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Couple of edits to some C-verse pics?

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I'd really love the following little edits done for some existing classic C-verse pics for my current SWF game. - Darryl Devine and Valiant with red white and blue American flag headbands - Squeeky McClean without that stupid white button up shirt. - Remo with black "foot ball face paint" marks under his eyes.. don't know what they're called. - Joe Sexy and Enforcer Roberts sans the black button up shirts.. but both with straps, like they're wearing singlets ala Kurt Angle (Joe's red, Roberts dark green or blue) - I'd also love that same cut of Joe sexy to have cool aviator sunglasses if possible. - Frederique Antonio Garcia with some sort of pink get up (think MVP on Smackdown) and a pink headband or hat or something.. think.. well.. think very gay. - Tom "Angry" Gilmore with little round sunglasses and preachers collar.. yes, exactly like Chris Daniels. It's a lot to ask I know, but I figure it'd be cool to see what people come up with.


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