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NYCW : The Revolution

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[quote][SIZE="5"]Next Saturday, New York City Wrestling presents... Rumble in the Big Apple! [/size] [FONT="Arial Black"][b]NYCW Empire Title[/b] : Grandmaster Phunk (ch) vs Barry Kingman[/font] [i]A special main even this month part of our working agreement with 4C. Grandmaster Phunk will defend the NYCW Empire against 4C own, Barry Kingman. And it's only half of the deal! Phunk will travel to Canada later this month to defend his title in the next 4C show against the very same Kingman. Or will Kingman be the champion at that time ?[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]American Machine vs Dean Daniels[/font] [i]After the vicious attack and the impromptu victory of the new roster addition, The Machine Dean Daniels, it's time for the American Machine to get some revenge. Let's see how Daniels can dance in a regular match ![/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Harry Wilson vs Titan[/font] [i]Wilson had some issues with the Revolution leader over the past few months. It's his opportunity to prove to Derek Lynch it was the right decision by taking on Revolution's powerhouse! Titan will certainly tries to beat some senses in Wilson.[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Jim Smith vs Sammy The Shark[/font] [i]The Conman requests this revenge match. He's still upset by his defeat against Smith at Men at Work and he'll try to get that big W back! Can Smith wins again or was it simply a fluke victory ?[/i] [b]Also scheduled to appear : [/b] - Stewart Ranch will make his single debut! - Primal Rage - 4C Champion, Joey Poison [/quote] ...
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NYCW Rumble in New York - May 2007 [center][IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/nycw.jpg[/IMG] [size=3]New York City Wrestling presents...[/size] [size=7]Rumble in The Big Apple[/size] Saturday Week 2, May 2007 Live from the Weston Gymnasium, New York, in front of 300 people[/center] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/jimsmith2.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/sammy.jpg[/IMG] [u]Jim Smith vs Sammy The Shark[/u] Time for the Conman to get a win back at the young Smith and it's not easy as it may sounds. Smith seems to really have Sammy's number and he's giving him hell lot of troubles. Way too much probably as Sammy snaps, goes for a chair and blasts Smith with it. That gets him DQed, but at least, there's a smile on his face now. Winner by DQ [b]Jim Smith[/b] in 5:25. [i]Rating : E+[/i] [And for the first time ever... a bonus video for our webcast! Ain't that great, huh ? We now have enough money to make some video editing. Either that or my buddy helping with the website finally cracked this program... Anyway, back to the video. Quality is not that great, transitions are not state-of-the-art, but it really shows how good our new recruit is. His name is Bulldozer Brandon Smith, he's big rough guy from Minnesota. A former football player and boy does it get into your face ! The video shows how hard he hits and methodical is his approach. Much like to japenese wrestling from what I've been told.] [i]Rating : E[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/bulldozer.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/stewart.JPG[/IMG] [u]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Stewart Ranch (w/ Elijah Harris)[/u] And for his solo debut Stewart Ranch got manhandled hard... Bulldozer didn't get a very good initial crowd reaction, but it changed as the match progressed. Bulldozer was right on top of Ranch all the time, throwing him around like a ragdoll. Ranch tried, but he could only connected with a few basic moves. Bulldozer ended that one with a Backdrop Driver. Winner : [b]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/b] in 6:27. [i]Rating : D[/i] [Things are not over for Ranch as his uncle Elijah is now in the ring, berating him. And a slap to the face to punish him for his defeat ! Stewart is trying to apolozige, but it doesn't seem to calm Harris down. He looks like to hit him again when Bulldozer re-enters the ring having seen enough of it. Ranch and Harris gets out the ring quickly as the crowd acknowledges Bulldozer's intervention with a nice round of applauses.] [i]Rating : E[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/jerrymartin.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/primalrage.jpg[/IMG] [u]Jerry Martin vs Primal Rage[/u] A brawl erupts right at the bell and both men trade punches. Slowly Primal Rage builds some momentum with few impact moves taking advantage of his experience. He surprises Martin with the Wake Up Call out of nowhere to get the win. Winner [b]Priaml Rage[/b] in 4:40. [i]Rating : D-[/i] [Primal Rage is not done as he gets Martin up for another Wake Up Call ! He rolls him outside the ring and drives him head first into the ringsteps ! Primal Rage sits on the apron over Martin's motionless body, a strange menacing look on his face. The referee comes near to check Martin. He asks for assistance and orders Rage to the back. Rage doesn't respond, in fact, we're not quite sure his mind is still there...] [i]Rating : F+[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/wilson.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/titan.jpg[/IMG] [u]Harry Wilson vs Titan (w/ Derek Lynch)[/u] This match was a clash of styles. Wilson tried to move around Titan, getting him down with strikes to the knees, Titan was just too powerful for him tonight. Titan won that one with a Titanic Chokeslam. After the match, Lynch gets near a dizzy Wilson laying on the ring and mocks him, saying that if he had take his offer, Titan would be crushing people for Wilson, not crushing Wilson. Winner : [b]Titan[/b] in 5:46. [i]Rating : E+ - Let's just be glad they clicked - and E- for Wilson getting in Wilson' face.[/i] [The national anthem plays in the arena and here comes American Machine. He grabs the mic while acknowledging the crowd reaction.] [color="navy]American Machine : I'm sorry fans, but my scheduled match against Dean Daniels won't happen tonight. Daniels hasn't been seen around since Land of Heroes. Sorry, but he's one of those cowards that can't take America by the front! He's only good at backstabbing people... Now, I've trained hard for this bout, I'm pumped up... and I'm not going anywhere ! If there's anyone in the back that wants a shot at me, now is your time![/color] [American Machine hands over the mic and it doesn't take long for someone to answer the challenge. The Soulman Elijah Harris is in the aisle, his nephew Stewart Ranch on his heels.] [color="darkred"]Elijah Harris : I hope you're ready for a real challenge, boy ! I'm so pissed off at my nephew that I need to get some frustration out of my system and you look like a good punching bag. Stand close Stewart and watch how real man like the Soulman win matches ![/color] [And we have new match folks!] [i]Rating : D for the challenge, E+ for the answer[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/usmachine.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/soulman.jpg[/IMG] [u]American Machine vs The Soulman Elijah Harris (w/ Stewart Ranch)[/u] A very good bout between these two. American was really pumped up and delivered a good performance. Harris focus was on and had solutions for every offensive move from Machine, specially underhanded solutions. Seeing that his uncle was not in command, Stewart Ranch tried to help him and tried to grab Machine's foot as he was going in the ropes. Unfortunately, Machine reversed sending Harris in the ropes. Ranch caught by mistake and Harris fell straight into the American Strong Lariat. American got the three count and Harris' frustration only growed stronger. Winner : [b]American Machine[/b] in 6:20. [i]Rating : D-[/i] [As we're heading for the main event, 4C Champion Joey Poison makes his way to the ring... with the 4C Title on his shoulder! Poison takes the mic.] [color="navy"]Joey Poison : In a few moments, you'll see 4C regular and also NYCW wrestler Barry Kingman taing on Grandmaster Phunk for the NYCW Empire Title. A rematch has already been signed for No Limits, the next 4C show. I wish Kingman the best of luck, he'll need it against a very good opponent. This said, These two matches are only part of the deal between the two companies. Next month, I'll be there once again here in NYCW and I'll bring my 4C Title and anyone from the NYCW roster will be able to challenge me for it ! Who will be brave enough to take the challenge ? You'll have to be there next month to see it ![/color] [Poison hands over the mic and takes a seat near the ring to watch the main event.] [i]Rating : E[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/nycw_empire.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/phunk.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/kingman.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]NYCW Empire Title[/b] : Grandmaster Phunk vs Barry Kingman[/u] A much hyped special main event and it really delivered. An instant classic. Both men exchanged holds for the majority of the match until Kingman slowed down Phunk with a couple of Leglocks and Knee Bars. The champion made a strong comeback putting his body on the line with a couple of dangerous high flying moves. Phunk finnaly hit the Tornado DDT on Kingman to retain his title. Winner and still champion : [b]Grandmaster Phunk[/b] in 8:43. [i]Rating : C - gotta love good chemistry[/i] [Grandmaster Phunk doesn't have any chance to celebrate this victory as The Revolution storms the ring ! Mean Jean Cattley blindsides Phunk with a running forearm behind the head. The champion is then an easy pickup for Titan who connects with his Titanic Chokeslam. The Revolution puts the boots the champion as Cattley is yelling at Phunk that it ain't over until he said so. And this month shows ends with this very unfortunate attack.] [i]Rating = E+[/i] [u][b]Global Rating for tonight : D+[/b][/u] - A very good night wrestling-wise. We're now able to put some really good matches. - Tonight's grade would have been higher if I was not dumb and I had checked correctly WLW schedule. They hold their monthly big event tonight and of course Dean Daniels choose to work for them. At least, he lost his match. That'll teach him ! - As usual, comments are very much appreciated.
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May 2007 in review [center][size=5]May 2007 in review[/size][/center] [b][u]NYCW[/u][/b] - Rumble in the Big Apple was a fairly good show. We lost minimal money and the fans saw great matches. Still, it would have been better if Dean Daniels was at the show for his annouced match, but that's totally my fault. - Daniels tour with WLW is over, but he's now going to tour with INSPIRE. Since they hold their weekly event on saturdau, we'll be moving our next event to a friday night to make sure Daniels can be there. Oh, and Bulldozer Brandon Smith will also be touring with them. - Grandmaster Phunk was unable to defend his NYCW Empire title in 4C due to injuries. Kingman was then granted a shot at the 4C Title hold by Joey Poison. The champ retained and Phunk announced he'll be back next month to fullfill his commitment. - Lee Wright was released from his contract. He's commanding a enourmous pay check and we really had no direction for his character. Best of luck in his future endeavors. - Some strange things are going on in our lockeroom has it seems that Sammy and Barry Kingman are now very good friends. [u]Week 1[/u] - Things are going well enough for TCW to grab some network attention. Starting next season, they will air TCW Darkness on East Coast Today. Not a big network, but it's in the heart of SWF territory. - SWF color commentator Ana Garcia signed a contract extension. - Destiny (aka The Insane Heat), current CGC Canadian champion, signed a written deal with NOTBPW. Yes, they do sign every good thing that happens in CGC. - As expected, CGC took the Canadian title from Destiny. Current tag team champion Lee Rivera will get to run with the belt. - OLLIE will go to TV soon ! They signed a deal with the same network that is showing SOTBPW to air some wrestling next season. - INSPIRE is gearing up for the next tour as they signed Java (USPW), Plauge (CZCW) and Snap Dragon (CZCW) to tour contratcts. - The war is fully raging in Japan as both PHGW and BHOTWG annouced deal for a new TV show on Japanese Sports Vision. - Davey London run with the 21CW UK Title didn't last long as he lost the belt to Trance on weekly TV. [u]Week 2[/u] - At Master of Puppets, SWF crowned a new Shooting Star champion as Bart Biggz defeated Zimmy Bumfhole for his second run with the belt. - BLZ Bubb signed an extension with TCW. - Tim Westybrook signed an extension with NOTBPW. - Young Canadian wrestler Davis Wayne Newton, who just finished his training earlier this month, signed with CGC. - A huge blow to GCG. Toshiharu Hyobanshi wasn't renew as both sides couldn't agree on a new deal. He's a great brawler and very popular (B- everywhere in Japan) so he's probably not going to stay sidelined for a long time. - After several outsanding performances in the last few months, Pistol Pete Hall has finaly been rewarded. Last night, he beat Gakusha for the GCG World Heavyweight Title. - BHOTWG officials came back to senses last night as they took out the Burning World Title from the freelancer Koshiro Ino. Shimedzu is the man now. - We're note quite sure what's going on with the 21CW UK Title. Trance didn't get a single succesufl defense as he lost the belt to Ivan Ivanoff [u]Week 3[/u] - Bart Biggz inked a new deal with SWF. - Shizmedu reign as Burning World Champion was rather short as he lost the belt to Kinnojo Horri. That's a much more interseting champion as Horris is the most popular wrestler on the roster, popularity that even goes outside Japan, and he's every loyal to the company. - Another holder change for the 21CW United Kingdom title as Stevie Stoat beat Ivan Ivanoff. [u]Week 4[/u] - Sam Keith signed an extension with SWF. - Harry Allen extended his contract with TCW. - Cheetah Boy signed a new contract with USPW. - Mean Jean Cattley signed an extension with MAW. A great move for both side, Cattley is really the cornerstone of the company and he's doing good as the head booker. - Vin Tanner and The Extreme Ref Ryan Holland signed an extension with DAVE. - Scout beat Travis Century for the DAVE Brassknuckle Title at Total Disruption, their latest PPV. - Unfortunately for DAVE, their TV show wasn't renewed and they are now completely off TV. - 4C held No Limits and it was strong show (D). Grandmaster Phunk was unable to defend his title against Barry Kingman courtesy of Cattley's attack at our last show. Phunk rather sat at the commentary table to watch Joey Poison retained his 4C Title over Kingman. Phunk promised he'd be there next month to fullfill his commitements. - On a related story, Sayeed Ali defeated Warren Technique for the 4C Hardcore Title. - Brendan Idol contract was renewed by RIPW. - Kiminobu Kuroki beat Takayuki 2000 for the GCG Openweight Title.
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Summer Showdown preview [quote][SIZE="5"]Next Friday, New York City Wrestling presents... Summer Showdown[/size] [FONT="Arial Black"]Whistler vs Mean Jean Cattley[/font] [i]Our champion Grandmaster Phunk is currently injured, courtesy of Cattley and it has pissed off the American Made Hero, Whistler ! The veteran challenged Cattley to match as he's sick of his sneak attacks and wants to teach him a lesson. Cattley was probably looking another Empire title shot, but he won't back down from a challenge, specillay coming from "an old crazy f****".[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"][b]4C Title :[/b] Joey Poison (ch) vs ???[/font] [i]Last month, 4C Champion Joey Poison anyone in the NYCW roster to step to the plate and take a shot at him. Be there friday to see who's gonna take the challenge![/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]The New York Doll vs Dean Daniels[/font] [i]The machine Dean Daniels is back from his japanese commitments and he's ready for action. But it won't be against American Machine ! American Machine is not scheduled to be there this month as he'll be doing some taping for our new upcoming personal training DVD. At least, we'll get to see what Daniels can do in a ring![/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Harry Wilson vs Kashmir Singh[/font] [i]Last month, Wilson had to take on the big Titan and didn't go very well. Derek Lynch isn't satisfied yet so he managed to get another of his protege to take on Wilson this month. Will the result be the same ?[/i] [b]Also scheduled to appear : [/b] - Rick Sanders - Al Coleman - Titan [/quote] ...
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NYCW Summer Showdown - June 2007 [center][IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/nycw.jpg[/IMG] [size=3]New York City Wrestling presents...[/size] [size=7]Summer Showdown[/size] Friday Week 2, June 2007 Live from the Weston Gymnasium, New York, in front of 300 people[/center] [Moments before the show, Joey Poison is signing autographs outside Weston when he sees a familiar face getting in the building. Joey thanks the fans for the support and heads in to meet a young charismatic man.] [color="darkred"]Joey Poison : Hey Nomad, what's up ?[/color] [color="navy"]Nomad : Joey ! Dude![/color] [color="darkred"]Joey Poison : I'm glad they accepted my idea of bringing you here tonight. You're ready for your big match against Coleman ?[/color] [color="navy"]Nomad : You bet I am ! I'll push him to the limit and take the Tri-State title home in Canada. Best thing about it : they'll have to hire me full time after that.[/color] [color="darkred"]Joey Poison : Great! That's why I push for you to get in this deal between the companies.[/color] [color="navy"]Nomad : Good luck with your match Joey, make all the boys back in Canada proud by retaining your title.[/color] [Both men parts way as we're ready for our first match of the night.] [i]Rating = E[/i] [Not yet ! Harry Wilson is near the curtain, ready for his match, when Rick Sanders comes by.] [color="darkred"]Rick Sanders (pointing the Revolution near the ring) : These guys are a pain... We need to work together to get rid of them. [/color] [color="navy"]Harry Wilson (going thru the curtain): I can take care of myself, don't worry.[/color] [color="darkred"]Rick Sanders : I don't think we really have a choice in this kind of situation...[/color] [i]Rating = E+[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/wilson.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/singh.jpg[/IMG] [u]Harry Wilson vs Kashmir Singh (w/Derek Lynch & Titan)[/u] A very good match... for the time it went on. Wilson and Singh traded holds for some minutes, but Lynch quickly get involved by yelling at the ref. Lynch finally got the attention of the referee long enough for Titan to... no! Rick Sanders ran from the back and prevented Titan's interference. Meanwhile, Wilson connected with his Sit-Out Powerbomb to get a three count. Winner : [b]Harry Wilson[/b] in 4:37. [i]Rating D-[/i] [Titan hits a big chop on Sanders and rolls him in the ring. Wilson tries a Clothesline, but it doesn't bother the big guy, but he gives Sanders just enough time to club Titan in the legs with a Shoulder Block. Wilson and Sanders team to push Titan over the top rope. Singh runs to down, but he gets pushed outside the ring. Wilson and Sanders have cleared the ring! Derek Lynch is furious and grabs a mic.] [color="darkred"]Derek Lynch : Sanders, I thought you would have learn to stay out of our business by now! How many more times do we have to hurt you ? I know, let's end this quickly. How about Titan gets back in that ring and break you in half ?[/color] [Sanders motion to the Revolution to bring it... and we have match folks!] [i]Rating = E- for the failed attack, E+ for the challenge[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/ricksanders.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/titan.jpg[/IMG] [u]Rick Sanders (w/Harry Wilson) vs Titan (w/Derek Lynch & Kashmir Singh)[/u] Maybe it's the frustration, but Titan wasn't really up to his standards in this one. The veteran Sanders managed to get around him and worked on his knee to keep on him on the ground. Harry Wilson managed to keep Singh from interfering, which helped Sanders to score a pinfall after an impressive Top Rope DDT. Winner : [b]Rick Sanders[/b] in 4:36. [i]Rating = D-[/i] [The 4C Champion, Joey Poison come to the ring with this belt, ready for action. Who will takes the challenge ? Poison wait a couple of minutes, he's about to leave... but Primal Rage jumps him from the crowd! I guess we have our match !] [i]Rating = F+[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/4C_title.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/joeypoison.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/primalrage.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]4C Championship[/b] : Joey Poison (ch) vs Primal Rage[/u] Primal Rage got the early advantage with his blindside attack, but slowly, the 4C Champion made his comeback. Poison took control of the match, only to make a slight mistake. He took the match to the ropes not knowing Primal Rage can also work them. Rage took back the advantage, he tried to connect with a Senton Bomb, but only met Poison's knees! Joey Poison quickly rolled up the challenge to retain his title. Winner and still 4C Champion : [b]Joey Poison[/b] in 5:57. [i]Rating = D[/i] [Joey Poison is a gentleman. As he gets his title back from the referee, he offers an handshake to Primal Rage. That's a pretty big mistake if you ask me! Rage takes his hands, but suddenly pulls Poison to him... Wake Up Call ! And the 4C champion is laying on his back ! Rage stands over Poison, 4C belt in hands, WHAM ! He rams the belt in Poison's nose! Primal Rage drops the belt and walks away.] [i]Rating = F+[/i] [Here comes The Machine Dean Daniels for his scheduled bout with the New York Doll. Before our announcer can call his opponent, Daniels grabs the mic.] [color="darkred"]Dean Daniels : So here I am this month, but where's American Machine ? Filming some cheap dvd that no one will ever buy when he should be here, taking a wrestling clinic by my hands. He can talk all he wants, but he's the real coward. He knew I couldn't be here last month, it was a well-known fact, unless you're a big fat ignorant like the majority of this crowd, that I had japanese dates around Rumble in New York. American Machine tried to make a fool out of me, but it now backfires on him. Tonight, I'm here, ready to wrestle, but this idiot is not here. Why ? Because he's the real coward and managed to get out of this show. Well, junior, ask for the taping of my match, 'cause I'm gonna do to that Doll exactly what I'm gonna do to you and it ain't pretty![/color] [Daniels hands over the mic and I think we should be ready for our match now.] [i]Rating = E+[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/newyorkdoll.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/deandaniels.jpg[/IMG] [u]The New York Doll vs The Machine Dean Daniels[/u] Oh god, this wasn't pretty. Daniels completely dominated his opponnent and didn't let him complete a single move. A complete squash that ended with a Craddle Piledriver. Winner : [b]Dean Daniels[/b] in 3:37. [i]Rating = D-[/i] [After the match, Daniels, without the mic, continues to trash talk the crowd about how great he is. But look who's coming down the aisle... it's the American Machine ! He's here tonight ! Daniels turns around just to see American Machine get in the ring and a wild brawl follows! It's all over moments later when officials finally put the two men away.] [i]Rating = E-[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/nycw_tristate.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/coleman.jpg[/IMG] [u][b]NYCW Tri-State Regional Title[/b] : Nomad vs Al Coleman (ch) (w/Derek Lynch)[/u] There's a big opportunity for the young canadian wrestler Nomad and that's the great thing about our working agreement with 4C. Nomad gave all he got, and trust me he's darn good, but Al Coleman was on top of his game tonight. It was a back and forth match, but utlimately, Coleman made his opponent submit to a STF to retain his title. Still, Nomad made a very good impression on the New York Crowd. Winner and still champion : [b]Al Coleman[/b] in 5:12. [i]Rating = D+ and good chemistry note, which is a good sign for Nomad's future.[/i] [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/whistler.jpg[/IMG] VS [IMG]http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/meanjean.jpg[/IMG] [u]Whistler vs Mean Jean Cattley (w/Derek Lynch, Titan, Kashmir Singh & Titan)[/u] And this is not a typo, the whole Revolution was at ringside to watch that one. But they were not alone for more than a few seconds as Harry Wilson and Rick Sanders came to ringside too. All these people might have dragged the bout a little with all the distraction they caused. After another interference try by the Revolution, Sanders and Wilson got in their faces which might not have been a good idead, Lynch took the opportuniy to get in the ring and delivered a low blow to Whistler as he was gearing up for the Rebel Yell. This allowed Mean Jean Cattley to hit the Mood Swing and he got a three count out of this. Winner : [b]Mean Jean Cattley[/b] in 8:31. [i]Rating = D[/i] [The Sanders/Wilson/Revolution brawl is making its way to the ring now and, of course, Cattley joins the fray. Sanders and Wilson are litterly fighting for their lifes and they're doing good. Wilson even connects with his Sit-Out Powerbomb on Singh ! Whistler is on his feet too now and he joins the brawl. Then the numeric advantagte of the Revolution gets in the way. Lynch pushes people around, grabs their chair and gets in the ring handing over the weapons to his proteges when he can. WHAM ! WHAM ! WHAM-A-FEST ! It takes only a couple of seconds and Sanders, Wilson, Whistler are all laying on their back, nailed by chair shots. Before somebody gets hurt by a foreign object thrown by a fan, the Revolution heads to the back with Lynch yelling that you can't stop them.] [i]Rating = E[/i] [u][b]Global Rating for tonight : D[/b][/u] - A little stepback for the global grade tonight. We have good matches, but no great one. Still, it was a good night of wrestling. - I may go back to 90 minutes event next month now that I have the finances under control. It would allow the matches to go a bit longer. - The Revolution ended the show with a bang, but at least, we know there's some opposition now. - Feedbacks are welcomed, I kinda feel lonely in this topic you know.
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June 2007 in review [center][size=5]June 2007 in review[/size][/center] [b][u]NYCW[/u][/b] - Summer Showdown was another great night of wrestling and I'm now used to not listen to The Stomper rants about us losing money. - Stewart Ranch is going to tour with WLW in the next few moments, a new way to give me headaches about our schedule. I mean, dammit, WLW are doing 3 shows each week, not to mention that CGC and INSPIRE completly block all my weekends. [u]Week 1[/u] - Texas Pete defeated Rocky Golden for the TCW International Title on the very first edition of TCW Darkness. - oh oh ![b] TCW is now an International promotion ![/b] Total Wrestling is available in Canada and their recent efforts are now paying. That's pretty much put them at the same level of SWF. - TCW new popularity brings some new wrestlers : Bruce The Giant (free agent), Hell's Bouncer (DAVE), Madman Boone (free agent). By no means great wrestlers, but maybe they can make Texas Pete look good... - Since they're out of TV, DAVE released Mitch Naess. Rumors are already spreading about Rock Downpour replacing him for the PPVs. - Toshiharu Hyobanshi didn't stay unemployed more than a couple of weeks. He'll be touring with PHGW soon. - The prestigious Best of The Super Juniors tournament was held by BHOTWG was held this week. The former 5 times Burning Junior champion, American Elemental II won the one night tournament by beating Sensational Dragon in the final. - Former TCW wrestler Stevie Grayson is gonna tour with WLW next month. - Guess what ? Another new champion for the 21CW United Kingdom title in the person of Rod The God Todd. [u]Week 2[/u] - Another group of new workers for TCW : Freddie Datsun (USPW), Fumihiro Ota (free agent), Curt O'Malley (DAVE road agent) and Jez McArthuer (a ref free unemployed). - On a related story, Fumihiro Ota wrestled at the American Independant show Paul Steadyfest in a very good match (rated C-). - Also, Shawn Gonzalez is reported to have turn down an offer from TCW. He's quite happy working for DAVE and booking CZCW. - Bruce made a splash in TCW by beating Tommy Cornell in a non-tile match in his debut. - Rumors have been true, Rock Downpour will be calling DAVE PPVs. - At Times of Trouble, Elmo Benson defeated Rich Money for the SWF North American title. - BSC didn't renew Sara Silver's contract. She's now working only for MAW. - The Calgary Assassin Mike Wilson hurted his shoulder badly at the last INSPIRE show. He should be out for a year. What really sucks for Watson that he defeated Marat Khoklov for the King of Fighters title prior to that. [u]Week 3[/u] - Fuhimiro Ota didn't waste any time to make an impact in TCW as he beat Freddy Huggins for the All-Action Title. - With the recent success of the company, Floyd Goldworthy signed an contract extension with TCW. - Former hip hop star Flava Kast is currently paying his dues in CGC and he'll know try to weight in his popularity in USPW. - Preston Hold will be the new road agent for DAVE. - Elmo Benson signed a brand new contract with SWF. - For those who still dreams about here, Beach Babe Bunnie will continue his work with CZCW as she signed an extension. - Current RIPW booker and DAVE manager, Shane Sneer will bring his expertise to BSC from now on. - Tasuku Iesada beat Masaak Okazaki to become the new INSPIRE King of Fighters. - ELPF are doing well enough to be considered a Small promotion now. [u]Week 4[/u] - [b]BOOOM ! A bomb hit the wrestling world last night. After another pretty average show, SWF failed to maintain its populariy and fell to Cult size.[/b] It resulted in many firings : Shane Stone (ref), Duane Fry, Jessie, Calamari Kid, Mikel Alonso, Shady K, Knuckles, Andre Jones... and Jim Force (noooooooo!). - Rich Money is a team player and he's staying with SWF. It's only a PPA contract though. - Duane Fry didn't waste any time and quickly signed with TCW.
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2007 - Mid Year Report I figured I could do a quick rundown of the world every 6 months, just to keep in touch with everything I might have missed. [quote] [size=4]USA[/size] Economy F- (falling) Wrestling E- (falling) TCW : International (B- in USA, C- in Canada, D- in Mexico, E+ in Japan) SWF : Cult (B- in USA except C+ in MidWest/NorthWest/SouthWest/Puerto Rico, C- in Canada, D- in Mexico, D in UK, E in Japan) DAVE : Cult (C+ in Tri-State, C in South East, C- in Great Lakes/New Englad, D elsewhere in USA) - Completly Off TV USPW : Regional (C in South East, D+ elsewhere) AAA : Regional (D- in North West) BSC : Small (E- in South West) CZCW : Small (E+ in South West) MAW : Small (F+ in Mid-Atlantic) RIPW : Small (F+ in New England) [size=4][b]NYCW : Small (E in Tri-State) at 23.4 %[/b][/size] [size=4]Canada[/size] Economy C+ (Falling) Wrestling D (Falling) NOTBPW : National (B in Martimes, B- in Ontario/Quebec, C+ in Priaries/BC, D in USA) CGC : Cult (B- in BC, C+ in Prairies, C- elsewhere in Canada, E in USA) 4C : Small (E in Ontario) CWWF : Small (F+ everywhere!) [size=4]Mexico[/size] Economy E (Rising) Wrestling C+ (Falling) MPWF : Regional (C in Northern, E- elsewhere) OLLIE : Regional (C in West Central, E- elsewhere) SOTBPW : Regional (C in South, D- elsewhere) [size=4]Japan[/size] Economy C+ (Falling) Wrestling C+ (Rising) BHTOWG : National (B- everywhere but Kinki {C+} and Kanto {B} ) PHGW : National (B everwhere but Kanto {B-} ) INSPIRE : Cult (B- in Kanto, C elsewhere) GCG : Regional (D+ in Chubu, D elsewhere) 5SSW : Regional (D- everywhere) WLW : Regional (D+ everywhere) Hinote : Small (F+ in Kinki) SAISHO : Small (F+ Tohoku) WEXXV : Small (E+ in Tohoku, E- in 4 other regions) [size=4]United Kingdom[/size] Economy D (Falling) Wrestling D- (Falling) 21CW : Regional (D in UK, E- in Europe) MOSC : Small (E in North/Scotland) ROF : Small (E- in Midlands, F+ in South) [size=4]Europe[/size] Economy D- (Falling) Wrestling C- (Falling) UCR : Regional (D+ in Western, D in Central/Eastern, E- in UK) ELPF : Small (F in Central)[/quote] Preview of the next show should be up tonight. Any feedback is really appreciated.
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Gang Wars - Preview [quote][SIZE="5"]Next Wednesday, New York City Wrestling presents... Gang Wars ! [/size] [FONT="Arial Black"][b]Gang Wars Match :[/b] Grandmaster Phunk & Rick Sanders & Harry Wilson vs The Revolution (Mean Jean Cattley, Titan & Al Coleman)[/font] [i]A very special main event this month as the NYCW will truly raise the bar. A twelve foot steel cage will be raised around the ring, one member of each team will start the match and every two minutes, one more will jump in. Pinfalls and submissions will force wrestlers out of the cage. We promise you it will be brutal ! And the last man standing will be granted a NYCW Empire title match ! And if Grandmaster Phunk is the last standing, he'll get a shot at Coleman's Tri-State Regional belt.[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Wiley Steinway vs Stewart Ranch[/font] [i]One half of the tag team champions, Wiley Steinway, will be in action against a former challenger. Stewart Ranch wants to prove something to his uncle and Steinway is not the kind of guy to escape from a good brawl.[/i] [FONT="Arial Black"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Kashmir Singh[/font] [i]The only Revolution member not included in the main event will also have his hands full as the Bulldozer will be back in action. Last time, the Bulldozer simply ran over Stewart Ranch, is the same fate awating Singh ?[/i] [/quote] And yes, it's not a typo, the show will be on a wednesday. With my annoucer working for CGC (sunday tapings), Ranch and Daniels working for WLW (monday, thursday and friday shows), and Daniels also working for INSPIRE (saturday shows), I'm kinda screwd for most of the week.
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