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Posts posted by Ahmed4040

  1. I've recently gotten into Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling from the territories, and this mod caught my eye. I'll definitely be looking forward to this! This is like 13 years older than what I've been watching, but I'd like to see what playing along the careers of guys like Bruno Sammartino or a Younger Ric Flair would be like


    • Like 1
  2. 21 hours ago, TheDeep5ix said:

    A new fictional mod seems cool (especially one with a lot of European focus), and the renders I've seen are pretty neat.


    One odd thing I've noticed is a company that heavily relies on Russian propaganda, even if the lore was written before the full-scale invasion back in 2022. A fictional mod doesn't have to rely on real-world events, but it is bound to stand out.

    The mod is set in 2016, and the lore for that company and the vast majority of the workers in it was written back in 2020 (I first thought of the idea of the mod back in 2019). Hence, the only real-world thing being pointed out was the occupation of Crimea (Which is mentioned in a Ukrainian Wrestler's bio). Now, I did not anticipate a full-scale invasion, and now it is kinda late to change since we've already finished Europe and all that, but honestly, the company, USSR, is shown as the "Big Bad" of European Wrestling, and I find it might be fun to play a company with such a product. 

    I do appreciate you pointing that out, though. If you do have any other opinions/suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

  3. The incomplete mod, The Romanverse, will now be coming to TEW IX! Please find the Alpha Version released for TEW 2020 below. 

    If you're interested in joining the team or have any questions, please let me know! We are currently working on getting the United States and Canada in after finishing Europe, and we're finally getting some proper graphics for the mod!

    Look for Hype Posts coming in the future!


  4. <p>Explination</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49437" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't think the German government would support any company with the word Reich in it. Because...you know, its connection to World War II and the guy with the funny mustache (We can't use his name on this site but I think most people would know who I am talking about.).<img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> I think the modern-day German government would do everything in its power to actively stay away from the use of that word.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The Word "Reich" in German means Empire. It has nothing to do with funny mustache man (Except that funny mustache man tried to build an Empire). For example, the "French Colonial Empire" in German is "Französisches Kolonialreich".</p>
  5. Correction


    "Kings" in Spanish is written as "Reyes", not "Reys". I noticed this error and just wanted to tell you. I'll be waiting for this mod, looks awesome!!


    You are right, I even had it written as Reyes in my notes. Don't know how I got that wrong here, will fix it up in the hype post. Also I appreciate the wait!

  6. Europe: An Overview


    So this is the last post about the first 2 game regions we started with: The British Isles and Mainland Europe. This post is much rather an overview of Europe as a whole, including its wrestling history and alternate history, and is meant to be the last hype post before the Alpha Release.



    The Beginnings of Wrestling in Europe:

    Wrestling began in Europe initially in the UK, where a bunch of pro wrestlers started making independent wrestling shows, although none of these ever was managed by a promotion. They developed a traditional style known as Psuedo Sport Wrestling.


    This all changed when George Smith, an announcer in the US, Mexico, and Japan returned back home to London in 1976 to form his own company, Giant Wrestling Overseas (GWO). He had an ambition that the promotion will one day grow "Overseas", hence the name. The promotion became an instant hit in the small market, as GWO hoarded all the talent they can take locally, and it wasn't long before they managed to land their first TV Deal in 1979.


    The Best of British Wrestling Wars:

    Although the start of GWO provided jobs for many wrestlers, it created a problem: it started killing off Psuedo Sport Wrestling. With many traditionalists blaming George for killing off the indies, Smith Stevans formed Lionheart Wrestling (LHW) in 1979, just a few months after GWO premiered their TV Show "Best of British Wrestling".


    Stevans was one of the "popular" wrestlers not to join GWO (Popular is used loosely as wrestling was quite niche back then in Europe). Under his guidance, LHW became the first true threat to GWO, and by 1984 managed to land their own TV Deal, which after discovering that GWO did not trademark the name "Best of British Wrestling" decided to name the show under the same name, hence starting The Best of British Wrestling Wars.


    Although Stevans hanged his boots in 1985 due to old age, he remained as the mastermind behind LHW, and the 2 companies went at it for more than a decade. GWO has focused on their sports entertainment product, while LHW focused on their more serious product, with both building megastars that shaped wrestling as it is today in the UK. Many stars have switched sides between both companies, and PPV Buy Rates were increased year after year. The sport that was once niche became a mainstream aspect of British people's lives.


    There were a few turning points however, first with the death of Wrecker the Ultimate, one of the legends of GWO (As one third of The Ultimates with Crumble the Ultimate and Brute the Ultimate), and later a Main Event star in LHW as Wrecker the Giant. His death in December 1, 1993 due to cancer marked the first time both promotions came together, working together on a tribute show where Brute declared his retirement due to the death of his friend, although Crumble no showed due to backstage problems that started between the 2 men due to Wrecker leaving GWO, which Crumble holds the grudge for to this modern day. Indeed, it was a sad day.


    Secondly, George Smith has stopped booking his shows by 1990, giving the power to his younger son Bret Smith due to his horrible condition of old age, although he continued to manage the business. This was until he died in 1995, which handed the role of CEO of GWO to his older son John Smith. Stevans didn't have the same family power George had however, and so when he died later that same year at the age of 70 the company was left in the hands of the employees of LHW.


    LHW has spent its last months trying to build up themselves after the huge blow, building up many of the younger stars Stevans was keen on. To try to one up GWO, they opened up a Women's Division in December 1996, although that did not stay long due to the backstage mess of managing the show, as the company was sold to GWO by the end of January 1997, hence bringing an end to The Best of British Wrestling Wars.


    LHW has left an impact on British Wrestling, although their eventual demise gave GWO 100% market control, which has given them the power to expand to mainland Europe freely. GWO accomplished their first steps to the goals of their founder: A British Monopoly and now an International company...


    Alternate History: The TV Revolution of Europe:

    In the early 1990s, many activists have been calling for the removal of all public TV broadcasters, allowing only private broadcasters, as they have named public TV Channels as "Government Propaganda" and a "Sign of Communism".


    The movement was initially a failure, although with the extreme measures taken by some governments to suppress it has convinced many that the governments really had too much power. After years of protests, elections, and civil disobedience, the governments of many European Countries succumbed to the demands of the people in 1999, just around the turn of the century...


    The Year 2000, The Beginning of Our Modern Story:

    With the start of the 21st century, GWO was still the sole wrestling promotion in Europe, with the only other influence being IWA (International Wrestling Association). This however changed in May of 2000, when the Russian government launched a series of media companies that aim at spreading its ideals to the people, and one of these companies happened to be Unified Soviet Supreme Rastlers, a company known for their Soviet and Russian iconography.


    The company didn't have the limitations of Europe: They had the ability to get massive government TV Deals, which allowed the company to grow rapidly into a massive powerhouse in the continent over the next few years. Early on in 2000, many in Europe saw the effect USSR had, and European Wide Wrestling was formed by "Triple M" Mario Maestro Mancilini after forming Italian Wrestling Federation (IWF) in July of 2000. Later that year WrestleReich (WR) was formed. With both companies having the full support of governments, being to a huge extent owned by governments, they managed to buy themselves a few stars, including Wilhelm Kubelshcriber and Big Bad Denzigh, but the most important of which is Patriarch Roman.


    Patriarch Roman is an Italian-American pro wrestler and actor known for his work in various promotions around the world, including USA's American Pride Wrestling Federation (APWF) and International Wrestling Association (IWA), Canada's Tower Wrestling (TW), Mexico's Reyes de Mexico (RdM), Japan's All Japan Traditional Grappling (AJTG), and GWO. He is also a major actor in Hollywood and locally in the Italian Cinema. His star presence brought so many eyes on IWF, and he joined initially with much less pay than many thought he deserved, mainly because he thought he was helping a cause and the fact he was working Part Time for them due to working for APWF, AJTG, GWO, and TW simultaneously, which still holds the record for the busiest schedule in Wrestling History.


    Over time, more promotions opened up, and Patriarch Roman started dedicating more and more time for IWF and EWW. Révolution Française Lutte (RFL) in 2006 was the first promotion to open up after the original 2 of EWW, and with it many started taking EWW more seriously. The European Championship was formed soon after.


    Scottish Xtreme Wrestling (SXW) was the first non-Government owned promotion to open up, and Viking Horned Wrestling (VHW) was the first one owned by a broadcasting promotion.


    Today the war still rages on. With USSR fighting against 10 smaller promotions, and with 2 promotions (GWO and CJBW) being completely neutral from the war, the industry looks better than it ever was.


    Status of Wrestling:

    Wrestling is a mainstream industry in the UK and is medium sized but growing in Europe. Mainland Europe lacks both veterans and younger talents with potential, and thus building stars would be a very high priority for anyone willing to take on playing as any of the companies in Europe. However, in the UK it is meant to be quite more relaxed, especially with GWO, which has recently started TV Deals outside Europe in 2015 (The Mod is set in 2016 again).


    Women's wrestling is in quite a bad position, with only one promotion that takes them seriously, namely GWO, that opened its division in 2009. USSR has always taken women's wrestling as a joke, while CJBW (Crown Babes Jewels of Wrestling) is more of a strip show than a wrestling promotion (It was inspired by the Cornellverse's BSC). With EWW rejecting the idea of women's wrestling, many women start looking towards North America and Japan for work.


    Companies by Size:

    Promotions marked by * are part of EWW. The size of the promotion is shown. From largest to smallest:

    1) Giant Wrestling Overseas (GWO, Big)

    2) Unified Soviet Supreme Rastlers (USSR, Medium)

    3) Italian Wrestling Federation (IWF, Small) *

    4) Crown Jewel Babes of Wrestling (CJBW, Tiny)

    5) Scottish Xtreme Wrestling (SXW, Small) *

    6) WrestleReich (WR, Small) *

    7) Révolution Française Lutte (RFL, Tiny) *

    8) Polish European Wrestling (PEW, Tiny) *

    9) Conquistador Wrestling World Wide (CWWW, Insignificant) *

    10) New Greek Wrestling (NGW, Insignificant) *

    11) Turkish Middle East European Wrestling (TMEEW, Insignificant) *

    12) Viking Horned Wrestling (VHW, Insignificant) *

    13) Celtic Pride Grappling (CPG, Insignificant) *


    Biggest Stars:

    By popularity, top 10 stars including the companies they work for.

    British Isles:

    1) Elias Briggs (GWO)

    2) Patriarch Roman (IWF)

    3) Ian Gerald English (GWO)

    4) Scott Mwangi (GWO)

    5) Aaron Brocklehurst (GWO)

    6) George Styles (GWO)

    7) Butcher Tarasov (GWO)

    8) Trent Try (GWO)

    9) Johnny Smith (GWO)

    10) Mark Riot (GWO, as Jolly Roger)



    1) Patriarch Roman (IWF)

    2) Vnitsky Moltov (USSR)

    3) Little Ceasar (IWF)

    4) Wilhelm Kubelshcriber (WR)

    5) Aldona Ivanova (USSR, CJBW)

    6) Mehmet Novák (USSR)

    7) Ahmet Pasha (TMEEW, their CEO)

    8) Nurlan Novák (USSR)

    9) Oracle (USSR)

    10) One Shot (WR)




    Thank you all for your interest in the mod. As usual, I would like to close with the remarks that we are looking for people willing to help out, especially graphic designers and testers. Please feel free to send me a message if interested. The Alpha version is expected to be released sooner rather than later, and will include Europe and the British Isles, although with incomplete graphics.

  7. Update


    any news about this mod?


    Honestly, I have sadly stopped working on this mod. First of all my team has all eventually stopped working on it, and one of them lost all the data on NJPW. I do have many WWE Wrestlers done (Many are now in AEW or other promotions actually, the mod is this old). Secondly, I am now focusing on my TEW 2020 mod. Maybe one day I can recreate a team and return back to this mod, but not at the moment.

  8. Gwo


    Giant Wrestling Overseas

    Giant Wrestling Oversees is the first company to open in Europe. Famous for its awesome roster, it has become an icon of British Wrestling, and has grown to heights of having not only major TV deals in the UK, but even aboard. Credited with destroying the British Independent Scene, and with bringing an end to traditional British Wrestling, its war with LHW has been one of the biggest events in European Wrestling. Today, however, with the defeat of their rival, GWO has kept an absolute Monopoly over the British Wrestling Scene. Its captivating storylines have kept it on the top, and it has produced more 5 Star Matches than the rest of Europe combined (Considering this is a rare occurrence in the mainland). Now looking to finally go Overseas, as their name says, they have started with expanding into the Mainland, and have small TV deals in Canada, Australia, India, and USA.


    GWO has not cared about the EWW Vs. USSR war on the Mainland, and his put its own financial gain first and foremost. With their expansion, it seems their biggest rivals won't be companies in the UK, but big companies like the worldwide behemoth International Wrestling Association (IWA), the USA's Big 4 (Yes IWA is one of them), and Tower Wrestling (TW), which has for long kept a monopoly on the Canadian wrestling industry.


    The most important part of the company's history is the "Best of British Wrestling Wars", which started in 1984 when LionHeart Wrestling (LHW) got their first TV Deal. Realizing that GWO did not Trademark the name of their show, Best of British Wrestling, LHW decided to name their show by the same name, have it on the same day, and air it Live on the same slot every week as GWO's Best of British Wrestling. The Best of British Wrestling Wars will be expanded upon more later in the next post.


    GWO is meant to be an easy promotion with little difficulty in booking. The promotion has 2 TV Show, those being Best of British Wrestling (Their A TV Show, aired in the British Isles, Europe, Canada, Australia, and India) and GWO Tea Time (Aired in the British Isles only). They also have a PPV deal in every region where they air for Best of British Wrestling, in addition to the US.


    GWO has 14 PPVs a year, the most important being the following:

    GWO Hotter Than Hell, a summer show held every July, Friday, Week 4.

    GWO Crown Jewel, where their 3 tournaments are held every year, on January, Friday, Week 1 in the Royal Palace in front of important guests.

    GWO Commonwealth, which is GWO's biggest event of the year (Basically their WrestleMania), and is held every January, Week 4, on Friday.


    GWO has 5 active titles and 3 tournaments:

    GWO World Heavyweight Champion: George Styles

    GWO Women's Champion: Linda Wagner

    GWO Commonwealth Champion: Shawnte Zuma

    GWO World Tag Team Champions: The Scottish Bagpipe Warriors (Alex Highlander & Brock Northenburg)

    GWO British Champion: Jack Black


    Important Stars

    The Smiths:

    The Smiths are the family that owns the company, a family of millionaires and billionaires who inherited their money and business from the late, great George Smith.


    John Smith is probably the man with the most generic name in history. Nevertheless, that doesn't prevent him from being the CEO of GWO. Being the son of George Smith, and a retired wrestler himself, he took over at the orders of his father, but left the booking to his more capable brother. John acts as the On-Screen Authority Figure.


    Bret Smith is the other son of George Smith, and a mastermind booker who acted as the head booker even under the ownership of his father. Bret has still preferred to take help in booking from other members of the family, namely his son and nephew.


    Johnny Smith is the son of John Smith, and is a Color Commentator, Road Agent, a member of the Booking Team, and a Part Time Wrestler. As a matter of fact, he is the leader of The Biker Skulls


    Alex Smith is the son of Bret Smith, and is half Jamaican unlike the rest of the Smiths. Other than being part of the booking team and a road agent, he is also a referee for the promotion.


    Jessica Smith is the youngest Smith and the newest to the business. The daughter of John Smith, she decided to take the hard way into the business, leaving behind all matters of business management and deciding to become a Full-Time Wrestler. As a matter of fact, she was the first member of GWO's women's division, hired in 2009, and their very first Women's Champion.


    But the promotion isn't just formed from the Smiths, so here are other notable members of the roster:

    Elias Briggs is a Welsh pro wrestler and is the single biggest wrestling star in the UK, boasting a great in-ring work, a ton of popularity, and great entertainment skills. He is the closest thing GWO has to a figurehead, although they never officially made him one. Joining the promotion in 1998, he became part of the popular team The Avengers (Also called The Avenging Angels) together with Scott Mwagni, although Elias has always been booked much better than his partner and has even gained World title victories while still officially part of the team, making Scott his de facto sidekick. After the team broke up, Elias has remained a constant Main Eventer, and at just 37 years old, he may still have a few more titles to win in his career.


    His former partner and best friend and now archnemesis Scott Mwangi is a Kenyan-British pro wrestler. After years of doing nothing in his career other than tag team title wins and helping Elias win singles titles, Scott got injured in 2007 and was sidelined for almost a year. His return was in 2008, with much more muscle mass, in GWO Commonwealth when Elias was being mauled in a No DQ match against Johnny Smith by Smith's fellow Biker Skulls members. Seemingly coming for the save, Scott ended up turning on Elias, causing one of the biggest heel turns in the promotion's history. Ever since, the 2 have feuded so many times, and their rivalry was dubbed as one of the greatest Wrestling Feuds of all time. Scott has gone on to become a Grand Slam Champion and multiple-time World Champion, and is one of the main heels for the promotion now.


    George Styles is a young high flyer with some underrated technical skills from England and is the current GWO World Heavyweight Champion (which is ironic considering he is no Heavyweight, being set as a Middleweight in TEW terms.). From his very debut in 2010 GWO saw so much potential in him, and thus it was no surprise he was booked strong from day one, slowly climbing the GWO ladder. His current reign is actually his first, not only his first World title run, but his first title as a whole. He won it in a November 2015 (Remember we are in 2016) episode of Tea Time in a match that many were surprised even happened, as it was not even advertised beforehand, and thus it was an even bigger shock when he even won it, defeating Scott Mwangi for the title in a move that GWO made to try to bring eyes to a show many considered unimporant and dead (to make the idea clearer, Tea Time is like Main Event for WWE today, no one just cares about it). The move was successful to put interest into the show, and George is now set to prove to GWO management and the Smiths that their trust in him was in its place.


    "The Phantom" Aaron Brocklehurst is one of the biggest GWO legends in history. Debuting in 1989 as a simple jobber, his career seemed to end by the end of 1990 when he was buried alive and thus killed in kayfabe. Just a few months later he came back with his Ghost gimmick, seeking vengeance from his killer. The gimmick proved popular enough that he was brought in more and more times, until he became a mainstay in the company and a multiple-time champion. Now a Part-Timer, he is still a constant Main Eventer, although he has been passing the torch more times than he wins now, with his wins mainly being to make sure he still has momentum.


    Ian Gerald English, commonly just referred to as IGE, is a wrestler who is popular worldwide, having spent a huge part of his career in IWA and TW. Starting his career in GWO in 2003, he left for IWA, being promised more money and to remain in the Main Event spot. After years away from GWO, he has returned and was put back into the Main Event scene. Playing a gimmick on a Spy, he has gone on to become one of the most popular wrestlers in the company, although is known for being quite mercenary and thus GWO has kept him under check to make sure he does not suddenly switch to another company, thus not booking him as powerful as before. GWO is said to have returned him due to his now International Fame in the wrestling industry, which the company sees as a chance to draw views in all their new TV Deals.


    British Demon is one of Demon King's international protegees. (Remember Demon King, or at least try to, he is gonna be really important. In summary, he is a Mexican Luchador.). British Demon was brought from Mexico all the way to play the gimmick every student of Demon King plays: A Demon. Basically, Kane. British Demon has been extremely dominant from his debut, and his scary look (which bears a demonic Union Jack, nothing patriotic about him at all), together with his surprisingly great high flying skills for a man his size (I mean seriously dude is huge) has put him on everyone's map.


    "The Last True Cossack" Butcher Tarasov is a Ukrainian who is more of a Psychopath than a wrestler who is known for being an unstoppable monster heel almost his entire career (which started in 1993 in GWO), being managed by Mykola Vanin. After an amazing (or gruesome, depending on what you like) career, including his one five star match against Aaron Brocklehurst in a No Holds Barred match in 2000, he finally turned face in 2013, attacking his own manager and finally ending his stale character by refreshing it as a hero.


    This however didn't please Vanin, who found a new client in the 7 ft, 390 lbs powerhouse known as Piotr. Piotr is a Russian Pro Wrestler who started his career with USSR. Originally destined for greatness in the promotion, the fans never liked him and soon started booing him out of the building. This caused USSR to finally drop him, and GWO saw a chance in him, taking him and putting him under the experienced management of Vanin. Piotr has spent the entire first year fighting jobbers on Tea Time, but has recently started a rivalry with Butcher Tarasov, as after all, this is Vanin's Plan.


    "Lionheart" Reginald Royale is one of the legends of LHW. One of the biggest haters of Sports Entertainment, Reginald has always criticized GWO over and over and over again, and named LHW as the greatest British Promotion ever. However, when LHW closed down in 1997, he was offered many different contracts from GWO, who really hoped to put him into their roster, taking into consideration his high popularity and amazing in-ring skills. He has decided to take his skills to Japan and USA. However, now as he is getting older, he realized that he can't go on as he has always did forever, and thus decided to break his moral code and join GWO in 2014, looking for money now more than anything. He has talked a lot about how much he hated it, and many of his fans have called the once "King of Catch Style" a turncoat and traitor.


    The Biker Skulls is a faction formed from Johnny Smith, Victor Vagos, and Hell's Angel. The Trio use a Biker Gimmick. Victor Vagos is a Spanish Pro Wrestler who was once one of the biggest GWO stars, until a very horrible injury that almost ended his career in 2005. He returned in 2007, but was put together as the third member for The Biker Skulls to protect him, as he was not able to take bumps anymore, and thus he became an almost Tag Team exclusive wrestler. Hell's Angel is a Bare Knuckle Fighter and Pro Wrestler from Scotland who was known for his hardcore wrestling skills in the British Indies. He was hired by GWO in 2007 to be part of the newly formed stable.


    The Bagpipe Warriors is a tag team formed from Alex Highlander and Brock Northenburg. They are the current GWO World Tag Team Champions. Their gimmick is that of Scottish bagpipe musicians, which often involves them just blowing random tunes into the instrument to create annoying noises to get heat from the fans.


    Hell Riders is a legendary tag team from the US known throughout North America formed from Rage and Fury. They recently joined GWO, who hopes to use them to get their tag teams over in North America. After Rage being fired from American Pride Wrestling Federation (APWF, USA's #1) for showing up drunk to work, Fury decided to leave just a year after and they worked with multiple promotions before finally landing a job in GWO in 2015. They were put together with Davienne, who acts as their valet, a throwback to Desiree, their former manager in APWF who helped them get popular.


    Bernard Rowe, now known as Great Inquisitor Ulrik, is the manager to Inquisition, a team formed from Drystan and Godefry, a team that is popular for their medieval inquisitors gimmick, which often involves them going on "Crusades" against "Infidels" and burning stuff backstage. Bernard was chosen as their manager due to his experience as a wrestler and his popularity, as he was one their biggest stars once and was part of their initial roster in 1976, and so GWO saw the chance to have him help get the Inquisition over.


    The World's Strongest Navy is a tag team that takes pride in the British Navy. Harold Corbett is one half of the team, using a modern navy outfit in his entrance, while Steve Virt uses a colonial era outfit. However, they both share the same ring gear under their entrance gear, and together they are one of the most popular tag teams, known for their rivalry with Pirates at Bay, and are multiple time Tag Team Champions.


    Linda Wagner is the current GWO Women's Champion, hailing from Germany. The literal biggest woman on the roster (Muscular Lightweight), she was booked as a powerhouse since her debut in 2012.


    Diamond Daisy is the daughter of GWO and LHW Legend Diamond Dawkins. She was trained by her father and debut in 2013 for GWO at the young age of 18. Her fantastic combination of skills and heritage, together with her good looks, has gotten her over with the fans and sent her to the top of the promotion with many title victories to boast and a fantastic wrestling resume. The sky is the roof for this young star.


    Trent Try is a Welsh Rugby Player-turned-Wrestler who just debut for GWO. Thus he has not done much yet, not even having his debut match, although debuting by attacking Elias Briggs is such a major thing for him, considering he is extremely popular in the UK already, and GWO hopes to turn this celebrity into a money-maker for them.


    Pirates at Bay:

    Pirates at Bay is one of the 3 stables in GWO at the moment. It is formed from the following:

    Jolly Roger, real name Mark Hawkins and known to US fans as Mark Riot, is one of the biggest GWO stars at the moment and the leader of Pirates at Bay. Known in GWO for his team with his brother Jason Chaos. The team was broken in 2009, however, to push Chaos, leaving Mark Riot behind as a jobber after the end of the Brother Vs. Brother rivalry. After many attempts by both brothers to try and get Riot a push, he left APWF to jump ship to GWO in 2011 under a new gimmick, Jolly Roger, a pirate.


    Marlene Blackheart is the real life fiancee of Jolly Roger, a Welsh Pro Wrestler who is known for her entertainment skills. She acts as his co-leader and second-in-command. One interesting thing about her is that her grandfather is legitimately a seventh generation pirate.


    Ah Ka 47 is a Somali Pro Wrestler who plays a Somali Pirate gimmick, a modern gimmick among all the old school pirate gimmicks.


    Pirate Big Belly Barnes is a wrestler with a very sad story. He started his career in LHW in 1996 under his real name, James Justin, at the age of 18 and was being groomed for a future Main Event spot. However, the company closed down in January 1997, and GWO did not hire him after buying the promotion. He tried working in the indies, but soon fell into debt which caused him severe depression that in turn caused heavy drug abuse and an eating disorder. By 2011, the once muscular and fit man became a broken, fat, alchoholic. Around that time, Scottish Xtreme Wrestling (SXW, an EWW member) opened, which decided to give him a second chance in the industry. The company helped him to get into rehab, and James ended up becoming clean once more from all the drugs he was taking. However, the company ended up releasing him due to his horrible hardcore skills, as it is a Hardcore Wrestling Promotion, after knowing he was able to leave for the much bigger GWO. In GWO, he took the name "Big Belly" to make some comedic fun of his body, and was put together into Pirates at Bay.


    Sea Lion is wrestler who worked many gimmicks, first a generic wrestler in the British indies under his real name Barney Jefferson, before being hired by GWO as British Lion, a patriotic British wrestler who loves his company. In 2012, he formed a short-lived alliance with Elias Briggs, which ended with him betraying Elias, who was back then the World Champion, allowing him to win the World title. Although his reign was shortlived and never attempted again, it set him in as a heel and he changed his ring name to Sea Lion, soon joining Pirates at Bay.


    Super Action Syndicate:

    S.A.S is a faction in GWO which is based around Mad Lad Gill. All of its members focus on High Flying action.

    Mad Lad Gill is a charismatic high flyer known for jumping from everything and anything, always putting his body at risk. His craziness is so appreciated by the fans that he literally has a lot of fan pages online just dedicated to him, and he became a major meme online. The entire faction is based around him and him alone, with the other members being there just to help him around.


    Jake Carter, better known as Dingo Carter Jr., is an Australian Wrestler who is the son of wrestling legend Dingo Carter (Steve Carter). Unlike his father, Carter Jr. is quite uncharismatic and bad on the mic, so when attempts to make him over with the fans failed, GWO put him into S.A.S.


    Limitless Wolfgang is a German High Flying who was one of the biggest stars of WR, known for his feud with One Shot. He joined GWO recently as the company hoped to use his high flying skills to add to S.A.S.


    No Fear Kenzie is the only woman in this faction who like Wolfgang recently joined just to be part of S.A.S.




    Other notable people are Shawnte Zuma, a member of the Zulu tribe in South Africa and current Commonwealth Champion who plays an Anti-Racist Gimmick, and Jack Black, the current British Champion who plays a comedic Magician gimmick.


    As always, we still would appreciate any helping hand in this mod. Please let me know if you're interested


    GWO is not done, but only unimportant people are left. We are in the final stages of Europe, with only 3 companies left to add a few more wrestlers for. I hope to release a hype post that will summarize history of the entire continent soon.

  9. <p>Wr</p><p> </p><p>

    <em><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WrestleReich</span></strong></em></p><p>

    WrestleReich is the second EWW member to open (In August 2000, the mod is set in 2016), and has become one of the most important, influential, and powerful ones. Famous for its Hardcore Wrestling product, which it started using in 2005 in an attempt to show the strengths of their figurehead Wilhem Kubelshcriber, considering he is the only decent in-ring talent they have and the most popular one. This, surprisingly, turned to be a good investment, as the company soon became the Hardcore Icon of Europe, known for their Edgy content that mirrors that of EWW's number one enemy, USSR.</p><p> </p><p>

    The Company is known for their bloody matches and brawls and is considered as the co-leader of EWW. Please check USSR and IWF's hype posts above. The Company is owned by the German Government.</p><p> </p><p>

    They currently have 3 championships. Their current champions are:</p><p>

    <strong>WR German Championship:</strong> Joel Clash</p><p>

    <strong>WR Hardcore Championship:</strong> Joel Clash</p><p>

    <strong>WR Tag Team Championship:</strong> The Sigismunds (Sigismund Wagner & Sigismund Svoboda)</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><em>Their most important stars are as follows</em></strong></p><p>

    <em>Patricha Fredrick</em> is a German Politician and Businesswoman who is member of the Parliament since 1998. When WR was formed she was put in charge of the business side of the company, although she preferred not to manage the wrestling and hiring side of the company herself, instead giving it to someone else.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Patrik Schmitz</em> is a German book author and editor and wrestling producer from Kiel. He has spent many years writing novels, short stories, and poetry when he was contacted by WR to book for them due to how imaginative he is. Although he had no previous experience with wrestling and never even watched a single match beforehand, he did take his job very seriously. Too seriously in fact that he locked himself in his room for a few months, only going out to go to the bathroom and take food with him into his room, all just to watch years worth of wrestling content from all over the world. After 5 months he finally came out from that room, although he had to go to the gym and have a diet to lose a lot of weight, which he eventually did. He has proved himself as an effective booker for WR and is loved by all the people around him due to being a smart and fair booker.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Wilhelm Kubelshcriber</em> is one of Europe's biggest wrestling stars, working all over Europe over the years through being taken from WR as a loan. "The German Barbed Wire Machine" has been made the company's figurehead from day one. Although not an excellent in-ring worker, he is still quite decent. The main points that made him so big is his amazing entertainment skills and his impressive and mostly unrivaled abilities in Brawling and Hardcore Wrestling. He has managed over the years to capture multiple titles both in WR and in other promotions, including EWW's European Championship, and holding a record 5 times as WR German Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Joel Clash</em> is an American Rock Star who has almost all his life in Germany. He has always loved the sport of wrestling, constantly buying tapes of companies from his home country of USA of wrestling shows. After managing to find success with his rock band in Germany, named Gebrochene Knochen, he has decided to train to become a wrestler and debut for WR. He has gone on to become so over with the fans that he became WR German Champion within less than 2 years of his debut, and managed to capture the WR Hardcore Championship just a few months after to become a Double Champion. He still has hopes of making it to the big leagues in the US, whether it is <strong>APWF</strong>,<strong>IWA</strong>,<strong>MRGF</strong>, or <strong>VEW</strong>. (Remember these names, they will be mentioned a lot).</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Adolf Brawlraiser</em> is a German Brawler who was initially rejected by WR in 2000. In 2005 the company decided to rethink his case, as hiring a big brawler was going to benefit the new product. And his nickname of Brawlraiser is no lie, as he has been raising brawls both on screen and backstage when the cameras stop rolling. Nevertheless, he has managed to get over with the rowdy WR crowds and made it to the top of the company ranks, and is a former 2 time WR German Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The Sigismunds</em> are a tag team of <em>Sigismund Svoboda</em> and <em>Sigismund Wagner</em>. They were put together by WR management to get Wagner over in the company. Sigismund Wagner a Luxembourgish wrestler and is the son of late WR star <em>Louis Wagner</em>. After the death of Louis Wagner in 2007 due to Lung Cancer, Wilhem Kubelshcriber decided to take young Sigismund Wagner under his wing, training him to be a wrestler. WR still does an annual Louis Wagner Memorial every January on the day of his death in his honor. </p><p>

    Sigismund Svoboda is a skinny 152 lbs 6'0 wrestler from the Czech republic. A high flyer like his partner, he has managed to get established as a member of the midcard of the company.</p><p> </p><p>

    "Democracy Fighter" <em>Lukas Stinger</em> is an Austrian-German pro wrestler. With 9 years of experience with the promotion, Lukas Stinger has been one of the focal points of the company over the years. His Patriotic Democracy-Supporting gimmick has been a major part of his career which has been spent almost entirely feuding with his cousin after <em>The Stingers</em> broke up.</p><p> </p><p>

    And talking about his also multi-time champion cousin, <em>Erwil Stinger</em> is an Austrian who is known for playing the gimmick of a dictator, which he started using by the end of his first year with the promotion. The feud with Lukas has been a massive part of the promotion's history, dragging in multiple wrestlers and being contended for titles, and there is probably no 2 people who have fought each other as much as these 2. Basically, think Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Erwil has also taken by his side an enforcer by the name of Big Ben Berlin.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Big Ben Berlin</em> is the on-screen enforcer of Erwil Stinger. Completely useless in anything except being a menacing big man standing next to Erwil, he rarely goes into a singles match, instead either managing Erwil or tagging along him. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Kaarthihan Ibushi</em> is a Kenyan-Japanese-German pro wrestler and pyro specialist. Born in Germany to a Kenyan father and Japanese mother, he has an exotic look in his mix between African and Asian features, and used this to take up an Anti-Racist gimmick. He is known for brutalizing his opponents, and is a former 2 time WR German Champion. The interesting thing about him is that he is responsible for the pyro during the shows, including his own, as he owns a PhD in Pyrotechnic Engineering.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CrAzzzzzzY:</span></em></p><p>

    CrAzzzzzzY is a 6 man heel stable (There was a 7th member who joined in 2013 but was kicked out in 2015 by the name of <em>GOAT</em>) that has become a major part of every WR show. They are known for their brown heavy metal inspired ring attires and attacking people at random. Their members are as follows</p><p>

    <em>One Shot</em> is the leader of the stable and the only member who debut before the stable itself. He is a Swiss star who debut in 2006 for the promotion, forming the faction in 2007 in an attempt to get himself over, which was approved by the WR Management, which turned out to be successful as he was WR German Champion by the end of the year.</p><p>

    <em>Next x Target</em>, sometimes abbreviated to just NxT, is a German pro wrestler. His matches often involves him making sure his opponents are bloody and then using their own blood to draw a Cross on their chest, before he throws a dart directly at that cross which is supposed to paralyze his opponent temporarily, giving him enough time to pin them.</p><p>

    <em>Havoc</em> is considered as the muscle of the group. His catchphrase "Bring Havoc and Break Bones" is something he says a lot both on the mic and during his matches. His gimmick involves him randomly assaulting people backstage or on the ring for absolutely no reason except that he felt like it. One Shot is the only person who he never attacks, and he listens to him as if he was his master, and thus is the only person that can control him.</p><p>

    <em>Suzuki Jang Chi</em> is a Japanese puro wrestler who is a true veteran, debuting in the Japanese promotion <strong>RJPW</strong> all the way back in 1987. He was hired by WR to act as <em>Ramen Man</em> to join CrAzzzzzzY under the gimmick of a crazy Ramen Chef who acts as the cook for the entire stable.</p><p>

    <em>Albert Meyer</em> is considered as the lackey of the team, being personally not liked by the Board of Directors and always been shown as the "Weak Link" in the team. The only reason he was neither fired nor broken off from the faction was because he is a close friend of One Shot, who pulled the strings to keep him in the company even if he was going to be a jobber. He plays a drug addict gimmick.</p><p>

    <em>HoNESTy</em> is the final member of this faction (And the last person I will discuss in this post). He plays the gimmick of a man who wears a Plague Mask over his CrAzzzzzzY attire and has a disorder that would make him suddenly start acting as a Raven Bird, and he starts thinking that he is one, even building random nests all over the place. In other times he gains consciousness and is again a "normal" man, although there is nothing wrong is any member of CrAzzzzzzY.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>I would like to comment that if you are looking to help in this mod I would really appreciate it. We especially need </strong><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Graphic Designers</span></strong><strong> as we lack those, so if you can make worker and title renders in the same style as the Cornellverse I would really appreciate your help.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    In the USSR post I mentioned that the next post was supposed to be about GWO. However the promotion is still being worked on and so I decided to post about WR since it is done and is important, being the second EWW member and the 3rd promotion to be formed in Mainland Europe. GWO is hopefully the next post. Europe and the British Isles is almost done and we will be hopefully moving onto USA and Canada soon.</p>

  10. <p>Ussr</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">PLEASE NOTE THAT WE NEED PEOPLE TO HELP US BY MAKING TITLE AND CHARCTER RENDERS</span></em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Any other form of help is also appreciated, whether you are a veteran in modding who wants to give advice or a guy who wants to help by giving ideas.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Unified Soviet Supreme Rastlers</span></em></strong></p><p>

    Unified Soviet Supreme Rastlers was opened by the Russian Government in May 2000 as a way to spread propaganda throughout former Soviet Union States. It's success has been huge to the level that it expanded to former Soviet Satellite states, and plans on advancing all the way throughout Europe and the UK. Ruled with an Iron Fist by the Charismatic Russian Political Genius George Putin, it has shown that it is truly a force in the European Scene. Although usually lacking good matches in its heavyweight division, their captivating storylines have kept them alive for so long. Their women's division are known for their beauty, portrayed more as eye candy, and the company hasn't cared much on hiring enough athletic women. If the matches of the Heavyweights and Women discourage you, their Missiles Division, their version of Cruiserweights, have been known for great athleticism and great matches.</p><p> </p><p>

    However, their war with the European Wide Wrestling (EWW), the alliance formed just to counter their Propaganda-styled Product, has been a major problem in their expansion since IWF and WR opened just a few months after them in 2000. But with a recently made major PPV Broadcasting Deal for their events, and with their TV show named USSR Presents: The People's Wrestling still the only European Wrestling Television show outside the UK, is there really stopping them?</p><p> </p><p>

    They currently have 6 Championships. Their Current Champions are as follows:</p><p>

    <strong>USSR World Heavyweight Championship:</strong> Oracle</p><p>

    <strong>USSR Television Heavyweight Championship:</strong> Arsenic</p><p>

    <strong>USSR World Tag Team Championship:</strong> The Rebels of Rasputin (Lust & Rebel)</p><p>

    <strong>USSR Diva's Championship:</strong> Aldona Ivanova</p><p>

    <strong>USSR Hardcore Championship:</strong> Vadim Radius</p><p>

    <strong>USSR Missile's Championship:</strong> Jose Morgan Missile III</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong><em>Their most important stars are as follows</em></strong></p><p>

    <em>George Vladimiskov Putin</em> is the mastermind and CEO behind the company. Although he usually does not directly have a hand in the booking of the promotion, he still managed to gain popularity in the promotion. Born to a Russian father and English mother, the death of his parents in a car accident when he was merely a child has caused him to be brought up by his Russian side of the family, who refused to allow him to even meet his British side of the family, and has thus been brought up to love his country.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Vnitsky Moltov</em> is the figurehead of the promotion, and one of the most popular stars in Europe, the second after Patriarch Roman. A literal giant, he is the literal representation of USSR's love of bigger guys. Although he does have the ability to play a monstrous heel, the company has always kept him as a babyface Avenging Beast gimmick. Although limited in the ring, his brawling skills and entertainment skills tend to hide his flaws. Debuting with USSR on their first show, he has now headlined more shows than any other USSR Star.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Mehmet Novák</em> is a Kazakhastani wrestler who many consider to be the company's second biggest star. Also being with the USSR from the beginning, he has been a face most of his career. But after a loss to his sister in 2008, "The Kazak Warrior" has finally turned heel, and his feud with Vnitsky Moltov has been one of the most memorable feuds of the promotion. His heel run came to an end in 2013 after an attack from The Disciples of Rasputin...</p><p> </p><p>

    And talking about his sister, <em>Nurlan Novák</em> is a literally huge woman, standing at a larger size than half the roster, even her own brother (to give you an idea, she is a Muscular Big Heavyweight). Being the first ever Diva's champion and the only woman to ever win the USSR World Heavyweight Championship, which she won off her brother in 2008, she has been booked to be absolutely dominant and is the only woman who is not valued for her looks (which quite honestly would not work for her...). Unlike her brother, she has always kept a Heel Character, although she keeps a similar gimmick. And if you have watched at least one episode of The People's Wrestling, you will know that she absolutely hates her brother in kayfabe...</p><p> </p><p>

    And since we mentioned <em>The Disciples of Rasputin</em>, why don't we talk about them a bit. The faction is formed from 4 members, namely their leader and lightest World Heavyweight Champion ever Oracle, their big enforcer Arsenic, the veteran indies hardcore icon Rebel, and their newest and youngest addition, the High Flyer Lust Princip, who lost his last name just a bit after being introduced to USSR crowds. Created in 2003 in an attempt to help Oracle assend to stardom, their role is simple: You never know when, where, and who they will attack. Their extremely random attacks, which has never even had a good reason, has gained popularity with the fans over the years. Now in 2016(starting year in game), all 4 members of the faction are holding gold, and it seems that it would need a miracle to stop them.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Agent Horvat</em> is a Croatian wrestler who is known for being a veteran of USSR, debuting one year after the promotion started. Always playing an Arrogant Spy gimmick, he did have a change in 2014 when he became General Horvat, the leader of a new dominant faction named The Last Army. However, after the faction turned on him exactly one year later, he has returned to his previous gimmick, and is currently in feud with his former allies.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The Last Army</em> was formed by General Horvat when he got 5 new talents at USSR's Flagship show, USSR October Revolution. Initally playing a gimmick where they are wrestlers from the former 6 Yugoslav states who claim that Yugoslavia is better than Modern Russia, Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, their character has made them one of the biggest heel factions in the company. However, the faction turned face on their leader when instead of following Horvat's order to attack Vnitsky Moltov, they attacked him. Now getting ready to be pushed to the Main Event scene, the faction is formed formed from their new leader White Wolf Miletic from Serbia, veteran Macedonian wrestler Goran Nicevski (who previously worked in the US and in IWF), Slovenian submission specialist Ratgar Pjaca, Montenegrin Slaughter Ceferovic, and Bosnian Titan Mehmedovic.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Aldona Ivanova</em> is the current USSR Diva's Champion. A natural Beauty, her In-ring skills are really underrated, considering she is the single best in-ring competitor in the company, from both men and women. Although a multiple time champion, the company has never taken her as anything more than eye candy.</p><p> </p><p>

    Albanian <em>Agnesa Basha</em> and MMA Star <em>Masha Yurkevich</em> are also 2 of the most notable women in the promotion. Their popularity has kept them as stars, and their good looks has been something the company values, considering both lack any form of good in-ring skills.</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>Bin Yang</em> is a Chinese wrestler who is a former army officer who was hired by USSR in 2002. A 10 time USSR Hardcore Champion, which he holds the record in, his biggest goal however is the USSR World Heavyweight Championship which he never recieved. With his popularity recently rising, there may be a chance that he may soon accomplish his dream...</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>The Hussar</em> is a Polish wrestler who first caught the eyes of Wrestling crowds in EWW's own member PEW (Polish European Wrestling). The former Rugby and MMA star has failed to win the PEW Polish Championship multiple times, although he did really get close to doing so. Looking to make more money, and for new challenges and opportunities, he left the promotion for their number one rival USSR in 2013. He immediately won the Television Championship and recieved a big push, given a manager in Duchess Danuta, and an occasional tag team partner in Gediminas Mindaugas, who was also a former PEW star and was his tag team partner there, with the team called The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It may be just a matter of time before The Hussar becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    Other notable mentions include <em>The Horde</em>, a Mongolian faction that also work in Japan, the Cuban <em>Jose Morgan Missile III</em>, the current USSR Missile's Champion, who is one of the most decorated champs in that division, <em>Steve Swagger</em> who is also a Missiles division star from the United States known for his Anti-Russia Gimmick, and <em>Shota Malakidze</em> who is one of the most dominant members of the Missiles Division.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>I would like to note we have completed most of the European Promotions (9 Companies in Mainland Europe). We are currently working on both Europe and the British Isles (which currently has 4 promotions, plus one that has closed down), before we will move on to Canada and the US next.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    The next planned hype Post would be, hopefully, about the top UK Promotion GWO.</p><p> </p><p>

    I remind you all again of what I said in the beginning of this post: We are looking for people to help, especially people who can do renders. Please message me if you are interested.</p>

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="adi95" data-cite="adi95" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49437" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Is there anyone here who is a member of the mod making team and can tell what the status of the mod is currently?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> We have already finished 2 companies and are attempting to finish up Europe and the UK before moving to other game regions. We are doing some good work in terms of Workers and Companies, and just lack some Graphics because we still did not find someone who could do the titles and workers, although we have made multiple Logos.</p>
  12. IWF


    Please note that I am still looking for people to help out in the mod, mainly people who can do graphics and those who can help in the database, but also I am also open testers and veteran mod makers who are wishing to help by giving advice.


    This is my first hype post. Please note that the mod is still in its early stages, as there is a ton of workers to be done. But here is company me and my team are almost done with:


    Italian Wrestling Federation


    The Italian Wrestling Federation is the second company to open in Mainland Europe (After USSR) and acts as the leader of the EWW. Boasting a great history over the past 16 years, they have successfully managed to grow and establish themselves as a popular act in Italy, and with a great financial support and having the greatest and most popular wrestler of all time, Patriarch Roman, on their side, they have a huge potential for success. The company lacks great In-Ring Workers, but still managed to get some stars to popularity.


    They currently have 3 championships and a tournament title, IWF Emperor of the Ring. Their current champions are the IWF Italian Champion Chef Brocolllioni, the IWF Pizza Champion Culto Malvagio, and the IWF Tag Team Champions Scramble for Italy (Mustafa El Ghazi & Jarmarr Monvete).


    Their most important stars are as follows

    Patriarch Roman is an Italian Professional Wrestler who is absolutely good at everything, and is a major Movie Actor and TV Star. His love for the business was the only thing that prevented him from leaving for Hollywood, and when he heard about a company opening in his home country of Italy he immediately signed with them, and over time has established his loyalty to them, something weird for a man who is used to jump from company to company. He has opened his own Wrestling School, The Roman Dungeon, and uses its graduates in his IWF Babyface Faction The Roman Empire, which currently carries the triplets Red, Green, and Blue Triarii, and IWF's ultimate underdog Little Ceasar. Patriarch is also the current European Champion, a title contested in the EWW alliance.


    Little Ceasar has been dubbed as the next Patriarch Roman, carrying everything Roman has except the popularity outside Europe and the Heavyweight Size. Ceasar has decided to use a more High Flying style, and is a great entertainer. Maybe now that Roman is in his decline stage he needs an heir...


    Mario Maestro Mancilini, also known as Triple M, is the mastermind behind this company and it's booking, and is a popular figure on commentary. He is looking forward to soon get a TV Deal for this promotion.


    Chef Brocollioni is the top heel of the promotion, being one of the only 2 stars to pin Patriarch Roman clean in an IWF ring (The other being Big Bad Dengizich, a retired Veteran who now works as a Road Agent for the company). Although lacking wrestling skills, his amazing entertainment skills have always made him a top star in the promotion. In March 2015 he started his own stable, Pastaway, that has a similar comedy gimmick to him and is mainly just a bunch of jobbers that follow and help him that was created to help him against the might of the Roman Empire...


    And talking about Pastaway, there is one minion to Chef Brocollioni who is not a jobber, the menancing monster Anthony Lombardi. Still at a young age, he had his debut in Wrestling in IWF, and is considered one of their homegrown talents. He got into the company through his older brother, Antonio Lombardi, who is the company's announcer.


    The Wrestling veteran El Italiano Sr. is a mainstay in the company. Using a Luchador style due to his love for the Mexican Wrestling Business(It has always been his dream to work in a Mexican Promotion), he carries proudly the Italian Flag on his mask. Now nearing retirement age, and no more able to produce the great matches he was able to years ago, he was still kept by the company as a Nostalgia act, and as a tag team partner to his son El Italiano Jr.


    Culto Malvagio is the fastest rising young star in the company. Although not that good in-ring, his amazing entertainment skills and Dark Occult gimmick, together with this gimmick's backstage angles, have shot him into popularity. Triple M, seeing his potential, has kept him on a winning streak from his first day in the company, and has even allowed him to beat Chef Brocollioni for the IWF Pizza Championship in March 2015, a move that first annoyed the fans due to the fact the comedy name and style of the title not suiting his gimmick, but they soon changed their mind due to how entertaining his reign has been.



    The Company currently has 25 Wrestlers total, but I am still planning on adding some more Lower Carders


  13. So this is a forum made for a new mod I have been working on for TEW 2020. Named the Romanverse, it is named after Patriarch Roman, the main character for this mod. I will use this thread to give updates on the mod. Please note that this is the testing version. Link to the mod: 

    The currently WIP Photo Pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/po4xgasgaa53axy/Romanverse.zip/file


    Check the hype posts below for more information! Links to the Hype Posts below:
    IWF - https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/49437-the-romanverse/?do=findComment&comment=1335423
    USSR - https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/49437-the-romanverse/?do=findComment&comment=1369934
    WR - https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/49437-the-romanverse/?do=findComment&comment=1401339
    GWO - https://forum.greydogsoftware.com/topic/49437-the-romanverse/?do=findComment&comment=1404767


    I am looking for people to help out in the mod. If interested contact me. PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR MAIN WORK WILL BE FROM DISCORD

  14. <p>In the news</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="quavion87" data-cite="quavion87" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45939" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Any luck on this project. Have wanted to get into Wrestling Spirit desperately but I am just not at all into the customverse. So any real world mods would be much appreciated. I know stuff like this takes a long time but I wondered if any real progress had been made?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It is taking really long time. WS3 requires much more time than TEW 2016 Mods. I wanted to release it by February, but under these circumstances I'd expect it to be done by December or January 2020.I will say here when I am done if I am done early. For now I managed to finish like 30 Wrestlers. I also Made WWE, WCW, and ECW, and added 4 managers and 16 Title belts over those 3 promotions. WCW and ECW are set to closed, and are playable only through Exhibition mode. Anyways will try my best to finish as soon as possible.</p>
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ZakZero" data-cite="ZakZero" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45939" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you need help with anything, let me know and I can do my best to try and help.</div></blockquote><p> I have not been watching much from the indies, most of my info is narrowed to WWE and NXT superstars and alumni. When I start working on the other companies I may need some help as all I know about the Indies and smaller companies comes from the segments I saw on the Internet, which are not that accurate since they are mostly highlights.So if you have any info then yeah sure.</p>
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cuatthefinish" data-cite="cuatthefinish" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45939" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just wanted to log in to say thank you for stepping up to do this.<p> </p><p> Not a lot here for mods for this game. So it's awesome somebody has decided to give it a try.</p></div></blockquote><p> Anytime Bro. This may take some time but I hope I can release its alpha by january 2019.</p>
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