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TNA - A New Era

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[I][FONT="Courier New"]April 28th, 2007[/FONT][/I] Dealing with growing concerns from the fans of TNA, Dixie Carter has decided to take extreme action! Effective immediately all of the TNA booking team has been removed from their positions. Dixie has decided to take TNA in a new direction. She has hired the little known wrestling booker, Joshua G., to be the new head booker for TNA. Joshua is sure to take TNA in a new direction as he ushers in a new era for TNA! [IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/ANewEracopy.jpg[/IMG]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [I][FONT="Courier New"]April 30th, 2007[/FONT][/I] We understand that along with TNA hiring a new booker, they have also made a move that will make TNA Impact LIVE! Beginning this Thursday on Spike! This should give Impact a much needed boost in unpredictability.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Courier New"]April 30th, 2007[/FONT] WWE began what is believed to be several days of firings with the releases of Sgt. Slaughter, Dean Malenko, Theodore Long, Lillian Garcia, Vicky Guerrero, Jack Doan, Mike Chioda, Scott Armstrong, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Eric Bischoff, Layla, Kelly Kelly, and Brooke While some of these come as no surprise the releases of Eric Bischoff, Jerry Lawler, and Michael Cole has somewhat shocked the wrestling community. It will be interesting to see if the “new era” or TNA includes any of these talents.
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[COLOR="Red"]Raw Results[/COLOR] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"][FONT="Courier New"]From the Tokyo Racetrack 4,204 in attendance[/FONT][/FONT] JTG def. Robbie McAllister [B]E-[/B] Kenny def. Santino for the IC Title [B]E[/B] Carlito def. Trevor Murdoch [B]E[/B] Punk def. Haas, Viscera, and Masters [B]D-[/B] Umaga v. Shawn Michaels No Contest [B]D+[/B] Cena def. Orton, Edge, and Benjamin to retain the WWE Title [B]D[/B]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] TNA has come to terms on the releases of Vince Russo, Moody Jack Melendez, Ricky Vega, Dutch Mantell, David Penzer, Leticia Kline, and Dave Hebner. We wish them all well in future endeavors.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] The WWE firings continued today with the releases of Hornswoggle, Candice Michelle, Bruce Pritchard, Michael Hayes, The Coach, Tazz, Marty Elias, Chad Patton, Mickie Henson, Kristal, Steve Keirn, and Steve Lombardi. More releases could come as the week continues.
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[COLOR="Red"]Impact Preview[/COLOR] Last week on Impact we were left wondering as to who the number 1 contender to Christian Cage and the NWA Title were. This week Sting and Kurt Angle will team up to take on Christian Cage and AJ Styles, whoever gets the pinfall or submission for their team will get the title shot at Sacrifice. Also last week Jeff Jarrett revealed himself as the "friend" that Eric Young had been talking about, what will Robert Roode have to say about this development. For the first time ever Samoa Joe and Rhino will team up, and they will challenge Team 3D for the NWA Tag Team Titles. Will LAX and Scott Steiner and Tomko be watching? Tune in to find out! Predictions welcome Christian Cage and AJ Styles v. Kurt Angle and Sting Team 3D v. Samoa Joe and Rhino "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal v. The Austin Starr
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] Today's victims of the WWE firings are Ron Simmons, Mike Posey, Chris Kay, Dewey Larson, Todd Grisham, and Roddy Piper. Today TNA came to terms on the release of Bob Backlund.
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The best thing to do is go to Photobucket.com and get an account Once you have an account create a sub-album for this Diary (TNA Subalbum how about?) then click on the TNA Subalbum and you can upload pictures... Sound pretty easy?
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I'll do ya one better. [CENTER][IMG]http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d193/Victorri/post.jpg[/IMG] [LEFT]Hopefully, this'll make sense. The box where arrow #1 is pointing to.. is the editor in Advanced mode. While you still need to input the url's of the images, it'll look more like 'Paint Program' for lack of a better term than just a bunch of html codes. This'll help you better get an idea of where the pictures are going to be aligned and how they look. The box were arrow #2 is pointing to.. is the button you need to add the pictures into your post. Usually, with photobucket, the URL's are kind of long or hard to remember. So as soon as you upload the picture to photobucket, right underneath the uploaded picture, you'll see a box that says "URL Link" just click your mouse button once onto that box with the URL in it and it should copy it automatically. When you're ready to add the picture you've just uploaded to photobucket.. head over to the box Arrow #2 is pointing to. Click it and a prompt asking for the URL to the image will pop up. Erase the "http://" from that box.. and then hit on your keyboard CTRL and V (at the same time) from there, the copied URL should be in there. Click "OK" and the image should appear in the post you're currently writing. #3 is pretty much for aligning the pictures in different manners. That should do it. I hope you don't take offense or if I sound arrogant in this post. You seemed like you were new, so I figured i'd go out of my way and help ya out. [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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I find it hard to continue reading a dynasty here at GDS but I will do my best to reply as much as I can and read this one as it sounds good, can't wait for the show and I decided to put in my predictions: Christian Cage and AJ Styles v. [B]Kurt Angle and Sting[/B] [B]Team 3D[/B] v. Samoa Joe and Rhino [B]"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal[/B] v. The Austin Starr
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Guest loves2spooge
Christian Cage and AJ Styles v. Kurt Angle and Sting Draw 4 Way at ppv [B]Team 3D[/B] v. Samoa Joe and Rhino [B]"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal[/B] v. The Austin Starr
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASPikead3copy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="3"][CENTER]LIVE! From The Impact Zone 1,000 in attendance[/CENTER][/SIZE] [QUOTE]- Impact starts off as with the new opening video set to “Fighter” by Candlefuse, the video highlights Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Sting, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Rhino [/QUOTE] [U]1 Minute B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Unfamiliar music plays in the Impact Zone - Out comes TAZ - He makes his way to the ring - Taz gets a mic and says that “he’s arrived in TNA” - he does the normal “shoot” on WWE - Taz announces that he’s the newest member of the TNA announce team[/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Robert Roode’s music hits over the arena - he tells Taz to take a seat and let the active wrestlers in the ring - Roode says that what Eric Young did last week was inexcusable - Roode says he has no choice but to fire Eric…unless his “friend” will accept a match against Robert Roode - Not just any match though…and I QUIT MATCH! [/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes E+[/U] [QUOTE]- JJ’s music hits and he comes to the ring - JJ tells Robert Roode that he’s sat in the back and let RR push EY around long enough - JJ says he accepts on the condition that when JJ wins EY’s contract with Roode Inc. is null and void - JJ says he’ll see Roode at Sacrifice![/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes D+[/U] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal vs. The Austin Starr[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Two of the best that the X-Division has to offer - Lethal is going to Sacrifice to challenge for the X title - Starr just had his suspension reversed by the new booker - A decent match - You can see the change in booking styles by the length of the match - A back and forth contest - Lethal wins after a rally from a beatdown followed by a Flying Elbow Drop[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Jay Lethal by pinfall 8:46 minutes C-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see Chris Sabin scouting Jay Lethal on the monitor[/QUOTE] [U]1 minute D[/U] [QUOTE]- A Video is shown recapping the feud between James Storm and Chris Harris[/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes D-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see AJ Styles and Christian Cage talking in the hall[/QUOTE] [U]1 minute B-[/U] [QUOTE]- JB is backstage with Scott Steiner - Steiner says Tomko isn’t here tonight, but the Genetic Freak is ready to go - Steiner says last week LAX cost them the NWA Tag Titles and they won’t forget that - Steiner says Team 3D’s days as Tag Champs are numbered cause Steiner and Tomko are the next NWA Tag Team Champs![/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes C+[/U] [B][U][COLOR="red"]Scott Steiner v. Shark Boy[/COLOR][/U][/B] [QUOTE]- Can you say squash match - Shark Boy didn’t stand a chance - Steiner wins with the Steiner Recliner[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Scott Steiner by submission :45 D+[/U] [QUOTE]- Rhino and Samoa Joe are backstage with JB - Rhino lets Team 3D know that in the past they have been friends but tonight is about business…tonight is about winning the NWA tag team titles - Joe says “Tonight….YOU WILL BE BROKEN!”[/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the ring where James Mitchell is standing with a coffin beside him - “Tonight we gather together to remember the career of Abyss, the most useless wrestler in the history of this industry. Abyss, you could have had it all…you could have been the longest reigning champ in the history of this industry! Abyss when you turned your back on me you flushed those hopes down the toilet! Abyss when you’re watching at home…watching me take my newest protégé to the top….remember….that could have been you! Rest in Peace Abyss![/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting and Kurt Angle are shown walking in the back[/QUOTE] [U]1 minute B+[/U] [QUOTE]- JB is backstage with “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage - JB: Christian Cage, tonight you and AJ Styles team up to take on Kurt Angle and Sting, whoever gets the pinfall for their team wins the title shot against you at Sacrifice. - CC: Shut Up JB! Let the champ speak! I can tell you right now…I’m not defending this title at Sacrifice - JB: You’re Not? - CC: NO! Because I’m gonna pin Sting…or Angle…and then The Instant Classic will have the night off because…THAT’S HOW I ROLL![/QUOTE] [U]3 minutes B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][B][U]Team 3D v. Samoa Joe and Rhino[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Two brawling teams go head to head - Joe looks strong in the ring - A back and forth match with neither team ever gaining a clear advantage - LAX run down and attack 3D causing 3D to win by DQ[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Team 3D by DQ 6:27 minutes C+[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Homicide and Hernandez continue to beat down 3D - Konnan is encouraging them…and screaming that 3D is dodging them and that they want their rematch[/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes D[/U] [QUOTE]- JB is backstage with Sting and Angle - Sting: Christian Cage you’ve made a huge mistake…you’ve accepted a match against myself and Kurt Angle…you must have a death wish…and I’m glad to grant it…at Sacrifice I’ll once again become NWA World Heavyweight champ - Angle: You’re right Sting…we are going to destroy Christian, but I’m gonna get the pin, and I’m going to become the new NWA Heavyweight Champ at Sacrifice! - Sting: We’ll see about that![/QUOTE] [U]2 minutes B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][B][U]Kurt Angle and Sting vs. Christian Cage and AJ Styles[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- A lot of star power in this match - Sting and Angle have problems trusting each other - AJ and Christian are working well together - AJ and Christian isolate Kurt Angle and work him over for the majority of the match - After a double clothesline between Angle and Cage Angle makes the hot tag to Sting - Sting cleans house - Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop on Cage and Styles - Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock on Styles - Styles is about to tap - Angle sees it and locks the upper half of Styles body in a Crossface - Styles taps[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Angle and Sting by submission 9:55 B-[/U] - Angle and Sting are both celebrating in the ring…but who gets the title shot at Sacrifice?[/SIZE] [U]B 1 minute[/U] [U]Total Show Rating C+ Should have increased our popularity[/U]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] Last night Impact pulled a 18.89 TV rating! Also in shocking news today the WWE released Mick Foley! We understand TNA is already in negotiations with the hardcore legend.
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/Banner.jpg[/IMG] Yesterday Jim Cornette appeared on a local radio show in Nashville, TN. On the show he let it be known that he thinks Ron Killings is an overrated wrestler who doesn't deserve to be in TNA!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TNASacrifice-2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER]Confirmed Matches: NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage (c) vs. winner of Kurt Angle vs. Sting NWA World Tag Team Title Match Team 3D (c) vs. Scott Steiner and Tomko vs. LAX TNA X Division Title Match Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal I Quit Match - For Eric Young's Contract Jeff Jarrett vs. Robert Roode Texas Death Match Chris Harris vs. James Storm Rhino v. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Samoa Joe v. AJ Styles Winner Gets A Title Shot In The Main Event Sting v. Kurt Angle[/CENTER][/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Blue"]Backlash Results[/COLOR] Last night WWE held it's Backlash PPV at The Rodeo Arena with a sellout crowd of 10,000 on hand JTG def. Robbie McAllister D Maria def. Michelle McCool D- Kane def. Miz and Lashley C The Boogeymand def. Kevin Thorn and Finlay C Nitro def. Benjamin C+ Kenny Dykstra def. CM Punk to retain the IC title C+ Benoit def. Helms to retain the US Title C+ Chavo def. Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the cruiserweight title D+ Victoria def. Torrie Wilson for the Women's Title D+ MVP and Regal def. Deuce n' Domino for the Tag Team Titles C Umaga def. The Great Khali C- Ric Flair def. RVD for the ECW World Title C+ Fans were upset by the absence of John Cena, Edge, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, HHH, Randy Orton, and some of the other top WWE stars. Also last night Kevin Thorn sustained a broken ankle due to a botched move by The Boogeyman...he will be out of action for 2 months.
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;230670]Off the top of my head, that would make him the only man to ever hold the WWF/E, WCW, NWA and ECW World Titles, wouldn't it?[/QUOTE]I do believe that is correct...what do you think of the diary keefmoon?
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WWE Results For The Week [COLOR="Red"][U]Raw[/U][/COLOR] American Airlines Arena 8,101 in attendacne Umaga def. Chalie Haas C Hardy Boyz def. Murdoch and Cade to reatin the Tag Team Titles C- Viscera def. Eugene D+ Masters and Rory McAllister def. Cryme Tyme D Shelton Benjamin def. CM Punk (New Raw Star) C+ John Cena def. Edge to retain The WWE Title B- OVERALL C+ [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][U]Smackdown[/U][/COLOR] Florence Civic Center 7,536 in attendance Brian Kendrick def. The Miz C- Chavo def. Daivari to retain the Cruiserweight Title D+ William Regal def. Paul London C+ Finlay def. Matt Striker (New Smackdown Star) C- Benoit def. MVP to retain the US Title C Undertaker def. Kennedy, Kane, And Batista to retain the World Heavyweight Title B- OVERALL C+ [U][COLOR="Purple"]ECW on Sci-Fi [/COLOR][/U] Florence Civic Center 7,332 in attendance Burke def. Balls, Richards, and Snitsky D+ Sandman and Cor Von def. Dreamer and Sabu D+ Nitro (New ECW Star) def. Lashley C+ RVD def. Ric Flair C+ OVERALL C+ A very consistent week for the WWE
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;230673]I do believe that is correct...what do you think of the diary keefmoon?[/QUOTE] To be honest, it's a bit too early to be able to give you a fair assessment. However, it definitely shows promise, especially for what I believe is your first diary? Take it from me, it will take a couple of shows to properly find your feet and realise how it is you want to convey your story into the diary. But as a starting point, it's strong and solid, and I'm going to continue reading. And I will give you a better assessment after a few weeks of shows when I can see for sure where you are going. But like I said, strong start.
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