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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/65863_l.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]VICTORY ROAD TOURNAMENT ANNOUNCED!!![/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]TNA Director of Authority, Eric Bischoff, has informed tnawrestling.com that beginning this week on Impact a "Victory Road Tournament" will begin. Details are still forthcoming however we can confirm that this tournament will name the number one contender to the TNA World Heavyweight Title, and the winner will get the right to face the champion at Bound For Glory III![/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/TnaWebcopy.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][CENTER][SIZE="4"]Impact Preview[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE="3"]This past Sunday at Slammiversary AJ Styles became the TNA World Heavyweight Champion! This Thursday on Impact the new champion will address the world! What will AJ have to say to Christian Cage and the Christian Coalition? Find out this Thursday! Mick Foley left Kurt Angle a bloody mess at Slammiversary! This Thursday Mick Foley has promised he will address the crowd and inform them why he went to the extreme he did this past Sunday! The Victory Road Tournament begins this week! The eight top contenders for the TNA Heavyweight Title have been determined and the tournament will begin this Thursday! We have been informed that in the first quarterfinal matchup "The War Machine" Rhino will face off against Robert Roode of Roode Incorporated! Who will take one step closer to the main event of Bound For Glory III? Find out this Thursday! Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas are the new number one contenders for the TNA Tag Team Titles! The Naturals will get their title shot at Victory Road, but first they must face off against Christy Hemme's team of B.A.D. on Impact! Jay Lethal successfully defended his TNA X Division Title at Slammiversary with a little unwanted help from Kevin Nash! This Thursday we are holding a six man X Division Rankings match! The winner of this match will get an X Division title shot at Victory Road! Make sure that you tune in to Impact on Spike TV this Thursday night!!![/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Impact Quick Picks Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 "The War Machine" Rhino vs. Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks The Naturals vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. "The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Warrior" Senshi vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. Teddy Hart Tie Breaker: Who gets second in the X Division Rankings Match Prize: Name a stipulation for any Victory Road Match!
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Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 [B]"The War Machine" Rhino[/B] vs. Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks The Naturals vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. [B]"The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt[/B] vs. "The Warrior" Senshi vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. Teddy Hart Tie Breaker: Who gets second in the X Division Rankings Match. jwrry lynn Prize: Name a stipulation for any Victory Road Match
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;241229]I don't know if that's an insult or a complement???[/QUOTE] It's an compliment. Just worded it wrong. I just didn't see a lot of the results you had coming that's all. Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 "The War Machine" Rhino vs. [B]Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks[/B] The Naturals vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. [B]"The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt[/B] vs. "The Warrior" Senshi vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. Teddy Hart Starr get's 2nd.
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Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 [B]"The War Machine" Rhino [/B]vs. Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks The Naturals vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. "The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Warrior" Senshi vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. [B]Teddy Hart[/B] Tie Breaker: Who gets second in the X Division Rankings Match - [B]Senshi[/B] Prize: Name a stipulation for any Victory Road Match!
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Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 "The War Machine" Rhino vs. [B]Robert Roode [/B]w/Ms. Brooks The Naturals vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. "The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt vs. [B]"The Warrior" Senshi [/B]vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. Teddy Hart Starr 2nd
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Impact Quick Picks Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 "The War Machine" Rhino vs. [B]Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks[/B] The Naturals vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. "The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt vs. [B]"The Warrior" Senshi [/B]vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. Teddy Hart Tie Breaker: Who gets second in the X Division Rankings Match - Sonjay Prize: Name a stipulation for any Victory Road Match!
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Victory Road Tournament - Round 1 "The War Machine" Rhino vs. [B]Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks[/B] The Naturals vs. [B]B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B] X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. [B]"The Original Playa"[/B] Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Warrior" Senshi vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Wiliiams vs. Teddy Hart Tie Breaker: [B]Senshi[/B] PS: Nice job, your diary is very good!
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[CENTER][CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Live From The Impact Zone with 1,000 Fans In Attendance[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The camera cuts to the backstage area as THE NEW TNA Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, arrives at the building.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Opening Video Featuring AJ Styles, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Sting, Abyss, and Chris Jericho[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]X Division Rankings Match Jerry Lynn vs. "The Original Playa" Sonjay Dutt vs. "The Warrior" Senshi vs. "THE" Austin Starr vs. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams vs. Teddy Hart[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Jay Lethal joined Mike Tenay and Taz on commentary - This was a high paced match up from the start! - Every competitor pulled every move in their arsenal out of the hat - Teddy Hart was eliminated first when Petey Williams hit The Canadian Destroyer - Jerry Lynn was eliminated when Starr hit him with the brainbuster - Petey was hit with the brainbuster by Starr and pinned - Senshi was hit with the Hindu Press by Sonjay enabling Dutt to get the pin - And then there was two…Sonjay Dutt and Austin Starr - Lethal: OOOOOHHHHHH YEAH!!! Now it’s showtime! - Dutt sends Starr to the outside…SUICIDE DIVE!!! - TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA! - Kevin Nash just came out from the back - Tenay: What is he doing here? - Taz: I’m sure he’s just here to watch…right Jay? - Lethal: OOOOOOHHHHHH YYYEEAAAAHHH! - Dutt sees Nash and begins jawing with him! - Nash sits down in a chair on the entrance ramp - The distraction allows Starr to get the upper hand - Tenay: Nash is already making his presence known in this match. - Starr dominated the match for the next 3 minutes - Dutt appears to be “Hulking” or “Dutting” up! - Sonjay fires off rights and lefts…FLOAT OVER INVERTED DDT! - Kevin Nash is out of his chair and he has it in his hand! - Sonjay climbs to the top rope - WHAM! - Nash just nailed him with the chair! - The ref didn’t see it! - Starr rolls over on top of Sonjay - 1……2….3! - Tenay: Kevin Nash just screwed Sonjay Dutt out of a title match. - Taz: He should have been more alert to what was going on. - Lethal takes off his glasses and hat… - Lethal: (in his normal voice) Oh no…not again…I’m going to take care of this.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Order of Elimination 6. Teddy Hart 5. Jerry Lynn 4. Petey Williams 3. Senshi 2. Sonjay Dutt 1. Austin Starr (via) Nash Interference[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: “THE” Austin Starr Time: 20 Minutes ~ 13:44 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- Lethal leaves the announce table - Tenay: Jay Lethal is confronting Kevin Nash! - Taz: He needs to step back…Nash is a big man! - Lethal begins to argue with Kevin Nash! - Nash pushes Lethal when Lethal gets in his face! - Tenay: This partnership appears to be crumbling! - Lethal points at Nash and storms out of the ring![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to the locker room of The Christian Coalition - Christian is sitting with his head in his hands - Cage: This isn’t what was supposed to happen. I was supposed to still be the champ! I was supposed to win the King of the Mountain Match, but AJ had to screw everything up! The Coalition is in shambles! Tomko has a broken neck! Steiner took to many roids and went beserk on us! Foley can’t get his eyes off Angle…he scares me anyways. And AJ…oh AJ…you are screwed. - Matthews: You know what boss…you’re still the champ of my heart! - Cage: What the hell does that mean? - Matthews: ……………I don’t know - Cage: Joey we will once again reign supreme! The Christian Coalition will rise once again! - Matthews: Are you thinking what I’m thinking? - Cage: I think so… - Matthews: Do you want me to call her? - Cage: No I’ll do it! We are going to be back on top in no time at all![/QUOTE] [U] Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Konnan is backstage with a microphone - Hernandez, Homicide, and Psychosis are standing beside him - Konnan: Christy Hemme…B.A.D. …you found out last Sunday why The LAX are the premiere tag team in wrestling today! My boys Homicide and Hernandez showed you that you can’t stop a revolution! We went 5150 all over your ***es! Now we turn our attention to The Naturals! We’ve beat you two ho’s before and we’ll do it again. Only this time we’ll make sure that you don’t come back for more! We will cripple you…We will maim you….We will destroy you! - Homicide: BBBBLLLLLAAAATTTT!!! - Hernandez: To Live and Die in LAX! - Psychosis: Our Time Is NOW![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]The Naturals vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- The Naturals defeated Team 3D and The Disciples of Destruction to become the number one contenders - B.A.D. were defeated by LAX at Slammiversary - The Naturals come out on fire! - This team hasn’t looked this determined in a long time - The Naturals hit THE NATURAL DISASTER!!! - 1…..2……………. - Tenay: Christy Hemme just pulled the ref out of the ring - Taz: That’s called strategy Mike. - Tenay: That’s called cheating! - A woman comes running from the back - Taz: Hey I recognize her! - Tenay: Is that who I think it is! - The woman nails Christy Hemme with a Kudoh Driver - The Naturals deliver another NATURAL DISASTER!!! - The mystery woman wakes the ref up… - 1……..2……..3! - Tenay: Another huge win for The Naturals! - Taz: Oh look she has a microphone![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Naturals Time: 8 Minutes ~ 5:58 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- The woman is decked out in all black and pink to match The Naturals - Woman: My name is CHEERLEADER MELISSA! I got a call from this tag team right here on Monday. They told me that they were the new number one contenders to the most prestigious Tag Team Titles in the world! Now you ask why did they call me. It’s simply…they needed someone to guide their careers. They’ve been floundering ever since the death of their mentor, Chris Candido. - Crowd: CHRIS CANDIDO (clap, clap, clap clap clap) - Melissa: So now I’m going to make sure they stay on track…and I’m going to make sure that they are the next TNA Tag Team Champions! - Tenay: Cheerleader Melissa has arrived in TNA![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- Borash: This is Jeremy Borash standing backstage with “The Hardcore Legend” Mick Foley. Mick, I have to ask you…why did you try to basically…kill Kurt Angle at Slammiversary? - Foley: Why? Why? Why? Why do certain animals stalk and kill others? - Borash: What does that have to do with anything? - Foley: We are animals Jeremy! Kurt Angle is a wounded animal! An animal that I intend to kill! - Borash: Isn’t that a bit extreme? - Foley: I AM THE KING OF EXTREME JEREMY!!! I’VE BLED FOR THIS SPORT!!! I’VE BEEN BLOWN UP FOR THIS SPORT!!! WHAT HAS KURT ANGLE DONE! - Borash: Well he is a multi-time former world champion. - Foley: You see Jeremy that’s where you’re missing it…this isn’t about wins and losses…this isn’t about championships…this is about respect! And Kurt Angle I have no respect for you! You’ve pissed on this business! When you were supposed to be promoting wrestling, you’ve promoted your non-existant MMA career! You’ve talked about how you want to be in the UFC…**** the UFC! - Borash: You can’t say that on TV! - Foley: I just did ***hole! Kurt I know you’re in a hospital right now nursing your wounds…Kurt…I am going to destroy you! I am going to beat some respect for this business into you! Kurt Angle…I am challenging you…at Victory Road…you…me…BARBED WIRE MASSACRE!!! If….you have the testicular fortitude!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- A video plays hyping the feud between “The Icon” Sting and “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Victory Road Tournament Quarterfinal Match “The War Machine” Rhino vs. Robert Roode w/Ms. Brooks[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Rhino had a win over Scott Steiner at Slammiversary - Robert Roode teamed with Eric Young to defeat Jeff Jarret and Brother Runt at Slammiversary - Roode is looking very ****y tonight. - Rhino looks focused and determined - The ref walks over to Ms. Brooks and tells her that she must leave ringside! - Roode and Brooks try to argue with the ref - Rhino hits Roode from behind and this match is under way! - Rhino and Roode brawl with Rhino getting the upper hand - Tenay: The War Machine looks very determined! - Taz: Of course he is! He wants to main event at Bound For Glory Three! - Roode is down in the corner…Rhino is setting up for the GORE! - RHINO CHARGES!!! - Roode moves and Rhino goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle! - Roode takes advantage of the situation and begins to work on Rhino’s arm and shoulder - Tenay: Robert Roode is a master technician! - Taz: He grew up watching “Mr. Perfect” Curt Henning, what do you expect? - Roode locks in an arm bar but Rhino refuses to tap! - Rhino is screaming in agony! - Roode is taunting… - Rhino was allowed some time to recover - GORE!!!! - Tenay: That came out of nowhere!!! Does he have the strength to crawl over there and make the pin? - 1…….2……3 - Tenay: Rhino wins![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: “The War Macine” Rhino Time: 12 Minutes ~ 10:08 Match Time Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Eric Young, So Cal Val, and Ms. Brooks come running out from the back. - Tenay: Eric Young has a chair! - WHAM! - Tenay: He just nailed Rhino in the shoulder with it! Rhino may have a broken shoulder! - Taz: This is brutal! - Roode Incorporated continue to beat down on Rhino for over a minute! - Tenay: HERE COMES AJ STYLES!!!! - Roode flees the ring - AJ nails Eric Young in the head with the TNA Heavyweight Title! - Styles checks on Rhino[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- AJ grabs a microphone! - AJ: For to long I would stand in the back while an injustice like this happened! Heck…I would even participate in this injustice! A couple of weeks ago I was watching some old footage from the early days of TNA, and I remembered just how good I used to be. - Tenay: Used to be? - AJ: You see I used to be good…then I let that prick Christian get in my ear and promise me the world! I realize something now…I already had the world…I HAD YOU FANS!!! - BIG POP! - AJ: I promise that I will bring honor, integrity, and prestige to this belt! I promise that I will not disappoint you fans. I promise that I will be a fighting champion![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of Eric Bischoff hits in the Impact Zone! - Bischoff: I’m glad that you said that you’re going to be a fighting champion! I have something to say about that, but first let me announce that effective after Victory Road Soundstage 21 will no longer be the home of TNA! - Crowd: BOO!!!! - Bischoff: I know…I know…but I promise you that we will give you a last show that you will never forget at Victory Road - sparse clapping from the crowd - Bischoff: Now AJ…you say that you want to be a fighting champion? - AJ: Hell yeah! - Bischoff: You want to defend that belt against the best that TNA and the world has to offer? - AJ: You know I do! - Bischoff: Ok! At Victory Road your TNA World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line when you face this man… - BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! - Tenay: Oh My God!!!! Chris Jericho!!! - Jericho comes out onto the stage! - Tenay: It’s going to be Chris Jericho versus AJ Styles at Victory Road! - AJ and Jericho stare at each other as we fade to black[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [U] Overall Show Rating: C+ TV Rating: 16.25[/U]
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nice show man...I awaited more from the X-Division match...It's awesome the feud between Mick Foley and Kurt Angle and I think at Victory Road their match could be the showstealer...and finally WHAT A MAIN EVENT at Victory Road, AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho...a dream match!!!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/BannerWWE.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]BREAKING NEWS!!![/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]We at wrestlezone.com are reporting that today there are meetings going on between the WWE and TNA wrestling! We are not sure what the meetings are about, however we do know that Dixie Carter, Jeff Jarrett, TNA Head Booker Joshua Gay, Vince McMahon, Triple H, Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Linda McMahon, and Jim Ross are all in attendance. You can expect more news on this as we get it![/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/BannerWWE.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]BREAKING NEWS!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE="3"]We can now confirm that TNA and WWE officials were meeting earlier today about a possible talent exchange! Yes you read that right a talent exchange! We can't wait to see how the fans react to this one! Details are still forthcoming stay tuned to wrestlezone.com for all the latest![/SIZE][/CENTER]
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ooc: I'm trying to decide if I should do this talent trade with WWE or not...do you guys think it's a good idea or bad idea? I would really like input from everyone who reads this diary even if you haven't commented before because if I go through with it this diary will never be the same again! PLEASE HELP ME!!!
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