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World Championship Wrestling: Reborn

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[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]World Championship Wrestling is on it's last legs. The company, after years of loss, had shrunk to a shadow of it's former self. Several stars had used "Creative Control" to do what was best for them, but was often not best for the company. That, and a lack of turnover at the top of the roster, had hurt WCW badly. WCW was in trouble. Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash, ironically the three men who were sent in (kayfabe) to destroy WCW, had actually done so. But it was not seen on screen. Hogan, with his Creative Control Clause, had changed scripts, re-written matches, and generally mucked about with the product so carefully thought out. This culminated in the finger-poke of doom incident, which took away much of the remaining credability of World Championship Wrestling. Nash, with his eternal backstage games, also exerted his influence to re-write the storylines. Hall had just gone along for the ride, but he did not change things, and continued that nWo storyline that eventually became reviled. Some at the top, like Sting, had kept the fans support, and them watching, but for the most part, the company was dead. At one time, WCW had Eddy Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Steve Austin, and Bret Hart. Now they have none of these, along with many other extremely talented workers, who had been used as the midcard for the company, supporting the eternal Hogan vs. ? storylines. These men now used their talent to bring the World Wrestling Federation into a new golden era, an era some are calling an era of "Attitude." World Championship Wrestling did not push talent when they had it, and now it was gone. Now the company still has some stars. Booker T, Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Kanyon, and Sting hope to lead the company into a new day, a day that is dawning. With the recent announcement of the purchase of WCW by Eric Bischoff, the one time leader of World Championship Wrestling, along with the television time it had so long enjoyed, the company can rebuild. It can get back to the top. With Eric Bischoff's successful bid to buy the company, he has once again ressurected what was, at one time the biggest Wrestling company in the world. But Eric has learned from the past. He has installed me as the head booker of World Championship Wrestling. I will lead this company back to the top of our business, or die trying! With this logo, the affirmation of our faith in this company, our affirmation of our loyalty to World Championship Wrestling, we shall once again rule this wrestling world. We will rise back to the top. We are now second, but will will once again be first. We are World Championship Wrestling. We are the best. And we are reborn. [CENTER][img]http://www.geocities.com/wrestlingtapetrading26/pictures/wcw_logo.gif[/img][/CENTER] [/FONT] [SIZE="2"][i]The INSPIRE thing did not work, sorry. But to those who'll say, "you'll never do what Tristam did, I won't read this." I must say. I will never do as well as Tristam. But I'll do my best. Please give it a read. It could be good.[/i] [i]And to Tristam. Your diary is the greatest I have ever seen. No offense to the others out there, but I was a huge WCW mark in the past, and Tristam has captured that feel of them at their peak. I hope to just do my little stories, and maybe give you one last ride on Space Mountain. >_>[/i] [i]Just have fun with it. [/i][/SIZE]
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WCW Nitro (May, Week 1) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/NEWNIT~1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U]World Championship Wrestling Lives![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Welcome back to Monday Night Nito! [*]Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko, and Mike Tenay are the announce team. [*]Tony: "Welcome back to Nitro! [*]The last time we were here, we thought it was for the last time. [*]But we are back, and better then ever!" [*]Larry: "Yeah, it's great to be back. Now I can get paid!" [*]Mike: Tonight, our main event is Sting taking on Diamond Dallas Page! [*]We've also got Booker T in action, and Chris Kanyon versus Rey Mysterio Jr.! [*]So get ready, because Nitro starts now!" [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Opening Video Time![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video plays, opening Nitro. [*]Booker T, Scott Steiner, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, [*]Ric Flair, Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Kanyon, Rey Mysterio Jr., [*]And all the other cruiserweights are highlighted. [*]Man, I'm ready for the return of Nitro! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Booker T is in the ring[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Booker T is in the ring [*]World Heavyweight Title over one shoulder, United States Championship over the other. [*]"Welcome back to World Championship Wrestling! [*]Last time I was in this ring, I won the World Heavyweight Title!" [*](Yes, that show happened. But it was a work >_>) [*]"Now, I never thought I would defend this title in World Championship Wrestling ever again [*]But it turns out I am, [*]So, that leaves me with a problem [*]These two titles on my shoulders. [*]I mean, it's real nice to have these two titles, but what about the rest of WCW? [*]All them little jabroni's out there need something to fight for [*]So I'm going to vacate the United States Title! [*]Can you dig that, suckas?!" [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Bischoff, Bischoff, Bischoff![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The crowd actually pops as Eric Bischoff walks to the ring[*]Lots of smart marks in the audience. [*]"Welcome back to WCW, ladies and gentlemen! [*]Now, Booker, you want to vacate the United States Title [*]Do the noble thing, and that's fine. [*]But what do we do with the belt? Hmm... [*]Never mind, I answered my own question. [*]An Eight Man Tournament for the United States Championship! [*]Starting next week, on Monday Night Nitro! [*]The announcers go crazy at the announcement. [*]Correction: Schiavone goes crazy. [*]It's what he does. [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Elix Skipper vs. Shannon Moore vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Billy Kidman[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Four of the top cruiserweights in the world go at it here. [*]Man, this is what makes WCW, WCW. [*]All four men fly around the ring. [*]They may be "vanilla midgets" but they can go. [*]Especially better then Kevin Nash! [*]The match is an open affair, all four men getting equal offense [*]The end comes when Kidman goes for the KID KRUSHER on Christopher Daniels [*]Reversed into the Angel's Wings! 1..2..3! [*]Christopher Daniels takes the matchup! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]Things Get A Little Heated Backstage[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]DDP is sitting backstage when Sting comes into view. [*]"As you may have heard DDP, we've got a match tonight!" [*]"Of course I have Stinger, you versus me, tonight here on Nitro. But Stinger, I just have one thing to say." [*]"What's that? [*]Tonight, you'll be flat on your back, staring at the ceiling while the ref counts to three! [*]Sting and DDP go nose to nose. [*]"You know what Page, tonight, it's SHOWTIME!" [*]"Bring it Sting, Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang, Badda-Boom!" [*]This is one I'm looking forward to. [/QUOTE][/LIST] [B][U]Lance Storm vs. Jamie Knoble[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two technical types here. [*]Probably the two best here in WCW [*]Now with Benoit, Jericho, and Eddy G. gone. [*]But they're still damn good. [*]They manage to get the crowd behind the match. [*]Even if they really don't care about the wrestlers. [*]Eventually, Storm manages to get Knoble into the Sharpshooter! [*]Knoble struggles. [*]Fights. [*]But he has to tap out! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [U][B]Chris Kanyon is backstage with Pamela Paulshock[/B][/U] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]What ever universe Paula is in, she's still hot! [*]Anyway... [*]"Tonight, I've been booked in a match against Rey Mysterio Jr. [*]Well, I just gotta tell ya... [*]There's no way Rey-Rey's pulling it off tonight. [*]He won't knock me down, let alone beat me! [*]Who betta den Kanyon? [*]Not Rey Mysterio. [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Billy G is in the house![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Bill Goldberg is backstage. [*]WALKING! [*]The chant starts... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]...GOLDBERG... [*]He's up now, here on Nitro! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Bill Goldberg vs. Bam Bam Bigelow[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]I love gourds, don't you? [*]Pumpkins... [*]Luffas... [*]Melons... [*]SQUASH! [*]Powerbomb... [*]Spear... [*]And... JACKHAMMER! [*]Bam Bam never stood a chance! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Beam Me Up, Scotty![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]As Goldberg walks backstage... [*]Big Poppa Pump and his freaks step out in front of him. [*]"Looking Good out there Billy-Boy! [*]Not like me of course. [*]But that's hard to do! [*]I mean, look at these peaks. [*]The biggest peaks in the world! [*]The freaks love 'em!" [*]Goldberg just snorts. [*]"Steiner. YOU'RE NEXT!" [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Chris Kanyon[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]What a match! [*]These two tore it up, in every aspect of the word! [*]The crowd was going nuts [*]Kanyon did some stuff I had never seen before. [*]That's why he's the innovator of offense! [*]Anyway, Mysterio is in trouble. [*]Kanyon is dominating this match. [*]Mysterio gets intermittent offense, but Kanyon always manages to take the advantage with a poke to the eye, or some other dirty maneuver. [*]Kanyon staggers Rey-Rey! [*]Kanyon's going for... [*]The DEATHWISH! [*]Mysterio ducks it! [*]Springboard Hurricainerana! [*]Damn, he's so quick! [*]1..2..3! [*]Mysterio won it! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* (Yeah, I know) [B][U]Kanyon Does Not Look Happy![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Kanyon can't believe he lost! [*]He walks up behind the celebrating Mysterio. [*]Taps him on the shoulder.. [*]FLATLINER! [*]He picks him up... [*]KANYON KUTTER! [*]Wow, Rey Mysterio Jr. has been left down and out! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]Booker T vs. Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The World Champion, Booker T, in action here tonight. [*]He dominates this matchup from start to finish. [*]Buff Bagwell may be buff, [*]He may have the stuff, [*]but he is no Booker T! [*]Booker T kicks him in the gut, [*]and... BOOK-END! [*]Wow, pure domination! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B][U]Booker T Celebrates[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Booker T is celebrating in the ring. [*]Oh my, is it? [*]A spinerooni! [*]Wait... [*]As Booker T is spinning, Jeff Jarrett sprints up the aisle! [*]Booker T comes up... [*]And takes a guitar shot over his head! [*]What carnage! [*]Jeff Jarrett has made it clear that he wants that title. [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Hype the main event TONIGHT.[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]A video plays. [*]It's hyping up the fact that tonight. [*]In this very ring [*]We will see [*]"The Man Known As" Sting [*]versus "The King of the Bling-Bling" [*]Diamond Dallas Page! [*]Should be a great match. [*]Oh wait, It's NEXT! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Sting vs. Diamond Dallas Page[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]These two men... [*]Two cornerstones of WCW [*]Two of the top wrestlers in the company [*]Squaring off in the ring. [*]The two men are brawlers, and that's what they do. [*]Battling all around the ring [*]Outside of the ring [*]Everywhere. [*]The referee seems to be letting them go. [*]As the two could have been counted out easily. [*]But that's okay. [*]The match makes up for it. [*]DDP takes the advantage. [*]He's driving Sting backwards. [*]DIAMOND CUTTER! [*]1...2...Kick out! [*]Sting got a shoulder up! [*]DDP is complaining to the referee [*]Sting to his feet. [*]Big Right Hand to DDP! [*]Sting takes command! [*]Battling back! [*]Sting bounces DDP off the turnbuckle [*]DDP staggers backwards... [*]SCORPION DEATH DROP! [*]1...2...3! Sting wins the match! [*]And a great one it was! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]We're Not Done Yet![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Sting offers his hand to Diamond Dallas Page. [*]Who looks to accept it! [*]They shake hands in the center of the ring. [*]A man is leaping over the protective barrier! [*]He slides into the ring! [*]It's SHANE DOUGLAS! [*]He takes Sting down from behind! [*]"The Franchise" and DDP stomp Sting until he is no longer moving. [*]Dustin Rhodes is running to the ring with a steel chair! [*]He chases Douglas and DDP off! [*]The camera's fade to black with Dustin standing over Sting protectively [*]As Shane and DDP laugh and taunt the duo. [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B]Show Rating: B+[/B] [b]RAW Rating: B[/b] RAW's main event was Kurt Angle beating Chris Benoit. Damn, that's a good match! That spells trouble for us here at WCW. Man, I thought that was show was an A. Oh well. The show raised our popularity.
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I enjoyed the first show but my only critique point is this... Your shows look a little bit too much like Tristrams... Thats not a bad thing since Tristram runs probably the best damn diary on the whole board but just try new things and master your own style.. Other than that get to posting more shows cause I like this diary
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My style is supposed to look like Tristram's, that's where I got it from! He got it from DDTdigest.com. I asked his permission before I used it, anyway. The way I see it is there are two ways of writing show results. One is a third person style, the other is first person. What I like about Tristram's style is that it allows for both. That is why I use it, not to rip him off.
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Great start mate, congratulations on it. Very impressed by Rey/Kanyon's result. Wicked! PS: Mate, thanks for the respect and all, but I'm sure you will do a damn fine job yourself. If your heart is in the right place and you love what made WCW gold at times (which I know from your PMs you most definitely do), you will present a fine diary. I'm quite sure you can superceed my diary, your first show shows a hell of a lot of promise.
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[QUOTE=Chuck;228169]ah ok well then carry on good chap[/QUOTE] That I shall. [QUOTE=tristram;228213]Great start mate, congratulations on it. Very impressed by Rey/Kanyon's result. Wicked! PS: Mate, thanks for the respect and all, but I'm sure you will do a damn fine job yourself. If your heart is in the right place and you love what made WCW gold at times (which I know from your PMs you most definitely do), you will present a fine diary. I'm quite sure you can superceed my diary, your first show shows a hell of a lot of promise.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I couldn't believe the Rey / Kanyon match! That one'll continue. Anyway, I feel I need to give you the respect. You've set the standard for WCW diaries, and really make it come alive. I'll do my best though, and thank you for the kind words. [QUOTE=Air Styles;228291]Keep it up! Can't wait for Thunder![/QUOTE] Thunder's gonna be up tonight. Be ready!
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WCW Thunder (May, Week 1) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/THNDRLOG.jpg[/IMG] [b]WCW Thunder: May 2001, Week 2[/b][/CENTER] [b][u]Welcome to Thunder![/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Ladies, and Gentlemen, we present to you another edition of WCW Thunder! [*]Tony Schiavone, Stevie Ray, and Scott Hudson are here on commentary as WCW Thunder rolls on. [*]We’re here in Alumni Hall in New York! [*]Tonight we’ve got some fantastic action for you, highlighted by The WCW World Champion, Booker T taking on “The Big Sexy” Kevin Nash! [*]After the events of last week, we also have “The Man Called” Sad Faced Mime…ahem. [*]STING teaming up with Dustin Rhodes to take on the team of Diamond Dallas Page and “The Franchise” Shane Douglas. [*]So shake that fruit booty and get ready, because Thunder starts NOW. [/quote][/list] B+ [b][u]The Opening to Thunder[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]A video plays, hyping the great action WCW’s got for you tonight. [*]Sting, Dustin Rhodes, Booker T, Scott Steiner [*]Kevin Nash, Sean O’Haire, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Jarrett [*]And all the other great talent here in World Championship Wrestling. [*]But no mention of a certain Giant Orange M and M. [*]Revisionist history anyone? [/quote][/list] B+ [b][u]Johnny The Bull vs. Sean O’Haire[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Two of the top brawlers in World Championship Wrestling square off in the opening match tonight. [*]Both have great looks (as wrestlers of course), and are extremely athletic. [*]The match is really open, and they battle all around the ring. [*]These men seem to have excellent chemistry in the ring together. [*]O’Haire hits a kick to the gut of Johnny The Bull. [*]Powerbombs him, shaking the entire ring and probably the arena. [*]He climbs to the top rope, poses for the crowd, and… [*]SENTON BOMB! Square across the chest of Johnny! 1..2..3! [*]Sean O’Haire takes the opening match of Thunder tonight. [/quote][/list] B+ [b][u]Eric Bischoff Has Something To Say[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Last week on Monday Night Nitro, you saw that Bill Goldberg said his line to Scott Steiner. [*]You all know that that line always leads to a match. [*]And who the hell am I to defy tradition? So… [*]Next Week… “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner versus Bill Goldberg! [*]That’s a match I’d pay to see... [*] But luckily, I don’t have to! [*]In summary: Next Week on Monday Night Nitro, Scott Steiner versus Bill Goldberg! [/quote][/list] A* [b][u]Jason Jett vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. AJ Styles vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Another four-way cruiserweight match up here on Thunder. [*]Once again, the crowd is going wild here, as these four extremely athletic men are bringing the house down. [*]But the performance of the night goes to AJ Styles. [*]He really dominates this match. [*]Springing all around the ring, going off his feet, and just going all out. [*]The other man who shines is really Chavo Guerrero Jr. [*]The man who formerly used Pepe the Stick Horse to get over! [*]His ability to mat wrestle is pretty unique in our Cruiserweight Division. [*]But he shows that it can be [I]almost[/I] as exciting as all out highflying. [*]But it’s not enough, as AJ Styles dropkicks Jett, then sets up for the… [*]SPINAL TAP! 1..2…3! [/quote][/list] B [b][u]Sting and Dustin Rhodes Have A Message For DDP and Shane Douglas[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Sting and Dustin Rhodes are backstage with… Gene Okerlund?! [*]What? Where the hell is Pamela? [*]We need the sweater meat! Dammit! [*]Anyway, Sting and Dustin want to tell Page and Douglas something. [*]“Tonight, Diamond Dallas Page and Shane Douglas, you will pay.” [*]“You will pay for the actions you perpetrated on Nitro last week!” [*]“Tonight, Diamond Dallas Page and Shane Douglas, it’s SHOWTIME!” [*]Oh man, that’s exciting?!. [/quote][/list] A [b][u]Jamie Knoble vs. Mike Awesome[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]A good match up here, it has some potential. [*]Knoble's really a surprisingly good brawler for his size and weight. [*]While Mike Awesome, the former ECW vet, has really all the talent in the world. [*]The two lock up, punching each other all around the ring. [*]A “boring” chant starts in the arena, that’s not a good sign. [*]But the action picks up, starting with Jamie Knoble hitting an enziguri kick to then head of Awesome. [*]Knoble up to the top rope, Awesome to his feet. [*]Flying Spear! [*]Awesome caught him! He’s setting him up for the… [*]AWESOME BOMB! Jamie Knoble is out cold. [*]1..2..3! Mike Awesome wins this match. [/quote][/list] B [b][u]Bill Goldberg Is Backstage![/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Bill Goldberg’s backstage once again. [*]Reprising his role from last week as the WALKING man. [*]The chants begin to fill the hall… [*]…GOLDBERG… [*]…GOLDBERG… [*]…GOLDBERG… [*]Scott Steiner! [*]Scott Steiner snuck out behind Goldberg, and leveled him with that dammned pipe!\ [*]He’s mudhole stomping Goldberg into the floor for Christ’s sake. [*]I would like to submit a petition that we, the WCW fans, have had enough goddammed mudhole stomping for this lifetime. [*]That’s really all the New World Order ever did. [*]Stomp. They needed something else. [*]Steiner’s now laughing at Goldberg, but backing off. [*]Tony’s informing us that Goldberg has a match next, against Buff Bagwell! [/quote][/list] A [b][u]Bill Goldberg vs. Buff “The Stuff” Bagwell[/b][/u] [quote][list] [*]Buff comes out first, doing his usual ****y thing. [*]Then Goldberg’s music hits… [*]No Goldberg, and we wait. [*]Buff’s urging the bellkeeper to ring the bell. [*]He does so, and the ref begins the count. [*]1… [*]2… [*]3… [*]4…. [*]5… [*]6… [*]Goldberg is here, charging down the aisle! [*]Buff doesn’t see him, he’s posing for the crowd. [*]Buff turns around, SPEAR! [*]JACKHAMMER! [*]Where did he find the resolve?! [/quote][/list] B [b][u]Lance Storm vs. Chris Kanyon[/b][/u] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two of the top mat technicians in all of wrestling go at it here. [*]These two men are so creative in the ring, so damn fluid. [*]This is going to be a hell of a match! [*]You know, Chris Kanyon has been really underrated. [*]He's been badly missused in the former WCW. [*]But he kicked it up a notch last week on Nitro, with a HELL of a match versus Rey Mysterio [*]I wish all matches could be like that, DAMN, that would be a show. [*]Some have come close, none have ever succeded. [*]But WCW Seems to be trying. [*]For example, two weeks straight without the Big Orange One. [*]Anyway, these two put on a show. [*]A mix of styles, all thrown together into a delicious goulash of wrestling. [*]But here, Lance Storm locks in the Canadian Maple Leaf, and Kanyon can't just get out of it. [*]Damn, Storm is good at that. [*]Kanyon taps, and that's two straight weeks with a win for Lance Storm! [*]Whatsupwitdat? [*]What the hell am I typing? [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Booker T Is In the Ring[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]"Tonight, I face off against Kevin Nash. [*]Now, as all you know, Kevin Nash used to keep this company down. [*]He wouldn't let anyone else have a break. [*]Just the nWo. And that's not how it should be. [*]So Nash, tonight I kick your a** for all of those who's a**es you kicked. [*]Metaphorically of course, you could never actually kick anyone's a**. [*]Really, all I got to say is tonight, I beat you Kevin Nash. [*]I beat you bad, damn bad. [*]Can you dig it, sucka?" [*]Or something like that. I needed another beer. [/LIST][/QUOTE] A* [B][U]Sting and Dustin Rhodes vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Shane Douglas[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Sting and Dustin look real ready to go, pacing and yelling at the heels. [*]But DDP and Shane are ready to bolt, they're all jumpy. [*]They keep glancing at the ramp, like they're gonna bolt. [*]Please no count-outs. Please no gimmicky finishes. [*]Please no nWo run in, and NO MORE MUDHOLE STOMPS! [*]Ahem. Flashback moment. [*]Bad memories. [*]The bell rings, and Sting / Rhodes take the fight to DDP and Shane. [*]All are brawlers, and they do that. [*]Lots of strikes dammnit, get to the wrestling. [*]Finally, Douglas with a nice scoop slam on Rhodes. [*]Sting seems to be focusing on Page. [*]He keeps ignoring Douglas when he is in the ring with him. [*]He tags out, and goes after the other man. [*]Weird. There's a good suplex by Dustin. [*]Of the delayed vertical variety... [*]1..2..Kick out. [*]Hudson says it's a Two - and seven-eights. [*]Not that kind of close, but a near fall anyway. [*]DDP and Sting back in there. [*]Nice clothesline by Stinger, DDP sold it well. [*]Irish Whip into the corner, STINGER SPLASH! [*]1..2..Douglas breaks it up! [*]Both men to their feet! DIAMOND CUTTER! [*]Where the hell did that come from! [*]DDP is so damn good at that! [*]1..2..3! [*]Rhodes was a milisecond too late on the save! [*]DDP and The Franchise win! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Jeff Jarrett Is Your Guest Commentator For Tonight's Match[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Jeff Jarrett's music hits before the main event. [*]He comes down, and kicks TONY SCHIAVONE out of his seat! [*]"Choke on that, shrill slapnut!" [*]HA-HA! Scott Hudson is the lead announcer for this match! [*]With Jarrett and Stevie Ray on colour duty! [*]Wooo! [*]Sorry, spontaneous Ric Flair moment. [*]We all have them, don't we? Don't we all? [*]WWRD? [/LIST][/QUOTE] B [B][U]Booker T vs. Kevin Nash[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two WCW headliners here, one on the rise, one falling. [*]Who do you think'll win? [*]The World Champ of course. [*]Unless Nash retook booking duties. [*]Then Bischoff could come out, declare this a World Title bout. [*]And set off another carousel of "pass the belt" [*]I hate when the World Title changes hands every damn week. [*]It's....AGGGH! [*]Anyway, the best part of this match was Booker T managing hit a head scissors on Kevin Nash. [*]My legs, they do not stretch so wide. [*]But Booker's do. Head Scissors to the 1..2..3! [*]Nash got squashed? What the hell? [*]By the way, Jarrett spent the match yelling at Booker T. [*]Calling him slapnut a lot... [*]And basically saying he should be World Champion, not Booker T. [*]Good for him. [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Spinerooni Time![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Booker T with the spinerooni! [*]Jeff Jarrett slides into the ring with his trademark guitar! [*]Booker T's head pops up... [*]Jarrett Raises the guitar... [*]And Booker's fist comes up in a picture-perfect uppercut to the head of Jarrett! [*]Ooh, there might be whiplash from a strike like that! [*]Jarrett stumbles back, but does not fall. [*]He and Booker T go nose to nose and Thunder ends for another week. [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+, B+ [B]Overall Show Rating: B+[/B] [B]Smackdown! Rating: B[/B] The main event was Stone Cold d. Triple H, The Rock, and Jericho to retain the WWF World Title. Nice match. Anyway, tune into Nitro next week! The main event: Bill Goldberg versus "Big Steroid Pump" Scott Steiner! Excuse me. Raised our popularity again.
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WCW Nitro (May, Week 2) [CENTER][IMG]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/NEWNIT~1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U]Nitro Opens...[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Welcome to Monday Night Nitro! [*]Tonight, we've got several great matches, including... [*]"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner going one-on-one with the Unstoppable Force, Bill Goldberg! [*]Also the World Champion, Booker T will also be in action, squaring off against Mike Sanders! [*]Get ready for the best action in wrestling today! [*]Because Monday Night NITRO STARTS NOW! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B+ [B][U]Sean O'Haire vs. Lash LeRoux[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Two of the rookies here in World Championship Wrestling go at it here in our opening match! [*]A good match, but really nothing special here. [*]Sean O'Haire really looks good in this match though. [*]They battle around the ring, but a scoop slam by O'Haire turns into... [*]The SEANTON BOMB! 1..2..3! [/LIST][/QUOTE] C [B][U]Bill Goldberg is Backstage With Pamela Paulshock![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Wooooo! Pamela Paulshock is back! [*]Damn! Damn! Damn! [*]She's a little intimidated by Goldberg though. [*]The man is massive! He's the biggest man in WCW right now! [*]Goldberg goes off on Scott Steiner [*]By that I mean, he stares deep into the camera [*]Snarls, spits, does his thing... [*]And growls... [*]"Scott Steiner, YOU'RE NEXT!" [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]The Perfect Event vs. Totally Buff[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The Perfect Event, made up of Shawn Staisak and Chuck Palumbo... [*]Versus the duo of Lex Luger and Buff "The Stuff" Bagwell! [*]These two are two of the re-energized tag division. [*]Or at least that's what Tony Schiavone keeps yelling into the camera [*]It seems to be what he does [*]Yelling, I mean. [*]But a good match, not great here. [*]Both teams showcase their strength. [*]All four men are [I]massive![/I] [*]But in the end, Luger and Bagwell are just too much for The Perfect Event [*]Bagwell clothesline's Palumbo off the apron, tags in Luger. [*]Who grabs Staisak, and puts him in the Rack! [*]Does the rack look like it'd hurt anyone? Really? [*]But it doesn't matter here...Staisak Taps out. [/LIST][/QUOTE] C+ [B][U]DDP Calls Out Sting[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Diamond Dallas Page is in the center of the ring with a microphone. [*]He calls out Sting! He wants him one-on-one right now! [*]Now that's Badda-Bing, Badda-Boom! [*]The lights go out! [*]Sting's rappeling down from the ceiling! [*]I'm sorry, but I mark out for that. That's damn cool. [*]He takes the mic from DDP, who seems a little stunned that his challenge was accepted [*]But then he stands back. [*]The crowd pops for Sting though. He's a legend for sure. [*]Another man is sliding down the Sting rope! [*]It's "The Franchise" Shane Douglas! [*]Wow! [*]Sting can't believe it either, he stares up at Douglas coming down. [*]Cheap Shot by DDP! He starts beating Sting to the mat. [*]When Douglas makes his way to Earth, he does too. [*]They basically leave Sting battered on the mat for the second week in a row. [*]Dustin Rhodes! Dustin Rhodes! [*]He's running down the enterence way towards the ring! [*]He, DDP and Douglas engage in a big brawl in the ring. [*]Sting is out of it though, he's not moving. [*]The numbers game wears on Dustin Rhodes, and he also gets beaten down. [*]The duo of Douglas and DDP have won the battle! [*]But will they win the war that's seems to be developing here? [/LIST][/QUOTE] A, B+ [B][I]Air Raid vs. Romeo and Skipper[/I][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Remember the Cruiserweight Tag Team Division? [*]Neither do I, but they've got a match RIGHT NOW! [*]I always say RIGHT NOW really quick, more like RIGHTNOW! [*]I dunno why, but it sounds better to me. [*]These four men actually put on a show. [*]They may be benefiting from the hot crowd, but they're doing the best they can, and this crowd is responding. [*]Both teams get equal offense, but finally AJ Styles nails Kid Romero with a... [*]STYLES CLASH! [*]He tags in Air Paris, who gets the 1..2..3! [*]What a gracious gesture here by Styles! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B- [B][U]Eric Bischoff Time![/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Eric Bischoff walks to the center of the ring. [*]He hypes up the opening match of the United States Title Tournament. [*]That'll be.. RIGHTNOW! [*]And the participants will be... Lance Storm vs. Fit Finlay? [*]The crowd gives a puzzled kind of pop. [*]But a pop nevertheless. [*]Here we go! Storm versus Finlay, winner moves on! [/LIST][/QUOTE] [B][U]Fit Finlay vs. Lance Storm[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Ladies and Gentlemen of the Nitro audience, this, is a wrestling match. [*]Both men are really good technicians, and it shows. [*]However, they aren't as over as the rest of the roster. [*]But it's all good, this match is of a really high quality. [*]They go around the ring, I get a soda. [*]And when I get back...Storm seems to be celebrating. [*]The replay shows that Storm hit a flying cross-body on Finlay for the pinfall. [*]A nice move, especially for Storm. [*]And, he moves on in the US Title Tournament! [/LIST][/QUOTE] B- [B][U]Booker T Is In The Ring[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]Booker T is in the ring [*]He says he's ready for Mike Sanders [*]But more importantly, he's ready for Jeff Jarrett. [*]Over the last two weeks, Jeff Jarrett's interfered in two of his matches. [*]So, he's ready. [*]He warns Jarrett not to try anything. [*]"Can you dig that, slapnut SUCKA" [*]Wooo! [*]Anyway... On to the match. [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Booker T vs. Mike Sanders[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]These two men... wow. [*]They tore it up! Mike Sanders for Arn's Sake! [*]Yeah, that's right. Arn. "Jesu" is too contriversial, so Arn it is. [*]Sanders gets some good offense in, but he's no Booker T. [*]Only one man is Booker T, and that's Booker T. [*]...Or maybe Stevie Ray. [*]But Booker T hits a Book-End on Sanders for the 1..2..3! [*]We've got a winner! [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B][U]Scott Steiner vs. Bill Goldberg[/U][/B] [QUOTE][LIST] [*]The Steriod Freak versus the...possible Steroid Freak. [*]But we love him anyway! [*]Goldberg I mean. And in a totally hetero way. [*]Not a squash, which is new for Goldberg. [*]Steiner can run with Billy G, and he shows it here. [*]He picks up Goldberg, which is a [i]hell[/i] of a feat in itself. [*]Puts him on that top turnbuckle... [*]FRANKENSTEINER ON BILL GOLDBERG! [*]NO FREAKIN WAY! [*]That was impossible, no way that really just happened. [*]But Steiner's getting the pin... [*]He's got it! Steiner gets a clean win? [*]In a WCW Main Event? WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS? [/LIST][/QUOTE] A [B]Show Rating: B+[/B] [b]RAW Rating: B[/b] Austin over Benoit. Damnit. They seem to know what they're doing. BUT SO DO WE! See you for the next Thunder!
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