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Bigelow Cartwheel

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Everything posted by Bigelow Cartwheel

  1. Long Beach, CA March 1998, Week 2 WRENCH #1 Contender Match The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Eddie Guerrero - The Rock wins pinning Eddie with the Rock Bottom after Roddy Piper had distracted Shamrock by attacking DiBiase at ringside then fleeing through the crowd. ANGLE: Hardy Boyz are backstage talking to Dusty Rhodes about the interference in their tag title match last week against Diamond Model Inc. Dusty promises them they can have a tag title match at WREvolution if they can beat both members of Diamond Model Inc in singles matches. Curt Hennig vs. Al Snow - Curt Hennig wins with a Perfect Plex ANGLE: Al Snow grabs his mannequin head and starts talking to it, again incoherently, but in the madness he mentions that if his father wasn't absent growing up he would be a world champ by now ANGLE: Ted DiBiase is backstage nursing an injury caused by Roddy Pipers attack earlier with his clients Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman. He says that they thought Piper would have got the message that they're not to be messed with at Throwdown In Fresno but clearly they underestimated quite how much of a death wish he has. He finishes off by warning him to watch his back. Jeff Hardy vs. Rick Martel - Jeff Hardy wins with a roll up after DDP stops Lex Luger from interfering ANGLE: Ted DiBiase, Steve Blackman and Ken Shamrock are in the parking lot about to leave the arena in a limo. Once the two wrestlers have entered the back, DiBiase begins to walk around the back to get in the other side but the doors are locked internally and Roddy Piper gets out from the drivers seat and continues his earlier attack on DiBiase until Shamrock and Blackman realise what is going on and jump out to save him. 2 Lo vs. Impact Players - 2 Lo win after D'Lo pins Storm after his sit out spinebuster ANGLE: While 2 Lo and Kimberley are celebrating their win, a masked figure dressed in black (like the one from Throwdown In Fresno) appears on the big screen and is shown in the locker room going through Kimberleys clothes. ANGLE: Rockers Express are interviewed backstage about their recent tensions. Marty Jannetty remarks they were simple misunderstandings and that their run to the tag titles will start next week. WRECK Open Challenge Against Former World Champion Sting vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr – The open challenge is answered by Chavo Guerrero Jr. Sting wins with a Scorpion Death Drop ANGLE: Sting retains his title and is celebrating his victory when he is attacked from behind by Chris Jericho. Jericho and Guerrero continue to beat down Sting as the show goes off the air.
  2. Pueblo, CO March 1998, Week 2 TAKA Michinoku vs Little Guido – TAKA wins ANGLE: Steve Austin finds William Regal backstage in the locker room and guarantees that he’ll keep kicking Regal’s ass until he reveals the identity of the OCW owner. Tajiri appears from nowhere and rushes Stone Cold but Austin sends him head first into Regal’s locker. The door swings open to show a long black hooded cloak. Regal goes wide-eyed and runs from the locker room. OCW World Cruiserweight Championship Kidman vs Super Crazy – Kidman wins, cheats ANGLE: Shane Douglas comes out to the ring with Marlena. He tells everyone they’re looking at the next OCW Intercontinental champion and his tournament begins tonight against “that fat sack of crap Rikishi.” OCW Intercontinental Championship Tournament Raven vs Sho Funaki – Raven wins ANGLE: Steve Austin comes to the ring and says that he knows William Regal is the man behind the hooded cloak that’s been skulking around his matches. He calls out Regal but instead Brian Christopher answers. He tells Stone Cold that everyone is tired of his ranting and that the mysterious hooded figure is in his head. Austin tells Christopher he will enjoy the opportunity to convince him otherwise as they square off in the ring tonight. OCW Intercontinental Championship Tournament Shane Douglas vs Rikishi – Rikishi wins ANGLE: Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage with D-Generation X. Triple H and X-Pac have a match tonight against Owen Hart and ‘The Anvil’ Jim Neidhart. Triple H tells Owen and Anvil to be ready and for Bret to keep his nose out. Steve Austin vs Brian Christopher – Austin wins with a Stone Cold Stunner but there was interference first from the mysterious cloaked figure and then, with the referee down and the cloaked figure distracting Austin, William Regal attacked Stone Cold from behind. Austin beats the three count and recovers enough to win with the Stunner. ANGLE: Jerry Lawler hits the ring and says that Mankind is not a wrestler, he’s a glorified stuntman. He then introduces a “real wrestler” and brings out Honky Tonk Man. Honky has his guitar and a microphone but as he’s about to start singing, Mankind’s music hits. Mankind heads to the ring and Lawler is insulting him repeating that he’s just a stuntman who “doesn’t know a wristlock from a wristwatch.” Mankind confronts Lawler but sees that Honky Tonk Man is preparing to swing his guitar at him from behind. Mankind turns from Lawler and catches Honky with a Mandible Claw. Lawler freezes as Mankind puts the Elvis wannabe to the mat. Triple H and X-Pac vs Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart – non-finish as both Bret Hart and Billy Gunn interfere and then fight at ringside. The match spills to the outside as the D-Generation X and Hart Foundation factions all brawl and the referee throws the match out. ANGLE: Referees are trying to restore order but the brawl continues. This brings out The Undertaker who goes after Owen Hart. Owen makes his escape though so Taker turns his attention to X-Pac. The Deadman goes for the Chokeslam but Triple H cuts him off and drills Taker with a Pedigree. The Hart Foundation retreat and DX beat down on The Undertaker.
  3. March 1998, Week 1 Shawn Michaels defeated Joey Matthews Brian Lee defeated Edge Road Dogg defeated Savio Vega The Faces Of Fear defeated Kanyon and Jim Duggan by DQ Kevin Nash defeated Nova Konnan defeated Fit Finlay by DQ Booker T defeated Kid Kash GWF Heavyweight: The Giant defeated Vader Ahmed Johnson defeated Shannon Moore Rocco Rock defeated Danny Doring Davey Boy Smith defeated James Storm Bam Bam Bigelow and Jacques Rougeau went to a no contest with The Disciple and Bob Holly
  4. Irvine, CA Week 1, March 1998 ANGLE: The show starts with a quick highlights package showing the results of the three title matches from Throwdown In Fresno. Rockers Express vs. Dudley Boyz - Bubba Ray pins Bobby Eaton after a 3D ANGLE: Marty Jannetty begins to berate Bobby Eaton for them losing again but is taken out by an Acid Drop from Spike Dudley. ANGLE: Sting is interviewed backstage about retaining the WRECK title. He says that next week he will offer out an open challenge again and will defend the title against any former world champion. WRE National Championship (WRENCH) Jushin Liger vs Justin Credible - Liger wins with a Liger Bomb ANGLE: The Rock is being interviewed backstage and says an injury and being distracted by Jabroni Jarrett wasn't the first impression he wanted to give in a new company, but he promises to get back on track by winning the three way #1 WRENCH contender match against Ken Shamrock and Eddie Guerrero next week. Eddie Guerrero and Ultimo Dragon vs. Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman - Blackman gets the win for his team pinning Ultimo after a Bicycle Kick ANGLE: The New Dangerous Alliance are in a locker room where Heyman is commending Diamond Model Inc for retaining the WRETCH titles. They are interrupted by 2 Lo and Kimberley Page who accuse Heyman of being the masked figure at Throwdown. Heyman denies it and says that there were several witnesses that can give him an alibi. He then tells them to get out before they make them get out as they're planning for a title match later on against The Hardy Boyz. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Jeff Jarrett - DDP wins after hitting Jarrett with a Diamond Cutter ANGLE: Al Snow is backstage talking to a mannequin head. It's mostly incoherent rambling but amongst it all you can hear him telling the head that he was raised by his mum and that's who taught him how to wrestle. WRE Tag Championship (WRETCH) Diamond Model Inc vs. Hardy Boyz - Diamond Model Inc retain with Diamond pinning Jeff (who was hit in the back with a chair by an interfering Lex Luger while Heyman distracted the ref)
  5. Des Moines, IO March 1998, Week 1 Juventud Guerrera and Super Crazy vs Lodi and Sick Boy – Sick Boy pins Crazy, intf from Luna ANGLE: Raven comes to the ring and welcomes Luna as the latest member of The Flock. He then announces that Saturn will be facing Mankind tonight in a hardcore match. Saturn looks ready. Hugh Morrus vs Scott Taylor – Morrus wins ANGLE: D-Generation X are backstage in their private lounge area and X-Pac is still furious that Owen Hart got the win over The Undertaker because of his botched chair shot. Triple H opens the door and invites in The Undertaker telling X-Pac that he has a match tonight alongside Taker against Bret and Owen. Undertaker does not look happy. When Billy Gunn questions why he isn’t tagging with X-Pac Taker wordlessly throws him over a couch. Rey Misterio Jr vs Jerry Lynn – Rey wins ANGLE: Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage and reveals that there will be a tournament to crown the first OCW Intercontinental Champion. The tournament is 8 men and the first match is scheduled tonight – William Regal vs Dean Malenko. The camera pans back to reveal Regal standing beside Mean Gene. Regal says that he will be bringing the Intercontinental title belt back to Blackpool with him... along with the various limbs he tears off Dean Malenko. OCW Intercontinental Championship Tournament Dean Malenko vs William Regal – Malenko wins, Austin intf hitting Regal with a Stone Cold Stunner. ANGLE: Sensational Sherri is backstage with Kronik. She looks delighted as she runs her nails across the OCW World Tag Team titles that hang from Adams and Clarke’s shoulders. They are interrupted by Kaientai who are enquiring about a title shot. They barely get their words out before Little Guido and Tracy Smothers of the Full Blooded Italians barge in. Kronik smile as the two smaller teams argue. It ends with Guido challenging TAKA Michinoku to a match next week on Outlaw TV. Hardcore match Mankind vs Saturn – Mankind wins, pinning Saturn after piledriving him through a table. During the match Jerry Lawler on commentary complained about the hardcore and claimed it wasn’t real wrestling. ANGLE: The Hart Foundation are backstage preparing for Bret and Owen’s match against The Undertaker and X-Pac. Owen is still wearing a cast on his arm and telling Bret he’s not fully healed yet. The Hitman ignores him and leaves the locker room. Bret Hart and Owen Hart vs The Undertaker and X-Pac – non-finish, Anvil’s interference brings out Triple H and Billy Gunn. DX and The Undertaker send the Hart Foundation packing. ANGLE: Post match DX are all back-slapping and high fiving but The Undertaker still looks furious. X-Pac goes for a high five but Taker chokeslams him. Billy runs at him but is sent flying over the top rope. Triple H faces down The Deadman and tells him to bring it. The two have a staredown but don’t come to blows.
  6. February 1998, Week 4 SCCW LIVE WIRE Kanyon defeated Disco Inferno by DQ The Sandman defeated Ron Killings Sid Vicious defeated Rhino Alex Wright, Savio Vega and Brian Lee defeated The Godwinns and Essa Rios Meanie & Shark Boy defeated Test and Taz Bart Gunn defeated Joey Matthews and Edge SCCW World Television: Steve Corino defeated Christian SCCW Continental: Jim Duggan defeated Val Venis Road Dogg defeated Buff Bagwell SCCW World Heavyweight: Ultimate Warrior defeated Meng GWF INVINCIBLE Vader defeated Prince Albert Scott Norton defeated Nova by DQ Shane Helms and Dan Severn defeated Tatanka and Goldberg The Steiner Brothers defeated Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks GWF Tag Team: Road Warriors defeated Booker T and Yokozuna Marc Mero defeated Vampiro GWF Junior Heavyweight: Psicosis defeated Kid Kash GWF Eastern: Konnan defeated Big Boss Man Kevin Nash defeated Sabu GWF Heavyweight: The Giant defeated Stevie Ray KOTM BIG BASH Doring & Roadkill defeated America’s Most Wanted by DQ Hollywood Hogan defeated Thrasher Davey Boy Smith defeated Barry Windham La Parka and Duke Droese defeated Brooklyn Brawler and Ray Lloyd Faarooq defeated Jeff Bearden Dave Taylor, Prince Iaukea and Rocco Rock defeated Chris Candido, Tommy Dreamer and Kaz Hayashi KOTM World Television: Norman Smiley defeated Barry Horowitz KOTM World Tag Team: Bob Holly and Ernest Miller defeated Harris Twins Brian Knobbs defeated The Disciple KOTM World Heavyweight: Randy Savage defeated The Patriot
  7. There's unique and then there's this craziness. Well done, this is special. Loving the humour and the effort you've gone to with the AI. I've done quite a bit of skimming but a lot stood out. Keep this going, you've got a real original on your hands. Favourite line: "Mike Posey looks like some kind of AI generated creature, but oddly enough, isn't." 😆😆
  8. Fresno, CA February 1998, Week 4 Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Rockers Express vs. Impact Players - Hardy Boyz win with Matt pinning Bobby Eaton after a Twist Of Fate ANGLE: After that match Marty Jannetty starts to berate Bobby Eaton for losing them the match but the two are separated before it gets physical ANGLE: Paul Heyman is interviewed backstage with the rest of the New Dangerous Alliance and asked about the decision to ban him from ringside for tonight's title matches. He is furious at the decision but says that his wrestlers are more than capable of getting the job done on their own but warns Dusty Rhodes that if he keeps interfering in their business then it wont go well for him, one way or another. The Rock vs. Jeff Jarrett - The Rock wins with a Rock Bottom despite Jarrett's trying to escape and get counted out a couple of times early on in the match ANGLE: Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero are warming up backstage where Chavo explains that he has got a match up later against Eddie Guerrero. He asks Jericho if he will back him up out there but Jericho says that he has more important stuff to deal with, namely his WRENCH title defense against Jushin Liger. WRE Tag Championship (WRETCH) - Paul Heyman banned from ringside Diamond Models Inc vs. 2 Lo - Diamond Models Inc retain with Martel pinning Scorpio with a fist full of tights after a distraction. Early in the match Curt Hennig comes out to corner Diamond Models Inc which leads to RVD coming out to corner 2 Lo however both are then ejected from ringside on the instruction of Dusty Rhodes. A masked figure dressed in black comes out towards the end of the bout and corners Page at ringside which leads to the distraction finish. ANGLE: Scorpio and D'Lo try to grab the mask of the shadowy figure but he escapes before they can get to him. Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero - Eddie wins with with a frog splash ANGLE: The PPV is suddenly interrupted by DDP who emerges out of the audience and grabs a mic. He says the last time we saw him was last month when he was attacked by Kane under instruction by Bobby Heenan. He then shows an image on the big screen of Kane getting surgery in hospital. Heenan is ranting furiously at the announce table while DDP tells him that Kane just found out what happens when you mess with the hardest material on earth, Diamonds. WRE National Championship (WRENCH) Chris Jericho vs. Jushin Thunder Liger - Liger wins with a Shooting Star Press to become the new champ ANGLE: Sting is interviewed backstage about his main event title match later. He says that if any shadowy figures want to try and get involved like they did in the tag title match earlier then he has a big surprise for them - the camera then pans down to reveal a baseball bat. Roddy Piper vs. Ken Shamrock - Shamrock wins with the ankle lock making Roddy Piper lose consciousness Near the end, with the ref down on the mat, DiBiase gets in the ring and tries to hit Piper but ends up getting put in a sleeper. This allows Shamrock the chance to attack Piper and lock in the ankle lock WRE Championship King (WRECK) - Paul Heyman is banned from ringside Sting vs. Lex Luger - Sting retains, pinning Luger after a Scorpion death drop
  9. Fort Smith, AR February 1998, Week 4 Rey Misterio Jr vs Lodi – Rey wins ANGLE: Regal is backstage with Tajiri and Mitchell. He accuses Tajiri of not putting up much of a fight against Austin. Stone Cold then enters the locker room and gets in Regal’s face. He tells him that tonight he’s going to find out who the OCW owner is because he’s going to beat the answer out of Regal. OCW World Cruiserweight Championship Juventud Guerrera vs Kidman – Kidman wins, intf from Sick Boy ANGLE: Gunn interrupts Raven’s in-ring promo on Malenko. Raven tells Saturn to deal with him. Billy Gunn vs Saturn – Saturn wins, intf from Lodi and Sick Boy ANGLE: Backstage Owen Hart is with Mean Gene Okerlund. Owen says he’s still injured (shows hand and forearm in a cast) but that he’s being made to wrestle. X-Pac then approaches Owen and tells him that he will be the special guest time keeper for Hart’s match against The Undertaker. Owen looks miserable. OCW World Tag Team Championship Kronik vs Too Much – Kronik win, Adams pins Christopher after a High Times. Dean Malenko vs Raven – Raven wins, cheats ANGLE: Out comes X-Pac but his music cuts abruptly and out comes William Regal. X-Pac is set to be the special guest time keeper for Undertaker vs Owen but Regal states that the OCW owner has denied X-Pac that right and ordered him from ringside. X-Pac looks ready to start problems but the rest of D-Generation X come out and convince him to leave with them. The Undertaker vs Owen Hart – Owen wins, X-Pac runs in and takes out Undertaker with a chair shot by accident, aiming for Owen ANGLE: Bret Hart promo on Mankind. “Mankind, this match represents everything you’ve worked for. This is the highest point of your career. For me, this is just another day at the office. And that’s why I’m the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.” Steve Austin vs William Regal – Austin wins OCW World Championship Bret Hart vs Mankind – Bret wins
  10. February 1998, Week 4 Val Venis defeated Rhino Boogie Knights defeated Meanie & Shark Boy Ultimate Warrior defeated Savio Vega and Henry Godwinn Sid Vicious defeated Shawn Michaels by count out GWF Eastern: Konnan defeated Dan Severn Vader defeated Kid Kash The Giant defeated Shane Helms Scott Steiner went to a no contest with Ric Flair Roadkill defeated Prince Iaukea Barry Windham defeated Danny Doring Don Harris went to a no contest with Chris Candido Faarooq and Ahmed Johnson defeated Scott Hall and Bam Bam Bigelow
  11. Long Beach, CA February 1998, Week 4 Rick Martel vs. D'Lo Brown - Martel wins with a roll up after D'Lo is distracted by Heyman threatening Page outside the ring ANGLE: Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman enter a locker room with Ted DiBiase a few steps behind on the phone in the corridor. Before he can follow them in to the room Roddy Piper runs in and jams the door closed with a lead pipe and then attacks DiBiase. As his two clients try to get the door open Piper tells Shamrock that he's going to find out that he messed with the wrong man when they face off at Throwdown In Fresno. Dudley Boyz vs. Rocker Express - The match ends in a double DQ as both teams brawl and ignore the referees attempt to take control ANGLE: As both teams continue to brawl the Impact Players (with Francine) come down to join in the brawl quickly followed by the Hardy Boyz (with Elizabeth). Multiple officials eventually break up the carnage as Mike Tenay informs the audience at home that he has got word that all 4 teams will face off at the PPV. ANGLE: Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero Jr are interviewed backstage discussing the fact they put Ultimo out of action for several weeks. Jericho then laughs and says he will be able to put his feet up in Fresno once they beat Eddie Guerrero and whatever last minute replacement he found later tonight. Rob Van Dam vs. Curt Hennig - Hennig wins with a Perfect Plex after Paul Heyman saved Hennig from being pinned earlier in the bout by putting his foot on the rope ANGLE: Lex Luger comes down to the ring as Heyman grabs the mic and begins to taunt Sting, telling him that his days with the WRECK title are numbered. Before he can carry on his speech some unfamiliar music hits and Dusty Rhodes comes out. Dusty tells Heyman that he was contacted by the WRE owner and put in temporary charge to try and get order back in place. Dusty's first order in charge is to ban Heyman from being at ringside for both the WRETCH and WRECK title matches at Throwdown In Fresno much to the great anger of the New Dangerous Alliance. Jeff Jarrett vs Al Snow - Al Snow wins via countout after The Rock returns mid match and chases Jarrett from the ring, backstage and into a car to make a hasty escape from the arena ANGLE: A backstage interviewer catches up to The Rock who says it's a good job for Jarrett's sake that he is better at running than he is at wrestling or he would be pulling the neck of a guitar out of his ass right about now. On Sunday though he might not be so lucky. ANGLE: Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero Jr wait in the ring to find out who the tag partner of Eddie Guerrero will be and it's revealed to be - Reveal Jushin 'Thunder' Liger!! Stipulation match If Jericho's team win, Eddie can no longer challenge for the WRENCH title. If Eddie's team wins, the wrestler that gets the winning fall challenges for the title at the PPV Chris Jericho & Chavo Guerrero vs. Eddie Guerrero & Jushin Liger - Eddie's team wins after Liger pins Chavo after a Liger Bomb
  12. Kearney, NE February 1998, Week 4 Kaientai vs Full Blooded Italians – Little Guido pins Sho Funaki ANGLE: The Hart Foundation are backstage with Owen now sporting a cast on his arm, a neck brace, a bandaged head and a pair of crutches. Owen hobbles forward and screams in pain with every step. Jim Neidhart looks genuinely concerned for his brother-in-law but Bret just rolls his eyes. Bret tells Owen that The Undertaker has challenged him to a match at Badlands and that it looks like whoever’s in charge has made it official. Owen says nothing but his lower lip begins to wobble. Bret: “And you’re tagging with me tonight against him and the number one contender, Mankind. Buckle up little brother.” Raven vs Mil Asimientos – Mil Asimientos wins by DQ, Saturn intf Raven struggles to keep up with the mystery luchador Mil Asimeintos until, in an odd moment, Asimientos’ mask comes off in Raven’s hand revealing Dean Malenko! Before the action could continue Saturn runs in and attacks Malenko in front of the referee to bring about the disqualification. Reveal ANGLE: Raven gets on the mic, mortified that he fell for the mystery luchadore disguise trick. He tells Malenko he’s got his match and then tells Saturn to finish the job on 'The Man of a Thousand Holds.' Saturn doesn’t get the chance however as out comes Billy Gunn! Gunn tells The Flock he’s ready for a fight right now. Raven stands Saturn down and tells Sick Boy to deal with Billy. Billy Gunn vs Sick Boy – Gunn wins ANGLE: Backstage Too Much find Sensational Sherri. They look furious but keep their distance. Kronik are not present but Christopher and Taylor know they could be close by. They demand a rematch for the OCW World Tag Team titles and Sherri is happy to agree. She smiles as they leave. No. 1 Contendership to the OCW World Cruiserweight Championship Rey Misterio vs Kidman – Kidman wins, intf from Lodi ANGLE: William Regal is out complaining that he was robbed of a chance to become the Number One Contender to the OCW World title. This brings out Steve Austin who accuses Regal of running from him. He challenges Regal but the Brit declines stating that he’ll only face Stone Cold if he can complete his challenge. Regal tells him he must beat Yoshihiro Tajiri within 3 minutes. Austin looks ready. Stipulation Match Steve Austin vs Yoshihiro Tajiri – Austin wins with a Stone Cold Stunner 10 seconds after the bell rings to start the match. Regal will have to face him at Badlands. ANGLE: Mankind is backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund and he has some words for The Hitman. “Bret, I mentioned your name as a mark of respect and you repaid that courtesy by driving my head into the cold, unyielding concrete. Tonight I stand alongside The Undertaker and face you and your brother but come Sunday, at Badlands, it will be just you and me. I will enjoy returning the favour and taking your World title.” Bret Hart and Owen Hart vs Mankind and The Undertaker – Undertaker pins Owen ANGLE: After the match Bret attacks Mankind from behind with a chair shot to the legs. Hart escapes and drags Owen out of the ring with him.
  13. Kane is injured with a torn rotator cuff after a botch from Rob Van Dam.
  14. February 1998, Week 3 The Faces of Fear defeated Meanie and Shark Boy Disco Inferno defeated Bart Gunn Road Dogg defeated Savio Vega Shawn Michaels defeated Brian Lee Sabu and Psicosis defeated Vampiro and Bradshaw Harlem Heat defeated The Steiner Brothers GWF Tag Team: Road Warriors defeated Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks Kevin Nash went to a no contest with Konnan Faarooq defeated Shannon Moore Scott Hall, The Godfather and Randy Savage defeated Kaz Hayashi, Chris Candido and Tommy Dreamer Ahmed Johnson defeated James Storm Bam Bam Bigelow defeated The Disciple
  15. This is a great idea. I would be interested in seeing what DAVE items would be made. ❤️
  16. Had a lot of fun with this one. What if Dana White has a worked shoot company? Yeah, it's a pretty obvious one.
  17. Irvine, CA February 1998, Week 3 Rockers Express vs. Impact Players - Jannetty pins Justin Credible with a roll up ANGLE: Sting is being interviewed backstage and talks about his open challenge win from the week earlier, where he defeated Terry Funk. He promises to keep the open challenges going once he beats Lex Luger again at Throwdown In Fresno. Just as he finishes up the interview Terry Funk walks by and the two share a handshake again and Sting asks Funker if he fancies tagging with him later tonight. Kane vs. Rob Van Dam - Kane wins with a chokeslam ANGLE: After the match Bobby Heenan tells Kane to continue to attack RVD but Van Dam manages to escape up the ramp before taking any more damage ANGLE: Roddy Piper is interview backstage where he says that Ken Shamrock and Ted DiBiase got what they deserved last week and that was just the start. He is then informed by a backstage official that he has got a surprise tag match against Shamrock and Blackman up next. Piper grabs a bemused looking Al Snow and tell him to look sharp because he needs a partner. Roddy Piper & Al Snow vs. Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman - Shamrock and Blackman win via DQ when Piper grabs a chair from ringside and hits Shamrock with it while he has Snow in an ankle lock. ANGLE: Ultimo Dragon is warming up backstage for his tag match later in the evening against Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero. He is ambushed by them both and left needing obvious medical attention before Eddie Guerrero can get there to rescue his partner. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Simon Diamond - 2 Cold Scorpio wins with a 450 splash ANGLE: Eddie Guerrero is interviewed backstage where he is furious and explains that Ultimo has been taken away by ambulance. He tells Jericho and Chavo that their plan has backfired and he has got authority to push the tag match back to next week. More than that, given their actions there is a stipulation added for next week - if Eddie's team loses then yes, he can't challenge Jericho for the WRE National Championship again, but, if Eddie's team wins, whoever scores the fall challenges for the belt at Throwdown In Fresno. Sting & Terry Funk vs. Lex Luger & Curt Hennig - Luger and Hennig win with Luger submitting Terry Funk in the torture rack after Heyman had hit Sting with a low blow behind the ref’s back ANGLE: Luger and Hennig mockingly pretend to shake hands with Funk after the match but then Heyman low blows him too.
  18. Dallas, TX February 1998, Week 3 Jerry Lynn vs Little Guido – Lynn wins ANGLE: William Regal is in the ring and says that the OCW owner wishes to remain anonymous but has asked him to deliver some important news. To determine the number one contender for the OCW World Championship, paper slips were placed into a tombola and the winning name drawn was his. Regal looks very pleased with himself until out comes Vince McMahon. McMahon reveals that he also spoke with the OCW owner and that they chuckled at Regal’s tombola trick as, after he’d left, when they examined the slips of paper… every single one said “William Regal.” McMahon continued - “The OCW owner and I share similar business interests and we’ve had several positive discussions about growing the Outlaw Championship Wrestling brand. And what better way to do that than bringing in a McMahon? Tonight William there will be a real contest to determine the number one contender to the World title – a fifteen man, over the top rope battle royal. Sadly for you, due to your attempted subterfuge, you will not be participating.” Regal’s face contorts into a grimace. Super Crazy vs Lizmark Jr – Crazy wins ANGLE: Too Much are out in the ring and call for Sensational Sherri telling her that they’re ready for their surprise. Sherri comes to the ring and the World Tag Team champions are grinning like idiots. Sherri takes the mic - “This is a surprise for you both. It’s a big surprise and I’m sure you’ll agree it’s worth the wait. Oh… silly me… I need a signature to release it.” Sherri is purring as Christopher and Taylor fight over the pen to get the sheet signed. “Thank you, boys. Now close your eyes.” There is a loud pop from the crowd and Too Much’s grins go up another level. Christopher is licking his lips but stops as a hand lands heavily on his shoulder. Similarly someone has grabbed Taylor from behind as well. The champs turn into the mean faces of Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke, collectively known as Kronik. Sherri smiles like a cat as she holds the signed contract for the title shot. OCW World Tag Team Championship Too Much vs Kronik – Kronik win when Clarke pins Christopher after a High Times in a squash. ANGLE: The Flock are backstage. Raven is unhappy that Lodi and Sick Boy lost last week to Dean Malenko and Jerry Lynn. He complains that he’s tired of Malenko chasing him for a match. Saturn says that Raven doesn’t take a lot of matches and asks why he doesn’t just face Malenko. Raven strikes him across the face. “Never question me!” There’s a knock on the door and Luna Vachon is standing there waiting for Raven. “I’m going. There’s a roster chart somewhere. Find me a name on there for a match next week. Not Malenko.” Saturn, his jaw a little sore, traces the words with his finger and settles on a name he’s not seen before. Mil Asimientos. He draws a circle round it and sends Lodi and Sick Boy to give the chart to an agent. He seems certain his boss will commend him on a job well done. ANGLE: Owen Hart is backstage with Gene Okerlund and is running his mouth yet again about The Undertaker. Owen repeats that he could have beaten Taker and shown his big brother Bret who the real boss in the family is. Owen stops as he realises Mean Gene is looking past him, over his shoulder. Hart turns and is face to face with The Deadman. He drops to his knees and begs for mercy. Taker pauses and Owen, seeing his chance, throws a left... but Taker is ready. He catches Owen’s arm and squeezes. Owen lets out a high pitched scream, shrieking that The Undertaker has broken his arm. Hugh Morrus vs Kidman – Kidman wins ANGLE: Bret and Anvil are helping Owen to a waiting ambulance. Bret seems irritated but Anvil is seriously concerned about Owen. A doctor in scrubs and a face mask helps Owen onto the ambulance and shuts him in. He goes to drive off and rips the off mask to reveal himself as X-Pac! Anvil goes nuts but Bret is struggling to contain a laugh. 15 Man Battle Royal – for the No.1 Contendership for the OCW World Championship Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Mankind, Triple H, Billy Gunn, Raven, Saturn, Shane Douglas, Brian Adams, Bryan Clarke, Rikishi, Rey Misterio, TAKA Michinoku, Tracy Smothers and Yoshihiro Tajiri – Austin and Triple H work together in an alliance but turn and eliminate each other. The Undertaker has the most eliminations and stays until the end... before being eliminated by Mankind. Mankind is the new No.1 Contendership for the OCW World Championship. ANGLE: The ambulance tears into the parking lot and skids round with the back doors flying open and a battered and bruised Owen rolling out onto the concrete. Owen moans and cries out for Bret.
  19. February 1998, Week 2 Test and Val Venis defeated The Blue Meanie and Shark Boy Boogie Knights defeated Edge and Christian The Faces Of Fear defeated The Godwinns by DQ SCCW World Heavyweight: Ultimate Warrior defeated Buff Bagwell, Brian Lee and Kanyon GWF Junior Heavyweight: Psicosis defeated Shane Helms Road Warriors defeated Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks GWF Eastern: Konnan defeated Vampiro Ric Flair and Vader defeated The Steiner Brothers by DQ Bob Holly and Ernest Miller defeated America’s Most Wanted The Disciple, Danny Doring and Roadkill defeated Pat Tanaka and Harris Twins Barry Windham, Viscera and Jacques Rougeau defeated Tommy Dreamer,Kaz Hayashi and Chris Candido The Godfather defeated Hollywood Hogan
  20. If you see this and think it's a WCW rip-off... then you're absolutely right! It's for a current game where a rudderless, wandering Eric Bischoff suddenly gets a moment of clarity. 😀
  21. Santa Clara, CA February 1998, Week 2 ANGLE: Sting is out first as our commentary reminds us that last week he offered up an open challenge to defend his belt against any former world champion. The invitation was taken up by Terry Funk. WRE Championship King (WRECK) Sting vs. Terry Funk - Sting wins, making Funk tap to the Scorpion Deathlock ANGLE: After the match Sting offers a handshake to The Funker which after some consideration he accepts. ANGLE: 2 Lo, Rob Van Dam and Kimberly Page are being interviewed backstage about their victory in the main event last week. D'Lo says that winning the battle is sweet but that winning the war - and the WRETCH belts that Curt Hennig screwed them out of - is their focus now. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz - Hardys win with Jeff pinning D'Von after a Swanton Bomb ANGLE: Chris Jericho is backstage with Chavo Guerrero talking about their attack on Eddie Guerrero and Ultimo Dragon next week. Jericho says that he is already sick of the sight of Eddie and that's why he has an alliance with his more talented family member. He challenged them to a tag match next week with a stipulation - if Jericho and Chavo win then neither Eddie or Ultimo can challenge for the WRENCH belt as long as he is champ. Jeff Jarrett vs. Bobby Eaton - Jarrett wins with the Stroke ANGLE: Jarrett grabs the mic after the match and cuts a promo on The Rock telling him that he has already sent family members and friends running away from WRE and now it's clear that The Rock is scared to take him on. ANGLE: The New Dangerous Alliance are backstage with Paul Heyman just finishing up a phone call. He tells Luger that he has just got word that DDP is not medically cleared to wrestle still so that the #1 contender match tonight will be 1 on 1 against Ken Shamrock. Luger doesn't look overly pleased but Heyman says that he has a plan. Curt Hennig vs. Al Snow - Curt Hennig wins a Perfect Plex ANGLE: The Dudley Boyz are walking backstage clearly still frustrated at their loss earlier in the evening. They take our their anger by ambushing the Rocker Express who have their backs turned, distracted by Spike Dudley. WRECK #1 Contender Match - with Sting on commentary Lex Luger vs. Ken Shamrock - Luger wins after Shamrock is hit by a lead pipe shot from Roddy Piper Towards the end of the match Heyman distracts DiBiase and the referee while Curt Hennig crawls out from under the ring (having hid there after his last match) and attempts to hand Luger a steel chair. He is stopped though by Sting who leaves the announce table and wrestles the chair from Hennig’s grip. The mass confusion allows Roddy Piper to jump to ringside from the crowd and clock Shamrock with a lead pipe, giving Luger the victory.
  22. Lincoln, NE February 1998, Week 2 OCW World Tag Team Championship Too Much vs Super Crazy and Lizmark Jr – Taylor pins Lizmark after an illegal double team behind the ref’s back. ANGLE: Mean Gene Okerlund is attempting to interview The Flock but Raven is in a foul mood. Gene asks him if he’s aware that Dean Malenko and Jerry Lynn have challenged him and Saturn to a match. “Malenko isn’t worthy to sit at my table. He can lie with the dogs and beg for scraps. Have Lodi and Sick Boy toss him a bone.” Billy Gunn vs Little Guido – Gunn wins ANGLE: The Hart Foundation are backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund and Owen repeats his claim that he could’ve beaten The Undertaker in the OCW World Championship Tournament if he wasn’t injured. Just then Owen spots Taker striding down the hall and he begins limping at speed away from the Deadman. “I’m still injured! I’m still injured!” Dean Malenko and Jerry Lynn vs Lodi and Sick Boy – Malenko pins Sick Boy ANGLE: Too Much, the OCW World Tag Team Champions, are in the men’s locker room goofing around and being loud and obnoxious. In walks Sensational Sherri. They try and protest that she shouldn’t be here but she silences them with one raised finger. She tells them she has a surprise for them both… but they’ll have to wait until next week. Taylor gulps and Christopher, with a goofy grin on his face, confesses he might be in love. OCW World Cruiserweight Championship Juventud Guerrera vs Super Calo – Juventud wins ANGLE: Shane Douglas is in the ring when he introduces Marlena as his new manager. Douglas looks pleased but it’s short lived as glass shatters and out comes ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. Austin asks Douglas what’s going on. He asks him who’s in charge. He then asks him where William Regal is. Douglas is unable to answer any of the questions so Austin hits him with a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin calls for a beer and then another. He drinks one and pours the other over Marlena. As Stone Cold is leaving Douglas barks at him that he’ll see him in the ring tonight. Jim Neidhart vs Hugh Morrus – Neidhart wins, intf from Owen ANGLE: X-Pac comes on the OutlawTron and cuts a promo on Owen Hart. He tells Owen that he’s not been cleared to wrestle yet but next time he sees him he’s going to ram that crutch up his ***. Owen looks stunned and a little afraid. Steve Austin vs Shane Douglas – Austin wins
  23. WRE have fired Jake Roberts after he wrestled drunk and wasted on drugs.
  24. February 1998, Week 1 SCCW World Television: Steve Corino defeated Blue Meanie SCCW World Tag Team: Test and Val Venis defeated Edge and Christian SCCW Continental: Jim Duggan defeated Savio Vega SCCW World Heavyweight: Ultimate Warrior defeated Sid Vicious and Meng Yokozuna defeated Psicosis Kevin Nash defeated Goldberg Vader defeated Nova Ric Flair went to a no contest with The Giant Ernest Miller, Norman Smiley and Duke Droese defeated Ray Lloyd, Johnny Grunge and Prince Iaukea Rocco Rock defeated Kaz Hayashi La Parka defeated Shannon Moore Barry Windham and Jacques Rougeau defeated Davey Boy Smith and The Patriot
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