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New Evolution Wrestling (C-Verse)

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There's a real gap in the UK for those who want a more modern style with a bit of a mainstream twist. Here's where I come in, My name is High Voltage and I'm here to fill that gap. Wrestling has been in my life since I was six, forteen years later with two years of training and more than three years of acting classes under my belt I turn pro and I don't like what I see. I've tried the whole deal, sit there, hope you get booked and when you do your seeing the lights. It just ain't for me. So with my life savings in my hand and 12 of my friends by my side, im looking to change the UK scene forever. Welcome New Evolution Wrestling. [B][U]Main Eventers[/U][/B] [B]High Voltage (Face)[/B] [U]Stats[/U] Rumble Brawling: D- Puro: C Hardcore: B+ Flying Aerial: B- Flashiness: C Technical Mat Work: D+ Chain Wrestling: C Submissions: D+ Entertainment Microphone: C+ Charisma: C Acting: A Physical Athleticism: D+ Toughness: A Stamina: B Power: E+ Performance Basics: B- Psycholagy: B Safety: D- Consistancy: C+ Selling: D- Other Skills Intensity: C- Stiffness: C+ Resiliance: D+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]Lloyd Paton (Face)[/B] Having just ended training from the same guy that trained me he has done little so far, but his technical skills are really good and reminds me of myself Stats Rumble Brawling: D- Puro: F Hardcore: F Flying Aerial: E Flashiness: F- Technical Mat Work: B Chain Wrestling: E+ Submissions: C+ Entertainment Microphone: C+ Charisma: C+ Acting: E Physical Athleticism: F Toughness: C+ Stamina: B+ Power: E- Performance Basics: E- Psycholagy: E- Safety: B Consistancy: D+ Selling: C Other Skills Intensity: E+ Stiffness: E Resiliance: E+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]Craig Wilson (Face)[/B] Craig Wilson is the cousin of Lloyd Paton which is giving me alot of idea's. His entertainment skills need a lot of work, but ill try to use him as little as I can on the microphone. He is quite small so using him as an underdog seems the best way to go. [U]Stats[/U] Rumble Brawling: E Puro: F- Hardcore: E Flying Aerial: C Flashiness: D Technical Mat Work: E Chain Wrestling: D Submissions: E Entertainment Microphone: E- Charisma: E- Acting: E- Physical Athleticism: C Toughness: E Stamina: C Power: E Performance Basics: C Psycholagy: D Safety: D Consistancy: D Selling: C Other Skills Intensity: E Stiffness: E Resiliance: A Popularity: F- in all areas [B][U]Upper Midcard[/U][/B] [B]Allan Logan (heel)[/B] Allan is not very developed has minimal knoledge in all skills, he was sold on me by Lloyd, who's the one's calling the shots around here??? [U]Stats[/U] Rumble Brawling: D- Puro: F Hardcore: F+ Flying Aerial: F Flashiness: F+ Technical Mat Work: F+ Chain Wrestling: F+ Submissions: F+ Entertainment Microphone: D- Charisma: D- Acting: C- Physical Athleticism: D- Toughness: F+ Stamina: D- Power: F+ Performance Basics: D- Psycholagy: D- Safety: D- Consistancy: D- Selling: D- Other Skills Intensity: F+ Stiffness: F Resiliance: B+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]Mick Savage (Face)[/B] He has got one of those monster like looks and that is where I wan't to go with him. He's in for a good push. [U]Stats[/U] Rumble Brawling: D- Puro: F Hardcore: F+ Flying Aerial: F Flashiness: F+ Technical Mat Work: F+ Chain Wrestling: F+ Submissions: F+ Entertainment Microphone: D- Charisma: D- Acting: C- Physical Athleticism: D- Toughness: F+ Stamina: D- Power: B Performance Basics: D- Psycholagy: D- Safety: D- Consistancy: D- Selling: D- Other Skills Intensity: F+ Stiffness: F Resiliance: B+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]RMG (heel)[/B] RMG has some amount of potential, at this point he will be part of the Tag Team devision untill ive got an opening for him [U]Stats[/U] Rumble Brawling: E Puro: F+ Hardcore: F+ Flying Aerial: F+ Flashiness: F+ Technical Mat Work: F+ Chain Wrestling: D Submissions: F+ Entertainment Microphone: D Charisma: D Acting: D Physical Athleticism: E- Toughness: F- Stamina: E- Power: F+ Performance Basics: E+ Psycholagy: E+ Safety: E+ Consistancy: E+ Selling: E+ Other Skills Intensity: F+ Stiffness: F+ Resiliance: F+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]SMK (heel)[/B] SMK has to be one of the worst wrestlers ive ever seen in my life, he's a place filler, he is really hopefull to once become a superstar, I don't see it. Teams with RMG hoping he can carry him through. [U]Stats[/U] To save time all other stats other than these are F- Charisma: E- Stamina E+ Consistancy: E+ Selling: E- Popularity: F- in all areas [B][U]Midcard[/U][/B] [B]Mistico X (face)[/B] He is going to be part of our cruiserweight devision, although he isn't really a flyer, hey, he's got a mask!. But he has got pretty good entertainment skills and has sort of a shifty eyes look to him. Rumble Brawling: F Puro: F- Hardcore: F Flying Aerial: E Flashiness: E- Technical Mat Work: F Chain Wrestling: E- Submissions: F Entertainment Microphone: C Charisma: C+ Acting: C Physical Athleticism: E Toughness: F Stamina: E Power: F Performance Basics: E Psycholagy: E- Safety: E- Consistancy: E- Selling: E- Other Skills Intensity: F Stiffness: F Resiliance: B+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]El Fly (Face)[/B] El Fly is a very good friend of Craig, he's got pretty good all-round skills and has good entertainment skills Rumble Brawling: E- Puro: F- Hardcore: E- Flying Aerial: D Flashiness: D- Technical Mat Work: E- Chain Wrestling: D- Submissions: E- Entertainment Microphone: C Charisma: C+ Acting: C+ Physical Athleticism: D Toughness: E+ Stamina: D Power: E+ Performance Basics: D Psycholagy: D- Safety: D- Consistancy: D- Selling: D Other Skills Intensity: E- Stiffness: E- Resiliance: A Popularity: F- in all areas [B]Skippy Extreme (face)[/B] A very crazy character who I used to work beside on the independants, he had nothing better to do than job night in and night out, so when I offered he was very happy. Rumble Brawling: F+ Puro: F- Hardcore: D Flying Aerial: D Flashiness: D Technical Mat Work: E- Chain Wrestling: E- Submissions: F+ Entertainment Microphone: D Charisma: D Acting: D Physical Athleticism: D Toughness: F+ Stamina: E Power: E- Performance Basics: E+ Psycholagy: E Safety: E+ Consistancy: E Selling: E+ Other Skills Intensity: F+ Stiffness: F+ Resiliance: B+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B]Christopher Stevens (heel)[/B] You know when this guy is in the room. He wears this unforgettable face paint almost like a devil with bright red hair. Rumble Brawling: F+ Puro: D- Hardcore: C Flying Aerial: C- Flashiness: D+ Technical Mat Work: D+ Chain Wrestling: E+ Submissions: F- Entertainment Microphone: C+ Charisma: C Acting: B Physical Athleticism: E Toughness: B- Stamina: C Power: E- Performance Basics: F- Psycholagy: C Safety: E- Consistancy: D+ Selling: E- Other Skills Intensity: E+ Stiffness: D- Resiliance: E+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B][U]Lower Midcard[/U][/B] [B]Shmeagle[/B] Shmeagle is an average worker, he uses a split personallity gimmick as shmeagle and shmichael unbelieavably enough Rumble Brawling: E Puro: F Hardcore: E Flying Aerial: F Flashiness: E- Technical Mat Work: F Chain Wrestling: F Submissions: F Entertainment Microphone: D+ Charisma: D+ Acting: D+ Physical Athleticism: E- Toughness: E- Stamina: E- Power: E- Performance Basics: E- Psycholagy: E- Safety: E- Consistancy: E- Selling: E- Other Skills Intensity: E Stiffness: F Resiliance: B+ Popularity: F- in all areas [B][U]Champions[/U][/B] [B]NEW World: High Voltage NEW Tag: 2 Much Impact (RMG & SMK) NEW International: Allan Logan[/B] [B][U]Announcer[/U][/B] [B]Nicholas Clarkson[/B] Nicholas has never been much of a wrestling fan but the randomness that comes out of his mouth is just so funny I think he will pass. [B][U]Referees[/U][/B] [B]Karl Dexter[/B] The only one of our roster I went to find someone on the actual market and someone I haven't had any first hand work with. But, hey, its a freakin' ref [B]Schedule[/B] I run by the idea that more shows = more money + more popularity. So weekly shows.
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[B]New Evolution Wrestling Unleashed! Preview[/B] The colorful Christopher Stevens takes on the mysterious Mistico X one-on-one in the first match in the NEW era. See the powerful Mick Savage take out his anger on the irratic Skippy Extreme. The Tag Team titles will be on the line as 2 Much Impact defend against Family Values, Lloyd Paton & Craig Wilson. In the main event, we see High Voltage defend his world title against Allan Logan!
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[B]NEW Unleashed![/B] [B]Christopher Stevens vs. Mistico X[/B] Christopher Stevens and Mistico X lock up, but Stevens quickly breaks it and hits a couple of right hand, goes for an irish whip, Mistico ducks the clothesline and comes back with a flying forearm. He picks him up, delivers two chops to the chest followed by a forarm. Attempts to whip Stevens into the corner only for it to be reversed. Mistico is walks back out, Stevens picks him up, but Mistico slips out. Stevens goes for a punch, but Mistico ducks and spears him down. Mistico hits a few punches. Gets up and delivers and delivers and elbow to the chest. Goes for the pinfall, only gets a long one count. Mistico goes for an irish whip only to be met with a hard clothesline. Stevens locks in the head sissors. Mistico eventually wrigles out, only to be drop toe holded. Stevens picks him hits the Book End Backbreaker. He gets a 2 7/8 count, Stevens quickly hits a devestating knee to the head, this time he gets the three count. [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: E-[/COLOR] [B]Lloyd & Craig Interview[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Lloyd Paton: The current obstacle in our way are 2 Much Impact. Tonight, that obstacle will be overcome as me and Craig are going to take our belts. [/COLOR]Craig you have got our trust. Don't let me down [COLOR="Blue"]Craig: I won't[/COLOR] [I]Mick Savage shoves them out of the way Lloyd sighs and walks off with Craig[/I] [B]Mick Savage vs. Skippy Extreme[/B] Skippy goes right on the offensive while mumbling a strange and unknown language by going for several hits to the chest to little effect on Savage. Savage grabs his head and throws him down by it. Skippy goes back to chest hits but only to get his neck grabbed by Savage. Savage throws him into the corner and delivers right hands to the side of his head. He whips him hard into the other corner. So hard skippy immedietly falls down. Savage picks him back up and slams him down. Savage picks him back up and whips him into the ropes, on the rebound he hit a Big Boot. He gets the three count [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [B]Mick Savage Promo[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Mick immedietly grabs the mic Mick: See this punk, he is my first of many victims[/COLOR] [COLOR="YellowGreen"]Nicholas: A man of few words[/COLOR] [B]2 Much Impact vs. Family Values[/B] Craig wins the rock paper sissors game, thus Lloyd and RMG start. Lock up, Lloyd gets RMG's arm and twists it behind him into a hammerlock, then into the waist lock, RMG breaks it and has an arm himself, he twists it so suddenly causing Lloyd to have to flip over, Lloyd gets back up, takes him down by his legs and locks on a front facelock. RMG gets to his feet and fights out, gets a finger to Lloyds eye, and then hits a clothesline. He locks on a facelock himself, Lloyd gets back up to his feet attempts to fight out, but is only pulled down by his hair. He gets the tag to SMK, SMK hits a questionable punch then a questionable slam. He hits a knee to Lloyds chest. Tags RMG back in, RMG goes to the top rope as SMK holds on to Lloyd, Lloyd breaks free and gets the tag, Craig comes in delivers a right hand to SMK and throws RMG off the top rope. He whips SMK into the ropes and backdrops him. Picks up RMG, RMG rolls him up holds the tights to get the three Rating: E- [B]High Voltage promo[/B] [COLOR="Red"]High Voltage: My name is High Voltage and tonight my title is going to be on the line against Allan Logan, which some may see as quite a feet, to those who say that, I agree, this will be one tough fight, but that competitive edge is leaning towards me. Do you know why, because I do not disapoint, if got a title match I deliver, if ive got a main event match, I deliver and if ive got a meaningless opening match, I deliver, why? Because I respect this buisness which is something my opponent doesn't and thats why tonight, I will walk out with my belt around my waist.[/COLOR] [B]Allan Logan vs. High Voltage[/B] High Voltage hits repeated forearms, snapmares Allan over and delivers a severe hard kick to his back. Voltage picks him up and slams him down. Voltage goes to the top rope, Allan gets up to quickly, Voltage jumps over Allan jumps on to the opposite turnbuckle and hits a cross body for the two. Voltage picks Allan up, Allan goes to gouge his eye, Voltage grabs his hand and takes him down with it. Hits a couple of blows to his back, Allan though backs him up into the corner, hits a few blows himself whips his into the other corner, Allan comes running in, Voltage gets out the way, Allan hits a low blow. Allan gets him up for the fishermans buster, he gets it. Only to get a long two count. Allan insults the referee, He picks up Voltage and whips him into the corner, the ref doesn't get out of the way in time and gets crushed. Allan goes out the ring and gets the title belt. Voltage knocks it out of his hand, hits a few punches, goes off the ropes, Allan drop toe holds him into the belt. He goes for the pin, the ref slowly counts, he gets another long two count. Allan can't believe it, goes for another fishermans buster, Voltage gets out, roll up. Only gets a two, clothesline by Allan misses, High Voltage hits the Point Of Impact for the three [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: D-[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Overall: E[/COLOR]
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[B]NEW Unleashed! Preview[/B] After last weeks win over Mistico X will Christopher Stevens defeat Skippy Extreme? Will Mistico X be Mick Savages second victim? The second chance for Family Values as they will take on 2 Much Impact. Last week, High Voltage took on Allan Logan with his title on the line, he was victorious, this week Allan's International title is on the line, if its a repeat of last week we've got a new champion!
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[B]NEW Unleashed![/B] [B]Christopher Stevens vs. Skippy Extreme[/B] Skippy immedietly takes Stevens down and mounts him, but Stevens quickly turns over and hits some hard right hands to the temple. He picks him back up delivers three forearms to Skippy and then hiptosses him over cartwheels over and delivers a dropkick to his chest. Picks him back up, Skippy breaks his grip and hits two punches goes to run into the ropes but Stevens pulls him down by the hair. Stevens begins to chock him with his knee, bounces off the ropes and delivers a knee to his heart, goes for the pin only to get a two. He picks him back up delivers three quick knees to the chest and a forearm, irish whips him and on the rebound hits a flapjack. Another pinfall, only gets a two. Skippy gets a hold of Stevens legs and takes him down with it, waits for him to get back up goes off the ropes and for a clothesline but Stevens gets him up on his shoulders and hits the go to sleep for the three. [COLOR="Navy"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [B]Famly Values Backstage[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Lloyd: Craig, lets put last week behind us, you screwed up, but we have another chance and we will succed this week.[/COLOR] [B]Mick Savage vs. Mistico X[/B] Mistico trys to use his speed to get out of the way of Mick's devastating blows, it works untill he finds himself in the corner. Savage delivers a countless amount of blows to his head. Savage takes him out the corner and takes his head off with a clothesline. Savage slowly picks him back up and on to his shoulders and drops him in a snake eyes over the top turnbuckle bounces off the ropes and hits a big boot to his face, goes for the pin and gets a three. [COLOR="navy"]Rating: E[/COLOR] [I]Savage on his way out of the ring signals to the camera saying thats my second victim[/I] [B]2 Much Impact vs. Family Values[/B] RMG & Lloyd begin again, RMG goes for a clothesline off the bat, Lloyd ducks hits three punches and takes him down by his legs turns him over gets one of his arms and puts hit knee of the joint. RMG slowly makes it to his feet. RMG breaks his hold and puts him in a side headlock, almost immedietly Lloyd turns it into a back suplex. RMG rolls to his corner and tags in SMK. SMK runs in and is met with a hard right hand which takes him down almost instantly. SMK sits up as Lloyd tags Craig in, Craig goes off the ropes and hits a dropkick to his back. Goes for the pin and gets a two. Picks him back up and brings him towards his corner, Lloyd puts up his boot and Craig throws him into it. He tags back in and hits a couple of punches to his face, whips him out of the corner put SMK surprisingly drop toe holds him down and gets the tag to RMG. RMG comes back in and hits an RKO like move onto Lloyd. Goes for the pin only gets the two. He picks him back up and hits some pathetic chops and then takes him down and locks on a crossface. Lloyd somehow got to the ropes. RMG hits a kick to his back and tags SMK back in, SMK hits a slam tags RMG back in and holds his arms behind his back. RMG goes to the top rope and his a flying elbow. RMG goes off the ropes and then goes for a clothesline but Lloyd has the same idea and they both go down. Lloyd tags Craig in and RMG tags in SMK. SMK goes for the suplex but Craig rolls him up. He kicks out a two. RMG runs in hits a low blow to Craig and then knocks Lloyd off the apron. SMK hits the discus forearm on Craig for the win. [COLOR="navy"]Rating: E-[/COLOR] [B]High Voltage Shares His Thoughts[/B] [COLOR="red"]High Voltage: Last week, I successfully retained my title against Allan Logan, this week we will see a rematch, this time with Allans title on the line, will we see a repeat, will we see Allan retain what will happen, well time will tell, but the still fact remains, my name is High Voltage and I am the NEW champion and tonight I will be leaving with atleast one title around my waist.[/COLOR] [B]Allan Logan vs. High Voltage[/B] They lock up, Voltage backs Allan into the corner, the ref. asks for the break and he gets it. Allan went back to the lock-up this time with a different outcome and backs Voltage into the corner. The ref. asks for the break, he gets it, but Allan slaps High Voltage. High Voltage hits a european uppercut which takes Allan down. Allan gets up Voltage snapmares him over and hits a super hard kick to his back. Voltage bounces off the ropes and hits a back senton onto Allan. He picks him back up and hits a chop to his chest then backs him up into the corner. Runs in with a knee and bulldogs him down. Voltage gets the two count. Voltage picks him back up, backs him into the corner and goes to hit his head on the top turnbuckle, but Allan elbows out and delivers one of his own. Allan hits a few punches whips him out and then back into the corner. Allan takes him out into the middle of the ring gets him up for the powerbomb but Voltage rolls over into a sunset flip and only gets the two count. Voltage goes for a clothesline but Allan hits a half nelson bomb. Allan gets a chair the referee trys to take it away from him but he knocks him down. Voltage hits a heel kick to his face knocking it out of his hand. Voltage goes to point of impact him on it but Allan reverses it into a DDT. The referee slowly makes the count and Allan gets the three. [COLOR="navy"]Rating: D[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"]Overall: E+[/COLOR]
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OCC: hey guys, I will be away from this friday to next. I will not have access to the internet but I will have access to TEW so I will write a batch while im away. I will write up a preview for next week to give you something to look forward to.
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[B]NEW Unleashed! Preview[/B] In a rematch from the first NEW show Chris Stevens takes on Mistico X. See El Fly for the first time in NEW as he takes on the undefeated Mick Savage, does he have a chance? In their last chance Family Values take on 2 Much Impact. Two weeks ago we saw High Voltage take on Allan Logan with the World Title on the line, last week we saw the International Championship on the line, this week both will be on the line as High Voltage takes on Allan Logan in a World vs. International Championship match. Quick Preview: Chris Stevens vs. Mistico X El Fly vs. Mick Savage Family Values vs. 2 Much Impact - NEW Tag Team Championship Allan Logan vs. High Voltage - World Championship vs. International Championship
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