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Oh God! Not another WWE Dynasty!!

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[b]TUESDAY, WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [b]RAW TV RATINGS[/B] Sky Sports 3 - 0.85 TQS - 5.13 USA Network - 25.21 Raw drew 8,851 fans last night, not amazing figures but still good enough as the industry is said to be in a bit of a downfall at the moment The show for me went very well, and I will have to say that the superstars drafted only knew about an hour before hand, although they were told to keep it quiet untill we went live on air to stop anything leaking out to any of the media outlets and especially onto the internet sites. There was a slight booking change last night, in the Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Chris Benoit match, it was originally planned for Shawn Michaels to tap out to the crossface but we decided just before the match that it would be more of an impact for Cena to tap out and adding more reason for him to leave Raw last night. Where is Cena going? Well that would spoil the suprise if I told anyone, only a few people backstage know at the moment, again to stop anything leaking out onto the internet. ECW and Smackdown will both be done the same way as Raw last night, all superstars will be in attendance a few hours before, with those moving to either brand being told shortly before the shows begin. ECW is live tonight, so be sure to catch it to find out who will be moving to that brand. Also because of time constraints, only three of their draft picks will be announced tonight, the other two announced in a few days possibly at One Night Stand. Speaking of which, O.N.S is this Sunday and looks to be quite a decent event. We have the T.V Title tournament with a new champion being crowned on the night, and also Umaga defending his ECW Heavyweight Title in a cage match against an opponent of Vince McMahon's choosing. In other news, SHIMMER star Ms Chif has signed a developmental deal with us, and will be in OVW for a few months. This again adds to the female talented Im hoping to being up by the end of the year to add to our womans division and hopefully improve it quite alot. Also dont forget that if you havent done so allready to get your predictions in soon for Sundays One Night Stand, details can be found on the previous page of this blog.
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[B]E.C.W PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] The brand draft continues tonight live on ECW Who will be drafted to the newest brand of the company? And as we're only a few days away from One Night Stand, will Vince McMahon reveal who his chosen opponent to face Umaga in a Steel Cage match will be? Also for a preview of the T.V Title tournament, all eight men will be competing in a 4 v 4 tag team match. Will they all be able to work together, and will this affect anyones chances in the tournament? Tune in live tonight to find out!
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoecw.jpg[/img] [b]ECW - TUESDAY WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]HAMMERSTEIN BALLROOM, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK[/B] [/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCHES[/b] [b][i]Kelly Kelly V Trinity[/b][/i] *The crowd didnt seem to interested in this match, which isnt that suprising really *Trinity did look good though, Kelly needs alot more training before even been taken remotely serious as an in-ring competitor *The ending came with Trinity hitting a Jumping DDT off the middle turnbuckle to get the pinfall at 3:45 [i]Rating: D[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]MAIN SHOW[/B] Tazz and Joey Styles welcome us to the Hammerstein Ballroom, ECW's old home. They inform us that tonight it is ECW's turn in the draft lottery, and there could be up to 5 new superstars joining tonight. [b]ITS ABOUT TO GET MORE EXTREME[/b] *Paul Heyman comes out into the ring to start the show, he firstly talks about the history of ECW and how great it is to be back in the ballroom. *Heyman says that things could get more interesting tonight with his draft picks, that each one has been chosen for his or her skills and to add their own unique ways to ECW *Heyman then mentions about John Cena leaving Raw last night, and that hes working hard on a contract for Cena. *He mentions that because Cena has gone AWOL, he is now not involved in the actual draft, but Heyman thinks that the contract should be signed when Cena does show up. *Heyman then introduces ECW Original Balls Mahoney to the ring, Heyman tells him that he will tonight be facing his first pick in the draft lottery. *Heyman tells Balls that his first pick, from Smackdown! will bring a new meaning to Extreme and that this man loves to fight! *Heyman then introduces...................... [B]FINLAY[/B] [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [b][i]Balls Mahoney V Finlay[/b][/i] *Finlay dominated the majority of this match, using a brawling style to wear Balls down *This was followed up by technical moves, Finlay paying most attention to Balls' legs *Hornswoggle made his ECW debut, entering the ring with a mini-chair to attack Balls with, which Balls promptly booted into Hornswoggle's face sending him out of the ring *Finlay got the win at 3:56 after the Celtic Cross on Balls [i]Rating: C+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]TROUBLE AT SEA?[/b] *Marcus Cor Von, Elijah Burke, CM Punk and Snitsky are shown backstage in the locker area. All but Burke are sat down *Burke tells them that tonight, they face four men who will also be competeing for the TV title this Sunday *He says that tonight, the New Breed will win and that on Sunday he will take the T.V Title for the New Breed. *He says that IF he faces another member, he'll expect them to lie down for him *Punk then gets up, saying that IF Burke gets through the quarter final round, he'll be facing him in the semi. *Punk tells Burke that theres no way he'll lie down for him. *Burke looks annoyed, and tells Punk that it doesnt matter as he'll still beat him regardless. *Punk leaves the room, leaving Burke fuming with rage [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]THE NEXT PICK IS....[/b] *Matt Striker is ready in the ring, waiting for his opponent. *Paul Heyman comes out again, staying on the entrance ramp. *He says that Striker will tonight be facing Heyman's second pick from the draft. *Heyman goes on to say that this man is a former WWE Intercontinental Champion *Heyman says his opponent is this man.............................. *"HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO LAAAAAAADIEEEEEEEEEEEEEES" *[B]VAL VENIS[/b] is ECW's pick, coming out to a decent reaction [i]Rating: C[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [b][i]Val Venis V Matt Striker[/b][/i] *Both men worked well together, Striker showing slight improvement and obviously working with Venis could beneift him *Venis was very over with the crowd, getting quite a few chants when Striker had him beaten down at points during the match *Quite a fun match between the two, just about the right amount of time given to the match without people getting bored *Venis wins at 4:33 after the Money Shot on Striker [i]Rating: C[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]NO CHANCE IN HELL[/b] *Vince McMahon comes out to a chorus of boos, making his way to the ring with a mic in his hand *He tells everyone in attendance that its quite fitting that on Sunday Umaga will make his first title defence at One Night Stand *He continues that Umaga's defence will be exactly that, a one night only event, as he guarantee's that Umaga will lose the ECW Heavyweight Title against the man he has hand-picked to face him in the steel cage. *Vince goes on to say that tonight, Umaga will be in action, and as a warm up for Sunday he will not be announcing his opponent untill just before the match. *Vince leaves the ring, again to a chorus of boo's from the majority of fans [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Ace Steel, Colt Cabana, Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer V CM Punk, Elijah Burke, Gene Snitsky, Marcus Cor Von[/b][/i] *Quite alot was going on during the match, no one man staying in the ring too long with a fresh man coming in quite often. *The heels seemed to keep the face near their corner, double teaming whilst the ref was distracted. *A few hot-tags were made by the face team, but their come-backs were usually cut off by double team tactics by the heel team *CM Punk looked really good tonight, even in an environment with seven other men his performance stood out *However, Tommy Dreamer looked quite poor and seemed to get lost in the mix *Marcus Cor Von got the win for his team, with the Pounce on RVD at 8:44 [i]Rating: C[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]EXTREME EXPOSE[/b] *Layla & Brooke come out to the ring during the commercial break, dancing around like a pair of lapdancers in some cheap club! *But the crowd seem to like it, so what do I know?* [i]Rating: D+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]SO WHO IS IT?[/b] *ECW Heavyweight Champion, Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada make their way to the ring, the crowd still quite undecided on if they should be cheering or booing, so their was quite a mixture of both. *Estrada says that this Sunday, the "Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga will face an opponent of Mr McMahons choosing in a steel cage *Estrada says it doesnt matter who the opponent is, and that McMahon is stupid putting Umaga in a cage match, as we all knows what happens when you cage a monster... it just gets angrier and harder to control *He says that whoever the opponent is, better be ready as Umaga will completely destroy them. *Vince McMahon then comes out, he says that he doesnt think Umaga has any chance of winning on Sunday, he still wont say who his opponent his and will reveal it just before the macth on Sunday so Umaga cannot prepare at all *Vince then says, thats just like tonight as his opponent for his match will now be revealed. *Vince says that this man hasnt wrestled for around a year, and the last time he appeared on ECW he totally ripped the fans to shreds. *Vince says that this man has decided the time is right to once again step in the ring *Vince goes on to say that people think of himself as a god......... but this man, and ECW's third draft pick by Paul Heyman........ *"I AM A WRESTLING GOD!!!!" is shouted out across the arena as [B]JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD[/B] makes his way out to a majorly mixed reaction *Both Tazz and Joey Styles act majorly shocked at JBL turning up at ECW, especially to wrestle* [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]John Bradshaw Layfield V Umaga[/b][/i] *JBL looked quite well, especially for someone who hasnt wrestled on-screen for well over a year *Neither man took the advantage for too long however, both getting an equal amount of time on the offense *Vince was at ring-side the entire match, trying to distract Umaga quite alot, allowing JBL to gain the advantage. *JBL hit Umaga with the Clothesline From Hell, but somehow Umaga managed to kick out of the pin attempt. *Vince got into the ring with a steel chair, but was quickly thrown out by Umaga *Vince then signalled to the entrance ramp, as the New Breed ran down to the ring to try to take Umaga out *They were quickly followed by the ECW Originals, and a mass brawl started in the ring, with JBL bailing out of the ring *The match was technicly called as a draw at 13:36 *The show went off the air with Vince and JBL watching the carnage in-ring, with Umaga attacking anyone that came near him [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]RECAP[/B] ECW's draft picks *Finlay from Smackdown! *Val Venis from RAW *John Bradshaw Layfield from Smackdown! [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/I] [/font] **OOC - sorry for the delay in posting, been quite ill the last few days and I think Ive been put on Horse Tranquilisers!**
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[B]WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]WEDNESDAY[/B] [B]T.V RATINGS[/B] Raw - 0.45 on Premiere ECW - 15.15 on Sci-Fi Im really really suprised last night with the attendance at Hammerstein Ballroom. 9,858 people paid to watch last night's ECW which is a HUGE raise from RAW the night before. I was slightly awe-struck at first when I saw the sheer amount of people packed in there and it was very nearly all sold out. Obviously this has more to do with ECW appearing in the Ballroom, but I think as well that people knew that because of the draft their would be some high-profile superstars turning up on ECW. Speaking of which, I think Ive finally shocked the internet writers with the return of JBL to the ring last night. This has actually been in plan for quite a while now, with John wanting to return to the ring sometime soon. He's been training quite alot and looks in really good shape at the moment. Also he did kind of request being moved to ECW to help that brand out, plus he knew he's allready got heat from the ECW crowd for his comments at One Night Stand from the previous two years. So, the brand switches seemed to be going down quite well at the moment. But as you may well know, theres one man that there seems to be alot of interest in where he will appear. John Cena walked out of RAW on Monday night and as we saw on ECW last night, Paul Heyman allready has a contract he wants signed when Cena returns to the company. Im not giving anything away yet, but just keep an eye on all TV shows in the next week or so. ------------------------------------ [B]THURSDAY[/B] First off today, Im pleased to report that contract extension talks with Paul London have gone well and that he's signed an 18 month extension on to his current contract. Secondly, and something I forgot to mention before even though most people will allready know, Smackdown! is being broadcast live this week. Obviously the reason behind this is because of the draft. We decided that we didnt want anything leaking out at all to spoil the suprise for people, so we thought it would be best to screen the show live. So that will still be on tomorrow night, but coming LIVE for the first time in a while. Also, Im pleased to announce that we have signed Jay and Mark Briscoe to full time contracts. Two very talented guys that have been working on the Indy scene for a few years, they'll hopefully add something more to the tag team division on either Raw or Smackdown. With all the roster changes this week Im sure they'll be making their debuts in the next week or two. ------------------------------------ [B]FRIDAY:AM[/b] [b]T.V RATINGS[/B] ECW - 1.20 on Sky Sports 3 Sean Morley, otherwise known as Val Venis, has today signed a 18 month extension on his contract. Im quite happy with this as he's recently moved to ECW, so hopefully we'll be able to come up with something abit more than having him just appear on house shows. We've got a busy weekend ahead, with Smackdown! coming live tonight, One Night Stand on Sunday, and then restarting the week with RAW on Monday. Luckily there isnt much travelling between today and Sunday, so at least most of the wrestlers can relax tomorrow. Talking of PPV's, The Great American Bash is only just over 2 weeks away. However due to alot of other events taking place, only one match so far has been booked, which is Edge Vs Chris Benoit for the WWE Heavyweight Title. This is guaranteed to be one hell of a match, both men have been looking good recently and with Benoit quickly jumping into the title race on RAW, who knows whats going to happen in the coming weeks. Kenny Dykstra seems to be entering a programme with Santino Marella. So I think this match may be added next week on RAW. Theres still alot of mixed feelings from the internet about Marella, we're keeping a close eye on him at the moment and deciding what is best to do for the company and for him. Ive been down at OVW in my spare time recently, mainly checking out the female talent that Ive recently signed. Even though the girls are not being used alot, there is still at least one match on every card. All of them have been showing great promise whilst training, so hopefully some of them will be called up to the main roster soon. as we deffinately need some good female workers on the roster. Anyways, Smackdown! is tonight, and again features their draft picks. So make sure you tune in to catch all the action live. Also dont forget to send in your predicitions for One Night Stand, details again can be found on the previous page of this blog.
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[QUOTE=joose2001;247164][FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logoecw.jpg[/img] [b]ECW - TUESDAY WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]HAMMERSTEIN BALLROOM, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK[/B] [/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCHES[/b] [b][i]Kelly Kelly V Trinity[/b][/i] *The crowd didnt seem to interested in this match, which isnt that suprising really *Trinity did look good though, Kelly needs alot more training before even been taken remotely serious as an in-ring competitor *The ending came with Trinity hitting a Jumping DDT off the middle turnbuckle to get the pinfall at 3:45 [i]Rating: D[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]MAIN SHOW[/B] Tazz and Joey Styles welcome us to the Hammerstein Ballroom, ECW's old home. They inform us that tonight it is ECW's turn in the draft lottery, and there could be up to 5 new superstars joining tonight. [b]ITS ABOUT TO GET MORE EXTREME[/b] *Paul Heyman comes out into the ring to start the show, he firstly talks about the history of ECW and how great it is to be back in the ballroom. *Heyman says that things could get more interesting tonight with his draft picks, that each one has been chosen for his or her skills and to add their own unique ways to ECW *Heyman then mentions about John Cena leaving Raw last night, and that hes working hard on a contract for Cena. *He mentions that because Cena has gone AWOL, he is now not involved in the actual draft, but Heyman thinks that the contract should be signed when Cena does show up. *Heyman then introduces ECW Original Balls Mahoney to the ring, Heyman tells him that he will tonight be facing his first pick in the draft lottery. *Heyman tells Balls that his first pick, from Smackdown! will bring a new meaning to Extreme and that this man loves to fight! *Heyman then introduces...................... [B]FINLAY[/B] [i]Rating: C+[/i] [B]MATCH 1[/B] [b][i]Balls Mahoney V Finlay[/b][/i] *Finlay dominated the majority of this match, using a brawling style to wear Balls down *This was followed up by technical moves, Finlay paying most attention to Balls' legs *Hornswoggle made his ECW debut, entering the ring with a mini-chair to attack Balls with, which Balls promptly booted into Hornswoggle's face sending him out of the ring *Finlay got the win at 3:56 after the Celtic Cross on Balls [i]Rating: C+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]TROUBLE AT SEA?[/b] *Marcus Cor Von, Elijah Burke, CM Punk and Snitsky are shown backstage in the locker area. All but Burke are sat down *Burke tells them that tonight, they face four men who will also be competeing for the TV title this Sunday *He says that tonight, the New Breed will win and that on Sunday he will take the T.V Title for the New Breed. *He says that IF he faces another member, he'll expect them to lie down for him *Punk then gets up, saying that IF Burke gets through the quarter final round, he'll be facing him in the semi. *Punk tells Burke that theres no way he'll lie down for him. *Burke looks annoyed, and tells Punk that it doesnt matter as he'll still beat him regardless. *Punk leaves the room, leaving Burke fuming with rage [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]THE NEXT PICK IS....[/b] *Matt Striker is ready in the ring, waiting for his opponent. *Paul Heyman comes out again, staying on the entrance ramp. *He says that Striker will tonight be facing Heyman's second pick from the draft. *Heyman goes on to say that this man is a former WWE Intercontinental Champion *Heyman says his opponent is this man.............................. *"HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO LAAAAAAADIEEEEEEEEEEEEEES" *[B]VAL VENIS[/b] is ECW's pick, coming out to a decent reaction [i]Rating: C[/i] [B]MATCH 2[/B] [b][i]Val Venis V Matt Striker[/b][/i] *Both men worked well together, Striker showing slight improvement and obviously working with Venis could beneift him *Venis was very over with the crowd, getting quite a few chants when Striker had him beaten down at points during the match *Quite a fun match between the two, just about the right amount of time given to the match without people getting bored *Venis wins at 4:33 after the Money Shot on Striker [i]Rating: C[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]NO CHANCE IN HELL[/b] *Vince McMahon comes out to a chorus of boos, making his way to the ring with a mic in his hand *He tells everyone in attendance that its quite fitting that on Sunday Umaga will make his first title defence at One Night Stand *He continues that Umaga's defence will be exactly that, a one night only event, as he guarantee's that Umaga will lose the ECW Heavyweight Title against the man he has hand-picked to face him in the steel cage. *Vince goes on to say that tonight, Umaga will be in action, and as a warm up for Sunday he will not be announcing his opponent untill just before the match. *Vince leaves the ring, again to a chorus of boo's from the majority of fans [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Ace Steel, Colt Cabana, Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer V CM Punk, Elijah Burke, Gene Snitsky, Marcus Cor Von[/b][/i] *Quite alot was going on during the match, no one man staying in the ring too long with a fresh man coming in quite often. *The heels seemed to keep the face near their corner, double teaming whilst the ref was distracted. *A few hot-tags were made by the face team, but their come-backs were usually cut off by double team tactics by the heel team *CM Punk looked really good tonight, even in an environment with seven other men his performance stood out *However, Tommy Dreamer looked quite poor and seemed to get lost in the mix *Marcus Cor Von got the win for his team, with the Pounce on RVD at 8:44 [i]Rating: C[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]EXTREME EXPOSE[/b] *Layla & Brooke come out to the ring during the commercial break, dancing around like a pair of lapdancers in some cheap club! *But the crowd seem to like it, so what do I know?* [i]Rating: D+[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]SO WHO IS IT?[/b] *ECW Heavyweight Champion, Umaga and Armando Alejandro Estrada make their way to the ring, the crowd still quite undecided on if they should be cheering or booing, so their was quite a mixture of both. *Estrada says that this Sunday, the "Samoan Bulldozer" Umaga will face an opponent of Mr McMahons choosing in a steel cage *Estrada says it doesnt matter who the opponent is, and that McMahon is stupid putting Umaga in a cage match, as we all knows what happens when you cage a monster... it just gets angrier and harder to control *He says that whoever the opponent is, better be ready as Umaga will completely destroy them. *Vince McMahon then comes out, he says that he doesnt think Umaga has any chance of winning on Sunday, he still wont say who his opponent his and will reveal it just before the macth on Sunday so Umaga cannot prepare at all *Vince then says, thats just like tonight as his opponent for his match will now be revealed. *Vince says that this man hasnt wrestled for around a year, and the last time he appeared on ECW he totally ripped the fans to shreds. *Vince says that this man has decided the time is right to once again step in the ring *Vince goes on to say that people think of himself as a god......... but this man, and ECW's third draft pick by Paul Heyman........ *"I AM A WRESTLING GOD!!!!" is shouted out across the arena as [B]JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD[/B] makes his way out to a majorly mixed reaction *Both Tazz and Joey Styles act majorly shocked at JBL turning up at ECW, especially to wrestle* [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]John Bradshaw Layfield V Umaga[/b][/i] *JBL looked quite well, especially for someone who hasnt wrestled on-screen for well over a year *Neither man took the advantage for too long however, both getting an equal amount of time on the offense *Vince was at ring-side the entire match, trying to distract Umaga quite alot, allowing JBL to gain the advantage. *JBL hit Umaga with the Clothesline From Hell, but somehow Umaga managed to kick out of the pin attempt. *Vince got into the ring with a steel chair, but was quickly thrown out by Umaga *Vince then signalled to the entrance ramp, as the New Breed ran down to the ring to try to take Umaga out *They were quickly followed by the ECW Originals, and a mass brawl started in the ring, with JBL bailing out of the ring *The match was technicly called as a draw at 13:36 *The show went off the air with Vince and JBL watching the carnage in-ring, with Umaga attacking anyone that came near him [i]Rating: B-[/i] [b]RECAP[/B] ECW's draft picks *Finlay from Smackdown! *Val Venis from RAW *John Bradshaw Layfield from Smackdown! [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: C+[/B][/I] [/font] [B][U]**OOC - sorry for the delay in posting, been quite ill the last few days and I think Ive been put on Horse Tranquilisers!**[/U][/B][/QUOTE] Hope you're doing better mate, take your time, quite enjoying your take on things in the "E"... :)
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[img]http://www.411mania.com/images/logo_main.gif[/img] [b]WWE SMACKDOWN PREVIEW[/B] [SIZE="1"]Posted by Ashish[/SIZE] Coming this week from The GIANT Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania is Smackdown! With what has allready transpired this week in the WWE, who will be the last men traded in the draft transfers? And after JBL had been traded to ECW, what will become of the announce team on Smackdown? In action tonight, we will see La Resistance squaring off against Regal & Taylor for the #1 spot for the Tag Team Titles. Also newcomer Teddy Hart takes on Chavo Guerrero. Be sure to tune in tonight to catch all the action of Smackdown!
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[CENTER] [SIZE="3"][B]ONE NIGHT STAND PREDICTION COMPETITION[/b][/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/ons2007.jpg[/IMG] [B]SECOND ROUND[/B] MATCH 1 - COLT CABANA V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - ELIJAH BURKE V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - CM PUNK V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V ACE STEEL [B]SEMI FINAL[/B] Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - WINNER MATCH 1 V WINNER MATCH 4 SF 2 - WINNER MATCH 2 V WINNER MATCH 3 [b]FINAL[/b] WINNER OF SF 1 V WINNER OF SF 2 To decide the winner, it will be done on a points system. One point for each correct winner in the second round matches One point for each correct match entrant in the semi-final and final One point for each correct winner in the semi-final and final So for example, say you end up with RVD V Elijah Burke somewhere, predicting Burke to win and that IS the match, you would get 3 points [B]ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH[/B] UMAGA V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) [B]TIEBREAKER QUESTION[/B] WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? [/center] ----------------------------------------------- Well.. as you can see, Ive decided to carry on with this diary after about 6 weeks off. I needed a break from it, plus Mafia was like Crack! haha. Anyways........... Smackdown SHOULD be up later today, and O.N.S will follow either today or tomorrow, so if you fancy sending in your predictions, then do so a.s.a.p
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SECOND ROUND MATCH 1 - [B]COLT CABANA [/B]V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE [/B]V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V [B]ACE STEEL[/B] SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 [B]- colt cabana[/B] V burke SF 2 - [B]punk[/B] V snitsky FINAL [B]punk[/B] V cabana ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [B]UMAGA[/B] V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night)
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SECOND ROUND MATCH 1 - COLT CABANA V [B]MARCUS COR VON[/B] MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE[/B] V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - GENE SNITSKY V [B]ACE STEEL[/B] SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - MARCUS COR VON V [B]ELIJAH BURKE[/B] SF 2 - [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ACE STEEL FINAL [B]CM PUNK[/B] V ELIJAH BURKE ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH UMAGA V [B]???[/B] (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) [I]And I haven't the foggiest who it is... Gillberg? (Oh I'd mark if it was! :) )[/I]
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It's about time you got your dead carcas up out of the Deadman's lounge and stopped feeling sorry for yourself and got his going! By the way it was your night to pay for the pizza. Damn new deadies! SECOND ROUND MATCH 1 - COLT CABANA V [B]MARCUS COR VON[/B] MATCH 2 - [B]ELIJAH BURKE [/B]V TOMMY DREAMER MATCH 3 - [B]CM PUNK [/B]V ROB VAN DAM MATCH 4 - [B]GENE SNITSKY [/B]V ACE STEEL SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - [B]MARCUS COR VON [/B]V GENE SNITSKY SF 2 - ELIJAH BURKE V [B]CM PUNK [/B] FINAL MARCUS COR VON V [B]CM PUNK [/B] To decide the winner, it will be done on a points system. One point for each correct winner in the second round matches One point for each correct match entrant in the semi-final and final One point for each correct winner in the semi-final and final So for example, say you end up with RVD V Elijah Burke somewhere, predicting Burke to win and that IS the match, you would get 3 points ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [B]UMAGA [/B]V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) TIEBREAKER QUESTION WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? Now I'll go back and read some of this and see if I need to change some of my picks.
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SECOND ROUND MATCH 1 - [B]COLT CABANA[/B] V MARCUS COR VON MATCH 2 - ELIJAH BURKE V [B]TOMMY DREAMER[/B] MATCH 3 - CM PUNK V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] MATCH 4 - [B]GENE SNITSKY[/B] V ACE STEEL SEMI FINAL Just put in your winners of the corresponding match from above, then choose the winner SF 1 - [B]COLT CABANA[/B] V GENE SNITSKY SF 2 - TOMMY DREAMER V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] FINAL COLT CABANA V [B]ROB VAN DAM[/B] To decide the winner, it will be done on a points system. One point for each correct winner in the second round matches One point for each correct match entrant in the semi-final and final One point for each correct winner in the semi-final and final So for example, say you end up with RVD V Elijah Burke somewhere, predicting Burke to win and that IS the match, you would get 3 points ECW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH [B]UMAGA[/B] V ??? (STEEL CAGE MATCH) (Opposition to be revealed on the night) TIEBREAKER QUESTION WHO WILL BE UMAGA'S OPPONENT? Bobby Lashly
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[FONT="Courier New"][center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/joose2001/tewdynasty/logosmack.jpg[/img] [b]SMACKDOWN! - FRIDAY WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]The GIANT Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania[/B] [/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCHES[/B] [b][i]The Briscoe's Vs Jimmy Yang & Funaki[/b][/i] *The Briscoe's were making their WWE debut tonight, and seemed to make a good impression *A nice fun little match between the two teams, both looking good and working well together. *The thought backstage are that Yang & Funaki could make a good permanant tag team, adding more to the division *The ending of the match came, after Mark Briscoe scored the pin on Funaki after a Cut-Throat Suplex at 7:12 [i]Rating: D+[/i] [b][i]Shannon Moore Vs Jamie Noble[/b][/i] *Unfortunately, these two didnt seem to work well tonight, many pointing to Shannon for a few mistakes made. *Noble did seem to look good tonight, hitting a selection of high flying moves and getting a good heel reaction from the crowd. *Shannon Moore hit the Halo on Noble for the pin at 5:56 [i]Rating: D-[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]MAIN SHOW[/B] [B]MISTEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR........ COMMENTATOR?[/B] *Theodore Long comes out to the ring to start the show. *He says that tonight some changes will be made to Smackdown, they have lost a few wrestlers this week, but tonight they will also gain some. *Long goes on to say that with the departure of JBL, they are also without a commentator on Smackdown! *However, after looking through his contract, and seeing that he has only been banned from IN-RING ACTION, he would like to introduce the new Smackdown commentator...... *[b]MIIIIISSSSSTTTTEEEERRRR KENNEDY[/B] *Kennedy come out to a decent reaction, taking his seat beside Michael Cole. [i]Rating: C+[/i] [b]THE LEGEND RETURNS[/b] *Long is still in the ring, telling us he has to address a few things. *First of all, the John Cena situation. Long says that after Paul Heyman has put a contract offer up, he too has decided to offer Cena a contract when he returns. Long is sure Cena will join Smackdown yet again. *Secondly, Long says that we need a number one contender to face The Undertaker at Great American Bash in just over two weeks. *He continues that tonight, we will decide who that will be. *Tonight we will see, in a triple threat elimination match, the former champion Batista taking on........ *Long bring out his first draft pick, ECW Original....... [B]ROB.......VAN..........DAM[/b] *RVD comes out to a decent reaction, the crowd chanting his name over and over. *Long continues, stating that there opponent, and his second draft pick........ [b]WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/B] *[b]RIC FLAIR[/B] comes out to an amazing response, the crowd on their feet for the Legendary Superstar. *Long finishes off by saying that one of the three men, will go to the Great American Bash [i]Rating: B[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 1[/B] [b][i]Paul London Vs Montel Vontavious Porter[/b][/i] *A non-title match to open up Smackdown! this week. *Both men worked well together, London using his speed, MVP using his natural athletic ability *A sucession of near-falls took place near the end of the match, many in attendance believing either man could have won *However, MVP hit the Playmaker on London for the pin at 13:28 [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]OOOOOOOOOOH CHAVO![/b] *The Miz is backstage with Chavo, asking about his upcoming match tonight with Teddy Hart *The Miz mentions that Teddy comes from a legendary family, Chavo gets offended by this and goes into a rant on how the Guerrero's are the most legendary and successful families that have ever graced a wrestling ring *Chavo says that tonight, Hart will be taught a lesson in life that his family could never teach him.. How to lose badly [i]Rating: C+[/i] ` [B]MATCH 2[/B] [b][i]Kristal Vs Jillian Hall[/b][/i] *A nice little fun match, the two girls showing great chemistry between them. *However, there was not enough selling shown and the crowd seemed to get abit bored after a minute or so *Luckily the match didnt go on too long, with Kristal winning at 3:41 after delivering a Headscissors to Hall. [i]Rating: C-[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]THE ANIMAL IS HERE[/B] *Batista comes down to the ring, taking a mic from ringside whilst he enters *He says that once again he has to prove his worth to get a title shot *Saying that he should be the one getting it as he was the last champion, but it doesnt matter as tonight he will pin RVD and Flair. *He said that Flair may have taught him alot in his past days, but now the student becomes the master. *Batista warns The Undertaker that hes coming for him at Great American Bash [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 3[/B] [b][i]Brian Kendrick Vs Gregory Helms[/b][/i] *A pretty decent match between the two, the crowd getting into it early on. *Both guys looked good tonight, the performance of Helms said to be outstanding. *A nice reversal sequence and pin attempts mid-match, also so high flying moves by both as well. *Helms won after the Shining Wizard to get the pinfall at 8:22 [i]Rating: C[/i] [B]ROB.....VAN.......DAMN![/B] *The Miz is backstage again, this time with RVD *RVD states its great to be on Smackdown!, and ever better to be involved in the title hunt allready *RVD goes on to say that he'd proven himseld on Raw, he'd proven himself on ECW and he'll prove himself tonight and go on to the Great American Bash and leave as the champion [i]Rating: C+[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]A CHANGE TO THE PLAN[/B] *Regal & Taylor and La Resistance are in the ring ready for their #1 Contender Match. *Before they can start, Teddy Long comes out *He says that theres been a change of plan tonight. *He continues that they will still be fighting it out right now, it will still be to decide the #1 contender..* *Teddy then states that there will be another tag team added to the match, theyre a good team, an amazing team.. heck you may say their the.... [B]WORLDS GREATEST TAG TEAM![/B] *Hass and Benjamin come out, as the 3rd & 4th chioce's for Smackdown in the draft transfer. Both men making their way to the ring to a chorus of boo's [i]Rating: C[/i] [B]MATCH 4[/B] [b][i]Regal & Taylor Vs La Resistance Vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team[/b][/i] *As the same in the past few weeks, Shelton's performance stood out as amazing tonight. *The main focus tho, was the current feud between the English and French, all four men wanting in and making blind tags off of Hass & Benjamin. *WGTT worked well together, being praised by the road agents backstage *Shelton got the pin on Rene Dupree at 9:47 after a double-team effort with Haas [i]Rating: C-[/i] [b]ITS JUST A ONE NIGHT STAND[/B] *Cole and Kennedy talk about this weeks upcoming One Night Stand PPV *They run down the card, hyping up the tournament for the ECW TV Title [i]Rating: B[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]YOU'RE SO McCOOL[/B] *During the ad breaks, Michelle McCool come out *She generally runs down the crowd, grudgingly handing out free shirts [i]Rating: C-[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [B]MATCH 5[/B] [b][i]Teddy Hart Vs Chavo Guerrero[/b][/i] *Unfortunately, and to the dissapointment of many, these two didnt work well together. *Hart may need abit more time to develop into the WWE style, his work seemed kinda off and sloppy tonight. *Both men seemed to work more a technical style tonight, though some high flying moves were bought out *Chavo cheated to gain the pin at 7:46, using the ropes for leverage [i]Rating: C[/i] [b]WOOOOOOOOOOO![/B] *Once again, we join The Miz backstage, this time with Ric Flair *Flair says that hes done it all in the wrestling world, hes been a world champion more times then he can remember. *Flair says he cant remember how many times as hes so old now! BUT not old enough to kick RVD's & Batista's ass' tonight. *WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! [i]Rating: B[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- [b]RE-REWIND[/B] *A video plays showing RVD and Ric Flair being picked in the draft for Smackdown earlier tonight, with Teddy Long announcing they will be in a three-way with Batista tonight to determine the number 1 contender. [i]Rating: B[/i] [B]MATCH 6[/B] [b][i]Batista Vs Ric Flair Vs Rob Van Dam (Three Way Elimination)[/b][/i] *The match started out slow, each man taking it in turns to stand back whilst the other two fought. *RVD seemed to take the beating the most, with Batista and Flair teaming up a few times. *This unfortunately would be his downfall, as RVD was eliminated after submitting to Flair's Figure Four at 9:23 *Both Flair and Batista were looking tired near the end of the match. Both taking some rest time on the outside of the ring. *The action continued, untill Batista got the advantage, lifting Flair up for the Batista Bomb! *HOWEVER, Flairs foot kicked the ref under the jaw, taking him down for abit.... Batista still finished the move, sending Flair to the canvas and attempting the pin, not noticing the ref was down at first. *However........... before Batista can revive the ref..... out of nowhere *[B]R.K.O ON BATISTA!!![/B] *Orton is in the ring, Batista and Flair are both down. A huge chorus of boo's filling the arena. *Orton grabs Flair, putting him on top of Batista's lifeless body. *Orton then shakes the ref, the ref slowly coming around. *The pin is counted, with Flair getting the win at 21:57 [i]Rating: B[/i] [b]WELCOME....... TO THE DARK SIDE[/B] *After the match, Orton leaves the ringside area. *Flair and Batista are both groggy, neither man knowing what happened...... *Batista spots Orton up the ramp, manages to stand and follows Orton backstage. *With Flair alone in the ring....... all the lights in the arena going off, with what sounds like a thunderstorm blasting through the arena. *The lights come back on, with THE UNDERTAKER standing in the middle of the ring, right behind Flair. *Flair turns around, looking shocked, as the lights go back out.... *The lights come back on, with The Undertaker nowhere to be seen. *We finish the show with Flair looking confussed and worried. [i]Rating: B+[/i] [B][I]FINAL OVERALL RATING: B-[/B][/I] [/font] -------------------------- Nice to see more people sending in their predictions. However, CHRIS and OUTLAW, you both need to state the Tiebreaker question on who you think Umaga's opponent will be.
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[B]WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [B]SATURDAY[/B] Smackdown attendance last night was 9,989. As you can see, all the draft transfers have now taken place. Just to recap for those keeping count. [b]TO RAW[/b] Chris Benoit < Smackdown Kane < Smackdown Kevin Thorn < ECW Deuce < Smackdown Domino < Smackdown (Cherry by default) [b]TO SMACKDOWN[/b] Randy Orton < Raw Shelton Benjamin < Raw Charlie Haas < Raw Ric Flair < Raw Rob Van Dam < ECW [b]TO ECW[/b] Val Venis < Raw JBL < Smackdown Finlay < Smackdown (w/ Hornswoggle) Also, this being the WWE, we noticed last night that even tho he was traded to Smackdown, Rob Van Dam is still in the ECW TV Title Tournament this Sunday. At the moment we will be keeping him in the tournament, although as stated the card is subjected to change at any time. Tomorrow looks like it will be a good night. As stated we have the TV Title tournament, and also a steel cage match for the ECW Heavyweight Title between Umaga and a mystery opponent. Well obviously I know who it is, and its abit of a gamble we're taking... But once its all revealed, you know it will make sense!
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[b]WEEK 2, JUNE 2007[/B] [b]SUNDAY AM[/b] Well after the mad rush the past few days, from being at Smackdown and then travelling for tonights One Night Stand, I forgot a few things to mention! Firstly, the TV ratings for Smackdown! Sky Sports 1 - 4.16 CW - 31.67 Im very proud to announce that this is Smackdown's best rating on the CW network since I took over. The last half hour, featuring the RVD / Batista / Flair match scored a 31.79 rating which Im pretty damn pleased about. Hopefully we can keep some of these viewers in the upcoming weeks Great American Bash is in just over two weeks, and we only have two matches so far. Edge Vs Chris Benoit for the WWE Heavyweight Title The Undertaker Vs Ric Flair for the WWE World Heavyweight Title There will be a few more announced in the upcoming week... Concerning the RVD situation for tonights TV Title Tournament at O.N.S, we have decided that its probably in the best interests of the company and ECW that he doesnt participate. We havent decided exactly what is happening with his slot, but obviously you will find out if you tune in tonight, live on PPV
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RVD's replacement will count as him in your votes, if that makes sense. Yeah I didnt think things through before I moved him..... So if youve got RVD winning the whole thing, and his replacement does, that still counts for your total points. Its gonna be someone of the same sort of level as him, so there wouldnt be any change in the results I was doing anyway.
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