow is the face against the fictitious monster.
  6. Is there a way to program in a death (murder) to the narratives? Would "Worker Is Hurt" @ 10 Effect do this?
  7. I decided I don't even want the stink of him on my regular fed, so I started a save that is simply going to be The Death of Mark Carnie. (An Irish boxing promoter/gangster opens a company, sports based, judges, rounds in Ireland... pop bleeds to Scotland, Carnie being an idiot "goes to war" not knowing what he's getting himself into because he can't google "Dathi Kiernan" [] since he's busy fiddling himself and scheming on the helpless all day.) This will be cathartic. *edit: don't you just love it when things work out?
  8. I don't get upset by basically anything in this game, but I'm a bit tired of seeing this character and the actions he can take in the game, and the fact no one once in any C-Verse I've seen has blasted him into the nether realm... when, without a doubt, there's both men and women in the world of Wrestling who'd take a charge/court-date to send a message to someone like him...... So, without further ado, it's time to end Mark Carnie's career and maybe more. -Activated him as a wrestler, activated him in the USA. -Signed him to my company Now, here's where it's a shot in the dark. Going to alter his attributes so he'll take stunt bumps & crazy bumps. I've been scouting the CornellVerse to find the least safe worker. If all goes right, Mark Carnie will be getting some "Get Well Never" balloons sent to his hospital bed.
  9. The first 6 "mos" (prev TEW versions of 4 week months) worth of programming. Thumbfun. The Chaz Hayter vs Ryan Powell match was actually imported from Heroes of Wrestling.
  10. [The family demographic was incredibly put-off by seeing Kowabunga selling a violent beating.]
  11. Depends on purpose/company size When I start a 35 fed and hire my go to workers, I usually hire an equivalent number of higher pop workers at the end of their careers and run them in programs with the wrestler I want to be a major star or star. Finances really depend on this because The Force will only lose twice to Ernest Youngman (for example) before he walks out; that pop gap is huge. If I have a load of money? I'm paying him 10k after every loss and then bringing him back until he's put over the other 3 heels (who've aquired wins over let's say Harry Allen or Brett Biggins). I find running them in the programs with these workers and then winning the programs makes the momentum and pop boost higher than just cold match wins. So, with that, rinse and repeat over the process of 4-6 months until my main eventers, secondary and mid-card workers are all (more-or-less) functioning at a "hot" momentum and 30-35 pop level. If I'm strapped for cash and it's a 0-pop, anyone, even The Hunchbacks, getting pinned to the mat or submitted is enough to put someone over as to avoid paying for a worker worth more than $40/per. Right now I'm doing that in a fed, 2 shows per month, 8 workers (4 tag/4 single), 6 shows in and none of them have a loss and that will continue until August or so. From there it's kind of just setting up a chain of command, which I do via title tournaments usually around the half-way point of the 1st year. TCW was a different ball game. Some people seem to have "fandom loyalty" to some of the workers on the card for TCW. I do not (I have fandom loyalty for Surfer Dude Lucas, Youngman, Blackfriar, and Sayeed Ali in this game, however). So I just blast talented workers over everyone until I get to Joshua Taylor/Sammy Bach. However; in TCW I did it by introducing Saturday Night Showcase as a "B" show where I could hire from the 35-60 USA Pop free agents to get squashed by my prospect for 2-4 weeks, giving the prospect interview time after each, and then beginning to pick up wins on Total Wrestling in "story telling" or cold matches for a month or two. A bit like the WWF Superstars-to-RAW route from the new gen era. (Except no one works 2 jobs)
  12. All this 90's/80's talk makes me want to run a WCW sim where Ted Turner let's Hogan stay in Hollywood and focuses on resigning Austin, Vader and Foley (as well as retaining Shanghai & Tex). Maybe start in 1991 with Bill Watts and his "rules" are not seriously implemented, rather structured as a story arch for the rise of a Brian Pillman or one of the cruiserweights to rebel against the doomed "Top Rope Rule"; oh and he can pay Tully what he owes him per written and not a handshake offer of $40 and no travel costs covered.
  13. if you hit up up down down left right left right b a start at the entry screen you can actually unlock "Steiner Math" where David Arquette in hockey gear vs Vince Russo in football gear can earn "World Class" in a work-rate/sports-presentation based company.
  14. TCW are the scourge of good referees in my saves too. I did not know they do not have a heel/face divide and now I'm probably going to delete my TCW save and introduce full-blown criminal warfare as a style of wrestling. Is it cheating to make Merle O'Curle & Padraig O'Hearne active in Puerto Rico?  
  15. Maybe an error in the program... I just ran a 15 minute intro angle with all kinds of segments and different labels ("hype", "character development", "storyline development") including a wrestler not tied to any storylines but advanced both while not making a road agent note to advance [actually had no road agent notes, so maybe error related to agent input?]... and segments were 5x @3:
  16. I used those names in 2020 for my women's brand and for my development, nice lol, they both make perfect sense (also, i used to pirate the old mid-south logos because they just look like "this is about to be a serious sports program ok" AF)
  17. This is what I'd do if I had any type of *creative* concentration. I think my strength in this game is solely on the analytic side, I can take 0 pop and get em over... but creatively, my booking is more or less Bill Watts (emphasize strengths, keep it sports/logical) with 1/100th of the rasslin' brain power (Bill did longterm creative stuff that I would just blow, obv)... I really like the idea of a deep roster, the ability to pull guys up a level if there's an injury/etc, but my problem is I'll have people on the roster who don't work a match for 3-6mo's sometimes.
  18. I keep a tight roster (8 stars, 8 workers... usually 4 prospects, 4 midcard guys to lose TV main events) so everything more or less revolves around 2-3 single feuds and 1 tag feud. therefore, I can go week to week with simply hiring a 1-month job guy rotation for TV (hire say 8, make sure 4 are faces/4 heels, balance it so the card balances w/ squashes) and mixing and matching those feuds for around 1 year. *Every 3 months for monthly show feds.
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