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WWE: Blowin' Off the Dust!

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[COLOR="SeaGreen"][B][SIZE="5"]Backstory Part 1: Setting the Scene[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] WWE Wrestlemania 23 on paper was the biggest success for the company… ever! More people had sat down to watch this Wrestlemania more than any other. However, with Backlash being the flop that it always is, the questions that started to circle before Wrestlmania have started to rear their ugly head again. What about the drug misuse scandal – a repetition of the fiasco in the late 80’s was expertly avoided, however, now that the Wrestlemania pyro sparks have settled people are starting to wonder what happened! On top of that wrestler moral is as low as it has ever been! WWE have already lost top stars such as Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle, can WWE risk loosing even more? However, neither of these issues would ever cause Vince McMahon to hang up his microphone… boots and newly won ECW Championship! What will? Shareholders! Gone are the years where WWE = McMahon, now WWE = Shareholders, and if sidelining Vince McMahon is best for shareholders… then it’s best for Business! To Be Continued... [I]Your feedback is greatly appreciated![/I]
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[SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]The Backstory Part Two: The Time Is Now[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [I]The weekly WWE Board Meeting is just about to take place when Martin Sweeny (one of the major WWE Share Holders) jumps in before Mr McMahon can open the meeting.[/I] [B]Martin:[/B] Vince… Linda… before we begin, the board and I have discussed this at great length… and we feel that Vince McMahon as Chairman should sit out of this meeting. [I]Vince McMahon chuckles.[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] Whys that Martin… are you gonna fire me. [Chuckles] [B]Martin:[/B] Well not quite. [B]Vince:[/B] Right Martin… whatever… we need to get on with this meeting, I’ve got a lunch with a potential sponsor at 12. [B]Martin:[/B] No… I’m being serious. [I]Vince looks around and realises that the rest of the board members and they all have a serious look on their face.[/I] [B]Vince:[/B] What the… what’s this all about? [B]Martin:[/B] Well… Vince… the board want to redeploy you… give you a new role within WWE. [B]Vince:[/B] What? How the… Why… Who said? [B]Martin:[/B] Well… it’s just that we feel it’s time WWE had a new direction, and Vince… your not part of that new direction. [B]Vince:[/B] Oh… really? Well… I’d like to see you try…I own 50.1% of this company, and as such I have the casting vote on every decision! [B]Martin:[/B] Ummm… no… you don’t! [B]Vince: [/B]Of course I do! Are you stupid! [B]Martin:[/B] You don’t have a casting vote when there is a conflict of interest and seeing as were talking about your job… you have a BIG conflict of interest! [B]Vince: [/B]You dirty… Martin, you have never liked me… I bet you are loving this! [B]Martin:[/B] Vince… please… don’t make this harder than it already is! [B]Vince:[/B] But your sacking me! [B]Martin:[/B] No Vince, we are not, we want to give you, and your family… [B]Vince:[/B] What the hell has my family got to do with all this!?!?!? [B]Martin:[/B] Vince! Will you shut up and listen! [B]Vince:[/B] Ok… I’m listening! [B]Martin:[/B] We are taking you and your daughter out of the creative team. We want you both to continue as on screen stars, and the other half of the time we want you both to promote WWE… you know… maximising the fact your on screen and part of WWE history. [B]Vince:[/B] What?!?!?! But I have the final say on everything! And… Stephanie… she is the head of our creative department! [B]Martin:[/B] We know, but we feel your skills could be better use. [B]Vince:[/B] This is crap… you know… if you don’t need me here today… you don’t need me period! [I]Vince stands up, throws down his pen and storms out the office.[/I] To Be Continued…
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