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At-Large Bowl Selections??? Arlie or Cooley

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Hey guys Im writing to see if there is any method behind the at-large (open) bowl selections. I am using older style bowl tie-ins (no gds, set to 0) So the bowls select exactly which teams are put in the table. But when I set it to an open selection (at-large) the selections seem extremely random. I notice that it is weekly based (W21 gets better teams than W20) But from there is doesnt make much sense. What I am asking is, is there any method to the selections of atlarge teams? Thanks Tc
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I'm not sure why I was named, but I'm honored. The at large bids should go to the best teams that don't qualify for your other bowls. You can set the week you want a bowl played in by edited that table in the dat file. I assume you are editing it by your post, so change the weeks to whatever you like.
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You where named because you have hacked around in pstats as much as anyone else. I am using the old school tie ins. Cotton (SWC Champ vs At-Large) Sugar (SEC Champ vs At-Large) Orange (Big 8 Champ vs At-Large) Fiesta (At-Large vs At-Large) Rose (Big 10 vs Pac 10) ACC open Big East Open I have had years where #1 LSU plays in the Sugar Bowl and #2 Florida State played in the Cotton Bowl against #8 Texas. But Ive had #1 Miami vs #2 Notre Dame in the Fiesta. So I was wonder anyone knows the method for at-large selections? Thanks Tc
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Yeah see the Fiesta At-Large setup placed the two best teams against each other. While the Sugar Bowl had the same opportunity to make a best match-up #1 LSU and #2 Florida State, but instead it it placed #2 against Texas.
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Ok, after some more testing I have noticed a couple things about how the At-Large selections are made. The bowls with the better pay outs get the better matchups. Which week the bowl is played doesnt really matter. Also prestige plays a huge factor in the At-Large selection process. In my testing #3 North Carolina (11-0, 55 prestige) continually got left out of the the Big 4 (Cotton, Sugar, Orange and Fiesta Bowl) and picked up by the CapOne bowl to play against #17 Washington State. All At-Large Selections in the Big 4 had at least 65 prestige. So the big factors in At-Large selections appear to be bowl payouts and prestige.
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