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Cornellverse 1975 Mod: New Worker Data Help

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I wasn't able to find this on the boards. So please excuse. I know this has probably been explained elsewhere. Whilst working on the 1975 CVerse mod, the group of modders made the mistake of making all our new workers in separate DBs. D'oh! :eek: So...Is there a way to merge New Worker files from two separate databases? Any help would be amazing.
[QUOTE=PeterHilton;224293]I wasn't able to find this on the boards. So please excuse. I know this has probably been explained elsewhere. Whilst working on the 1975 CVerse mod, the group of modders made the mistake of making all our new workers in separate DBs. D'oh! :eek: So...Is there a way to merge New Worker files from two separate databases? Any help would be amazing.[/QUOTE] I think you're out of luck as there's no way to import new workers individually. I tried to do this recently in my own database, but in the end I had to resort to adding them from scratch when I inadvertantly added a couple of new workers whilst in the wrong dataset.
Can't you use the import data tool to import New Workers? If you had all of the New Workers on seperate databases, if you sent all of the files to one person and they made a different DB on their game for each one, couldn't they just import the new workers from all of the seperate databases into one main database, and then use that one? Some of the extra data like relative of and protege of might get screwed up, but it wouldn't take too long to fix.
I feel like an idiot. Is that a new feature?...For some reason I just sort of assumed I couldn't do that. i know I looked at that before. I feel like Tyler Durden...Have I been sleeping? Am I asleep? Since you're so smart SoM, ;) do you know why when I merged my workers with MTJTM's workers, all my gimmicks turned to Adult Film Star? I know its the 70s, but yeesh? EDIT: Seriously, based on this I might have Mexico done by today. Was this something having to do with the version of the .exe? Because I KNOW that when we were discussing this mod we all thought that adding the New Workers would be tough. Now I looked, after updating to 1.4, and all it takes is to chose which workers from the default database I want in there. Lifesaver right thurrrrrrrrrr.
YOU'RE A GENIUS!!! Yes, now that I look at it, MTJTM's gimick folder only had 196 gimmicks, I was using the default with 197. Unfortuantely, even if iimport the missing gimmick, it's still assigning the gimmicks randomly.And if I copy over the file with the deafult file then it just messes up his gimmicks as well. So, I know the problem...still no solution except a little data entry.
Not a big deal, although that probably means that everyone else creating workers should probably use the gimmick file from your db MT. So as they assign gimmicks they won't have ot make changes when the data gets merged. Also... [QUOTE]Completely off topic but I love the new Avatar Pete[/QUOTE] sebsplex made it. I wanted a Rorshach character for my data and then when I started to make a wrestler, the character was so cool itself that I wasn't sure if being in the game really did him justice. Still not sure where he'll fit in, possibly as a User Character, but the render is awesome.


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