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Question for Adam about product.

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Could I in theory run a promotion like this and have it get B or higher ratings? vvv Match Ratio: 10 % Face Heel Divide: Medium/Strong Wrestlers: Integrated I guess. T&A: High Traditional: None Mainstream: Heavy Comdey: None Cult: None Risque: Key Feature Modern: None Realism: None Hyper Realism: None Hardcore: None Lucha Libre: None Pure: None Dare Devil: None I'm trying to run a promotion based almost entirely on the strength of my workers entertainment skills (mic, charisma, looks acting etc.) and by using high risk (ratings wise, not danger wise) angles and skits. I tried to run a promotion just like the one above, It seems that I [I]might[/I] be able to make it work on the strength of my wrestlers entertainment skills alone (plugging Hogan, The Rock and Vince in angles for an entire show netted me solid ratings), but long term I don't know how effectively I could raise my new guys overness this way so I'm wondering how much angles raise overness as opposed to matches in which less over guys beat hugely over guys. Is it enough to heavily supplement angles for matches and still build my new stars overness effectively/efficiently over time? And if so, what would an A show in this case look like? I dunno, I'm just from the very small camp of people that finds the angles in wrestling to be the most entertaining thing, espescially with the dwindling talent level of superstars in the big name feds nowadays (Cena and Batista? Bleh...) So I want to try something new and see if I can make a federation more like a soap opera than anything else, with an "angles first" mentality (basically the opposite of an angleless, "pure wrestling" promotion). I'm just wondering if you think my product settings are best suited to this idea or not, and if so what changes should I make. I didn't really have any other promotions in the database to go off of for an example of what I'm trying to do so I'm asking you what you think about these production settings... PS: How do I build momentum? It seems that when my guys have low momentum nothing I do can help them make a good angle
In regards to product, I would like to know how to get a mix of angles and wrestling without storylines. I've tried a few variations but the matches and angles always "bring the crowds mood down" and bring solid E+ ratings.
Building momentum in a fed like this would require picking a few workers with high momentum, if you have them, and using them a lot to get segments with high ratings. Plug low momentum guys into these segments to help them raise their momentum and, as an added bonus, overness. In a promotion like this, everyone will need to take turns putting everyone else over. Example: Chris Jericho's debut in WWF, matched against the Rock, verbal awesomeness ensues, Jericho goes from F- momentum to a B, and his overness would as increased as well. This laid the foundation for Jericho helping to get Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit over six months down the line.
[QUOTE=Kobe1724;221075]Could I in theory run a promotion like this and have it get B or higher ratings?[/QUOTE] You can in theory run almost any product setting and get B or higher ratings, your one looks no exception.


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