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Oh God! Not another WWE Dynasty!!

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[QUOTE=Anubis;236993]I like your format here. I [i]may[/i] consider stealing . . . er . . . [i]borrowing[/i] it for my diary. Not too overly complicated for the most part and yet quite effective. Thumbs up.[/QUOTE] Well, in all honesty and stated before (I think), I kinda "adapted" it from another diary from here, though I honestly cant say who's it was and cant seem to find it. But he kinda used bulletpoints in the matches, just from the road agents notes after the match, Ive just been slightly more creative in points. I tend to find writing the "backstage" notes and things easier, as its in kind of a blog format, so I can be abit more free in that to what I write So I have no problems at all if you want to do one in the same format :D
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[font=courier new][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoecw.jpg[/img] [b]ECW - TUESDAY WEEK , 2007[/b] [b]SAVE MART CENTER, FRESNO, CALIFORNIA[/b] [/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [B][I]Kelly Kelly Vs Ariel[/B][/I] *Suprisingly, this was a pretty decent match, which not many expected from these two *Ariel looked pretty decent tonight, her hard training is obviously paying off *Kelly looked ok by her non-wrestler standards, and bumped quite alot during the match due to Ariel dominating virtualy throughout the match *Ariel finally got the win after a reverse DDT set up for the pinfall at 3:33 [i]Rating: C-[/i] [B][I]Colt Cabana Vs Marcus Cor Von[/B][/I] *Both men quite decent crowd reaction, as the crowd here seems to be abit more wise to Cor Von's previous ringwork in other organisations. Obviously the same can be said of Colt. *Cor Von got the setup for the final minute or so of the match, after nearly killing Cabana with the POUNCE! *Cor Von got the win, after making Caban tap out to a Cobra Clutch at 6:05 [i]Rating: C[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] [b]THE FINAL COUNTDOWN[/B] *The co-holders of the ECW Heavyweight Title, Vince and Shane McMahon, come to the ring to start this weeks show *Vince states that this Sunday, the final stages of his plan will be put in place. Umaga and Shane both know to destroy Lashley, and that Vince himself will get the pin *Vince says that afterwards, Lashley will NEVER get a title shot again [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]YOUR END IS HERE[/B] *Bobby Lashley storms the ring, taking Shane out with a spear as Vince bails out of the ring *Lashley stares down Vince, who is looking quite mad as he backs up the entrance ramp [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]RECAP REWIND[/B] *A recap video is shown of last weeks T.V tournament matches, showing Colt Cabana, Elijah Burke and CM Punk all advancing to the Quarter Finals of the tournament [i]Rating: D[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]Balls Mahoney V Gene Snitsky[/B][/I] *Snitsky seems to be getting a cult following amongst some groups of fans *Both men worked really well together tonight, continuing the great chemistry they had in a few dark matches and during the house shows *Balls was quite close to getting disqualified, after bringing a chair into the ring. Fortunately for him the ref managed to take it off him before any damage was done *Snitsky managed to get the Egoist Schwein, making the cover for the victory at 7:49 [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?[/B] *Armando Alejandro Estrada and Umaga are shown backstage, Estrada walking in front is telling Umaga that this Sunday the plan will all be set in motion *Vince comes up to them, looking irate, he asks Estrada where the hell they were earlier on *Estrada explains that they got delayed getting into the stadium *Vince tells them that they better keep to his plan this Sunday of him retaining the title, and if it comes to it then Umaga may have to take the pinfall to Vince *Vince walks off, as we hear Estrada say under his breath "Umaga take the pin??" [i]Rating: C+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------- [b]MR TUESDAY NIGHT[/B] *Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam are backstage talking to each other *Heyman asks if RVD is ready to advance to the next round *RVD tells him that hes ready as ever, and will go on to be the new ECW T.V Title holder, and that he'll be the first man in history to win two new titles at the new ECW [i]Rating: B-[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Ace Steel V Mike Knox[/B][/I] *Not that good of a match, not too sure what happened but there seemed to be a few miscommunications between the two tonight. *Knox seemed to get booed out of the building for any offense that he went on, the majority of the crowd not liking him at all *Fortuately for those in attendance, Ace Steel got the win at 7:48 after catching Knox with the Steel Spike [i]Rating: D[/i] ---------------------------------------------------- [b]JUST THE ONE, THANK YOU[/B] *During the break, its time once again for the Extreme Expose *However this week, Brooke comes out on her own. Kelly Kelly apparently not able to perform after her match with Ariel earlier tonight *Some of the crowd enjoy this, but most use it as a bathroom stop [i]Rating: C+[/i] --------------------------------------------------- [b]NEXT WEEK[/B] *Joey Styles & Tazz quickly rundown next weeks matches, the last two in the first round of the tournament, Tommy Dreamer V Stevie Richards and Sabu V Marcus Cor Von [i]Rating: D+[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Rob Van Dam Vs Matt Striker[/B][/I] *Before the match, Striker tried to teach the live audience and getting majorly booed in the process *RVD, as usual, was mega-over tonight. As usual getting the fans to join in chanting his name as the match introductions were made *Striker did get some offense in during the match, but his momentum was quikly stopped by RVD each time *RVD hit the Five Star Frog splash onto striker, getting the pinfall and advancing to the quarter finals at 10:50 [i]Rating: B-[/i] [B]THE RUNDOWN[/B] *Tazz & Joey Styles give a quick rundown of the results so far in the ECW TV Title tournament, with a graphic showing the standings so far, hyping next weeks last two first round matches, and they talk about Judgement Day this Sunday to end the show [img]http://m1.freeshare.us/147fs380414.jpg[/img] [i]Rating: D+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/I] [/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 4, MAY 2007[/B] [B]WEDNESDAY[/B] [b]T.V RATINGS[/B] Raw - 0.46 on Premiere ECW - 15.25 on Sci-Fi For those who care, last nights attendance was 8,373 Last nights show is said to be somewhat of a dissapointment by some members backstage. However I have to disagree, as I was quite pleased with how it all went down and the development of the title tournament is going quite well. Looking through the internet, as you may have noticed I like to do quite alot, theres allready alot of people talking about who they think is going to win the tournament. RVD, CM Punk and Elijah Burke seem to be names thrown about quite alot. Its been mentioned online, that at a recent fan-fest of wrestling legends, there seemed to be quite a buzz about Harry Smith. Many veterans consider him to be improving at a rapid rate, deffinately inheriting his fathers skill and adding onto that. Harry may indeed be called up to the main roster soon than later. ---------------------------------------------------- [B]THURSDAY[/B] The Smackdown! taping was last night, and again went quite well, and the buildup going into Judgement Day went nicely. Expect a good show when it airs on Friday. Fighting Spirit Federation held one of its main shows last night in France. They're a smallish federation at the moment, but getting some recognition in their home country and have a decent roster of European talent. Claudio Castagnoli, who was nearly signed to OVW, won their main Heavyweight title last night from his tag partner Ares. Also for those who missed it previously, below is the whole transcript of my recent talk with A.C of "Off The Record" [QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty/shows-otr-775x50.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]A.C. Tarus:[/B] “And welcome ladies and gentlemen to “Off the Record” with Michael Landsberg. As you can clearly see, I am not Michael Landsberg, who has the night off. My name is A.C. Tarus, and I am filling in for Michael. We have a very special treat, as my guest tonight is the new head booker of WWE, Mr. Joose! Mr. Joose, welcome to the show!” [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/UFW%20Dynasty/Untitled-5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Thank you A.C. It’s my pleasure to be here tonight.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Well, let’s dive on in with the toughest question; how did you get your job in WWE. I mean, you’re a virtual unknown from Cornwall in the UK, and next thing you know, you have what many would consider a dream job with the WWE! How did all that come about?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, let me first clarify that it is a dream job, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a lot of hard work, a lot of time, a lot of sacrifice. As for how I got this job, it’s really funny actually. I worked at my local supermarket stocking shelves all day long…” [B]A.C.:[/B] “You’re joking?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “That was my regular job; the one that paid the bills. But I was a small-time writer for a wrestling website, and I do this feature called: “If I had the book…”, where I wrote how I would book this storyline or feud. And I had no idea that some of my most rabid readers were actually the McMahons. They actually LOVED my ideas! I mean, who would have thunk, right? So I get a phone call to become their new head booker, and the rest is history. [B]A.C.:[/B] “Like winning the lotto, right?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “More or less. I basically came on board immediately after WWE Backlash.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Now, in the short amount of time you’ve been with WWE, you’ve already booked what many people are calling ‘match-of-the-year’ candidates! The very first RAW you booked Shawn Michaels versus Edge; highly rated, a terrific match. You follow that up on the next RAW with Shawn facing Randy Orton; another highly rated match. The final RAW before Judgment Day, and John Cena faces Edge in a terrific bout! Over on Smackdown! Batista versus Ken Kennedy was also highly rated! All four are being talked about as potential ‘match-of-the-year’ contenders. How does that make you feel? It seems like you put on a ‘match-of-the-year’ candidate once a week! [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, obviously it’s very gratifying but overall, I still have a lot to learn as a head booker. Like everything in life, you never stop learning and you’re constantly honing your craft, but I think I’ve gotten off to a good start.” [B]A.C.:[/B] Speaking of starts, you’ve also managed to make quite an impact with some rather controversial decisions…” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “You don’t say…” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Maybe not controversial, but definitely interesting and unexpected, like bringing back Paul Heyman.” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “I lobbied quite a bit to make that happen. As you know, the relationship between Vincent and Paul is…interesting to say the least. But I truly feel that his involvement is instrumental to the present and future success of WWE and the ECW brand in particular. Also, the fact of the matter is the man is a goldmine of ideas! Actually, the night he came back was the first RAW I booked, and it was somewhat disappointing.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Really?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, not the Paul Heyman part, the show overall. I have to remember that we are a sports entertainment company, and that the crowd expects more interviews, more promos, more angles. I’ve learned the hard way that it’s wise to cater to the audience. Generally, I’m happy with they way we’ve grown in the short amount of time I’ve been there. Ratings and audience attendance all remain steady for the most part; you get the idea.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Can you share any other behind-the-scenes moves you made since your appointment as head booker?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Certainly; one thing I’m determined to do during my tenure is make more of the women’s division. I’ve signed Cheerleader Melissa and Sara Del Ray to developmental contracts and they’re in OVW even as we speak. Also, I managed to sign Scott Commodity, TJ Wilson, and Dan Maff to developmental deals at OVW and re-signed Harry Smith there as well. I also signed Ace Steel and Colt Cabana to ECW and added a TV title to ECW.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “It sounds like you’ve been extremely busy. What’s been your favorite feud or storyline going into Judgment Day?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, I’m pleased with everything I’ve booked. Overall, I mean, but if I had to pick one…anything with Edge. He challenges Ken Kennedy for the Money-in-the-Bank contract at Judgment Day, and I think he just may be the top heel in the company at the moment.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Now, you have your first upcoming Pay-Per-View: Judgment Day, and let me run through the card real quick, because it’ll actually illustrate my point. You have a Money-in-the-Bank Contract Match between Ken Kennedy and Canada’s own Edge. Deuce & Domino vs. the Hooliganz for the WWE Tag titles. The Hardy’s defend their World tag titles against Cade & Murdoch. Melina vs. Mickie James for the Women’s title. Santino Marella defends the Intercontinental title against Kenny Dykstra. Edmonton’s own Chris Benoit will defend his US title against Montel Vontavious Porter, better known as M.V.P. There will be a fatal-four way for the ECW Heavyweight title between Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Umaga, and Bobby Lashley. The Undertaker defends the WWE World title against Batista, while John Cena defends the WWE title against Shawn Michaels. That’s nine matches, and eight of them are title matches! And as you’ve said previously, you’re adding a T.V. title to ECW. Do you feel there’s an over-saturation of title belts?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well…it’s tough. As you know, by Vincent’s decree, our Pay-Per-Views feature all three brands: Raw, Smackdown!, and ECW. So it’s this huge juggling act that I’ve inherited. I personally don’t feel the problem is that there are too many title belts. Rather, I feel the problem is not doing brand exclusive pay-per-views. For the record, I do have a bit of…trepidation having so many title matches on a single pay-per-view. But sometimes in life, you just have to roll with the punches, and play the cards you’ve been dealt. As long as the belts don’t lose their meaning, their prestige, I think we can make it all work. I meet with all the McMahons on a regular basis, so we’ll see how things turn out in the coming weeks.” [B]A.C.: [/B]“So, I read a couple of rumors from the so-called “dirt sheets”… [B]Mr. Joose[/B] [I](chuckling):[/I] “Oh no, not those…” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Relax, I just wanted your thoughts on them. You can decline to answer if you’d like.” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Okay, go ahead.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Let’s see here…Santino Marella is not exactly the most popular guy around, and he may lose his title and be sent to OVW soon.” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Santino is a wonderful gentleman, a wonderful human being, and a wonderful champion, in my opinion. As for his push or being sent to OVW, you can rest assured that whatever we, the booking team decide to do will be in his best interest as well as WWE’s. [B]A.C.:[/B] “There’s an upcoming feud between ‘La Resistance’ and Regal & Taylor. Your thoughts?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “I think the fans will really like what they do. It’ll be very funny, a lot of comedy is involved, playing off the stereotypes of the British and the French.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “There are rumors floating around that Kane is unhappy with his upper-midcard status, wanting a main event push. Is this true?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “I think the company and I are concerned about his ability to carry a brand, but we don’t mean that in an offensive way. We love Kane, and respect everything he’s contributed to us and the business. Personally, I think it’s less about status, and more about the way he’s been booked before I got there. Give it some time, because I have some great ideas for him and his character.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Is it true that Sabu has been constantly late to events?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Yes, that is true, and I’m not sure what we’ll do about it. I’m meeting with him after Judgment Day, so we’ll see what happens then.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Now, here’s another item: your annual Summerslam Pay-Per-View will be held in another country. Maybe in Canada?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “No, not Canada unfortunately. Now this I can 100% verify, and you can consider this to be a major exclusive, since no one else knows about this. [B]A.C.:[/B] “You heard it first right here folks, an exclusive from the head booker of the WWE right here on ‘Off the Record’!” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “That’s right! This year, WWE Summerslam will be held at Wembley Stadium in London to mark the 15th anniversary of it being held their in 1992. I actually attended that event. I was 13 years old, 10 rows back from the ring. It was just an amazing night. As you may recall, the British Bulldog, Davey Boy Smith, defeated Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart for the Intercontinental title in a great match, and I’m really looking forward to the event being held in, well, my neck of the woods.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Any special plans for Harry Smith, Davey Boy’s son at Summerslam?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Whatever plans we may have, you can rest assured that this year’s WWE Summerslam will be one of the best ever.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Well, your next immediate pay-per-view is WWE Judgment Day, this weekend. Now, watching the latest RAW, there seems to be some unrest going into the fatal four way match for the ECW World title. Anything you’d like to share about that?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, for those that missed it, during the last RAW, Vincent gave the ECW World title to Umaga, who used it to attack Shawn Michaels. But what’s interesting is that after the attack, Umaga refused to give the title back to Vincent. Vincent had to grab the title off him, and the two actually stared each other down.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “A face turn for Umaga?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “You’ll just have to watch to find out.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Well, Mr. Joose, you’ve been a great guest, and I, well actually Michael Landsberg, will look forward to having you back on the program again. Any final words?” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, we have a very special contest going on. I managed to convince Vincent that fan interaction is extremely important, so we have a special contest available at WWE.com. If you go to the site right now, you can go ahead and predict the winners for every match at WWE Judgment Day. The person whose predictions are closest wins the contest, and gets to pick the number one contender for any title of their choosing!” [B]A.C.:[/B] “That’s an incredible prize!” [B]Mr. Joose:[/B] “Well, I’d like to think so. A.C., it was my pleasure.” [B]A.C.:[/B] “Likewise; thank you for coming on the program. You can read more about Mr. Joose at his blog [url= http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=23241]here.[/url] Also, you can order WWE Judgment Day on Pay-Per-View this weekend. It sounds like an exciting card, and I’m looking forward to watching. I’m A.C. Tarus, and you’ve been watching “Off the Record.”[/QUOTE] --------------------------------------------------- [B]FRIDAY: AM[/B] [b]T.V RATINGS[/B] ECW - 1.10 on Sky Sports 3 Smackdown! - 3.03 on The Score Most of today is being spent travelling, ready for the Judgement Day PPV. Ive also been helping out with the guys at WWE.com with some backstage news and also getting interviews with some of the guys for their Judgement Day sub-site. So I must appologise for the lack of any news today, hopefully I shall be able to write some more tomorrow. Dont forget to watch Smackdown tonight, and if you havent done so allready, dont forget to order Judgement Day on P.P.V *********OFF TOPIC********* Just a reminder to those who havent done so allready, there is now just under 24 hours left to get your predictions in for Judgement Day. Hopefully I shall be posting the Smackdown! results tomorrow (Sunday) sometime, then Judgement Day either very late Sunday night, or on Monday depending on time with things at home.
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [B]SMACKDOWN! PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] This weeks Smackdown! comes from The Arrowhead Pond, Anaheim, CA With only a few days untill Judgement Day, most competeing Smackdown! superstars will be in action tonight. U.S Title holder Chris Benoit takes on Mr Money In The Bank, Ken Kennedy, in a non-title match. Benoit's opponent at Judgement Day, MVP, meanwhile takes on Batista The returning La Reistance will battle against the tag team #1 contenders, The Hooliganz And WWE World Heavyweight Champion, The Undertaker, will meet Finlay. Tune in tonight to catch all the action *******OFF TOPIC******** Just a friendly reminder, Judgement Day predictions finish in TWO HOURS time. For full match listings and stuff, please see PAGE 3 of this thread.
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[font=courier new][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logosmack.jpg[/img] [b]SMACKDOWN - FRIDAY WEEK , 2007[/b] [b]THE ARROWHEAD POND, ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA[/b] [/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [B][I]Kristal Vs Michelle McCool[/B][/I] *Not too bad a match by these two, although many think backstage their ability to sell the moves could be improved quite abit *Most fans, however, were not interested in the match. A slight shame as it was pretty fun *Kristall suprisingly got the pinfall at 4:08 after hitting Michelle with a Diving Reverse DDT, which looked quite nice [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b][i]Kane Vs The Miz[/b][/i] *Unfortunately due to the main show taking up time to hype Judgement Day, Kane has been relegated to the dark match this week. *Both men didnt seem to work well together, though Kanes experience managed to hold it together and it didnt show too much *The general opinion is that The Miz's gimmick is getting a bit old now, he may need a character change sometime in the near future *Kan defeated Miz with a Chokeslam, gaining the victory at 5:48 [i]Rating: C[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] [B]ITS A LONG TIME[/B] *Teddy Long comes out to start the show, generally running down tonights matches, and hyping the upcoming Smackdown! matches at this Sunday's Judgement Day [i]Rating: C-[/i] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]The Boogeyman Vs Jamie Noble[/B][/I] *Im still not sure why we included this match tonight, yet someone like Kane doesnt make it onto the main card. *Boogeyman does seem to have some support from the crowd, though it'll never be at high levels *The Boogey Slam onto Noble managed to get the pinfall victory for Boogeyman at 4:35 [i]Rating: C-[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [b]YOU WILL REST IN PEACE[/B] *The Undertaker comes out to the ring, getting a massive reaction from the live crowd *He says that tonight, after destroying Finlay, he will go to Judgement Day and show Batista why he is the Phenom, why he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and why this is HIS yard [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Shannon Moore Vs Gregory Helms[/B][/I] *A really decent match between these two, both work well and looked good tonight *Moore got the early advantage, when Helms misjudged a crossbody from the top *Helms got back into the match, dominating untill the end *Helms hit the Shining Wizard, securing the pin at 7:50 [i]Rating: C[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [B]I NEED A WEE![/B] *This weeks bathroom break, comes courtesy of Kristal. Who danced around for a bit, handing out some free merchandise [i]Rating: C-[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Chris Benoit Vs Ken Kennedy[/B][/I] *The crowd response to this match was great, both men working the crowd and getting alot of cheers during either men's offense *Halfway through the match, MVP came down to ringside, slightly distracting Benoit and allowing Kennedy to gain the advantage *Benoit pulled out all his crowd pleasing moves tonight, with the flying headbutt and giving Kennedy SIX rolling german suplexes *Benoit went for the pin at around the 19 minute mark, however MVP grabbed Benoits leg, pulling him out of the ring *The two men argued, and as Benoit went to get back into the ring, MVP got the U.S title and blasted Benoit with it *The referee immediately disqualified Kennedy at 20:08 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]I'M TAKING YOUR TITLE[/B] *After the match, MVP continues his assualt on Benoit for around a minute or so *MVP shouts at Benoit, as he lays on the mat, that he will be taking his title this Sunday [i]Rating: B[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 4[/B] [B][I]The Hooliganz Vs La Resistance[/B][/I] *Allready La Resistance seem to getting their old heel heat back, with the crowd really letting them have it as they wanted to sing the French national anthem *London & Kendrick got a good reaction when they entered, many hoping they would win their titles back soon *Kendrick got the pinfall at 8:22 on Rene, after a sunset flip into a pin* [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]WE ARE FRENCH, WE ARE STRONG....LIKE OUR CHEESE![/B] *After the match, Grenier & Dupree try to get some retribution for their loss by attacking The Hooliganz *Sylvan went outside the ring to bring a chair into the ring *As they were just about to hit London with it, William Regal & Dave Taylor ran down to the ring, making the save *Both teams brawled for a few moments, untill La Resistance were dumped outside onto the ringside area *Judging by the crowd reaction, both Regal & Taylor have now turned face [i]Rating: D+[/i] [B]GOD HELP YOU[/B] *Chris Benoit is backstage, looking irate and throwing some fitness equipment about *Teddy Long appears and tells Chris to calm down *Benoit asks how can he calm down after what happened out there tonight? *Benoit tells Teddy that on Sunday, MVP has awoken a beast, and this time will be worse than their previous matches for him [i]Rating: B[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 5[/B] [B][I]Batista Vs Montel Vontavious Porter[/B][/I] *MVP got major heat coming out, probably due to his interferance and attack on Chris Benoit earlier *Batista was looking tired during the closing moments, many backstage concerned his stamina and fitness levels are down somewhat *Benoit came out to the entrance ramp near the end, this distracted MVP *MVP then turned around, right into a Spinebuster by Batista, which was enough for Batista to get the pin at 15:43 [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B]MISSSSSSSSTEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR KEEEEEEEENNNNNNNEEEEEEEEDDDYYYYYYYY!![/B] *Jillian Hall is backstage with Ken Kennedy *Kennedy says that he is at this moment, the Money In The Bank holder, that he could screw Edge over tonight by cashing it in *But he's not that kind of a man, if hes challenged to a match, he'll uphold his promise of the match *Kennedy tells Jillian that it wont matter though, as he'll still walk out on Sunday with his guaranteed title shot [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]TONIGHTS MAIN EVENT IS...[/B] *Michael Cole and JBL talk about tonights last match, The Undertaker Vs Finlay, which is coming up after the break [i]Rating: B+[/i] ----------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 6[/B] [B][I]The Undertaker Vs Finlay[/B][/I] *A nice slow start to the match, neither getting the advantage early on. *Finlay tended to work Taker's knee during the match *Both men tended to no-sell moves quite alot, probably as both are tough s.o.b's anyway *This led to both stiffing the hell out of each other, apparently they quite enjoyed doing this *Hornswoggle made his usual appearance, and got a Tombstone for his troubles, which got an amazing response from the live crowd *Undertaker managed to chokeslam Finlay for the victory at 13:48 [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]NOT LONG LEFT[/B] *After the match, Batista appeard on the entrance ramp *Batista and Undertaker got locked into a staredown as we end the show for tonight [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/I] [/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 4, MAY 2007[/B] [B]SATURDAY[/B] [B]T.V RATINGS[/B] Smackdown! - 31.46 on CW Smackdown! - 4.41 on Sky Sports 1 Attendance for Smackdown! this week hit 8,536. Last nights show was quite average, with fans not loving it but not hating it either. ECW referee Scott Armstrong missed last nights house show, apparently he had a family emergency. I'll have one of the road agents talk to him when he returns to check his story out before I decide if any action at all will be taken. Apparently the Canadian TV network, RDS, have taken TNA Impact off of their schedule. This will surely be a big blow to TNA, as it could have helped secure a bigger fanbase, which they will need when they decide to expand their live shows into other countries. Also, OVW may be losing OVW TV after complaints by the executives at WBKI of low ratings. Not too much of a shame, as OVW are still quite small, and they manage to get a decent crowd in most weeks. We've been travelling most of today, and now settled ready for tomorrows Judgement Day PPV. --------------------------------------------- [B]SUNDAY: AM[/B] Well, my first PPV since taking charge of the WWE is tonight. Im quite excited, tons of fans have been at the venue early today, with a few managing to meet various superstars as they arrived at the building. Its actually quite funny at times as you get some odd combinations of people travelling together, for instance Ken Kennedy and Finlay arrived together, Gregory Helms turned up with Funaki and Jimmy Yang. Suprise of the night, and alot of fans interest, was the arrival of the injured HHH. Ive spoken to him a few times on the phone since starting this job, but unfortunately hadnt been able to talk to him in person due to my travelling schedule, so it was nice to sit down with him today to talk about various things. Apparently his surgery went very well, his leg is healing nicely and he's felling alot better and confident on walking on it freely. He's still using crutches at times, as he was today, as the leg still needs to be rested, and obviously he doesnt want anything to delay his return to the ring. Also, Ive spent the last few days talking to various wrestlers about joining us at WWE, either on the full roster, or for use at OVW to develop their skills. I cannot reveal any names yet, in case we do not sign certain people we have approached. However, it'll be a few more female workers, as Im actually getting round to Vince now that we need more females who can work a match instead of fake silicon boobs parading about. Also, two amazing tag teams from the independant scene have been approached, and this will be good for the WWE tag team situation if either managed to sign contracts with us. Alot of work left to do untill the show tonight, so I shall leave you all now..... And please, dont forget to order Judgement Day on PPV tonight
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [B]WWE JUDGEMENT DAY PREVEIW[/B] [SIZE=1]Posted by Ashish[/size] Tonight, WWE brands RAW, Smackdown! and ECW present Judgement Day, live from The Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. There are nine matches signed for tonight, eight of which are title match's. The final card for tonight and match schedule is as follows: Chris Benoit (C) Vs Montel Vontavious Porter for the WWE United States title Deuce & Domino (C) Vs The Hooliganz for the WWE Tag Team titles Santino Marella (C) Vs Kenny Dykstra for the WWE Intercontinental title The Hardys (C) Vs Cade & Murdoch for the WWE World Tag Team titles Ken Kennedy Vs Edge for the M.I.T.B. title contract Vince McMahon (C) Vs Shane McMahon (C) Vs Umaga Vs Bobby Lashley in a No DQ match for the ECW Heavyweight title Melina (C) Vs Mickie James for the WWE Women's title The Undertaker (C) Vs Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight title John Cena (C) Vs Shawn Michaels for the WWE Heavyweight title It is also been added tonight, that the WWE Cruiserweight title will be defended in a pre-show match. This will be a Six-way match between current champion Chavo Guerrero, Gregory Helms, Jimmy Wang Yang, Ace Steel, Shannon Moore and Guido Maritato. All the action will be coming live tonight, dont forget to order tonight, or check out our live PPV coverage here at 411mania. [B]****Off Topic****[/B] [I]I'll be posting the Judgement Day results up tomorrow (Monday) night. Ive decided to continue the prediction competition for any of those who still want to enter. Just guess the winner of each of the above matches (except the Cruiserweight match) And add the following tie-breaker question: Who will get the pin in the ECW fatal-fourway match? Prize for the winning entry, is to pick a #1 contender for any title on any brand... Closing time for entries will now be MONDAY - 10PM (UK) / 4PM (U.S)[/I]
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[font=courier new][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/Judgement-Day07.jpg[/img] [b]WWE JUDGEMENT DAY - SUNDAY WEEK 4, MAY 2007[/b] [b]THE STAPLES CENTER, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA[/b] [/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [B][I]Chavo Guerrero (C) Vs Gregory Helms Vs Jimmy Wang Yang Vs Ace Steel Vs Shannon Moore Vs Guido Maritato[/B][/I] *A great match to get the crowd ready for the main show tonight, all six men worked their socks off. *Chavo, obviously, was breaking up nearly every single pinfall attempt early on in the match, desperate to hold on to his title. *The action went to the ringside area, with Chavo, Steel and Guido outside. They were met by Moore flying over the top rope and flattening all three men *Helms used this to his advantage, hitting the Shining Black onto Jimmy Wang Yang. *The match ended at 8:52, with the winner and NEW WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION - Gregory Helms [i]Rating: C[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]Chris Benoit (C) Vs Montel Vontavious Porter for the WWE United States Title[/B][/I] *MVP made his entrance with a huge pyro display and a few female cheerleaders. *Benoit got a huge cheer when he made his entrance, the majority firmly behind him tonight *Benoit took the advantage earlier on, working MVP over with alot of technical moves. *MVP got in a slight offense, but was usually cut down by Benoit. *Mid-match, there was yet again a great reversal sequence between the two, quite like the on at WMXIII. *Benoit hit MVP with FIVE rolling german suplexes tonight, Benoit then went up top for the flying headbutt, which MVP rolled out of the way at the last second. *This advantage allowed Porter to hit the Playmaker on Benoit, using his feet on the bottom ropes as leverage, to secure the win at 14:31 and become the NEW WWE United States Champion. [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]The Hooliganz Vs Deuce n Domino (C) for the WWE Tag Team Titles[/B][/I] *Neither team looked that good tonight, some communication problems between the two teams. *The crowd didnt like this match too much, with a few "BORING" chants starting up. *Paul London hit the "Get Well Soon" finisher onto Deuce, to pick up the pinfall at 11:02 *The Hooligans were then anounced as the winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions [i]Rating: D+[/i] [B]RATED R = RATINGS[/B] *Edge is backstage being interviewed by Todd Grisham *He says that tonight, he will once again have the Money In The Bank contract, and once again, he'll cash it in to his advantage and win one of the three Heavyweight titles [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]VIDEO HYPE[/B] *A video plays showing Santino Marella winning the I.C title in Milan, and the challenge by Dykstra [i]Rating: D+[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Santino Marella (C) Vs Kenny Dykstra for the WWE Intercontinental Title[/B][/I] *Kenny took the early advantage tonight, showing improvement in most areas as he's been training with OVW as well as being with WWE. *Marella got a small comeback mid-match, getting booed by a section of fans. *Kenny looked good out there tonight, the word backstage saying he'll move onto bigger things in the WWE soon *Near the end, Kenny had Marella's title in his grasp after nailing him with a spinning 360 off the top rope *However, and in a suprise to most people, Marella got Kenny to tap out to a Standing Arm Bar submission hold at 9:38 to win the match and STILL be the WWE Intercontinental champion [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]IM ON THE VIDEO[/B] *Another video package, this time showing the matched of Jeff & Matt Hardy, with Cade & Murdoch congratulating them each time, and then challenging them for the titles [i]Rating: C-[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [B][I]The Hardys (C) Vs Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for the WWE World Tag Team Titles[/B][/I] *Both teams worked well together tonight, The Hardys deffinately getting the most crowd support. *Murdoch seemed to offer his hand out of respect after each time he was beating down by Matt or Jeff *Matt Hardy looked good tonight, hitting the Twist Of Fate on both men. *Matt Hardy hit the Side Effect on Lance Cade at 13:11 to STILL retain the WWE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]STOP THE SHOW[/b] *HBK backstage interviewed by Maria *HBK says that he's come on a long journey in his career, but it isnt over yet *Tonight is just a little pit-stop that hes got to go through, and he'll come out the other side taking back the WWE Heavyweight Title. [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]VIDEO KILLED THE...UM...[/B] *Video for Edge Vs Kennedy, showing MITB from WMXIII and the challenge by Edge a few weeks ago [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 5[/B] [B][I]Edge Vs Ken Kennedy for the M.I.T.B title shot contract[/B][/I] *The crowd were'nt too sure who to get behind on this match, even though both men are playing heel characters, the crowd seem to like both quite alot *Kennedy took the advantage, making several pinfall attemps. *Edge also had several attempts kicked out of, both men getting iritated they couldnt better the other. *Edge shockingly got the win at 16:50 with a vicious Spear out of nowhere *Edge is now the NEW holder of the M.I.T.B contract [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]MORE VIDEO[/B] *Yet another video plays, this time showing the entire story of the Bobby Lashley feud with Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon and Umaga. [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 6[/B] [B][I]Vince McMahon (C) Vs Shane McMahon (C) Vs Umaga Vs Bobby Lashley for the ECW Heavyweight Title in a NO DQ Match[/B][/I] *The match started with Lashley going straight for Vince McMahon, but being cut off by Umaga. *The majority of the match was between Umaga and Lashley, with Shane and Vince more on the sidelines, coming to get more involved when Lashley started to get the upper hand *Shane managed to hit the coast-to-coast onto a trash can on Lashley. *Lashley recovered slightly after a while, managing to lay out both the McMahons. Shane with a spear, and Vince with the Dominator. *Umaga charged Lashley, hammering him with the Samoan Spike *Umaga went for the pinfall, however he was stopped by Vince McMahon breaking the pin. *Umaga looked annoyed, staring down Vince *Shane came from behind, blasting Umaga with a chair, which he completely no-sold. *Vince bailed out of the ring, as Umaga viciously clotheslined Shane. *Umaga picked Shane up, nailing him with the Samaoan Spike. *Umaga stared at Vince outside, as he got down to pin Shane at 14:34 to become NEW ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]THAT WASNT THE PLAN[/B] *After the match, Vince is pretty peeved off. He gets into the ring with a chair ready to lay out Umaga *Umaga turns around, Vince looks scared.... Then gets charged by Umaga, who lays Vince out with the Samoan Spike whilst running at him [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]THE CHAMP IS....HERE[/B] *Cena is backstage being interviewed by Jullian Hall *Cena says he's faced many challenges in his life, but tonight is no different *He's determined that again, he'll walk out still the champion, that tonight he will show everyone why hes the best in the WWE today, and that tonight that he can beat Shawn Michaels again [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 7[/B] [B][I]Mickie James Vs Melina (C) for the WWE Womens Title[/B][/I] *Suprisingly a very very good match between the two. *Melina was working Mickie's leg from the start, which seemed to pay off later as Mickie was limping quite abit. *Johnny Nitro was at ringside, kept distracting the ref antime Mickie went for a pin attempt. *After a while of this, Mickie punched Nitro as he came up to the apron, sending him crashing down to the barrier. *Melina was distracted by this, allowing Mickie James to get the Mick Kick for the pinfall at 6:51 and to become NEW WWE WOMENS CHAMPION [i]Rating: B-[/i] [B]RATED RIGHT![/B] *Todd Grisham is backstage with Edge *Edge says that once again, he has a guaranteed title shot where and when he chooses. *He says it could be next year, next month, next week... It could even be tonight. *Edge says when he does cash it in, he will once again walk out with a title belt around his waist [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MORE MORE MORE[/B] *Yet another music hype vide, this time starring The Undertaker and Batista *It shows their last two encounters at WMXIII and Backlash [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 8[/B] [B][I]The Undertaker (C) Vs Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Title[/B][/I] *Undertaker looked awesome tonight, busting out the crowd-pleasing moves he does so well *Unfortunately for him, Batista looked like he was tiring early on in the match, he deffinately needs work on his stamina *The match got the crowd majorly livened up again, getting really into it the majority of length of the bout *Undertaker looked like he nearly killed Batista, as he hit him with a chokeslam, then picked him up for a Tombstone, then to the suprise of all and to a huge reaction, he finished him off with the Last Ride, to get the pinfall and retain the title at 19:58 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]ONE MORE TO GO[/B] *Again, a video! The story of John Cena and Shawn Michaels is played out, before the match starts [i]Rating: A[/i] [B]MATCH 9[/B] [B][I]John Cena (C) Vs Shawn Michaels for the WWE Heavyweight Title[/B][/I] *These two looked awesome together, neither man could do anything wrong in the eyes of this live crowd *Cena especially looked great, working with Michaels has deffinately benefitted him *The crowd nearly exploded when HBK hit Cena with Sweet Chin Music and SOMEHOW Cena managed to kick out. *In the last seconds of the match, HBK went for Sweet Chin Music, which was ducked by Cena, into an F-U, countered by HBK attempting for another Sweet Chin Music, again avoided by Cena, picking HBK up and F-U onto the canvas, for the pin and to RETAIN the title at 27:43 [i]Rating: A*[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B+[/B][/I] ------------------------------------------------------ [B]QUICK RESULTS[/B] [B]**M.V.P BEAT CHRIS BENOIT TO BECOME NEW WWE U.S CHAMPION **THE HOOLIGANZ BEAT DEUCE n DOMINO TO BECOME NEW WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS **SANTINO MARELLA BEAT KENNY DYKSTRA TO RETAIN THE WWE I.C. TITLE **THE HARDYS BEAT CADE & MURDOCH TO KEEP THE WWE WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES **EDGE DEFEATED KEN KENNEDY TO WIN THE MONEY IN THE BANK CONTRACT **UMAGA BEAT SHANCE McMAHON, VINCE McMAHON AND LASHLEY TO BECOME THE NEW ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION **MICKIE JAMES BEAT MELINE TO BECOME NEW WWE WOMENS CHAMPION **THE UNDERTAKER DEFEATED BATISTA TO KEEP THE WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE **JOHN CENA BESTED SHAWN MICHAELS TO RETAIN THE WWE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE[/B] [/FONT] ****off topic*** Sorry some of it is abit brief.... I'll try to improve in later PPV's.. plus too tired to think atm! Let me know what you think of this show please. Anyway.. PREDICTION RESULTS! CHRIS CAULFIELD - 6 THE TRUTH - 5 URT31 - 5 DAVID2006EFC - 4 DOE-BOMB - 4 So Chris Caulfield wins the chance to pick any contender for any title... should be fun!
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[B]WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]MONDAY: AM[/B] What a show Judgement Day turned out to be, Im very pleased the way it turned out and the fans in attendance seemed to enjoy it too. Half of the titles changed hands last night, with all of them being defended. Im very very pleased with the performance of John Cena and Shawn Michaels. Even though he gets alot of criticism, noone can doubt that Cena looked amazing last night, and Michaels showed why he is still the showstopper and one of the best in the business today. Edge winning the Money In The Bank seems to have gone down ok, though many are wondering why we've taken the title off Ken Kennedy. I cant explain the full reasons why yet, but it needed to happen for various reasons and unforseen circumstances backstage. HOWEVER, this has managed to elevate Edge higher as a heel figure in the company, and only good can come from this. Judgement Day was a sell-out last night, with the attendance at 15,000, and securing a 9.46 buyrate which we're all really proud with. Especially yours truly as this is my first WWE PPV in charge. Now, for some slightly sad news. Former WWE worker Lex Luger was found dead at his home this morning, we at WWE do not know the circumstances or cause of his death yet. Though all our thoughts and prayers are with his family in this terrible time. RAW comes live tonight, so please dont miss it for all the fallout of last nights Judgement Day.
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4 predictions :( Good show though. Umaga face turn? If it is then it's an interesting decision. I look forward to reading how you book him as a face. Hmm I wonder if Kennedy causing trouble backstage, turning up for shows late etc and now you're punishing him for it. Keep this diary going because next PPV I will predict all match outcomes right if you decide to another competition. :p
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[QUOTE=david2006efc;238115]4 predictions :( Good show though. Umaga face turn? If it is then it's an interesting decision. I look forward to reading how you book him as a face. Hmm I wonder if Kennedy causing trouble backstage, turning up for shows late etc and now you're punishing him for it. Keep this diary going because next PPV I will predict all match outcomes right if you decide to another competition. :p[/QUOTE] Not a full face turn yet, still undecided as to which direction to go with him, but he'll deffinately be defending it at O.N.S. I'll deffinatly be doing more prediction comps, Im not sure about O.N.S yet, as in theory there'll be only 5 matches booked (the title match, and the 4 quarter final matches)... I could however do it that you predict the entire tournament from the allready booked quarter finals, up to the final, with the winner... Do a points system for both correct people in a match, and points for correct winner... Hope that makes sense. Kennedy......... it'll be revealed soon.. but lets just say Im annoyed and lets say that its art imitating life! haha
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[IMG]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/IMG] [B]WWE RAW PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] After Judgement Day last night, this weeks RAW comes live from The American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida After retaining his WWE Heavyweight Title at Judgement Day, John Cena will be in attendance tonight. Who will his next threat to the title be? Kenny Dykstra lost his Intercontinental Title shot against Santino Marella at Judgement Day. Tonight he will be surely out for revenge as he takes on Val Venis. A new #1 contender for the WWE World Tag Team titles will be decided tonight, as Cryme Time take on The Worlds Greatest Tag Team. And after winning the Money In The Bank contract, who will Edge be after? Tune in tonight to find out all this and more.
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[font=courier new][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoraw.jpg[/img] [b]RAW - MONDAY WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/b] [b]AMERICAN AIRLINES ARENA, MIAMI, FLORIDA[/b] [/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [B][I]Ace Steel Vs Johnny Nitro[/B][/I] *Ace was working this match tonight on loan from ECW, and also to get him some more experience working in front of a WWE crowd. *The feeling backstage is that these two didnt seem to "click" together in their match, however they both worked well to hide any incompatibility. *Nitro defeated Ace in 9:32 after a Standing Step-Up Enzuigiri [i]Rating: C+[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to RAW, as the camera's pan around the arena, with pyros going off. [B]THE CHAMP IS STILL HERE[/B] *John Cena comes out to a mixed reaction, makes his way down to the ring and proclaims that "The champ...is still...here!" *He goes on to say that last night he had a hell of a match with Shawn Michaels, but he came out still the WWE Heavyweight Champion *Cena states that he has beaten the best, that he has proven he's worthy of his title, yet some people still boo him. *Cena asks what does he have to do to get these people on his side? [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]I'LL BREAK YOUR HEART[/B] *Shawn Michaels comes out, making his way to the ring *He tells Cena that he's a better man than him, because even though he knows the fans love him, there are some that still boo him. But that doesnt bother HBK as he knows the ones that do still respect him, which is something Cena wont get yet. *HBK then challenges Cena to a rematch for his title. *Cena asks the crowd if they want to see a rematch, which is met with a good response. *HBK then tells Cena, that he wants his way, that he wants Cena tonight in the match he bought to the WWE.... HBK wants Cena.... in a LADDER MATCH! *Very very good crowd response to this, as both men have shown their skills before in this match, which will now be highly anticipated [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]Eugene Vs Chris Masters[/B][/I] *A nice match between the two, Eugene getting a Rock Bottom in early in the match. *Funny moment between the two, with Eugene trying to bite Masters arse. *Masters seemed to dominate most of the match though, beating Eugene down quite abit *Eugene lost the match by submitting to the Masterlock at 4:39 [i]Rating: C-[/i] ------------------------------------- [b]RE-REWIND[/B] *Video highlights of Cena Vs HBK at Judgement Day [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]LADIES NIGHT[/B] *Todd Grisham is backstage ready to interview Mickie James *Mickie says that last night, Melina put up a good fight, but Mickie walked away with the WWE Womens title. *Todd informs Mickie that theres a number one contender match for her title tonight *Mickie says that whoever wins, they'll be going the same way as Melina last night. [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]YOU GOTTA BEAT THE MAN[/B] *Ric Flair is seen backstage, when Carlito appears. *Carlito tells Flair that he's going up the ladder in the WWE, that he'll soon overshadow Flair *Flair laughs at this, which irritates Carlito. *Carlito then attacks Flair, leaving him down in the corridors backstage [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Val Venis Vs Kenny Dykstra[/B][/I] *Val looked good tonight, getting a good response from the live crowd *Kenny was getting some decent heel heat in the match, leading the crowd on, taunting them after beating Val down *Val went for the Money Shot late in the match, though Kenny managed to roll out the way at the last second *This allowed Kenny to take the advantage, climbing the top turnbuckle himself, nailing Val with a Guillotine Leg Drop to secure the victory at 7:33 [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b]I WANT YOU AGAIN[/B] *After the match, Kenny gets a mic from ringside *Kenney says that last night, he was cheated out of a win *He wants Santino Marella in a match again, and this time he'll walk out with the Intercontinental title [i]Rating: C-[/i] ------------------------------------ [b]RECAP[/B] *Recap of Hardys V Cade & Murdoch from last nights Judgement Day [i]Rating: C[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Cryme Time Vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team[/B][/I] *Both teams worked well together, both wanting to get the number one contender contract with neither taking the advantage for too long *Shelton looked amazing tonight, his athletic ability really shone through, with some good spots coming off the ropes *There was a funny spot of "beat the white man" when Haas came in, both of Cryme Time ignoring Shelton to get to Haas *Shelton got the pinfall after a toprope samoan drop at 9:52 on Shad [i]Rating: C-[/i] ---------------------------- [b]FREE HAT[/B] *Maria comes out, to do the Kiss Cam and to give out some free WWE merchandise [i]Rating: C[/i] ---------------------------- [b]ANNOUNCEMENT[/B] *Jonathan Coachman comes down to the ring *He tells everyone that next week on Raw, the WWE will once again be shook about *He mentions that both ECW's Paul Heyman, Smackdown's Teddy Long and himself will each be involved in the latest WWE roster transfers *He says that each brand will be allowed up to five transfers, anyone can be swapped except for any current champions [i]Rating: C-[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [B][I]Candice Michelle Vs Victoria[/B][/I] *Candice got a good reaction to her entrance, as did Victoria *Victoria seemed to dominate most of the match, and got some vicious looking kicks on Candice *Candice improving slightly in some areas, but still didnt look as good as Victoria *Victoria won the match at 5:12 by hitting Candice with the Widows Peak [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]RATED M.I.T.B[/B] *Todd Grisham is backstage to interview Edge *Edge says that last night, he proved once again why he is the Rated R Superstar *He also says that he's clever, as Kennedy should have checked the contract *Edge reveals that in the contract was a clause, that if Kennedy did lose the match, he wouldnt be able to perform in ring for at least 6 months. So its bye-bye Kennedy *Grisham asks Edge when he'll cash in his Money In The Bank shot *Edge says thats none of his business, but when he does, it'll once again be the right time [i]Rating: B+[/i] ----------------------------------- [B]MAIN EVENT HYPE[/B] *JR and Lawler hype the main event of tonight between John Cena and Shawn Michaels [i]Rating: B-[/i] [B]MATCH 5[/B] [B][I]John Cena (C) Vs HBK for the WWE Heavyweight Title in a Ladder Match[/B][/I] *Amazing chemistry between the two tonight, many saying this was just as good as their previous matches *Cena looked good, despite not having much experience in Ladder matches *Good crowd response all the way throughout, the crowd evenly split between both men *Cena worked alot on HBK's leg during the match, giving Michaels a slight disadvantage *HBK laid Cena out with the Sweet Chin Music late in the match, climbing the ladder slowly because of Cena's work on his leg *Cena managed to come around just in time, to push the ladder over, sending Michaels crashing over the top rope and into the announce table *This gave Cena the chance to climb the ladder and retrieve the belt at 23:48 [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]HATE TO SPOIL YOUR PARTY[/B] *As the match finishes......... *Edge comes out, with a mic in his hand *He tells Cena that again, he's cashing his Money In The Bank contract in when the time is right... and that time is ....... NOW! *Edge then mentions, that he's also just had a contract clause thrown in that the match is a Tables... Ladders.... and Chairs match! [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 6[/B] [B][I]John Cena (C) Vs Edge for the WWE Heavyweight Title in a T.L.C Match[/B][/I] *Before Edge can get down to the ring, HBK has entered and hits Cena again with Sweet Chin Music *This gives Edge an advantage, but he doesnt want to get the title yet, instead he goes outside to get a table into the ring *Edge sets the table up on the turnbuckles just behind where Cena is laying *Cena gets up slowly, Edge runs in for the Spear, Cena dodging at the last second sending Edge crashing into the table *Mid-match, Edge obtains a chair from outside, as does Cena. Both men trying to hit each other but their chairs clashing *Cena gets a slight advantage, after kicking Edge's chair into him *Near the end, Cena has a table set up, and gets Edge set up for the F-U *However Edge manages to jump down behind Cena, giving him the Edgeocution through the table *Edge then quickly sets up another table behind Cena, again leaning on the turnbuckles. *Cena slowly gets to his feet, Edge charging him and sends him crashing through the table with a Spear *Edge goes for the pin........ *And becomes the [B]NEW WWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION[/B] at 14:35 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]I AM THE CHAMPION![/B] *After the match, Edge celebrates in the ring with his third title reign. *Alot of cheers in the crowd from sections. Edge's win going down quite well *We close the show with the cameras focusing on Edge kissing the title, as Cena is still knocked out in the ring [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B[/B][/I] [/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]TUESDAY: AM[/B] [b]RAW T.V RATING'S[/B] 23.53 on USA Network 4.78 on TQS 0.78 on Sky Sports 3 In our monthly review last night, it was revealed we made a profit of $5,499,498 in the last month. Time to spend some of that cash I think! I wonder if Mr McMahon will give me a share to build a nice new house? Coming out of last nights RAW (attendance: 8,447), many on the internet have praised us for having Edge win the WWE Heavyweight Title last night. Many are saying that its a refreshing change from John Cena. Though what happens next in the title scene will probably suprise many. Also, for those wondering, Ken Kennedy will unfortunately not be performing in ring for the next 4-6 months. Unfortunately he picked up a very bad injury on his neck around 2 weeks ago, and will require surgery in the next few weeks. Hence why we've had to quickly change our plans, as at the time we were not sure how long he would be off, first predictions were around 12 months off. However, if he's up to it we may put him into the commentating booth at Smackdown with Michael Cole and John Layfield. Kennedy is gold on the mic, and it could be benificial to have him still on screen in this capacity The announcement last night of next weeks draft transfers has come about mainly due to the injury crisis on Smackdown!, but also to add some fresh matches to all three brands. Also, due to him winning the ECW Heavyweight Title, Umaga has been moved to the ECW brand on a fulltime basis. Myself and the WWE booking team have got some very good ideas coming up going into the summer, and hopefully we should have Booker T and Rey Mysterio returning back from injury soon. Speaking of injuries, HHH is still doing fine with his rehab, though I dont think he'll be back much before Survivor Series. However, he's returned early before and been in excellent shape, so you never know when he may return. Christian Cage seems to be doing well over at TNA. He managed to defeat both Abyss and Rhyno to retain his NWA World Heavyweight Title on last nights Impact. And finally..... a preview poster for the reinstated WWE PPV, King Of The Ring has gone up around the area the event will be taking place. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/kotr-01.jpg[/IMG] Draw your own conclusions to what it means, but nothing will be revealed untill the night.. so let the guessing games over the internet commence! ECW is live tonight on Sci-Fi, with the last two matches in the TV Title tournament first round taking place, be sure to tune in tonight, and I'll catch you all tomorrow with more news.
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Draft Lottery?? Edge cashes in his MITB and wins the title? The above equals RATINGS!. So is Kennedy legit injured in your game or do you just feel like sticking him behind the announcers booth? As for the KOTR poster I wil take a guess or 2 guesses at King Booker or Chris Jericho :o PS: Get JBL back in the ring. Possibly an angle where he returns during the draft lottery next week on Raw.
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[QUOTE=joose2001;232862][b]GOAL THREE - ROSTER BIASED TOWARDS GENUINE ATHLETES - 23MTHS 3WKS [/b](is this the WWE Im working for?)[/I][/QUOTE] Say goodbye to all the divas, hahaha! I just had to comment on this, even if it is old news . . . Very funny owner goals you got there. How did you get that goal from Vince McMahon, anyway?
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David - yes, Kennedy is legit injured, out up to six months I think. He got injured in the Edge & Kennedy Vs Taker & Batista match (or so I presume as it was the day after I got the message about it) Talk about annoying! But I had to "cheat" in a way to get him in the match with Edge still ....... but nevermind! JBL back in the ring..... mmmmmmmmmm........ interesting... may use it! KOTR poster.... why Jericho?! ANUBIS - Looks like I cant resign any of them then! DAMN SHAME :D Havent got a clue how I got that goal... it just came up, bit strange I know but hey, its good to have things like that thrown at you ECW card should be up tomorrow, sorry people who've been waiting, but had a wedding to go to yesterday, spent most of today recovering in bed!
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[quote=joose2001;239708] JBL back in the ring..... mmmmmmmmmm........ interesting... may use it! KOTR poster.... why Jericho?! [/quote] Well one of his famous quotes is [quote]"I'm the [B]king[/B] of the world, and a huge rock star!"[/quote] Lame I know :o
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Im sure someone at Titan Towers is reading my diary...... This is from tonight's (28th May) RAW preview on WWE.com [quote] "Speaking of the youngest McMahon male, the Chairman's son will make a huge announcement on Raw. What foundations will be shook following this mysterious announcement? How will it affect the WWE Superstars as they head into war at One Night Stand? How will it affect the world of sports-entertainment beyond the Extreme Rules pay-per-view?"[/quote] Then looking on 411.... [quote] "The 6/11 three hour edition of RAW will feature the 2007 WWE Draft Lottery. This will be the first WWE Draft Lottery since June of 2005."[/quote] Now that would be their 2nd RAW in June..... (announced today) My 2nd RAW in June... DRAFT LOTTERY!! (announced Friday) THEYRE WATCHING ME!! :eek:
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] ECW PREVIEW [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Tonights ECW comes live from the Bayfront Center, St Petersburg, Florida. With just over a week untill the final One Night Stand, the final two first round matches in the ECW T.V Title tournament take place ECW Original Sabu takes on the New Breeds Marcus Cor Von. Whilst Tommy Dreamer battles Stevie Richards. Also after his shock win at Judgement Day, new ECW Heavyweight Champion Umaga will be in attendance tonight, along with Armando Alejandro Estrada. What will these two have to say about Umaga's title win over Vince McMahon? And in a preview of One Night Stand, Colt Cabana and Ace Steel tag together to take on Elijah Burke and CM Punk. Tune in tonight on Sci-Fi to catch all the action live
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[quote=joose2001;240116][IMG]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/IMG] ECW PREVIEW [SIZE=1]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Tonights ECW comes live from the Bayfront Center, St Petersburg, Florida. With just over a week untill the final One Night Stand, the final two first round matches in the ECW T.V Title tournament take place ECW Original Sabu takes on the New Breeds Marcus Cor Von. Whilst Tommy Dreamer battles Stevie Richards. Also after his shock win at Judgement Day, new ECW Heavyweight Champion Umaga will be in attendance tonight, along with Armando Alejandro Estrada. What will these two have to say about Umaga's title win over Vince McMahon? [B] And in a preview of One Night Stand, Colt Cabana and Ace Steel tag together to take on Elijah Burke and CM Punk.[/B] Tune in tonight on Sci-Fi to catch all the action live[/quote] That is a match I would pay to see in real life. :D So if the WWE is really reading this Steel & Cabana should be called up right now :p
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[QUOTE=joose2001;240082] Now that would be their 2nd RAW in June..... (announced today) My 2nd RAW in June... DRAFT LOTTERY!! (announced Friday) THEYRE WATCHING ME!! :eek:[/QUOTE] Haha Book Ric Flair to a World Title win, and see if they copy that.
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***sorry about the delay, been at work alot this week... plus just got broadband so the power of YouTube has me!*** [font=courier new][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoecw.jpg[/img] [b]ECW - TUESDAY WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/b] [b]THE BAYFRONT CENTER, SAINT PETERSBURG, FLORIDA[/b] [/center] [b]DARK MATCHES[/B] [B][I]Trinity Vs Ariel[/B][/I] *Not a bad match, Ariel is showing some improvement. Having her work out on the ECW house shows is paying off *The feeling backstage is good about these two, they'll both hopefully be kept around once the new female talent is bought in. *Ariel made Trinity submit to a Chokehole STO to gain the victory at 3:32 [i]Rating: C-[/i] [B][I]The Sandman Vs Gene Snitsky[/B][/I] *Nothing really to note in this match, Snitsky as usual played the powerhouse of the match *However, Sandman did manage to wear Snitsky down with some lethal looking cane shots, one of which busted Snitsky open badly *However, it wasnt quite enough and Snitsky got the Egoist Schwein for the pinfall at 5:41 [i]Rating: C-[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN SHOW[/B] [B]THE NEW CHAMPION[/B] *Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada come down to the ring. *Obviously Estrada does the talking whilst Umaga stands beside him, the ECW Heavyweight Title draped across his shoulder *Estrada explains that Umaga was allways considered a slave by Vince, that Vince wanted Umaga to do all his dirty work, but for Vince to get all the glory *They decided that they had had enough, it was time to break the chains and for the Samoan Bulldozer to be set free again *Last night was the greatest match for Umaga, that he walked out the new ECW champion, and theres nothing that Vince or Shane can do [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]THATS MY TITLE[/B] *Vince comes out, though stays on the entrance ramp *He is disgusted by both Estrada and Umaga, saying they are both ungratefull *Vince then mentions that at One Night Stand, Umaga will be defending his title in a cage match *Vince says that he wont reveal the challenger yet, as he wants Umaga to have a disadvantage, but that at O.N.S he will deffinately lose his title [i]Rating: B-[/i] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [B][I]Tommy Dreamer Vs Stevie Richards[/B][/I] *This is a first round match in the TV Title tournament *Both men worked hard tonight, the crowd didnt seem too interested near the start but got more into it as the match went on *Stevie didnt seem to be working to his full potential tonight, which is quite a shame as hes a pretty talented guy *Dreamer won the match at 10:55 after a Dreamer DDT on Stevie Richards [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b]BACKSTAGE BURKE[/B] *Kelly Kelly is backstage, interviewing Elijah Burke *Elijah states that his is through to the second round of the ECW T.V Title tournament, that he's going all the way and bringing the title to the New Breed [i]Rating: D[/i] -------------------------------------------------------- [b]HYPE TIME[/B] *Joey Styles and Tazz talk about what we've seen so far tonight and also hype the upcoming tag match [i]Rating: D[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [B][I]Ace Steel & Colt Cabana Vs CM Punk & Elijah Burke[/B][/I] *All four men done an excellent job in this match tonight, they got the crowd going throughout most of the match *Punk looked good tonight, many saying backstage that he helped keep the crowd interested *Cabana and Ace Steel work well as a team, they may be put together as a full-time tag team soon *A slight miscommunication between Burke and Punk gave Steel & Cabana a slight advantage midmatch. *Elijah Burke got the Elijah Experience on Colt Cabana at 10:25 to secure the pinfall win [i]Rating: C[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------- [B]EXTREME EXPOSE[/B] *This week, Brooke and Layla come out, dance around abit and give out some t-shirts, you know, just to waste some time [i]Rating: C-[/i] ---------------------------------------------------------- [b]MR TUESDAY NIGHT[/B] *Rob Van Dam is shown warming up backstage, when CM Punk appears. *Punk tells RVD that next week at O.N.S they'll be competeing in a second round match *Punk says that theres no way hes going out that early in the tournament *RVD tells him that he was the first ECW Heavyweight champion under the WWE, and he'll be the first ECW T.V champion as well [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [B][I]Sabu Vs Marcus Cor Von[/B][/I] *Cor Von looked really good, using a few technical moves to try to wear Sabu down, mainly concentrating on his legs *Cor Von bought out the POUNCE tonight, sending Sabu crashing to the mat. *Cor Von made Sabu submit to a Cobra Clutch for the victory at 11:11 [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]FINAL CARD[/B] *As we're about to go off the air, Joey Styles and Tazz quickly rundown the final card for One Night Stand's tournament, with all entrants now qualified [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/ecwtv4.jpg[/IMG] [i]Rating: D[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/I] [/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]WEDNESDAY[/B] [b]T.V RATINGS[/B] Raw on Premiere - 0.41 ECW on Sci-Fi - 15.19 ECW attendance last night was 7,902, unfortunately our lowest attendance since I took over the booking job. ECW was abit dissapointing rating wise, but I still think the guys went out there to entertain the fans quite well No clues on to who Umaga's opponent will be at O.N.S, it may be someone on the ECW roster, may be someone traded over next week.... it could be someone completely different, but all will be revealed soon. Some new signings are being made this week, more news on this as and when the contracts have been signed --------------------------------------------- [B]THURSDAY[/B] Nothing really to note from today, the Smackdown! tapings went well last night. However, The Undertaker has picked up a slight shoulder injury. But fortunately its not too bad and he should be back by next week. Ive spoken to him this morning, and he's said that even though its quite painful, he'll deffinately be back and ready to work in a few days. ------------------------------------------------ [B]FRIDAY: AM[/B] [b]T.V RATINGS[/B] ECW on Sky Sports 3 - 1.15 Smackdown! on The Score - 3.09 A few new workers have been signed in the last few days. Unfortunately I cannot reveal all the names, but two new tag teams have been signed to the ranks. Hopefully they'll be making their debuts next week. However, I can reveal that Alere Little Feather, Nikki Roxx and Melissa Stripes have all be signed to development deals down at OVW. This is obviously adding to my new policy of adding females that can actually wrestle, instead of just standing there showing their fake implants off.
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