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[B]OOC: granted the first few posts will be setup but that's needed in every good diary[. Also because real world mods are much larger and end up having more news items I am going to stick to reporting items that make the internet page[/B] [B][U]Feb week 1 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] the world of wrestling has gone through a shake up with wrestling newcomer, Mike Balentine buying of CZW, DSW and OVW. One of Mike's first moves was to bring in some of his own talent. [B][U]Roster lists-CZW[/U][/B] [B]Charles Zulas High Voltage[/B] Adam Flash Alter Boy Luke Andy Sumner B-Boy Cheech Chris Hero Cloudy Danny Havoc Davey Richards Derek Frazier DJ Hyde Eddie Kingston El Generico Hallowicked Heretic Jigsaw John Zandig Joker Justice Pain Kevin Steen Larry Sweeney Lufisto Matt Sydal Nate Webb Necro Butcher Nick Gage Niles Young Ruckus Sabian Sexxxy Eddy Sonjay Dutt The Messiah Viking Charles Zulas and High Voltage brought in by Mike
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[B][U]Roster List-DSW[/U][/B] [B]Dave “A Bomb” Biggs Jim “The Outlaw” Hart The One and Only[/B] Angel Williams Derrick Neikirk Frankie Capone Freakin Deacon Fred Richards Krissy Vaine Mack Johnson Mason Raige Mike Posey Nigel Sherrod Ray Gordy Ron Niemi Ryan O’ Reilley Shantelle Taylor Sonny Siaki The Assassin Tom Pritchard Too Cold Scorpio Tytus Vik Dalishus Dave “A Bomb” Biggs, Jim “The Outlaw” Hart, The One and Only brought in by Mike
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[B][U]Roster List-OVW[/U][/B] [B]"Keen" Kenny Kingman Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann Poisoned Superman Thomas Salerno "Wildcat" Nick Gloe[/B] Al Snow Barradock Beth Phoenix Burchill Cassidy Riley Chad Toland Chet the Jet Chris Cage Chuck Palumbo Cody Runnels Danny Davis Danny Inferno Dean Hill Goose Mahoney Harry Smith Idol Stevens John Toland Johnny K.C. James Katie Lea Kenny Bolin Mark Canterbury Matt Cappotelli Mike Kruel Mikey Mitch Nicky Ray Ramsey Robbie Dawber Robert Brisko Shawn Spears Simon Dean Sosay Synn Victoria Crawford "Keen" Kenny Kingman, Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann, Poisoned Superman, Thomas Salerno, "Wildcat" Nick Gloe brought in by mike
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[B]Mike: [/B]I guess I can start by taking a closer look at CZW [B][U]Title holders[/U][/B] CZW Iron Man: Kevin Steen CZW Light Heavyweight: Niles Young CZW World: Chris Hero CZW Tag: Blackout (Joker & Eddie Kingston) [B][U]Tag Teams [/U][/B] Blackout (Joker & Eddie Kingston) Style: Hardcore Location: Tri-state Size: small Money: $100,000 TV Show: NONE PPV Deal: NONE [B]Mike:[/B] What’s happening with DSW [B][U]Title holders[/U][/B] DSW Heavyweight: Derrick Neikirk DSW Tag Team: Vacant [B][U]Tag Teams [/U][/B] NONE Style: Sports Entertainment Location: South East Size: small Money: $500,000 TV Show: Deep South TV (wed 8pm on Comcast sportsnet) PPV Deal: NONE [B]Mike: [/B]Finally what about OVW [B][U]Title holders[/U][/B] OVW Heavyweight: Cody Runnels OVW Southern tag: Cody Runnels & Shawn Spears OVW TV: Mike Kruel OVW Women’s: Vacant [B][U]Tag Teams [/U][/B] The Tolands (Chad Toland & Mike Toland) Apocolypse Now (Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann & Thomas Salerno) Style: Sports Entertainment Location: Great Lakes Size: small Money: $500,000 TV Show: OVW TV (wed 9pm on Local: Great Lakes USA) PPV Deal: NONE
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[B][U]Feb week 1 2007 (tues)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Massive changes continue[/U][/B] pwinsider.com reports that the wrestling world is still under shock after DSW, OVW and CZW were bought by Mike Balentine. After Mike decided to break DSW and OVW away from the WWE the WWE decided that they had too many performers on their rosters. suprisingly not only did the WWE decide on massive roster cuts but TNA made cuts to their roster as well. pwinsider hopes to have more information on these developments in the comming days.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]TNA Impact for Feb week 1 2007[/U][/B] TNA Impact held their latest show at the Knoxville Civil Coliseum in front of 4,928. According to industry insiders the show recieved a "C" rating with Christian Cage being cosidered the star of the show defeating Scott Steiner. Also during the show LAX retained their tag belts defeating Team 3-D.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]WWE Raw for Feb week 1 2007[/U][/B] WWE Raw held their latest show at Baker Stadium in front of a sell out crowd of 5,000. Fans say that the best match of the night was the main event when Shawn Michaels defeated Edge with some "Sweet Chin Music". Insiders gave the night a grade of "B"[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]DSW TV tomorrow night![/B][/U] Tomorrow night at 8pm is the first DSW show since the shake up created by Mike Balentine. Reports say everyone is on edge, but no one more so than DSW Heavyweight champion Derrick Neikirk, because his title will be on the line! Rumors going around say that Sonny Siaki is getting the title shot, but is he ready? [U][B]reported matches for the show[/B][/U] Derrick Neikirk vs. Sonny Siaki? for the DSW Heavyweight title Freakin Deacon vs. Mack Johnson Too Cold Scorpio vs. The One and Only Dave “A Bomb” Biggs vs. Tytus Jim “The Outlaw” Hart vs. Ray Gordy[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 1 2007 (wed)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Fan in Shock at ECW show[/U][/B] We here at pwinsider.com could not believe it when we read the early reports, but one fan bob anderson sent us send this report to confirm it. I'm sitting here at Boardwalk Hall with about 8,000 other fans getting ready for the main event. Well RVD came out and did his thing, to get ready for the match. On the program it said that RVD was gong to face Marcus Cor Von (Monty Brown was better), but that's not important. As I said were waiting and Cor Von does not come out...after a few moments of guessing where he is a backstage camera happens to see that he's been laid out backstage. Of course the questions start firing of "what to do now" then all of a sudden the music of THE UNDERTAKER hits and the crowd goes crazy! Needless to say that was a cool main event with Taker defeating RVD in great match![/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 1 2007 (thur)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Feb week 1 2007 [/U][/B] Deep South TV Comcast SportsNet Saline County Fairgrounds (south east) Attendance: 237 Writeup by C.J. Pain of Pwinsider.com Last night was the first Deep South Wrestling event since Mike Balentine bought the promotion and broke it away from the WWE and keeping that in mind it was an ok show at best. The first match of the night was a dark match where Shantelle Taylor defeated Krissy Vaine in a short five minute affair. More than likely this was done just to see what the women had in wrestling ability and nothing more. The opening bout of the show for Deep South TV was Freakin Deacon defeating Mack Johnson after a thunderous powerbomb. Deacon’s mean streak was featured here as he just beat Johnson from bell to bell, never allowing him to get anything going. Match two of the night was Ray Gordy defeating "Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart. Again, nothing special but these two at least got their feet wet. If I had to give the edge to one of them, DSW had the right one win as Gordy is better skilled at the moment then Hart as well as being a year younger. After this match DSW took time to take a look at the current champion Derrick Neikirk through the power of music video, I don’t know why but he looks like a Snitsky Jr….actually a few of the heels here could pass for Snitsky Jr. The third match of the evening involved one of Mike’s guys (yeah we know about you) defeating Tytus. A lesser writer would call this an upset but Tytus is nothing more than a wrestler with a developing look, but no skill what so ever. (hey vince, they should have let you keep this guy). Considering what happened in this match why was the Freakin Deacon watching this backstage? Now we come to the match of the night in "The One and Only defeating Too Cold Scorpio. Even though The One and Only is one of Mike’s boys and Too Cold Scorpio is at the end of his career Too Cold made him look halfway decent leading him through the match. The surprise I think is that the One an Only actually won this match. Then finally we get to the last spots of the evening which included a video of Sonny Siaki, much like the one for Derrick Neikirk and the match for the title which is going home with Siaki. While it was not as good as the previous match, it was an ok first title match. My guess is they wanted some shock and that someone in the back does not like Derrick holding the belt. The funny part was the fact that Siaki cheated to win the belt by having his feet on the ropes, then in a post match celebration he just went nuts as the crowd booed him. Overall as I said at the beginning it was an ok show, but nothing major. [B][U]quick results[/U][/B] Freakin Deacon defeated Mack Johnson: [COLOR="Red"]E-[/COLOR] Ray Gordy defeated "Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart: [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] A music video is shown to promote DSW champion Derrick Neikirk.[COLOR="red"] F+[/COLOR] Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs defeated Tytus: [COLOR="red"]E-[/COLOR] Freakin Deacon watching Tytus in his previous match on a monitor. [COLOR="red"]F+[/COLOR] The One and Only defeated Too Cold Scorpio: [COLOR="red"]D-[/COLOR] A music video is shown to promote Sonny Siaki. [COLOR="red"]F+[/COLOR] Sonny Siaki defeated Derrick Neikirk wins the DSW Heavyweight title. [COLOR="red"]E+[/COLOR] Sonny Siaki celebrates: [COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="Red"]E[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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Match two of the night was Ray Gordy defeating "Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart. Again, nothing special but these two at least got their feet wet. If I had to give the edge to one of them, DSW had the right one win as Gordy is better skilled at the moment then Hart as well as being a year younger. Ouch, not realing into ego building are you?
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Mike is checking e-mails when he spots one from a worker [QUOTE]From: theoutlaw321 Match two of the night was Ray Gordy defeating "Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart. Again, nothing special but these two at least got their feet wet. If I had to give the edge to one of them, DSW had the right one win as Gordy is better skilled at the moment then Hart as well as being a year younger. Ouch, not realing into ego building are you?[/QUOTE] [B]Mike:[/B] ha, ha. sorry about that. I noticed that writeup he did about the show and let me just give you one piece of advice about C.J. Pain: He's a cool guy who knows his stuff, but he tells it like he sees it. Personally I treat his writeups as fun reads as we go way back. Sure what he has to say impacts how we are looked at, but its not going to ruin us if he rips one of my workers or even the entire promotion one week. other important items of note, for one CZW and the other for OVW. First CZW guys, I have been calling around trying to get you tv time but no one is returning my calls at the moment. So I have called a friend of mine who has a nice size warehouse and a decent ring in the new york area. He has agreed to allow us to use it for low budget "warehouse shows". I know this will be hard for some but please show up at 111 warehouse drive tomorrow at 8pm with your gear. Now OVW. with this buying of the three companies and the major fallout from it, your first show was pushed back to next week. In closing if you have issues you would like to discuss I will be avalible sundays mornings to talk about them other than that I have put the road agents in charge so listen to them. in the few days I will be talking with the road agents to decide new show schedules, don't be shocked if all three companies have tapings on the same day.
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[B][U]CZW show this friday night?[/U][/B] [QUOTE]We here at pwinisder.com were a little shocked to hear from Mike himself that a CZW show is being put on tomorrow night. A little late for fans, Mike. with the announcement he sent the card that the fans who actually show up can expect. Chris Hero vs The Messiah for the CZW World Heavyweight title Matt Sydal vs. Davey Richards Charles Zulas vs. El Generico High Voltage vs.Cheech B-Boy vs. Sexxxy Eddy[/QUOTE]
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[U][B]Feb week 1 2007 (fri)[/B][/U] Mike checks his e-mail from home and smiles [QUOTE]TO; Mike Balentine FROM: WWE Mike, you useless piece of trash how dare you come in and pull DSW and OVW away from me and the WWE. Because of you. I have no where to send the pieces of garbage that litter the WWE! You have put many families out of work and on the unemployment line with what you have done! Mark my words Mike, I will once again regain control of DSW and OVW and once I do the losers of my promotion can once again spend their nights under my control with on hope of escape! Vince[/QUOTE] [B]Mike:[/B] (evil smile) Sorry Vince it is I who will rule the wrestling world buying WWE and TNA so I can get rid of the garbage in wrestling
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[B][U]Feb week 1 2007 (sat)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Feb week 1 2007 [/U][/B] Combat Zone Wrestling The Warehouse Attendance: 609 Write-up by Johnny Ice of Pwinsider.com All I can say is wow….What a bad night. Don’t get me wrong the warehouse looked great but the actual show was not cool at all. From the start the ref had no clue what he was doing in the ring…How does a company let this happen! The opening match was High Voltage defeating Cheech but the fans absolutely hated this match so no one really cared about the victory. Match two of the evening was another one of Mike’s boys Charles Zulas defeating El Generico in another match that the fans did not care about. Well on that match I will actually agree with them because someone needs to slap El Generico for that sorry gimmick. Next we had Matt Sydal defeating Davey Richards and I must say that I felt sorry for Sydal because by this moment the ref in the ring was a complete mess, and he did not help the situation when Davey Richards fell apart as well. Poor Matt. With the crowd not happy with the show up to this point, CZW dropped the ball when B-Boy took the mic and told Sexxxy Eddy that he was a joke and that his attire makes him look like a complete ass whose about to get beat; which he did in quick fashion. That exchange might have gone over better with a different crowd but the fans at the Warehouse were not going to accept it. We come to the Main Event of Chris Hero vs. The Messiah which by far was the best match of the night, (and that’s not saying much) where Hero retained his CZW world title even with interference from Ruckus. Even though he retained Hero or the fans did not go home happy as after the match The Messiah and Ruckus were joined by Sabian in the beatdown of Chris Hero. For to CZW moving in the right direction he needs to one find a ref who can actually do his job and he needs to figure out what the audience wants. [B][U]Quick results[/U][/B] "High Voltage defeated Cheech [COLOR="Red"][B]E-[/B] [/COLOR] "charles zulas defeated El Generico [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Matt Sydal defeated Davey Richards [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B] [/COLOR] B-Boy taunts Sexxxy Eddy before the match [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] B-Boy defeated Sexxxy Eddy [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B] [/COLOR] Chris Hero defeated The Messiah [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B] [/COLOR] The Messiah, Ruckus and Sabian attack Chris Hero post match [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B] [/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[B][U]What a week[/U][/B] [QUOTE]We here at pwinsider have been watching the world of wrestling change quickly since the purchases of DSW, OVW and CZW by Mike Balentine. These purchases since the WWE and TNA into panic mode firing off many of their workers. (WWE is still doing that). We here at pwinisder know you like to keep track of where your favorite superstar is at, so we bring to you the current rosters of TNA and the WWE as of today. [B][U]TNA Roster as of feb. week 1 2007 (sat)[/U][/B] Abyss, AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, Andrew Thomas, Andy Douglas, Austin Starr, BG James, Brother Devon, Brother Ray, Brother Runt, Chase Stevens, Chris Harris, Chris Sabin, Christian Cage, Christopher Daniels, Christy Hemme, Scott D’ Amore, Dave Hebner, Dixie Carter, Don West, Dutch Mantell, Earl Hebner, Eric Young, Gail Kim, Hernandez, Homicide, Jackie Gayda, Jacqueline Moore, James Mitchell, James Storm, Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Jeremy Borash, Jerry Lynn, Jim Cornette, Johnny Devine, Kevin Nash, Kip James, Konnan, Kurt Angle, Lance Hoyt, Larry Zbyszko, Mark Johnson, Maverick Matt, Mike Tenay, Norman Smiley, Petey Williams, Raven, Rhino, Robert Roode, Ron “the truth” Killings, Rudy Charles, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Senshi, Shark Boy, Simon Diamond, So Cal Val, Sonjay Dutt, Sting, Terry Taylor, Shane Douglas, Travis Tomko, Vince Russo[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]WWE[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U] RAW[/U][/B] Armando Alejandro Estrada, Carlito, Charlie Haas, Cherry, Chris Masters, Dusty Rhodes, Edge, Eugene, Jeff Hardy, Jerry Lawler, Jim Duggan, Jim Ross, Joey Mercury, John Cena, Lance Cade, Matt Hardy, Melina, Mickie Henson, Mickie James, Ricky Steamboat, Robbie McAllistar, Rory McAllistar, Scotty 2 Hotty, Shad, Shannon Moore, Shawn Micheals, Shelton Benjamin, Stevie Richards, Super Crazy, The Great Khali, Tevor Murdoch, Triple H, Umaga, Victoria, Vince Mcmahon, Viscera, Vito [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Smackdown [/U][/B] Batista, Brian Kendrick, Charles Robinson, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Deuce, Domino, Finlay, Funaki, Gregory Helms, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Yang Wang, John Bradshaw Layfield, JTG, Kane, Ken Kennedy, King Booker, Mark Henry, Michael Cole, Mike Mizanin, Montel Vontavious Porter, Nick Patrick, Paul London, Rey Mysterio, Rob Conway, Stephanie Mcmahon, Steve Austin, Steve Keirn, Steve Romero, Sylvan, The Boogeyman, Val Venis, Vladimir Koslov, William Regal [/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW[/U][/B] Balls Mahoney, Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Daivari, Elijah Burke, Eric Bishoff, Hardcore Holly, Joey Styles, Johnny Nitro, Kenny Dykstra, Kevin Thorn, Little Guido Maritato, Marcus Cor Von, Matt Striker, Mike Knox, Randy Orton, Rene Dupree, Ric Flair, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman, Shane Mcmahon, Snitsky, Tazz, Terry Funk, Test, The Undertaker, Tommy Dreamer[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 1 2007 (sun)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]CZW moving?[/B][/U] In a move to streamline the three companies Mike Balentine owns, CZW will be moving their shows from Fridays to Wednesdays to allow the three companies to have shows on the same day. [/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 2 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Preview for CZW Warehouse feb week 2 2007(wed)[/B] [/U] Last Week Chris Hero became victim to a post match attack by The Messiah, Ruckus and Sabian after Hero defended his CZW Heavyweight title against The Messiah. Sources close to the situation say that Hero wants time to speak about the attack he suffered at the hands of the three men. Speaking of the Messiah, Ruckus and Sabian what is the story behind those three? Will we hear from them this week as well. This week current CZW Iron Man champion Kevin Steen will be in action defending his title against Heretic, will Steen be able to keep the title or will a new champion walk out of the Warehouse? [B][U]reported matches for the show[/U][/B] CZW Iron Man champion Kevin Steen vs. Heretic Alter Boy Luke vs. Nate Webb Ruckus/ Sabian vs. Jigsaw/ Hallowicked High Voltage vs. Nick Gage Larry Sweeneyvs. Charles Zulas[/QUOTE]
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DSW [QUOTE][U][B]Preview for Feb week 2 2007 Deep South Wrestling TV[/B][/U] All it took was one match and we had a new DSW Heavyweight champion in Sonny Siaki as he defeated Derrick Neikirk. Will we hear anything from Siaki about the win? How about Neikirk and will he make any complaints because Siaki won the belt with underhanded tactics. Will a new challenger come forward to stake a claim to the belt? Last week after the Freakin Deacon destroyed Mack Johnson he was spotted watching Tytus take on Dave “A Bomb” Biggs, the only question is why? [B][U]reported matches for the show[/U][/B] Tytus vs. Vik Dalishus Ryan O’ Reilley vs. Mason Raige Frankie Capone vs. Dave “A Bomb” Biggs Jim “The Outlaw” Hart vs. The One and Only Derrick Neikirk vs. Too Cold Scorpio[/QUOTE]
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OVW [QUOTE][U][B]Preview for OVW TV for Feb week 2 2007[/B][/U] What will the first OVW under new ownership bring? What will happen when uncertainty reigns over the land. Join us as OVW Heavyweight champ Cody Runnels defends the title against Burchill in the main event. [B][U]reported matches for the show[/U][/B] OVW Heavyweight champ Cody Runnels defends the title against Burchill Nicky/Mikey of the spirit squad vs. apocolypse now Harry Smith vs. Simon Dean "Wildcat" Nick Gloe vs. Shawn Spears "Keen" Kenny Kingman vs. Chuck Palumbo[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 2 2007 (tues)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]TNA Impact Report for Feb week 2 2007[/B][/U] TNA Impact held their latest show at the Student Development Center in front of a sold out crowd of 2,000. Early reports are that the fans loved the show, calling Christian Cage vs. Scott Steiner the match of the night. Insiders agree giving that match a "B-" and the show a "C+" overall.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]WWE Raw report for Feb week 2 2007[/U][/B] WWE Raw was held at the Kaiser Convention Center last night in front of 5,000 screaming fans. John Cena helped pull in the match of the night against Umaga, getting a "B" from us here at pwinsider. The show recieved a "C+" overall[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 2 2007 (wed)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]ECW report for Feb week 2 2007[/B][/U] ECW was at the Aggains Arena last night in front of a sold out crowd of 5,000.The overall thought was that the second half of the show really out did the first half and that the Undertaker was the reason why. We here at pwinisder give the show a "B-"[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]Feb week 2 2007 (thurs)[/U][/B] [U][B]CZW[/B][/U] [QUOTE][U][B]Feb week 2 2007[/B][/U] Combat Zone Wrestling The Warehouse Attendance: 593 Write-up by Johnny Ice of Pwinsider.com After sitting through a bad show at the Warehouse last week Combat Zone Wrestling came back for another show. You think CZW would learn, but sadly, this show was even worse than last week. To open the evening the fans were treated with hardcore specialist Necro Butcher easily taking care of Viking in a brutal hardcore clash. I know that Necro is fun to watch, but this match was not. He did all he could, but the new ref CZW brought in was awful, he not only the match, but the entire evening hard to watch. The next match was the match of the night as Nick Gage defeated High Voltage in a quick match. One piece of good news to come from this match was that Nick Gage and High Voltage seemed to work well in the ring even though most fans were not paying any attention. Charles Zulas didn’t do much better with the fans as he was booed the entire match, picking up the win over Larry Sweeney in the third match of the night. Next the tag titles were highlighted as a video showcasing the tag team champs, Blackout was shown. Like the first half of the evening no one really cared, in fact some of the fans actually left! After the video package the fans that were left watched Ruckus and Sabian make Jigsaw and Hallowicked look silly by beating them 1-2-3 then beating them some more after the match. As this bad night dragged on, we sat through Alter Boy Luke getting the victory Nate Webb. Good or bad the fans remained quiet throughout the match, my guess is that they were as annoyed as I was with how the night turned out. Finally we make it to the main event where CZW Iron Man champion, Kevin Steen showed off some decent moves for being someone so young. The problem with this match is that his opponent Heretic let the crowd get to him and he fell apart. Overall I would say that CZW needs to go back to the drawing board and figure out what they are doing, maybe they should have paid Mr. Big John McCarthy instead of pulling the deal off the table at the last minute then they would have had a ref who knew what he was doing. [B][U]Quick results[/U][/B] Necro Butcher defeated Viking [COLOR="Red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Nick Gage defeated High Voltage [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Charles Zulas defeated Larry Sweeney [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] A music video is shown to promote Blackout. [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Ruckus and Sabian defeat Jigsaw and Hallowicked [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Ruckus and Sabian beat down Hallowicked and Jigsaw post match [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Alter Boy Luke defeated Nate Webb [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] CZW Iron Man Champion Kevin Steen defeated Heretic [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Overall [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] [/QUOTE]
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[B][U]DSW[/U][/B] [QUOTE][U][B]Feb week 2 2007 [/B][/U] Deep South TV Comcast SportsNet The Depot (south east) Attendance: 201 Write-up by C.J. Pain of Pwinsider.com Last week Deep South Wrestling crowned a new champion in Sonny Siaki when he defeated Derrick Neikirk for the DSW heavyweight title. This week Deep South went to the Depot to try and improve. The first match of the night pitted two of Mike’s boys against each other in "The One and Only and "Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart. The crowd was not impressed and they let that be known as the two started to slow down at become sloppy in their work. In the end The One and Only picked up the victory, now lets just hope they both can get better in the ring. After the match ended new DSW heavyweight, Sonny Siaki came out to the ring ordering the two to get to the back and get out of his ring so he may tell the people how great he is, needless to say the crowd told him to “shove it”. Match number two had Tytus picking up the win while looking good over Vik Dalishus. Tytus looked to be pissed off during the match, maybe that just part of his character. After the match the camera spotted the Freakin Deacon watching Tytus from backstage for the second week in a row, what’s up with that? The next match I had higher hopes for in Ryan O'Reilley vs. Mason Raige, but for some reason they had a very hard time out there. I will say that Ryan has a good look about him and he could go far with the right training. I think he was just nervous tonight. In the next match between Frankie Capone and "Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs the crowd was able to have fun because they seemed to enjoy yelling at Biggs. It must have worked because even though he picked up the win last week, Biggs completely fell apart tonight and the crowd let him know it as he picked up the loss tonight. Finally we made it to the main event of Too Cold Scorpio who lost to The One and Only last week vs. Derrick Neikirk who lost his title to Sonny Siaki last week. Tonight Scorpio came out on top, defeating Derrick and showing the crowd that he can still win a match. I really thought this match would have done a little better but I guess not. Even though I was hoping for more, overall the night was ok. Nothing special but not every night needs to be that way. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] The One and Only defeated Jim 'THE OUTLAW' Hart: [COLOR="Red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Sonny Siaki hyping himself to the moon: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Tytus defeated Vik Dalishus:[COLOR="red"][B] E-[/B][/COLOR] Freakin Deacon watching Tytus from backstage: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Ryan O'Reilley defeated Mason Raige: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Frankie Capone defeated Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Too Cold Scorpio defeated Derrick Neikirk: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [B][COLOR="red"]E[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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