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TNA - A New Era

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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Slammiversary Confirmed Matches[/COLOR][/SIZE] NWA World Heavyweight Title King of the Mountain Match Christian Cage (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho vs. Samoa Joe vs. Joey Matthews NWA Tag Team Title Match LAX w/Konnan vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme TNA X Division Title Match Jay Lethal w/Kevin Nash vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley Sting vs. Christopher Daniels Scott Steiner vs. Tomko Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. Serotonin [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="3"]Impact Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] Only days away from Slammiversary we have a huge Impact! In the main event you will see The Christian Coalition (Cage, Styles, Matthews, Tomko, and Foley) squaring off against Chris Jericho, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, Kurt Angle, and Rhino! This huge ten man tag match will set who was momentum in their corner heading into Slammiversary! This thursday we will see the debut of one of James Mitchell's new clients when Kensuke Sasaki goes one on one with "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams. Will Abyss be watching from home, and what role will Tajiri play in this match? Serotonin has been on a role as of late, and they have a big eight man tag match at Slammiversary. Thursday on Impact Kaz of Serotonin squares off against one of his opponents at Slammiversary, the red hot Alex Shelley. The LAX must win one more match to go to Slammiversary as the NWA Tag Team Champions! This Thursday they go two on two with the debuting Backseat Boyz of Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid. Plus rumor has it that the new TNA Director of Authority will actually debut at Impact! All this and more this week on Impact!
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Impact Quick Picks The Christian Coalition vs. Joe/Rhino/Jericho/Steiner/Angle Kaz vs. Alex Shelley Kensuke Sasaki vs. Petey Williams NWA World Tag Team Title Match LAX (c) vs. The Backseat Boyz Sorry no prize for the winner this time!
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Final Match added to Slammiversary![/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]We at TNA are proud to announce the final match of the Slammiversary Pay-Per-View! At Slammiversary it's going to be for the number one contendership to the tag team titles when The Naturals face off against Team 3D, and James Mitchell's newest signings, Kensuke Sasaki and Tajiri! This promises to be a huge three way tag team match![/SIZE]
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[CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]TNA IMPACT![/SIZE] LIVE! From The Impact Zone with 1,000 fans in attendance[/COLOR][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring to start off Impact - Tenay: Jericho is only days away from challenging for the World Heavyweight Title at Slammiversary! I can’t wait to hear what Y2J has to say! - Y2J grabs a microphone - Jericho: TNA IS JERICHO!!! - Big pop - Jericho: Now I know all you Jerichoholics out there can’t wait to see me decimate everyone in the King of the Mountain match and become the new champion of the world, and let me tell you it’s going to happen this Sunday! I’m going to once again become the champ when I walk through everyone at Slammiversary! - The Music of Samoa Joe hits - Joe comes out onto the stage - Jericho: Well how nice…we’re being joined by The Pillbury Doughboy! - Joe: You think your funny don’t you Chris…You think that you’re hilarious! Well Chris you’re funnier than me…but you’re not a better wrestler than me. - Jericho: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold on one second junior! I’ve defeated more great names in wrestling in one year of my career than you’ve defeated in your life! Names like Austin, Rock, Triple H, Nash, Hall, Ric Flair… - Joe: A bunch of washed up has beens who shouldn’t be wrestling today! Jericho you may be able to beat Christian, but you can’t stop this unstoppable force! - Jericho: Oh Joe I can and I will this Sunday! - Joe: Well who says we have to wait till Sunday…I’m going to be beat your *** right now - Tenay: Oh My God! These two guys are tag team partners later tonight! - Joe runs down to the ring and a wild brawl begins! - Taz: You know Christian is somewhere laughing right now watching these teammates beat the holy hell out of each other - Rhino, Steiner and Angle come running out from the back - Tenay: Here are their tag partners for later coming to break it up - Taz: Oh let em’ fight! - Rhino, Steiner, and Angle are able to separate the two, but we end the segment with Jericho and Joe shouting obscenities at each other.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 5 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- A video play hyping the main event of Slammiversary[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="Red"][U][B]Kensuke Sasaki w/James Mitchell vs. “The Canadian Destroyer” Petey Williams[/B][/U][/COLOR] [U]- Sasaki was revealed as one of Mitchell’s newest protégés - Tajiri and Sasaki will team up to take on Team 3D and The Naturals at Slammiversary - Sasaki dominated the majority of this match with Petey getting little offense in - Sasaki finishes Petey off with the Northern Lights Bomb[/U] [U]Winner: Kensuke Sasaki Time: 6 Minutes ~ 3:56 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Tajiri comes to the ring - Mitchell is on the ring apron - CLICK! DOOMSDAY! - Sasaki picks Petey up and puts him on his shoulders - Tajiri up top…A modified Doomsday Device with Tajiri kicking Petey - HERE COMES BROTHER RAY WITH A CHAIR - Tajiri and Sasaki leave the ring - Tenay: This Sunday at Slammiversary Mitchell’s disciples can’t hide! - Taz: After watching that move 3D may be the ones who need to hide[/QUOTE]! [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with “Big Poppa Pump” - Borash: Scott there appears to be some dissension in the ranks of your tag partners for the main event. - Steiner: JB I really don’t give a **** about those guys! There’s only one reason I agreed to be a part of this match…I want to hurt Tomko! Tomko you’ll be luck if you make it to this Sunday after I’m through with you! - Steiner walks off[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [U][B][COLOR="red"]NWA Tag Team Title Match The LAX w/Konnan vs. The Backseat Boyz[/COLOR][/B][/U] [QUOTE]- LAX will defend their Tag Team Titles at Slammiversary if they make it past The Backseat Boyz - If LAX lose then The Backseat Boyz will defend against B.A.D. - LAX show no mercy in this match - No the way the The Backseat Boyz wanted to debut in TNA - Border Toss on Kashmere - Gringo Killa on Acid - Double Pin - 1…….2……3! - Tenay: An impressive victory for L.A.X. but this Sunday they will face a team that is familiar with gold in B.A.D. - Taz: These LAX boys are bad and they aren’t taking any prisoners![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The LAX Time: 7 Minutes ~ 5:43 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- Christopher Daniels is backstage - Daniels: Sting! Oh Sting! You fell for it…you let your rage get the best of you. You’ve tried to hurt me but you can’t…because I like pain…I like suffering! Sting this Sunday at Slammiversary will be the worst day of your life! It will be a terrible day when you renounce your God, and become the newest member of my following…And that’s the gospel according to The Fallen Angel.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting comes out of nowhere and begins to assault Daniels - Sting is viciously tearing Daniels apart! - Tenay: Oh My God! I’ve never seen Sting like this. - Taz: Is that a barb wire bat? - Tenay: It is Taz! - Daniels takes shots from the barb wire wrapped bat - The Fallen Angel is busted open…and laughing - Sting looks at him with a puzzled look - Daniels wipes the blood from his head and laughs - Sting leaves - Tenay: The Fallen Angel gets more and more warped every time I see him.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- We go the the locker room of The Christian Coalition - Christian, Tomko, Foley, and Matthews are all there…AJ Styles is not - Christian: Has anyone seen AJ? - the other 3 look at each other and shake their heads no - Christian: It doesn’t matter he’ll be here. Tonight we have a match against a bunch of punks! A bunch of guys who think that they’re better than us! Let me tell you something…they’re not…cause I’m awesome! - Matthews: You mean we’re awesome! - Christian: Yeah! I’m awesome! So tonight let’s go out there and hurt those guys! - Tenay: Where’s AJ? - Taz: He’ll be here…didn’t you here the champ![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Robert Roode and Eric Young are in the offices of Roode Inc. - Roode: Can you believe Jarrett? He lets the fans choose his partner! (laughs) - Young: Yeah I used to trust those morons…not any more! - Roode: I heard his partner was going to be Brother Runt if nothing changes in that fan poll - Young: Runt…Runt…. - Roode: Yeah little Runt! Oh by the way Eric, I have a huge surprise for you at Slammiversary! You’re very own Personal Assitant…I think you know what I mean by “personal” assistant! - Young: Oh Yeah Robert I know exactly what you mean! - Roode: We’re going to end Jeff’s career on Sunday![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Raven is standing backstage with Kaz - Raven: Tonight Kaz steps in the ring with Alex Shelley. My minions of destruction Serotonin will then face four guys at Slammiversary. Let me tell you we are taking over…and it continues here tonight when Kaz hurts Shelley so bad that his kiss blowing, video taking, days will be over. (Raven looks at Kaz) Tonight you do us proud…or you will suffer the consequences.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Kaz w/Raven vs. Alex Shelley[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- These two will stand on opposite sides of the ring at Slammiversary - A good back and forth contest with both gaining the upper hand at various times - Raven threatened Kaz with the Singapore Cane as the match went on - Shelley goes off the ropes…Shadow just nailed him with a chair - Kaz makes the cover - 1……..2…….3 - Kaz wins[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Kaz Time: 10 Minutes ~ 7:39 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Serotonin begin to beat down Shelley - Sabin and Starr run to the ring to save their Slammiversary tag team partner[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- We go backstage where Christian Cage is preparing to come out for the main event - AJ Styles walks up - AJ: Hey Christian! - Cage: AJ WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? - AJ: Chill out champ I’m here - Cage: Chill out…Chill out…We’re about to go fight Angle, Joe, Rhino, Stiner, and Jericho don’t tell me to chill out - AJ: Everything is okay I made it…my flight was just delayed - Cage: As long as we’re on the same page for defending my title at Slammiversary - AJ: Yeah Champ…about that…I’m not going to help you defend the belt - Cage: You’re not going to be at Slammiversary? - AJ: No I’m going to be there…to become the new champ! - Christian: But AJ we’re a team…teamwork remember…and I’m the captain of this team - AJ: Go talk to your new best buddy Joey Mercury! - AJ walks off - Tenay: It looks like there’s dissension within The Christian Coalition[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Christian Coalition vs. Samoa Joe, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, and Rhino[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- There has never been a match on Impact with this much star power! - Christian Cage looked very good in this match - The match begins as an all-out brawl! - There is no order and two referees must be brought out - About half way through the match Jericho and Joe begin to brawl and fight all the way to the back - The match is now 5 on 3 - Tomko and Matthews take out Steiner - Steiner botches a suplex on Tomko and drops him right on his head - Foley and Styles take out Angle - Christian hits the unprettier on Rhino - 1…….2…….3! - The Christian Coalition win![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Christian Coalition Time: 13 Minutes ~ 9:51 Match Time[/U] [QUOTE]- Tenay: Christian has won his final match before Slammiversary! - Taz: What happened to Joe and Jericho? Apparently they hate each other more than they hate Christian - Unfamiliar music begins to play in the arena - Tenay: What’s going on - Taz: Who is this - All the competitors in the ring look at the entry way and out comes… - ERIC BISCHOFF! - Tenay: My God! What is Bischoff doing here - Taz: Maybe he’s here to kill TNA just like he killed WCW. - Bischoff: Now a lot of you are wondering why I’m here. Well a couple of weeks ago that ******* up north decided he didn’t need the man who beat him in the ratings anymore. The next day I got a call from the TNA offices, Dixie Carter to be specific and she asked me if I wanted a job. I told her I would love to work for the best wrestling company on the face of the planet. So here I am…THE NEW TNA DIRECTOR OF AUTHORITY, Eric Bischoff! - Tenay: WOW! What a shocker Bischoff is the new DOA! - Bischoff: As my first order of business, I would like to announce that we are no longer affiliated with the NWA and this Sunday at Slammiversary, The King of the Mountain match will determine the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion! - Tenay: What an announcement! - Taz: Who’s going to be the first ever TNA Champion - Tenay: We’ll find out this Sunday at Slammiversary![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [U]Overall Show Rating: C+ TV Rating: 15.46[/U]
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[IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWeb2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Slammiversary Card[/COLOR][/SIZE] TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match LAX w/Konnan vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme TNA X Division Title Match Jay Lethal (c) w/Kevin Nash vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. Kurt Angle Sting vs. Christopher Daniels Scott Steiner vs. ???????? Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. Serotonin Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri w/James Mitchell [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Injury News[/COLOR][/SIZE] Tomko suffered a fractured skull last night at Impact due to a suplex by Scott Steiner. Due to this injury Tomko can not compete at Slamiversary so a replacement will be named. [SIZE="4"]Jeff Jarrett Tag Partner Fan Poll[/SIZE] As voting comes to a close we have decided to narrow it down to three men. Rhino Senshi Brother Runt Get your votes in before Slammiversary (Saturday real world time) in order for them to count!
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Slammiversary Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match LAX w/Konnan vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme TNA X Division Title Match Jay Lethal (c) w/Kevin Nash vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. Kurt Angle Sting vs. Christopher Daniels Scott Steiner vs. ???????? Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. Serotonin Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri w/James Mitchell Tie Breaker: Who will pin/submit who in the tag title match Prize: Winner gets to name the number 1 contender for the TNA Heavyweight Title
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Slammiversary Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match LAX w/Konnan vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal[/B] (c) w/Kevin Nash vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Sting vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] Scott Steiner vs. [B]????????[/B] Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll vs. [B]Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks[/B] The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. [B]Serotonin[/B] Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. [B]Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri [/B]w/James Mitchell Tie Breaker: Who will pin/submit who in the tag title match BAD retain over LAX via pinfall Prize: Winner gets to name the number 1 contender for the TNA Heavyweight Title
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Slammiversary Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match [B]LAX w/Konnan[/B] vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal (c) w/Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Sting vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs. ???????? [B]Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll[/B] vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. [B]Serotonin[/B] [B]Team 3D[/B] vs. The Naturals vs. Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri w/James Mitchell Tie Breaker: Who will pin/submit who in the tag title match Hernandez pins Damaja
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TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] TNA Tag Team Title Match LAX w/Konnan vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme [/B] TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal (c) w/Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Sting vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] [B]Scott Steiner[/B] vs. ???????? [B]Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll[/B] vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. [B]Serotonin[/B] Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. [B]Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri[/B] w/James Mitchell Tie Breaker: Who will pin/submit who in the tag title match Basham pins Homicide
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Thanks to everybody for reading my vision for TNA! I promise that this will continue! I know it's slowed down a bit over the last week, but I don't plan on stopping this diary any time soon as I would like to do at least a full year of game time! Slammiversary should be up on monday so get your predictions in before Monday afternoon and get a shot at picking the main event of the next PPV!
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[SIZE="4"]TNA – A New Era Review ·Impact Review (Posted 05-08-2007) · I love the annoying AJ Styles “I know – I’m awesome.” Gold brother, pure gold. · Ohhh, Sonjay Dutt as the #1 Contender for the X-Title. I hope he gets the gold. He is the most under-rated X-Division star right now – aside from Petey Williams. · I hope you have big plans for Robert Roode. I believe that this guy has all the potential in the world if only TNA would give him the ball. · Honestly, I don’t want to see Eric Young vs. Jeff Jarrett. It just does not do anything for me. · Also, to be truthful, turning Eric You heel is the worst idea since making Eugene a heel in the WWE. It just does not make sense. Young is the legitimate baby-face and changing that is a recipe for disaster in my book. · OK, that’s a bit more interesting. A mystery partner for Jarrett. Wonder who it is. · I’m a huge mark for LAX and again, the sky’s the limit for these young guys. · I hope Tomko decks Cage. If you ask me, Tomko has shown that he is better in the ring than he showed in the WWE. He’s no brawling master, but he is good. · Mic Foley vs. Kurt Angle. Could be good if done right. I hope YOU have the balls. · My only question is… How did Psychosis get a shot at the KOTM match. Joe for sure, but Psychosis? · JERICHO!!! You stole my thunder!!! JK brother, great surprise for Impact, just be careful that you don’t overload the locker room with stars and forget about your undercard. · Impact Review (Posted 5-11-2007) · Another good signing in Joey Matthews. He will be good in that area in-between the X-Title and World Title that TNA needs to build upon. · While I think Matthews is a good signing, I don’t think he should be in the KOTM match. He is brand new in TNA, and he was not a Main Eventer before. I would have rather seen Harris go over here. · Ahhhhh, now I see. You’re going to stack the deck against the other guys in the match. However I would have went with someone from the CC interfering in this match to make Matthews go over. · I love the segment with LAX throwing Hemme threw the table. It really shows them as the strong, evil heels. This worked for The Dudley’s and it could work for LAX. · The Motor City Machine Guns? I like it, I like it a lot! · What the heck is Steiner helping Jericho for? I need an answer for this one. · My vote for Jarrett’s partner – Ron “The Truth” Killings. Way under rated! · Impact Review (Posted 5-13-2007) · Good first win for the MCMG. · Steiner vs. Tomko – Could be a good brawl match at least. · Tajiri and Kensuke Sasaki as Mitchell’s new guys. Not sure about that, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. · Sting vs. Daniels got an A in my game so with this rivalry between the two it could be just as good, if not better, in your game. · Ah, so Basham and Damaja are not so innocent themselves. Ya see, this is why TEW need Tweeners back! · WOW, what a big win for Serotonin. I can tell that you have big plans for these guys. · Impact Review (Posted 5-17-2007) · I like the demented Daniels. It reminds me of Raven. · Ohhh, I hope AJ goes it on his own. He could be a good heel if he were not a lackey for Christian. · ERIC FRIGGIN BISHOFF!!! I thought the new DOA would be your own user character. What a huge shocker. Slammiversary Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Chris Jericho - Im a huge Joe mark. TNA Tag Team Title Match [B]LAX[/B] w/Konnan vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal [/B](c) w/Kevin Nash vs. Sonjay Dutt - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaa! Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. [B]Kurt Angle [/B] Sting vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] Scott Steiner vs. [B]????????[/B] - I pick the mystery guy, whoever it is. [B]Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll[/B] vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr vs. [B]Serotonin[/B] - Serotonin is just too strong with Shadow on their side. Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. [B]Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri[/B] w/James Mitchell Tie Breaker: Who will pin/submit who in the tag title match Prize: Winner gets to name the number 1 contender for the TNA Heavyweight Title · All in all, a great showing! I love your vision for TNA and you really have taken off since you started. You have the talent to become one of the best writers on these boards right now and I find myself trying to live up to your standard with a TNA diary. Great job brother!.[/SIZE]
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TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] TNA Tag Team Title Match [B]LAX w/Konnan[/B] vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal (c) w/Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Sting vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] Scott Steiner vs. [B]????????[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll[/B] vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks [B]The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr[/B] vs. Serotonin Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. [B]Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri w/James Mitchell[/B] Tie Breaker: LAX pin B.A.D.
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Slammiversary Quick Picks TNA World Heavyweight Title Match Christian Cage vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] vs. AJ Styles vs. Joey Matthews vs. Chris Jericho TNA Tag Team Title Match LAX w/Konnan vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] TNA X Division Title Match [B]Jay Lethal (c) w/Kevin Nash[/B] vs. Sonjay Dutt Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. [B]Kurt Angle[/B] Sting vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] Scott Steiner vs. [B]????????[/B] [B]Jeff Jarrett & Winner of Fan Poll[/B] vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks [B]The Motor City Machine Guns, Kid Kash, & Austin Starr[/B] vs. Serotonin Team 3D vs. The Naturals vs. [B]Kensuke Sasaki & Tajiri w/James Mitchell[/B] Tie Breaker: Who will pin/submit who in the tag title match [B]Mitchell's new hires could use the momentum, so I'll go for Tajiri to get fall on one of the Naturals following the ol'buzzkick.[/B]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/65003_l.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="SandyBrown"]LIVE! From The Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee with 10,000 fans in attendance[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The PPV opens with a spectacular opening video running down all the biggest moments in TNA while focusing on the participants in tonight’s main event.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- The Christian Coalition arrives at the building - Cage: Hey AJ we’re on the same page tonight right? - AJ: I know what I have to do… - Cage: …what does that mean? - AJ looks at Cage and walks off - Cage: Don’t you walk away from me! - Matthews: Don’t worry champ…if he gets out of line tonight I’ll take care of him - Cage: Nice to know one of you is still in your right mind.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="Red"][B][U]TNA X Division Title Match “The Black Machismo” Jay Lethal© w/Kevin Nash vs. “The Original Playa From The Himilaya” Sonjay Dutt[/U][/B][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- We start off Slammiversary with a match showcasing what brought attention to TNA…the X Division - These two were once tag team partners - Lethal and Dutt show everyone what TNA is all about in this high octane match - Sonjay gets the advantage in the opening portions of the match - Dutt goes off the ropes…Nash grabs his foot - Lethal didn’t see it - Nash is questioned by referee Earl Hebner and Nash acts innocent - Lethal gets the advantage… - Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection….IT CONNECTS! - 1…….2……..KICKOUT! - Nash looks mortified - Lethal goes up top…going for the double axe handle… - Dutt hits him in the gut! - Sonjay hits the float over inverted DDT - He’s going up top for the Hindu Press - Nash hits him with a chair! - Earl didn’t see it - Lethal is up - He looks surprised not knowing what happened - Lethal goes up top…ELBOW DROP! - 1…..2…….3! - Lethal gets up but still looks confused as he gets the X belt[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Still X Division Champion Jay Lethal Time: 12 Minutes ~ 9:52 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Dutt is sitting up and he tells Lethal what happened - Lethal looks at Nash and he acts like Dutt is lying - Lethal and Nash begin to argue - Jay storms out leaving Nash in the ring - Nash’s smile turns to a look of disgust as he looks at Sonjay Dutt[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with the new Director of Authority, Eric Bischoff - Borash: Eric Bischoff we found out on Impact that you are the new DOA…Eric we were all shocked, how did this come about? - Bischoff: I got the call from TNA owner Dixie Carter a couple of weeks ago, and I decided that TNA was the right place for me. - Borash: Mr. Bischoff not to doubt you, but you were in WCW when it collapsed, how have you changed since then? - Bischoff: I have changed! I’m not in wrestling any more so I can look great, but rather to make the product great. TNA has the best wrestlers in the world and I’m going to give them a chance to shine. Tonight in the King of the Mountain match you will see why TNA is the best wrestling organization in the world.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Scott Steiner burst into the shot with Bischoff and Borash - Steiner: Bischoff! I want Tomko tonight! He signed a contract he’s got to face me! - Bischoff: Scott you broke his neck, there’s no way he’s going to be fighting tonight. Tomko isn’t even here. - Steiner: I swear to you Bischoff if you try to screw me out of my match with that ***hole I will beat you down! - Bischoff: I don’t doubt you will Scott, but right now you need to worry about your replacement opponent. - Steiner: I can take anybody out! - Bischoff: We’ll see because right now you’re going to face RHINO![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Rhino vs. Scott Steiner[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Rhino is a replacement for Tomko in this match - Steiner had prepared for Tomko in his game plan - Steiner comes out strong beating up on Rhino - The Genetic Freak pulls off a Frankensteiner - Steiner plays to the crowd a little too much though giving Rhino time to recover - GORE! GORE! GORE! - 1….2….3! - Rhino wins this match[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Rhino Time: 8 Minutes ~ 6:05 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Chris Jericho - Borash: Chris tonight you make your TNA pay-per-view debut with a chance at becoming the TNA Heavyweight champion - Jericho: This is a huge opportunity for me Jeremy, and believe me it is the greatest challenge I have ever faced in my life! Tonight I step in that ring with four of the greatest wrestlers on the face of the planet. But you know something Jeremy? - Borash: What’s That? - Jericho: I AM THE GREATEST WRESTLER ALIVE TODAY! So tonight don’t get in my way…because tonight…TNA IS JERICHO!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- We see a video that details how James Mitchell revealed his newest protégés, Kensuke Sasaki and Tajiri[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Number 1 Contenders Match The Naturals vs. Team 3D vs. The Disciples of Destruction w/James Mitchell[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- The winner of this match will get a shot at the TNA Tag champs at the next PPV - The Naturals go back to the days of TNA in Nashville - Team 3D debuted on the TNA Spike TV debut show - The Disciples of Destruction are brand new to TNA - An even balanced match - Fast Forward to the finish - Mark Johnson is outside the ring trying to get Douglas, Bubba and Sasaki back in the ring - Tajiri hits D-Von with the mist - BUZZSAW KICK on Chase Stevens - Pin…no ref to make the count - HERE COMES ABYSS!!! - Tajiri attempts to fight him off, but he can’t CHOKESLAM - He sends Tajiri off the ropes…BLACKHOLE SLAM! - Stevens crawls over and covers Tajiri - Johnson is back in the ring - 1…….2……3! - Tenay: What a huge upset! The Naturals are the number one contenders! - Taz: Forget about that Abyss is back![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Naturals Time: 12 Minutes ~ 9:06 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Abyss is now outside and he’s going after Sasaki! - Abyss nails him with a chair! - Sasaki and Tajiri retreat to the back with James Mitchell[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Samoa Joe - Borash: Joe tonight you get a chance to become TNA World Champion… - Joe snatches the microphone from Borash - Joe: JERICHO!!! I’m sick and tired of you rejects coming in here and thinking that you can push me around! Sting did it! Angle did it! And now you’re doing it! Well let me tell you something Y2J…this man doesn’t budge! Tonight you say you will show the world TNA is Jericho…I say tonight…Jericho…YOU WILL BE BROKEN! And I will become TNA World Heavyweight Champion![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D- (WTF)[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Motor City Machine Guns, “THE” Austin Starr, and Kid Kash vs. Serotonin w/Raven[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- A huge eight man tag match - Serotonin has been on a roll as of late - The Motor City Machine Guns have been unstoppable as well - This marks the return of Kid Kash to TNA - A good back and forth match up - Shadow is the most dominate performer in the match - The finish comes when pandemonium breaks loose and Shelley rolls Shadow up - 1…2…3!!![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns, “THE” Austin Starr, and Kid Kash Time: 11 Minutes ~ 7:40 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Raven is irate on the outside and he grabs his cane - Martyr, Kaz, and Havok grab Shadow - The hold him down - Raven takes aim…he canes him mercilessly! - Raven nails him 15 times with the cane - Shadows back is all bruised up! - Raven laughs at the destruction - Tenay: I don’t get Raven…he makes no sense - Taz: The mind of Raven is warped, but I guarantee you he will make winners out of these guys.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: E+[/U] [QUOTE]- A Video plays hyping the rivalry between Roode Inc. and Jeff Jarrett[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeff Jarrett is backstage - Jarrett: Well the fans have spoken! I introduce to you my tag team partner, the sickest SOB that I know…Brother Runt! - Runt walks into frame! - Runt: Let’s do it Jeff! - Jarrett: Roode Inc., It’s time to go down to the King of the Mountain![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Jeff Jarrett and Brother Runt vs. Roode Inc. w/Ms. Brooks [/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Roode Inc. and Jarrett have been feuding for a couple of months now - Brother Runt won the fan poll to become JJ’s tag partner - Runt comes out going crazy nailing Roode, Young, and Ms. Brooks! - Roode Inc. eventually gets the upper hand and isolates Runt - Young is taunting Jeff on the apron! - Runt hits Young with a bulldog allowing him to get the hot tag to JJ - Jeff cleans house! - Jarrett gets EY and sets up for the stroke…Young slips out - Tenay: What is So Cal Val doing? - Taz: It looks like she just handed Eric Young something… - Young punches Jarrett - Tenay: Those were brass knucks! - 1……2……3! - Roode Inc. Win - Tenay: Damn you So Cal Val![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Roode Inc. Time: 9 Minutes ~ 6:58 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Robert Roode has a microphone - Roode: Allow me to introduce to you the newest member of Roode Incorporated…Eric Young’s VERY Personal Assistant…SO CAL VAL! - Val and Young begin to make out in the middle of the ring - Tenay: This is deplorable! - Taz: I actually think it’s pretty hot! Go Eric![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Christopher Daniels - Borash: Tonight Christopher Daniels you step in the ring with “The Icon” Sting, what are your thoughts heading into this huge match? - Daniels: Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, "Go, pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth." The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead man, and every living thing in the sea died. The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: "You are just in these judgments, you who are and who were, the Holy One, because you have so judged; for they have shed the blood of your saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve." Sting…tonight is your night of Judgment![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D- (WTF)[/U] [QUOTE]- Konnan is backstage with Homicide and Hernandez - Konnan: Boys you tried to take me out but you couldn’t! Don’t hunt what you can’t kill! Tonight my boys show you why we live and die in LAX when they take you guys out! Once we’re through with you punks we’re taking The Naturals out! Christy! You better be ready because when my boys take your boys out…you’ll be my B****! - Homicide: BBBBLLLLLAAAAATTTTTTT!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- A video plays recapping the feud between LAX and B.A.D.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]TNA Tag Team Title Match LAX © w/Konnan vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- LAX is TNA’s franchise team - B.A.D. have burst on the scene and made a name for themselves quickly - Both of these teams have done some seriously questionable things to the others manager - Homicide and Damaja start the match off - They exchange some quick moves - Damaja gets the upper hand - They isolate Cide and begin to pound on him - Konnan hits Damaja with something allowing Cide to tag Hernandez - Hernandez is the strongest competitor in TNA and he cleans house - The fans are split on who to cheer for since neither team are “good guys” - Hernandez gets Basham set up for The Border Toss - Basham slips out - He just kicked Hernandez in the balls! - Tenay: There is definitely no love loss between these two teams - Taz: But Hernandez’s love life just took a serious loss! - Basham is tagged in and he unloads with rights and lefts on Hernandez - Christy is shrieking loudly at ringside - Damaja gets in the ring and the ref can’t stop him from joining in on the assault - Cide has seen enough and he gets in the ring and all hell breaks loose - Homicide pulls out the fork and begins assaulting both men with it! - The ref is letting it go - Cide throws the fork into the crowd - Basham and Homicide are now brawling on the outside - In the ring Damaja goes to kick Hernandez - It’s caught - He’s spun around - Hernandez kicks Damaja in the gut - Damaja is up - Christy Screams! - BORDER TOSS! - 1….2….3! - Tenay: The LAX successfully defend their belts in a hard fought match! - Taz: Next month they’ll face The Naturals at Victory Road - Tenay: That should be a great match![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Still TNA Tag Team Champions LAX Time: 17 Minutes ~ 14:47 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Sting is in a dark corridor with a spotlight shining on his face - Sting: The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. DANIELS YOU BETTER TURN TO GOD FOR COMFORT TONIGHT…because I won’t be very comforting in that ring! IT’S SHOWTIME FOLKS![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- A Video recaps the Sting/Daniels feud[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Icon” Sting vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- This is a rivalry that has been brewing for quite some time - Sting and Daniels both stare across the ring at each other with an intense glare - The bell rings and both men rush to the middle of the ring - They exchange punches…Sting knocks Daniels to the mat - Daniels rolls to the outside - Sting hits a suicide dive - Tenay: Holy ****! I’ve never seen Sting do anything like that - Taz: What your mouth Tenay - Sting clotheslines Daniels over the guard rail and they are fighting in the crowd - Sting dominates Daniels in the crowd for 2 minutes - Tenay: It’s good to see the ref letting this match go - The Fallen Angel is begging off - Sting is advancing…LOW BLOW on Sting - Daniels gets the upper hand and begins to work on Stings leg - Daniels lock Sting in the Koji Clutch - Fans: TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! - Tenay: This isn’t good for Sting…he appears to have passed out - The ref checks Sting’s arm - 1…….2……..STING’S ARM IS STILL UP! - Sting just stood up with Daniels still having the move locked in - SLAMS HIM DOWN! - Tenay: Oh My God! The Fallen Angel still has the move locked in! - Taz: Sting can’t stay in this forever! - Sting has now been in this hold for 2 minutes - Sting appears to have passed out again - The ref checks the arm - 1……..2………3! - Daniels wins! - Tenay: Christopher Daniels has defeated Sting, but Sting didn’t give up and he wasn’t pinned! - Taz: Who cares Mike…The Fallen Angel has defeated The Icon[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels Time: 17 Minutes ~ 14:48 Match Time Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Christopher Daniels is in the ring celebrating his victory! - Tenay: Daniels might have won this match, but I don’t think the war is over![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut to the office of Eric Bischoff - Bischoff: Up next is the Music City Massacre Match - FANS POP! - Bischoff: Now I did everything in my power to make sure this match didn’t happen. - FANS BOO! - Bischoff: I did this because I’m afraid for both Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. No Disqualification, No Rules, Weapons, Blood…I don’t want either of these marquee players to die in this match. But to no avail I couldn’t stop this match from going on. - FANS POP! - Bischoff: However we at TNA are not sanctioning this match. Kurt…Mick…if you kill each other it’s not our problem. This Music City Massacre Match is not sanctioned by TNA. [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Mick Foley - Borash: Mick in a matter of moments you will be face to face with Kurt Angle in the Music City Massacre Match. What are your thoughts going into this match? - Foley: My thoughts…my thoughts…what are the last thoughts of a man on death row…what are the thoughts of a man on the front lines of a war! No one knows! No one can understand what the mind goes through as you prepare to enter into battle! Kurt tonight my goal isn’t to win…no my goal is to end your career! You like to go around showing everyone your gold medals like that is some sort of accomplishment. In the world of pro wrestling your medals mean ****! That’s right Kurt…Vince was right…they mean ****! Kurt you challenged me to a FIGHT! How stupid are you…you and your perfect look…no scars! I’ve had six concussions! I’ve broken my nose, jaw, cheekbone, shoulder, wrist, and ribs! I’ve lost teeth, been burned, had my ear ripped off, and had over 300 stitches! Kurt tonight this hardcore icon ends your career! Kurt…tonight will not be a good night for you![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B] Music City Massacre Match Mick Foley vs. “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Foley jumps Kurt during his entrance to the ring! - Mick picks up a chair and nails Kurt Angle! - Angle is busted open thirty seconds into the match! - Tenay: Kurt Angle is bleeding like a stuck pig! - Taz: He’s wearing the crimson mask that’s for sure! - Foley throws Angle into the crowd and begins to brawl with him in the stands! - A fan hands Foley and frying pan…he promptly cracks Angle in the head with it - Angle comes out of nowhere and punches Foley in the jaw knocking him down the stairs - The Olympic Gold Medalist takes control and rolls Foley in the ring - Angle gets a chair! - WHAM! - Taz: Now Foley is busted open! - Tenay: I can’t even see Angle’s face anymore it’s covered in blood! - Angle gets something out from underneath the ring…it’s A BARB WIRE WRAPPED CHAIR - Taz: This is something that Foley has used in Japan numerous times! - Kurt lights it on fire! - Angle nails Foley with a flaming chair!!! - Taz: This is an extremely violent match! - Angle goes for the cover! - 1…….2…….KICKOUT - Tenay: What heart shown by Mick Foley to kick out! - Angle picks Foley up…Foley hits a double under hook DDT!!! - Foley goes underneath the ring…THUMBTACKS…and…A TABLE…and LIGHTER FLUID!!! - Foley gets in the ring and begins to unleash an offensive flurry on Angle - The Hardcore Icon is setting the table up…he pours the thumbtacks on it - Angle is up! - GERMAN SUPLEX - Angle holds on…..SECOND GERMAN - THIRD GERMAN - FOURTH GERMAN - FIFTH GERMAN - Tenay: Five German Suplexes for five years of TNA! - Crowd: TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! - Angle goes for the pin - 1…..2…..KICKOUT! - Angle is frustrated… - The Wrestling Machine locks in the ankle lock! - Foley is screaming in agony! - A minute and thirty seconds elapse and Foley refuses to tap - Angle releases the hold… - Kurt squirts lighter fluid all over the table that is outside the ring… - Angle lights the table on fire! - Foley comes around the corner…STO through the table!!!! - Tenay: Oh My God! Both men just went through a flaming table that was covered in thumb tacks! - Crowd: HOLY ****! HOLY ****! HOLY ****! - Foley gets up…he locks in the mandible claw! - He keeps the hold locked in for a minute! - Tenay: Someone needs to stop this match! - Taz: They can’t! It’s not sanctioned by TNA! - Foley handcuffs Angle to the guard rail! - Mick has got a chair… - VICIOUS CHAIR SHOT! - ANOTHER…ANOTHER…ANOTHER….ANOTHER!!! - Tenay: Look at that grin on Foley’s blood covered face! - Taz: Mick Foley is a sick man… - The Hardcore Icon takes the cuffs off Angle and The Wrestling Machine falls to the floor. - Tenay: What else can Foley do to Angle? - Foley lies down and pulls Angle on top of him… - Tenay: What is going on?!? - 1……2……3! - Tenay: Kurt Angle has just defeated Mick Foley! - Taz: I don’t know what Mick Foley is thinking here! - Tenay: We need to get some help out here for Kurt Angle! I believe he is seriously injured.[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Kurt Angle Time: 21 Minutes ~ 15:36 Match Time Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match the camera focuses on the “winner” Kurt Angle - Tenay: Kurt Angle will probably never step foot in a wrestling ring again after that brutal beating![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Borash: I’m backstage with Christian Cage and Joey Matthews. I have to ask you Christian, where is AJ Styles? - Cage: It doesn’t matter where AJ is JB! The next champ is right here! - Matthews: That’s right! - Cage: I am THE MAIN EVENT! THE ICON! THE FRANCHISE OF TNA! CAPTAIN CHARISMA! THE INSTANT CLASSIC! CHRISTIAN CAGE! - Matthews: That’s who he is! - Cage: Tonight! Joe! Jericho! AJ! Tonight you find out why I am The Instant Classic when I become TNA Heavyweight Champion. - Matthews: That’s what he’s going to be! Then I get my shot! - Borash: Did you promise him a title shot? - Cage: Well…I kin… - Matthews: He promised me a title shot if I helped him win tonight! - Cage: Joey! I told you not to talk about that in public! - Matthews: Oh yeah sorry champ! (winks) - Cage: Come on let’s go… - Joey Matthews and Christian Cage walk off camera… - Borash: Up next The King of the Mountain Ladder Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Title! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- A Video Plays hyping the Main Event[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]TNA Heavyweight Championship King of the Mountain Match AJ Styles vs. Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Jericho vs. Joey Matthews[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- All five men come to the ring looking very serious - Tenay: You have to wonder coming into this match what AJ Styles is going to do in this match. - Taz: He’ll do the right thing Tenay! - The bell rings and Joe and Jericho immediately begin to brawl! - AJ, Christian, and Joey Matthews stand around watching them - Christian walks over and extends his hand to AJ… - AJ looks at the crowd…..HE SHAKES HIS HAND! - Tenay: They had us fooled this whole time! - Taz: I told you he’d do the right thing Tenay! - AJ pulls Christian in and clotheslines him! - Tenay: WHOA! AJ and Cage aren’t on the same page after all! - Matthews runs at AJ and gets nailed with and enziguri kick! - Jericho and Joe continue brawling around the outside… - AJ sees them….FALSBURY FLOP!!! - AJ Stand up… - TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! He rolls Jericho to the inside of the ring - STYLES CLASH!!! - 1…..2…..3! - Jericho must go to the penalty box for 2 minutes! - Styles is now eligible to hang the belt! - Christian Cage runs up behind AJ and nails him with the Unprettier! - 1…..2……3! - AJ Styles must go to the penalty box - Christian Cage is eligible to hang the belt! - AJ and Jericho begin fighting inside the penalty box! - Joey Matthews splashes Joe on the outside! - Matthews rolls Joe inside…Christian comes off the top…FROG SPLASH! - 1….2….KICKOUT! - VIRGINIA NECKTIE! - 1…..2…..3! - Samoa Joe must go to the penalty box! - Joey Matthews is eligible to hang the belt! - Tenay: Oh my! All Christian has to do is hang the belt to win the match! - Taz: He’s the Instant Classic! - Christian gets the belt…he scales the ladder - Joey Matthews is celebrating on the turnbuckle! - Christian goes to hang the belt…JERICHO tips the ladder over! - Jericho hits the lionsault! - 1…2…3! - Christian must go to the penalty box - Chris Jericho is eligible to hang the belt! - AJ Styles is out of the penalty box - Jericho, Matthews, and Styles are fighting - Samoa Joe is out of the box! - Jericho and Joe begin brawling again! - Matthews and AJ are brawling as well! - Christian Cage is out of the penalty box! - Cage and Matthews team up to double team AJ Styles - Joe puts Jericho down with a chair! - Joe runs to the ring and nails Matthews with the MUSCLE BUSTER!!! - Joey Matthews must go to the penalty box - Samoa Joe is eligible to hang the belt! - Tenay: All the competitors are now eligible to hang the TNA Title! - Taz: This is where it’s going to get interesting! - Another 10 minutes passes with no one successfully being able to hang the belt despite attempts by all the competitors except Joey Matthews! - Tenay: This is by far the best King of the Mountain match we have ever had! - Styles and Cage have been busted open! - Samoa Joe has Joey Matthews locked in the clutch! - MATTHEWS TAPS!!! - Jericho hits Joe with the LIONSAULT!!! - 1…..2….KICKOUT!!! - Jericho picks Joe up and they begin brawling!!! - Joe and Jericho exchange rights and lefts and brawl all the way to the back!!! - Tenay: Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho are more focused on destroying each other than winning the title! - Christian Cage goes to hit AJ with a chair…AJ Ducks - PELE!!! - AJ climbs to the top rope… - SPIRAL TAP!!!! - 1….2…3!!! - Christian Cage must go to the penalty box!!! - Tenay: With Joe and Jericho in the back Styles has a clear road to win this match!!! - Styles gets the belt…he begins climbing… - Tenay: He’s going to do it!!! - Styles is at the top!!! - Tenay: AJ Styles is going to win the TNA Title!!! - Styles hangs the belt!!! - DING! DING! DING! - Tenay: AJ Styles is the TNA World Heavyweight Champion! - Taz: I can’t believe it! - Tenay: AJ you deserve it! You are the MVP of TNA!!! You are The World Heavyweight Champion[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: NEW TNA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! AJ STYLES Time: 28 Minutes ~ 21:51 Match Time Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- AJ is on top of the ladder holding his TNA Heavyweight title crying… - Tenay: Five years ago he wrestled in the very first match in TNA history! Tonight AJ Styles is once again World Heavyweight Champion! - The fans are going crazy as AJ Styles celebrated in the ring! - Tenay: Folks we hope that you have enjoyed our five year anniversary! We look forward to bringing you more years of Total Nonstop Action in the future! Good Night from Nashville Tennessee![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [U]Show Rating: B[/U]
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Slammiversary Pick Em's Results rocky0880 - 3/10 = 30% chuck - 5/10 = 50% NickC13573 - 5/10 = 50% Sebsplex - 5/10 = 50% The Stallion - 5/10 = 50% Salomoia - 7/10 = 70% Salomoia has gained the privilege to name the number 1 contender for the TNA Heavyweight Title! Just shoot me over a PM and let me know who you want the challenger to be! Thanks to everyone who participated!
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