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As long as size is only a small factor (especially with openweight stuff), I'm cool with it. Rickson Gracie, for instance, was 180 pounds and could whomp damn near anyone regardless of size. Skill beats size more often than not. I would say something like this: 70% Skill 15% Experience 10% Fitness 5% Size Something like that.
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[QUOTE=Anubis;222466]As long as size is only a small factor (especially with openweight stuff), I'm cool with it. Rickson Gracie, for instance, was 180 pounds and could whomp damn near anyone regardless of size. Skill beats size more often than not.[/QUOTE]I think it depends more on the individual fighter, a great fighter will make things tough for anyone regardless of size but if they are fighting way below their weight class it puts them at a serious disadvantage, the bigger the difference in weight the more of a disadvantage the lighter fighter is at in most cases. If they are a striker KO power isn't universal, most lighter fighters just dont have the power to KO someone at heavyweight. A grappler would have to move the added weight around aswell, which would lead to him tiring faster, so I'd say it'd factor into it more than 5%. [QUOTE]i dont like the term "luck" but i think something like "heart" would be appropriate. randy coture beat sylvia with ALOT of that[/QUOTE]I would put Randy's win down to his gameplan and general greatness moreso than his heart.
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[QUOTE=Ghostface;222479]I think it depends more on the individual fighter, a great fighter will make things tough for anyone regardless of size but if they are fighting way below their weight class it puts them at a serious disadvantage, the bigger the difference in weight the more of a disadvantage the lighter fighter is at in most cases. If they are a striker KO power isn't universal, most lighter fighters just dont have the power to KO someone at heavyweight. A grappler would have to move the added weight around aswell, which would lead to him tiring faster, so I'd say it'd factor into it more than 5%.[/QUOTE] Well yeah, a striker would have trouble, since striking is almost entirely power-based. Technique-based fighters like Rickson Gracie, however, work differently. Maybe the impact of weight should depend on style. A submission wrestler would have a much easier time in a higher weight class than a striker, for instance.
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I think it would depend more on his opponent aswell, if he was fighting someone else well versed in submissions, the added weight he'd have to carry on the bottom would be to his disadvantage again. Maybe the best way around it would be some sort of stat to determine how well he fights in openweight matches or against heavier opponents.
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[QUOTE=Ghostface;222479]I think it depends more on the individual fighter, a great fighter will make things tough for anyone regardless of size but if they are fighting way below their weight class it puts them at a serious disadvantage, the bigger the difference in weight the more of a disadvantage the lighter fighter is at in most cases. If they are a striker KO power isn't universal, most lighter fighters just dont have the power to KO someone at heavyweight. A grappler would have to move the added weight around aswell, which would lead to him tiring faster, so I'd say it'd factor into it more than 5%. I would put Randy's win down to his gameplan and general greatness moreso than his heart.[/QUOTE] yeah, but at the same time its his heart that has him training for a title fight at his age, its his heart to stand in there.
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[QUOTE=Anubis;222466]As long as size is only a small factor (especially with openweight stuff), I'm cool with it. Rickson Gracie, for instance, was 180 pounds and could whomp damn near anyone regardless of size. Skill beats size more often than not. I would say something like this: 70% Skill 15% Experience 10% Fitness 5% Size Something like that.[/QUOTE] I think fitness becomes a huge factor if the fight goes to three rounds. A person with good skill and bad fitness will go to crap after a period of time. If it can be added to the game somehow I'd love to see fitness help a fighter win in a long fight.
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