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How do I make my wrestlers better faster?

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Okay, so I'm using the 1rc data. I made a new fed (made a billionaire owner, gave the fed a budget equal to about 60% of that of WWEs and overness 80% that of TNAs) and the roster is made up of guys that are currently unemployed by any fed, but yet haven't left the business (DDP, Lesnar, Goldberg, Bret Hart, Savage, Evan Karagias, Bagwell, Luger, Warrior, Vader, Trish etc.). Anyway, once I added all of the guys in the unemployed workers section to written and PPA contracts in the editor that I wanted then my roster still only had around 30 something people and I realized most of them were on the older side. So I created a devlopment territory like that of OVW for my fed, and then I created a dozen workers. These guys were mostly D and F level celebs (if that). Teagan Presley, Taylor Rain, Tucker Max etc. Good Looks or in some cases MIC skills, no wrestling ability... think guys with skill level of David Arquette and Barbie Blank/Kelly Kelly. I placed them there with the idea that while they aren't good enough to wrestle now, maybe in a year or so they'll be competent performers and can begin to replace my new guys... Okay now to my question though: Why aren't these guys getting any better? I've been playing for like 3 games months now and all the guys who are signed to development contracts completely suck... any ideas?
First of all they probably are improving, just not enough to increase a letter grade. You must take into account that an F- encompasses anything from 0% to 5% and they are developing .1% at a time. Second, the best way for any worker to improve is to wrestle someone with much better skills, so a bunch of F- jobbers in a fed putting on matches against each other aren't going to improve as fast as they would if those F- jobbers are actually jobbing to guys with average or better skills. Last, give it time, if you think it's only going to take a year for a bunch of no talent bums to learn how to wrestle a decent match for a Global promotion you're out of your mind, If it takes less than 3 years to make even a portion of them respectable you are lucky. Especially if the promotion is only running a show a week, or worse yet, one a month.
Well my child company hardly wrestles the guys I send down! Some have only wrestled one or two matches in the whole time they've been down there...
[QUOTE=Wildcat;217917]First of all they probably are improving, just not enough to increase a letter grade. You must take into account that an F- encompasses anything from 0% to 5% and they are developing .1% at a time. Second, the best way for any worker to improve is to wrestle someone with much better skills, so a bunch of F- jobbers in a fed putting on matches against each other aren't going to improve as fast as they would if those F- jobbers are actually jobbing to guys with average or better skills. Last, give it time, if you think it's only going to take a year for a bunch of no talent bums to learn how to wrestle a decent match for a Global promotion you're out of your mind, If it takes less than 3 years to make even a portion of them respectable you are lucky. Especially if the promotion is only running a show a week, or worse yet, one a month.[/QUOTE] So I should have some good wrestlers down at my child promotion then? And I'm more TNAish level (I might be national actually) , not global yet. :) Edit: Better still, if I bring these guys up and have them wrestle against guys like Bret Hart every week that should make them great no?
Yeah getting some skilled workers down there to train them will help.. there's not really any way to get the promotion to put them on shows, or even to make them run shows though so it's just a matter of patience.
that is kind of the hard part with development.........the best way to get a person good skills fast is to have them work with strong workers but you can't send a "good" worker to development to "help train"........i think your best best is to just wait them out.........give them two years at the least and then start picking out the good one's or them the child company more then one show a week.
as i noted in a previous thread. If you have your development territory be on a touring schedule, set them to have 5 shows a week, your development talent will improve greatly. One of mine has gone from D's across the board, to some A/A*s, primarily B+/B/B- and on;y a few C's now
Another option is to try and sign up as many development feds as possible. If you can split your rubbish workers between two or more feds, they have more chances of being used, as they're not all fighting for one spot. I've had about seven feds set up for development when playing as WWE/F. Thinking about it, though, I'm not certain that once a worker is signed to a developmental deal, you can move him to another territory. Anyone?
[QUOTE=Kobe1724;217919]Edit: Better still, if I bring these guys up and have them wrestle against guys like Bret Hart every week that should make them great no?[/QUOTE] No. There is NOTHING currently available ingame to ensure ANY worker becomes "great" that is readily available to the player. Not one thing. We don't have access to the "destiny stat" so the best we can do is try to hedge our bets when it comes to development. Besides, it looks like you're looking for near-instant gratification and that's not going to happen in TEW with regard to worker development. Here's the main quandary you'll be faced with. You can't have a crappy worker job repeatedly to Bret Hart (even in dark time) because their overness will skyrocket just from being in the ring with such a "legend". Thus, they'll rise up the card and before you know it, you've got a crappy worker who qualifies for a main event push. Overness increases FAR faster than worker skills and with a promotion like you describe, overness is GOD. Honestly, I think you started off with a faulty foundation and everything's falling down now as a result. Plus, if you gave these workers low 'Superstar Quality', it's likely their skills aren't EVER going to be very high (since, according to the man himself, star quality contributes to what skills are randomly capped at at the start of a game). Only 3 months in, I'd start over after making the necessary tweaks. Like, give the promotion at least one worker who is good in-ring (someone like say, Lance Storm or something) with especially good performance skills (basics, selling, safety, [B][I]psychology[/I][/B], consistency). Give the developmental workers B or better Star Quality and stamina and A or better resilience. Do what hurricanedp suggests and tour them 5 days a week for like 10 months out of the year (workrate is VERY important for developing workers). But if you're expecting measurable results in 3 months, you're going to need more than 1 territory. Your workers will probably have to work so much, their stamina and resilience (and thus, their fatigue) are tested to the extreme, which is why I suggested you give them high-ish stamina and resilience. Injured & unavailable workers get zero improvement opportunities. Find out exactly how many in-ring workers a Regional promotion needs and give each territory EXACTLY that number of workers (so they don't go out and sign their own talent and use them more than yours). Maybe give the territory owner a personality type that likes small(-er) rosters to reinforce that. Perhaps give them a high quality road agent (someone with B+ or better psychology and respect) so your matches may come out better (and thus, workers gain pop quicker/easier and are less likely to be injured (maybe)). But the best catch-all that I can give to answer the question posed in the topic title is: Use them more. Worker skills advance at a glacial pace when they're not working. More work/appearances = more skill increase opportunities.
[QUOTE=Kobe1724;217911] Okay now to my question though: Why aren't these guys getting any better? I've been playing for like 3 games months now and all the guys who are signed to development contracts completely suck... any ideas?[/QUOTE] Wow a whole 3 months and they have not improved. You better use the in-game editor to jack up all of their ratings and then post in the Tech Support Section of the forums because this is probably a gameplay bug! :eek:
Hmmm... there's an idea. I could always sign some celebs like K-Fed and Trump, then have my lower workers feed off of their overness in dark matches. Once they have high overness I can hide their weaknesses in main event matches by pushing them against guys that can carry them like Hogan/Hart etc.
[QUOTE=Kobe1724;218219]Hmmm... there's an idea. I could always sign some celebs like K-Fed and Trump, then have my lower workers feed off of their overness in dark matches. Once they have high overness I can hide their weaknesses in main event matches by pushing them against guys that can carry them like Hogan/Hart etc.[/QUOTE] Umm, but then you wind up with workers who are over but suck in the ring (kinda like, well, Hogan!). I thought you wanted your workers to be more Bret Hart than Hulk Hogan. If the only thing you care about is overness, then just have them job to your most over workers on national TV (ala WWF Superstars). They're not going to improve a whole helluva lot and you run the risk of one of them injuring your star (hello low safety and basics) but it would accomplish that which you seem to want a lot closer to your expected 3 month-ish timeframe.
You're going to sign K-Fed and Trump to wrestle? :confused: That's like having Khali/Kelly Kelly main event Mania, and having Kelly dominate and win. Lol What a match that would be ;P
[QUOTE=Kobe1724;217918]Well my child company hardly wrestles the guys I send down! Some have only wrestled one or two matches in the whole time they've been down there...[/QUOTE] If you want fast develpment make your child promotion have a touring scheduel 10 motnhs a year with 5 shows a week. But do not expect anything to happen in 3 months. Within 3 years they will be highly respectable fighters, capable of matching most. You will loose quite a few in injury though. Maybe 20% of them.


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