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Oh God! Not another WWE Dynasty!!

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Im in a bit of a pickle now! Long story short, major harddrive failure........ BUT luckily my TEW saves were on a different one from my main windows install. So just gotta wait a few days till I get the license reset, then HOPEFULLY as shall be running smoothly
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[quote=joose2001;241327]Im in a bit of a pickle now! Long story short, major harddrive failure........ BUT luckily my TEW saves were on a different one from my main windows install. So just gotta wait a few days till I get the license reset, then HOPEFULLY as shall be running smoothly[/quote] Good to hear you still have your TEW saves :)
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It gets worse! That hardrive, completely died this morning so again wasnt able to uninstall the license, after reinstalling it last night... Apparently the license's can only be reset once every 3 months..... So, Im gonna have to wait a week or so and buy a new one. DAMN CRAPPY PC!!! So my appologies to anyone who reads this quite alot, but I'll deffinately be back with more installments as soon as I buy a new license (in a week or so)
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [B]SMACKDOWN! PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Tonight Smackdown! comes to you live from the T.D Waterhouse Arena, Orlando, Florida. With Judgement Day just behind us, what will Batista have to say following his loss against The Undertaker? And after again becoming the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, who will step up to challenge Gregory Helms next? Also tonight, Deuce & Domino take on William Regal & Dave Taylor in tag team action. Kane tries to improve his main event chances as he takes on Finlay And MVP makes his first title defense in a rematch against Chris Benoit. Tune in tonight to catch all the action
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logosmack.jpg[/img] [b]SMACKDOWN! - FRIDAY WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]T.D WATERHOUSE ARENA, ORLANDO, FLORIDA[/B] [/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b][i]Funaki Vs James Noble[/b][/i] *A fun little match between the two, got the crowd going early with a good response to Funaki coming out *Noble looked good, many thinking a run on the main roster may benefit him in the long term *Funaki won the match via the Rising Sun to get the pinfall at 5:50 [i]Rating: C-[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]MAIN SHOW[/B] [b]THE ANIMAL ARRIVES[/B] *Batista arrives to start the show, making his way to the ring *He tells the crowd that he has no excuses for losing last night, The Undertaker was the better man again *However, Batista feels that he CAN beat The Undertaker, and he wants one more shot to regain the WWE World Heavyweight title [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]DEADMAN WALKING[/B] *The Undertaker then comes out, staying on the entrance stage *He tells Batista that he's allready beaten him twice, does he really think it'll be third time lucky *Batista states that he does, that he could defeat The Undertaker here tonight *Undertaker says that if he wants to prove himself so much, he'll put the title on the line tonight *The Undertaker then adds that this time, he wont hold back on the beating he's going to give Batista [i]Rating: B+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 1[/B] [b][i]William Regal & David Taylor Vs Deuce & Domino[/b][/i] *Regal & Taylor got a nice response came out, the crowd really not bothered about Deuce & Domino, although Cherry did get a few cheers. *Regal looked really good tonight, many backstage saying he managed to hold the match together on his own *Regal got the pin for his time after hitting Domino with the Regal Cutter at 7:58 [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]WE'RE FRENCH, WE NEED MORE WINE![/B] *After the match, La Resistance appear unnoticed from backstage *They attack Regal & Taylor, eventually leaving both men fallen in the ring *They both leave, laughing and pointing at Regal & Taylor [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b]WOLVERINE UNLEASHED[/B] *Kristal is backstage with Chris Benoit, asking him about his recent defeat to M.V.P and loss of the U.S Title *Benoit says he's dissapointed with himself, but he'll show tonight that M.V.P was just lucky the other night [i]Rating: B-[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 2[/B] [b][i]Jillian Hall Vs Cherry[/b][/i] *Suprisingly, Jillian Hall looked quite good tonight. Her added training and use at house shows seemingly paying off *Cherry as well seems to be improving her moves, getting the crowd involved with her antics *Jillian managed to hit Cherry with a Bombshell Dropkick, to secure the victory at 3:44 [i]Rating: D-[/i] [b]STOP! THERES A ..... UM[/B] *New WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Gregory Helms, comes down to the ring *He tells the crowd that the title is back to where it belongs *He beat all challengers before, that noone is as good as him. *He then issues an open challenge to anyone that wants to take him on right now [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]A NEW STAR RISING[/B] *Helms is waiting a while, untill eventually some music unknown to the crowd plays. *A youngish guy, with spike up hair and pink and black trousers comes out. *Helms says to the guy "Who the hell are you? And why should I let you compete against me?" *The guy says to Helms, he should let him because he comes from one of the greatest wrestling families, he was trained by some of the greatest wrestlers to compete in the WWF. *Helms hasnt got a clue as to who this guy is. *The guy then says "Im a member of the greatest wrestling family, the HARTS", the crowd cheering in recognition of this name *The guy continues "I am [B]TEDDY HART[/B] and I am here for one thing, and one thing only... to show the world that the Hart family is back in action and to start taking titles yet again" [i]Rating: D[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Teddy Hart Vs Gregory Helms (C) for the WWE Cruiserweight Title[/b][/i] *Both men looked really good, the crowd really behind Teddy right from the start because of his family history *Hart dominated most of the match, proving too much for Helms to handle *Helms had eventually had enough, and left the ring, getting himself counted out at 8:57 [i]Rating: C+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------- [b]TOILET TIME![/B] *During the commercial break, Michelle McCool comes out *She mainly insults the crowd, but hands out some T-Shirts as well [i]Rating: C-[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------- [b]THE FIRE STILL BURNS[/B] *Again we join Kristal, who this time is with Kane *Kane says that tonight against Finlay, he will again show why he should be in the main event scene, and why he should be getting a title shot against his brother. [i]Rating: B-[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]Chris Benoit Vs Montel Vontavious Porter (C) for the WWE United States title[/b][/i] *For some reason, both men didnt seem to be bringing out their best tonight, the match suffering slightly *However, they did manage to get some good spots together, with Benoit hitting the Rolling German Suplexes *Benoit went up for the Flying Headbutt, but MVP managed to roll out the way *He then covered Benoit quickly for the victory at 11:44 [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]RE-REWIND[/B] *A video is shown of Teddy Hart's debut earlier in the night [i]Rating: D-[/i] [b]A LONG TIME AGO[/B] *Teddy Long comes down to the ring to address the crowd *He tells them that on Monday, there is a draft lottery on RAW *He adds that any member of Smackdown could be going to either RAW or ECW *He then says that he has some people in mind that he wants to bring over, and that next week Smackdown will be bringing new people on to the show [i]Rating: C- ------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 5[/B] [b][i]Kane Vs Finlay[/b][/i] *Kane seemed to be improving with his technical ringwork, being able to keep up with Finlay and even managing to reverse some holds *Hornswoggle came out near the end, but was met with a Chokeslam by Kane to a loud response by the crowd *Finlay went to attack Kane whilst he was distracted, but was however met by a boot to the face by Kane *Kane then set Finlay up for the Tombstone, getting the pinfall at 12:28 [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]RAW RECAP[/B] *A video plays, showing the match between John Cena and Shawn Michaels, Edge coming out and cashing in his MOney In The Bank shot, and then Edge defeating Cena to become the NEW WWE Heavyweight Champion [i]Rating: B+[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MAIN EVENT TIME[/B] *Michael Cole and JBL talk about whats happened so far tonight, and hype the main event match between The Undertaker and Batista [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 6[/B] [b][i]The Undertaker (C) Vs Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Title[/b][/i] *Undertaker got an amazing response coming out tonight, Batista did get a slightly good one though *Undertaker looked amazingly good tonight, holding the match together especially as Batista was visibly tiring near the end *Many think backstage, that Batista isnt as good as he used to be before his injury and this showed tonight as he seemed to drag the quality of the match down *Undertaker managed to bring Batista down with a Chokeslam, picking up the victory at 19:40 *We go off the air as The Undertaker stands in the ring with his title [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/I][/FONT]
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[B]WEEK 1, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]SATURDAY[/B] [B]T.V RATINGS[/B] Smackdown! - 3.92 on Sky Sports 1 Smackdown! - 29.99 on CW Attendance for Smackdown! this week was 9,313 which is alot better than it has been in the last few weeks However, the feeling is that it was overall abit of a poor show, I think the majority of the guys have had a busy few weeks and overuse seems to be showing, especially with the heavy travel schedule. Im pleased with Teddy Harts debut last night, and think we should be ok in handling him. He has had a reputation as a troublemaker, but so far so good. Hopefully he's changed his ideas and started to act better knowing now how his actions will reach a larger fanbase. The plan right now for the Draft Lottery, is to have the new members each revealed on the respective shows next week, this will add a element of suprise and hopefully get more people viewing each show. Elsewhere last night, the very talented AJ Styles competed and won the IWA:MS King Of The Deathmatches Tournament. This also adds and confirms the thinking that AJ is deffinately a star for the future. People have been asking me if he is a possible WWE signing. Well to be honest, we know he's quite tied up with alot of other commitments for now and has stated he wants to follow them through and isnt interested at the moment, but never say never. And finally, UK female star Skye has signed a WWE development contract. Shes a talented young lady, having had training by the likes of William Regal, David Taylor and Chris Benoit, so hopefully their talent has rubbed off on her. ------------------------------------------ [B]SUNDAY[/B] Both Paul London and Val Venis have today been offered new WWE contracts. Hopefully both will resign very soon and continue to provide the entertainment both men are known for. Two new signings have finalised their contracts this morning, their identity being kept secret as Im aware they should be making their debuts this week. RAW is tomorrow night, and should be pretty decent especially with the Draft Lottery taking place. As stated before, each representitive will be making their picks backstage at RAW, and their picks will be revealed on their respective shows. So expect up to five people to join RAW tomorrow night.
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[b]WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]MONDAY:AM[/B] Well, tonight should be a good start to the week, with many headaches tonight! Yes its that time again when we have the Draft Lottery. And believe me when I say this, hardly NONE of the workers know if or where they are going. The only people that know for deffinate are myself, the rest of the booking team, the McMahon family and a few of the senior road agents. One or two wrestlers know where they are going, but this is to tie in with storyline reasons, but all will become clear by the end of this week! Also, with One Night Stand only six days away Ive decided to yet again do a prediction competition. Unfortunately at this time we cannot offer a prize but I hope people send in their predictions for fun! [CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B]ONE NIGHT STAND PREDICTION COMPETITION[/b][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/ons2007.jpg[/IMG] [B]SECOND ROUND[/B] MATCH 1 - COLT CABANA V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - ELIJAH BURKE V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - CM PUNK V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V ACE STEEL [B]SEMI FINAL[/B] Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - WINNER MATCH 1 V WINNER MATCH 4 SF 2 - WINNER MATCH 2 V WINNER MATCH 3 [b]FINAL[/b] WINNER OF SF 1 V WINNER OF SF 2 To decide the winner, it will be done on a points system. One point for each correct winner in the second round matches One point for each correct match entrant in the semi-final and final One point for each correct winner in the semi-final and final So for example, say you end up with RVD V Elijah Burke somewhere, predicting Burke to win and that IS the match, you would get 3 points [B]ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] UMAGA V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) [B]TIEBREAKER QUESTION[/B] WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? [/center] ----------------------------------------------- Anyways, only a few more hours left until we go live tonight with RAW, so please make sure you tune in to catch all the action and the first five people traded from the Draft Lottery.
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[QUOTE=joose2001;241697]Apparently the license's can only be reset once every 3 months..... So, Im gonna have to wait a week or so and buy a new one. DAMN CRAPPY PC!!! So my appologies to anyone who reads this quite alot, but I'll deffinately be back with more installments as soon as I buy a new license (in a week or so)[/QUOTE] That really sucks. I've been saying for a while now that Mr. Ryland (or GDS if it's not his call) should find something better than E-License, and this just further cements that idea in my head. I really don't like how E-License does business, really; I think things like this are unethical at best as it's not at all fair that you should have to pay for the game again. I've honestly never heard or read anything good about them, only bad things. Hopefully you'll be able to sell the license once you get it back in three months . . . I know I'd be screwed if this happened to me since I don't have spare cash to spend something on the same thing twice. To be honest, if I were you, I'd talk to Mr. Ryland or Arlie Rahn about it; they're both pretty reasonable and ethical, so maybe they could help you out. Customer service is the most important part of business, after all! I also have predictions, winners highlighted in [B]BOLD[/B]. [QUOTE=joose2001;242341] [B]SECOND ROUND[/B] MATCH 1 - [B]COLT CABANA[/B] V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - ELIJAH BURKE V [B]TOMMY DREAMER[/B] MATCH 3 - CM PUNK V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V [B]ACE STEEL[/B] [B]SEMI FINAL[/B] Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - [B]COLT CABANA[/B] V ACE STEEL SF 2 - TOMMY DREAMER V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] [b]FINAL[/b] COLT CABANA V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] [B]ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] [B]UMAGA[/B] V (SHANE MCMAHON) (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) [B]TIEBREAKER QUESTION[/B] WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? [B]SHANE MCMAHON[/B] [/QUOTE] Yeah, those predictions are more along the lines of what I'd like to see on a pay-per-view, but ah well. It'll prolly end up being the Sandman instead of Shane McMahon, but I can hope!
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and re: license stuff. Bizarrely I thought "oh I'll just try my old code, see what happens" and it worked... even though in theory it should still be licensed and I shouldnt be able to use it. Odd but nevermind, its saved me forking out for another copy!
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Okay, fixed my predictions. As cool as it would be to see Shane as Champion, Umaga just got it and is probably more over at the moment, plus there's no buildup. So unless some legend makes a return or something . . . Yeah, can't really predict any other way. My brain says I should have picked the Sandman, but ah well.
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MATCH 1 - COLT CABANA V [B]MARCUS COR VON[/B] MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE [/B]V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - CM PUNK V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V [B]ACE STEEL[/B] SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - [B]MARCUS COR VON [/B]V ACE STEEL SF 2 - ELIJAH BURKE V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] FINAL MARCUS COR VON V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [B]UMAGA[/B] V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) TIEBREAKER QUESTION WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? [B]BOBBY LASHLEY[/B] (He was never pinned in the fatal-fourway and I don't think he'll be left off the card)
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MATCH 1 - [B]COLT CABANA[/B] V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE[/B] V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - [B]GENE SNITSKY[/B] V ACE STEEL SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - Colt Cabana V [B]Gene Snitsky[/B] SF 2 - Elijah Burke V [B]CM Punk[/B] FINAL Gene Snitsky V [B]CM Punk[/B] ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [B]UMAGA[/B] V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) TIEBREAKER QUESTION WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? [B]BOBBY LASHLEY[/B]
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[SIZE=3][/SIZE] [CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/ons2007.jpg[/IMG] [B]SECOND ROUND[/B] MATCH 1 - [B]COLT CABANA[/B] V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE[/B] V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V [B]ACE STEEL[/B] [B]SEMI FINAL[/B] Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - [B]Colt Cabana[/B] V Ace Steel SF 2 - Elijah Burke V [B]CM Punk[/B] [B]FINAL[/B] Rob Van Dam V [B]CM Punk[/B] [B]ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] [B] UMAGA[/B] V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) [B]TIEBREAKER QUESTION[/B] WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? [B]Bobby Lashley[/B] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Samoa Joe ROH;242856]Next week am going to see Chearleader Melissa in Cardiff with Celtic Wrestling and The Amazing Kong in there first fight outside the US I added this because you seem to think she is a good wrestler and now am hoping for a good match[/QUOTE] I think she's pretty decent, though only seen her stuff online and from her HEAT match last year against Victoria. Amazing Kong is pretty good as well from what Ive heard, so should be a pretty decent match!
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[quote=joose2001;242811]David - just checking, your final should be Colt Cabana V CM Punk. It would be impossible to have Punk V RVD, as there both in the second round. Just so you know, so I'll take it as Cabana?[/quote] Yeah, Colt Cabana vs CM Punk was what I was meant to do, oops.
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SECOND ROUND MATCH 1 - COLT CABANA V[B] MARCUS COR VON[/B] MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE[/B] V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V [B]ACE STEEL[/B] SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - [B]MARCUS COR VON [/B]V Ace Steel SF 2 - Elijah Burke V [B]CM Punk[/B] FINAL MARCUS COR VON V [B]CM Punk[/B] ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [B]UMAGA [/B]V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) TIEBREAKER QUESTION WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? Bobby Lashley
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Just a quick note to say sorry I havent posted up the new weeks events yet, been on holiday all week so been having a good relax and havent felt like doing anything (except playing Tales Of Pirates for around 10 hours a day! LOL) Hopefully I'll update in the next few days
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [b]WWE RAW PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Tonight Raw comes live from The Pepsi Arena, Albany, New York. After the announcement by Jonathan Coachman, tonight will feature the first WWE Draft Lottery in two years. Up to five superstars will be appearing new on Raw tonight, who will they be and what will they have to offer? Also, after losing his WWE Heavyweight Title to Edge last week, we are sure that John Cena will be in attendance and have something to say on the matter. The only match made so far for tonight is Ric Flair Vs Johnny Nitro. All other matches are said to include the superstars involved in the draft to Raw. Tune in tonight to catch all the action live.
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoraw.jpg[/img] [b]RAW - MONDAY WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B][/B] [/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b][i]The Highlanders Vs The Naturals[/b][/i] *This marks the debut of recent signings to WWE, The Naturals. Some of the crowd noticing them from their ROH and TNA days, but the majority not knowing who they were *Both Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens looked good and worked well together, backing up the decision to hire them. *The Highlanders seem to be now looked on as a jobber team, and this was backed up again tonight when Andy Douglas hit Robbie with a Tornado DDT for the pin at 6:16 [i]Rating: D[/i] [b][i]Val Venis Vs Carlito[/b][/i] *Another good outing by these two men, they seem to work together when theyre paired up. *Carlito was showing slight improvement with his brawling spots tonight *Val is still getting good crowd reactions even though he isnt on the main show that often, the crowd still love him *Carlito hit the Backcracker at 6:50 for the win [i]Rating: C+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]MAIN SHOW[/B] J.R and Jerry Lawler welcome us to this weeks RAW. They remind us that tonight Jonathan Coachman will be revealing RAW's picks in the draft lottery. They mention that all superstars from all three brands are backstage, with noone knowing who will be chosen to be on RAW from now on, and that the same thing will be happening at ECW and Smackdown! later this week. [B]RATED R SUPERSTAR AGAIN![/B] *Edge comes out to start the show, entering the ring as we are shown highlight of last week with him winning the WWE Heavyweight Title from John Cena *Edge tells everyone that last week he proved why he is the Rated R Superstar in taking back his title one day after beating Ken Kennedy. *Edge says that tonight there is a draft and that he is safe, but that anyone could come to Raw but it doesnt matter as he'll beat them anyway as theres no way he's losing his title to anyone [i]Rating: A[/i] [b]THE EX-CHAMP IS HERE[/B] *John Cena comes out and down to the ring *He tells Edge that yet again he was lucky, Cena had been through one ladder match then had to compete in a TLC match *Cena wants one shot against Edge, as he knows thats all he needs *Edge tells Cena that if he wants it, he can damn well have it [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]THE SHOWSTOPPER IS ALSO HERE[/B] *This then brings out Shawn Michaels, who also comes down to the ring *He tells both men that HE should be competeing against Edge as he is still the number one contender *Cena tells him that as the last champion, he should get the first shot [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]JUST HOLD ON A MINUTE[/B] *They are then interrupted by Jonathan Coachman who stays on the entrance ramp *Coach tells Cena and HBK that neither men will be competing against Edge tonight *However they will be in a match tonight to decide the number one contender *It will be John Cena Vs Shawn Michaels . . . . . and . . . . Raw's first draft pick [B]CHRIS BENOIT[/B] *Benoit comes out to a huge reaction, Edge in the ring grinning that he's gotten out of a match *Cena & HBK both look abit annoyed at Benoit's inclusion in the match [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]ITS NOT OVER YET[/B] *Coach then says that in the interest of fairness, Edge will still have a match tonight, however it will be a non title match *Edge says to Coach it doesnt matter but he'll take anyone on and still win *Coach says he was hoping Edge would say that as he then reveals Raw's second draft pick [B]KANE[/B] *Edge looks shocked as Kane comes out onto the entrance ramp, staring him down [i]Rating: B-[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 1[/B] [b][i]Cryme Time Vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team[/b][/i] *As per usual, Shelton looked very good and his athletic ability shines through as allways *Shad seems to be improving in all his skills, getting a few decent moves in. *Hass & Benjamin were double teaming quite alot, not letting either member of Cryme Time get an advantage *Hass got the win after Shelton hit a T-Bone Suplex on to Shad at 6:44 [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]THE WOLVERINE IS UNLEASHED[/B] *Todd Grisham is backstage with Chris Benoit, he asks Benoit how he feels about on again being on Raw *Benoit says that he feels great, and tonight he will take the number one contender spot to face Edge in two weeks at The Great American Bash *Benoit says that Wrestlemania 20 was the highest point in his carrer, but since he lost the world title he seems to have gone downhill. He says that the US title was important but allways felt like a runner-up prize *Benoit says that he will one again become a world champion and he'll do it again on Raw [i]Rating: C+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]THE NEXT PICKS ARE[/B] *Coach comes out as Matt & Jeff Hardy are in the ring ready for their match *Coach tells them that tonight, they'll have a non-title match against his next two picks who are former tag-team champions from Smackdown! *Coach then brings out Deuce & Domino with Cherry [i]Rating: C-[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [b][i]Hardys (C) Vs Deuce & Domino in a non-title match[/b][/i] *The crowd have hardly no reaction to either Deuce or Domino, with most of them behind the Hardys throughout the entire match *Matt looked good tonight, taken the lead for most of the match *Cherry worked well at ringside, providing a distraction a few times to allow her men to get an advantage *Matt Hardy hit the Twist Of Fate on Domino for the win at 7:43 [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]AND THE LAST PICK[/B] *Santino Marella is in the ring waiting for his opponent *Coach comes out again, and tells Marella that his last pick of the draft will be his opponent tonight *Coach then brings out ECW's Kevin Thorn who is with Ariel [i]Rating: D+[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Santino Marella (C) Vs Kevin Thorn for the WWE Intercontinental Title[/b][/i] *Marella still doesnt seem to be getting much a reaction from the live crowd, the crowd was silent for the majority of the match however the picked up slightly near the end *Thorn showed he is improving in technical moves, using a few reversals as well on Marella *Santino made Thorn submit to a Standing Arm Bar to pick up the win at 7:47 [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b]DONT FORGET ABOUT ME[/B] *As Marella is celebrating his win, Kenny Dykstra comes out and attacks Marella. *Dykstra manages to get the I.C belt and blasts Marella with it, leaving him out cold *Dykstra is screaming at Marella that he wants him one more time [i]Rating: D+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]KISS KISS[/B] *Maria comes out during the commercial break with the kiss cam [i]Rating: C+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]John Cena Vs Shawn Michaels Vs Chris Beniot[/b][/i] *The crowd was alive throughout the whole match, with each man getting alot of reaction *However there was again alot of people booing almost any move Cena got on Benoit *Benoit was incredibly over, with the rolling german suplexes on HBK getting a huge reaction *Benoit went up top to go for the flying headbutt on HBK, put was pushed out to the ringside by Cena *Cena managed to get an advantage, hitting the five knuckle shuffle on HBK *Cena then managed to hit the FU on HBK, but before he managed to get the pin attempt Benoit ran back in *Benoit then managed to make Cena tap out to the crossface at 19:31 [i]Rating: B+[/i] [b]YOU'RE JOKING, RIGHT?[/B] *After the match, Cena seems really angry and annoyed to losing *Benoit goes to offer his hand to Cena, Cena starts to walk off *Benoit then grabs Cena from behind, Cena turns around and hits Benoit with a hard right, sending Benoit to the canvas *This is met by a chorus of boo's, Cena just walks off not looking back or to anyone [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B]MATCH 5[/B] [b][i]Ric Flair Vs Johnny Nitro[/b][/i] *Both men worked well together, making the match that much more enjoyable *Flair's age is catching up with him as he was showing signs of tiredness near the end of the match *Nitro won by a Standing Step-Up Enzuigiri at 11:40 [i]Rating: B[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]THE CHAMP IS .......... GONE[/B] *Cena is seen walking backstage, Todd Grisham runs up to him to ask him how he feels *Cena says how does he think he feels? *Cena says that he should have won tonight, that Benoit shouldnt have been involved at all *Grisham asks about the people booing Cena *Cena says that hes fed up with people putting him down, hes done all he can but he still gets the boo's *Cena says that the people can go screw theirselves, and that hes leaving Raw as hes had enough [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]MAIN EVENT TIME[/B] *Lawler & JR hype the main event of tonight involving Kane and Edge [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B]MATCH 6[/B] [b][i]Kane Vs Edge (C) in a non-title match[/b][/i] *Kane is showing improvment in his technical skills *Neither man would get the advantage for long, with the other stopping them through either Kane's power or Edge's dirty tactics *Edge get nailed by a huge boot to the face from Kane, but managed to kick out of the pin at the last second *Edge managed to get the victory after hitting Kane with the Spear at 14:36 [i]Rating: A[/i] [b]RECAP[/B] *J.R and Jerry Lawler recap that tonight [B]CHRIS BENOIT, KANE, DEUCE & DOMINO[/B] and [b]KEVIN THORN[/B] have all joined Raw from the draft *They tell us to tune into ECW and Smackdown to see who could be leaving Raw and who will be joining the other two brands [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B+[/B][/I] [/font]
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