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ArrowVerse: One More Try

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It's been almost a year since I sat here looking at a blank database for TEW 05, thinking to myself, I've got plenty of ideas in my mind for promotions, characters, and the like. Back then there were a few things that irked me, midway through working on the data set. Things that drove me to the point that I simply gave up on my hopes of it ever working out right. Adam, thank you. The improvements made to the editor in 07 have sparked life into my creative side, and with future workers finally possible, that alone made me decide to finally push myself to re-begin my work on this. While this could've gone into much more detail, it should give at least some idea as to why things are set up the way they are. Background information. Joy. [B]The Back story[/B] In a wrestling world dominated by powerful global promotions, the battle for fans was on. Heading into the 1990s, several promotions battled for the same fans. While the battle seemed even, no promotion could catch up to the power house, Epic Wrestling. Every time a promotion would begin to get close, they would fall back off of the map, their popularity dropping because they were attempting to challenge Epic Wrestling. Epic Wrestling provided the best story lines around, the big spots, the great impact moves, the best wrestlers in the world. They had it all. The best booking team, the single most intelligent owner to ever own a wrestling promotion. They were truly unstoppable. Soon enough, the competition began to disappear, either closing completely, or downsizing to avoid the war with Epic Wrestling that they were growing into. They were forgotten in the spectacle of Epic Wrestling, as every fan seemed to turn to Epic for their entertainment, making it difficult for anyone to hold onto their status. With the likes of Akira Akiyama and Wayne Carter leading the way, Epic Wrestling had hit the top of the wrestling world, only to have to watch as it came crashing down around them all. Matthew McGrath, the most brilliant man to ever have anything to do with the wrestling world, and Epic Wrestling's owner, was announced dead. With the news spreading, wrestlings popularity seemed to die. The fans just couldn't get interested anymore, with the loss of the man responsible for so many fantastic memories. The effects of that loss can still be felt around the wrestling world, but those promotions lucky enough to still be standing couldn't let it stop them. There might not be any powerful promotions, but they're all determined to be the next to rise to the levels Epic Wrestling managed to. The small time battle had begun. With no big promotions to hold them down, and a multitude of regional promotions floating around hoping to get larger, the race was on. Huge stars were unsigned, due to no promotion being big enough to sign them, while some had sunk to the regional level. Everyone's hopes were up, but would anyone ever make it to the level they hoped they could? Only time would tell. For the fans who still were trying to care and find a true alternative to the largely missed Epic Wrestling, the Carolina Wrestling Federation was an obvious place to turn. While they were battling to stay regional, owner Marcus Arrows had been on the booking team for Epic Wrestling as well as running the CWF. It was known that the CWF was used as a sort of developmental fed for Epic Wrestling, with most of the biggest Carolina stars taking the leap to Epic Wrestling at some point or another. Unfortunately, not even that seemed to be much comfort, as days later, Gunther Price, CWF's financial backer, pulled a huge swerve on Marcus Arrows. He had managed to slither himself into 50% of the company, and due to him being the financial head, he was paying the bills. Merely three days after Epic Wrestling's demise, Gunther Price spit in the face of the Carolinas, claiming that the Carolina Wrestling Federation was dead. He took the roster, with the exception of a few men, and opened the South Carolina Wrestling Federation. The only thing Marcus Arrows could do in response is invest all of the money he had, along with close family friend Gary Jenkins, into something new. The North Carolina Wrestling Federation was born. Luckily for Marcus Arrows, he was able to hold onto key stars Jason Gibson, TJ Masters, and The Trooper, and with Masters being the Carolina Wrestling Federation's last champion, Marcus denounced every champion before those three exchanged the title, and renamed it the North Carolina Heavyweight Title. Elsewhere in the world, much of the same was happening. Promotions were springing to life, or stepping out of the shadows. The New England Wrestling Syndicate, Florida Pro Wrestling, Conneticut Championship Wrestling, Sin City Championship Wrestling took small areas as home in an attempt to slowly build back up the wrestling world with themselves on top. Nobody was ready to go National, fearful of what the fans reaction on a National scale could be. Of course, there's always an exception. Nobody could have expected that in Japan, the reaction to Epic Wrestling's unfortunate closure would be welcomed the way it was. [B]The Back story Continued[/B] Spirit Of Wrestling and Super Japan Pro Wrestling, the two powerhouse promotions in Japan were quite possibly the only promotions not harmed by Epic after the first cheap shot. When Epic Wrestling set out to crown it's first World Champion, Matthew set out to get the best from Japan to add to the match. Akira Akiyama would be that man, and because of this, he was banned from ever competing in Japan again. Epic couldn't touch Japan because of that cheap shot and the ill feelings felt towards Epic there, but Spirit of Wrestling and Super Japan couldn't break into international territory because of Epic's dominance outside of Japan. Now with Epic gone, both promotions could easily be considered the top contenders for the first promotions to go international or global, but it would take serious work to manage it.
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Somehow, I had a feeling you'd be the first one to reply. God I love 07 compared to 05. I will be buying this game very soon. New Workers and the quick add for workers has made this mod actually seem a lot more possible. Heck, if there was a way to guarantee certain promotions picked up certain new workers as they debuted, it'd be perfect. Get hold of me on AIM sometime, Vengeful Heart G, and we'll talk more in depth about stuff. I miss talking to ya.
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[IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/NCWF.png[/IMG] Credit to Wildcat for the image. [B]North Carolina Wrestling Federation[/B] After the deception of Gunther Price, Marcus Arrows was left with not much of a roster to work with. Marcus Arrows, not much for sitting around doing nothing, went on a search for new talent to rebuild, and found himself with a roster that not only surpassed his past roster, but also shook up the way things were set up. [B]Owner/Announcer[/B] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/MarcusArrows.jpg[/IMG]--Trell Marcus Arrows: Owner of the NcWF, his hatred for Gunther Price has driven him to do everything he possibly can to drive the ScWF out of business. [B]Main Eventers[/B] Craig Marshall: A former military man, he's come into the North Carolina Wrestling Federation just after his retirement from the mility. He still believes in the ways of the military, and has a tendency to preach them to foes and allies alike. Jason Gibson: While the CWF reigned as king of the Carolinas, Jason Gibson was pushed as a mid carder. Labeling himself "The Hardcore Icon", Gibson was known for his brawling ability and his ability to take spots. Well respected by Marcus Arrows, Gibson helped to train some of the up and comers that were gathering around the Carolinas. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/JoeTeague.jpg[/IMG]--Harts4Life Joe Teague: Father of Samantha Arrows, and one of the most dominant men in wrestling during his prime, he was sadly never able to make it to Epic Wrestling due to spending time with his family. Joe Teague has returned to wrestling after a divorce from his wife with the intention of settling the score with Randy McAlister. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/RandyMcAlister.jpg[/IMG]--Sebsplex Randy McAlister: Randy McAlister was one of the most over men in the Carolinas for most of his career. With unreturned wins over Marcus Arrows and Joe Teague as highlights in his career, Randy McAlister now hunts for one more title run to seal off his career the right way. [B]Upper Mid Carders[/B] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/Darun.jpg[/IMG]--Sebsplex Darun: Co-Leader of the Greatest Wrestling Alliance, Darun leads his allies into battle against the North Carolina Wrestling Federation from within the promotion, and has quickly risen in popularity since his debut. Shane Adams: While less known than most of the other heels on the roster, "The Headliner" Shane Adams has everything it takes to turn his wrestling career into a huge success. While in the small time wrestling scene, he was the leader of a group called the Death Squad, but seems to be the only one to make it to a regional promotion. While he hasn't done much since he's come to NcWF, his feud with Ben Archer brought him into the upper mid card. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/TheTrooper.jpg[/IMG]--Harts4Life The Trooper: While he is growing old in age, the man can still keep the ball rolling wherever he goes. With him comes the likes of the Greatest Wrestling Alliance, who all tend to be a huge boost to any promotion they manage to step into. While he's the most over of the Greatest Wrestling Alliance, he tends to take a backseat and let some of the younger guys take the spotlight. He is also the first acknowledge NcWF Champion. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/TJMasters.jpg[/IMG]--J_Silver TJ Masters: NcWF's main event heel. The young man came in with high praise as being an up and comer in the wrestling business. He'd had good showings elsewhere, and seems to definately be on the right path with NcWF, currently holding the North Carolina title since June, 1995. [B]Mid Carders[/B] Ben Archer: The self proclaimed Icon, Ben Archer's a young man in his mid twenties, trying to get into the wrestling scene in America. After his time in the United Kingdom and Europe, he's traveled over seas and undergone some additional training from Jason Gibson before making his debut in the NcWF. Carlos Lopez: The second graduate of the Arrows Family Gym, he tends to ride the fence on where he stands within NcWF currently, unsure of who he should ally himself with. Chris Mezz: "Crazy" Chris Mezz is said to be one of the future stars of wrestling. Trained by Jason Gibson, he's come into NcWF with high praise. Doomstar: A young masked American, he often teams with the huge Doomtrain as Doomed. He can take to the air, but isn't the best of them. Doomtrain: A massive man, albeit not the tallest by any means. Muscular and powerful as can be, he seems to be a tank the likes of which nobody will be able to get through once he gets started rolling. Shawn Arrows: The first born Arrows, and very first graduate from the Arrows Family Gym. Shawn Arrows has been claimed to be the man that could save the NcWF in it's war against the ScWF, and with his debut in August, anything could happen. [B]Lower Mid Carders[/B] [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/BrandonLopez.jpg[/IMG]--J_Silver Brandon Lopez: The younger brother of Carlos Lopez. While he's had very little wrestling training, he managed to break into the scene at age 18. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/Celisco.jpg[/IMG]--Harts4Life Celisco: Celisco tends to act as nothing more than an obstacle the GWA throw at opponents. Nothing much is known about the man, aside from the fact that he has allied himself with the dominant group. Deston: New comer to the wrestling scene, Deston is a promosing Cruiserweight who hopes to make a splash with his Future gimmick. [B]Openers[/B] Freddy Passion: A real ladies man, Freddy Passion made his way into the NcWF in early 1995. While the women seem to love him, every man in the arena despises the man. Problematic backstage with workers, he seems to be way too arrogant for his own good. [IMG]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/Workers/IanWalsh.jpg[/IMG]--J_Silver Ian Walsh: New to the wrestling scene, Ian Walsh is an impressive looking young man, with the looks and potential to make it huge in the business if he can manage to get on the right path. [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] Drake Thunder: He spent the first year of his career in Mexico, and the next six months in Japan before Marcus Arrows picked him up, bringing him to America for the first time. Since his debut in the NcWF, he hasn't accomplished much singles success, but everyone's looking forward to when he does break out into the star people believe he can be. [B]Colour Commentator[/B] Gary Jenkins: Gary Jenkins has had a very successful career, but has since gone down hill, and decided to hang up the boots. He's now working as a colour commentator for NcWF. [B]Referee[/B] Jacob Knott: Spent a short time in the army before being picked up by the NcWF to be their referee. He's always dreamt of being a wrestler, and always had the look and talent, but a bad knee has kept anyone from taking him seriously. [B]Manager[/B] Samantha Arrows: The wife and manager of Shawn Arrows, they debut together in the NcWF at the young age of 18. [B]Road Agent[/B] The Midget: The Midget is the GWA's manager. While they don't need him, he's oddly become a friend to all of them, and thus, follows them everywhere they go. He currently works off screen as a road agent more so than on screen as a manager. [B]Level Completed[/B] Promotion is in. All workers are in. Tag Titles created with no history due to them being new. Heavyweight Title created and given it's lineage. All Teams are in. GWA Stable is in. Worker Relations in.
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Figured I'd take a break for a moment from my work on the second roster to just say thanks in an organized way. Thanks goes to Wildcat for the promotion logos that he's been kind enough to make. To Harts4Life, J_Silver, and Sebsplex for their amazing work on the character art which has brought this mod truly to life, as by the end of it, each and every character involved will have their own artwork. To machinesxe for his belt artwork. I'll be getting you a list of the titles I know of for sure sometime today so you can go at them whenever you want. Any spare posers you wind up making that aren't used, as you know, are also appreciated. Thanks a lot guys. This wouldn't be anywhere near as possible without you.
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