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Posts posted by my1021

  1. Now that I'm looking back through and see that people like to talk about Fezzik Vs. Foster. I was building up a fight between these two, but Carter Potter then KO'd Fezzik in 2:28 of the first round.


    So I set up a fight between Foster and Potter thinking surely Potter would lose to Foster.... WRONG. He oustruck Foster, stopped his takedowns, and even outgrappled Foster in the clinch on his way to a UD.


    At this point I'm like "Potter must have been blessed with a high destiny."


    So I give him his well earned title shot against then champion Hiro Arai. Turns out Potter wasn't ready for Hiro Arai. A flurry of punches followed by a headkick led to Potter getting put to sleep.


    LMAO that's such a typical scenario in this game I feel. Although yours is even crazier because I've never seen Potter really make it that high up in the rankings in mine.


    But I had a similar situation where I was trying to use Rav Kapur to set up a fight between Fezzik and Foster... couple years later, Kapur is still the undefeated champ with 10 defenses. With 2x first round kos of Foster, Fezzik and Kabal. Clearly the undisputed best of the era. Also defeated a surging Murilo Santinho and Kanezane Fujii.... all in the first round. My Kapur has become an absolute savage haha

  2. Hello,


    So I'm trying to set up my database to disclude fighters with no pictures. I've done this by going to the database, going to characters, and deleting all characters with "missing picture" set to "yes."


    I then enable "Generated fighters" within the game itself. And turn on the "picture requirement."


    And yet, I still get fighters showing up with no picture. How is this possible? Am I missing something in the set up.



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