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Before leaving for home OVW agent Al Snow checks his e-mail [QUOTE]FROM: Thomas Salerno TO: OVW (Al Snow) where the hell are the new tag team champions of the world in that card we just won the titles and then we are gone. what sup with that?[/QUOTE] Snow: (Shakes his head) what's with the young guys today. [QUOTE]FROM: OVW (Al Snow) To: Thomas Salerno Mr. Salerno, I take it that you have read the latest preview for the next OVW show. While it is true that you are tag team champions, I have learned from a friend how unwise it is to put you in a match on the card right after you have won. Maybe you have seen what I am refering to in TNA, my friend who is the on-role comish has the new tag team champions defending the titles for the last three weeks on their show. While it does help them get more exposure, at this pace they will have beaten every team in TNA within the next month and then have nothing to do. I don't want to go down that path and I am sure the rest of the backstage crew doesn't either. Relax just because you don't have a match does not mean your not on the show.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]July week 2 2007 (tues)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]LuFisto signs with WWW[/U][/B] No, not the world wide web. Pwinsider has learned that LuFisto has just signed on to be apart of the new World Womens Wrestling. No word yet on if Combat Zone Wrestling has heard or how this will affect her standing within the company. More as we get it.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]TNA sells out![/U][/B] It was only a 2,000 seat gym be they did it last night as TNA was at the Antelope Gym. The show received a mixed reaction from fans who either liked it or did not like it. To be honest we agree that it had its fun moments such as Daniels defending his X division title against Homicide. Its also had its bad moments Kip James vs. Tomko? Cage vs. Steiner again? We here at pwinisder are split as to who to give the MVP award to Daniels or Cage. We gave the show a “C”[/QUOTE] [B][U]July week 2 2008 (wed)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW goes to Texas[/U][/B] Last night ECW went to Texas. Fans there really seemed to like the show, and we agree as the main event of Ric Flair and RVD defeated the Undertaker and new ECW champion Randy Orton. We here at pwinsider give the MVP to RVD and give the show a “B-“[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Mike Balentine on a spending spree [/U][/B] Word from around the water cooler is that Mike Balentine, owner of OVW, DSW, and CZW has given his staff the checkbook. What will this mean for the three companies[/QUOTE]
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CZW [QUOTE]Mar week 2 2007 Combat Zone Wrestling ECPW Arena Attendance: 300 Write-up by Johnny Ice of Pwinsider.com Combat Zone Wrestling is on the road. Leaving the Warehouse this week CZW went to the ECPW Arena at had another great night across the board. I enjoyed the new atmosphere last night. The story heading into the night was the vicous attack on CZW Heavyweight champion Chris Hero by B-Boy. After Hero retained his title over B-Boy, an angered B-Boy struck hard putting the champ through the ringside table to the shock on fans. The opening bout of the night featured Charles Zulas taking on El Generico. The match started off rocky with Charles and Generico trying to get their wits about them, but in the end the match turned out better than expected as Charles Zulas beat El Generico. The next match featured Alter Boy Luke defeating High Voltage with a Holy Driver. Even though I believe (and so do the fans based on tonight’s reaction) that the opening match was a little better, I would not be surprised to see High Voltage turn into a better wrestler skill wise than Charles Zulas. (Note to self, get head kicked in when I start wrestling career). Now we were treated to a match from the Necro Butcher as he destroyed Adam Flash tonight. Good thing that the fans enjoyed seeing Butcher tonight, because Adam Flash was all over the place (and not in a good way). One thing is for sure, if Necro Butcher ever became a more well rounded wrestler I would quit CZW. I hope that Adam can successfully make it to the hotel tonight because he got beat. As the staff was helping Flash from the ring, the cameras went backstage to find the tag team champions Ruckus and Sabin taking to The Messiah. Why we don’t know, but remember fans it was Ruckus and Sabin who came to the aid of the Messiah in a post match beatdown of Chris Hero last month. (Come to think of it, Chris Hero holding that title has been bad luck. Two title defenses, two post match beatdowns). Coming back to the ring it was Nick Gage vs. DJ Hyde. Honestly the match wasn’t bad, but Hyde looks like a pissed off gym teacher. Lucky for the rest of the fans and myself, Gage picked up the victory tonight to remain unbeaten in Combat Zone Wrestling. Looking at the results of this match and fan reaction, I must say that Hyde could leave CZW and I don’t think anyone would care. Gage on the other hand has been impressive and I would not be surprised if he gets a title shot somewhere down the road. As Gage left the ring we went backstage once again where this time Bruce Buffer was interviewing the Iron Man champion Kevin Steen about his upcoming match. When asked about the fact that his opponent was unknown, Steen replied that he really did not care who his opponent was because he is confident in his abilities and that he was going to win. As Steen came to the ring to defend his title it was time for the main event of the evening. As Steen waited in the ring we found out that his challenger was…. Matt Sydal! This was an ok, match and even though the fans seemed to enjoy it I thought it looked a little sloppy and that Steen and Sydal were having a hard time in the ring. (I heard from a source that Sydal was not the original choice for Steen’s challenger and was thrown into the match with little notice. Maybe that’s why the match seemed a little off). In the end Kevin Steen retained his title over Matt Sydal to back up his claim earlier in the night. Overall I have seen better main events, but as a whole the card was stronger tonight in Combat Zone Wrestling’s first trip out of the Warehouse. If the entire roster can perform as they did tonight, they may have a chance to actually do something. [B][U]Quick Resutls [/U][/B] charles zulas defeated El Generico: [COLOR="Red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Alter Boy Luke defeated "High Voltage: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Necro Butcher defeated Adam Flash: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Sabian, Ruckus and The Messiah are spotted backstage talking: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Nick Gage defeated DJ Hyde: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Kevin Steen tells Bruce Buffer that he will win tonight: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Kevin Steen defeated Matt Sydal: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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DSW [QUOTE]Mar week 2 2007 Deep South Wrestling Elk’s Lodge Ballroom(south east) Attendance: 126 Write-up by C.J. Pain of Pwinsider.com Hello from the Elk’s Lodge Ballroom, this is C.J. Pain of pwinsider.com reporting for Deep South Wrestling. This show had a different feel to it as anyone here could tell that this was not being done for the TV cameras. Even though the TV cameras were not rolling DSW still put on one of their best shows to date. The opening match of the night featured The One and Only defeating Vik Dalishus in a six minute snooze fest. While I was fighting not falling asleep the crowd was having fun taunting The One and Only from the stands. (This boy still does not know how to handle the fans), and Dalishus can’t seem to get a win. Next the odd ball known as Freakin Deacon defeated Frankie Capone in a one sided affair. Frankie Capone was made to look silly out there as Deacon looked like he was enjoying his new toy. The story though of this match was not that Deacon won, but the fact that Tytus, got involved in the match, by distracting Capone allowing Deacon to take advantage of the moment for the victory. (What in the hell is going on with two?). The following match pitted former DSW champion Derrick Neikirk against Ray Gordy. When Derrick lost the DSW title to Sonny Siaki, it looked as if he was going to crash and burn, but not tonight as he picked up the win following a Superplex. I am actually a little shocked by that one. I would have picked Ray to win before the match, being the younger and more complete wrestler. After the match we found the DSW champion Sonny Siaki backstage with a microphone. The segment was kinda fun to watch as Siaki taunted Scorpio about the fact that he was “Older than dirt”, that he was way pasted his prime and had no business being in Deep South Wrestling.(dirt is younger than 48 years old)? Next it was primetime as we watched Elix Skipper and Ryan O'Reilley go at it. The match was ok, and the fans didn’t trash the match, but I was expected a little more from Skipper tonight as he was one of the guys brought in for name recognition. In the end Skipper picked up the win remain unbeaten in DSW. After the match the camera immediately swiched to backstage where it looks like Scorpio has had enough, because he was beating the DSW champion to the ground. In the end both Siaki and Scorpio looked pissed as Scorpio was pulled off of the champ by security, while others held Siaki on the ground. (yeah, fight!). Coming back to the ring it was time for the main event of the evening as Justin Credible took on Mack Johnson. Now with all due respect to Mack who is getting better on his mat game, Justin Credible just complete beat the 29 year old quite easily. Led by another strong performance by Justin Credible DSW put on another good show last night. Now the rest of the roster needs to step up. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] The One and Only defeated Vik Dalishus: [COLOR="Red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Freakin Deacon defeated Frankie Capone: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Derrick Neikirk defeated Ray Gordy: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Sonny Siaki has an interview in which he taunts Too Cold Scorpio: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Elix Skipper defeated Ryan O'Reilley: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Too Cold Scorpio attacks Sonny Siaki backstage: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Justin Credible defeated Mack Johnson: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Final Rating: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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OVW [QUOTE]Mar week 2 2007 Ohio Valley Wrestling Agora Theatre (Great Lakes) Attendance: 207 Write-up by Doug Firestorm of Pwinsider.com Hello to all this is pwinsider’s own Doug Firestorm. Last night I made it to the Agora Theatre for the latest Ohio Valley Wrestling show. The first match of the night was "Keen" Kenny Kingman taking on Chet the Jet. The crowd completely hated seeing Kingman in the ring, and they hated the fact that he won the match even more. I must say this Kingman guy seems to be getting better with every match, so there is no telling how good he will be in the future. After the match we went backstage where Dean Hill was interviewing the tag team champions, Apocolypse Now. It was a fun interview to watch Thomas Salerno and Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann work off each other as Salerno told Dean and the fans that he was pissed that they were the new tag team champions, but they were not even on the card. It was great because you could se Hagemann’s eyes roll back as Salerno just would not shut up. The next bout on the card featured Robbie Dawber taking on the one known as Poisoned Superman. (I have to ask the guys back at pwinsider if Dawber looks like a relative of Christopher Daniels). I was surprised by this match because being nine years older, Dawber was not very good in the ring. In the end it was the Poisoned one picking up his first victory. Will it be the first in a line of many victories I don’t know. Next was what I believe was the best match of the night in Danny Inferno defeating Chris Cage. These two are not superstars in the ring by a long shot, but somehow they just looked good together in the ring. With a little more time together these to could learn to put on show stealing matches night after night. Next we saw the pair of Nicky and Mikey half of the Spirit Squad taking on Idol Stevens and K.C. James. To be honest the match had me scratching my head as I thought the four would put on a much better match than they did. Tonight though Nicky and Mikey picked up the victory leaving the ring with smiles on their faces. The main event of the evening saw the former tag team champions Cody Runnels and Shawn Spears take on the other half of the Spirit Squad in Mitch and Johnny. It was a good back and forth match until the obvious ref bump took any magic away from the match. The ending came in surprising fashion to some when Spears and Johnny decided to fight on the floor. While Mitch and Cody were fighting in the ring Nicky bolted down to ringside to help his fellow Spirit Squad members, or so we thought as Nicky nailed Cody with a steel chair to the back and delivered another one to Johnny as he came storming around the corner. In the end Cody covered Mitch as the ref awoke to count the three count. That was not the end of it though as Mikey came to the ring to help deliver more punishment to his friends. ( I guess former friends now). Overall the night was ok, the Nicky and Mikey turn was a little too easy to spot but oh well, that’s wrestling for ya. [B][U]Quick Results [/U][/B] Keen" Kenny Kingman defeated Chet the Jet: [COLOR="Red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Apocolypse Now has a backstage interview: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Poisoned Superman defeated Robbie Dawber: [COLOR="red"][B]F[/B][/COLOR] Danny Inferno defeated Chris Cage: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Nicky and Mikey defeated Idol Stevens and K.C. James: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Cody Runnels and Shawn Spears defeated Mitch \ Johnny: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Nicky and Mikey attack Mitch and Johnny post match: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][U][B]Blanket out of character post[/B][/U][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Blanket meaning its the same post for all three of my diaries. With a very busy end of the week/weekend happening (finals, graduation, moving back home :eek: ) My three diaries are going to slow down over the next week. Real world wars just had its week of shows posted (attempt to figure out who is coming since Mike gave the three companies his checkbook or just taunt each other for a while) I have run the shows for WSX vs. WWE vs. The World and The new era of Danger and Violence Extreme just have not had the time to write them up (well). Throw me some predictions and try to figure out the next move in the diaries while I am gone. (match listings post 377 for dave and 212 for WSX vs. WWE vs. the world). If things work out as planned I hope to have the shows for DAVE and WSX vs. WWE vs. the World up sometime on Thursday.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]March week 2 2007 (Thur)[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]Dustin Rhodes tells DSW thanks but no thanks[/U][/B] we here at pwinisder have the story first. When Mike decided to open up the check book DSW decided to go after the veteran Dustin Rhodes. Too bad for DSW he said no. We think they asked him to come in and help the young guys along. Oh well[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]DSW signs Kenny King[/U][/B] Even though Dustin said no Kenny King said yes. We hear that DSW is said to be happy with the signing and hope Kenny King can go far within the company[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Great Lakes USA pulls OVW wrestling from schedule[/U][/B] It was only a matter of time but we hear at pwinisder are reporting that OVW has lost their show. Only weeks ago DSW lost their main show due to poor ratings. We here at pwinisder will keep you informed as all three of mike's companies no longer have tv spots.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]OVW signs Dennis Knight[/U][/B] In somewhat of a shocking move Ohio Valley Wrestling signed Dennis Knight. We here at pwinisder are concerned, but sources at OVW say that people will understand this signing in the weeks to come.[/QUOTE]
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[B][U]March week 2 2007 (fri)[/U][/B] pwinsider.com news and notes [QUOTE][U][B]ROH comes to town[/B][/U] Johnny Ice here from pwinsider.com, last night I went to the Ring of Honor show at the Rose Hill Gym. It was an ok night but no memorable matches. The fans I spoke with after really seemed to enjoy the show and concluded that Christopher Daniels was the man of the night. Even though his tag victory with Matt Sydal over the Brisco Brothers was fun to watch I would give the MVP of the night award to Homicide as he defeated Austin Aries to retain the Heavyweight title in the main event. Overall I give the night a grade of “C”.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]CZW uses the checkbook[/B][/U] We here at pwinsider have learned that Combat Zone Wrestling has signed new workers to the roster. CZW have signed Danny Doring, Doug Basham, Slash, and Matt Stryker, not only that CZW claims that they have more names on their list. We here at pwinsider are interested in seeing what will happen in the coming days and weeks.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]DSW uses the checkbook as well[/U][/B] Not to be outdone, we here at pwinsider are reporting that Deep South Wrestling has countered back with the hiring of CW Anderson, Kevin Matthews, and David Young. Will these new wrestlers help DSW, we don’t know.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]Changes at OVW[/B][/U] Not wanting to be left out of the spending spree, the staff also picked up some new wrestlers. This according to our source at OVW. Word has it that they picked up Sylvester Terkay and Brian Lawler. Word from OVW sources claim that they have also shown the door to Matt Cappotelli. We here at pwinsider are very interested to see where these new developments lead the company.[/QUOTE] [B][U]March week 2 2007 (sat)[/U][/B] pwinsider.com news and notes [QUOTE][U][B]CZW signs more wrestlers to the roster[/B][/U] We here at pwinsider found out earlier today that more names have been signed to the Combat Zone Wrestling roster. According to reports Anthony Franco and Danny Holly better known too many as Danny Basham. Will these two be able to fit in with the other new signings? Are their more on the way? Will these signings be the downfall of Combat Zone Wrestling? We here at pwinsider will keep you posted. [/QUOTE] [B][U]CZW Preview for Mar week 3 2007 [/U][/B] The last two weeks in Combat Zone Wrestling have been exciting. Two weeks ago B-Boy shocked the audience as he attacked the heavyweight champion Chris Hero after their match driving him through a table. This week we will hear from B-Boy about the beating he put on the champion. Within the last few days CZW has gone through major changes bringing in some fresh faces. How will these new members fit in the wrestling world? [B][U]reported matches for the show[/U][/B] Danny Havoc vs. B-Boy Jigsaw/ Hallowicked vs. The Bashams Viking vs. Andy Sumner Cloudy vs. Heretic Justice Pain vs. Danny Doring [U][B]March week 2 2007 (sun)[/B][/U] [U][B]DSW Preview for Mar week 3 2007[/B][/U] The fight between Sonny Siaki and Too Cold Scorpio is getting hotter by the day. Two weeks ago the heavyweight champion laughed at Scorpio for losing, then last week he taunted him again this time for being Too Old Scorpio. Scorpio didn’t take to kindly to those words as he jumped the champion in the back. What will happen this week when the two face each other in tag team action? For weeks the story between Tytus and Freakin Deacon has been a strange one with both coming down to watch each others matches. DSW officially have gotten sick of this game and this week Tytus and the Freakin Deacon will be in the same ring as opponents. [U][B]reported matches for the show[/B][/U] Tytus vs. Freakin Deacon Too Old Scorpio/Kenny King vs. Sonny Siaki/Kevin Matthews Justin Credible vs. Mason Raige Dave “A Bomb” Biggs vs. Ryan O’ Reilley CW Anderson vs. Derrick Neikirk [U][B]March week 3 2007 (mon)[/B][/U] pwinsider.com news and notes [QUOTE][U][B]TNA Destination X held Last Night[/B][/U] TNA held their Destination X pay per view last night at the Missouri State Armory in front of a sold out crowd of 5,000. Early reports to pwinsider say that Kurt Angle was the star of the pay per view. We here at pwinsider agree with that idea as he put on a great match with AJ Styles. We give the pay per view a “C+”.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Ric Flair and a horse?[/U][/B] We here at pwinsider are confused as we just found a report involving Ric Flair and a horse. We will follow this story as we get more information. [/QUOTE] [U][B]OVW Preview for Mar week 3 2007[/B][/U] The Spirit Squad is done! For weeks Mitch, Nicky, Johnny and Mitch have been at odds with each other over losses each other has suffered. It all came to a head last week as Nicky and Mikey attacked Mitch and Johnny to end the show. We have heard that Nicky and Mikey will have something to say to their former stable mates this week, the only question is will Mitch and Johnny be listening? We also heard from the new tag team champions, Apocolypse Now, as Thomas Salerno told OVW he was pissed about not being on the show. In response to last weeks comments OVW officials have decided to give Salerno his wish against Sylvester Terkay. Come see the stars of tomorrow today in OVW! [U][B]reported matches for the show[/B][/U] Thomas Salerno vs. Sylvester Terkay Burchill vs. Poisoned Superman Cassidy Riley vs. Harry Smith The Tolands vs. K.C. James/ Idol Stevens Chuck Palumbo vs. Brian Lawler
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Mike sits down at his computer and finds a note from one of the wrestlers [QUOTE=Wildcat;233408]WHOO, Naked Mideon![/QUOTE] [B]Mike:[/B] (laughing) uh, no....funny but I know that naked mideon is not coming back. If that was to come back where a guy was to do the "naked mideon" idea it would be someone a lot better looking. I mean I would be forced to watch this guy along with everyone else in the arenas and on tv. I think I would have to bring someone else in, as currently only a few of the guys would be allowed to do this idea.
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[U][B]March week 3 2007 (tue)[/B][/U] John Zandig of CZW is sitting with his newest signing Nicholas Alexander Clements [B]John:[/B] [COLOR="Green"]Welcome aboard Mr. Clements[/COLOR] [B]Clements:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Thank you sir[/COLOR] John waves some members of the roster into the office [B]John:[/B] [COLOR="green"]Hey Messiah, Ruckus, Sabian met our newest member.[/COLOR] [B]Ruckus:[/B] (In clements direction) [COLOR="Purple"]Who this thing? I bet he can’t even last seven minutes with me.[/COLOR] (laughs) [B]Clements:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Nice to me you….[/COLOR] [B]Sabian: [/B][COLOR="Green"]Shut up, boy! Speak when spoken to.[/COLOR] [B]Messiah:[/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Lets go guys[/COLOR] The Messiah and the tag team champions Ruckus and Sabian leave the office, as John starts laughing. [B][U]Pwinsider news and notes[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]TNA Impact report for March week 3 2007[/U][/B] TNA went to Pizzitola Sports Center last night for Impact. Fans seemed to really enjoy the show, saying that Kurt Angle was the star of the show. We on the other hand found most of the show fairly bland, but we do agree that Kurt Angle was the star of the show getting beaten down by Abyss. Overall we give the night a “C+”[/QUOTE] [B][U]March week 3 2007 (wed)[/U][/B] [B][U]Pwinsider news and notes[/U][/B] [QUOTE][B][U]ECW report for March week 3 2007[/U][/B] ECW was at the Broadbent Arena last night in front of a sold out crowd of 5,000. The fans left the show happy as ECW champion Randy Orton successfully defeated Rob Van Dam in a fairly good match. We here at pwinsider are split on who should be the MVP for the show, half want RVD and the other half want Randy Orton. We give the show a “B-“.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Shantelle Taylor signs with WWW?[/U][/B] We here at pwinsider are hearing rumors that Shantelle Taylor of Deep South Wrestling has signed on with World Womens Wrestling. Right now we are only hearing rumors but we will stay on top of this and try and confirm it one way or another.[/QUOTE]
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CZW [QUOTE]Mar week 3 2007 Combat Zone Wrestling Deer Park Community Center Attendance: 568 Write-up by Johnny Ice of Pwinsider.com Hello fans of Combat Zone Wrestling. Tonight the promotion was at the Deer Park Community Center. Over the past week Combat Zone has been on a spending spree, did that help them or hurt them? The opening match of the night was Andy Sumner taking on Viking. This match was average for the night, as it allowed both men to show what they could do. In the end Andy Summer picked up the win but the crowd hardly noticed. (this Viking is odd either needs a make over or a pink slip) The next match featured two more young guns of the Combat Zone Wrestling promotion as Heretic (21) took on Cloudy (23). For both this was a feeling out process and a match to get their feet wet. This match was just mind numbing to watch as they just traded moves off the top rope repeatedly with no real thought as to what they were doing. If you like that I guess its for you, but this was hard to watch. (Who ever thought of the ring name Cloudy needs to be shot). After the match it was time for a much needed break for food as a video played of the tag team champions Ruckus and Sabian. At the end of the video it told us that they would be in action next week. (cool, I guess) As the audience got back to their seats it was time for one of the newest CZW wrestlers to make his first appearance. That newest member was Danny Doring as he took on Justice Pain. I really thought that Doring’s experience would help him in the match but in the end Justice Pain took the victory with the Pain Thriller. (wow, I hope Doring’s not going to be used as a jobber here in CZW). The next match featured the man who dropped the CZW heavyweight champion through a table as B-Boy went one on one with Danny Havoc. I must say Havoc attempted to put up a fight by B-Boy was just too much as he went to town defeating Havoc. After the match B-Boy was not done as he grabbed a mic and proceeded to laugh at the man he dropped through a table, Heavyweight champion, Chris Hero. Saying that he could do it again. As B-Boy finished up the camera went to the backstage area where Hero was watching from backstage unknown to B-Boy. Finally it was time for the main event as Jigsaw and Hallowicked took on The Bashams in their first match under the CZW banner. For being the main event this match was weak, but it did showcase the Bashams as a team to be reckoned with. ( We will have to watch and see what happens to these two). Overall the show was ok. The air went out of the fans after the B-Boy taunt, the tag match may have been to much to ask of the fans. I will say I can’t wait to see what will happen in the Chris Hero/B-Boy situation. [B][U]Quick Results [/U][/B] Andy Sumner defeated Viking: [COLOR="Red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Heretic defeated Cloudy: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] A music video is shown to promote Ruckus \ Sabian.: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Justice Pain defeated Danny Doring: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] B-Boy defeated Danny Havoc: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] B-Boy taunts Chris Hero: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Chris Hero watching B-Boy backstage: [COLOR="red"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] The Basham defeated Jigsaw and Hallowicked: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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DSW [QUOTE]Mar week 3 2007 Deep South Wrestling Eastmonte Civic Center (south east) Attendance: 96 Write-up by C.J. Pain of Pwinsider.com Hello from the Eastmonte Civic Center, this is C.J. Pain of pwinsider.com reporting for Deep South Wrestling. Tonight. Was an interesting night as stories continued to unfold. As the show started we went backstage where Tytus and Freakin Deacon were seen talking. This story is odd as both have been around each other with no expiation as to why. Maybe tonight we can find out some information as these two will face off one on one. The first match of the night was Dave “A Bomb” Biggs taking on Ryan O’ Reilley in a match that was ok at best. The handling of Biggs is an interesting one as one week he will win and the next week he will get soundly beaten. Next we watched Tytus and the Freakin Deacon face off. For the amount of time they have been watching each other they were hard to watch in the ring. This match was odd as Deacon destroyed Tytus in picking up the win. The odd thing was that Tytus seemed to enjoy the beating, as the crowd was silent. It became even more confusing after the match Deacon actually helped Tytus to the back. (very odd). The following match featured one of the new members of Deep South as CW Anderson took on former Deep South Wrestling Heavyweight Champion Derrick Neikirk. I must say I was a little shocked by this match because CW Anderson has definitely lost a step in the ring and Neikirk took advantage of that. In the end, Neikirk dropped Anderson with The Elite Bomb getting the victory over the older Anderson. Next, it was time for a break to get food as a video package was shown highlighting the recent problems between Too Cold Scorpio and the champ Sonny Siaki. Tonight they continued their war in tag team action. In the tag team match, it was Scorpio teaming with newcomer Kenny King while Sonny Siaki teamed with Kevin Matthews. This match was just fun to watch as Scorpio spent most of the match chasing after Siaki. King and Matthews were not terrible in the ring for their first match and may have a future in the company. The end of the match came when Siaki tripped outside the ring while running from Scorpio allowing Scorpio to catch him to the delight of the crowd. Dragging Siaki back in Scorpio dropped the champ with a hard clothesline and finished the match with a Scorpio Splash. Post match as Siaki was down on the mat Scorpio told him and the crowd that the Heavyweight title would be his. Once the guys got everything under control it was time for the main event as Justin Credible faced off against Mason Raige. I must say that even though Credible has been in some good matches in the past few weeks, tonight was not one of them. (I’ll blame Mason for that). Thankfully, Credible won again tonight, because I personally don’t like this Raige guy. Overall, the 96 people who were here got a fine show. While it did not have it’s killer main events, match wise it was solid from top to bottom. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Tytus and Freakin Deacon are seen talking backstage: [COLOR="Red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Dave "A-Bomb" Biggs defeated Ryan O'Reilley: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Freakin Deacon defeated Tytus: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Derrick Neikirk defeated CW Anderson: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] A video plays hyping the story between Sonny Siaki and Too Cold Scorpio: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Kenny King and Too Cold Scorpio defeated Sonny Siaki and Kevin Matthews: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Too Cold Scorpio tells Siaki that the title will be his: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] Justin Credible defeated Mason Raige: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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OVW [QUOTE]Mar week 3 2007 Ohio Valley Wrestling The Sports Connection (Great Lakes) Attendance: 94 Write-up by Doug Firestorm of Pwinsider.com Hello Ohio Valley fans! This week Ohio Valley Wrestling went to The Sports Connection a had a show in front of 94 fans. (Oh boy). Last week we witnessed the end of the Spirit Squad so I was waiting to see what would happen this week. The opening bout of the night featured Sylvester Terkay making his first appearance in OVW against one-half of the tag team champions, Thomas Salerno, without his tag partner Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann. (I guess this is what he gets for wanting to be on the show). I must say Terkay looked good out there tonight as he used his strength to push around the young Salerno. The crowd was behind Terkay the entire match, so they must have been shocked when Salerno picked up the victory, even though Terkay controlled most of the match. After the match the camera went backstage where we found the answer to why Hagemann was not at ringside. As he was, found a bloody mess and out cold on the concrete. As we came back to the ring, it was time for the OVW champion, Burchill. Tonight Burchill’s challenger Poisoned Superman did what he was paid to do (be a rag doll for the champ, too bad the audience knew that as well). After the match, Burchill was not happy and demanded better opponents, making an open challenge to anyone in the back. (At least the staff can tell Burchill that he is being used.) As Burchill left, we got ready for Harry Smith vs. Cassidy Riley. All I can say is wow, Harry Smith is a joy to watch…so much so that he actually carried Cassidy Riley to the best match of the night. Even though he has only had three matches, Smith needs to be put in with some of the better wrestlers to see how he can handle it. ( I guess Cassidy’s ok to). After that fun match, we were treated to a train wreak with The Tolands defeating K.C. James and Idol Stevens. Don’t get me wrong, the Tolands are a good team, it’s James and Stevens that suck. Either OVW needs to get these guys some private training together or they need to disband this “team” right now. (with the Sprit Squad falling out maybe John and Chad get a title shot?) Finally, we made it to the main event of the night as Chuck Palumbo took on Brian Lawler. I must say that I thought these two would be able to do better tonight. I thought they had the experience to put on at least a better match than what they did. They both appeared lost tonight…good for Palumbo he was able to find Lawler’s face for a superkick as he got the win. Overall, really nothing special happened. It was just a night of wrestling, take it or leave it. [B][U]Quick Results[/U][/B] Thomas Salerno defeated Sylvester Terkay: [COLOR="Red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann is found beaten down backstage: [COLOR="red"][B]F+[/B][/COLOR] Burchill defeated "Poisoned Superman: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Burchill makes an open challenge:[COLOR="red"][B] D[/B][/COLOR] Harry Smith defeated Cassidy Riley: [COLOR="red"][B]D-[/B][/COLOR] The Tolands defeated K.C. James and Idol Stevens: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Chuck Palumbo defeated Brian Lawler: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[B][U]March week 3 2007 (thur)[/U][/B] Mike is sitting in the office [B]Mike: [/B]Last night wasn’t bad but we need better shows [B][U]March week 3 2007 (fri)[/U][/B] Pwinsider news and notes [QUOTE][B][U]Ring of Honor goes to New England[/U][/B] ROH was in New England last night, reports from fans appeared that they seemed to enjoy the show. In a post show survey, Christopher Daniels was named the MVP by the fans. We here at pwinisder believe that Homicide was the MVP as he successfully defended his Heavyweight title against Chris Hero[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]Vito and Striker switch teams[/U][/B] Last night the WWE moved Vito to ECW in a trade for Striker going to Raw[/QUOTE] [B][U]March week 3 2007 (sat)[/U][/B] John Zandig of CZW is sitting in the office going over the next show list [B]John:[/B] This looks ok. Lets see the tag champs are scheduled to wrestle the next show, so: Ruckus and Sabian vs. Larry Sweeney and Sexxxy Eddy. Nick Gage vs. Slash. Alter Boy Luke vs. Adam Flash Joker vs. Anthony Franco Eddie Kingston vs. Nicholas Alexander Clements Pwinisder news and notes [QUOTE][B][U]TNA keeps Johnny Devine and Jerry Lynn[/U][/B] Word coming in from TNA is that they have managed to resign both Johnny Devine and Jerry Lynn. We here at pwinisder are confused by the resigning of Devine, as he sucks. Jerry Lynn on the other hand is a great guy to keep around as he can help the younger wrestlers. (of course TNA will mess that up completely).[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]New friendship in Ohio Valley Wrestling?[/U][/B] Our sources at OVW have begun to notice that OVW heavyweight champion Burchill and Chris Cage have been hanging out together outside of OVW events. We here at pwinsider are interested to see where this friendship goes.[/QUOTE]
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[U][B]March week 3 2007 (sun)[/B][/U] Pwinsider news and notes [QUOTE][B][U]Shantelle Taylor signs with WWW[/U][/B] Wednesday we brought you the rumor first. Today we can confirm that Shantelle Taylor has signed with World Womens Wrestling. Deep South Wrestling has had a few days to know this was coming so it will be interesting to see how they handle this.[/QUOTE] Tom Pritchard is sitting at his desk when he gets a knock on the door [B]Tom:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Hello Hart, what can I do for you today?[/COLOR] [B]Hart:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]I am not happy. I have been left off the last two shows.[/COLOR] [B]Tom:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Well what do you want me to do about it.[/COLOR] [B]Hart:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Put me on the show![/COLOR] [B]Tom:[/B] [COLOR="red"]Mr. Hart, sit down! You need to realize that even though Mike may have brought you in, you are still weak in the ring[/COLOR]. [B]Hart:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]So, put me in the ring so I can train![/COLOR] [B]Tom:[/B] (laugh) [COLOR="red"]We have a show to do but if you want to be on the next card I will be glad to watch you get beat. [/COLOR] The Outlaw leaves the office [B]Tom:[/B] What a jerk. Now lets get down to business [U][B]Scheduled matches for DSW Wrestling March week 4 2007[/B][/U] Too Cold Scorpio vs. Sonny Siaki DSW heavyweight title match Elix Skipper vs. David Young Jim “The Outlaw” Hart vs. Justin Credible Kenny King vs. The One and Only Ray Gordy vs. Ryan O’ Reilley [B][U]March week 4 2007 (mon)[/U][/B] Al Snow is sitting at his desk at Ohio Valley Wrestling headquarters when Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann storms into his office [B]Snow:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Yes Hagemann?[/COLOR] [B]Hagemann:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]hey!!!!! I don't take beatings, I hand them out. I want an answer to who the coward is that jumped me..[/COLOR] [B]Snow:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Why should I tell you?[/COLOR] [B]Hagemann:[/B] [COLOR="red"]I am one half of the tag team champions and all of these other guys are useless. I make Ohio Valley Wrestling the best in the world![/COLOR] [B]Snow: [/B][COLOR="blue"]Your kidding me right. Tell you what relax, you will find out who attacked you so enough.[/COLOR] Kris "Wooodaddy" Hagemann storms out of the office [B]Snow:[/B] First his tag partner, now he gets mad. What to do for the show? [B][U]Scheduled matches for OVW Wrestling March week 4 2007[/U][/B] Harry Smith vs. Mike Kruel for the TV Chuck Palumbo vs. Chris Cage "Keen" Kenny Kingman vs. Thomas Salerno Cody Runnels vs. "Wildcat" Nick Gloe Barradock/ Mark Canterbury vs. Mitch/ Johnny
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[B][U]March week 4 2007 (tue)[/U][/B] Pwinsider news and notes [QUOTE][U][B]David S. Palmer Arena hosts Total Nonstop Action[/B][/U] Last night TNA went to the David S. Palmer arena. After the show fans thought that Impact was ok and that Christopher Daniels was the MVP. Here at pwinsider we will agree with the fans on both counts and give the show a “C”.[/QUOTE] [U][B]March week 4 2007 (wed)[/B][/U] Pwinsider news and notes [QUOTE][B][U]ECW on Sci-Fi[/U][/B] ECW went to the Agganis Arena in front of a soldout crowd of 5,000. People seemed to have enjoyed the show, saying that RVD was the MVP of the night. We here at pwinsider disagree as we give the MVP of the night award to Ric Flair as he defeated the Undertaker in the main event. We give the show a “B-“.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U][B]Finlay stays with the WWE[/B][/U] Reports from WWE.com claim that the man known as Finlay has signed a new contract with the company. WWE is said to be happy with this arrangement as Finlay can continue to help the younger wrestlers.[/QUOTE] John Zandig is sitting in his office when B-Boy comes in [B]John:[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Thank you for coming in before the show[/COLOR] [B]B-Boy:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]No problem[/COLOR] [B]John:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Lets get this over with quickly show we can get to the show.[/COLOR] [B]B-Boy[/B]: [COLOR="red"]Fine, I want $525 ppa for 9 months[/COLOR] [B]John:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Sign here[/COLOR] John and B-Boy leave the office for the show
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CZW [QUOTE]Mar week 4 2007 Combat Zone Wrestling Uniontown VFW Attendance: 300 Write-up by Johnny Ice of Pwinsider.com Hello fans of Combat Zone Wrestling. Tonight CZW was at the Uniontown VFW and let me tell you it was a good night for the team here. The first match of the evening had one half of “Blackout”, Eddie Kingston taking on one of the new kids, Nicholas Alexander Clements. Not much is known about this Clements character but tonight the crowd booed him anyway. In the end it was Kingston getting the victory with a Yakuza Kick. After the match chaos ensued as the tag team champions Ruckus and Sabian ran to the ring and attacked….Clements, while Kingston walked away. Very odd, why would Ruckus and Sabian not go after Kingston who they beat for the belts, but more importantly why would Kingston not want a piece of them? The next match on the card was the other half of “Blackout” Joker taking on, new comer Anthony Franco. This match was a typical match…new kid gets his butt kicked and veteran wins. At least this time the crowd did not boo Franco out of the building. I still think it odd, with Joker having a match right after Kingston why would Joker choose to stay in the back when the tag champs ran out? Match number three of the night was Nick Gage taking out Slash. Even though Slash was new to the Combat Zone crowd, I think they knew that he had been around a wrestling ring, and because of that they let him work in peace. CZW vets 3, new guys 0. As we continued on, it was the tag team champions Ruckus and Sabian vs. the team of Larry Sweeney and Sexxxy Eddy. This match was funny and sad to watch as Sweeney and Eddy tried their best but I think the tag champs were insulted by these two and they just beat the crap out of them. It was great as Ruckus and Sabian stormed out of the ring angry even though they won. Next we made it to the main event of the evening as Adam Flash took on Alter Boy Luke. Earlier in the week, we were told at pwinsider that this match would decide the man who would take on Niles Young for the Light Heavyweight title next week. Maybe that’s why these to put on a good match for the fans tonight. In the end Alter Boy Luke it the 450 and Combat Zone Wrestling had its new number one contender. As the ring cleared we were treated again to B-Boy on the mic once again. Just like last week he proceeded to taunt Chris Hero about the injury suffered at his hands. To his surprise, instead of staying in the back unnoticed Chris Hero made his way out to the stage. As B-Boy stood there in disbelief, Chris Hero told him and the fans that next week he wanted B-Boy in a match and to get it he would put his title on the line. In the end Hero told B-Boy to think about it because the match would not be a regular one on one match, but a cage match. Overall the show was good as it offered a nice mix of new faces and fun angles. I can’t wait for next week as Alter Boy Luke and Niles Young will go at it for the Light Heavyweight title. Also I hope B-Boy accepts the challenge because I want a cage match. [B][U]Quick Results:[/U][/B] Eddie Kingston defeated "Nicholas Alexander Clements: [COLOR="Red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Ruckus \ Sabian run in and attack, Nick Clements: [COLOR="red"][B]E-[/B][/COLOR] Joker defeated Anthony Franco: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Nick Gage defeated Slash: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] Ruckus \ Sabian defeated Larry Sweeney and Sexxxy Eddy: [COLOR="red"][B]E[/B][/COLOR] Alter Boy Luke defeated Adam Flash: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] B-Boy taunts Chris Hero: [COLOR="red"][B]D[/B][/COLOR] Chris Hero challenges B-Boy to a cage match: [COLOR="red"][B]D+[/B][/COLOR] Overall: [COLOR="red"][B]E+[/B][/COLOR] [/QUOTE]
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