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Oh God! Not another WWE Dynasty!!

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**This dynasty is all completely fake and made up, some of it may or may not happen, I have no idea! Its just all my imagination and what happens in my own mad mind** Im not going with a big long winded backstory, like I won $8gazillion on the lottery, or got buttraped by Pat Patterson and took over his job or whatever... Nope none of that from me. Ive just got the job, ok? WOOOOOOOO!! I work for WWE now and none of you do! nah nah nah :D Anyway, this dynasty starts the day after Backlash. For the record books, this is what happened at Backlash [quote][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/backlash.jpg[/IMG] [B]WWE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH[/B] HARDYS def MURDOCH & CADE [B]WWE WOMENS TITLE MATCH[/B] MELINA def MICKIE JAMES [B]WWE UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH[/B] CHRIS BENOIT def MVP [B]ECW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/B] SHANE, VINCE & UMAGA def BOBBY LASHLEY [I](both Vince and Shane scored the pin)[/I] [B]WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/B] UNDERTAKER drew BATISTA [B]WWE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH[/B] JOHN CENA def SHAWN MICHEALS, RANDY ORTON & EDGE [/quote] So anyway, my first day at this lovely new job for an egomanical boss! . . . . Hey, it beats working in a supermarket filling shelfs all day long! I spent the morning looking through the roster, seeings whos who and all that malarky, and have come up with a rough guide as to where each worker is situated on the roster. These will be posted shortly, and thank you for reading so far.
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[IMG]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]WWE RAW PREVIEW[/B][/SIZE] [size="1"]Posted by Ashish[/size] Tonights Raw comes live from The Baltimore Area, Baltimore, Maryland. After Backlash last night, we are sure that Shawn Micheal's will have something to say about the ending of the WWE Heavyweight Title match. Also new ECW Heavyweight Champions Vince and Shane McMahon will be in attendance celebrating their win over Bobby Lashley. In matches tonight, Cryme Time take on The Worlds Greatest Tag Team Ric Flair battles Johnny Nitro and new WWE Intercontinental Champion Santino Marella makes his first defence against Chris Masters Be sure to catch all the action live tonight
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[FONT="Courier New"] [center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoraw.jpg[/img] [b]RAW - MONDAY WEEK 1 MAY 2007 BALTIMORE ARENA, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND[/b][/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/b] [b][i]KENNY DYKSTRA def EUGENE in 4:43 with a Guillotine Leg Drop[/i][/b] *Fairly basic match between the two, wasnt really paying much attention to it though as was abit busy getting everyone sorted out with last minute details before the main show. Kenny is showing an improvement in his skills though* [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b][i]CARLITO def VAL VENIS in 7:05 with the Backcracker[/i][/b] *The crowd did seem to quite enjoy this match, it makes me wonder now why I didnt put this on the main show as I think both men have proven tonight that they should have TV time as it was quite entertaining and both men put alot of effort into this bout.* [i]Rating: B-[/i] MAIN RAW Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler open the show, and we are LIVE from Baltimore! Woooooooooo!!! [b]THE CHAMP IS HERE[/B] *John Cena came out to a very mixed response, stating that he is still the champ but was quite lucky to win last night due to being unconcious when the pinfall was made. But he had proved that once again he is the best in the company [i]Rating: A[/i] [B]AND SO AM I[/B] *HBK came out to a very good response, complaining that HE should be the WWE Heavyweight Champion. *HBK wants a title shot against Cena right here tonight on Raw. *Cena tells him that if he wants it, he'll get it [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]BUT DONT FORGET ME[/B] *Edge interrupts and reminds everyone that he didnt get pinned in last nights match, so he should also deserve a shot at Cena tonight. *HBK tells Edge that he doesnt deserve it as he hasnt earned anything. *Cena wants to take on both men [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]THIS IS HOW IT GOES[/b] *Jonathan Coachman comes out and says that we wont be seeing Cena defend against HBK or Edge tonight. *They will be competing against each other tonight to decide the #1 contender to face the WWE Heavyweight Champion in a few weeks at Judgement Day. *However, one more man was involved at Backlash, and as both he and Cena were knocked out when the pinfall was made so both were unaware of it, Cena will be defending tonight against Randy Orton [i]Rating: B[/i] -------------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 1[/B] [B][i]Jeff Hardy Vs Lance Cade[/i][/b] *Jeff Hardy seemed abit off his game tonight *Lance Cade got quite alot of offensive in the match *Jeff Hardy won the match in 6:06 with the Swanton Bomb *The crowd were behind Jeff Hardy alot during the bout [i]Rating: C[/i] -------------------------------------------------------- [b]WHAT HAPPENED EARLIER?[/B] *Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross show clips of earlier on tonight, where HBK & Edge would be competing tonight in a #1 contenders match later tonight. [i]Rating:B-[/i] [b]MATCH 2[/b] [b][i]Worlds Greatest Tag Team Vs Cryme Time[/i][/b] *Shelton Benjamin looked really good out there tonight. *JTG is improving in performance skills and was getting the crowd involved alot during the match *Shelton Benjamin got the pin on Shad in 7:35 after a good double team effort with Charlie Haas [i]Rating: C-[/i] ----------------------------------------------------- [b]TONIGHT, I TAKE IT ALL[/b] *Todd Grisham is backstage with Randy Orton. *Orton says that tonight, he will defeat John Cena and go to Judgement Day as the new WWE Heavyweight Champion [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]TWO WEEKS AGO[/B] *A video recap is shown of Santino Marella winning the IC title from Umaga in Italy [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]MATCH 3[/b] [b][i]Santino Marella (C) Vs Chris Masters for the WWE Intercontinental Title[/i][/b] *The crowd were vocally against this match *Chris Masters dominated this match, not letting Marella get in much offensive *The ending game when Marella slipped out from the Masterlock and made Chris Masters submit to a standing arm bar in 8:56 [i]Rating: D+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------ [b]WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS[/B] *Vince and Shane McMahon come out to a chorus of boo's. *They replay the ending of last nights match where both men pinned Bobby Lashley to be the first co-holders of the ECW Heavyweight Championship. *Vince launches into a tirade of insults on Bobby Lashley, and that he is now the dominant man of ECW *Shane takes slight offense, but they soon agree that they are both the best men in ECW and better than any of the Original's will ever be [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]IM BAAAAAAAAACK[/b] *Paul Heyman comes out to the shock of everyone in attendance *He says that as Vince is obviously using ECW for his own egomanical ways, the WWE directors have reinstated him as the General Manager of ECW *As the ECW Heacyweight Title is a single's title, it should be held by only one man, and not two *However as he cannot strip Shane or Vince of the title, he books them in a match at Judgement Day with Umaga against Bobby Lashley *Vince says thats fine and says to Shane that this time he'll get the pinfall on Lashey himself *Heyman than says that it is actually a Fatal Fourway match, and that as an added stipulation Vince and Shane cannot pin each other to avoid an easy win *Vince is irate at Heyman, but promises that come the day after Judgement Day he will be the sole ECW Heavyweight Champion [i]Rating: B+[/i] ------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]Johnny Nitro Vs Ric Flair[/i][/b] *The crowd were vey into this match and majorly behind Ric Flair *Melina ran down near the end of the match and tried to interfere but accidently got knocked off the apron by Nitro *Whilst Nitro was trying to look at Melina, Flair came from behind and got the pin with a roll-up in 12:25 [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]BIKINI CONTEST[/b] *Jerry Lawler is in the ring and introduces Maria, Victoria, Candice and Melina *After each girl posed, the crowd voted for the winner which was Candice *As Candice celebrated, she was assaulted by Melina [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]I'LL SAVE YOU[/B] *As Melina continues her attack on Candice, Mickie James comes out to make the save *She lays out Melina with the Mick Kick before heping Candice to the back [i]Rating: C-[/i] --------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 5[/B] [b][i]Edge Vs HBK for the #1 Contender[/i][/b] *The crowd were very into this match, many are calling it the match of the night *Both took it in turns on the offense, with both getting very near pinfalls *HBK finally one in 19:50 after hitting Edge with Sweet Chin Music and will face the champion at Judgement Day [i]Rating: A[/i] [b]AND FINALLY...[/b] *Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler hype tonights main event involving John Cena and Randy Orton [i]Rating: B-[/i] --------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 6[/b] [b][i]John Cena Vs Randy Orton for the WWE Heavyweight Title[/i][/b] *Both men looked good tonight and got the crowd into the match *Both got a mixed reaction, with both men receiving cheers and boos *Orton got the advantage halfway during the match, but couldnt hit the RKO *Orton managed to escape the STFU near the end of the match *The ending finally came with John Cena hitting the FU and scoring the pin in 21:50 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]I WANT YOU[/b] *HBK came out and got into a stare down with Cena as Raw went off the air [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b][I]OVERALL FINAL RATING: C[/I][/B] [/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 1, May 2007[/B] [B][I]TUESDAY AM:[/I][/B] I was quite pleased with last nights Raw, although the final rating was a bit dissapointing. Apparently it has come back to me that the crowd wanted more angles. And there I was thinking that McMahons + Boobs = Ratings! Mmmmmm maybe I should have Shane lose his hair too, so I can get both of those things into one segment! The attendance for last nights show was 9,998 which is pretty good in my books. [B]RAW RATINGS[/B] J Sports - 1.51 Sky Sports 3 - 0.59 (Stupid Brits, not being able to stay up till the early hours in the morning!) TSN - 3.33 USA Network - 25.32 Coming out of last nights Raw, both Jeff Hardy & Ric Flair picked up a few knocks and need a slight rest. Which is fine by me. Hardy is probably in a drug induced haze, and Flair is just old and probably needs a nap. Also from Raw, I think that the crowd are not into Santino Marella at all. I know he obviously worked well for the Italian crowd a few weeks ago, but the home crowd are not taking to him at all Or maybe it was just Chris Masters sucking the life out of the match as usual! Some lovely person has emailed me this morning, with some targets that Mr McMahon wants me to work towards in the future. [I][b]GOAL ONE - MORE THAN $40,160,160 - 23 MONTHS 3 WEEKS left to attain[/b] (shouldnt be too hard) [b]GOAL TWO - CANNOT SIGN ANYONE OVER 35 - 23MTHS 3WKS left before block ends [/b](hooray! At least theyve given me a reason NOT to sign Hogan) [b]GOAL THREE - ROSTER BIASED TOWARDS GENUINE ATHLETES - 23MTHS 3WKS [/b](is this the WWE Im working for?)[/I] Looking through the internet and other wrestling sites, Ive taken note that Sean Waltman has had his contract with AAA terminated and is now out of a job! Hahaha! Maybe I'll bump into him next time I go to McDonalds! I think TNA have officially lost the plot, as Danny Basham made his debut on last nights IMPACT, and defeated Kurt Angle! Oh how the mighty have fallen! Though Chris Sabin did beat Booby Roode to retain the X-Division Title so there is some good in the world. Well, we've got ECW live tonight and the Smackdown tapings. So another few miles of travelling today and should be at the venue shortly. Also, Ive been looking at some of OVW's talent from their latest tapings... some good workers down there, may have a word to bring some of them up to the main roster to fill it out abit. Especially as the Main Event scene is looking abit thin, especially on Smackdown. Talking of which, Ive heard from the road agents that Marty Wright, who performs as The Boogeyman, expects to be pushed at a Main Event level....right! Main eventing Velocity maybe, but no way is he going to be pushed to that level in the main roster. Ive only put him to Upper Midcard in my guidelines just to fill it out abit. The only person I can see moving up at the moment is Kane, but we'll wait and see on how he performs before I make that jump with him. Moving on, we have Judgement Day coming up in a few weeks time. Allready we have two title matches booked for the night, which are John Cena defending his WWE Heavyweight Title against Shawn Micheals, and Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Umaga and Bobby Lashley in a Fatal Fourway for the ECW Heavyweight Title Anyway, gotta run now as lots to prepare ready for tonight.
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [b]WWE ECW PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Tonight on ECW, the co-holders of the ECW Heavyweight Title will be in attendance and will be taking on Rob Van Dam in a handicap match after RVD's comments after Backlash Also, in a match made before Paul Heyman was reinstated as General Manager, Bobby Lashley will also be in a handicap match against Marcus Cor Von and Matt Striker And the New Breed continues to try to destory the Originals as Elijah Burke takes on Tommy Dreamer. Catch all the action live tonight on Sci-Fi
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoecw.jpg[/IMG] [b]TUESDAY - WEEK 1, MAY 2007 USAir ARENA, LANDOVER, MARYLAND[/B][/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b]Balls Mahoney Vs Snitsky[/b] *It is said that Mahoney and Snitsky had great chemistry working together, and a program between the two may be beneficial to both *Snitsky worked well in this match, getting some decent heel heat from the crowd *Snitsky won the match in 4:19 after catching Mahoney with a boot to the face [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]Kevin Thorn V The Sandman[/b] *Nothing really to note from the match, it was just a pretty normal match really *Kevin Thorn got the pinfall in 4:48 for the win [i]Rating: C-[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] [B]TO THE EXTREME[/B] *Paul Heyman comes out and says its so good to be back where he belongs, here live on ECW. *He states that he was hired to put the Extreme back into ECW *His first action, was to make the Fatal Fourway at Judgement Day, which is now under "Extreme Rules" and again states that Shane or Vince cannot pin the other to get the easy win [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS...AGAIN![/B] *Both Vince and Shane come out and enter the ring, Vince giving Heyman quite an evil look *Vince states that even though Heyman may be in charge, that he his going to fail miserably yet again. *Vince also says that come Judgement Day he will be leaving as the ECW champion *Shane says that tonight, they will show to RVD and to the world what they will do to Bobby Lashley in a few weeks time [i]Rating: B+[/i] ------------------------------ [b]MATCH 1[/B] [B][i]Elijah Burke Vs Tommy Dreamer[/i][/b] *Both Tazz & Joey Styles done a good job in this match, both getting behind Dreamer's offense as an ECW Original *Elijah is showing a slight improvement in most areas and looked good in the match *Elijah got the pinfall in 4:51, after knocking Dreamer into the exposed turnbuckle [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]INTERVIEW TIME[/B] *Kelly Kelly is backstage and joined by Bobby Lashley *Lashley says that at Judgement Day, he will give Vince & Shane the beating of their lives *He tells Cor Von and Striker to watch out tonight *Its been noted backstage that Lashley does need to improve his mic skills as he seemed to stumble abit [i]Rating: C+[/i] ------------------------------------ [b]HAVE A BREAK, HAVE A STRIP[/B] *Layla & Brooke waste some commercial time by stripping to their underwear for the live crowd [i]Rating: C-[/i] ------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Bobby Lashley V Marcus Cor Von & Matt Striker[/i][/b] *Lashley dominated for most of the match, being made out to be a monster *Cor Von looked pretty decent tonight, a singles run could be on the cards *Lashley won in 7:48 with a vicious looking spear on Cor Von [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]THE BEAST IS LOSE[/B] *After the match, Umaga comes from out of nowhere, assaulting Lashley from behind *Umaga leaves Lashley laying on the canvas after hitting him with the Samoan Spike [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]YOU CAN DO IT[/b] *We are shown Paul Heyman and RVD talking backstage with Heyman giving RVD encouragement for his upcoming match [I]Rating: C+[/I] ------------------------------------- [b]STILL TO COME[/B] *Joey Styles and Tazz hype the main event for tonight, both men fully behind Rob Van Dam [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Rob Van Dam Vs Shane McMahon & Vince McMahon[/i][/b] *RVD went straight for Vince at the start of the match, much to the delight of the crowd *Halfway through the bout, Vince made the announcer "remind" everyone that this was a no DQ match. *Which led to the inclusion of steel chairs, etc into the ring and some vicious shots to RVD's head *Best moment of the match was Shane McMahon hitting the coast-to-coast leap onto a steel chair in front of RVD's face *Vince finally made the pin at 11:42 [b]Rating: B+[/b] [B]AND WE'RE DONE[/B] *Vince & Shane celebrate in the ring as we go off air, both taunting the fallen RVD [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B][I]OVERALL FINAL RATING: B[/B][/I] [/FONT]
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[b]WEEK 1 - MAY 2007[/B] [B]WEDNESDAY[/b] Last night went quite well, pretty pleased with the live ECW show, and the tapings of Smackdown went without a hitch Im again pleased of the attendance levels which where 9,888 last night, so all is going well. [b]TV Ratings[/b] Raw got a 0.40 on Premiere ECW got a 16.60 on Sci-Fi Spent most of the morning looking through the internet looking at other companies websites, as its allways nice to see what else is going on in the world of wrestling. JAPW had a big show on last night, which from the sounds of it was a pretty solid card with some decent indy talent on it. From note last night Davey Richards won the JAPW Heavyweight Championship from Low-Ki. And Homicide won the JAPW New Jersey State Championship from Grim Reefer. In WWE notes, and in a slight move which kind of shocked me untill I found out some more details, Jerry Lawler has signed a PPA deal with AJPW. Im not sure what role he'll be playing there, but he'll still be on Raw every Monday night. And I actually made my first signing today! [B]Cheerleader Melissa[/B] has signed a developmental contract and sent to OVW to hone her skills. Allready Im so pleased to have her on board as she is very talented. I just so hope that Vince doesnt convince her to "enhance" herself as shes a very good looking young lady without having things like that done. Also Ive been contacted by Shannon Moore this morning, who has asked for a few days off due to a slight nagging pain from his match at the Smackdown! tapings last night. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]THURSDAY[/B] Not much has happened today, bit of a day off really although I had some work this morning going over some contracts for some new recruits that may be signing in the next few days. Apart from that, its been a pretty quiet day, although Ive managed to catch up on some old Shimmer DVD's that arrived on my desk this morning! Maybe I'll go play them to the girls, hopefully they could learn a thing or two! --------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]FRIDAY: AM[/B] [b]TV Ratings[/b] ECW got a 1.21 on Sky Sports 3 Ive contacted OVW earlier today, and asked that both Sylvan Grenier and Rene Dupree to be moved up to the main roster. Im not entirely sure which brand they will be on yet, but they should be appearing either this week or next week. They will deffinately be reforming as a tag team as I think the division could do with a few extra teams. More signings this morning, with [B]Scott Commodity[/b] and [B]TJ Wilson[/b] both signing development deals to OVW And my two biggest signings to date as both [b]Ace Steel[/b] and [b]Colt Cabana[/b] have signed contract with us, and I think Im going to put the two of them onto ECW. Ace has allready asked if he could play a comedy-drunk in a total ripoff of CM Punks straight edge gimmick. Im going to give it some thought and we'll see what happens. Ace is actually a very funny man, as he has proven on RAW the last few months when hired to play a few comedy characters (George Bush and Donald Trump were both recently portrayed by Ace) Smackdown! airs tonight, and it is a pretty decent show with some good matches on so I'll more than likely be watching tongit to enjoy it fully without worrying about getting everyone ready... Thats the one advantage of a taped show, that we can watch it freely with no worries.
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logosmack.jpg[/img] [b]SMACKDOWN - FRIDAY WEEK 1, MAY 2007 USAir AENA, LANDOVER, MARYLAND[/b][/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b][i]Cherry Vs Kristal[/i][/b] *This match didnt go down too well with the crowd, and Kristal seemed to suffer coming across to the live audience *Cherry defeated Kristal with a vicious looking clothesline in 5:01 to secure the win [i]Rating: D[/i] [b][i]Scotty 2 Hotty Vs Jamie Noble[/i][/b] *Scotty seemed to show some improvement in his technical and flying skills *The two got the crowd slightly involved, including a good pin reversal sequence mid-match *The ending came with Jamie Noble scoring the pinfall after a tiger bomb in 5:40 [i]Rating: D+[/i] -------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Smackdown starts with an introduction from Micheal Cole and JBL at ringside, and we go straight to our first match of the night. [b]MATCH 1[/B] [b][i]Chavo Guerrero (C) Vs Shannon Moore for the WWE Cruiserweight Title[/i][/b] *Micheal Cole didnt seem to do a good enough job on the match, although the job of JBL was pretty good *Shannon Moore got the crowd on his side quite early on in the match *Both men looked good in the match, both going on the offensive quite a few times *Chavo retained the title in 10:16 after a Frog Splash to get the win [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b]TONIGHT WE BRING YOU[/b] *JBL and Micheal Cole hype tonights matches including Benoit Vs Finlay and Deuce & Domino Vs The Hooliganz [i]Rating: B-[/i] ---------------------------------------------- [b]COMMERCIAL BREAKDOWN[/B] *During the televised commercial break, Kristal Marshall comes out to shoot T-Shirts into the crowd and to waste a few minutes [i]Rating: D+[/i] ------------------------------------------------ [b]MATCH 2[/B] [b][i]Jimmy Wang Yang Vs Montel Vontavious Porter[/i][/b] *Again, many thought that JBL done an excellent job providing commentary on this match *Jimmy Yang is slightly improving with his brawling skills *MVP is making alot of improvements in his matches, and this one came over quite well *Jimmy Yang lost in 8:50 after a Ballin' Elbow by MVP [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]MOST VICTORIOUS PERSON[/B] *After the match, MVP gets on the mic and challenges Chris Benoit to put his title on the line at Judgement Day [i]Rating: C[/i] ------------------------------------------------ [b]MATCH 3[/b] [b][i]Deuce & Domino (C) Vs The Hooliganz in a non-title match[/i][/b] *Both teams looked good tonight, with Cherry being praised backstage with her managerial work *Deuce is showing improvment with his flying skills, performing quite a few decent moves *London & Kendrick worked very well together as a tag team tonight *Deuce got the pin in 9:04 on Brian Kendrick, illegally using the ropes for leverage which the ref did not see [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]WE'LL BEAT YOU AGAIN[/b] *After the match, Deuce & Domino carry on with a beat down on London & Kendrick, eventually leaving after a while leaving both men down in the ring [i]Rating: D[/i] [b]KENNEDY![/B] *Kristal Marshall is backstage with Ken Kennedy *Kennedy says that as the money in the bank holder, he can take his shot anytime anyplace *He said that The Undertaker and even Batista should watch out, as he will beat either that hold the title whenever he wants [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]TRY BEATING ME[/b] *Kane comes on and interrupts Kennedy, asking him if he really thinks he can beat The Undertaker *Kennedy is so confident he can, he says he'll take on Kane tonight with his MITB contract on the line [i]Rating: B+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 4[/b] [b][i]Funaki Vs Gregory Helms[/i][/b] *A bit of a terrible match, the crowd starting a few "boring" chants early on *The match however did pick up nearer the end, mainly down to Helms' heel antics *Helms got the win after hitting the Shining Wizard in 7:20 [i]Rating: D+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]GIVE ME ANOTHER SHOT[/B] *Batista enters the ring, and tells the crowd that at Backlash he was left bruised and battered. But he also left The Undertaker in the same state. *As he didnt lose, he still wants his title shot against The Undertaker *He wants it right here, tonight [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]YOU'LL GET IT..... PLAYA![/B] *Teddy Long comes out onto the ramp, and tells Batista that he will have another match, but not tonight *Long books Batista V The Undertaker for the WWE World Heavyweight title at Judgement Day [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]MATCH 5[/B] [b][i]Chris Benoit (C) V Finlay for the WWE U.S Title[/i][/b] *An amazing good match from the two veterans *Hornswoggle came out half way through the match, and was put into the crossface by Benoit *Finlay, as usual, looked very good tonight and even got a few cheers during the match. *Benoit won the match after making Finlay submit to the crossface in 17:25 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]WHATS HAPPENED?[/B] *A recap video of Batista V The Undertaker from Backlash is played [i]Rating: B+[/i] --------------------------------------------- [b]OOOOOOOH! A T-SHIRT![/B] *During the "commercial break", Jillian Hall came out to shoot shirts into the crowd, and to waste some time [i]Rating: C-[/i] ------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 6[/B] [B][I]Ken Kennedy Vs Kane[/i][/b] *Kane looked good tonight, getting the crowd behind him early on in the match *Kane came close to winning the match, after hitting a chokeslam on Kennedy, with Kennedy kicking out at the last second. *Both men gave it their all for this match, with the crowd thoroughly enjoying it *Kennedy gets the win in 16:52 with the Green Bay Packer [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]THE PHENOM ARRIVES[/B] *The druids come out from the back after the match, with The Undertaker following. *The Undertaker stares at Kennedy from the top of the ramp, and gets the turnbuckles to explode as we go off the air [i]Rating: B[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B+[/I][/B] [/FONT]
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[b]WEEK 1 MAY 2007[/B] [b]SATURDAY[/B] [B]TV Ratings[/b] Smackdown! last night scored a 20.80 on CW, 2.82 on Sky Sports 1 and a 3.25 on The Score Im still pleased with the Smackdown! tapings, and they seemed to come across well on TV last night. That ending with all the druids coming out was very good to see live, shame you cant get the same atmosphere watching it at home Anyway, more signings being made today, with [b]DAN MAFF[/B] signing another development contract with OVW. Ive been watching Dan in the indy's for a while now, and Im glad Ive finally had the chance to speak to him and maybe give him a run in the WWE. [b]HARRY SMITH[/b] has resigned his contract down at OVW, Im hoping that the guys there will pair him up with TJ Wilson eventually. In news around the world.. Christopher Daniles beat Troy Lords last night to win the IWC Super Indy Title. Daniels is a very very talented work, and Im hoping that one day in the future I'll get to work with him in some capacity. ---------------------------------------------------- [b]SUNDAY[/B] Not much happening again, then again it is a day of rest..... pfffft! Although much isnt happening today Im still a fairly busy man. One final signing for this week, with Preston James heading to OVW on a development deal. Off traveling to the hotel later tonight, ready for tomorrow nights live RAW. Im not 100% sure on the entire schedule yet, so thats the main reason no preview has been given out by the guys at WWE.com, although that should change in a few hours. Well, take care everyone, and hope you've all enjoyed the last week... I know I have
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Thank you, and Im glad you enjoy it. As I said before, Im doing a shortened down version as after years of doing diary's Im majorly burnt out doing creative writing. This way I can still get the main points of the game across without boring myself and anyone reading. Hope you keep reading then
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [B]RAW PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Tonight Raw comes live from the Louisville Gardens in Louisville, Kentucky. We expect both Shawn Micheals and John Cena in attendance tonight in regards to their upcoming match at Judgement Day. And will Edge have anything to say on losing his chance to get a title shot? In action tonight, Matt Hardy will take on Trevor Murdoch. In a rematch of last weeks untelevised match, Carlito takes on Val Venis live on RAW. And also scheduled for tonight is a big match between Randy Orton and Shawn Micheals. Tune in live to night to see all the action
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoraw.jpg[/img] [b]RAW - MONDAY WEEK 2 MAY 2007 LOUISVILLE GARDENS, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY[/b] [/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b][i]Chris Masters Vs Eugene[/b][/i] *A good fun match between the two, a few comedy moments including Eugene trying to bite Masters' backside *Masters got the win in 5:48 with the Masterlock [i]Rating: C[/i] [b][i]Daivari Vs Ric Flair[/i]][/b] *Flair looked very good tonight, with the crowd majorly behind him *Daivari is showing slight improvement since the last time we saw him in the ring *Flair won in 6:45 with a roll up [i]Rating: B[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]MAIN SHOW[/B] Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler welcome us to another edition of RAW, and we are live on Monday night. [b]START THE SHOW[/b] *HBK comes out to the ring, saying that after last week he is on his way to Judgement Day to compete for the WWE Heavyweight title, which he will walk out with [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]STOP RIGHT THERE[/b] *Edge comes out, complaining that HBK unfairly won last week. *HBK tells Edge to stop his whinging and coming out with poor excuses *Edge challenges HBK for his title shot on next weeks RAW, to which HBK accepts [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]Val Venis Vs Carlito[/i][/b] *Nothing really to note from the match, it was a devent enough match but nothing outstanding. *Val managed to get some cheers going from the crowd, though there was quite abit of heat on Carlito *Carlito got the win in 8:10 after spitting apple over Venis [i]Rating: C+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]THE KISS-CAM[/b] *Maria comes out during the commercial break for the kiss cam, the usual antics happen [i]Rating: C+[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]The Highlanders Vs The Worlds Greatest Tag Team[/i][/b] *Shelton Benjamin yet again looked really good tonight, putting on an outstanding display. *Both of The Highlanders are slightly improving in being able to get the crowd's support. *Charlie Haas didnt play too much of a part of the match, although he did help Shelton get the pin on Rory in 5:32 [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b]YO YO YO![/b] *Cryme Time are backstage, talking about the things theyve managed to acquire backstage, when Shane & Vince appear. *Vince rips into them that theyre just too useless nobodies and show whats wrong with America today *Vince walks off, then notices that theyve nicked his wallet. *Vince decides to teach them a lesson by putting them in a match with The Great Khali [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]YOU CAN SEE ME[/B] *Vince and Shane then turn round to find John Cena in front of them *Cena tells them that neither of them deserve to a champion of any type, and that at Judgement Day he hopes that Lashley will give them the beating of their lives *Vince is now irate, and books Cena in a match against Umaga later on tonight. [i]Rating: B+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Matt Hardy Vs Trevor Murdoch[/i][/b] *Both men worked quite well together, despite their differing styles. *Murdoch got quite a few near pins throughout the match *Matt may have picked up a slight injury as was limping around the ring during the final minutes of the match *Matt picked up the victory in 7:49 after hitting Murdoch with the Side Effect [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]YOU DONE GOOD, BOY[/B] *After the match, Trevor Murdoch offers Matt Hardy a handshake *Matt looks a bit confused, not knowing what to do, and walks off [I]Rating: C-[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]FOR SAMOA![/B] *Todd Grisham is backstage with Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada, with the fans chanting along with his names when he introduces himself *Estrada says that tonight, Umaga will show the world why he will be the next ECW Heavyweight Champion, and will show that Cena's win over him a few months ago was just major luck, that tonight Cena's luck runs out [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]Cryme Time Vs The Great Khali[/b][/i] *This match was basicly a squash, with neither JTG or Shad getting hardly an offense in, and any they did get in was completely no-sold by Khali. *Strangely Khali was getting quite a few cheers around the crowd, more so when he picked up the win in 3:26 after hitting both Shad & JTG with a Brain Chop, pinning both men at the same time. [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]NEARLY DONE[/B] *Mickie James is shown getting ready for her match which is up next [i]Rating: C+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 5[/B] [B][i]Mickie James Vs Victoria[/b][/i] *Both women put on a fairly decent match, with a few reversal sequences thrown in *Victoria was made out to be quite dominating during the match *Mickie eventually won, by slipping out of the Widows Peak and hitting Victoria with the Mick Kick to get the pinfall in 6:35 [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]HEY MICKIE, YOUR NOT SO FINE[/B] *Whilst Mickie James is celebrating her win, she gets blindsided by Melina who beats her down *Melina shouts at Mickie that she'll see her at Judgement Day [i]Rating: C-[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]RECAP TIME[/B] *We are shown a recap video of earlier on tonight, with Edge challenging HBK for his title shot on next weeks RAW [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]MATCH 6[/B] [b][i]Shawn Michaels Vs Randy Orton[/i][/b] *An excellent match by these two, they both went out there and gave it their best and it came across really well for the live crowd *Shawn Michaels was majorly over tonight, the crowd cheering every move he made. *Although the majority were against Orton, there were some scattered cheers for him *Orton nearly got the pinfall during the closing stages of the match after hitting HBK with the RKO, but HBK's foot was on the bottom rope *HBK won the bout in 16:35 after hitting Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere [i]Rating: A[/i] [b]LIVING LIFE ON THE EDGE[/B] *After the match as HBK is recovering, Edge runs down to the ring, grabbing a chair on his win into the ring and smacks HBK straight across the head with it *Edge starts taunting the unconcious Shawn Micheals, saying that next week he will beat him even more [i]Rating: B+[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]ANOTHER T-SHIRT? HOW NICE[/B] *During the commercial break, Torrie Wilson comes out to shoot T-Shirts into the crowd [i]Rating: C+[/i] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]NOT FINISHED YET[/B] *Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler hype tonights Main Event match between Umaga and the WWE Heavyweight Champion, John Cena. [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]MATCH 7[/B] [b][i]John Cena Vs Umaga in a non-title match[/i][/b] *Estrada done some decent work tonight, causing Cena much annoyance as he was constantly distracting the ref to give Umaga the upper-hand *Most crowd pleasing moment came when Estrada had Cena held in the corner, Umaga charged, Cena moved and Estrada got hit hard to the canvas instead. *Umaga is coming along nicely in his skills, even though he's being portrayed as a monster. *Cena hit the FU to score the pinfall at 13:47 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT![/B] *After the match, Estrada foolishly entered the ring and tried to attack Cena. *He then tried appologising to Cena, Cena let him go then grabbed hold of Estrada to set him up for the FU. *Unfortunately for Cena, Umaga had recovered and before Cena had chance to hit the FU on Estrada, Umaga hit Cena with the Samoan Spike *After a short beatdown by Umaga on Cena, the co-ECW Heavyweight Champions came down to the ring to join in *Shane hit a vicious looking elbow drop from the top turnbuckle onto a steel chair on Cena's head. *This eventually led to Bobby Lashley crashing the ring, clotheslining Umaga to the canvas and then hitting a spear on Shane whilst Vince left the ring *Lashley tended to the fallen Cena as we went off the air [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B+[/B][/I] [/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 2, MAY 2007[/B] [B]TUESDAY: AM[/B] Last nights RAW attendance was 8,724. Although this is down quite abit from last weeks show, I think that tonights show was the better of the two. As shown last night, Edge Vs HBK for the title shot will take place on next weeks RAW On the internet sites that I frequent, RAW has been getting some good review from the fans, so Im pretty happy about that. [B]RAW RATINGS[/B] J Sports - 1.89 Sky Sports 3 - 0.85 (up from last week) TQS - 4.80 USA Network - 20.32 Around the wrestling world, last night SHIMMER crowned its first ever main Champion at its DVD tapings, with Ms Chif beating the departing Cheerleader Melissa in the finals of the tournament. And on IMPACT last night, just goes to show TNA arent sure what they're doing with Kurt Angle as they had him team up with Chris Sabin in a match against the VKM... Im betting that right now Kurt is wishing he never left us in the first place! Apparently according to a few sites, former WWE star Chris Jericho has said that he is all but given up with wrestling for the forseeable future, which is such a shame as Chris was a very talented guy. Ive got the Smackdown! tapings again tonight, with ECW airing live on Sci-Fi. Its gonna be a huge main event on ECW tonight, so I hope you all watch to see what happens
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [B]ECW PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Reported on WWE.com this morning, there will be a huge main event set for tonights ECW on Sci-Fi. After last nights events in the closing moments of RAW, ECW General Manager Paul Heyman has made Umaga, Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon against John Cena and Bobby Lashley in an Extreme Rules match. Also tonight, CM Punk takes on Sabu, whilst The Sandman takes on Kevin Thorn. Tune in tonight on Sci-Fi to catch all the action whilst it happens
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[font=courier new][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoecw.jpg[/img] [B]ECW - TUESDAY WEEK 2, MAY 2007[/B] [B]NATIONWIDE ARENA, COLUMBUS, OHIO[/B][/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b][i]Guido Maritato Vs Matt Striker[/b][/i] *Matt Striker starts off before the match on trying to teach the crowd a lesson in respect, with him getting booed out of the building *Guido has the crowd behind him all the way through the match, getting the advantage early on. *However, Matt Striker wins the match at 4:33 with the Golden Rule [i]Rating: C[/i] [b][i]Tommy Dreamer Vs Gene Snitsky[/b][/i] *In what seems to be an ongoing trend at the moment, Dreamer had the majority of the crowd behind him, but there were a few small sections cheering for Snitsky *Both guys werent performing to their best levels tonight, and it hurt the match quite abit *Tommy Dream hit the Spicollii Driver in 5:28 for the win [i]Rating: D+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Joey Styles and Tazz welcome us to ECW live on Sci-Fi [b]THE GENERAL MANAGER IS HERE[/B] *Paul Heyman comes out and speaks about the last week, stating that tonight will be ECW's biggest main event ever shown *Heyman says that at Judgement Day, Vince McMahon will know the try meaning of Extreme. [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]AND THE CHAMP IS HERE[/B] *John Cena comes out to join Heyman, Cena says its an honour to appear again on ECW and that this time he will walk out the victor of his match *Cena hypes up Bobby Lashly as a tough S.O.B and says that tonight Vince McMahon has picked the wrong men to mess with [i]Rating: B+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]The Sandman Vs Kevin Thorn[/b][/i] *Both men looked good tonight and worked really well together during the match *Ariel tried intefering during the match, but managed to get a cane shot to her head for her troubles. *Medics were called down to tend to Ariel, much to the distraught of Thorn who was trying to attempt to lick her blood of her head *The Sandman used this distraction to his advantage to get the win at 7:44 [i]Rating:C [/i] [b]THE CHAMPS ARE HERE TOO[/B] *Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga are shown backstage *Vince tells Umaga that tonight it is a no DQ match, and that to completely destroy Lashley and Cena with anything he can find. *Shane says that tonight, he'll do to them what he done to Rob Van Dam last week [i]Rating :B+[/i] [b]IM READY[/B] *CM Punk is shown backstage, preparing himself for his match against Sabu [i]Rating: B-[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]EXTREME EXPOSE[/B] *Kelly Kelly and Layla El come down to the ring for the Extreme Expose during the commercial break. They also throw a few ECW T-Shirts into the crowd [i]Rating: D+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Sabu Vs CM Punk[/b][/i] *A decent match between the two tonight, with Sabu getting some crowd support, though the majority were behind CM Punk *This match lifted the crowds mood and seemed to wake them up abit, getting them quite involved in the match *CM Punk worked amazingly well tonight, and got the pin in 6:38 after hitting Sabu with the Pepsi Plunge [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]REWIND[/B] *A video recap is shown of last nights closing moments on RAW involving Bobby Lashley, John Cena, Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga [i]Rating: B+[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]YOUR MAIN EVENT TONIGHT[/B] *Tazz & Joey Styles again run down what happened on RAW and plug the upcoming Fatal Fourway bout at Judgement Day [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Bobby Lashley and John Cena Vs Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga in an Extreme Rules match[/i][/b] *This match was just wild, with alot of weapons and chairs entering the ring after a few minutes *Cena looked really good tonight, and bumped around quite abit *Shane also bumped around alot, again hitting the coast-to-coast onto a steel chair onto Lashley mid-match *Vince was visibly tiring towards the end of the match *Near the end of the match, Cena managed to FU Shane, and clothesline Vince to the ringside are *This allowed Lashley to hit Umaga with a Dominator and get the pin at 16:47 [i]Rating: B[/i] [I][B]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B-[/B][/I] [/font]
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[b]WEEK 2, MAY 2007[/B] [B]WEDNESDAY[/B] Last nights attendance was 8,654. Which is worrying as the numbers turning up are falling yet the quality of shows seem to be getting better. [b]TV RATINGS[/B] Raw got a 0.46 on Premiere last night ECW scored a 16.82 on Sci-Fi Another signing was made this morning, as Sara Del Ray has signed a development deal, and will be working with OVW for a few months or so. Ive actually now managed to convince some people here, that we do need some female workers that can actually work a decent match. So Im quite pleased to get hold of two very good workers in Del Ray and Melissa. In a new move, the higher-ups have decided to tape Smackdown on Wednesday's instead of after the ECW live show Hopefully this may help ECW in the long run getting crowds in on its own merit, and not just the Smackdown crowd. This apparently will start from next week. The Smackdown tapings again went quite well last night, so at least Ive now got a few days off to relax (yeah right!)
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I am enjoying this dynasty, I like the easy to read format which has just enough detail to it for my tastes. I also like how you have handled Paul Heyman’s return, some interesting times are ahead in your ECW I feel
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Thank you. I wanted to get Heyman back on to ECW, but thought that this way was fairly realistic. I get annoyed by diaries that have loads of people on it with no explanation at all and it never feels right. Im planning to have some brand transfers soon, so may help ECW abit. One or two other things planned, although quite realistic will still be pretty big Hope you keep reading
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[b]WEEK 2, MAY 2007[/B] [B]THURSDAY[/B] Another slow day in the office, althought Ive found out that quite a few people online have expressed disgust at the Kevin Thorn "Ariel Blood Drinking" on ECW this week. Just to clear a few things up, firstly Kevin Thorn did NOT actually get any of Ariels blood in his mouth, none of our wrestlers are that stupid. Secondly, this was completely unplanned, and to be honest I found it quite hilarious as it fits right in with his character. Still on this subject, Ariel has had a few stitches from the cane shots she received but is back to work as normal, and should be on the ECW house show tonight. Three more matches have been added to Judgement Day coming out of this weeks Smackdown!, although I cannot discuss any of them untill the show has aired. Two are pretty obvious but the third should be an amazing encounter by the two participants. ---------------------------------------------------------------- [B]FRIDAY: AM[/B] [b]TV RATINGS[/B] ECW drew a 1.24 on Sky Sports 3 Smackdown! drew a 3.29 on The Score Today the WWE finalised the contracts of Sylan Grenier, Rene Dupree, Ace Steel and Colt Cabana. All four have been added to the main roster and should be appearing on TV in the next few weeks. Im still not sure yet what role Steel and Cabana will be playing, but they will deffinately be joining the ECW roster. Grenier & Dupree will be joining Smackdown, and Ive got quite a fun storyline for them coming up after they make their re-debuts Smackdown is aired tonight, be sure to watch it as its a good show in the end.
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [b]SMACKDOWN PREVIEW[/B] [size=1]Posted by Ashish[/size] On tonights Smackdown from the Nationwide Arena, Columubus we will see former tag team champions The Hooliganz take on the team of William Regal & Dave Taylor. MVP is still waiting on an answer to his challenge issued to Chris Benoit on last weeks show. Will he get it tonight? Can Ken Kennedy keep his winning ways going, as he faces Batista one on one? Can Finlay defeat Kane and prove what a tough s.o.b he really is? And will The Undertaker make an appearance? All will be answered tonight on Smackdown!
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[FONT=COURIER NEW][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logosmack.jpg[/IMG] [B]SMACKDOWN - FRIDAY WEEK 2, MAY 2007[/B] [B]NATIONWIDE ARENA, COLUMBUS, OHIO[/B][/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCHES[/B] [B][I]Jamie Noble Vs Scotty Too Hotty[/b][/i] *Quite a poor display by these two tonight, I think both need to kick it up a notch as I know both can perform alot better *Scotty won in 4:23 after the Worm [i]Rating D+[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Smackdown! is introduced by Micheal Cole and JBL at ringside as the pyros go off [B]MISSSSTEEERRR MONEY IN THE BAAAAAAAANK![/B] *Ken Kennedy came down to the ring to address the crowd *He said that as the hold of the MITB contract he can take his title shot anytime, anywhere for any title he so desires. *He said he will decide soon when to cash it in, but wont use it in a cheap way like Edge had before. He wanted to completely destroy his opponent. [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b].......BANK![/b] *Edge interrupts and stays on the stage, he says to Kennedy that he won the WWE Heavyweight Title when he cashed in his title shot. *Edge said that he used his brains to take advantage of a situation, and that if Kennedy had any brains he'd do the same thing *Kennedy said that its his contract, not Edge's *Edge noted that Kennedy only won it as Edge was forced by officials to quit the match at Wrestlemania. If he had carried on in the match he would be a title holder by now *Edge said he deserves a shot at getting "his" contract, and challenged Kennedy to a match at Judgement Day *Kennedy said he would give Edge the match, if he proves he deserves it later on tonight [i]Rating:B+[/i] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]Jimmy Wang Yang Vs The Miz[/B][/I] *Again, abit of a poor bout, but Miz hasnt been in the ring in front of a large crowd for quite a while now so is suffering in that aspect. *Jimmy Wang Yang won in 5:15 after hitting a Michinoku Driver on The Miz [i]Rating: D[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [b]D IS FOR... UM...[/B] *During the commercial break, Kristal Marshall comes out to waste a few minutes, pointing out signs in the crowd [i]Rating: D+[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Regal & Taylor Vs The Hooliganz[/B][/I] *Regal looked good tonight, quickening his pace slightly to keep up with Kendrick & London *Dave Taylor provided the muscle in the match, making Kendrick bump around abit *Dave Taylor won with a Butterfly Hold submission on Brian Kendrick [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]KICK 'EM WHEN THEIR DOWN[/B] *Deuce & Domino ran down to the ring after the match, kicking both Kendrick and London down. *Cherry then slapped each man, as both were held up [i]Rating: D[/i] [b]AND THE ANSWER IS...[/B] *Chris Benoit is seen walking backstage, and is stopped by Theodore Long *Long asks Beniot if he has made his mind up about giving MVP another title shot *Benoit says that he has never backed down from a challenge, and wont start backing down now [i]Rating: C[/i] ------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Gregory Helms Vs Funaki[/B][/I] *Funaki hasnt appeared on Smackdown! in ring for a while, and it showed tonight. *Helms did perform well, and helped Funaki out in places *Helms won in 7:25 with Nightmare on Helms Street [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]THE ANIMAL WILL BE UNLEASHED[/b] *Batista is backstage, being interviewd by The Miz *Batista says that tonight, he will take out Ken Kennedy and will go on to Judgement Day to take back his title from The Undertaker. *He stated that although he respects The Undertaker, he isnt scared of him [i]Rating: B[/i] ---------------------------------------------------- [b]ECW RECAP[/B] *We are shown an ECW recap video of John Cena & Bobby Lashley defeating Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [B][I]Montel Vontavious Porter Vs Shannon Moore[/B][/I] *MVP really didnt look good at all tonight, hopefully its just a one off, as his matches with Benoit have been short of amazing *Shannon Moore was flying all over the place as per usual, showing that his skills are getting better *MVP won in 5:39 with the Playmaker [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]WE WANT OUR TITLES BACK[/b] *The Hooliganz are backstage and find Theodroe Long. *They ask Long for a match against Deuce & Domino next week on Smackdown! *Long says he cant do that, but he can instead give them a title match at Judgement Day [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]IM READY[/B] *Kane is shown walking backstage, mentally preparing himself for his match against Finlay which is up next [i]Rating: B+[/i] -------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 5[/B] [B][I]Kane Vs Finlay[/B][/I] *Both Kane & Finlay are showing improvement in their in-ring ability tonight. *The crowd seemed to enjoy the match, especially when Hornswoggle intervened near the ending *Kane won in 13:57 with the Tombstone [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]WHAT HAPPENED EARLIER[/B] *We are shown a quick recap of Kennedy & Edge from the start of tonights show [i]Rating: B+[/i] --------------------------------------------------- [b]TONIGHTS MAIN EVENT[/B] *Micheal Cole & Tazz hype tonights Main Event between Ken Kennedy and Batista [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 6[/B] [B][I]Batista V Ken Kennedy[/B][/I] *Both men got huge crowd responses tonight, too close to call but the crowd were split between the two men all throughout the match *Kennedy looked really good, as did Batista, they work really well together. *Just at the end, Edge came down to ringside and took the MITB briefcase. *Kennedy came out to question Edge, Batista came outside the ring and got blasted in the head with the briefcase by Edge *The referee had no choice to disqualify Kennedy and Batista won in 19:37 [i]Rating: A[/i] [b]IVE GOT YOUR BACK[/B] *After the match, Edge enters the ring and continues to beat down Batista. *Kennedy enters, and tells Edge he's got his match. *They stare down each other, Batista starts to recover and both men lay him out *Edge gets a chair and sets Batista up for a concharito *However, The Undertaker rushes down to the ring, taking both men on. *Edge is sent flying over the ropes, and Kennedy is hit with a chokeslam. *The Undertaker stands in the ring, with fallen bodies around him as we go off the air [i]Rating: A[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B[/I][/B] [/FONT]
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]WEEK 2, MAY 2007[/B] [B]SATURDAY[/B] [b]TV RATINGS[/B] Smackdown draws a 20.51 on CW Smackdown draws a 2.80 on Sky Sports 1 RDS in Canada have said they may drop TNA Impact due to poor ratings, this will a be abit of a kick in the teeth if it does happen as they still need to get a good fanbase. Ex-WWE employee Bill DeMott has joined New Japan, apparently working as a host for their programmes in English speaking areas. As seen last night on Smackdown!, Ken Kennedy Vs Edge has now been added to Judgement Day with the MITB contract up for grabs. Deuce & Domino will take on The Hooliganz, whilst MVP will try to win the US Title from Chris Benoit. I think the Edge / Kennedy match should be a good decent affair, although the set-up was abit rushed and seemed abit confusing to some fans. Kennedy is improving with his intense training, and a match with Edge will do him alot of good. In other news, we had quite a big meeting this morning, it has been decided that this years One Night Stand will be the last. As all PPV's are now tri-branded, its been discussed that their may now be too many. To try to get some more interest in the product, the King Of The Ring is being brought back as a full time PPV, this will be held in July and replaces Vengeance. New Years Revolution has been cancelled for next year, which is quite a shame really as having the Elimination Chamber at this specific PPV made it all the more special then many others. Cyber Sunday has been pre-booked this year, as the format is quite a good one, with the WWE site getting alot of hits on the night. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]SUNDAY[/B] Another slightly slower day for me, although travelling for tomorrow nights RAW has taken up most of the day. Ive been told that Glen Jacobs, who portrays Kane on screen, is slightly unhappy with his role in the company at the moment and would like a chance in the main event spotlight. Ive told the road agents to inform him that if he keeps up to the top standard he's been showing in the last few weeks, he should be rewarded. Even though Im a WWE employee, TNA's Sacrafice is on tonight. I may catch it in a bar somewhere with a few of the boys. I know Edge likes to watch sometimes as he still has quite an interest in Christians career, the two of them speaking quite often.
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