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Not Sure Where To Post This (Diary Rules)

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I've felt the need to do a Diary, after a long lengthy burnout for TEW. The problem is, I'm not entirely sure on what I should do it on. I was at the EWB and noticed a few people have others make rules for their diaries, and I figure it's worth a shot. So TEW Players, come up with some challenges you'd like to see done in a Diary. (Note: Only Cornellverse challenges would be considered.)
Well, one of the challenges for me has always been creating bonafide stars. It's one reason I do my diaries with women's promotions. To me, it's too easy to create stars in male feds (just have them beat more over people, wow that's difficult :rolleyes:). Without any really over people (quick: name 3 women in the Cornellverse with A overness ANYWHERE), you pretty much have to do it the long way. I would say that one worthy challenge would be to take SWF and make them a credible [B][I]wrestling[/I][/B] promotion.
I'd like to see the former JEF (ELPF) given a chance. In a fed that demands realism, try and make up for the fact that no European workers are capable of putting on decent matches as expected by the three fans that would come to the shows. I suppose you could start with all workers available in all areas to make it more entertaining - but imagine the joy at writing an entertaining diary with all the limitations in place...
Start a backyard fed with 0 popularity, no money as a fed with the following product settings: Key: Hardcore, Cult Heavy: Daredevil, Risque Medium: Modern Low: Traditional, Realism Try to make the promotion as big as you can.
You could always take up the task of trying to get one of the small [URL="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=22659"]EffVerse[/URL] feds (T Pro, LSW, PWX) up to National or Global. That would be fun right? I mean at least something to hold you over until the final release and all. j/k All joking aside, I'm kind of with trypio in some aspects. I say take a fed with 0 pop and any settings you feel comfortable with and try and take them as far as you can. Or something I did once which was take my worthless piece of crap user character and give him the lowest booking rep or whatever and just keep trying to get better jobs until you take a fed to rival TCW/SWF or you book for one of those feds.
The Tic must be on your roster (possibly a lifetime contract?). You must do everything you can to ensure that he is always more over than your promotion is popular. And if you prefer misery, suffering and all around pain, swap out "The Tic" for "Giant Redwood and Big Smack Scott" in the first sentence of the post.
Make a fed with 100% popularity in all game areas Edit really legendarily bad workers to 100% popularity in all game areas: TMA The Scotsman Big Smack Scott Giant Redwood Jim Force Runaway Train Peter Valentine etc. You own the fed. You start with $1,000,000. Everyone starts with A* momentum. Product settings are designed to be the worst possible. See how slowly you can make the popularity decline. You can't hire new or fire workers.


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