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Bigelow Cartwheel

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Posts posted by Bigelow Cartwheel

  1. On 8/17/2023 at 7:17 AM, Steerpike said:

    In relation to how I have noticed that prediction contests are a staple of this forum; how do people feel about prediction contest prizes?

    I was thinking of maybe giving out small prizes for prediction contest winners in my WCW gig (like, "Out of this selection you get to choose which worker I sign" or "Out of this group, you get to decide who I try and push", something like that) and such, or is that frowned upon?

    I’ve found it can be a way that people can feel engaged and want to stick with a diary more. Conversely I’ve offered prizes in the past where members have, graciously, declined stating that they want to keep the diary solely in the writer’s plans.

    Its all good.

    • Like 4
  2. image.png

    Monday Week 2.  February 1998.

    Washington, DC.


    Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring by himself. He is sombre and not his usual playful, disrespectful self.


    Shawn Michaels: “This belt that I treasure above all things has put a target on my back. Everyone in the back and everyone in the office is gunning for the Heartbreak Kid. And it doesn’t matter if it’s Steve Austin cheating at the Royal Rumble or Ol’ Vinnie Mac pulling out the surprise title challengers I know when the sights are locked on yours truly. I’ve given this a lot of thought and I can’t do this any more. In this business you learn quickly who your friends are and I’ve decided this isn’t the road for HBK to walk down any longer.”


    Out comes Mr McMahon who looks shocked. He gets to the ring and asks the champion what this all means.


    Shawn Michaels: “It means, Vincent, that I have a decision to make… and it’s one I don’t think you’re going to like. It’s one I don’t think anyone’s going to like. If people want to keep taking aim at the Heartbreak Kid, well…


    Mr McMahon: “Well??”


    Shawn Michaels: “Well… I guess I’m gonna need some backup.”


    The D-Generation X theme hits and out comes Triple H and Chyna… followed by the New Age Outlaws, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn!


    Shawn Michaels: “The time has come for D-Generation X to take over and we’re gonna run through anyone who stands in our way.”


    Billy Gunn: “… and if you’re not down with that we’ve got two words for ya!”


    DX: “SUCK IT!”


    No.1 Contendership for the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

    Brian Christopher vs TAKA Michinoku vs Aguila vs Sho Funaki – TAKA pins Aguila


    The New Blackjacks are sitting in a local bar when they’re approached by Los Boricuas. Savio Vega tells them he saw them in the bar fight in Austin last week and that they never had any real competition. Before the Blackjacks can respond Miguel Perez Jr attacks from the side and bottles Blackjack Windham. It’s three on two and Los Boricuas beat the Blackjacks down.


    Savio Vega: “If you ever think you know how to fight, give us a call, huh?”


    Bob Holly and Bart Gunn vs Edge and Christian (w/Gangrel) – Edge pins Gunn


    Bob Holly and Bart Gunn argue each blaming the other for their recent losses. Holly leaves the ring shaking his head. Gunn follows him round to the announce desk and without warning Holly picks him up and slams him through the table!


    Bob Holly: “I have had it with you! You and this losing streak!"


    Michael Cole is backstage with Ivory, Droz and Prince Albert. He states that Ivory has offered up an open challenge. Droz and Albert rub their hands and crack their knuckles looking very intimidating. The lights flicker and shut off as the locker room is plunged into darkness. Seconds later they’re back on and standing next to Cole is The Brood. Gangrel with blood running down his chin leans in to Ivory.


    Gangrel: “We accept.”


    D’Lo Brown and Kama Mustafa (w/ Faarooq) vs Headbangers – D’Lo pins Thrasher as The Rock joins Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler on commentary.


    The Rock: “The Rock knows a roody-poo candy ass when he sees one and right now he’s looking at two of them dressed in skirts.”


    Chainz, Skull and 8-Ball of the Disciples Of Apocalypse then come out and challenge the Nation of Domination to a Six Man Tag at No Way Out. Chainz adds that the losing faction must disband. Faarooq is nodding his head seemingly accepting their proposal.


    Jim Ross: “Faarooq will have a decision to make on which three men of his stable to put forward against the DOA.”


    The Rock: “Jim Ross, you know that The Rock is the name on everybody’s lips. There is no way in the blue hell that The Rock will be sitting out this one.”


    Goldust vs Val Venis (w/ Sable) – Goldust wins


    Undertaker comes down and chases Goldust. Goldust runs all the way to the back and into a waiting limo. Gold obviously. Undertaker is furious. Mr McMahon happens to be walking past on his way to catering when Undertaker steps in front of him.


    The Undertaker: “I want Goldust at No Way Out! There will be no escape. He will Rest In Peace.”


    Vince’s eyes bulge for a second then light up as a smile forms.


    Mr McMahon: “The Undertaker, the Phenom of the WWF versus ‘The Bizarre One’ Goldust… inside a steel cage! On pay-per-view there will be… No… Way... Out. I like it. You’ve got yourself a match, pal!”


    Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) vs Scott Taylor – Kane wins


    On the urging of Paul Bearer Kane stops walking back down the aisle and returns to the ring to Chokeslam Scott Taylor again.


    Jim Ross: “Bah gawd! Paul Bearer is evil incarnate!”


    Vader and Mankind vs Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) – Vader and Mankind win by count out


    Vader challenges Jarrett to a match at No Way Out and Mankind follows up by challenging Owen. Jim Cornette rushes his charges to the back.


    Triple H and New Age Outlaws (w/ Chyna) vs Ken Shamrock and Legion Of Doom (w/ Sunny) – In a wild brawl Triple H pins Hawk after a low blow.


    Steve Austin comes out and challenges DX to a 4 vs 4 tag match at No Way Out. Shawn Michaels comes down and starts running his mouth but backs off a little when Stone Cold looks ready to start fighting. Mr McMahon comes down to the ring and gets between the two sides. McMahon begins to speak but Austin has clearly had enough and shoves McMahon into Triple H and hits HBK with a Stunner. The brawl ignites as all 8 men go at it with DX sent scurrying from the ring as fast as it began. Vince grabs a mic.


    Mr McMahon: “Austin! Austin, you got your match! You, Shamrock and the Legion of Doom taking on DX at No Way Out. But Austin, it’s not going to go all your own way. I’m making myself the special guest referee!”


    • Like 3
  3. FALL BRAWL '95: WarGames

    Cobra vs. Sgt. Craig Pittman

    WCW World Television Championship
    Diamond Dallas Page vs. The Renegade

    Alex Wright vs. The Maniac

    WCW World Tag Team Championship
    Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater vs. Harlem Heat

    WCW United States Heavyweight #1 Contenders Match
    Brian Pillman vs. Johnny B. Badd

    Arn Anderson vs. Ric Flair

    The Dungeon of Doom (Kamala, Meng, The Shark and The Zodiac) vs. The Hulkamania Alliance (Lex Luger, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Sting)

    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, 619 said:

    I really enjoyed the TAKA-Blackjacks stuff. It felt like a perfect fit for an Attitude Era Raw to have something giving some undercard guys more personality and shine that ran throughout the show. Meanwhile, you managed to keep all your money-making stories hot too.

    Thanks for your comments. WWF had a really fun undercard at this time and it’s easy to make up mad stuff (if a little corny). 😂

    • Like 3
  5. image.png

    Monday Week 1.  February 1998.

    Austin, TX.


    Mr McMahon opens the show in ring and states that tonight there will be a WWF Championship title defence. Out comes ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.


    Steve Austin: “So Vince, guess you just couldn’t wait until Wrestlemania, huh? Had to get the match done sooner. Hell, let’s bring the champ out right now and get this ass-kicking going.”


    McMahon smiles and corrects ‘Stone Cold’ stating that the plans for Wrestlemania have not changed and there won’t be a title shot for “Mr Austin” tonight. This brings out D-Generation X with Michaels accusing McMahon of making him take a title defence with no notice. McMahon tells DX he’s still not happy with them and introduces Michaels’ challenger… Ken Shamrock!


    Jim Ross: “Shawn Michaels is furious. Mr McMahon clearly feels some retribution for DX is in order and the champion now has to go up against ‘The World’s Most Dangerous Man.’”


    Val Venis (w/ Sable) vs Miguel Perez Jr – Venis wins after a Money Shot.


    TAKA Michinoku is sat in catering enjoying a coffee when two hands slap down on his shoulders and pull him upright from his seat. It’s the New Blackjacks and they tell TAKA that since they’re in Austin they’re going to take him out to give him a taste of Texas. TAKA looks entirely bewildered. They drag a confused TAKA out of catering backwards by his shirt. No one raises an eye.


    Bart Gunn vs Savio Vega – Savio wins due to botched interference from Bob Holly. Holly tries to attack Vega from the Irish whip but Savio reverses it and Gunn and Holly collide. Savio hits the spinning wheel kick to put Bart down.


    Michael Cole is a lot of things but he’s also persistent. He tries yet again to get a proper interview from the Nation Of Domination in their locker room. There’s a lot of shouting going on inside and as Cole creaks the door open it is slammed in his face. No interview today.


    WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

    Flash Funk (c) vs Scott Taylor – Flash wins with a Scorpio Splash


    The New Blackjacks have brought along a camera crew as they’re in a ‘Genuine Cowboy Outfitters’ to get TAKA fitted with a stetson, boots and chaps. Each hat Michinoku tries is bigger than the last and sits over his eyes. He staggers around in oversized chaps as the Blackjacks laugh at how ridiculous the scene is.


    Steve Blackman vs The Sultan – Blackman wins by choke submission


    Next up is Marlena and the house lights are down as the ring is illuminated by an old time film set spotlight up on a stand inside the ring. Think golden age of cinema. There are two director chairs in the centre and Marlena announces that this is the start of a weekly segment called ‘The Curtain Call.’ Goldust is to be the host but he’s nowhere to be seen.


    Marlena: “Let me introduce to you, our guest on the first ever Curtain Call… The Undertaker.”


    Taker comes out through the gloom and eventually takes a seat in one of the chairs. It’s clear Goldust isn’t arriving any time soon and Marlena attempts to stall with some half hearted questions that Undertaker has little time for. The house lights have dropped right down now and the only light is the spotlight on Undertaker. The Phenom finally gets up to leave but a figure dressed all in black, hidden in the darkness, grabs the spotlight and drives it into Undertaker’s head. Taker goes down and he’s cut open. The figure quickly leads Marlena and exits the ring as we see the balaclava removed to reveal Goldust. The camera pans back to Undertaker but only briefly as he’s bleeding pretty bad.


    Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) vs Chainz – Kane no sells a Chokeslam to hit a Chokeslam of his own for the win.


    The New Blackjacks and TAKA Michinoku have found a bar in Austin. Rather stereotypically it has swinging saloon doors. There are countless empty beer bottles on the bar top by the Blackjacks but TAKA appears to still be cradling his first one and not doing all that well with it. There’s laughter and back-slapping until the saloon doors are kicked open and Droz and Prince Albert are standing there. They call out the Blackjacks and tell them they’re here to drink but first they have to “take out the trash.” The Blackjacks get off their stools as Kurggan walks in and rips the saloon doors off. A huge brawl ensues with the New Blackjacks victorious and carrying a queasy looking TAKA off on their shoulders.


    Billy Gunn vs Ahmed Johnson – Billy wins with a Fameasser


    Backstage Steve Austin goes into Ken Shamrock’s dressing room. He tells Shamrock that he knows he can win tonight but that DX are going to gang up on him. Ken says he knows he’s outnumbered but that nothing will stop him tonight and he’ll see Austin at Wrestlemania. Stone Cold nods and leaves the challenger to prepare for his match.


    Owen Hart vs Vader – Owen wins after Jeff Jarrett interferes.


    Jarrett begins kicking Vader while he’s down and Owen joins in. Jim Cornette joins and shouts abuse at Vader. Jarrett reaches for his guitar but out comes Mankind to make the save.


    Jim Ross: “Mankind is out and sends Cornette and company running!”


    WWF Championship

    Shawn Michaels (w/Chyna) vs Ken Shamrock – Michaels wins after interference from Triple H and Chyna.


    Michaels and Triple H beat down on Shamrock. A Sweet Chin Music puts Shamrock down and Triple H follows up with a Pedigree. This brings out Steve Austin who hits Hunter with a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin attempts to grab Michaels but HBK bails just in time.


    Jim Ross: “Once again Austin tries to get his hands on Michaels but the champ is just too quick. Austin knows HBK will have nowhere to run at Wrestlemania!”


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  6. 40 minutes ago, 619 said:

    Ah, apologies for the clumsy sped-up comment in that case. I think it can be an advantage to have not followed an era too closely though as it gives you more freedom to execute your own vision, rather than letting historical minutiae handcuff you.

    No apologies, no clumsiness. :)

    Really happy to have readers.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, 619 said:

    I just read through everything posted so far and am really enjoying what you're doing with this era. The things you've sped up compared to real life like McMahon's match-making, Austin-DX interacting and Undertaker-Kane's first match make sense as it's quite tricky to take over at Survivor Series with most of the Mania plans set and not just mimic real life, but you've found a way to give each feud a different flavour.

    Austin winning from No1 but in a disputed fashion was an unexpected twist, and I guess might feed into the build-up given HBK's history running through the whole field. The other thing that's working really well and fits the era is the undercard feeling so alive with fun and unique angles like a TAKA-Honky fued or the Goldust-Marlena reunion.

    I also like that AI WCW are doing the real version proud by botching Bret Hart, having him draw with Raven on his PPV debut and then not fight at the next one.

    Wow.  You read the whole thing.  Thank you.

    Confession:  I wasn't watching during the Attitude Era so what you so kindly put as "sped up" is me ham-fisting my way through the bits that I know.  Your words are definitely appreciated though.

    I need to [REDACTED].  That is nailed down.  I don't think that can be messed with.  Where it goes from there though...

    I loved your comment about Bret.  We could have this game play a hundred times over and they'd never do him right.  It's a genuine shame I won't be able to bring him back in this game.  Imagine an elder statesman Hitman returning to compete.  

    Again thank you for your comments.  Much appreciated.

    • Like 2
  8. 13 minutes ago, Mattywood said:

    Tito Santana & Virgil were put together when after their match against IRS & Repo Man (Repo Tax)  on Monday Night Raw, it was discovered they had Great chemistry teaming together. So I figured I would run with it. Plus, it adds depth to the tag team division. As for the other question... we'll just see what happens as the diary unfolds.

    Big Tito fan and I’ve nothing against Virgil. Can see it working as a good underdog team.

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  9. image.png

    Monday Week 4.  January 1998.

    Newark, NJ.


    Mr McMahon opens and states that he is still unhappy that ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin is going to Wrestlemania. McMahon states he is going to make it his mission to see that Austin is out of the picture. Out comes Shawn Michaels - with Triple H and Chyna - who tells Vince he can take Austin. McMahon seems unimpressed but HBK tells him you’re going to have to learn to trust him.


    Shawn Michaels: “Boss man, you know that HBK don’t lay down for anyone. Not Bret, not Taker and not for ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Ass… tin. Me and Hunter – and Chyna - this is our time. You’ve gotta learn to trust us… and then you’re gonna learn to love us.”


    Headbangers vs Bob Holly and Bart Gunn – Mosh pins Bart


    Major argument between Bob and Bart as Bob blames his partner for all their recent losses.


    WWF World Tag Team Championship

    Legion Of Doom (w/ Sunny) vs Godwinns – Animal pins Phineas


    The Rock tells Faarooq that he proved his loyalty last week, that he’s always been loyal to the Nation. Faarooq tells him that it’s just one match and that he needs to be fighting alongside his brothers every week. The Rock says he will fight anyone, anywhere, anytime. “Good,” Faarooq tells him, “because I’ve got you a match tonight. Bring your Intercontinental championship.” Faarooq leaves the room without telling Rocky who his opponent will be.


    Val Venis (w/ Sable) vs Savio Vega – Venis wins by count out


    The Rock is in the ring ready for his Intercontinental title defence when out comes Faarooq. He announces The Rock’s opponent… D’Lo Brown!


    WWF Intercontinental Championship

    IC: The Rock vs D’Lo Brown (w/ Faarooq) – The Rock wins after three Rock Bottoms. D’Lo was clearly done after the first but Rocky wanted to make a point.


    Jerry Lawler: “Did you see that last Rock Bottom, JR? The Rock’s eyes never left Faarooq.”


    Backstage Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett cut a promo on Vader and Steve Blackman. Jim Cornette also has some choice words for Vader.


    Elsewhere, Michael Cole attempts to interview Stone Cold Steve Austin. Austin is sat minding his own business and Cole asks him what he thinks of Mr McMahon’s mission to stop him from appearing at Wrestlemania “at all costs.” Austin laughs at Cole and walks away without a word.


    Mankind vs Faarooq – Mankind wins after botched intf from The Rock


    Faarooq is furious and gets in Rock’s face. The two look like they are about to come to blows but D’Lo and Kama rush to the ring and separate the two.


    Vader and Blackman vs Owen and Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) – Jarrett pins Vader after Cornette distracts him and Owen nails the enziguri.


    Backstage Goldust is purring as Marlena whispers into the camera all the terrible things that will happen to The Undertaker and Ken Shamrock in just a few moments. Kane looms out of the shadows and Paul Bearer cries, “Ohhhhh yeeeesssss!”


    The Undertaker and Shamrock vs Goldust (w/ Marlena) and Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) – Undertaker and Shamrock win by count out.


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  10. image.jpeg

    Sunday Week 3.  January 1998.

    East Rutherford, NJ.


    La Parka defeated Lodi

    Glacier defeated Evan Karagias

    Kidman defeated Louie Spicolli

    Ultimo Dragon defeated Hammer

    Fit Finlay defeated Johnny Grunge

    Eddie Guerrero defeated Dean Malenko by DQ

    World Television: Saturn (c) defeated Goldberg

    United States: Curt Hennig (c) defeated Rocco Rock

    Scott Hall defeated Sid Vicious

    World Heavyweight: Hollywood Hogan (c) defeated Kevin Nash

  11. image.png

    Monday Week 3.  January 1998.

    Boston, MA.


    Mr McMahon is out and he is furious with Triple H. He calls out D-Generation X and demands that they come to the ring and explain themselves. DX arrive and McMahon wastes no time tearing into Triple H.


    Mr McMahon: “I gave you every opportunity to win the Royal Rumble. I stole the match from Austin, I guaranteed you the number 30 draw and this is how you repay me?? Austin is on his way to Wrestlemania thanks to you. Well tonight it’s no more Mr Nice Guy. Triple H you will be defending your European title in a Four Corners match against Ahmed Johnson, Ken Shamrock and D’Lo Brown. Now get out of my sight.”


    Hunter looks angry but Michaels looks to calm him down before he does something he’ll regret. Chyna is her usual expressionless self.


    Blackjack Windham vs Jose Estrada Jr – Windham wins


    Honky Tonk Man is backstage with Michael Hayes. He says he’s had enough of TAKA Michinoku and tonight he’s going to crush him once and for all.


    Honky Tonk Man vs TAKA Michinoku – TAKA wins with a top rope flying knee. Honky Tonk Man is beside himself. He storms off out of the ring and to the back while TAKA celebrates the win.


    Jim Ross: “There you have it, folks. Elvis has left the building.”


    Backstage in the Nation Of Domination locker room Faarooq and The Rock are arguing. Faarooq accuses The Rock of only being in this group for his own needs and that he failed to get the job done at the Royal Rumble. He is still furious that The Rock eliminated him from the Rumble, though Rock denies it. Faarooq continues but The Rock fires back that the Nation is a dead weight and only holding him back. Kama Mustafa attempts to step in as peacemaker but the two aren’t finished arguing. A knock on the door sees Michael Cole tell the Nation they have a six man tag match tonight against the Disciples Of Apocalypse. The Rock tells Faarooq to deal with it and goes to leave. Faarooq pulls Rocky back.


    Faarooq: “One way or the other you’re fighting tonight. You either stand with us against the DOA… or the three of us kick your ass in the locker room right now.”


    Faarooq looks over at Michael Cole and the cameraman and shoves both out of the locker room, slamming the door.


    Godwinns vs Bob Holly and Bart Gunn – Henry pins Bart


    Holly argues with Gunn after another loss.


    New Age Outlaws vs Headbangers – Billy pins Thrasher


    Mankind is backstage and cuts a promo on Marc Mero. He promises ‘Wildman’ a world of hurt.


    Six Man Tag

    Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, The Rock and Kama Mustafa) vs Disciples Of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull and 8-Ball) – in a wild brawl The Rock pins Skull after a Rock Bottom.


    In some dark area backstage Paul Bearer tells The Undertaker that this is all far from over and that Kane will never rest in peace. The Big Red Machine looms in the shadows behind him.


    Mankind vs Marc Mero – Mankind wins


    Stone Cold is backstage with the Legion Of Doom. They have a match tonight against Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett and Goldust. Austin tells LOD they’re going to go out and stomp a mudhole in all three and shove Jim Cornette’s tennis racket up his ass. Hawk starts growling…


    Hawk: “What a rush!”


    WWF European Championship

    Triple H vs Ken Shamrock vs Ahmed Johnson vs D’Lo Brown – Triple H can’t prevent Shamrock submitting D’Lo with the ankle lock. ‘The World’s Most Dangerous Man’ is the new European champion.


    ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and Legion of Doom (w/ Sunny) vs Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) and Goldust (w/ Marlena) – in an all action brawl Austin pins Owen after a Stone Cold Stunner.


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