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mpact Quick Picks SSOS Match [B]Angle, Jericho and Joe[/B] vs. Styles, Foley and Cage Hardcore Match Brother Ray vs. [B]Raven [/B] X Division Triple Threat Match Teddy Hart vs. Shark Boy vs. [B]Psychosis[/B] Tie Breaker: [B]Psychosis on Shark Boy[/B] Prize: Create a Hard Justice Match
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SSOS Match [B]Angle, Jericho and Joe[/B] vs. Styles, Foley and Cage Hardcore Match Brother Ray vs. [B]Raven[/B] X Division Triple Threat Match [B]Teddy Hart[/B] vs. Shark Boy vs. Psychosis Tie Breaker: Teddy Hart pins Shark Boy Prize: Create a Hard Justice Match
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[U][/U][CENTER][CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Live From the Georgia State Sports Arena with 5,000 Fans in Attendance[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The music of Eric Bischoff hits and he comes out to the ring - Tenay: Welcome to our first ever Impact on the road! - Taz: Mike what an awesome Pay-Per-View we had on Sunday! - Tenay: That’s right all the champions held on to their titles, but not without controversy! - Bischoff has a microphone! - Bischoff: Hello Georgia! - The fans react with a mixture of cheers and jeers - Bischoff: You fans are the first ones to see Impact Live outside of Orlando! Tonight I’m out here to make an announcement concerning our next PPV event, Hard Justice. At Victory Road, AJ Styles and Chris Jericho fought to a thirty minute draw. So at Hard Justice we’re going to have a rematch for the TNA Heavyweight Championship, and we will have a winner! At Hard Justice you fans are going to see a TNA Heavyweight Championship match…AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho…in a Full Metal Mayhem Match! - Taz: Whoa…how about that! - Tenay: That’s a huge match right there! - Bischoff: I’m committed to giving you fans the best matches that the wrestling world can offer! - The crowd cheers loudly - Bischoff: At Hard Justice we will have a clear winner! There will be no draw…there will only be Mayhem! - The crowd cheers and Bischoff’s music hits[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage as Samoa Joe arrives at the building[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Scott Steiner - Borash: Scott Steiner you requested this time to make a statement. - Steiner: You’re right Jeremy…I’m here to apologize… - Borash: REALLY? - Steiner: Yes…it has come to my attention that Tomko has recovered from the broken vertebrae that he suffered at my hands…so tonight…I apologize TO THE TNA FANS FOR NOT TAKING HIM COMPLETELY OUT WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! - Borash: WHAT? - Steiner: Now all these fans are going to have to see that worthless piece of crap again! Tomko just know this…The Big Bad Booty Daddy is going to take you out for good this time![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [COLOR="Red"][U][B]Triple Threat X Division Match “The Lone Hart” Teddy Hart vs. Shark Boy vs. Psychosis[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- A solid X division match - Each man gets an opportunity to get some offense in - The finish comes when Hernandez yanks Teddy Hart out of the ring and Cide nails Shark Boy with the fork allowing Psychosis to get the pin[/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Psychosis Time: 10 Minutes ~ 6:50 Match Time Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Konnan comes out and grabs a microphone - Konnan: Naturals you two fools think that this war is over?!?!?!?! We, The LAX, are the most dominant tag team in the history of wrestling! We will not be made fools of you by you three gringos! At Hard Justice I’m making this challenge…The LAX, Homicide, Hernandez, and Psychosis against Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas, and….Cheerleader Melissa! If you guys want another shot at these belts then you’ll accept the challenge! You have one week to answer this challenge! - Homicide: BBBBLLLLLAAAATTTTT - Hernandez: To Live and Die in LAX! - Psychosis: We’re going 5150 all over your ***es![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- Mick Foley and Christian Cage are in their locker room backstage - Cage: OK Mick we have a huge match tonight…how are you feeling? - Foley: It doesn’t really matter how I feel once I get out there it will be time to put my game face on and get to beating people up! - Cage: Well that didn’t really answer my question… - Foley: I was slammed on barbed wire on Sunday how do you think I feel! - Cage: Don’t get smart with the champ! - Foley: Last time I checked you weren’t the champ…AJ Styles is! - With that AJ Styles walks in the room - Cage: Oh great speak of the devil! - AJ: Look guys… - Cage: No you look AJ! You betrayed us! You kept me from winning the King of the Mountain Match! AJ for that I will never forgive you! - Foley: But we really need to win this tonight! - Cage: Shut your mouth Foley! I know we need to win! - AJ: So you guys need a win…I need a win…for one night only we are on the same side! - AJ extends his hand to Christian - Christian looks at AJ with disgust! - Cage: Try not to screw me over again tonight…CHAMP! - Cage leaves the room - Foley: Just give it time he’ll accept your apology - AJ: I wasn’t apologizing! - AJ leaves the room - Foley: You can feel the love in here tonight![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- Raven is backstage in a dark area - Raven: Team 3D! You have caught the attention of Serotonin! You three think you are extreme! You think that you built an empire in Philadelphia! Let me tell you something…Raven is the King of Extreme and Serotonin are my Hardcore Apprentices! At Victory Road we began our mission…our mission is to annihilate Team 3D! Our mission is to show you how extreme we are! Our mission is to drive you out of TNA for good! Tonight…Brother Ray…we are going to maim you! Quote The Raven……..NEVERMORE! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Hardcore Match Brother Ray vs. Raven[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Raven comes out first and is flanked by the members of Serotonin - Ray comes out along with Devon and Runt - The bell rings and Ray immediately begins to punch Raven in the jaw - Devon throws Ray a trash can lid which he begins to wail on Raven with - Raven is already busted wide open! - Havok slides Kendo Stick to Raven which he uses to nail Ray with a low blow - Raven takes advantage of the match and grabs a chair… - Drop Toe Hold face first onto the chair! - Now Ray is busted open and bleeding - Raven motions to Martyr and Kaz and they both get in the ring - In response Devon and Runt get in the ring and begin fighting with Serotonin - Devon, Runt, Martyr and Kaz all begin to brawl on the floor - Raven is yelling at Marty and Kaz to get back to the ring - Ray has recovered! - Raven turns around and Ray nails him with a vicious chair shot! - Shadow is in the ring - Ray turns around - SHADOW nails him with a big boot connecting with the chair that was next to Ray’s face! - Havok pulls Raven on top of Ray - 1……2…….3![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Raven Time: 10 Minutes ~ 6:52 Match Time Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Kaz and Martyr return to the ring carrying Runt - Tenay: Oh My God! What are they going to do to Runt?!?!?!?!?! - Taz: I don’t like this! - Shadow cuffs Ray to the ropes - Serotonin all have weapon in their hands and they are preparing to unload on Runt - RHINO’S music hits and he comes running down the ramp - Taz: It’s about time someone came in here to save Team 3D! - Rhino begins to unload on Serotonin - Kaz goes down - Martyr goes down - Havok goes down - Shadow nails Rhino from behind - Raven appears to now be bent on destroying Rhino! - Taz: That’s it…enough’s enough! - Taz takes off his headset and takes off towards the ring - Tenay: Oh this doesn’t look good for Serotonin! - Taz suplexes Raven - He nails Havok with a right hand - Rhino has recovered - GORE! On Martyr - T-Bone suplex on Kaz - GORE! On Shadow - TAZMISSION!!! - Tenay: Oh my God! Taz is choking the life out of Shadow! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: D+[/U] [QUOTE]- Jeremy Borash is backstage with Christopher Daniels - Borash: Fallen Angel at Victory Road you faced Sting and lost when you passed out while you were in the Scorpion Death Lock, what are your feelings here tonight? - Daniels: I feel like I’ve lost my soul! The one person that I hate more than any other, Sting defeated me on Sunday night. Here’s the thing though…I didn’t pin…I didn’t submit! I’m making a challenge to Sting right now…at Hard Justice…I want you in a submission match! One of us must give up…if you or I pass out we must be revived! The only way to win is to make your opponent submit! Sting I’m giving you little time to accept this challenge…if you don’t…then I’ll make your life a living hell! And that’s the Gospel according to The Fallen Angel![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]Six Sides of Steel Match “The Wrestling Machine” Kurt Angle, “The Lion Heart” Chris Jericho and “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe vs. “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, “The Hardcore Icon” Mick Foley and “The Instant Classic” Christian Cage[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- All six men make their way to the ring and stare across the ring from each other - Jericho and Styles walk to the center nose to nose and then shake hands - Joe and Jericho stare each other down is disgust - Tenay: This is going to be interesting… - Taz: I know Joe and Jericho hate each other! - Angle charges at Foley and this match is underway! - Angle and Foley are brawling wildly throwing rights and lefts - Taz: Whoa! What are the rules in this match?!?!?!? - Tenay: It’s simply there are no rules! No tags! All men are legal! First team to score a pinall or have a team member escape the cage will win! - Jericho goes after Cage - Joe goes after Styles - The action in the ring is crazy! - Foley and Angle are all over each other and both are bleeding in the opening minutes - Jericho is being beaten up badly by Cage and Joe refuses to help him despite having an upper hand on Styles - The fans begin to chant “This Is Awesome” after Angle moonsaults Foley from the top of the cage - The finish comes when Joey Matthews runs down and throws a chair in the ring to Cage - Cage nails Joe with the chair in the back of the head…Styles hits the Pele on Jericho - Cage climbs up and over the top of the cage - Cage, Foley and Styles win! [/QUOTE] [U]Winners: Christian Cage, Mick Foley and AJ Styles Time: 21 Minutes ~ 16:50 Rating: A*[/U] [QUOTE]- Chris Jericho has gotten up - Jericho picks up the chair - Samoa Joe is up - Joe sees the chair - Joe attacks Jericho and locks him in THE CLUTCH!!! - Tenay: Oh my goodness…Joe is squeezing the life out of Jericho! - Taz: I think Joe thinks Jericho hit him with that chair - Tenay: Folks we are out of time!!! Join us next week on Impact!!![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B-[/U] [U]Overall Rating: B+ TV Rating: 19.38[/U]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t147/JOSHG85/INTERNETTEMPLATEHardJusticeTeaser.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]You can text your votes on who you think this new debut is to TNA and we will let you know the results on each Impact leading up to the PPV![/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] ooc: PM me who you think the debut is and I'll let you know the results on each Impact leading up to the PPV.
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[U][/U][CENTER][CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Live From the Decatur Civic Center in Illinois with 5,000 Fans in Attendance[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]- The camera cuts backstage as Christian Cage pulls up in a limo - Tenay: Hello everyone and welcome to Impact! Former World Champion, Christian Cage is just arriving he promises that before the night is over that he has a huge challenge to make. - Taz: Knowing “The Instant Classic” I’m sure that he’s going to deliver a blockbuster of a challenge. - Tenay: We’ll know soon enough tonight on Impact![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Kevin Nash is backstage with “THE” Austin Starr by his side - Nash: Jay Lethal…I told you not to screw with me or you would be in for something bad. Well…here’s something bad… “THE” Austin Starr…my new protégé. - Starr: Lethal you claim to be the best X Division athlete in the world…well you’re wrong…you’re looking at the best athlete in the world… “THE” Austin Starr! - Nash: That’s right buddy! So here’s the deal Jay! At Hard Justice we’re laying down a challenge! You go get yourself a partner and step in the ring with the biggest draw in wrestling history (points at himself) and the guy who will be the second biggest draw in the history of wrestling…(points at Starr). - Starr: The balls in your court Jay![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D[/U] [COLOR="Red"][U][B]“The Cowboy” James Storm w/Jackie Moore vs. “The War Machine” Rhino[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Storm hasn’t been seen in a while in TNA - Last week Rhino saved 3D from a beat down - These two big guys go at it full force in a high impact contest - Jump forward six and a half minutes into the match - Rhino has the upper hand and is looking to finish Storm off - Rhino is in the corner preparing for the Gore - Tenay: It looks like it’s time for James Storm to feel the Gore! - Taz: Here comes Raven - Raven yells at Rhino and gets his attention - Rhino is yelling at Raven on the outside - Tenay: He’s giving Storm time to recover! - Raven points to Rhino and yells… - Raven: TURN AROUND YOU PIECE OF ****! - SUPERKICK! - 1…2…3! - Taz: Damn you Raven! - Tenay: I think things are just starting to get interesting here![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: James Storm Time: 10 Minutes – 7:55 Match Time Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- After the match Raven is joined in the ring by Kaz and Martyr who come from under the ring with Kendo sticks - Shadow drops from the ceiling with a barb wire bat in hand - Serotonin begins to unload on Rhino bloodying him in the process - Taz: We better get some help out here or I’m going to have to leave my post - Tenay: Calm down Taz! - Taz: Don’t tell me what to do Tenay - Taz rips off his headset - 3D comes running down to the ring! - Serotonin clears out before Taz and 3D make it to the ring.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- Tenay: Brother Ray has a microphone - Ray: RAVEN! SEROTONIN! You dare to disrespect pioneers of hardcore! I talked to Eric Bischoff earlier Raven…at Hard Justice…it’s going to be me and my brother Devon joining up with Rhino to take on any combination of you five idiots that you want in an elimination style Tables Match! - Devon: OH MY BROTHER TESTIFY! - Tenay: What a huge match for Hard Justice[/QUOTE]! [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see Jay Lethal and………JEFF JARRETT talking - Tenay: What’s this about? - Taz: I don’t know! If Jeff’s smart he’s telling him not to take that match at Hard Justice![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: E[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“THE” Austin Starr w/Kevin Nash vs. Trent Acid[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Starr makes his way to the ring - Starr attacks before the bell rings - This one isn’t even close - BRAINBUSTER! - Austin is up top… - STARRMAKER SPLASH (450 Splash) - 1…2…3![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Austin Starr Time: 4 Minutes ~ 1:32 Match Time Rating: D-[/U] [QUOTE]- Lethal’s music hits and he comes out onto the ramp - Lethal: Austin Starr…Kevin Nash…I accept your challenge…and just so you know my partner is going to be…”THE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN” JEFF JARRETT! - Tenay: Another huge match added for Hard Justice! - Taz: Apparently Jarrett is just as crazy as Lethal![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: E+[/U] [QUOTE]- A music video is played to hype the Motor City Machine Guns. - The last screen says that they will be in action next week.[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: E+[/U] [QUOTE]- We go backstage to the locker room of the Christian Coalition - Cage: Joey tonight you have the biggest opportunity of your short career. - Joey: Actually I’ve been in the business just as long as you… - Cage: ……….whatever. Tonight you have the opportunity to defeat a legend. My friend Chris Jericho! - Joey: I’ll take care of it boss! - Cage: You better! I want to make sure that all of the people that are standing in the way of my getting a shot at AJ Styles are taken out! - Tomko walks in the room - Joey: TOMKO! - Matthews runs over and hugs Tomko - Trish: It’s about time that you’re back! - Tomko: I had a broken neck! - Cage: Did you hear that Steiner challenged you Tomko? - Tomko: What? - Cage: He said you had to respond by tonight! - Tomko: Fine! - Tomko throws his bags down and leaves the room in a rage - Foley: Bye Tomko! - Cage: (talking to Trish and Joey Matthews) What’s he still doing here? - Both shrug their shoulders[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: C+[/U] [QUOTE]- AJ Style’s music hits and he walks to the ring with his title on his shoulder - AJ: At Slammiversary I did what many said was impossible. I stepped into the ring with four of the best athletes in the world today and came out as the TNA Heavyweight Champion! - The crowd cheers - AJ: Then at Victory Road I stepped into the ring with a living legend and lasted thirty minutes with him. - The crowd cheers - AJ: So last week Eric Bischoff creates the rematch…AJ Styles…Chris Jericho…FULL METAL MAYHEM! - The crowd goes crazy - AJ: Let me tell you something…if there’s one thing that I learned from my partnership with Christian it’s that you do whatever is necessary to hold on to the gold. So…Jericho…I respect you…but I’m going to do what I have to do to make sure that this belt remains around my waist![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B-[/U] [QUOTE]- Jericho’s music hits and he walks onto the stage while Styles is in the ring - Jericho: TNA IS JERICHO! - Huge Pop - Jericho: AJ Styles I understand what you’re saying! I have tons of respect for you as well. The match that we had at Victory Road is definitely going to go down as one of the best of all time! It was a technical classic! At Hard Justice you won’t be so lucky! This match will not be technical…it will not be pretty…it will be violent and I will become TNA Heavyweight Champion of the world! - Jericho’s music hits - Tenay: It’s Jericho and Styles in a Full Metal Mayhem match at Hard Justice! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- Tomko is backstage in front of a camera - Tomko: Scott Steiner! You have the balls to challenge me! Over a month ago you broke my neck! I still haven’t even fully recovered and you want to challenge me! I’ll tell you Steiner…I accept you and me one on one at Hard Justice! I give you one guarantee Steiner…I will maim you! [/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: D[/U] [QUOTE]- A video is shown recapping the feud between LAX and The Naturals ending with the challenge that LAX made last week[/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: D-[/U] [U][B][COLOR="red"]The Naturals w/Cheerleader Melissa vs. B.A.D. w/Christy Hemme[/COLOR][/B][/U] [QUOTE]- Both teams are accompanied by their beautiful managers to the ring - A good back and forth contest with both teams splitting time on offense - Jump forward five minutes into the match - Andy Douglas makes a hot tag to Chase Stevens - Stevens cleans house! - Hemme tries to get involved but Melissa stops it from happening - Andy and Chase have got Damaja - NATURAL DISASTER! - 1…2…3![/QUOTE] [U]Winners: The Naturals Time: 8 Minutes ~ 6:19 Match Time Rating: C[/U] [QUOTE]- The Naturals celebrate for a minute and then Melissa gets a microphone! - Melissa: LAX! You can now see why The Naturals are the best tag team in the world today! You laid the challenge down last week for us three to face Homicide, Hernandez, and Psychosis in a six person tag match…WE ACCEPT! On one condition…when we beat you not only do my boys get a tag team title match inside the Six Sides of Steel at No Surrender, but also at No Surrender I get Konnan one on one where whoever loses must leave TNA! So what do you say boys…are you in…or are you in! Just remember…The Natural way is the only way![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: C-[/U] [QUOTE]A video is shown to promote Samoa Joe showing his big victories over the likes of Christian Cage, Rhino, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and more…at the end the voice over says…At Bound For Glory in Atlanta Joe gets his shot at the TNA Heavyweight Championship of the World![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 2 Minutes Rating: B[/U] [QUOTE]- The music of Christian Cage hits the arena and he makes his way to the ring with Trish Stratus by his side. - Cage: You know this afternoon I was on tnawrestling.com when I see something that really grabs my attention. This graphic with a figure who is blacked out…it says former world champion to debut at Hard Justice. You know what I see…TNA once again trying to bring someone in to take my spot! - The fans boo - Cage: So here’s what I’m thinking…at Hard Justice this new signing steps into the ring with the true champ…the champ who still to this day has never been pinned in TNA, Christian Cage! I promise that I’ll beat this new signing so bad that he’ll never be seen in TNA again! CAUSE THAT’S HOW I ROLL! - Tenay: Another absolutely huge challenge made for Hard Justice! - Taz: This is shaping up to be quite an event![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 3 Minutes Rating: B+[/U] [QUOTE]- We cut backstage to see Daniels beating the crap out of Sting with a baseball bat - Daniels: Sting I told you I wanted an answer! I didn’t get it…so this is what you get![/QUOTE] [U]Time: 1 Minute Rating: C[/U] [COLOR="red"][U][B]“The Lion Heart” Chris Jericho vs. “The Superstar” Joey Matthews[/B][/U][/COLOR] [QUOTE]- Jericho makes his way to the ring - The red carpet is rolled out as Matthews makes his way out - An above average match that sees a lot of high flying by both competitors - Jump forward eight minutes into the match - Jericho is down - Matthews goes up top - Taz: What’s he going to do? - Moon Sault attempt… - Jericho moves - LIONSAULT! - He locks in the Lion Tamer - Tenay: He can’t last long in this move - Matthews taps out! - Tenay: Chris Jericho has picked up a huge win on the road to Hard Justice! - Taz: We’ll see you next week![/QUOTE] [U]Winner: Chris Jericho Time: 11 Minutes ~ 8:40 Match Time Rating: B[/U] [U]Final Rating: B- TV Rating: 16.48[/U]
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[COLOR="Red"][B]Impact Quick Picks[/B][/COLOR] Samoa Joe and AJ Styles vs. The Motor City Machine Guns "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle vs. Tomko "The War Machine" Rhino vs. "The Hardcore Icon" Raven "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Shark Boy Tie Breaker: Who pins/submits who in the tag team main event? Prize: Winner will get to create a future Impact Main Event
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