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The Rebirth Of Puroresu

Guest .SVA

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Guest .SVA
[CENTER][IMG]http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/4206/gcganiky2.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] Some call me a Curse. Others call me a fool, but in truth I am a failure. My name is [B]HANSHIRO FURUSAWA[/B], and it has taken me all too long to realize this. It is my fault. My incompetence has led to the near-death situation that Golden Canvas Grappling is in now. And why did it take so long to realize that this was an utter failure from the start? Because of my stubbornness. Had I not blamed everyone and everybody but myself, maybe this future would have looked different. But I can still grasp it, imagine it. A world just like the old days, where the Yellow Tiger reigned through the forest of Japan and tore everyone down in it's raging path. Where Golden Canvas Grappling was the cream of the crop, the cherry on the pie, the kings of the mountain. And with these memories, I shuddered into leadership. And with those same memories, I tore down everything that men like [B]MASTER KITOZON[/B] and [B]SADUHARU JIMBO[/B] had help build. After over twenty years, I have finally now come to realize that this is not my call. This is not how I can help Golden Canvas Grappling the best. This is not my call. I will cause no further harm to the business that I love and have cried, sweat and bled for for over four decades. I am leaving, stepping down and vanishing. [QUOTE][B][U]GrappleFanatics.com[/U][/B] [I]Golden Canvas Grappling Without A Promoter[/I] Since last week, it has come to many a fans attention that Golden Canvas Grappling, a veteran promotion, has been without a promoter. This has been prompted after Hanshiro Furusawa, the former promoter and owner, has left without a trace and seems unreachable and untraceable at the moment. Now news has been given towards a possible replacement, but it seems that GCG has been holding a low-profile since Furusawa abruptly left. Many knew the previous owner as a poor business man. He holds account for the many poor decisions of the nineties that led to the promotions downfall. Now it seems that he has pulled the final straw because if GCG does not find a promoter in time they will sadly have to close it's doors and leave the wrestling world for good. We will surely have more on story as it develops and if it does. [RIGHT][I]Posted on Friday, Week 2, December 2006 By [B]Ryan Jalda[/B][/I][/RIGHT][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][U]GrappleFanatics.com[/U][/B] [I]Golden Canvas Grappling Back On Track[/I] In the last minute, the dying breath of Golden Canvas Grappling has rejuvenated it again. Veteran GCG employer and retired legend Yoshifusa Maeda has stepped up and declared himself the promoter of GCG. This has immediately saved the organization as the official business committee of wrestling was about to close the promotion down. Maeda has stated that he has not come unprepared and has already instated a head booker a new head booker for Golden Canvas Grappling. The suspcious about this person is that his name, look or nothing of that kind has been revealed to the public and he has only been referred to as "The Advisor". Furusawa has been missing for weeks now and many suspect him to be this advisor. Time will tell as GCG opens up for a new year with the already scheduled "Rebirth Tour". [RIGHT][I]Posted on Saturday, Week 4, December 2006 By [B]Ryan Jalda[/B][/I][/RIGHT][/QUOTE]
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Guest .SVA
[CENTER][IMG]http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/4206/gcganiky2.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] The door gently swung open to the medium-sized office as [B]THE ADVISOR[/B] stepped in. "Kunichiwa", was the first reply from [B]YOSHIFUSA MAEDA[/B] who had been there for about an hour. "Kunichiwa, Maeda-san. I'm sorry for being late", was the answer given. The Advisor quickly sat down and the two men began talking. First about this and that, just to get the tension off the situation that was coming. Because the meeting scheduled was not about how the kids or grand-kids were doing, how fine the weather was or what was going on in politics. It was about business. Business about Golden Canvas Grappling. Rosters, tours, television, contracts, all of it. Most importantly it was about who had to stay and who had to go because money needed to be saved and expenses were high for such a promotion doing wrestling. Both Maeda and The Advisor had a look over the current roster list of active competitors; [CENTER][IMG]http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/3500/barrygriffinop7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/3065/darkangeltl3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/849/eaglekawasawatk3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/9033/henrybennettnp5.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/105/hiroyasugakushasl1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/7243/jackmarloweai6.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/1950/jimmycoxge6.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/6520/julianwatsondn0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/7082/kiminobukurokieg5.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3375/nambokumakudayv0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1963/naonabumurkamikq3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/827/nathancolemanzz1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/1088/pistolpetehallzr9.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/6553/quickkicknakaoie4.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/6829/rhinoumagazg7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1524/samoanmachineqi8.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/3381/shingenmiyazakist0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2760/shotaroikinazo7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/8712/stuartferdinandas4.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/719/takayuki2000ey6.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/4603/toshiharuhyobanshiuf7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/8023/yasuhidetayamaso6.png[/IMG][/CENTER] After going through the list a couple of times and discussing their next cause of action, Maeda and The Advisor had now coupled out three performers that could be spared but didn't necessarily had to be cut off. Despite this it was quickly agreed that [B]EAGLE KAWASAWA[/B] was only doing bad for his career in staying with Golden Canvas Grappling. His style and skill did not fit with the rest of the roster and it was agreed to try and hook him up with World Level Wrestling instead. Secondly, [B]QUICK KICK NAKAO[/B] was set to be "dead-weight" in the process of going through the roster and therefore he would have the rough assignment of being first cut should the needs be. Last but not least, the veteran [B]SHOTARO IKINA[/B] was seen as spare as well. Despite him being with GCG for over ten years, he had slowly progressed and never reached any sort of real stardom. And what was needed for Golden Canvas Grappling was a new generation. Although he was on the list of possible releases, he was to be cut as an absolute last. This concluded the meeting as The Advisor and Yoshifusa Maeda parted ways with a handshake. It was with a heavy heart that Maeda exitted to the streets of Ayabe as he knew he had the job of informing the three of their possible dismissal. [QUOTE][B][U]GrappleFanatics.com[/U][/B] [I]Reports About Releases For Golden Canvas Grappling[/I] Reports are coming in that Yoshifusa Maeda and "The Advisor" have in unison agreed upon who to release as a sort of new year cleanup. Several experts points towards Eagle Kawasawa who has been misplaced in GCG for many years now. It is said that veteran Shotaro Ikina is also walking a thin line but he rejects this himself saying, that he has been loyal to GCG in the better part of his career and therefore does not face a release. Nothing official has been announced yet but it is expected that the news will be coming out in a matter of days. Also, no heading has been given out on to who this advisor could be but the current guess is that it is Hanshiro Furusawa who has "redeemed" himself. As for tour news, GCG has said that they plan on having a few of PGHW's performers wrestle at the first show which is to be held in Kinki. [RIGHT][I]Posted on Monday, Week 1, January 2007 By [B]Ryan Jalda[/B][/I][/RIGHT][/QUOTE]
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Guest .SVA
Tour Preview #1 [CENTER][IMG]http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/9818/gcgrebirthtour1mv8.png[/IMG][/CENTER] The Rebirth Tour 2007 begins in Kinki, at the Doshiba Athletic Center. It will be a fearsome night as [B]TOSHIHARU HYOBANSHI[/B] will be squaring off with the GCG World Heavyweight Champion [B]HIROYASU GAKUSHA[/B]. Despite the belt not being on the line, this match could surely boost the career of any of the two men. Not only that but [B]DARK ANGEL[/B] and [B]PISTOL PETE HALL[/B] will go toe-to-toe in a Super Gaijin Battle. Hall is a proven veteran of a Golden Canvas Grappling ring but so is Dark Angel. Questions arise on who will walk out the winner and who will show to be the better Gaijin. [B]NATHAN COLEMAN[/B] and [B]STUART FERDINAND[/B] will also be in action as they defend their GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team titles against [B]RHINO UMAGA[/B] and [B]SAMOAN MACHINE[/B], together known as Samoan Destruction Inc. Be sure to be at the Rebirth Tour's launch show as GCG rolls into Kinki and Dosiba Athletic Center. [SIZE="1"][B][U]The Rebirth Tour 2007 Show #1[/U][/B] Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama vs. Julian Watson & Jack Marlowe Barry Griffin vs. Shingen Miyazaki [B]GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team:[/B] Nathan Coleman & Stuart Ferdinand vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. Takayuki 2000 vs. Kiminobu Kuroki [B]Super Gaijin Battle:[/B] Dark Angel vs. Pistol Pete Hall Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/SIZE] [INDENT][QUOTE=.SVA]Just a little OOC here. gbasalmon is to thank for the awesome tour banner and I thank him as well. Also, just a warning, my show-writing style might reflect that of gbasalmon's as well but I'm not trying to rip-off any of his hard work. I hope everyone can understand this. Other then that, I hope you'll have fun reading my first show.[/QUOTE][/INDENT]
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Guest .SVA
[CENTER][IMG]http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/9818/gcgrebirthtour1mv8.png[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]REBIRTH TOUR 2007 SHOW #1 Tuesday, Week 1, January Doshiba Athletic Center (Kinki) 1000 People, No Vacancy Full House[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Silver"][B][COLOR="Gray"][U]Eagle Kawasawa vs. Quick Kick Nakao[/U][/COLOR][/B] A high-flying encounter, very unlike the usual Golden Canvas Grappling heavyweight action. After going on with a series of dropkicks, Kawasawa went for a twisting moonsault but fatally missed. This enabled Nakao to land several stiff kicks to the head of Kawasawa and almost score him the pinfall victory. Despite several tries, Nakao was not able to keep momentum on his side and eventually Eagle got on top again. He began with some dropkicks again but quickly changed into a trifecta of Dragon Suplexes which rocked Nakao so much that he was not bale to get to his own two feet afterwards. He was helped up though, by Eagle Kawasawa who proceeded to bring him down again with an awesome Tiger Driver, effectively ending the match.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Gray"][B]Eagle Kawasawa defeated Quick Kick Nakao with a Tiger Driver in 5:41 (D+) [U]Jimmy Cox vs. Naonabu Murkami[/U][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Silver"]Both men stood centered at the first lock-up of the match but that quickly changed with a quick lariat from Murkami. After nailing Cox, he went for an early pin but only managed a one count. Cox immediately fought back and was soon able to land a German Suplex and follow it up with a flying knee drop. He stayed on Murkami, driving him to the mat with a new tactic, namely submission holds. Jimmy smacked on a vicious looking armbar but Murkami showed the veteran within and quickly got to the ropes. A change of style was made again as Cox went for another German Suplex only to have it blocked and a standing switch was made into an exploder suplex. But Naonabus bad luck followed and soon he was on the receiving end of the Immortal Driver, a deadly version of a Cradle Piledriver.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Gray"]Jimmy Cox defeated Naonabu Murkami with the Immortal Driver in 6:40 (B-)[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/8159/shotaroikinaik3.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/3316/yasuhidetayamaei7.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6541/iconvskh7.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/9388/jackmarloweaa4.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/1188/julianwatsonsv3.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama vs. Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson[/B] The more veteran team of Ikina and Tayama took control at first, barring Julian Watson from tagging to his partner. After landing some stiff chops to the chest of Watson, Ikina began working over the arm and shoulder of his opponent. A tag here and there to the wild brawler Yasuhide Tayama proved a worthy move as soon Watson had been toppled and his arm was nearly useless. It was clean miracle that he managed to fight his way through a mad Yasuhide and tag in Jack Marlowe. Marlowe immediately clotheslined Tayama and went on to flip Ikina into the ring before putting the boots to him. Tayama came back with a vengeance and before long, he and Ikina had managed to land an Avalanche Double Back Suplex to Marlowe. The match was considered down until Jack kicked out and made and incredible comeback before nailing Ikina with the Jungle Jack-Hammer and scoring the victory. [B]Jack Marlowe & Julian Watson defeated Shotaro Ikina & Yasuhide Tayama when Marlowe pinned Tayama after the Jungle Jack-Hammer in 7:31 (C-) [CENTER][IMG]http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/6647/barrygriffinip1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6541/iconvskh7.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/4987/shingenmiyazakiys5.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Barry Griffin vs. Shingen Miyazaki[/B] Not quite a technical stand-off but a stand-off nonetheless. Barry Griffin tried to make it a pier-six brawl but Miyazaki would have none of it and quickly grounded his opponent with a headlock takeover into half Boston Crab. Barry managed to avoid a tap-out as Miyazaki changed hold and went for a crossface but Griffin fought out with elbow shots. The two then went with the Barry Griffin plan and began a wild brawl before Griffin was again the victim of a headlock takeover but this time directly into a crossface. Griffin was on the verge of tapping out but found the strength to roll-over, into the first pin of the match. Miyazaki was able to kick out before the three count but made a quick comeback and locked on the Ankle Lock! Barry had nowhere to go and ended up tapping, giving Shingen a victory by submission. [B]Shingen Miyazaki defeated Barry Griffin with the Ankle Lock in 10:05 (C-) [CENTER][IMG]http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/2318/gcgtagte3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/7448/nathancolemantu9.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/4425/stuartferdinandrl0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6541/iconvskh7.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/4927/rhinoumagalz9.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/2728/samoanmachineud6.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Nathan Coleman & Stuart Ferdinand vs. Samoan Destruction Inc.[/B] The two Samoans were quickly at it and before long this had turned into an intense match-up. Coleman and Ferdinand were doing all they could to hold off Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine but many attempts failed and soon the two Samoans had Ferdinand down with a combination dragon suplex/superkick. This almost resulted in a loss but Coleman was there to break it up and in the process hand out some punishment to Umaga. He nailed him with a clothesline and followed this up with a legdrop to the throat before being thrown out by Machine. Ferdinand was quick to capitalize as he threw Machine through the middle and top rope and covered Rhino Umaga. This garnered a two count but gained Stuart and Nathan long enough time for Coleman to lariat Machine into oblivion on the outside and the climb back into the ring and then the two connected with a Double Lariat to Umaga, only to have Stuart cover again but this time for the three count. [B]Nathan Coleman & Stuart Ferdinand defeated Samoan Destruction Inc. with a Double Lariat in 13:48 (C+) [CENTER][IMG]http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/270/kiminobukurokikx0.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6541/iconvskh7.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/9725/takayuki2000hh1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Kiminobu Kuroki vs. Takayuki 2000[/B] Both men were equal at start with both chopping away at the chest of the other. Eventually Takayuki let out a roar and decked Kiminobu with a stiff forearm before connecting with a kick to the chest. 2000 got Kuroki up and hit a running knee but was intercepted on the way and taken down with a clothesline. Both men were on the canvas as the referee started counting. But before long the two were up again and exchanged right hands. Suddenly, Kuroki ushered a rush of strength and kicked Takayuki in the gut and landed a brainbuster suplex. A cover only managed a two count though. But this gave Kuroki the advantage and he continued to pummel Takayuki. After going for another brainbuster suplex though, the Openweight Champion countered it into a northern lights suplex and almost got the three count! This was enough for Takayuki to make a comeback and after smacking Kiminobu down with a half-nelson slam, he ventured up the top rope and connected with a Flying Lariat to end the match in his favor. [B]Takayuki 2000 defeated Kiminobu Kuroki with a Flying Lariat in 12:05 (C) [CENTER][IMG]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8571/darkangelba9.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6541/iconvskh7.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/6010/pistolpetehallew8.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Dark Angel vs. Pistol Pete Hall[/B] The crowd was in a near riot status when this match began. Pete Hall was the clear favorite but Angel also had a strong following. Hall went for his Pistol Whip Lariat early but it showed not to be the smartest of moves as Angel managed to duck under and land a dropkick to the neck of Hall. Dark Angel then went working over the arm by doing an arm-breaker before taking Hall down in an armbar and later dropping an elbow on the shoulder of Pete. As Angel continued to hold Hall down, Pistol Pete suddenly received a rush of adrenaline and pumped up before connecting with some back elbows and powering out of a standing armbar. He decked Angel with a quick version of his Pistol Whip Lariat and went for a cover but to no avail. This didn't slow him down though as he proceeded to land his Triple Elbow combination. But a posing for the crowd proved to be fatal as when he turned Dark Angel was back, kicked him in the gut and nailed the Descent Into Hell, to a surprising and shocking finish. [B]Dark Angel defeated Pistol Pete Hall with the Descent Into Hell in 16:01 (B) [CENTER][IMG]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1156/hiroyasugakushaio2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/6541/iconvskh7.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/5753/toshiharuhyobanshiyf2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Hiroyasu Gakusha vs. Toshiharu Hyobanshi[/B] The two had a stare down before the match began but when it did, it was all action. Gakusha started by decking Hyobanshi with a Short Arm Lariat and then proceeded to plant some fists in the forehead of his opponent. After getting Toshiharu to his legs he went for a Discus Clothesline but was this was countered into an armdrag, which was then floated over into a Bow & Arrow submission hold. Hiroyasu looked shockingly surprised as he clearly had not expected such a technical procedure from his otherwise brawling opponent. After letting the hold go, Hyobanshi eventually went back to his hard knocks ways and smacked chop after chop to the chest of the champion. But suddenly Gakusha began fighting back with chops of his own and the pace began quickening. Before long the two stood center off the ring and bloodied each other's chest with vicious backhand chops. Suddenly, Hyobanshi attacked with suplex before abruptly landing the Nova Bomb Redux for the three counter victory! [B]Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Hiroyasu Gakusha with the Nova Bomb Redux in 18:06 (B) [CENTER][SIZE="4"]FINAL RATING: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]B-[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The Advisor's Notes:[/COLOR][/B] Indeed a very good show to start up the new year with. Although many changes needs to be made and they have to be in effect before we start on the next tour. [B]MASATAKE HORI[/B], the regent announcer, needs replacing as he just is not up for the job. His skills at announcing does just not do par with the level of competition in the ring. Not only this but a color commentator is also needed. I know, from productions office, that this show is being taped for DVD release and therefore GCG needs both a new announcer and a fresh color commentator before the end of January. Other then that, this show seemed to have gained us some credibility going into the new year as the fans seem to be praising it; especially the main event between [B]HIROYASU GAKUSHA[/B] and [B]TOSHIHARU HYOBANSHI[/B]. Overall a good show which only cost us a minimum of finances.[/QUOTE]
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