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Reality or Fantasy?

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There has been allot of debate about this during the posts. 1)For example should there be athletic comissions? 2)Should you need to advance book fights? 3)Hidden vs full stats? 4)Regions + regional strength? these are just a few off the top of my head i want to state my view, feel free to make suggestions. I generally would like to see a game based arounf the real MMA world. As realistic as possible. After all who wants to buy a MMA game which plays like a basketball sim? But in the end we all want to buy game which has good flow, where you spend most the time doing what is most enjoyable, booking the card and marketing your fighters and promotion. Sometimes it is better to sacrifice some of the "reality" to have an entertaining game. For example 1) Although i think there should be Athletic Comissions, i do not wish they dictate everything we can or cannot do. What is the point in having states where MMA is forbiden? You might as well just remove those states from the game. 2)Although in real life people buy tickets to see certain fights (usually), so the fights are obviously promoted beforehand. But after you play the game for a while, you get lazy................yes lazy, booking twice the same card becomes boring. 3)Although i was the guy to suggest the hidden stats here, i have been playing simulators for 15 years and believe me after you have simulated a few years, you do not really want to "waste" time with scouting. You want to get the stats quickly and move on with the game. 4)I and allot of other players out there like so mod the world to our liking. Very few people play the game without editing something. Adam mentioned in his recent proposition a 50 state USA 100 region universe. I undertand there are allot of MMA fans out of the USA but frankly speaking i know little of the US MMA scene and even less about the states there. So if WMMA will become USAMMA then fine, but at least give us non US fans the option to edit the regions to our liking. I am fine with having all the features above, i would like to be able to turn on-off similar to certain features in TEW(advance booking, storylines ect), that we he have all the "realists" happy anf the guys which want to run a "fantasy" MMA world
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;227256] For example 1) Although i think there should be Athletic Comissions, i do not wish they dictate everything we can or cannot do. What is the point in having states where MMA is forbiden? You might as well just remove those states from the game. [/QUOTE] Athletic Commissions in the states do dictate alot of what happens and it should be the same way in the game. It's something a promoter has to deal with and work around. Also, why remove states that don't allow MMA? Just because it might not be allowed at first doesn't mean it will never be allowed. MMA isn't allowed in New York right now but the UFC is working with New York officials to get it regulated. State Commissions do make changes to their regulations all the time. New Jersey is considering adding knees to the head of an grounded opponent to the unified rules and Keith Kizer, head of the NSAC, has said that if New Jersey does it the NSAC will likely follow suit. If you want to run a promotion where you can do as you please then base it in Japan, Brazil, or anywhere that isn't the US. The US is the only place that I know of that has state commissions with such strict rules.
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And for places that don't currently allow MMA you could have a major break through if the game changed that a year or so in and say, New York started allowing MMA to be promoted there. That would be huge for the business and really, should be included in the game. New sanctions, etc.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;227256]There has been allot of debate about this during the posts. 1)For example should there be athletic comissions? 2)Should you need to advance book fights? 3)Hidden vs full stats? 4)Regions + regional strength? [/QUOTE] 1) yes......athletic comissions are crucial in the realm of fighting sports 2) i think you should HAVE to have at least one fight booked, unless it's an unsanctioned or "backyard" style fight (i know someone who takes part in these) 3) both.....some stats should be visible, but others should not be. i think it would make it more realistic if you didn't know every little thing about what a fighter is capable of. it's one thing in tew since wrestling is predetermined, but to be able see ALL of a MMA fighter's stats would not make sense 4) i think that donating HALF of the playable areas to each individual state of the u.s. is not a good idea. no offense to idaho, maine, montana, rhode island, etc.....but do we really need EVERY state represented on it's own? i like the idea of about 25-35 regions with maybe certain states as individuals in that number.....
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I don't think the hidden stats thing is such a big deal because it's an individual sport and IRL you judge a fighter by his record and belts he's held, not a numerical value for their skills. There are only going to be a few orgs in each "tier" of promotions and you would just look at the top 5 or so fighters for the orgs directly beneath you, or the top 20 at the same level. It might seem like it's still a lot of work but even UFC and Pride have a small number of fighters under long-term contracts compared to other sports and pro-wrestling.
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[QUOTE=thug saint oga;227486]1) 3) both.....some stats should be visible, but others should not be. i think it would make it more realistic if you didn't know every little thing about what a fighter is capable of. it's one thing in tew since wrestling is predetermined, but to be able see ALL of a MMA fighter's stats would not make sense QUOTE] i think things like heart shouldnt be seen. something like conditioning should be hidden as well b/c it SHOULD change from fight to fight(depening on how the fighter trains.)
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What do people think of my comment: "I am fine with having all the features above, i would like to be able to turn on-off similar to certain features in TEW(advance booking, storylines ect), that we he have all the "realists" happy and the guys which want to run a "fantasy" MMA world" But i also see that generally most people would agree that a smaller US world in a 100 region world is more realistic. Lets do not forget that if we have 50 US states we will need to fit the rest of the world in just 50 other areas. Having a 50 state world in the US if fine for me but what about the rest? I like the suggestion that certain areas "like New York" maybe at the start forbids MMA and then opens its doors to it, creating new oportunities. It could go the other way also, creating a very interesting senario.
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I think some people might be hung up on United States having half the game world because they are the united states. In reality more than half of the known MMA organizations are probably in the united states. And many states that currently don't allow MMA are much more likely to get MMA in the future than many countries. Then again you probably don't need Alaska..but Hawaii is obviously a must because of ICON Sport. Like i said though in MMA you arent going to be traveling much compared to wrestling.
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1)For example should there be athletic comissions? Somewhat. I am wary of this though. Then again real MMA companies are wary of commisioners... 2)Should you need to advance book fights? Yes. Why would anywant to see a show when they have no idea who is facing who. 3)Hidden vs full stats? Maybe. I think it should maybe be a rounded number for several so you can't see the exact.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;227256]There has been allot of debate about this during the posts. 1)For example should there be athletic comissions? 2)Should you need to advance book fights? 3)Hidden vs full stats? 4)Regions + regional strength? these are just a few off the top of my head i want to state my view, feel free to make suggestions. I generally would like to see a game based arounf the real MMA world. As realistic as possible. After all who wants to buy a MMA game which plays like a basketball sim? But in the end we all want to buy game which has good flow, where you spend most the time doing what is most enjoyable, booking the card and marketing your fighters and promotion. Sometimes it is better to sacrifice some of the "reality" to have an entertaining game. For example 1) Although i think there should be Athletic Comissions, i do not wish they dictate everything we can or cannot do. What is the point in having states where MMA is forbiden? You might as well just remove those states from the game. 2)Although in real life people buy tickets to see certain fights (usually), so the fights are obviously promoted beforehand. But after you play the game for a while, you get lazy................yes lazy, booking twice the same card becomes boring. 3)Although i was the guy to suggest the hidden stats here, i have been playing simulators for 15 years and believe me after you have simulated a few years, you do not really want to "waste" time with scouting. You want to get the stats quickly and move on with the game. 4)I and allot of other players out there like so mod the world to our liking. Very few people play the game without editing something. Adam mentioned in his recent proposition a 50 state USA 100 region universe. I undertand there are allot of MMA fans out of the USA but frankly speaking i know little of the US MMA scene and even less about the states there. So if WMMA will become USAMMA then fine, but at least give us non US fans the option to edit the regions to our liking. I am fine with having all the features above, i would like to be able to turn on-off similar to certain features in TEW(advance booking, storylines ect), that we he have all the "realists" happy anf the guys which want to run a "fantasy" MMA world[/QUOTE] I agree with you that it should be fun and realistic to the real world, but I feel you should have the opprotunity to expand past where MMA is in real life. Example, just 5 years ago MMA wasn't seen on free TV, and now it is. So, a MMA sim back then wouldn't have had the ability to have aired TV shows. So, why not have the game be able to expand in areas where MMA isn't really popular? I really believe that should be taken into account, it gives the game more depth and makes it more fun 10 or so years into the sim. I also feel you should have to scout, it's apart of the game. I don't feel it would take away from the enjoyment, as that's just something that is necessary for the sport. How else are you to find out about the fighters? I don't think it should be like TEW and you don't have to work to see their abilities, they're just given. I know it keeps being brought up that some people would cheat, but if they want to ruin the game experience then let them. It would still make for a more challenging and fun game. The athletic commissions are in real life so they should be in the game, again it's apart of the world.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;227855]I agree with you that it should be fun and realistic to the real world, but I feel you should have the opprotunity to expand past where MMA is in real life. Example, just 5 years ago MMA wasn't seen on free TV, and now it is. So, a MMA sim back then wouldn't have had the ability to have aired TV shows. So, why not have the game be able to expand in areas where MMA isn't really popular? I really believe that should be taken into account, it gives the game more depth and makes it more fun 10 or so years into the sim.[/QUOTE] My point exactly. I do not see the problem with having the ability to "play around" with the world. I think one of the best things about the "Ryland" series was the ability to edit virtualy everything. By the TEW07 virsion you could even edit how you wish your promotion will look, what style you will have (heck you could create your own!), you could determine what the fans even want to see! Virtually everything. The MMA world has more "barriers" than that of wrestling, much more rules. If i wan't to create a universe where kicking ass or what ever else is allowed everywhere, with no athletic commisions, why not? Maybe i want to make a 100 city world based on the UK, why not? Maybe i want to make a all Russian promotion with a Russian national belt to fight for, maybe it is not realistic, but Why not? Maybe i want to get rid of everything!!! No rules, no barriers, just business and action, WHY NOT! It does not make the game less realistic or anything, it just lets us mod around how we see fit. I am just surprised how so many people want the game to be so "rigid" as how the game should look and run.
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[QUOTE=Capelli King;228327]My point exactly. I do not see the problem with having the ability to "play around" with the world. I think one of the best things about the "Ryland" series was the ability to edit virtualy everything. By the TEW07 virsion you could even edit how you wish your promotion will look, what style you will have (heck you could create your own!), you could determine what the fans even want to see! Virtually everything. The MMA world has more "barriers" than that of wrestling, much more rules. If i wan't to create a universe where kicking ass or what ever else is allowed everywhere, with no athletic commisions, why not? Maybe i want to make a 100 city world based on the UK, why not? Maybe i want to get rid of everything!!! No rules, no barriers, just business and action, WHY NOT! It does not make the game less realistic or anything, it just lets us mod around how we see fit. I am just surprised how so many people want the game to be so "rigid" as how the game should look and run.[/QUOTE] I see your points exactly, I'm the type of person that wants to be able to expand into maybe South Korea or even parts of Africa. But with TEW couldn't, I hope you are able to do so with WMMA, that would be an amazing step forward. I also like keep realistic rules, of course the athletic commissions would become a pain, but I like the challenge. If I want to make the game harder and have to send scouts out; which does sound difflicult, but hey I like the challenge.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;228380]I see your points exactly, I'm the type of person that wants to be able to expand into maybe South Korea or even parts of Africa. But with TEW couldn't, I hope you are able to do so with WMMA, that would be an amazing step forward. I also like keep realistic rules, of course the athletic commissions would become a pain, but I like the challenge. If I want to make the game harder and have to send scouts out; which does sound difflicult, but hey I like the challenge.[/QUOTE] I also like the idea of scouts and even the athletic comissions. I was just making a suggestion. Yeah i also like the idea of a "total world". In other words if possible to have the whole world accesible. I also wanted this in TEW but i hope it happens with WMMA. What is for sure we will have many more regions than TEW. (already proposed by Adam)
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