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ROH - Rebirth Of Honor

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/yinyangguy/ringofhonor.jpg[/IMG] 1 May 2007[/CENTER] From The Desk Of: Cary Silken It is with mixed emotions that I make this announcement today. After years of dedicated service to Ring Of Honor I have decided to remove Gabe Sapolsky from the Head Booker duties in ROH and install some new blood in the form of the innovative mind of J.D. Roche. This decision has been a difficult one for me to make as Gabe has been a loyal member of the staff in ROH for some time, and has presided over the booking of some of the most popular independent wrestling shows in America. At this time though we believe that changing things up a bit will add some fresh ideas to the mix, and will help bring Ring of Honor to the next level and we hope to reach. Gabe will be staying on for the time being as part of the booking team to help make the transition as easy as possible, and we will make all accommodations possible for Gabe to find work with another company if that is what he so desires. Starting with our May 11th show titled "Rebirth Of Honor" J.D. Roche will make all booking and personnel decisions for ROH Wrestling.
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[CENTER] RING OF HONOR PRESENTS: Rebirth Of Honor Night 1 Live: From The Foley Gymnasium 11 May 2006 [B]MAIN EVENT:[/B] [I]ROH World Champion[/I] Takeshi Morishima and Nigel McGuinness -vs- Austin Aries and BJ Whitmer Alex Shelley -VS- [I]ROH World Tag Team Champion[/I] Mark Briscoe Homicide -vs- Doug Williams -vs- Matt Cross No Remorse Corps. (Davey Richards/Roderick Strong) -vs- Matt Sydal and Jack Evans Erick Stevens -vs- Adam Pearce Brent Albright -vs- Jigsaw Gran Akuma -vs- Shane Haggadorn -vs- Jason Blade -vs- Mike Quackenbush[/CENTER] Also: - This is the first show of the J.D. Roche era in Ring Of Honor. Everyone on the roster is on the chopping block and only solid performances will give you the chance to keep your job - so everyone better be ready to bring it at Rebirth of Honor Night 1. - Names like American Dragon, Chris Hero, and Chris Sabin are missing from the Friday show lineup, will any of them make an appearance?
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/yinyangguy/ringofhonor.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Navy"]ROH Newswire[/COLOR][/CENTER] As we await the May 11, 2006 show from the Foley Gymnasium that will signal the launch of ROH under the control of new Head Booker J.D. Roche, details of our huge Rebirth of Honor Night 2 show have begun to trickle out. The second night of our two night Rebirth Of Honor series will be live in New Jersey on May 12, 2006 and some of the ROH talent have already demanded and received matches for this huge event. Already announced: [B]ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/B] [I]ROH World Tag Team Champions[/I] The Briscoe Brothers -vs- The Motor City Machine Guns Chris Hero -vs- Claudio Castognoli Six Man Elimination Tag Match The No Remorse Corps (Davey Richards, Roderick Strong and Rockey Romero) -vs- The Resilience (Austin Aries, Erick Stevens, and Matt Cross) Also Scheduled To Appear: - Mike Quackenbush - Gran Akuma - El Generico and Kevin Steen - Adam Pearce - Jimmy Rave w/ Daizee Haze More matches are sure to be announced before the show goes live so stay tuned to rohwrestling.com, and the ROH Newswire for up to date information and up to the minute breaking news.
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[B][CENTER]ROH PRESENTS: [I][COLOR="Red"]REBIRTH OF HONOR NIGHT I[/COLOR][/I] LIVE FROM THE FOLEY GYMNASIUM IN FRONT OF 1,887 FANS[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER]PRE SHOW:[/CENTER] [B]Pelle Primeau d. Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne and Smash Bradley @ 7:42 (D-)[/B] - The ROH wrestling school students warmed the crowd at The Foley Gymnasium and it was the underdog and crowd favorite Pelle Peimeau who came out on top. - The crowd was relatively into this match as they got to their seats, changing SUGARFOOT for Alex Payne and supporting Primeau as he got the pinfall victory over Smash Bradley. [CENTER]MAIN SHOW:[/CENTER] [B]Lacey d. Daizee Haze @ 7:51 via pinfall w/ the TKO (B-)[/B] - The main show kicks off with a SHIMMER match between two of the most beautiful women in professional wrestling, who can actually wrestle (imagine that). - Jimmy Jacobs accompanied Lacey to ringside to watch as the apple of his eye got a pinfall victory over Daizee Haze through the TKO. The crowd was really hot for this match. [B]Mike Quackenbush d. Gran Akuma, Shane Haggadorn, Jason Blade @ 15:12 via submission w/ the Lightning Lock on Blade (C)[/B] - CHIKARA trainer Mike Quackenbush and one of one of the main draws from CHIKARA Gran Akuma make their ROH debut in grand fashion. - J.D. Roche the new head booker of ROH accompanied Shane Hagadorn to ringside and really did a great heel manager performance cheering on Hagadorn and getting into a ringside argument with Quack. - The crowd obviously supported Quack who is something of an Indy legend at this stage of his career and the crowd popped huge when Jason Blade submitted to the Lightning Lock. [B]Brent Albright d. Jigsaw @ 9:35 via submission with the Crowbar (C+)[/B] - Another CHIKARA mainstay Jigsaw made his debt with ROH against one of the fastest rising stars in the company, Brent Albright. - Early offense, and very quick attacks by Jigsaw had Albright flustered but he was able to gather himself at ringside and use his power advantage to ground the speedy Jigsaw. - Once the speed of Jigsaw was neutralized it was just a matter of time before Albright was able to hook his opponent in the Crowbar and get the submission victory [B]VIDEO PACKAGE[/B]: At this point we see a video package that highlights the Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli). This package shows the rise of the Kings Of Wrestling and how successful they were, including their ROH Tag Team Title victory. This video package covered the CZW invasion and now shows Double C on one side of the split screen, and Chris Hero on the other. It is obvious that these two individuals have fallen out of friendship and who knows how that will impact Ring Of Honor. (E) [B]Adam Pearce d. Erick Stevens @ 11:50 following outside interference from Rocky Romero (C-)[/B] - This was a very hard hitting match and these two put on a good performance until the No Remorse Corps decided to interject themselves. - At first Stevens was able to fight back against Romero who came out to ringside during the middle portion of the match. - However, once Stevens was focused back on Pearce he lost track of Romero who pushed Stevens off the top turnbuckle, which led to Pearce securing the pinfall victory. Following the match Romero slide into the ring and proceeded to beatdown Erick Stevens, even going so far as to drape a No Remorse Corps. t-shirt over the prone body of Stevens. However, after a moment of the beatdown Matt Cross came charging from the back and Rocky Romero made his escape through the crowd. (F) [B]The No Remorse Corps. (Roderick Strong/Davey Richards) d. Matt Sydal and Jack Evans @ 20:23 when Strong pinned Sydal using the ropes for leverage. (C)[/B] - The crowd was fantastic throughout this match until the ending which really seemed to sour them on the outcome. - Roderick Strong and Matt Sydal absolutely gave 100% in this match with Strong performing many backbreakers from different locations, which really had the crowd on the edge of their seats. [B]Matt Cross d. Homicide and Doug Williams @ 15:12 via pinfall after Death From Above on Doug Williams (B)[/B] - This match was what you would expect. Hard hitting, technical wrestling with a Homicide twist. - M-Dogg looked really strong in this match as he continues to impress the front office and a lot of people were left thinking J.D. Roche must have taken notice of how well he handled himself in this match. [B]BACKSTAGE[/B]: BJ Whitmer and Austin Aries are backstage discussing tonights Main Event which will be a tag team match between these two facing off against ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima and Nigel McGuinness. (D) [B]Alex Shelley d. Mark Briscoe @ 24:33 via pinfall after hitting the Shellshock (B+)[/B] - This very well may have been the match of the night. The Motor City Machine Guns and Briscoe Brothers feud continued with this great one on one matchup where Alex Shelley just showed he had too much for Mark. - The fans were electric during this match although the NH crowd probably wishes they were seeing the match announced for tomorrow night between the Motor City Machine Guns and Briscoes for the ROH World Tag Team Titles. During a lull in the action the lights dim and Jimmy Rave comes storming to the ring with Daizee Haze in tow. Rave hits the ring and toilet paper comes flying from some of the fans which gets Rave even more pissed off then normal. Rave grabs the mic and the music turns off. - Rave: American Dragon! I know you're backstage right now and since I'm not doing anything tonight, and you're not doing anything tonight - why don't you come on out here and I will prove to all these people who the real Crown Jewel of ROH is. (D-) The stobe lights come on and "The Final Countdown" begins to play. The crowd starts smashing their hands into the ROH signs around the entrance ramp as the former ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson comes out to the ring. - Dragon: Let's go. (E+) [B]American Dragon d. Jimmy Rave @ 24:46 via submission w/ Cattle Mutiliation (C) [/B] - It was obvious from the get go that Dragon was not prepared to wrestle tonight as neither of these two seemed to be able to get into a grove. - A lot of ground and pound wrestling from Dragon throughout as you would expect, and a lot of great work at ringside from Daizee Haze. - Jimmy just seemed off his gave a bit and following some vicious elbows to the side of the head Dragon was able to hook Rave into Cattle Mutiliation and get him to tap out. [B]Takeshi Morishima/Nigel McGuinness d. Austin Aries/BJ Whitmer @ 20:39 via pinfall when Morishima hit Whitmer with the Backdrop Suplex for the victory. (B-)[/B] - Stiff match! - This was the main event for a reason as both Austin Aries and Nigel McGuinness made a play for MVP of the night. - Aries used his quickness and high flying ability to try and keep the ROH World Champion and Nigel off balance but in the end it was the power of the Champion that overcame the tag team of Aries and Whitmer. - BJ Whitmer is a powerful individual but he just wasn't strong enough to outduel Morishima and in the end that was the difference in this one. ------------ Overall: C- ------------ Stay tuned to the ROH Newswire for the final wrap-up from the Foley Gymnasium.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/yinyangguy/ringofhonor.jpg[/IMG] 12 MAY 2007 [COLOR="Red"]ROH NEWSWIRE[/COLOR] - REBIRTH OF HONOR NIGHT I NEWS AND NOTES[/CENTER] The first night of J.D. Roche's run as Head Booker in Ring Of Honor is being considered a success for the company although the night was not flawless by any means. The crowd at the Foley Gymnasium in New Hampshire turned out in good numbers as our first visit to the Granite State still resulted in an attendence figure which is being estimated at 1,887 which is a very good turnout for ROH in New England. The fans were not sure what to expect as the transition from Gabe Sapolsky to J.D. Roche is still in the early stages, and it was apparent that J.D. Roche was trying to get as much wrestling as possible on the show in order to give everyone an equal opportunity to prove they deserve to be kept on the full time ROH roster. The number of angles and interviews was limited by the people in charge in an attempt to have as many matches as possible, Mr. Roche promises though that the interviews and angles will pick up once our Rebirth Of Honor two night shows are complete and he has had a chance to see all the members of the roster in action. Two matches really stood head and shoulders above the rest of the show - Alex Shelley of the Motor City Machine Guns defeating Mark Briscoe absolutely stole the show and most people in attendence agreed that this was the [B]MATCH OF THE NIGHT[/B], with some very good back and forth action and the crowd was really into it. The second match that people seemed to enjoy was the Main Event where Takeshi Morishima and Nigel McGuinness defeated Austin Aries and BJ Whitmer, with Morishima really impressing the NH crowd and being crowned the first ever [B]WRESTLER OF THE NIGHT[/B] by J.D. Roche. Ring Of Honor returns to action TONIGHT with Rebirth Of Honor Night II and the card is already signed and looks stacked. [CENTER][B]MAIN EVENT: ROH World Tag Team Title Match[/B] The Briscoe Brothers (c) -vs- The Motor City Machine Guns [B]Six Man Tag Team Elimination Match[/B] No Remorse Corps (Davey Richards, Roderick Strong, Rocky Romero) -vs- The Resilience (Austin Aries, Erick Stevens, Matt Cross) [B]Three Way Dance[/B] BJ Whitmer -vs- Nigel McGuinness -vs- Jimmy Rave Claudio Castagnoli -vs- Chris Hero [B]Six Man Mayham [/B] Gran Akuma -vs- Ricky Reyes -vs- Delirious -vs- Brent Albright -vs- Tank Toland -vs- Adam Pearce Mike Quackenbush/Jigsaw -vs- El Generico/Kevin Steen -vs- Bobby and Derrick Dempsey ALSO SCHEDULED TO APPEAR: - "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson - Shane Hagadorn w/ J.D. Roche - "The Notorious 187" Homicide[/CENTER]
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This is just a quick OOC note of introduction. This is my first attempt at a real world diary so hopefully you guys will bear with me as I get my feet underneath me. It won't be the most visually pleasing diary to begin with but once I get the format I'll work on everything. Any suggestions are welcome - and predictions are always welcome as well. So hopefully as this diary develops it'll turn into a good story and someone will enjoy it.
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Sir I just wanted to inform you I am enjoying your diary thoroughly... Personally everyhing is spot on with what ROH would be doing and I also enjoy the fact that your not trying to overhaul the diary with graphics (Its an ROH Diary let the wrestling do the talking)... The perfect thing in my opinion to do a good ROH Diary is having a good format... I think I am starting to catch a good format in my diary and I hope that your diary catches on with people too.. I must say your ROH goes in a completely different direction than mine (Thats good) While mine has the PPV Deal and is trying to expand beyond being an Indy or just a company that uses TNA guys your trying to stay as the Indy king which is not a bad thing at all... Here are my predictions... MAIN EVENT: ROH World Tag Team Title Match [B]The Briscoe Brothers (c)[/B] -vs- The Motor City Machine Guns Six Man Tag Team Elimination Match No Remorse Corps (Davey Richards, Roderick Strong, Rocky Romero) -vs- [B]The Resilience (Austin Aries, Erick Stevens, Matt Cross)[/B] Three Way Dance [B]BJ Whitmer[/B] -vs- Nigel McGuinness -vs- Jimmy Rave Claudio Castagnoli -vs- [B]Chris Hero[/B] Six Man Mayham Gran Akuma -vs- Ricky Reyes -vs- Delirious -vs- [B]Brent Albright [/B]-vs- Tank Toland -vs- Adam Pearce Mike Quackenbush/Jigsaw -vs- [B]El Generico/Kevin Steen [/B]-vs- Bobby and Derrick Dempsey ALSO SCHEDULED TO APPEAR: - "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson - Shane Hagadorn w/ J.D. Roche - "The Notorious 187" Homicide
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[B][CENTER]ROH Presents: [COLOR="Red"]Rebirth Of Honor Night II[/COLOR] Live from Carey Stadium, Ocean City NJ in front of 4,014[/B] [B]Pre Show[/B]:[/CENTER] [B]Rhett Titus d. Smash Bradley @ 6:21 (D)[/B] - The crowd began to file into Carey Stadium a little late and because of that this match had little crowd involvement. - Smash Bradley was not on top of his game throughout this match - at one point it looked like he was trying to hit a suplex on Titus which wound up as a face plant on Titus because Bradley just didn't get him up. - Titus tried to interact with the crowd when the match spilled over the top rope after a flying cross body block but people seemd disinterested. - After a tilt-a-whirl backbreak right out of the Roderick Strong play book Titus put Bradley away with a tombstone piledriver. [B][CENTER]Main Show:[/CENTER][/B] [I]Our main show kicks off with J.D. Roche walking out to the ring with Shane Hagadorn in tow. Roche ignores the crowd chanting "CURTAIN JERKER" as Hagadorn yells some explicit statements towards the crowd. Once in the ring Hagadorn hands a microphe to J.D. Roche who attempts to ignore the crowd booing as he makes his statements.[/I] [B]Roche[/B]: I'm out here as a representative of the only member of the ROH Wrestling School that is worth anything - Shane Hagadorn. I know a lot of you people love to cheer for Alex Payne, or Pelle Primeau but in reality the only one who deserves to be on the main show from the wrestling school is this man right here. So Alex Payne, I know you're back there lacing up Nigel McGuiness's boots - walk your ass down that aisle so Shane can prove to all these people who the best ROH Wrestling School graduate really is. (F+) [B]Shane Hagadorn d. Alex Payne @ 5:47 (D+)[/B] - Alex Payne came out to answer the challange by Roche to chants of "SUGARFOOT" - This match didn't even wait for the bell as Hagadorn attacked Payne as he slapped hands with the crowd. Shane was on fire outside the ring even teasing an OLE KICK and then flipping off the fans and throwing Payne back into the ring. - Shane slowed the match down with a chin lock and just yelled at the crowd who cheered "BOOOORING" - Payne broke the chinlock and reversed it into headscissors - Payne started to pick up the pace hitting a couple arm drag take downs and then he went to the top rope - Shane grabbed the ref and with him distracted J.D. Roche jumped onto the ring apron and pushed Payne to the mat where Shane quickly got the pinfall. [I]We go to the backstage area where Davey Richards, Rocky Romero and Roderick Strong are seen coming into the building. The No Remorse Corps. is in full force tonight as they are all discussing tonight's big Stable War Elimination Match with The Resilience.[/I] (D+) [B]El Generico/Kevin Steen d. Jigsaw/Quack, Bobby and Derrick Dempsey @ 14:37 (D)[/B] - For the second night in a row the crowd popped HUGE for Quack. - The match was set so that one member of each team was always in the ring. - Quack made everyone in this match look real good and he came off like a superstar once again. - Kevin Steen hit a flying backdrop on Jigsaw while El Generico hit Derrick Dempsey with a turnbuckle brainbuster on the other side of the ring for the pinfall victory - Kevin Steen and El Generico really came off well in this match - and the crowd unsure if they'd see the CHIKARA group again gave a big "THANK YOU BOTH" chant for Quack and Jigsaw. [I]We cut backstage to Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.[/I] [B]Shelley[/B]: Briscoes, everyone keeps telling us how you're the best tag team in the United States today. Well last night Mark I put you in your place and tonight, the Motor City Machine Guns prove to ROH, and the World that the best tag team in professional wrestling today is in Ring of Honor, but it's the Motor City Machine Guns. (D) [B]Delirious d. Brent Albright, Adam Pearce, Gran Akuma, Rickey Reyes, Tank Toland @ 19:58 (B-)[/B] - The crowd immediately perked up when the ominous music of Delirious came on. Delirious did his traditional crazy run around the ring, and he was licking fans who were sitting in the expensive seats, but the antics were loved by the ROH crowd. - Brent Albright spent a good deal of time in the ring with Ricky Reyes and these two had some very good technical exchanges. The crowd was very much behind Reyes who has been stuck in a rut since his tag team with Rocky Romero ended. - Tank Toland attempted to use his power against the much quicker athletes in this match and it was unproductive to say the least. Gran Akuma really tied Toland up with his size and quick hitting offense and if there was a weak link in this match it must have been Toland. - Adam Pearce and Delirious had some heated exchanges, with Pearce yelling obscene things at Delirious, and Delirious licking the top of Pearce's head. Adam got so fed up that he tagged Toland back into the match which led to Delirious having the opportunity to hit Chemical Imbalance #2 and get the victory. [B]Chris Hero d. Claudio Castagnoli @ 15:08 (A)[/B] - After the previous match, the crowd was absolutely HOT for this match and these two did not disappoint. - Hero was booed lustily as he returned to an ROH ring without the CZW crew in tow. - Claudio got many "HEY" chants on his way to the ring, and throughout the match but it was obvious that Hero had a score to settle with this one. - The former Kings Of Wrestling had a very stiff match, with some good European uppercuts from Claudio to keep Hero off his feet, but in the end Hero was just to much for Claudio and when the ref was not looking, a pair of brass knuckles that had been hidden in his trunks helped Hero get the pinfall victory. The crowd was a little disappointed by the finish but this was a classic, and easily won the crowd over as MATCH OF THE NIGHT. [I]After the final bell rang - Chris Hero did not stop his assault on Double C. Hero shoved the ref out of the way and then delivered a swinging neckbreaker to Claudio. While Double C was down Hero shouted "You are NOTHING without me." Hero then delivered another swinging neckbreaker and left Claudio laid out in the ring.[/I] (D+) [B]American Dragon d. Homicide @ 16:49 (B+)[/B] - This was another candidate for Match of the Night as American Dragon got some revenge against Homicide who defeated Danielson for the ROH World Title in NYC in December. - Homicide had some good brawling offense throughout the early stages of this match, taking it to the floor and a huge irish whip into the ROH guardrail protectors made it seem as if Homicide would come out on top. - With the match back in the ring Homicide went for the Cop Killa, but Danielson was able to counter, hit a belly to back suplex and then lock in Cattle Mutiliation. - Homicide tried to get to the ropes but he could not and ultimately he had to tap out. [B]Nigel McGuinness d. Jimmy Rave, BJ Whitmer @ 20:10 (B)[/B] - This was an unfortuante match up for Jimmy Rave who was the only non hard hitting heavyweight in this match. - Nigel really controlled the early potion of the match until Rave and BJ Whitmer started using some double team moves to take the big Irishman down. - With Whitmer concerned with Nigel though Rave was able to catch Whitmer with a cradle DDT for a 2 count. - Rave then turned his attention to Nigel only to be NAILED with a SICK EXPLODER SUPLEX by Whitmer. - Whitmer than turned right into a jawbreaker lariot from Nigel, who than waited for Rave to get up and than hit him with a Jawbreaker Lariot as well for the pinfall victory. - After this match Rave and Whitmter had a very heated stare down. [I]Briscoes Interview about MCMG[/I] (D) [B]Mark[/B]: Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin you TNA curtain jerkers you think you can just show up in ROH and stake your claim as the greatest tag team in the world today. Well the four time ROH World Tag Team Champions are always ready for a fight boys so you better come with it tonight and because you know the Briscoes mean business. [B]Jay[/B]: Time to man up boys! [B]No Remorse Corps. (Davey Richards, Roderick Strong, Rocky Romero) d. Resilience (Austin Aries, Erick Stevens, Matt Cross) @ 27:47 (C+)[/B] - This was a brutal and stiff elimination match that the crowd really never got behind. It seemed like the quality of the previous three matches, and the anticipation for the Main Event really was to much for this match to overcome. - Erick Stevens was the first person eliminated when Roderick Strong used a series of backbreakers to secure the pinfall. - The next person to be eliminated was Matt Cross who really got stuck in the wrong neighborhood and he just could not tag himself out of this match. The NRC lived up to their names here as they showed no remorse for the beating they put on M-Dogg before he was eliminated by Rocky Romero. - Austin Aries had a large hill to climb but if anyone was going to be able to do it was the former ROH World Champion. - Aries was able to overcome some of the odds when he hit Rockey Romero with the 450 Splash for the pinfall. - Davey Richards then came in with some stiff kicks and brutal shots, in the corner with Roderick Strong the slaps that the NRC guys put on Aries left red marks on his chest for the remainder of the match. - The two on one nature of this match got the best of Aries and Roderick Strong got the final pinfall for the No Remorse Corps. victory. - Even though the crowd was not as excited about this match as some of the other matches there is no doubt that Roderick Strong looked very strong in victory. [B]Briscoes d. Motor City Machine Guns @ 28:36 (B)[/B] - There is a very real possibility that this match contained some of the best wrestling we've ever seen in Ring Of Honor - At one point Mark hit the move that almost killed him - a sunset flip from the top turnbuckle into the front row onto Chris Sabin that had the crowd chanting "ROH! ROH!" - Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin worked flawlessly as a tag team - and really played up the sissy heel role as constantly when one would get hit hard they would run to the corner where the other would stroke the hair, or nurse the injury. The fans even started chanting "GET A ROOM" at one point to Shelley. - It looked like Sabin and Shelley might get the win and the end really came out of nowhere as Mark hit a suicide dive onto the floor on Sabin and in the ring Shelley was on the top, Jay came over and got him into a powerbomb position which Shelley then attempted to turn into a hurracanrana, but Jay reversed that and dropped Shelley in a Jay Driver for the pinfall. - The crowd gave a "THAT WAS AWESOME" chant as all four men really shined in this match. - If there had to be an MVP of this match though it would probably go to Alex Shelley who played his role very well and really got the crowd to hate the Motor City Machine Guns. - We can only hope that this is not the last time these four men get into a ring together. OVERALL: C - The crowd seemed a little disappointed that there was not more angles and interviews. Although they knew what to expect due to this being the final night of Rebirth Of Honor. - Stay tuned for the ROH Newswire for the final news and notes wrap from Ocean City, NJ.
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Nice show brotha... Don't worry about there not being enough angles and interviews... Just gotta figure out the right amount and stick to it... Look at your matc ratio and the default is 80% so for every 10 Minutes 8 should be wrestling and 2 should be interviews/angles... Also just a note... Bring in Ruckus ;)...
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ruckus and hero i think would be a great team...a good throw back to czw...Very good by the way though....i usally am not a fan of diarys because people take it in a very diffrent direction that would not happen in the company...you are keeping it very realistic...
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Thanks for the thoughts and comments guys - very appreciative. I actually thought about bringing in Rukus to work with Hero but I got something in mind first so you might seem the CZW boys down the line but not yet, heh. Thanks again.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/yinyangguy/ringofhonor.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Blue"]ROH NEWSWIRE[/COLOR] May 13, 2007[/CENTER] This past weekend has been considered a major success for J.D. Roche as his first two shows as the Head Booker of Ring Of Honor were both very well received. The two shows were packed with action as everyone who was under an ROH contract had an opportunity to make a name for themselves and attempt to keep a permenant spot on the ROH roster. Unfortunately it wasn't possible for J.D. Roche to keep everyone and because of that an agreement was reached with CHIKARA wrestlers Hallowicked and Jigsaw who have both been told that they will not be permenant members of the full time roster, but will be called back to ROH somewhere down the line. There is a lot of talk that these are not the only two wrestlers who appeared on the Rebirth Of Honor shows who will be let go from full time commitments. One major story that developed out of Rebirth Of Honor Night II was a very displeased Homicide following his submission loss to "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson. Homicide was seen backstage confronting Cary Silken and demanding a rematch with Danielson. At this time we cannot confirm whether or not that rematch will take place but everyone here hopes that we have not seen the last of Homicide versus Bryan Danielson. After the huge success of the Rebirth Of Honor weekend everyone associated with ROH has already begun looking forward to June and our FOUR major events. We've already announced a full lineup for June 2nd when ROH returns to the St. Paul Armory in St. Paul, Minnesota for DESTINY. We've also announced some preliminary matches for the ROH event at the Michigan State Fairgrounds on June 9th; In Your Face. [CENTER]ROH RETURNS TO MINNESOTA [B][COLOR="Red"]DESTINY[/COLOR][/B] LIVE FROM THE ST. PAUL ARMORY IN ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA JUNE 2, 2007 [B]MAIN EVENT: TO DETERMINE A #1 CONTENDER FOR THE ROH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP[/B] Nigel McGuinness -vs- Matt Sydal -vs- Jack Evans -vs- Roderick Strong [I]A huge main event four corners match to determine who will challange ROH World Champion Takeshi Morishima when he makes his return to Ring Of Honor. All four of these men are top draws in ROH, and all four of them would love to take the World Championship away from the Pro Wrestling NOAH star. This match promises to be hard hitting, fast paced and action packed - the fans in St. Paul, MN better buckle their seat belts for this one.[/I] [B]THE WAR CONTINUES[/B] The Resilience (Austin Aries/Erick Stevens) -vs- No Remorse Corps. (Davey Richards/Rocky Romero) [I]Rebirth Of Honor Night II saw the No Remorse Corps. come out on top of a Stable War Elimination Match as Austin Aries was put down and Davey Richards and Roderick Strong survived. In St. Paul, MN the Resilience hopes to bounce back and regain some momentum in their war against the No Remorse Corps.[/I] [B]BY SPECIAL REQUEST[/B] Jimmy Rave -vs- BJ Whitmer [I]Where did this come from? Jimmy Rave feels as though BJ Whitmer is responsible for him losing the Three Way Dance at Rebirth Of Honor Night II and he asked for this match immediately following his loss to Nigel McGuinness. Whitmer is never one to back down from a challange and he signed his name on the dotted line as soon as he was asked. Two of the brightest stars in ROH go head to head in what many people are already highlighting as a possible show stealer.[/I] [B]THE BRISCOES/MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS SINGLES EXPLOSION[/B] Jay Briscoe -vs- Alex Shelley Mark Briscoe -vs- Chris Sabin [I]We've seen Alex Shelley defeat Mark Briscoe in one of the matches already nominated for MOTY consideration at Rebirth Of Honor Night I. At Rebirth Of Honor Night II the Briscoes defeated the Motor City Machine Guns in another MOTYC, and now we've got singles matches from everyone involved. This feud has heated up right from the word go - and it doesn't seem to be slowing down in St. Paul.[/I] [B]CHIKARA PRO FEATURE[/B] Gran Akuma -vs- Delirious [I]These two men are not strangers to one another. They've fought all over the independent wrestling scene, but this will be the first time they've squared off in an ROH ring in singles competition. There is no doubt that this will be a crowd pleaser as two high flying, fast paced, possibly insane individuals square off in this one.[/I] [U]ALSO SCHEDULED TO APPEAR:[/U] - "The Notorious 187" Homicide - Adam Pearce - Shane Hagadorn w/ J.D. Roche - "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson [B][U]UNOFFICIAL CARD[/U][/B] ROH INVADES THE MICHIGAN STATE FAIRGROUNDS [COLOR="Blue"][B]IN YOUR FACE[/B][/COLOR] JUNE 9, 2007 [B]SUPER TAG TEAM TURMOIL (FOR THE ROH WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES)[/B] The Briscoe Brothers (Champions) -vs- The Resilience (Austin Aries/Erick Stevens) -vs- Motor City Machine Guns -vs- No Remorse Corps. (Roderick Strong/Rocky Romero) Mike Quackenbush -vs- Brent Albright Davey Richards -vs- Matt Cross [B]SHIMMER SPECIAL ATTRACTION[/B] Sara Del Rey -vs- Daizee Haze -vs- Lacey [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]ROH Presents: [I][COLOR="Red"]Destiny[/COLOR][/I][/B] From The St. Paul Armory in St. Paul Minnesota Attendence: 1000 (Sell Out) [B]Pre Show[/B]:[/CENTER] [B]Sara Del Rey d. Daizee Haze @ 6:53 (C)[/B] - Daizee danced out to the crowd chanting "PURPLE HAZE" and they were solidly behind her the entire match - There is not much you can say about Sara Del Rey who might be the single best female wrestler in the country right now - Pretty fundamentally sound match that ended with a Tiger Suplex and the pinfall for Del Rey. [B]Alex Payne/Pelle Primeau d. Shane Hagadorn/Dempsey @ 8:37 (D-)[/B] - J.D. Roche continued to push Shane Hagadorn as the elite ROH Wrestling School graduate - Pelle and Payne got huge reactions from the crowd who love the underdog fight in both of these guys - Pelle played the face in peril throughout the early part of the match with Shane playing the arrogant heel and a lot of double team moves from the bad guys being utilized - When Sugarfoot finally got the tag he came in like a house on fire and ended it with a superkick and pinfall over Hagadorn [CENTER][B]Main Show[/B]:[/CENTER] [I]Our show kicks off with red flashing lights as "The Notorious 187" Homicide comes storming out to the ring. The crowd even gets a faint "THE CHAMP IS HERE" chant going, while some of the fans are trying to kick start a "YOU TAPPED OUT" chant. Homicide slides into the ring and grabs a microphone. [B]Homicide[/B]: Bryan Danielson, at Rebirth Of Honor Night II you made me tap out - and I haven't slept since. In New York City, in front of my home fans when I beat you for the ROH World Championship that was the best day of my life as a professional wrestler. Well Rebirth Of Honor Night II was the worst night of my life - and I'm callin' you out. By my count we're in a tiebreaker situation -- but I ain't about to have our little problem solved here tonight in St. Paul. We gonna start this fight in St. Paul Dragon but it ain't gonna end until one of us gets 4 victories. I'm calling you to the ring right now Dragon to begin a Best Of Seven series. We gonna settle this once and for all - so get your ass out here. [/I][B](D-)[/B] [B]Homicide d. Dragon @ 26:46 (B)[/B] - After Homicide threw down the mic almost immediately THE FINAL COUNTDOWN hit and the fans exploded. - Dragon and Homicide actually started this match off with a lot of technical moves - At about the 12 minute mark Dragon locked Homicide in Cattle Mutiliation and held it for almost 3 minutes until Homicide was able to grab a rope and break the hold. The ref gave the 5 count for the hold to break and Danielson gave the crowd his famous "I HAVE TILL FIVE" remark which got the crowd going. - Around the 19 minute mark this fight spilled over to the outside and Homicide was able to hit a swinging neckbreaker on the wooden floor followed by a legdrop from the ring apron on Danielson who was laying across a chair. - Homicide got the match back in the ring and was able to hit the Cop Killa and get the pinfall victory to go up 1-0 in this Best Of Seven series. - Homicide takes a 1-0 lead in Best Of Seven Series [I]Following the awesome Danielson/Homicide match the crowd was still hot and alive until J.D. Roche came to the ring and spoiled everything. [B]Roche[/B]: Ladies and gentlemen I have exposed you all to the greatness that is Shane Hagadorn. I have shown you all the light that shines brightest in that talented young man - and tonight I am here to once again point out the underutilized and under appreciated talents of one of the ROH talents. I am here to bring someone to the forefront of the wrestling industry. At this time I would like to call to the ring -- ADAM PEARCE! The crowd explods in a chorus of "BOO" as Adam Pearce makes his way to the ring. It is obvious after the antics that Pearce pulled off on the "Good Times, Great Memories" show in front of Colt Cabana that the people have completely given up on ever liking The Scrap Daddy. [B]Pearce[/B]: What do you want Roche? [B]Roche[/B]: Scrapiron - you're talented man. You're one of the most fundamentally sound wrestlers in ROH but nobody has noticed it yet. I've already started to bring Shane Hagadorn up the ladder of success and now I'm here to provide you with the leadership and direction that you need my man. I've already arranged for a match for you tonight to showcase your superior wrestling skills - and after tonight baby I'm taking you to the top. [B]Pearce[/B]: What makes you thi-- [B](E-)[/B][/I] [I]Pearce can't get the words out because the crowd has already begun cheering for Ricky Reyes who is making his way to the ring.[/I] [B]Pearce d. Ricky Reyes w/ help from Shane Hagadorn @ 8:31 (C)[/B] - This match was a set up from the get go. Reyes was out numbered as by the time the opening bell had rung Shane Hagadorn was ringside with J.D. Roche making noise and grabbing the ref to distrct him long enough for Adam Pearce to take advantage of some underhanded tactics. - Reyes was able to get the upperhand for a few moments during the middle of the match but then everything went to hell as J.D. Roche jumped on the ring apron and started yelling at the ref about "DO YOUR JOB ZEBRA" and Shane Hagadorn slide into the ring and nailed Ricky Reyes with brass knuckles and a right cross. - Pearce didn't waste any time making the pin and following the match J.D. Roche raised the hand of Pearce and Shane Hagadorn - might we be seeing the early stages of a new faction in ROH? [B]Mark Briscoe d. Chris Sabin @ 11:45 (C+)[/B] - This is the first time in this feud we've seen Chris Sabin in singles action and he did not disappoint - It actually looked like Sabin carried Mark throughout this match as Mark was just a bit off his game - The tide really turned in favor of Mark when he hit a springboard leg lariot on Sabin - Mark was able to secure the pinfall victory after hitting a Springboard Ace Crusher for the win [I]We cut backstage to Jimmy Rave in a suit jacket standing in front of a white wall. You know, standard ROH interview style. [B]Rave[/B]: BJ Whitmer - tonight you will pay for costing me a victory at Rebirth Of Honor Night II. I had that match in my hands and you decided to cheap shot me - to sneak up behind me and hit an Exploder Suplex well tonight you will answer for your crimes. I am sick and tired of being considered a joke around here - I'm done with all the toilet paper, and all the theatrics. Tonight the people will see just Jimmy Rave, and that'll be enough to be better than you Whitmer. [B](D-)[/B][/I] [B]Gran Akuma d. Delirious @ 19:55 (B)[/B] - These two had great chemistry and it was obvious that this was not the only time they'd been in the ring against one another - Delirious started off fast and insane as usual and got the crowd into the match right away - Gran Akuma used some high flying and fast paced moves to keep up with Delirious and a series of near falls got everyone on their feet - The end really looked like Delirious was going to hit Shadows Over Hell - but with great quickness and skill Gran Akuma was able to hit the Falcon Arrow and pin Delirious - This match really showcased Akuma who might be in store for some big things in the future. [I]Alex Shelley came out to the ring next as a small group of his fans all starting losing their minds. If there is one thing you can say about Alex Shelley fans it's that they're all incredibly happy, actually you might say that they're a gay bunch of guys. Well maybe you wouldn't say that. [B]Shelley[/B]: Jay Briscoe, Jay Briscoe, Jay Briscoe. At Rebirth Of Honor Night II you and your brother were on the lucky end of an off night for the Motor City Machine Guns. Tonight I'm going to put you in your place, and next week at IN YOUR FACE at the Michigan State Fairgrounds the Machine Guns will finally be rewarded with the ROH World Tag Team Championship. [B](E)[/B][/I] [B]Shelley d. Jay Briscoe with Sliced Bread #2 (B+)[/B] - Once again Alex Shelley has what many fans considered the MATCH OF THE NIGHT with one of the Briscoe Brothers. - Jay was really on point throughout this match and it just showed how well these two worked together - Shelley and Jay traded high impact moves and straight wrestling holds for the majority of the match - Shelley was able to slide out of an attempted powerbomb and turn it into Sliced Bread #2 for the pinfall victory. [B]BJ Whitmer d. Jimmy Rave @ 14:38 (B-)[/B] - BJ Whitmer played the face in peril in this match as Jimmy Rave unloaded his entire arsenal of moves on Whitmer in an attempt to keep him down - There was a series for about two minutes where Rave continued to try and gain the pinfall but could only get a two count - At one time Rave performed a tornado DDT off the ring apron onto the floor which some people thought might have killed Whitmer - BJ just would not stay down and he was able to turn an irish whip into the corner from Rave into a huge lariot and the Super Exploder '98 for the pinfall victory. [B]Austin Aries/Erick Stevens d. Davey Richards/Rocky Romero @ 19:33 (C)[/B] - This was another solid match in the Resilience/No Remorse Corp. feud that the fans were a little too tired to really appreciate - Another problem seemed to be that Davey and Aries never really got into the ring together which people were waiting for - Erick Stevens got pummeled by the NRC for a good deal of the match but when Aries got the hot tag the crowd exploded "AUSTIN ARIES!" - Aries was able to clean out Richards from the ring apron and hit the 450 Splash on Rocky Romero for the pinfall victory. - It was obvious once again in this match that Austin Aries was the star [I][B]Four Way Hype Video (E)[/B] - We get a quick video recapping Nigel McGuinness, Matt Sydal, Jack Evans and Roderick Strong[/I] [B]Nigel McGuiness d. Matt Sydal, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong @ 27:45 (B)[/B] - If one guy ever looked out of place in a match like this it was Jack Evans - Nigel used his significant power advantage over Sydal and Evans to clean house early on in the match which left him face to face with Roderick Strong which was something everyone was waiting for - Strong and Nigel exchanged very stiff shots for a few moments until Sydal and Evans returned to the match and then all hell broke loose - At one point Sydal, Nigel and Strong were all on the outside and Evans performed his off the ropes, cartwheel handspring corkscrew backflip over the top rope to the floor to take out all four people and get a "HOLY ****" chant out of the St. Paul crowd. - The match when Roderick Strong put down Matt Sydal with a brutal double underhook backbreaker - but was then taken down by Jack Evans and a spinning heel kick who immediately went to the top rope for the 630 Splash but was caught by Nigel McGuinness and dropped into the Tower Of London for the pinfall victory. - Nigel McGuinnss is the new #1 Contender for the ROH World Championship. [QUOTE]Show Notes: - The overall result was a B- rating and the show should have been considered a success - Once again the Match Of The Night involved Alex Shelley with the Shelley/Briscoe match winning the honor - Wrestler of the Night went to Nigel McGuinness for becoming the #1 Contender for the ROH World Championship[/QUOTE]
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Quick OOC note - I haven't stopped writing I'm actually getting ahead in the booking right now, the only reason things slowed down is because my last final of my 2L year of law school is tomorrow morning so that took precedent at this juncture. I should have IN YOUR FACE up tonight so you can look forward to that.
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Oops - alright so I got a little behind yesterday. I know I promised a show yesterday and trust me there is one done it's just not ready to post yet. I'm on my way to my last exam of the year and then you'll get the show. If anyone is actually reading this than you have my word.
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[CENTER][B]ROH Presents: [I][COLOR="Red"]In Your Face[/COLOR][/I][/B] Attendance: 1,328 Michigan State Fairgrounds[/CENTER] [B]Pelle Primeu d. Tank Toland, Smash Bradley, Rhett Titus, Bobby Dempsey, Derrick Dempsey @ 17:35 (D-)[/B] - Pelle Primeau is starting to get over pretty well with the crowd who love the underdog storyline - Toland really used his size throughout this match to take advantage of the students - After being beaten up Toland the students banned together to fight off Tank - With Bobby Dempsey, and Smash Bradley on the outside with Toland, Rhett Titus was taken down by Derrick Dempsey who then got hit with a flying stunner by Pelle - Pelle Primeau got the pinfall victory [B]Following the match Pelle crowd surfed (F-)[/B] [B]Sara Del Rey d. Daizee Haze, Lacey @ 7:41 (B-)[/B] - Another fantastic SHIMMER feature match by these ladies - The crowd is really behind Daizee - Lacey has really improved these last weeks - It looked like Daizee might have the chance for the victory but Sara Del Rey threw her out of the ring - Del Rey hit Lacey with the Tiger Suplex for the pinfall victory [B]Shane Hagadorn/Adam Pearce d. Alex Payne, Jason Blade@ 12:13 (D-)[/B] - J.D. Roche's tag team of doom worked together very well - But Payne and Blade really impressed with their flowing teammork - The size and talent of Pearce really showed in this match - Hagadorn played the heel in peril and once Pearce got into the match it was all bad guys - Pearce got the victory with a big splash and a pinfall over Blade. [I][B]BACKSTAGE WITH HOMICIDE: (D-) Homicide[/B]: Dragon last week I put you down the Cop Killa - and you can bet yo' ass that tonight in Michigan I'm puttin' you down again. When that final bell rings tonight it'll be two ta' zero for the Notorious 1-8-7. BLLLLAAATTTT.[/I] [B]Quack d. Brent Albright @ 12:12 (C+)[/B] - Quack gets a warm reception - Albright really showed his strength here - and he dominated the early stage of this match - Quack was able to turn the tides of this match with his speed - A leapfrog over Albright followed by a frankensteiner really got Albright out on his feet - Quack was able to reverse a powerbomb attempt by Albright and nail the Quackdriver II for the pinfall [B]Davey Richards d. Matt Cross @ 16:49 (B-)[/B] - The war between the Resilience and the No Remorse Corp. continued with Matt Cross probably fighting above his weight class - Davey was stiff throughout this match and Cross was busted open the hard way on his nose, and his mouth - The red welts left by Richards' kicks and slaps had the crowd really stunned - Davey was able to finish it off with the D.R. Driver for the pinfall and another win for the NRC over the Resilience [I][B]NIGEL AND SYDAL ARE BACKSTAGE: (C)[/B] [B]Sydal[/B]: You know you could never beat me one on one Nigel. I am a former Dragon Gate Champion, I am a former ROH World Tag Team Champion. I am the brightest star in this company, and if it wasn't for that cluster of a match we had at Destiny I'd be the number one contender for the ROH World Championship when Morishima brings it back to the United States. [B]Nigel[/B]: Really? The way I remember it - I beat your ass last week, just like I beat Jack Evans, and just like I beat Roderick Strong. As a matter of fact I seem to remember doing nothing but beating people's asses since Samoa Joe left the company and it's about damn time that I'm recognized as the number one contender around here. But - your mouth is writing a check that your ass can't cash - so I'll see you in that ring later on tonight and we'll see who the real number one contender is.[/I] [B]MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS IN THE RING: (D+)[/B] [I][B]Shelley[/B]: Once again the Briscoes are running scared from the Motor City Machine Guns. We've given them everything that they can handle so tonight instead of a match in which they "man up" and take us on mano y mano - we're stuck in this insane convoluted match between the No Remorse Corp and Resilience war. So lets get this damn thing going because it's about time the Machine Guns are given the proper respect.[/I] [B]The Briscoes d. Austin Aries/Erick Stevens, Motor City Machine Guns, Roderick Strong/Rocky Romero @ 34:44 (C)[/B] - This match was a violent mess - It spilled into the crowd with people fighting all over the place - The Briscoes were really just focused on Sabin and Shelley while the Resilience and NRC fought between one another - While the Briscoes and Machine Guns were on the outside Roderick Strong got a pinfall over Erick Stevens to knock the Resilience out of the match - This turned into a little more controlled match after that point with Mark Briscoe getting a pinfall over Chris Sabin to knock the Motor City Machine Guns out of the match - There were many near falls with Rocky Romero getting about a 2 2/3 count on Jay Brisoce - However with all four men in the ring the Briscoes sent Strong and Romero to the outside and then Jay hit a running front flip over the top rope onto both members of the NRC - Rolling Romero into the ring Mark hit a springboard move much like a Sliced Bread #2 almost a shot to Alex Shelley and got the pinfall - The Briscoes have made another successful defense of their ROH World Championships. [B]Bryan Danielson d. Homicide @ 59:58 (B)[/B] - Talk about a war - This match had numerous near falls - By the half hour point this match seemed like Homicide was in complete control with American Dragon bleeding heavily from his right eye area - Homicide hit two Cop Killa's in a row but Danielson was able to kick out when the pin attempt was made - The announcer made a call for ONE MINUTE LEFT in the 60 Minute Time Limit - At this point Homicide went for another Cop Killa but Danielson was able to slide out of the hold - take Homicide down and lock him in a position where he was very vulnerable - With 30 seconds remaining Danielson began just UNLOADING MMA Elbows on the side of the head of Homicide - The countdown began 10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3..... - The bell rang and the crowd erupted assuming it was a time limit draw - However, Bryan Danielson was called the winner with 2 seconds left in the match as Homicide has been KNOCKED OUT by the MMA Elbows - Both men were bleeding a good deal and there is no telling whether or not this series will continue - As it stands the Best of Seven Series is tied 1-1 [B]BACKSTAGE WITH MATT SYDAL (C)[/B] [I][B]Sydal[/B]: I'm a champion on two different continents. Nigel McGuinness you're nothing more than a bar room brawler. You're not as mobile as I am, you're not as athletic, and you're just not as skilled. Tonight I'll embarass you - because tonight I'll show the world that Matt Sydal is the next big thing in ROH.[/I] [B]Jack Evans d. Gran Akuma @ 14:56 (B)[/B] - FAST PACED - The crowd got a great "YOU GOT SERVED" chant going after Jack did about a two minute break dance to begin the match - It was all Gran Akuma to begin with - The speed was blinding at points with both men going inside and outside, from the top rope to over the ringside barriers without even a break in stride. - Gran Akuma seemed like he might have really hurt himself with a front flip off the top turnbuckle into the front row of the crowd he landed on that guy that always dresses like the Green Lantern - Jack was able to gain the advantage once he dragged the almost lifeless body of Gran Akuma into the ring and Evans hit the 630 Splash - Jack Evans got the victory in this one and the crowd loved it - JACK! JACK! JACK! [I][B]BACKSTAGE WITH RAVE (D+)[/B] [B]Jimmy Rave[/B]: Next week at Throwdown. BJ Whitmer I want you to get a friend - come ready for a brawl because I'm gonna bring my friends and I'm going to tear you to pieces. I'm sick and tired of being a joke around here. I'm Jimmy Rave goddamn it, the crown jewel of Ring Of Honor and I deserve respect. Next week at Throwdown I'll get it, by taking you out BJ Whitmer[/I]. [B]Nigel McGuinness d. Matt Sydal @ 22:34 (B)[/B] - The crowd was firmly behind Nigel throughout this match - Sydal had the early advantage and took a lot of time showboating - He went for a frogsplash from the top but ate a big boot to the jaw and that turned the tide - Nigel was very stiff in this match and it seemed like he might have been legitimately trying to hurt Sydal - The match ended when Nigel set Sydal up on top, but Sydal fought him off with a rake to the eyes and attempted a flying cross body block but Nigel caught him in midair and dropped him in a Tower of London for the pinfall victory. [QUOTE] Final Rating: B- - The ROH Students were over used - Show was a success and should have increased our popularity MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Bryan Danielson -vs- Homicide WRESTLING OF THE NIGHT: Nigel McGuinness[/QUOTE]
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I know I've said this before but I have slowed a bit in my diary writing because of a move that I just made - so hopefully if you're reading this diary you stick with me through the slowdown as I promise things will be picking up again. I've got two shows done (just need to do the write ups) so expect those in the near future.
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