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MHW: Everything in Life is a Hustle...to include WRESTLING!!!

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[center] [B][FONT=Times][SIZE=14] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/IMG] MAJOR HUSTLE WRESTLING: Life is a Hustle...even in WRESTLING!!!"[/size] [size=7] Prestiege: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dminus.jpg[/IMG] Promotion Size:[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/fed_size3.jpg[/IMG]REGIONAL Starting Finances: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/finance_pos.jpg[/IMG]$500,000 [/SIZE][/FONT][/B] [/center] [B][I][FONT=Times]hus·tle /ˈhʌsəl/ noun –verb (used without object) 1. to proceed or work rapidly or energetically: to hustle about putting a house in order. 2. to push or force one's way; jostle or shove. 3. to be aggressive, esp. in business or other financial dealings. 4. Slang. to earn one's living by illicit or unethical means. 5. Slang. (of a prostitute) to solicit clients. (Courtesy of: Webster.com) STORY: Everything in life is a Hustle, both Illegal and Legal means. Everywhere you look in society, for things or for that fact people to succeed in life, one must not only work hard..but to do things that one might be morally and legally "questionable" in so many words......HUSTLE. As being a wrestling fan growing up, I was raised on watching fighters like Ric Flair, the 4 Horsemen, Junk Yard Dog, "Big Cat" Ernie Ladd and so on and so forth. But after watching a recent show of Raw, lets just say I was severely disapointed, and then watching TNA a few night later it didnt raise my impression of the state of Professional Wrestling or as people like to call it today, "Sports Entertainment". I finally found my calling, and knew what I needed to do with my late father's life insurance/inherentance. I decided to open up my own Wrestling promotion, basically called "Major Hustle Wrestling". Due to the fact that I believe in the "ideals" of what a hustler does, which is eat sleeps, and breathes success. And I was willing to do what ever it took to get this business off the ground. The only reason I have a D- in the Southest area of the U.S. is because I am realatively known and plus I am from Columbus, Ga (2 and a half hours south of Atlanta). Now I know that I dont have a shot in Hell against the big 2 or even the likes of Ring of Honor, Combat Zone Wrestling or so on an so forth. But if I am gonna successful I am gonna have to get my "Hustle on" and out hustle the other promotions. And before I forget, I need to let me introduce myself. My name is Logan Anthony. Also known as GhostDogg. And this is my story.... To Be Continued. [/I][/B][/font]
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Day 1: Setting up. [center] [B][I][FONT=Times][SIZE=7]DAY 1: SETTING UP[/SIZE][/center] So after going down to the Wrestling Liscensing office to officially put MHW on the map and in the "Books", making us officially recognize as a wrestling promotion, no matter what the circumstances, sink or swim, fail or succeed, I made my mark in the wrestling world. Letting everyone know that "GhostDogg" and MHW had arrived. So after spending all day at that place, I did my "homework" and decided on what the product should be like for MHW. And I came up with this final analysis. Face/Heel Divide: Medium Match Ratio: 70% Minor Match: 8 Mins Medium Match: 13 mins Main Match: 20 Mins Match Intensity: 60% Match Danger: 75% Traditional: Very Low Mainstream: Medium Comedy: Low Cult: Low Risque: Low Modern: Key Feature Realism: Very Low Hyper Realism: Low Hardcore: Medium Lucha Libre: Low Pure: None Daredevil: Medium And also I did a breakdown of what I needed to star my fed and this is what I came up with so far. Main Eventers: 4 Upper Midcarders: 4 Midcarders: 6 Lower Midcarder: 3 Opener: 2 Enhancement Talent: 1 Road Agents: No more than 2 Bookers: 1 Announcers: 1 Color Commentators: Not more than 2 Now that brought up another issue....My roster. I went on the net and I went searching for possible talent that would "Fit In" in MHW, but there was a couple of things I had to think about before I hired anyone. First, I dont care how talented they are, but I be damned if I hired any JACK@$$es or anyone with Egos. I mean they could be a wrestling GOD, but if they didnt have a good attitude, I would refuse to hire them. The 2nd thing would be how many promotions that person worked for. I will not hire anyone that works for more than 3 promotions. So with that out of the way..that leaves the question...WHO WILL I HIRE? Well I have been looking at some talent who is currently not employed right now...but I am strickly LOOKING at them as possiblity for working at this promotion. Why am I looking and not signing? Simple, because the first week all the promotions get rid of talent, to include ROH, PWG, TNA and yep..even WWE. So basically I am in a wait and see mode.....only for now. To Be Continued.[/FONT][/I][/B]
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Roster and Titles [center] [SIZE=7][B][I][FONT=Times] Day 8: Assembling the troops...[/FONT][/I][/B][/center][/SIZE] [B][I][FONT=Times]After searching around the net, burning up the phonelines and talking to every single contact that I have known in my life, and I owe them big ....but finally, my roster is complete. I have assembled talents from TNA, ROH, PWG, CZW, and even some guys from WWE!! And also on top of that I have formed 4 Titles and even a yearly Tournament, which the name will be with held until a later time. Main Eventer: Justin Credible- Heel Ron Killings- Face Tajiri- Face Psychosis- Heel Upper Midcarder: Ruckus- Heel The Amazing Red- Face Kazarian- Face Elix Skipper-Heel Midcarder: Derek Frazier-Heel El Generico- Face Hallowicked-Heel "Spyder" Nate Webb- Face Sabian-Heel Ultra Mantis Black- Heel Lower Midcarder: Human Tornado- Face "Above Average" Mike Sanders-Heel Skyade-Face Opener: "GhostDogg" Logan Thomas (me)-Face "The Phoenix' Jody Fliesch- Heel Authority Figure: ??? (To be revealed at the first show...as a HUGE SURPRISE!!) Road Agent: Terry Funk Managers: Armando Alajandro Estrada- Heel Announcer: Lillian Garcia Referee: Jim Korderas Announcers: Joel Gertner Don Callis ???( hint...he is the Authority Figure!!!) Personalities: Funaki Joel Gertner Ttitles: MHW World Title: Vacant MHW Jr. Heavyweight Title: Vacant MHW Tag Team Titles: Vacant MHW U.S. Title: Vacant Tournament: Name unknown : Held every July. This was a huge step that this fed has gone in. So now I need to figure when the first show will be...and what major surprise I should spring on the crowd. TO BE CONTINUED.....[/FONT][/I][/B]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B][I][FONT=Times]OOC- What sup yall. Hey My laptop got a virus and I had to reformat my hardrive, but I tried to save my game ...but it wouldnt do it. So when I "rebuilt" my game, I made a mistake and put the game on "Easy" instead of "Medium" so my prestiege is at C instead of D, and I am at a 1 million dollar mark instead of $500,000. So anyone who reads this...just letting you know what sup. -Ghost[/FONT][/I][/B]
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[center][font=Times][b][i][SIZE=7]Day 12:First Impressions...[/i][/b][/center][/font] [b][i] Its been a few days and I signed more talent for my promotion. And there has been a little buzz generated about the internet and my hometown of Columbus. Some people havent seen these people in a while and then another question hit me....WHAT AM I GONNA NAME MY SHOW? But that wasnt all of the things I had to think about. A few days ago I sat down with Kevin Kleinrock, the owner of Wrestling Society X, and I figured I make him an offer that would benifit both of us. After hearing that the WSX show on MTV had lost it show time slot, I figure I kick over a few talent in exchange for thiers. After careful of deliberation and thought.....I FINALLY thought of a name for my show.....and it is describes my business sense.... HOSTILE INTENT!!!! After thinking up the name of the Event...a small miracle happens. I get a call from a network. I have been submitting applications for our show to be picked up. And it seems that MHW has a new home. ESPN2. They are offering us a 90 min show on Wednesdays at Midnight. Well..Beggars cant be choosers can they? To be continued![/i][/b]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[center][b][size=7]Breaking News: Roster for MHW is "dissolved"[/size][/b][/center] courtesy: [url]www.MHW.com[/url] [b] We have recieved "confirmed" reports that the entire roster of MHW, has been more or less "dissolved" from Major Hustle Wrestling. Now management from MHW has been extremely "Silent" on this situation, especially on which wrestlers this situation will affect. When asked about this, Mr. Anthony has this to say. "This was a definate unforseen circumstance and this will be a setback for some of our talent. However, MHW will remain 'on the map' and that we will still be here for the fans. Also our first show "Hostile Intent" will still be showing before the end of this Month" No other comments were made about this situation.[/b]
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[center] [b][size=7]Preview for HOSTILE INTENT!!![/size][/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img][/center] [b][i]This is the first show coming from a wrestling promotion already "covered" in controversy. The Promotion? Major Hustle Wrestling!!! And with this being a first show...MHW is gonna set the standard on how wrestling should be...and NOT SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT!!! [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/unknown_black-1.gif[/img][/center] For the past couple of weeks, there has been huge speculations on who the new General Manager is for MHW. From the wrestling net sites, to even MHW.com!! But now..the General Manager of Major Hustle Wrestling will be revealed. Also on top of that, we have also heard that he will not be coming alone! He will also be bringing a new signing to the company to the show!! [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/JoseMaximo.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/JoelMaximo.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Rainman3.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Onyx2.jpg[/img][/center] Also we are gonna have tag team action on the show. Now if you follow Indy wrestling then it pretty unlikely that you dont know who Joel and Jose Maximo is! Los Maximos are gonna make thier debut in MHW, but not without competition. Onyx and "The Soul Assassin" Kory Chavis have had moderate success in NWA-Anarchy and even had a war of the "Blackout's" in CZW! But now..As "G-Thang" they are gonna have to definately step thier game up here in MHW if they wanna make a name for themselves! [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TeddyHart.jpg[/img][/center] Over the past few weeks, MHW management has been wondering about this hiring this individual to come to MHW. Now some people believe that "person" will be a "Valuable" asset to the company, where as others feels that he is a "poison" to any wrestling promotion he sets foot on. So after a vote of 5 to 4, MHW has decided to sign this individual....Who is he? THE "BLACK HART' TEDDY HART!!! [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Sabian.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheAmazingRed.jpg[/img][/center] And we also have some high flying action on the card. "The Black Jesus" Sabian has had a very good career being both the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion and Tag Team Champion. The Amazing Red career isnt to shabby either, being both TNA X division Champion, and ROH Tag Team champion! Now these two men are gonna get it on in pretty much a "Can you top this!!" type of match! And The MAIN EVENT!!! [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/RonKillings2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah.jpg[/img][/center] Ron "The Truth" Killings is pretty much the most underated wrestling in the world today! He pretty much and do it all, High Flying, Technical and is entertaining on the microphone! The Messiah is probably one of the most decorated Indy Wrestlers today. Being a multichampion in such promotions as NWA-Florida, Combat Zone Wrestling and Xtreme Pro Wrestling just to name a few. Its the "Lie Detector" Axe Kick vs the "Godsmack" when these two get it on. All this and so much more on the very first show of "MHW presents 'HOSTILE INTENT!!" [quote]CONFIRMED MATCHES: Los Maximos (Joel and Jose Maximo) vs G-Thang (Onyx and "The Soul Assassin" Kory Chavis) "The Black Jesus" Sabian vs The Amazing Red The Debut of "The Black Hart" Teddy Hart We also will be notified who the new General Manager of MHW is and who is the New Talent that he signed!!! Main Event: The Messiah vs Ron "The Truth" Killings[/i][/b] [/quote] (Please comment/Rate...Thanks)
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[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img][/center] Dark Matches: Xavier def L.A. Blades (That is me just in case yall wondering): Xavier won with the X-Breaker for the Win. Time/Rating 6:32/E+ Matrix def EZ Money: This was a pretty decent contest by the new comer Matrix, which he won with the "Touch Of Reality"(reverse DDT into neck breaker). Time/Rating: 5:43/D- Hype Video for the upcoming match, G-Thang vs Los Maximos (Rating: F+) [center][size=7][b][i]MHW presents: HOSTILE INTENT!!!![/i][/b][/size][/center] [i][b] Color Commentators: Jonathan Coachman, Don Callis, Micheal Cole. Location: The C4 Gym, Southern Florida Attendence: 300 (SOLD OUT!!!) [center][color=blue]"The Iceman" Caprice Coleman[/color][/i] vs [i][color=red]Ted Dibiase Jr. [/color][/i] [/center] This is the debut for these two young men. Dibiase Jr has a promising match but in the end, he fell to Coleman's Thermal Shock(Diamond Cutter), after countering Dibiase's "Million Dollar Elbow" (Roaring Elbow) for the pinfall. Winner: "The Iceman" Caprice Coleman by Pinfall Time/Rating: 8:45/D- After the match....there was a booming voice comes thru the curtain.... VOICE: "NOW HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON!! Now how are you gonna have a "Hustle" Promotion, if you dont have the ULTIMATE HUSTLA, PLAYA??!! I am talking about the one....the only ,"T'LO" !!!! And if you havent figured it out by now "Playa", I am lay it on ya brotha...I am the NEW GENERAL MANAGER OF MAJOR HUSTLIN WRESTLIN......THEODORE.....LOOONG!!! Coachman: Are you SERIOUS?? I could barely tolerate this guy when he was in WWE!! You mean to tell me that he followed me all the way over to this DIRTWATER Wrestling Promotion??? God must TRUELY HATE ME!!! Cole: Weather God hates you or not...it seems that our New GM is revealed!!!! T'Lo: Now..my first act as the Head Playa in charge...I have took the liberty of signing this man, this man was a crusierweight champion and a Tag Team Champion in both WCW and WWE. He was born Peter Gruner...but you all known him as the newest member of MHW.....KIDMAN!!!!! Callis: Are you serious? This man hasnt even been in control 5 mins and he is already hiring people!!! Rating: C- [center][i][color=red]G-Thang (Onyx and "The Soul Assassin" Kory Chavis) [/color][/i]vs [i][color=blue]Los Maximos (Joel and Jose Maximo) [/color][/i][/center] This was a pretty decent match...despite the fact that Onyx was tiring towards the finish of the match, and Jose was visibly not on top his "game" tonight. The finish came when Los Maximos tried for the "Spanish Fly" on Chavis, but Onyx knocked off Joel Maximo off the apron, which led to Chavis hitting the "SpineSplitta" (Modified Back Breaker) from the top rope....and pinned him...while HOLDING HIS TIGHTS!!! (NOT CALLED FOR!!!) Winners: G-Thang by Pinfall Time/Rating: 11:14/E [center] [size=7]Running off at the mouth..will sometimes...cost you...[/center][/size] The Camera cuts to the backstage area, and we see "The Future" Frankie Kazarian talking on his cell phone. Kazarian: "Now tell me again why did I sign up for this Dirt Water, Backwood promotion? I am serious...if you wasnt my brother in law, I would fire you as my AGENT!! I mean honestly...there are a bunch of nobodies here!! In fact I think I am gonna go to Teddy Longs office and...." Suddenly a guy in a "black hood" walks by ..."bumping" into Kazarian. Kazarian: EXCUSE YOU????!!! ARE YOU BLIND??? (Yells back into his cell) Is THIS THE TYPE OF PROMOTION YOU HAD ME SIGN UP FOR ......A BUNCH OF BLIND DAMN MONKS???? The man in the hood removes his hood...to reveal that he as none other than.....SUPER DRAGON!!!! Appearantly ..Kazarian didnt know who the guy in the hood was..... Kazarian: "Hey...I will ....call you...back" Dragon gets dead up in Kazarian face..... Kazarian: Look....I dont have any beef with you...but you best stay out of my way...and you will get very FAR in this business.... Dragon looks the Future up and down..and gives Kazarian the middle finger, and walks away....while Kazarian starts mumbling under his breath. Rating: E (Cutting to another part of the locker room..) Bobby Heenan: It is my pleasure and my privilige to give my managing services to whom I feel is the Future....of MHW. Ladies and gentlemen get on your feel give a round of applause to "THE BLACK HART" Teddy Hart!!!! Hart: "TNA...CZW....ROH....JAPW....WSX.....All these promotions, couldnt handle the "REAL" Teddy Hart. The King of Controversy, every where I wrestle I deal with the same Chicken Hearted, Limp D*cked parasites in the lockeroom, crying ...and whining about "The Black Hart". Well all that is gonna change. In the next few minutes you gonna see why bottom line I am the Next MHW Heavyweight Champion, and THERE AINT A DAMN THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!! Rating: E+ [center][i][color=red]"The Black Hart" Teddy Hart w/Bobby Hennan[/color][/i] vs [i][color=blue]Danny Havoc.[/color][/i][/center] Havoc was clearly no match Hart as he controlled the match, both in the air and on the ground. And when he was done "Toying" with Havoc, he finished him off with the "Open Hart Surgury" for the win. Winner: The Black Hart by Pinfall Time/Rating: 12:31/D Teddy "T'LO" Long came out again..for the 2nd appearance of the night. He said that tonight was all about "impact", so he basically made a "change" to the match tonight between Messiah and Ron Killings. He made that match a "Tourny Qualifier" match in which the winner gets into the tournament to crown a brand new MHW champion. [center][i][color=blue]The Amazing Red[/color][/i] vs [i][color=red]"The Black Jesus" Sabian[/color][/i][/center] This was a pretty good high flying match with the offense going back and forth. In the end, Sabian got the upper hand and went up for the 450 Splash..but only for the 2. He then tried to finish Red off with the "Jesus Stomp" (Diving double foot stomp), but at the last possible second, RED MOVED!!! When Sabian tried to get up, Red took advantage and finished off Sabian with the "Code Red" (Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb) with the win. Winner: The Amazing Red by Pinfall Time/Rating: 14:56/E There is a video playing on Big Screen... [center][size=7]Guess who ELSE is coming to MHW??[/center][/size] "The Living Legend.... That is what they call me. I have wrestled for various promotions. Various Countries.... I have retired at least 10 times. I have won various titles. I have came from a very famous wrestling family. Along the lines of Guererro's, the Von Erichs...and the Harts. Trained by Dory Sr. Teamed with Dory Jr. Who am I???? I AM THE LEGEND....TERRY FUNK!! Cole: In the words of one famous Color Commentator I know...OH MY GOD!!! Terry Funk is coming to MHW!!! [center]Tournament Qualifier for the MHW World Title [i][color=red]The Messiah[/color][/i] vs[i][color=blue] Ron "The Truth" Killings[/color][/i][/center] This was the main event of the night. And both men were determined to score the win. And both men must have scouted each other...because Killings countered the "Godsmack" while Messiah moved out of the way when Killings tried for the AXE KICK! The finish came when Killings kick Messiah in the gut and tried to run to the ropes but he was hit with a lead pipe by an Unknown Assailent!!! Unknown to Messiah he hit Killings with the "Fall from Grace" (Inverted Death Valley driver) for the win. After the match, the Assailent with the Iron Pipe and a "Hockey Goalie Mask"..and he stares down Messiah. The man removes the mask..and reveals that his is none other than....[i][color=red]DEVON STORM!!!![/color][/i] Storm smile at Messiah but Messiah looks at him like..."WTF"??? Winner and Advances into the Tournament: The Messiah Time/Rating:13:48/D- Final Rating: E (Comments appreciated)[/b]
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[center] [SIZE=7][B][I]"Recollection"[/I][/B][/center][/size] [B][I] So this was the day after the "Hostile Intent" show in Florida. I had some good and bad reactions to the show..so here goes. Bad Things: - We took a major lose finacially. By the end of the show...we had a little over a $25,000 loss, making only a $4000 profit...if you can even call it that. - An E rating. Considering in my opinion it was a pretty decent show, we got such a low rating and that our reputation took a huge blow in the process...still remaining as a D-. -Low attendence. Now this was my fault entirely. Because I wanted to have a sold out show, so I decided to have the show at a smaller venue. And yet, my intention came true, having a sold out show with 300 people. But this was what I had to think about out, which would have been better, having a 300 people at a sold out show, or not having a sold out show...but had people showed up? -Lack of Managers/Valets: Lets face it..You can have all the talent in the world, but it wont do you any good if you have the Charisma of a wet mop, and that was the case of some of these guys. So I hired a few valets, and plus put some inactive guys on the roster as Managers. Lets see if that makes a difference.. Good Things: - Good Start on the storylines with the Kazarian vs Super Dragon, G-Thang vs Maximos fueds. I feel that if things go right, they will definately get over, and possible get a title shot in the future. - A starting point. I didnt expect this show to be a success right out of the gate, so I wanted to see where the promotion stood. - Good up and coming talent: I was impressed with the enhancement talent and openers wrestlers like Matrix, Caprice Coleman and Ted Dibiase Jr. These are the young lions of the future of this company and I expect great things from them in the future. -The Black Hart: I was very impressed with the showing that Teddy Hart had, now if he can keep is nose clean and his mouth shut..he may possibly be wearing gold in the future. [/I][/B]
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  • 1 month later...
[quote]Results for Hostle Intent Week #2 Location Pohl P.E. Building (South East) [b][i]Dark Matches: "The Soul Assasin" Kory Chavis w/"The Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews def. Ric Blade. - This is a very decent match and it also marked the debut of Kory Chavis newest manager. Indy former wrestling star, turned manager, Scoot Andrews. The match came to an end when Chavis hit the "Spinesplitta" for the win. Rating: D- Ted Dibiase Jr w/Bobby "The Brain" Hennan vs The Human Tornado - This was a mildly entertaining technical match between these two men. With Hennan very instrumental with the outcome. The Tornado tried to finish off Dibiase jr with the Tornado Plex, but he was distracted by the "Weasel", which gave Dibiase an open to lock in the "Million Dollar Dream" for the win. Rating: D- [center][size=7]Hostile Intent Show:[/center][/size] Matrix Def. "The King of New York" Xavier Xavier pretty much thought he had this match won against new comer Matrix. But he underestimated the newcomer, as Xavier tried to finish off Matrix with the 450 Splash, but he moved out the way and hit him with the "Touch of Reality" (Reverse DDT into a Neckbreaker) for the upset win! Rating: D- [Center]"Stay out of my way"[/Center] Devon Storm is hanging out in the backstage area when all of a very upset Messiah shows up. Storm: Well Hello "William", I am assuming that you are coming to thank me.... Messiah: Look, you F***in freak, I didnt need your help against Killings, and I dont need your help now! Bottom line, if you interfere with my business again, you gonna find out first hand...why you shouldn't piss of the MESSIAH!! Messiah storms off but Devon looks at him evily. Rating: F Insane Dragon Def. Derek Frazier This was definately one of the paramount matches of the night, as Derek Frazier took Insane Dragon to his limits. Dragon hit him with the Kawada Kick..but only for a two count. Later, Frazier hit the "Spinning Unprettier", but Dragon had his foot on the ropes. The finish came with Dragon ducked a spin kick from Frazier and hit the "Sliced Bread #2" for the win. Rating: C- 1ne on 1ne Interview with Micheal Cole: Special Guest: Super Dragon -He pretty much said that his mentioned that his mission and purpose in MHW is pretty cut and dry. He goal? To become MHW Heavyweight Champion!! He says that he has no friends nor allies here in Major Hustle Wrestling. And he told Kazarian pretty much to watch his back! Rating: F ( Due to the fact it was 10 mins long) Main Event: Kidman def Kazarian This match was truely high flying at his best!! Kidman didnt show much ring rust working with Kazarian but the self proclaimed "Franchise Player" of MHW, took it right back to the former WWF/E and WCW Cruiserweight Champion. After going back and forth, Kazarian hit the "Wave of the Future" (Swinging Reverse STO) on Kidman, but he wasnt satisfied! He went on to call out Super Dragon, and he put Kidman on the top rope to execute the "Flux Capacitor" on Kidman, but who woulc come out of the crowd??? That right, SUPER DRAGON!!! Dragon would attack Kazarian from behind and he would perform the Psycho Driver #2 from the top rope! When Kidman came to, he would deliever the Shooting Star Press for the win! Rating: C- Total Rating: D- [/quote] OOC- What sup everyone, I just want to let yall know that I was in Desert Training for a month, and that was the reason why I havent made any progress with the diary. For those who has bore with me in this diary, I thank them. And I try and make this diary much better. Thanks Ghost [/i][/b]
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[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img][/center] [b][i][size=7][center]BREAKING NEWS!!!! STARS BEING RELEASED!!![/CENTER][/size] We have just recieve words from MHW.com that has confirmed that several stars from Major Hustle Wrestling have been released from thier commitments for whatever reason Logan Anthony's reasons are for doing so. Arik Cannon Big Babbi Slim Derek Frazier Hallowicked Joel Maximo Jose Maximo Onyx Ric Blade Sterling Jame Kennan Ted Dibiase Jr Ultramantis Black Vansick Acid Mr. Anthony says that these release was either due to commitment conflicts with other promotions, lack of talent and/or charisma or due to the fact there was no plans for the talent at the time. However he adds that however in the future possibly that these personnel maybe rehired back within the company at a later time. [/i][/b]
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[quote][b][i][size=7][Center] MHW World Title Tournament Bracket Released[/size][/i][/b][/center] (Source: MHW.com) [b] We have just been told that General Manager Don Callis has released a tournament bracket for the Newly established vacant MHW World Title! [Center]Qualifier: [size=7][color=red]Round 1: [/size] [/color] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DevonStorm.jpg[/img] Devon "Sy-ko" Storm [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TerryFunk.jpg[/img] "The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk [size=7][color=red]Round 2:[/size] [/color] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Izzy.jpg[/img] Insane Dragon [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/BillyKidman2.jpg[/img] Kidman [size=7][color=red]Round 3: [/size][/color] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/img] "The Franchise" Frankie Kazarian [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheAmazingRed-1.jpg[/img] The Amazing Red [size=7][color=red]Round 4:[/size] [/color] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/SuperDragon.jpg[/img] Super Dragon [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah-1.jpg[/img] The Messiah [size=7][color=red]Semi-Finals [/size][/color] Winner of Round 1 vs Round 2 (S.F. Round 1) Winner of Round 3 vs Round 4 (S.F. Round 2) [size=7][color=red]Finals:[/size] [/color] Winner of Semi-Final Round 1 Winner vs Semi Final Round 2 Winner! [/center][/quote][/b] Comment/and or Predict...please!
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[center][size=7][b]BREAKING NEWS: THE MESSIAH IS LIVID ABOUT THE MHW WORLD TITLE TOURNAMENT!!![/CENTER][/size] [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah-2.jpg[/img][/center] (Source: MHW.com) Our sources state that just hours after the announcement of the tournament bracket for the MHW World Title, MHW wrestler, The Messiah was anything but happy about the bracket standings in the tournament. Messiah: "Why in the HELL do I have to go thru ANOTHER qualifier for the MHW Title??? If ANYTHING I should have a BYE, in at least the first round of tournament! I mean if this is the way they are gonna run this place maybe I shouldn't have never left New Jersey!!" But MHW owner and head booker, Logan Anthony had this to say about Mr. "Welch's" response. Anthony: "First off, the bracket stands AS IS!! There will be no BYE's or anything!!! And if I remember correctly, he wouldnt have beaten Ron "The Truth" Killings if it wasn't from the assistance of one Devon Storm! So now this is what is going down, If Messiah doesn't like the position of the tournament, he can and WILL be removed from the bracket, and he will be replaced!!! After Mr. Anthony response, Messiah wasnt available for comment. [/b]
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[b][center][size=7]MHW WRESTLER PROFILE [/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Ghost.jpg[/img] [size=7]LOGAN ANTHONY [/size][/b][/CENTER] [b] Previous Names: "The Ghostdogg", L.A. Blades Finisher: The L.A.P.D. ( A Tombstone Piledriver, usually on a set up chair) Favorite Moves: The A-Town Stomp (Curb Stomp), Shooting Star Press, The C-4 (Flipping Uranage) Position: Owner and Head Booker of Major Hustle Wrestling Relationships: Strong Dislike from Sterling James Keenan (for releasing him) Synopsis: Anthony maybe a bonifide jobber on the MHW roster, but behind the scenes, you best not make that mistake thinking that he is such in the business world! Granted he does not have all the wrestling experience of ANYONE in the entire roster, but he has no problem doing a couple of Dark Matches for the sake of the company and gaining wrestling experience! Anthony also has a no-nonsense attitude when it comes to business and the welfare of the company, thanks to his prior military background. His finisher is the deadly "L.A.P.D.", a deadly variation of the Tombstone Piledriver. He can use this finisher while running, off the top rope, but his favorite variation is when he sets up a chair and steps up on the chair executing the LAPD, producing devasting effects!! So even though Anthony has alot to learn in the ring as well as the wrestling business, if he desire still continues to be strong, then the his future as well as that of Major Hustle Wrestling will become bright![/b]
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[quote][b][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img] [size=7]MHW's Dirt Sheet![/center][/size] - With the tournament bracket being posted by MHW General Manager Don Callis, it no secret that certain people in the back are not happy about the standings on whose in the tournament! Who you ask? The stars who are certainly upset are Ron Kilings and Teddy Hart! - We spoke with Logan Anthony and he says that he is very confident with the success of MHW. How confident? He has decided to run a 2nd show called "MHW presents Do or Die!" the show time and day being held will be revealed after this weeks episode of Hostile Intent! - Its no secret that Super Dragon and Frankie "the Franchise" Kazarian dislike each other, in fact it was due to Dragon's assistance that led to Billy Kidman's debut win in last weeks Hostile Intent show! Kazarian promises to bring in someone to protect his "best interests"... [center][size=7] Preview Card for Hostile Intent #3[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Matrix-1.jpg[/img] "The Black Hart" Teddy Hart vs Matrix -Teddy Hart said that he was gonna make a name for himself in MHW, and he didnt care at anyone expense! He has had impressive match vs. Danny Havoc, and he's not gonna stop until he gets the right person attention in MHW! Another Superstar who has been turning heads, was virtual unknown, the Anomaly known as Matrix! Matrix has lived up to his "Movie Namesake" by having some upset wins over Former ECW Star EZ Money, and the self proclaimed "King of New York" Xavier! Will Matrix pull another upset, or will the Black Hart get another notch in his belt and get the MHW committee attention? [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/ElixSkipper.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DannyHavoc.jpg[/img] "Primetime" Elix Skipper vs Danny Havoc This marks the debut of the one known as "Primetime", who has made appearances in such promotions as WCW, TNA, AJPW just to name a few. Now he is coming to Major Hustle Wrestling! But first he has to go up against the resident "Hardcore Legend coming out of Cylinder, Iowa!!" It will be the Play of the Day vs the "Dragon Suplex" in a high impact match up! And our Main Event MHW Title Tournament Qualifier [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DevonStorm.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TerryFunk.jpg[/img] Devon "Psycho" Storm vs "The Hardcore Icon" Terry Funk! Our main event couldnt get any bigger! Terry Funk has been wrestling since 1965, for such well known promotions as WWE, WCW, ECW, and various promotions in Japan. And this old man still has a few things he can prove. And for him to get a chance to be MHW Champion, he has to go up against one "Psycho" Devon Storm! He's gotten this nickname for good reason, between giving "unwanted" help to his "friend" Messiah and being told in so many words...BACK OFF! Now will Funk be able to pull off a miracle? Or will Storm put the old man in his place? All this and more on the next Hostile Intent Show at the St. Petersberg VFW, in Florida!![/quote][/center] Bonus Questions: 1. Who do you think the "Insurance Policy" is for Frankie Kazarian? 2. Who do you think will make it to the Semi Finals? and the Finals? 3. Who do you think will make a "special appearance" in MHW? Thanks for Predicting/Reading![/b]
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[b]Dark Match: Super Dragon vs Logan Anthony: Dragon pretty much controled the match from bell to bell, but when he tried to do the Psycho Driver #2, Frankie Kazarian came in and hit him with the "Wave of the Future"! Anthony then took advantage and hit the L.A.P.D. for the win! Winner: Logan Anthony Rating/Time: D-/11:31 The Tournament begins.... Don Callis comes out and explains that this tournament will test the cream of the crop that MHW has to offer.....and blah blah blah ( basic hype for the tournament) Rating: D+ [quote][center] [size=7][color=Blue][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img] HOSTILE INTENT!!![/size][/color][/b] [b]Show #3 Location: St. Petersberg VFW, St. Petersberg, Fl Attendance: 30 Announcers: Don Callis, Micheal Cole and Jonathan Coachman Angle: Insurance Policy [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/FrankieKazarian.jpg[/img] Kazarian comes out in his ****y swagger as usual, being greeted by boos. Kazarian: "You know its no secret that it's hard work being this great, but I come to realize, that no matter how "Great" a person is, there is always room for an insurance policy...a good luck charm if you will. This "person" is nothing short of a lucky charm, and has managed champions time in and time out. And Super Dragon, you have best believe that when I beat you in the tournament, and I will BEAT YOU, it will be because of this beautiful woman right here...... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DawnMarieBD5.jpg[/img] MS....DAWN MARIE!!!! Dawn Marie comes out ditsy and "blond-like" getting a mixed reaction of some boos and some cheers. Dawn: "Guess whose back???" Then she blows a kiss to the crowd as both Kazarian and Dawn Marie leave the ring. Cole: Are you serious ??? Kazarian already interfered in Dragon's match earlier tonight..and now ... he's solicited the services of Dawn Marie?? Whats next? Coach: Well dont paint it as Dragon is some saint!! I mean HE STARTED IT!! Callis: Yeah remember, he interefered on Kidman's behalf, remember? Cole: I dont like it ...something's definately fishy around here.... Rating: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dminus-1.jpg[/img]/[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dminus-2.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TeddyHart-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Matrix-1.jpg[/img] "The Black Hart" Teddy Hart vs Matrix This was a pretty decent match up between Hart and Matrix, with some technical counters between both Hart and Matrix. Matrix wound up hitting a sick looking Tornado DDT, and he was sure that it was over Hart was gonna execute the "Touch of Reality" but Hart was playing possum and reversed it hitting a Reverse Suplex and finishing him off with the Hart Attack 2.0 for the win. Winner: The Black Hart Rating/Time:[size=7] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_d.jpg[/img]/ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_d-1.jpg[/img]/13:56 [/size] Angle: "Whose that?" We see a very beautiful woman getting dressed in her evening gown and the camera begins to pan up from her legs up to her face..and its none other than..... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/KellyKelly2.jpg[/img] KELLY KELLY?? COMING SOON!!! Rating:[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_cplus.jpg[/img] / [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_cplus-1.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/ElixSkipper.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DannyHavoc.jpg[/img] "Primetime" Elix Skipper vs Danny Havoc There was nothing too special about this match, even though it was Skipper's debut match here in MHW. And despite the valiant effort brought on by Havoc, he eventually fell victim to the "Play of the Day" Winner: Primetime Elix Skipper Rating/Time:[size=7] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dplus.jpg[/img] / [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dplus-1.jpg[/img] 10:52[/size] Angle: Hype Interview: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TerryFunk.jpg[/img] "Inside the mind of a Old Crazy Bastard" Funk: Why do I do this? I mean this man that I am about to fight, is almost a 1/3rd of my age!!! I have been fighting guys my entire life, and I have retired more times than George Foreman!! So why do I do this? Simple. Because I am the Hardcore Legend, and I will soon be your NEW MHW CHAMPION!!! Rating:[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dplus.jpg[/img] / [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dplus-1.jpg[/img] [size=7]MHW Tournament Qualifier[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/DevonStorm.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TerryFunk.jpg[/img] "Psycho" Devon Storm vs "The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk. Funker was trying to take it to the younger Storm earlier in the match. He hit a Hangman's Neckbreaker and a very sloppy Suplex (but hey the man is in he 60's ...give him a break!!), but only for a 2 count! He then tried to go for an "Ace Crusher" but Storm countered and hit a Russian Leg Sweep. Storm then took it to the vet, hitting a Suplex, then a Reverse DDT, but only for a 2 count as well. And then who would come out? [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah-1.jpg[/img] THE MESSIAH!!! Messiah would watch from the apron as Storm continued to punish Funk. He then tried to hit the Mindbender on Funk but Funk slipped out and tried for a clothesline, but Messiah blindsided him and hit Funk with a Forearm! Storm would then hit the Mindbender on Funk! But instead of going for the pin, Storm was trying to set up Funk for the "Tempest Driver" (Brainbuster DDT), but Messiah would come in the ring and blast Storm with the "GODSMACK!!!!" (Spinning Firemans carry into a Stunner). With his last little bit of strength left, Funk climb up and hit the "Funkersault" for the win! Winner and Advancing into the Semi Finals: Terry Funk Time/Rating: [size=7][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_d.jpg[/img] / [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_d-1.jpg[/img]13:59[/size] Final Rating: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_d.jpg[/img] (Notes: Used Matrix too much, Our popularity went up)[/quote][/b][/center] GHOST
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[center][b] [size=7]Promoter Journal Entry: Week 1, March '07[/center][/size] So its been about a month and running MHW is not as bad as I anticipated it to be. I mean granted I gotten a little over my head with the staff "influx" and releasing a whole bunch of people, but all in all I think its not to bad. The "Hostile Intent" show is doing ok for now. Its brought my popularity up to a F. considering that we were rock bottom in the begining. So I am gonna take another gambit. I decided to make another show for MHW. Its called "Do or DIE!!!" and pretty much gonna be an hour long show. Nothing to much to expect right now execpt that its gonna be held on Saturdays. As far as my roster goes, I expect great things from them. I am very lucky that I have Terry Funk on the roster not only as a Main Eventer, but as a bonifide locker room leader. And plus with such Indy Stars as Teddy Hart, Super Dragon and Kazarian. Speaking of Kazarian and Dragon, I am pretty pleased on how this Storyline is working out, the heat level of this story is progressing nicely despite they havent had a match with each other yet. And on a final note it seems that I spoke to a couple of promotions in America, and it seem that some promotions want to help me out when it come to a Working Agreement. From the West coast, we are in negotiations with Pro Wrestling Guerilla (PWG), in the East coast we are have negotiated with Jersey All Pro Wrestling (JAPW) in the Tri-State area and have hooked up with Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling (TNA) down in the Southeast area where we are. For right now...we have just be paitient and have a wait and see attitude. And hopefully the Do or DIE!!! show will be as sucessful as the Hostile Intent show. -L.A.[/b]
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[Center][size=7][b]BREAKING NEWS: INSANE DRAGON ASSULTED AND HOSPITALIZED!!![/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/izzy-1.jpg[/img][/center] (source:MHW.com) We have just received word that MHW Star Insane Dragon was found in the back locker room obviously assulted. He was found unconscious and was taken to the local hospital. When owner and Head Booker Logan Anthony was approached for comment, he said this. Anthony: "This is most unfortnate for him, due to the fact that he was supposed to compete in the Semi-Final qualifier vs. Kidman on the "Do or DIE!!" show. We hope for him a speedy recovery" When asked about the tournament standing in regards if Kidman would get a new opponent or would he get a bye, alll he said was... "I guess you gonna have to come to the Do or DIE!!! Show!"[/b]
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[b][size=7][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img] Preview Card for [color=red]Do or DIE!!!!![/size][/color][/b][/center] [center] [b] This is the very first show of Do or Die and already its shrouded in controversy. At the last Hostile Intent Show , the Messiah thru EVERYONE a curveball, by telling Devon Storm to stay away from him, only to help him in fighting Terry Funk, and then blasting him with Godsmack giving Terry Funk the win! Confused? We certainly are! Thats why on Micheal Cole's new Talk Show segment, "The Cole Hard Truth" this weeks guest will none other than THE MESSIAH!!! Its a Shame what happen to the Insane Dragon. Just days before he faces Kidman for a shot at the MHW World title, he would get blindsided and knocked out of the competition! You heard right!! The doctors say that he isnt clear to wrestle for at least 2 weeks. And to make things more interesting, we have just found out from MHW management, that Kidman will NOT ONLY NOT recieve a bye for the tournament, but he will be facing a MYSTERY OPPONENT!!! What is the deal between Super Dragon and Kazarian? They have been getting under each other skin over the last few weeks and they havent even faught each other in a match yet!! And to make things even more interesting is that Kazarian has retained the services of one DAWN MARIE, so you KNOW she is gonna be instrumental in a few of his victories!! Confirmed Matches: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v247/BoyDay/BillyKidmanBD1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/unknown_black.gif[/img] [size=7]MHW Semi Final Qualifier: Kidman vs ???[/size] Kidman has been impressive in MHW gaining his debut win over Kazarain (with some assistance from Super Dragon) but now Kidman might not be so lucky because now he doesnt know who he is facing at the Do or DIE!! Show! [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheAmazingRed-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Rainman.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/ScootAndrews2.jpg[/img] [size=7] The Amazing Red vs "The Soul Assassin" Kory Chavis w/"The Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews[/size] Red hasnt done to badly during his tenure here in MHW, defeating the "Black Jesus" Sabian. But that has all but impressed the virtual unknown singles wrestler, Kory Chavis. He has defeated Ric Blade and at one time beaten Los Maximo's (formerly the SAT's) which is none other than The Amazing Red's real life cousins! This should be a very intresting match up!! [size=7]The Cole Hard Truth with Micheal Cole [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MichaelCole-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah-1.jpg[/img] Special Guest: The Messiah!![/size] The Messiah has been a very controversial character as of late, and it seems like there hasnt been ANYONE he's hasnt had a problem with! Micheal Cole is gonna have a no holds barred interview with the former XPW and CZW World Champion..and find out his feelings about Storm, Funk ..and even MHW!! [/b][/center]
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Dark Match: Danny Havoc def Deranged with the General Order 24 for the win. Rating/Time: C-/5:53 [center][b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MHW.jpg[/img] [size=7]Do or Die Show [/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheAmazingRed-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Rainman.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/ScootAndrews2.jpg[/img] [color=blue] The Amazing Red vs [color=red]"The Soul Assassin" Kory Chavis w/"The Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews [/color][/color] -Red pretty much had the match won, until Andrew's distracted the referee, and a man in a "Skull" mask came out and attacked Red, allowing Chavis to hit the "Dark City Driver" off the top rope for the win. Winner: Kory Chavis Rating/Time: [size=7][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_dminus.jpg[/img]/11:52[/size] [size=7]"Striptease"[/size] We see a woman practicing a striptease routine and when she was done..the woman was none other than, [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/BrookeAdams.jpg[/img] BROOKE ADAMS!!! Rating:[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_cminus.jpg[/img] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/CapriceColeman-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/Xavier.jpg[/img] "The Iceman" Caprice Coleman def. "The King of New York" Xavier -Xavier tried to take it to the young lion in Coleman, but in the end, it would be his own undoing as Coleman played possum and moved out of the Xavier's finisher, the 450 Splash, and he would hit the "Thermal Shock" (Diamond Cutter) for the win. Winner: Caprice Coleman Rating/Time:[size=7] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_d.jpg[/img]/9:53[/size] [size=7]The Cole Hard Truth with Micheal Cole [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/MichaelCole-1.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TheMessiah-1.jpg[/img] Special Guest" The Messiah[/size] -Messiah pretty much said that he was in MHW for his own interest. He didnt care about anyone...Not the fans, not the wrestlers, no one. He said that the reason was because it was 2 fold. 1. He didnt think that Storm "got the message" so he needed to make sure, and as far as #2, he says that Terry Funk had no business still in wrestling, let alone MHW, so he wanted to make sure that Funk knew what he was in for... Rating: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_f.jpg[/img](The people wanted to see Wrestling Action....NOT INTERVIEWS) [size=7]MHW Semi-Finals Qualifier[/size] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/BillyKidman2.jpg[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/icon_vs.gif[/img][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/unknown_black-1.gif[/img] Kidman vs ???? The mystery man who was to take the place of an injured Insane Dragon was none other than... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/TeddyHart.jpg[/img] "The Black Hart" Teddy Hart!!! Hart and Kidman went back and forth hitting some technical moves and some high flying moves! One of the highlight moves was when Kidman did a backdrop on Hart out of the ring, and he did the Shooting Star Press from the Ring Apron to the Floor on Hart!!! The finish came when Hart did a reverse Bulldog on Hart and went up for the Hart Attack 2.0, but somehow, Kidman kicked out!! Hart then argued with the referee, saying that he should have won but his call was "Biased". Kidman took advantage of this and hit the Kid-Krusher (Jumping Underhook Facebuster) for the win! Winner and Advancing to the Semi-Final: Kidman Rating/Time: [size=7] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_c.jpg[/img]/22:13[/size] [size=7]"Hart Attacks" [/size] After the match, Hart was not happy with the decision, and he decided to attack Kidman from behind! He hit him with a Chair, and he wasnt satisfied! He then hit the "Hart Rate" (A back suplex spun into a Powerbomb), and then he went up and hit the "Triple Bypass" (A Shooting Star Press Legdrop) with a chair on to his face!!! He then attacked the referee with a Twirly Cutter (Scoop slam into a Cutter) Hart: This was BULLSH*T!! Everyone who saw that match knows that I handed Kidman's ASS to him!! And everyone knows that it was a slow count! So on HOSTILE INTENT! I am issuing open challenge to let you Motherf*ckers know that I am The Black Hart, and I am the BEST THERE IS, WAS, EVER WILL !!!! He slams down the mic, spits on the ref and Kidman and storms off. Rating: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_c.jpg[/img] Final Show Ratng: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/UrbanSamurai227/grade_cminus.jpg[/img] (This was one of the best shows put on by MHW, and this definately raised our popularity!!) [/b][/center] Please Comment... Ghost
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