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Bigelow Cartwheel

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Posts posted by Bigelow Cartwheel

  1. Main Event- Royal Rumble Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Title:
    Big Boss Man, Davey Boy Smith, Col. Mustafa, Brian Knobbs, Jerry Sags, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Haku, Irwin R. Schyster, Hulk Hogan, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, The Undertaker, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, The Mountie, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, "The Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich, Repo Man, Rick "The Model" Martel, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Skinner, The Berzerker, The Barbarian, Sgt. Slaughter, Sid Justice, Shawn Michaels, "El Matador" Tito Santana, Virgil & ???

    WWF World Tag Team Titles:
    Legion Of Doom (Champions) vs. The Natural Disasters w/Jimmy Hart

    WWF Intercontinental Title:
    Bret "Hitman" Hart (Champion) vs. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

    The Beverly Bros. w/The Genius vs. The Bushwhackers

    Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart & Koko B. Ware vs. The Orient Express w/Mr. Fuji

    Bonus Questions:
    1. Who will be the mystery entrant? The Warlord
    2. What number will the winner pick? 5
    3. Who will be the final four? Hogan, Savage, Flair, Undertaker
    4. Who will be the runner up? Flair

  2. image.jpeg

    Sunday Week 2.  December 1998.

    Richmond, VA.


    Backstage Shawn Michaels and Triple H are talking tactics. HBK reminds Hunter that he’s number 30 and he needs to make sure “all the heavy hitters are taken care of.” In comes Mr McMahon who says that whoever is there at the end it won’t be the number one starter, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.


    Six Man Tag

    TAKA Michinoku and The New Blackjacks vs Honky Tonk Man and The Godwinns – Honky Tonk Man and the Godwinns team up on their opponents, often bending the rules to breaking point. Honky takes his time, enjoying dishing out the punishment... but TAKA catches him with a flying knee and wraps him up with an inside cradle for the three count.


    Jerry Lawler: “Not like this!”


    The Nation Of Domination are backstage and they’re comparing their numbers drawn. The Rock tells Kama that he wants his number. Kama laughs thinking he’s joking and then gets mad when he realises he isn’t.


    The Rock: “The Rock is the one chance the Nation have of winning the Royal Rumble and going on to Wrestlemania. Are there rocks in your head, Kama? Do you have little pebbles bouncing around where your brain should be? Trade your number with The Rock and learn a lesson in greatness.”


    Kama looks furious and The Rock proposes that they fight for it. Whoever wins gets the higher entrance number. Kama punches a locker and Faarooq steps between them. He admonishes The Rock for his selfishness and bad attitude but adds that he would like to see Kama kick his ass and teach him some manners.


    Faarooq: “Rock, you’re walking a very fine line… but you’ll get your match. Bring your Intercontinental championship with you because you’ll be putting it on the line.”


    Rock says nothing and walks out.


    WWF Intercontinental Championship

    The Rock (c) vs Kama (w/ Faarooq) – The Rock is giving up a size advantage against Kama but he has quick wits and even quicker hands. He wins after hitting his stable mate with a Rock Bottom. On the outside Faarooq looks disappointed but not surprised.


    Jim Ross: “The Rock’s gameplan looks to have paid off but how much longer are the rest of the Nation going to put up with him?”


    Backstage Steve Austin talks about entering number 1 in the Royal Rumble. He states that it doesn’t matter if he drew number 1 or number 30.


    Steve Austin: “If I have to go through every damn sumbitch twice then that’s what I’ll do because nothing is going to stop me getting to Wrestlemania. And that’s the bottom line, cos Stone Cold said so!”


    Goldust (w/ Luna Vachon) vs Vader (w/ Marlena) – Vader finally gets his hands on Goldust and he throws The Bizarre One around the ring from pillar to post. Vader is surprisingly agile for a man of his size and he runs through Goldust with clotheslines and tackles. Luna Vachon attempts to interfere but the ref stops her and they argue on the apron. Marlena, Vader’s manager, takes this opportunity to shout at Goldust. She enters the ring clutching a gold handbag, swinging it by the strap. Goldust begs off but Marlena stands there admonishing him. Then, without warning, she swings the bag around into the head of Vader. It’s a loaded hand bag and Vader is seeing stars. Goldust lands a Bulldog and the ref turns round and counts three.


    Jim Ross: “Bah gawd! Goldust and Marlena are reunited!”


    Jerry Lawler: “I love a happy ending, JR!”


    The New Age Outlaws are in the ring and they have something to say about the Legion Of Doom. They remind LOD how they beat them up on the last episode of RAW and that they will throw them in the dumpster like the garbage they are.


    Billy Gunn: “Remember it well boys because tonight it’s going to be the same damn show. And if you’re not down with that we got - ”


    Gunn doesn’t get to complete his catchphrase because LOD appear from nowhere, dressed in street clothes and looking to fight.


    WWF World Tag Team Championship

    Dumpster Match

    New Age Outlaws vs Legion Of Doom (w/ Sunny) – in a back and forth brawl LOD finally beat their foes and lock the Outlaws inside a dumpster. With Billy already dumped inside, Animal raises Road Dogg onto his shoulders on the apron… Hawk comes flying off the top for a spectacular Doomsday Device, knocking Road Dog into the dumpster and closing the lid.


    The Undertaker vs Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) – Undertaker looks almost reluctant to start the match but Bearer gets on the ring apron to distract him and Kane attacks The Phenom from behind. Taker is having to defend himself from huge blows from a brother that wants vengeance at all costs.


    Jim Ross: “Heightened tensions, heightened emotions. It’s brother versus brother right here at the Royal Rumble!”


    Undertaker returns fire and the two brawl to the outside. Again Paul Bearer distracts The Undertaker and Kane sends his brother into the steel steps. Taker just beats the count and Kane signals for the Chokeslam.


    Jim Ross: “Bah gawd, that’s a Chokeslam from a near 7ft monster. Kane just buried his brother all the way to hell! One, two… no! He kicked out! He kicked out! Undertaker is on his feet!”


    Kane attempts a Tombstone but Undertaker reverses it, sending Kane backwards and up into Taker’s own Tombstone. The Phenom drives his brother into the mat and the ref counts three.


    Paul Bearer is behind Undertaker, ready with a chair... but Taker quickly turns and snatches it from his former manager. Bearer begs for mercy and Taker pauses. This allows Kane enough time to attack Undertaker from behind and Chokeslam him onto the chair.


    Jim Ross: “What a sickening, unforgiving thud as flesh meets metal!”


    WWF Championship

    Shawn Michaels (w/Chyna) vs Mankind – Michaels had taunted Mankind calling him “beaten up and broken down” but this seems to have made the challenger all the more determined. The two brawl inside and outside the ring and HBK’s superior conditioning looks to give him the advantage. Mankind powers back with a piledriver and DDT for near falls. The champion goes close with an elbow drop off the top but Mankind finds the reserves to kick out.


    Jim Ross: “What we’re seeing right now is just how much this title match means to Mick Foley!”


    Mankind continues to fight but Michaels puts him down with the Sweet Chin Music… and then a second one. One crotch chop later HBK makes the cover for three.


    Royal Rumble Match

    8-Ball, Ahmed Johnson, Bart Gunn, Bob Holly, Brian Christopher, Chainz, D'Lo Brown, Droz, Faarooq, Flash Funk, Jeff Jarrett, Kama Mustafa, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Marc Mero, Mosh, Owen Hart, Prince Albert, Savio Vega, Skull, Steve Austin, Steve Blackman, TAKA Michinoku, The Rock, The Sultan, Thrasher, Triple H, Val Venis, ???, ???.


    • Steve Austin has drawn number 1 and is joined by Kama Mustafa.

    • Chainz, D’Lo Brown, Prince Albert and Skull join as the Nation vs DOA feud continues.

    • Faarooq is next giving NOD a 3 on 2 advantage.

    • Ken Shamrock and Jeff Jarrett enter. Austin is looking strong. So is Kama.

    • Albert, Skull and Jarrett are eliminated in quick succession.

    • Brian Christopher enters and runs into a suplex from Shamrock.

    • TAKA Michinoku is next but Honky Tonk Man runs after him and throws him over the top rope seconds after he has entered.

    • Bob Holly, Droz, Steve Blackman and Flash Funk are the next entrants as D’Lo hits the outside.

    • Chainz and Kama eliminate each other as Austin takes out Brian Christopher.

    • Owen Hart is up next and takes his time heading to the ring.

    • Owen picks his spot and sends Blackman out.

    • Out comes The Sultan and he is immediately ganged up on by Holly, Droz and Flash. Out goes The Sultan.

    • Faarooq and Shamrock form an unlikely alliance as they beat down Stone Cold.

    • "Hello ladies!" Val Venis enters and attacks Bob Holly.

    • Next is the first of two surprise entrants in the Rumble…. it’s the Brooklyn Brawler!

    • Brawler goes after Shamrock and gets hammered with strikes. Out goes Brawler.

    • Faarooq follows up from behind though and sends out Shamrock!

    • 8-Ball hits the ring and targets Faarooq.

    • Next up is the Big Red Machine Kane. He quickly eliminates Holly, Droz, Flash and Venis.

    • Kane sends Austin over the top rope but Stone Cold holds on and just makes it back inside under the bottom rope.

    • Bart Gunn and Thrasher enter and target Kane to little success.

    • Owen and Faarooq battle against the ropes as The Rock is next up.

    • Faarooq has Owen in trouble but The Rock grabs their legs and sends both to the outside. Faarooq is furious and has to be forcibly removed from ringside by all the referees.

    • While the refs are occupied with Faarooq, Kane sends Stone Cold crashing to the floor. But as no official is there to count it, Austin is able to slide back into the ring and continue.

    • The second surprise entrant appears… Tatanka!

    • Kane eliminates 8-Ball.

    • Tatanka hits the Fallaway Slam on Rock for a nostalgia pop from the New Generation fans in attendance.

    • Kane is hammering Thrasher with heavy blows but the next entrant is Mosh! The Headbangers look to team up on Kane but instead get hit with a Double Chokeslam from the Big Red Machine.

    • Skirts fly as Kane dumps the Headbangers over the top rope.

    • Bart Gunn walks into a Stone Cold Stunner.

    • Savio Vega comes out next and targets Austin.

    • Marc Mero is next and also targets Austin.

    • Bart Gunn walks into a Rock Bottom.

    • Tatanka eliminates Savio with a big Tomahawk Chop!

    • Bart Gunn walks into a Tombstone from Kane. Kane eliminates the former Smoking Gunn.

    • Ahmed Johnson is next and sends Mero flying with a huge tackle.

    • Austin and Rock trade hands as Kane drops them both with a double clothesline.

    • Triple H is entrant number 30 and he saunters to the ring, clearly in no rush.

    • Austin eliminates Mero as The Rock sends Tatanka out.

    • Triple H enters the ring and attacks Ahmed from behind sending him over the top rope.

    • The final four: Austin, Kane, Rock and Triple H.

    • Kane shows his power dropping all three remaining foes with powerful offence.

    • But in an unscheduled appearance The Undertaker arrives and drags his brother over the top rope to the outside! The two men brawl as the action in the ring continues.

    • Triple H and The Rock team up on a clearly exhausted Austin. A Pedigree drives Austin down into the mat but Rock looks to claim the elimination for himself. Hunter shoves Rock back and the two begin to brawl.

    • Rock has the DX member reeling with hard rights and follows up with a clothesline… only for Triple H to backdrop Rock over the top rope!

    • … and Austin sends Triple H over seconds later with a clothesline for the win!


    Jim Ross: “Austin has done it! Austin has done it! Bah gawd, the Rattlesnake is victorious! All the way from number one! Bah gawd!  Austin is going to Wrestlemania!”


    • Like 7
  3. 13 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

    WWF World Tag Team Championship

    Dumpster Match

    New Age Outlaws vs Legion Of Doom (knowing how the NAO operates at this point as part of DX, they'll find a way to hold on to their belts, by hook or by crook)

    They're not actually part of DX yet.  DX is still in it's original form of HBK, HHH and Chyna (minus Rick Rude).  I'm pretty sure they'll be joining soon though.  No reason not to.

    • Like 1
  4. image.png


    Royal Rumble

    8-Ball, Ahmed Johnson, Bart Gunn, Bob Holly, Brian Christopher, Chainz, D'Lo Brown, Droz, Faarooq, Flash Funk, Jeff Jarrett, Kama Mustafa, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Marc Mero, Mosh, Owen Hart, Prince Albert, Savio Vega, Skull, Steve Austin, Steve Blackman, TAKA Michinoku, The Rock, The Sultan, Thrasher, Triple H, Val Venis, ??? and ???.


    WWF Championship

    Shawn Michaels (c) vs Mankind


    The Undertaker vs Kane 


    WWF World Tag Team Championship

    Dumpster Match

    New Age Outlaws vs Legion Of Doom


    Vader vs Goldust


    Honky Tonk Man and The Godwinns vs TAKA Michinoku and The New Blackjacks



  5. image.png

    Monday Week 2.  December 1998.

    Nampa, ID.


    Mr McMahon calls out Steve Austin. McMahon is looking smug.


    Jim Ross: “Mr McMahon looks like he’s hatching a plan. No doubt about that.”


    McMahon announces that ‘Stone Cold’ has a match tonight against Triple H. Austin is staring directly at McMahon. Neither man has blinked.


    Mr McMahon: “The winner, Mr Austin, gets to enter the Royal Rumble at number 30. But the loser must draw number 1. Good luck in your match tonight.”


    Legion of Doom (w/ Sunny) vs Savio Vega and Miguel Perez Jr – Animal pins Perez in a match that LOD dominate.


    Sunny cuts a promo stating that LOD want their titles back and they’re not finished with the New Age Outlaws.


    Owen Hart vs Chainz – Owen wins


    The Honky Tonk Man calls out TAKA Michinoku telling him that they need to “bury the hatchet.” TAKA comes out but is quickly joined by The Godwinns with violence on their minds. It’s three-on-one against TAKA but very quickly the New Blackjacks, Bradshaw and Windham, are running to the ring. Honky Tonk Man and The Godwinns exit, cursing them. Honky Tonk Man grabs a mic and tells TAKA that it isn’t over.


    Ahmed Johnson vs Bart Gunn – Johnson wins


    Mankind comes to the ring and challenges Shawn Michaels to a title match at the Royal Rumble. Michaels answers and tells Mankind that he does not have it in him to go one-on-one with ‘The Heartbreak Kid.’ The champ calls Mankind “beaten up, broken down and wheelchair bound.”


    Mankind: “Beaten up I may be… and wheelchair bound may be my only road… but broken down is just a sick fantasy for you Shawn Michaels. A last hope - you wish I was broken down! But while there’s still breath in my lungs and blood running through my veins I will fight. I will fight you and at the Royal Rumble, I will beat you and I will become the next WWF champion!”


    Michaels looks suitably impressed. Chyna stares vacantly. But out comes Mr McMahon. He tells Mankind to check his lungs and his veins because if he wants to fight at the Rumble he’s gonna have to earn it.


    Mr McMahon: “Tonight Mankind you will be put to the test. You will face the New Age Outlaws in a handicap match. If you somehow come through that then I will give you your title shot at the Royal Rumble.”


    Ken Shamrock vs Jeff Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) – Shamrock wins via submission


    The Nation Of Domination are backstage. Faarooq states that tonight he will team with The Rock. They will put their differences aside to take on The Undertaker and Kane.


    Jim Ross: “The Nation putting on a united front, but will it last?”


    Goldust (w/ Luna Vachon) vs Vader (w/ Marlena) – Vader wins by DQ after Luna runs in and attacks Vader. The ref calls for the bell and so Luna, in a moment of madness, clotheslines the ref.


    Luna stands over the ref looking malevolent. Suddenly she is tackled from behind by Marlena. Goldust then grabs Marlena off her… and gives her a huge kiss. Marlena looks stunned.


    Jerry Lawler: “I think she liked it, JR!”


    Stipulation Handicap match

    New Age Outlaws vs Mankind – Mankind wins after interference from the Legion Of Doom. Mankind puts away Billy with a Double Arm DDT.


    Jim Ross:  "Mankind has done it!  He will face the champ at the Royal Rumble!"


    The Undertaker and Kane (w/ Paul Bearer) vs Faarooq and The Rock – Rock pins Undertaker after Kane turns and Tombstones his brother.


    The Legion Of Doom are leaving when they are attacked by the New Age Outlaws with chairs and thrown in the dumpster. Sunny looks absolutely terrified. Road Dogg tells her that they’ll see them at the Rumble… in a dumpster match!


    ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin vs Triple H (w/ Chyna) – Triple H wins, after Mr McMahon interferes. With the referee seeing stars after a collision McMahon rushes to the ring. Triple H takes a Stunner and McMahon is at the mercy of Austin. McMahon drops to his knees and begs for mercy… only to strike Austin with a low blow! One Pedigree later the ref groggily counts three.


    Jim Ross: “Bah gawd, McMahon just screwed Austin! ‘Stone Cold’ will be at the Rumble but he’ll have to do it from number one. He’ll have a mountain to climb! Bah gawd!”


    • Like 5
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    Monday Week 1.  January 1998.

    Huntsville, AL.


    Mr McMahon is in the ring and calls out ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin and the WWF champion Shawn Michaels. McMahon confronts Austin and Michaels and demands apologies from them for the brawl last week which resulted in him being knocked unconscious. HBK is over the top, insincere, down on his knees begging for mercy. Austin refuses. McMahon’s temper flares and he goes nose to nose with the Texas Rattlesnake. When Austin still refuses to apologise McMahon announces that he will compete tonight against Ken Shamrock... in a submission match. ‘Stone Cold’ responds by nailing McMahon with a Stunner.


    Brian Christopher vs Aguila – Christopher wins


    Michael Cole speaks to the New Age Outlaws backstage, currently standing with Owen Hart, Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette. He asks them about their match tonight against the Legion of Doom and the Headbangers. Road Dogg looks at the team and calls it “new age and old school meeting somewhere in the middle.” Cornette takes the mic and says that these two teams “may never see eye-to-eye again but they are perfectly united in taking out the trash tonight.”


    Jerry Lawler: “It’s the perfect combination, JR!”


    Godwinns vs New Blackjacks – Bradshaw pins Phineas after TAKA runs in and distracts the hog farmers. TAKA comes out in a straw hat, straw hanging out of his mouth, denim dungarees and an inflatable pig that he pretends to have relations with.


    Jim Ross: “Payback by TAKA Michinoku for the assault from the Godwinns two weeks ago! Honky Tonk Man will not be happy about this.”


    The Undertaker calls out Kane but instead the Nation Of Domination answer. They tell Undertaker they didn’t appreciate him throwing Kama around the ring last week and they’re here to settle the score. All four of the Nation head to the ring to attack The Undertaker. Before they reach the ring though there is an almighty explosion and the ring posts shoot fire skywards. Kane stalks onto the stage. The Big Red Machine drops D’Lo with an uppercut as Taker takes out Kama with a dive over the top rope. Faarooq and Rock go back to back as Kane and The Undertaker hunt them from opposite ends. With seconds until impact the NOD members climb over the guard rail and make their exit through the crowd.


    WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

    Flash Funk (c) vs Bob Holly – Flash wins


    Goldust is backstage with Vader on his mind. His dressing room is low-lit with purple drapes hanging from gold painted furnishings. He is sat in a director’s chair, also gold, with Luna Vachon roaming behind him stroking his shoulders and licking his ear. He repeatedly insults Vader calling him, among other things, a “box office bomb.” Breathing in sharply and staring directly into the camera, he promises that Vader will “never forget the name...” - but doesn’t get to finish the sentence as Vader tears through the drapes and hammers Goldust with a clothesline to the back of the head. Luna throws herself in front of Vader buying her charge time as the Bizarre One crawls away on his hands and knees.


    Steve Blackman vs Savio Vega – Blackman wins by submission


    Steve Austin is in his dressing room when the door swings open and D-Generation X are standing there. Shawn Michaels tells ‘Stone Cold’ he comes in peace. He is concerned about Austin’s match tonight telling him that he’s worried Shamrock will rip his arm off. Austin remains silent. Michaels offers to give Austin some submission advice, “After all, I did just win the WWF Championship with the Sharpshooter.” Stone Cold tells DX they’ve got until the count of three to get out of his locker room but they attack on two. The brawl is short and Austin is holding his own 3 on 1 until a belt shot from Michaels drops him and DX put the boots into the fallen Rattlesnake.


    Ahmed Johnson vs The Sultan – Johnson wins


    Sunny tries to give an interview backstage but the noise makes it impossible. Hawk and Animal are shouting and the Headbangers are bouncing off the walls, the floor and each other. Somewhere in the middle is Michael Cole. “This one is up next. What a rush!!”


    Legion Of Doom (w/ Sunny) and Headbangers vs New Age Outlaws, Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) – in a wild match Billy Gunn pins Mosh after a Fame Asser.


    Backstage The Undertaker confronts Kane. He tells Kane that the Nation of Domination are going to come again and they’re going to want answers. Paul Bearer gets in between them and tells Undertaker he needs to leave but Kane gently puts an arm in front of him. He stares at his brother through his ghoulish mask and slowly nods. Undertaker smiles and turns to the camera: “Nation of Domination, my brother and I challenge you to a match next week on RAW. May you all... Rest... In... Peace.”


    Submission match

    ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin vs Ken Shamrock – Austin wins via botched interference from Mr McMahon. With the referee knocked down from an accidental collision, McMahon comes out with a chair and swings it at Austin. Austin ducks and the chair smashes into Shamrock. ‘Stone Cold’ locks in the Cobra Clutch and Shamrock groggily taps as the ref comes to.


    Jim Ross: “Austin clearly not at 100% after the beating he took from D-Generation X earlier tonight but, bah gawd, the Texas Rattlesnake got the job done!”


    Down come DX, urged on by a distraught Mr McMahon. They get to ringside and Austin makes a charge at Michaels… but Mankind gets there first! Mrs Foley’s Baby Boy is hammering the WWF champion with forearm shots and sends him into the barricade. Triple H tries to attack from behind but Mankind counters with a backdrop onto the unforgiving floor. Michaels looks to make a break for it but Mankind applies the Mandible Claw! Austin exits the ring and drops Triple H with a clothesline.


    Jim Ross: “D-Generation X are sent packing like scolded dogs with their tails between their legs... and Mr McMahon is beside himself!”


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    • Haha 1
  7. image.jpeg

    Sunday Week 4.  December 1997.

    Richmond, VA.


    Wrath defeated Dean Malenko

    Disco Inferno defeated Psychosis

    Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Fit Finlay

    The Barbarian defeated Lodi

    Scott Norton defeated La Parka

    United States: Curt Hennig (c) defeated Hugh Morrus

    Eddie Guerrero defeated Ultimo Dragon

    World Television: Saturn (c) defeated Rick Martel, Alex Wright and Glacier

    Bret Hart drew with Raven

    World Heavyweight: Hollywood Hogan (c) defeated Sting


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