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WWE - The New War

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[center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/Graphics/TheNewWar.png[/img][/center] [b]Stamford, Conn. - [/b] [quote] [b][color=red]Vince -[/b] How dare you tell me that I am not needed on screen. I built this company to where it is now, I have half a mind to take it all down.[/color] [b]Board Member -[/b] Vince, look... We are sorry. We have just come off the best WrestleMania business-wise ever. Since then, there have been too many complaints, and Backlash was a flop. Nobody wants to see you on ECW. John Cena is getting booed wherever we go. This might be a drastic measure, but we feel we have no options. [b][color=red]Vince -[/b] You have no idea what these fans want. My father's father has more wrestling in his pinky finger than you all do combined...[/color] [/quote] [i]Vince McMahon's face was flushed with anger. The fans looked on stunned, as they did not know what they were seeing on the TitanTron would change the face of the WWE forever...[/i] [SIZE="1"]OOC: I apologize for not running my other WWE Diary that I posted, but this came to me on a whim, and I ran with it (Have to set myself apart somehow.) I have to go about setting up the data for a little while, but I should be posting more backstory/events[/SIZE]
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[center][img]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/3872790[/img][/center] [b]Via WWE.com[/b]- [quote]WWE.com is announcing that ECW on Sci-Fi is no longer on the air. The much maligned third brand is now closing up shop. No word yet on what will happen to the superstars or employees now working for ECW. Please tune in to Monday Night RAW this Monday Night for an announcement from management.[/quote]
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[center][img]http://www.gerweck.net/gerweck02.jpg[/img][/center] [quote=Gerweck.net] - Tickets to this weeks RAW and SmackDown! tapings have sold out fast, due to expectations of big news being dropped at either one. - Also announced is that these two shows are unbranded, meaning the main event possibilities are endless. The WWE should have two very good shows for us put together. - The only clue we were able to glean from insiders is that "The face of the WWE will never be the same." Be sure to log in later this week to find out what the news is.[/quote]
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More News [center][img]http://www.gerweck.net/gerweck02.jpg[/img][/center] [quote=Gerweck.net] - Fresh off the news of the WWE nabbing Chaotic Wrestling and ECWA as development federations, they have terminated the developmental contracts of no less than 34 workers. Some of the more recognizable names include: Flash Funk, Vito, Oleg Prudius, Cassidy O'Reilly, Justice Smith, Mark Canterbury, and Mike Kruel. - Word amongst the backstage workers is that WWE is now looking to fill it's ranks with a fresh class of those that aren't quite ready for the big show yet. We will have more news in the coming days.[/quote]
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[center][img]http://www.wwe.com/content/media/images/Headers/4144570[/img] [b]Monady Night RAW, Live from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois[/b] [b]Sold-Out Crowd of 10,000[/b][/center] [i]"No Chance" blares from the speakers, as we see a somber power-walk form Vincent McMahon down the aisle to the ring[/i] [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Vince%20McMahon2.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Vince McMahon[/b] - [color=red] I understand that last week, on SmackDown, a clip from a board meeting was displayed on the TitanTron. This meeting was for shareholders only, and just by looking out tonight, I can see that for one of you to be able to afford a share, you'd have to give up eating for a month. Rest assured, we have found the culprit responsible for this slip-up, and he has been... Dealt with. The words you heard me speak last week were true though, any single person in my family has more wrestling knowledge than all of you put together. I know what you all want to see, and I was here to give it to you but what did you do? You turned on me. You think you know what is good entertainment, but to be honest, when was the last time you have actually thought about anything? It makes me sick. You guys can't even tell me what this "used truck" you are talking about has to do with me. It makes me sick to think that the fans of this once great company have come to this. No, I am not getting removed from my position, I am quitting. From this moment forward, I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, am no longer Chairman of the WWE. I have my own club, you see, and on the way out the door... Please, be sure to kiss my ass and join it.[/color] [i]Vince McMahon drops the mic in the ring, and struts his way down the aisle as fans start cheering and singing Queen.[/i] [b]King -[/b] JR... What does this mean for us here at the WWE? First the brand split is ignored, and now we lose Mr. McMahon as chairman? [b]JR -[/b] I don't know King, but it damn sure can't be good. [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Finlay.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Boris%20Alexiev.jpg[/img] [b]Finlay vs. Santino Marella[/b][/center] [quote]Finlay controlled the tempo of this match, using a variety of headlocks to keep Marella off his guard. Santino, being a relative newcomer, did not have much of a chance against a veteran like Finlay who won clean after using the Celtic Cross to put Marella away. [b]Winner:[/b] Finlay, pinfall[/quote] [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Ric%20Flair.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Chris%20Masters.jpg[/img] [b]Ric Flair vs. Chris Masters[/b][/center] [quote]Another unfair matchup, as a veteran takes on the young hothead in Chris Masters. After having his 'Masterlock Challenge' broken by Bobby Lashley, Masters has been on a tear trying to destroy everything in his path. Well it just so happens that today is the day that "The Dirtiest Player in the Game" is in his way. Masters took control of the match early after sending flair into the ropes and taking him down with an elbow to the face. Flair came back with a flurry of punches, and soon after Masters had backed into the corner came the chest chops. Chris soon after took control, and after a suplex to Flair, he picked him up and locked in the Masterlock. Being the veteran of the squared circle though, Flair barely caught the ropes, and as Masters had to break the hold he would not relinquish. Referee Jack Doan got involved and pulled Masters off of Flair but, while Masters was berating Doan, Flair scored the roll up victory. [b]Winner:[/b] Ric Flair, pinfall[/quote] After the match, Flair went over to Masters who was on a tirade and tried to shake hands. Masters promptly spit at him, and walked away down the ramp leaving Ric Flair a little upset. [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Shelton%20Benjamin4.jpg[/img][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Charlie%20Haas3.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Brian%20Kendrick.jpg[/img][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Paul%20London.jpg[/img] [b]World's Greatest Tag Team vs. The Hooligans[/b][/center] [quote]A very quick, technical match-up as two of the premier tag teams in the WWE square off against each other. The match started with Shelton Benjamin sending Spanky into the ropes, but missing the dropkick as he rebounded. This gave Kendrick an opportunity to deliver a few flying elbows, and a running leg drop. Benjamin quickly recovered and made the tag to Charlie Haas who proceeded to dismantle Spanky. They were able to isolate the smaller Kendrick in their corner for much of the match, leaving Paul London desolate on the outside. Without injured manager Ashley, the crowd had to get beind them themselves, and after doing a sufficient job, the hot tag was made. Paul London came in, and cleared house. In the madness though, the tag from Charlie Haas to Shelton Benjamin was missed by ref Charles Robinson, and forcing Benjamin to leave gave Haas all the time he needed. He took out Kendrick with a cheap shot and rolled up Paul London using the ropes for leverage. [b]Winners:[/b] World's Greatest Tag Team, pinfall (with ropes as leverage)[/quote] [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/John%20Cena.jpg[/img] [b]w/[/b][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Maria%20Kanellis.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Maria -[/b][color=blue] "I'm standing here with WWE Champion, John Cena. John, you are scheduled for a non-title match against Mr. Kennedy tonight, how do you feel going into the match?[/color] [b]Cena -[/b][color=green] "First of all, thank you Maria. Second - Let's get straight to business. Ken Kennedy... Mr. Kennedy... Mr. MONEY IN THE BANK... There is one thing I think that we can't call you though, and that is champion. You see, you sit there running your mouth but having nothing to show for it. Tonight the only thing you will realize is that even if you want to be me, You Can't Even See Me. So Kennedy, I'm just letting you know right now that if you want some, come get some.[/color] [i]Cena backs away slowly, holding the belt high staring down the monitor as if it were Mr. Kennedy looking back at him[/i] [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Chris%20Benoit.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Carlito.jpg[/img] [b]Chris Benoit vs. Carlito[/b][/center] [quote]Another matchup where the aging star takes on the up-and-comer. Carlito has been showing why he is such a good heel, as he tauns the crowd on the way down to the ring. After spitting his apple in the face of Benoit, he goes on the attack. Carlito connects with a springboard elbow, which takes Benoit to the mat. That seemed to be a wake up call for Benoit, a man who prides himself on his work. After getting up and shaking off the dust, he went straight for the attack. After a couple knife edge chops, he started to work on Carlito's back and neck. After multiple headlocks and muscle grips, Benoit locked in his hands for the consecutive german suplexes. With Carlito down and out, Benoit put the Crippler Crossface on and ended the match. [b]Winner:[/b] Chris Benoit, submission[/quote] [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Randy%20Orton.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Kane.jpg[/img] [b]Randy Orton vs. Kane[/b][/center] [quote]A matchup of conflicting styles. The monster Kane relies on brute force, while Randy Orton is a mixture of finesse and skill. The match started out with Randy Orton running to the ropes, dodging a clothesline from Kane. On the rebound though, Randy did not turn fast enough and was met with a big boot to the face from the Big Red Machine. Kane picked Orton up, and continued his barrage of attacks finally tossing him into a corner. Kane went for an irish whip, but the third generation superstar reversed it and cornered Kane. With Kane rested against the turnbuckle, Randy climbed up and started raining down punches. Kane quickly realized his folly, and tossed Orton off of him, hitting the referee in the process. Orton, ever the opportunist, took this time to get a chair and use Kane's skull for batting practice. The ref recovers and makes the 3-count. [b]Winner:[/b] Randy Orton, pinfall[/quote] With Kane lying on the ground, Orton celebrates like a madman screaming that this is why he deserves a title. He believes himself to be unbeatable, and proceeds to run down to the timekeeper, take his chair, and give Kane the one man con-chair-to. [center][b][u]Main Event[/u][/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/John%20Cena.jpg[/img] [b]vs.[/b] [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Ken%20Kennedy.jpg[/img] [b]John Cena vs. Mr. Kennedy[/b][/center] [quote]The main event of the evening promises to be an exciting one, as we see WWE Champion John Cena taking on Money in the Bank winner Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy starts off the fight by talking to Cena, followed with a quick succession of slaps. John gets a bit upset at this, and proceeds to chase Kennedy around (who is running full speed away from him) until he turns around and nails him with a quick clothesline. Cena is laid out, as Kennedy stalks around the downed Cena waiting for his prey to get up. Cena quickly gets up, and tosses Kennedy into the ropes allowing the champ to hit a sit-out hip toss. It looks as if it's about to be time for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Kennedy bolts out of the way. After whipping Cena to the corner, he uses his shoulder to ram Cena in the gut taking him to the sitting position. Kennedy hits multiple running boots to the face and Cena is looking very out of it. Kennedy starts posing and taunting the crowd, allowing them to get behind Cena. Mr. Kennedy throws himself off the ropes, only to have Cena counter the clothesline into an F-U sealing the victory for him. [b]Winner:[/b] John Cena, pinfall[/quote] As Cena starts to walk up the ramp, his music is interrupted by a familiar song... [center][img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/workers/Shane%20McMahon.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Shane McMahon -[/b] [color=red]"Ahh, John... Let me congratulate you on a match well won. I do have good news and bad news for you though. So tell me, which do you want first?"[/color] Cena tells him that he wants the bad news first. [color=red]"Good choice... You see, you did well in coming back for that win tonight. It's a shame that your title is now vacated.[/color] [i]The crowd starts booing Shane even more maliciously than they did Vince. Cena is irate, not knowing how to react to this news[/i]. [color=red]"I told you John, there are some major changes in the WWE coming. Fortunately for you, the bad news is over. Your good news, is bad news for others. Not only is your title vacant, but from this minute forward, [b]EVERY WWE TITLE IS NOW VACANT[/b]. Why, you may ask? Well, there is a major shake-up in the works. You show up for SmackDown!, and you will see what I mean. By the way, getting rid of my father doesn't mean you will get rid of me as easily. I am a real McMahon, and don't turn tail and run at the first sign of trouble. On that note, have a good night John.[/color] [i]Shane McMahon takes the title off of John Cena, and slings it over his shoulder as he walks out to the sound of "[color=green]Here comes the money...[/color]" as RAW fades to black[/i]
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[SIZE="1"]OOC: For what it's worth... Any writing critiques / comments are appreciated. PM me if you have suggestions. Also, if you keep rating this thread a 1 star, tell me why. Either that or get over yourself :) I am open to suggestions, though.[/SIZE]
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[u][b]Tuesday, Week 1 May, 2007[/b][/u] [quote] [b]WWE RAW Review[/b] May 2nd, 2007 [i][url]www.prowrasslinnews.com[/url][/i] [b]Recap[/b] Last night in Chicago, Illinois, RAW was held at a sold out Allstate Arena. The pre-show hype about big news must have helped ticket sales, and the superstars of the WWE put on a great show for the fans. The show started with Vincent McMahon in the ring, insulting the fans on everything from their income to their intelligence. As always he cut a great promo, until he said everyone could join the "kiss my ass club" and quit the WWE. Word isn't in yet from the WWE if he is gone from the company or just being taken off-screen. Prior to his quitting, though, we saw Finlay take on relative newcomer, Santino Marella. This was an average match as Finlay was a good heel, but the fans did not know enough about Marella to get into him. McMahon's promo was followed by the second match of the night, which was sixteen-time champion Ric Flair take on 'The Masterpiece' Chris Masters. The crowd's dislike of Masters was topped only by their love for the Natureboy. Flair won the match on a roll up, which many people have criticized. After the match, Masters spat at Flair when he attempted to congratulate him on a match well fought. Next we saw two of the more athletic teams in the WWE square off as The Hooligans (Paul London and Brian Kendrick) took on the World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas). Benjamin showed his great athleticism as he yet again hopped straight from the mat to the third turnbuckle. For much of the match, WGTT worked as the better team, but when Paul London got the hot tag all hell broke loose. Haas scores the win for WGTT after the referee got confused. Next we had what was undoubtedly the best promo of the night as John Cena told Mr. Kennedy that if he was looking for a fight, he just found one. The next match of the night saw Chris Benoit taking on Carlito, who has just turned his back on everyone. Benoit showed him why it would be better for the second-generation star if he had someone watching it. After the repeat german suplexes, he locked on the Crippler Crossface making Carlito tap. Randy Orton was bragging all night about how he would defeat anyone that stepped into the ring with him, and Kane took the challenge. Unfortunately for Kane, Randy Orton had a little advantage after Kane inadvertently caused a ref bump. Orton grabbed a chair and scored the pinfall. After the match he was going crazy making all the fans in attendance wonder why he hasn't had therapy yet. The main event followed, and all that can be said is Cena and Kennedy put on a Pay-Per-View worthy main event. Easily the best match of the night, and if you haven't seen this match yet, I will tell you to watch the replay. After the match Shane McMahon came out and said, essentially, that all WWE Titles were vacated, and even if his father quit he could still perservere. Speculations have said there is a complete end to all brands, or perhaps another draft. [b][u]Quick Recap[/u][/b] Finlay d. Santino Marella [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/grades/twostar.png[/img] Ric Flair d. Chris Masters [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/grades/threehalfstar.png[/img] World's Greatest Tag Team d. The Hooligans [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/grades/threestar.png[/img] Chris Benoit d. Carlito [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/grades/threehalfstar.png[/img] Randy Orton d. Kane [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/grades/fourstar.png[/img] John Cena d. Mr. Kennedy [img]http://www.ubrnet.com/WWEDiary/grades/fourhalfstar.png[/img][/quote]
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