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A question for experienced users

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Here is my situation. I started a DOTT game unemployed to see how the world would turn out. Im in 1987 now and was wondering how many times can you take employment from a company. Say now I take over booking for a small regonal fed now and quit in the future. Can i then apply for other feds or is the game over for me? Can I quit the small regional fed when a job opening for say WWF opens up or apply and leave my current job? If possible how many times can you take and leave employment? Thanks for any help.
As far as I know there is no limit on the amount of times you can become unemployed (and re-employed). [QUOTE]Can i then apply for other feds or is the game over for me?[/QUOTE] Short answer is no. Your ability to get jobs with different federations will depend on your booking reputation. Now if you booked extremely poorly and had a very low reputation you could be unemployed for a very long time.
Thanks for the replies. I guess my other question is while being employed by that smaller regional fed , can I apply to say wwe if a booking position opens up? Or do I have to be already unemployed? Or quit and then apply , will I have enough time to do so?
You can apply for another booking position while still employed. The only time you need to resign before getting another position is when you set up your own promotion.


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