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TNA - A New Era

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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/BannerWWE.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]Today the WWE continues to bolster their roster with the addition of PWG and ROH champion Davey Richards. Most thought it was only a matter of time before WWE came his way. It was also announced today that Ricky Banderas would be a part of the Smackdown brand, and Deuce was being switched over to ECW.[/SIZE]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] TNA is happy to announce another match has been added to Slammiversary! [SIZE="3"]Serotonin (Kaz, Martyr, Havok, and Shadow) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns, "The" Austin Starr, and the returning Kid Kash[/SIZE] This is sure to be a crazy eight man tag match. Current results for Jeff Jarrett Mystery Partner Poll [SIZE="3"]Brother Runt 3 Senshi 1[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Chuck;233899]Sweet dude glad to see you liked my Shadow idea!! Looking forward to your next show!!![/QUOTE]Believe it or not that was already my idea before you suggested it...I've thought that's what TNA should do with Hoyt for a long time. Shadow > Lance Hoyt < Dallas Anything is better than just plain ole' Lance Hoyt
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Jeff Jarrett Fan Poll Results as of Today[/SIZE][/COLOR] Brother Runt - 5 Senshi - 2 Everyone Else - 0 Remember to get your votes in voting closes on the day before of Slammiversary! [COLOR="red"][SIZE="3"]Impact Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] The King of the Mountain match qualifying is complete! The champ "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage will defend against "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe, Joey Matthews, and "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho. Will the champ walk out with the belt only time will tell! This week on Impact Chris Jericho and Samoa Joe will team up for the first time ever to take on fellow KOTM competitors Joey Matthews and AJ Styles. This should be an interesting preview of Slammiversary! Last week Sting issued a challenge to "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels for Slammiversary, will we hear from Daniels on Impact? We will definetly be seeing him wrestle when he takes on former NWA Heavyweight Champion Ron "The Truth" Killings. Will Sting be watching??? We're pretty sure he will be. The two men who will be going head to head at Slammiversary for the TNA X Division Title will team up to face the newest tag team in TNA, The Motor City Machine Guns. Can "The Original Playa From The Himilaya" Sonjay Dutt and "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal co-exist in this big tag team match? Serotonin is complete! This week we will see Serotonin in action for the first time in a long time. On Impact Kaz, Martyr, and Shadow team up to take on Team 3D (D-Von, Ray, and Runt). If Serotonin doesn't win I'm sure they'll suffer the wrath of Raven. Plus we'll hear from Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, Christian Cage, and Mick Foley. You don't want to miss an explosive episode of Impact this Thursday. [COLOR="red"][SIZE="3"]Current Slammiversary Card[/SIZE][/COLOR] NWA World Heavyweight Title King of the Mountain Match Christian Cage (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Jericho Music City Massacre Match Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley NWA Tag Team Title Match The LAX (c) vs. B.A.D. (Basham and Damaja) TNA X Division Title Match Jay Lethal (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt Serotonin (Kaz, Martyr, Havok, and Shadow) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, and Austin Starr Scott Steiner vs. Tomko Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll vs. Roode Inc.
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Impact Quick Picks "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe & "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho vs. Joey Matthews & "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings Serotonin vs. Team 3D The Motor City Machine Guns vs. "The Original Playa From The Himilaya" Sonjay Dutt & "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal [B]Tie Breaker[/B]: Who pins/submits Who in the Main Event [B]PRIZE[/B]: Winner selects final Slammiversary match from remaining competitors without a match
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Impact Quick Picks [B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe & "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho [/B]vs. Joey Matthews & "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B] vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings [B]Serotonin[/B] vs. Team 3D [B]The Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. "The Original Playa From The Himilaya" Sonjay Dutt & "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal Tie Breaker: Who pins/submits Who in the Main Event. Matthews PRIZE: Winner selects final Slammiversary match from remainin competitors without a match
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[B]"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe & "The Lionheart" Chris Jericho[/B] vs. Joey Matthews & "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles My gut told me to go the other way with the Coalition interfering but I dunno. [B]"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B] vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings [B]Serotonin [/B]vs. Team 3D [B]The Motor City Machine Guns[/B] vs. "The Original Playa From The Himilaya" Sonjay Dutt & "The Black Machismo" Jay Lethal Honestly, who's gonna pick against Shelley and Sabin? Tie Breaker: Who pins/submits Who in the Main Event. I dunno which one is ME either the joe/jericho one or the Machine guns. If it's the Joe one, I say Jericho beats Matthews. If it's the other Shelley beats Lethal. PRIZE: Winner selects final Slammiversary match from remaining competitors without a match Look forward to the card. edit: forgot to bold both Joe and Jericho
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]TNA IMPACT![/SIZE] LIVE! From The Impact Zone with 1,000 fans in attendance[/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The show opens with a video featuring “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, and “The Lionheart” Chris Jericho[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Motor City Machine Guns vs. “The Original Playa” Sonjay Dutt & “The Black Machismo” Jay Lethal[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Dutt and Lethal will go one on one at Slammiversary - The Motor City Machine Guns will team up with Austin Starr and Kid Kash for a match - A decent opener - Shelley and Sabin work Dutt over and keep him in their corner - No one in wrestling today can double team like The MCMG’s - Sonjay finally makes a hot tag to Lethal - Lethal cleans house! - He’s looking for The Lethal Injection on Sabin but Shelley stops it - Shelley rolls Lethal up…he has a hand on the ropes - 1…….2……….3[/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns Time: 9 Minutes - 7:19 match time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Sonjay is in Lethal’s face yelling - Lethal tries to explain but Sonjay won’t listen - Sonjay slaps Lethal and storms out of the ring - Lethal looks angry - Tenay: The tension is building between these two! - Taz: Oh boy! It’s going to be crazy when they go one on one at Slammiversary[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Scott Steiner - Borash: Well Scott you got what you apparently wanted, you and Tomko one on one at Slammiversary - Steiner: You bet Borash! The only reason I came to Jericho’s aid last week was because I wanted to get my hands on Tomko! I don’t like anybody! - Borash: Not even me? - Steiner: Especially not you! Tomko at Slammiversary you’re going to know what it’s like to be in the ring with the genetic freak! - Borash: I can’t wait…Scott Steiner…Tomko…only on Pay-Per-View at Slammiversary![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of James Mitchell hits over the arena - Tenay: What! That’s James Mitchell! He’s not supposed to be here tonight! - Taz: But he is Tenay, and it looks like he has something to say - Mitchell is in the ring with a microphone - Mitchell: Abyss! You’re still at home sulking and feeling sorry for yourself, and that’s exactly where you’re going to stay! Abyss I’ve destroyed you…I made you and now I’ve destroyed you! I’ve been telling everyone that I have a new protégé. What I didn’t tell you people is that I have more than one! Let me introduce to you, the two men that I’m going to take to the top of TNA! Tajiri and Kensuke Sasaki! - Taz: Whoa! These guys are great…with Mitchell’s guidance they’ll only be better. - Tenay: Things have just gotten more interesting here in TNA. - Mitchell: Meet my disciples! The men who are going to do what you couldn’t do Abyss…please me! - Tajiri and Sasaki look dark and menacing as they stand by Mitchell[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- The camera cuts backstage where Joey Matthews and AJ Styles are warming up - Christian Cage walks in - Cage: Hey boys! Tonight you have a golden opportunity. You two can take Jericho and Joe out of the match at Slammiversary. I want you to hurt them, make them bleed, break their bones. Then at Slammiversary we can handle the match like friends and you can let me win. - Styles and Matthews look confused - Cage: I am The Instant Classic…and that’s How I Roll - Christian turns to leave - AJ: That’s how I roll to Christian - Christian looks at AJ funny and then closes the door - Matthews: You moron[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the parking lot and Jericho and Joe get out of a car together - Tenay: That’s right tonight it’s Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho teaming up to take on AJ Styles and Joey Matthews. - Taz: That one’s going to tear the house down Tenay.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="Red"][U][B]“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Daniels has been rivaling with Sting as of late - Killings hasn’t been seen in a TNA ring since December - The Truth is a former NWA Heavyweight champion but wasn’t his normal self in this match - Daniels dominates that match and finishes it with an Angel’s Wings - It’s science from there 1, 2, 3[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Christopher Daniels Time: 6 Minutes – 3:54 Match Time Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Daniels gets a mic - Daniels: Sting….oh Stinger….you proved my point! You have a problem with anger and revenge. What a good Christian you are! Sting I accept the challenge that you laid down! Not only will I face you at Slammiversary…I’ll embarrass you! I will make you wish that you had never accepted this match with me…and that’s the gospel according to The Fallen Angel - Tenay: What does that mean? Cryptic comments from Christopher Daniels - Taz: Cryptic? It’s simple he said he was going to beat Sting’s *** - Tenay: I think there’s more to this than that - Taz: You’ll see that I’m right Tenay.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Mick Foley is in the parking lot - Foley: Kurt Angle…you challenge me to a fight! Apparently you have forgotten who I am…I’m a damn hardcore legend! I’ve had my ear torn off; I’ve been blown up, hit with barb wire, hit with light tubes, pizza cutter, even the kitchen sink! All those things make a broken neck seem like a cake walk! At Slammiversary Kurt…in the Music City Massacre…you’re going to be begging me to break your neck and end your pitiful existence! I will make you cry tears of blood! All of my years of experience have taught me one thing Kurt…kill…or be killed! I don’t want to die Kurt! So at Slammiversary…it’s lights out for the career of Kurt Angle! Kurt you won’t have a nice day[/QUOTE]! [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Backstage Basham and Damaja are attacking Konnan - They set up a table and put him through it! - Basham: Hey LAX…and eye…for an eye - Tenay: B.A.D have just gotten even for what LAX did to Christy Hemme last week - Taz: Someone get back there and help Konnan[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Serotonin vs. Team 3D[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- This is a big 6 man tag match - Serotonin is out to prove to the world that they are dangerous - Team 3D is trying to get back on the winning track after losing the belts - This is the first time Runt has been on TV in a long time - 3D dominate the early portion of the match using their strength to their advantage - Finally Serotonin is able to get the upper hand due to some trickery - Serotonin corner Runt and work him over making quick tags - Martyr whips him into the ropes… - …flying gut head butt by Runt - He Tags Ray - Ray cleans house - All hell breaks loose - The ref has lost control and is trying to get the illegal men out of the ring - In the madness Raven sneaks Shadow a Singapore cane - Shadow hits Ray right in the head 3 times - Shadow hits the big boot - 1…..2………3! - Serotonin have won - Tenay: I can’t believe it! Serotonin have actually won a match![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Serotonin Time: 9 Minutes – 7:26 Match time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Raven grabs a microphone - Raven: That’s how it’s done! That’s how you dominate…at Slammiversary Serotonin will show why we are the most dominate force in wrestling today! We’re going to help you…whether you want it or not![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D- (ouch)[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage where Kurt Angle is walking in the hallway - Mick Foley attacks him from behind - Foley whales on Angle with a chair - Foley: Is this what you wanted Angle? Is this what you wanted? Because at Slammiversary this is what you’re going to get…but it will only be worse - He pulls out Mr. Socko and gets Kurt with The Mandible Claw - Foley: Angle! Angle! Angle! You better be ready! At Slammiversary I’m going to end your career! - Tenay: This is deplorable! - Taz: I like it! - Tenay: Taz! How can you endorse this! - Taz: Foley is like family to me, and Angle is a chump[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][B][U]“The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe & “The Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Joey Matthews & “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- This is a preview of The King of the Mountain Match at Slammiversary - The teamwork between both teams should be interesting to watch - Jericho and Styles start the match off - People have had wet dreams about seeing these two in the ring together - Jericho gets the better of the exchange - Styles tag Matthews in - Jericho rushes him and goes for the Walls of Jericho but Matthews gets out - Matthews rolls out of the ring and attempts to go to the back but Joe stops him - A great back and forth match - Joe and Matthews are in the ring… - Joe goes behind Joey…LOW BLOW - Styles and Matthews begin to work Joe over - Joe eventually nails Styles with the POWER SLAM - Joe tags Jericho! - Jericho cleans house! - Jericho catches Matthews in The Walls of Jericho - How long can Matthews last? - Not long…he taps out! - Tenay: A huge win for Joe and Jericho - Taz: To bad for them it will be a handicap match at Slammiversary - Tenay: I wouldn’t be so sure about that - Taz: I am![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho Time: 16 Minutes – 13:45 Match Time Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE] - The music of The NWA Heavyweight Champion hits and he comes out onto the stage - Cage: Bravo! Bravo! You defeated two guys, but at Slammiversary you will have to beat all three of us plus each other if you want this belt! The bottom line is neither of you stand a chance! Not you Y2Gay…not you Sloppy Joe…this belt will be on “The Instant Classic” for a long time to come! - Styles looks unhappy with Christian - Tenay: I get the feeling that AJ Styles isn’t looking at The King of the Mountain match as a handicap match - Taz: Well he better get in line, or the champ will put him in line! - Tenay: We’ll see you next week right here on Impact![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [U]Overall Show Rating: B- Notes: This should have increased our popularity overall TV Rating: 17.51 [/U] [SIZE="2"]ooc: Feedback and Suggestion are greatly appreciated as they make me want to continue this diary[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;234603]I am 5/5 including the tie breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am gooooooooooooood Brother Runt 7[/QUOTE]Sorry dude...I've got to give the prize to Rocky because he went in more detail in the tie-breaker...he said who would lose...and who would pin/submit them.
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Wow another great card. And for like the 3rd card in a row I get the prediction prize lol. If you could, send me a list of people currently without a match and I'll whip one up for you. Thanks. Again, nice card. I love the way your going with TNA right now.
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