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From Coastal to Global? (C-Verse)

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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/coastalwarfare.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW COASTAL WARFARE[/SIZE] Thursday, Week 4, November 2008 Attendance of 1,770 North Carolina Biker Museum in the Mid South Territory[/B] Mitch Naess and Melanie Florence welcome us to another edition of Coastal Warfare as the cameras go backstage where Farrah Hesketh is standing by with Tyson Sanford. [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome my guest tonight, Tyson Sanford. Tyson, tonight you have a warm up match against Jacob Jett leading into your Christmas Cage Chaos match against Stevie Grayson. You personally requested the match against Jacob Jett, so why did you pick him from the entire roster. [B]Tyson Sanford[/B] Lets just say I’ve heard a lot about the kid and I want to see what all the fuss is about. [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] Well, next week, on Tuesday you have been granted a rematch against Stevie Grayson. Many where surprised when he beat you two weeks ago. Why did you request a rematch? [B]Tyson Sanford[/B] It’s not so much that he beat me that bothered me. It’s his attitude. Don’t get me wrong, Stevie Grayson has improved so much since he left TCW. But he is not better than me. And that’s what this is about! It’s about me proving that I am the better man, the better wrestler and the better big stage player. So on pay per view, I plan on dismantling Stevie Grayson and this time there won’t be a roll through that picks up anyone a victory. So Stevie, do your homework and watch tonight as I take it to Jacob Jett. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ -------------------- [B]MATCH 1:[/B] Singles Match Tyson Sanford vs. Jacob Jett [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/sebstew097b.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] This match had a nice feel to it as both are faces with the crowd, so both were cheered during this match up. Tyson Sanford started things off quickly with a Back Kick straight on the bell which caught Jacob Jett off guard. Then Tyson Started to light Jacob up, using his power advantage to throw Jacob around and hit numerous blows, from chops to kicks to punches. The match felt quicker than it was as Tyson then took Jacob down to the mat and stretched him around a bit before hitting a Slingshot Senton Bomb for a two count. Tyson then made the mistake of letting Jacob get back to his feet, as he got hit with a beautiful dropkick. However Tyson shrugged it off and got back up, hitting a Rana and then climbing up to the top rope and hitting a moonsault. Tyson pinned and got the three count much to the surprise of the crowd. [B]WINNER:[/B] "Fallen" Tyson Sanford defeated Jacob Jett in 8:45 by pinfall. [B]RATING:[/B] C -------------------- Tyson Sanford celebrated his dominant victory over Jacob Jett as Stevie Grayson ran down to the ring and attacked Tyson from behind. He started laying the boots to Tyson and then picked him up and started getting him ready for something, before Jacob Jett slide back into the ring and scared off Stevie Grayson. [B]RATING:[/B] C -------------------- Backstage Fumihiro Ota is seen waiting near the entrance to the back of the arena, as in walks Davis Wayne Newton. Davis spots him and growls slightly under his breath. The Ninja doesn’t speak, but simply flips Davis off with a finger. Davis heads in Fumihiro’s direction after that, but gets attacked from behind by Donnie J. The two start to lay the boots to Fumihiro Ota is in the ring, and calls out Davis Wayne Newton to face him. As soon as Newton appears he gets jumped by Donnie J, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Davis Wayne Newton down and out. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ -------------------- [B]MATCH 2:[/B] Singles Match Insane Machine vs. Sam Pratt [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CalamariKid_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Insane Machine started the match off with the type of fight that would usually get the fans right behind him, but his attack on fan favourite Steve Flash has clearly left a sour taste in the fans mouths. Insane Machine hit a variation of kicks until Sam Pratt managed to avoid a Leg Drop, and then Sam went to his quick pace, daredevil style attack. Sam Pratt got a close two count with a splash from the top rope. Sam went up top again but this time Sam Pratt was caught on the top rope and brought down with a DDT by Insane Machine for a two count. The end came when Insane Machine missed a Termination Kick and got hit with a Pratt Buster. [B]WINNER:[/B] Sam Pratt defeated Insane Machine in 10:11 by pinfall with a Pratt Buster. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ -------------------- Sam Pratt celebrates his victory, as some fans question his intelligence by staying in the ring too long, seeing as it’s become common practise to get attacked if your celebrate too long. And low and behold Hell Monkey comes running out. Sam Pratt gets attacked in a similar fashion to Steve Flash as American Puro then stand with a foot each other Sam Pratt’s chest as they hold up each others hands. [B]RATING:[/B] D -------------------- The cameras go backstage where Cliff Anderson is standing by. He basically runs down the PPV Card. DAVE vs. TCW Showcase Match [B](B-)[/B] Snap & Shock vs. The Athletic Angels for the CZCW Tag Titles [B](D-)[/B] Frankie Perez vs. Donnie J [B](D)[/B] Anthony Jones vs. Aaron Andrews for the CZCW Xtreme Title [B](C-)[/B] American Puro vs. Sam Pratt and Steve Flash [B](D+)[/B] Tyson Sanford vs. Stevie Grayson [B](C+)[/B] Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota for the CZCW World Title [B](C+)[/B] [B]RATING: [/B]D -------------------- [B]MATCH 2:[/B] Main Event Tag Team Match Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez vs. The Cruiserweight Wrestlers [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/DWN_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] This match surprised me, as I it was just that bit greater than the main events usually are. As the cage was lowered, Donnie J and Frankie Perez couldn’t wait and immediately went for each other. It wasn’t even really a wrestling match at first as DWN and Ota both seemed content to sit back. They went to their corners once the cage was lowered and the match officially began. The real wrestling seemed to start when Donnie J tagged out to Fumihiro and Frankie then obliged to DWN’s request and tagged him in. The crowd erupted as the two circled each other. Some chain wrestling followed and was ended by a vicious clothesline from Davis Wayne Newton as he went over to a side of the cage and riled up the fans even more. The match went back and forth between the two as they showed the fans what they might expect at Christmas Cage Chaos. Eventually though Davis got the better of Fumihiro and he tagged out to Donnie J. Eventually Frankie Perez was back in and Donnie J fled, climbing up the cage to escape. Frankie gave chase and the two left through the crowd. Davis watched them go and turned only to get hit with a Ninja Strike as Fumihiro Ota picks up the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B] T.C.W defeated Davis Wayne Newton and Frankie Perez in 13:36 when Fumihiro Ota defeated Davis Wayne Newton by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. [B]RATING:[/B] B -------------------- [B]OVERALL RATING:[/B] C+ [B]Los Deporte Hoy Rating: [/B]0.20 [B]Turner South Rating:[/B] 0.10 [B]CN8 Rating:[/B] 0.03 [I]I’m happy with the tag team match, but am confused with the other two matches. Bad Chemistry between Sam Pratt and Insane Machine got a C+ but good chemistry between Tyson and Jacob got a C? What’s up with that? Anyway, we are heading for the PPV which will be in the South West. Predictions naturally welcome.[/I][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CZWcom.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/christmascagechaos.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][SIZE="5"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]The Song is Fight Club by D12 & Eminem and there is some lewd language used as you'd expect from your standard rap song. So, this is a warning to not press play if you are easily offended by such language.[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [/CENTER]
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[FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][B]“Christmas Cage Chaos”[/B] this Tuesday, exclusively on Pay-Per-View in USA and Canada![/CENTER] Featuring: [B]TCW and DAVE Showcase[/B] A special treat for the fans who order Christmas Cage Chaos on Pay Per View will be the addition of this tag team match as DAVE’s Acid & Randy Bumfhole will face off against TCW’s Brent Hill & Jack Griffiths in a first time appearance by exclusive TCW and DAVE contracted stars. With some of the best wrestlers in the States showcasing their abilities in front of a CZCW crowd for the first time, which promotions team will come out on top. [B]The Athletic Angels defend the Coastal Zone Tag Team Title against Snap & Shock[/B] Will the Athletic Angels continue their dominance over the CZCW Tag Team Division that began many months ago, or will Snap & Shock relive their small title reign earlier this year and re-capture the tag team titles. [B][B]Frankie Perez finally gets his hands on Donnie J[/B][/B] Frankie Perez was getting somewhere with his object of desire Katie Cameron, until Donnie J turned up on the scene and started to help out the manager of Snap & Shock. Frankie has since accused Donnie J of many things, but none of them have been proved. However in Frankie’s mind it is enough to want to kill Donnie J. However how can this endear him to his object of desire, Katie Cameron. [B]Anthony Jones attempts to reclaim the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship for the second time from Aaron Andrews[/B] Aaron Andrews won the title around his debut from Joanne Rodriguez, but since then has not exactly been what CZCW sees as a honorable champion. Aaron Andrews doesn’t care that the world doesn’t respect his title reign, but he might care when Anthony Jones gets his rematch. And this time there can’t be any count outs as every title match is inside a steel cage. [B]American Puro may pay for their reckless degenerate behavior![/B] Ever since CZCW got a TV deal, American Puro have been relentless in their attempt to get recognition. Their attempts even caused them to attack veteran Steve Flash and former SWF star Sam Pratt. Well, neither man has taken this lightly and went to the CZCW management and requested this match to get their revenge. [B]Tyson Sanford attempts to silence the ****y Stevie Grayson[/B] After his defeat in the rematch for the Coastal Zone World Championship, Stevie Grayson was there to remind the former SWF star that very fact. Tyson challenged Stevie Grayson to put his money where his mouth is and Stevie Grayson did, much to everyone’s surprise. While it was not a dominant victory, it was a victory none the less and Tyson wants to prove that he is the better man at Christmas Cage Chaos. [B]Davis Wayne Newton defends the Coastal Zone World Championship against Fumihiro Ota[/B] Fumihiro Ota seems determined of becoming the Coastal Zone World Champion, and attempted to get in the champions head by sending a message straight after Davis Wayne Newton defended his title against Tyson Sanford. Davis got his revenge beating Fumihiro in a non-title match, but Fumihiro continued his message sending with an attack after the match. With Fumihiro Ota going into the PPV with the momentum on his side after pinning the champion on Coastal Warfare In a tag team match, can Davis Wayne Newton hold on to his Coastal Zone World Championship. [CENTER]Order “Christmas Cage Chaos” on Public Access Select[/CENTER][/FONT]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/christmascagechaos.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW CHRISTMAS CAGE CHAOS[/SIZE][/B] [B]Tuesday, Week 1, December 2008 Attendance of 9,761 Cox Arena in the South West Territory[/B] Mitch Naess would welcome you all to Christmas Cage Chaos, CZCW’s first Pay Per View event, but can’t because after the intro of the Pay Per View music, the fans completely take over for a few minutes, chanting CZCW and stamping their feet, sending an electric feeling around the entire arena before finally settling down. [B]Mitch Naess[/B] Ladies and Gentleman welcome to CHRISTMAS CAGE CHAOS, live on Pay Per View. [B]Melanie Florence[/B] This is big Mitch, real big. I know I haven’t been here that long, but I’m excited just to be a part of this. CZCW has made the big time. Showing in all of Mexico and six territories in the States, along with a Pay Per View deal to show in the States and Canada. Forget calling us the fifth biggest promotion in America. That’s up to debate now. [B]Mitch Naess[/B] You’ve definatley got a point there, as we’ve packed 9,761 people into the Cox Arena, as we’ve come back home to the South West. And these fans have turned up in there thousands to support their promotion. And we’d like to thank them all for their continued support for 17 years. [B]Melanie Florence[/B] And we definitely hope these fans will be blown away tonight. So how about we get this show on the road. -------- [B]MATCH 1:[/B] DAVE vs. TCW Showcase Match Acid & Randy Bumfhole vs. Brent Hill & Jack Griffith [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/Acid.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/RandyBumfhole.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] This Match wasn’t going to take place in the steel cage, because DAVE and TCW wanted to protect their talent, which is fair enough. I wouldn’t want one of my guys getting injured in a gimmick match on another show. Acid was the first to come out to the ring and got a pop louder than the stars of CZCW. Acid has always been a wrestler that the fans have wanted to see in CZCW. The CZCW.com forums have hundreds of posts saying their dream match would be Acid vs. Tyson Sanford or Fumihiro Ota. Chants of “Acid” and “Come To Coastal!” are echoed around the arena as Acid comes out still 100% in character. Not an easy thing to do when the fans are showing you this much love and respect. Randy Bumfhole in comparison got a luke warm greeting at best. I hope Randy wasn’t expecting the type of greeting that Acid got. It’s not that Randy wouldn’t fit into CZCW or that the fans thought he wasn’t good enough. It’s just that he still works for SWF. Coastal Zone fans like DAVE, respect some of TCW’s roster, love some of the NOTBPW roster, and hate CGC and SWF. Tyson’s rants on SWF when he first arrived in CZCW definitely didn’t help. So the chants varied from “Randy” to “F**k off Superior!” In comparison, Brent Hill who was supposed to be a heel in this contest was greeted almost as well as Acid. The veteran even showed a slight smirk of recognition to the fans, but for the rest of the time remained a Heel in his entrance. Fortunately Jack Griffith’s however cemented his team as the heels, coming out in a TCW T-shirt and shouting out that his new home is the best wrestling product in the world. Jack was picked for this because he is probably the least suited to the Coastal Zone style. I wanted Human Arsenal to come in, but he’s a TCW International Champion, and Tommy didn’t want his champion on another show. Acid and Brent Hill started off the show, as the fans went back and forth with chants for both. The match started with fast chain of reversals, from hammerlocks, to arm bars, to body locks, until Acid drop kicked Brent Hill to end the sequence as a chant of “DAVE” rang out as Acid stood still, looking at Brent Hill who got back up to his feet. They locked up again and Brent Hill got the upper hand with a European Uppercut and then locking in a Side Headlock and then knocking Acid down with a Knee Lift. It is from this point that Brent Hill has the decided advantage over Acid, as he keeps Acid off his feet and stopping his flying attacks from coming at him. He should have stuck to this style of attack however, as after picking Acid up and hitting a few strikes, Acid flips over an attempted kick to the thigh and then hits a Legsweep kick in one fluid motion, which got a loud reaction from the fans. The fans got louder as Acid hit a vicious kick to the back of Brent’s head as Brent attempted to sit up. Then Acid showed his ability at mat wrestling However after a Rear Chin lock that Brent Hill managed to get to his feet in, the match from this point between the two was very even. Brent and Acid then started to trade Uppercuts and Kicks to the face respectively, both shrugging off blow after blow, until they both ran at each other and both went for clotheslines, knocking each other off their feet. When they got up, Brent Hill got the match back in his favour with a Vertical Suplex, perfectly vertical for those wondering. Brent then went and tagged in Jack Griffiths, who got a loud boo from the fans. In a very un-Coastal Zone fashion Jack Griffiths entered the ring and immediately mounted Acid and started hitting him with fist after fist to the mask of Acid and then hit a very average looking splash, perhaps to deliberately get on the Coastal Zone Fans nerves as he nonchalantly went for the cover. He then got up and said “DAVE SUCKS and so does THE COASTAL ZONE!” You can guess the reaction. When he turned back around, one of the largest cheers of the night came when Acid kicked up to his feet and hit a dropkick sending Jack into the ropes. Jack came back off the ropes and attempted a Discus Clothesline but Acid ducked and hit a vicious knife edge chop when Brent turned around. Jack shrugged it off and charged at Acid who hit a Monkey Flip, which Jack sold nicely as the fans got behind Acid who then went and tagged in Randy. Randy would have been cheered for merely stepping into the ring with Jack, but went for an Eye Gouge. Congratulations Randy, you went from face to heel in about two seconds. I think Randy realized and went for more traditional forearm blows, jab punches and kicks to the gut, so when Jack hit him down with a Running Clothesline, there was a mixed reaction from the fans. Jack did a good job of getting the fans against him with a choke, so Randy’s next comeback was actually cheered. Thanks Jack! Randy seemingly learnt his lesson and went for more agile moves and hard strikes, hitting a seated dropkick as the contact could be heard around the arena. Randy then went for the cover and picked up a two and three-quarter count. When Jack got up he got a vicious dropkick to the back of the head, as Randy shows off his beautiful dropkick to the fans. And then Randy hit a back suplex and picked up another close count as the fans finally started to get behind Randy. The match then picked up a gear as bigger moves were attempted and more reversals occurred. That’s until Randy Bumfhole hit a Scopion Deathlock and the fans cheered, until Brent Hill came off the top rope with a dropkick to Randy Bumfhole. Acid came into the ring and chaos ensued. Brent Hill was taken out of the ring by Acid with a clothesline, and then Randy dived over the ropes and hit Brent Hill. Jack took the opportunity and turned around Acid to his a Vertical Lift Spinebuster, The Jack in The Box to pick up the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B] Wrestling Machine #2 and Jack Griffith defeated Acid and Randy Bumfhole in 7:48 when Jack Griffith defeated Acid by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ -------- The cameras go back to the announcers desk, as yes, finally I’m going to have the commentary team on camera. They were just voices before but I think the world deserves to set eyes upon Melanie Florence. [B]Melanie Florence[/B] Well what an exhibition match that was between some of the best in DAVE & TCW. [B]Mitch Naess[/B] And the fans have finally seen Acid in a Coastal Zone Ring. All be it a lose, but I’m sure the fans will be happy that they’ve seen him anyway. [B]Melanie Florence[/B] And now we’ve got to get on with the show and see our first match for one of Coastal Zone’s titles. Yes, the Tag Team Titles are on the line between The Champions Athletic Angels and the Challengers Snap and Shock. [B]Mitch Naess[/B] It was about a month ago when Snap & Shock surprised the South West by winning the titles from The Athletic Angels. The Athletic Angels cheated to get their titles back and since then have done everything in their power to make sure they don’t lose the titles to Snap & Shock again. [B]Melanie Florence[/B] All’s fair in war Mitch. And the Angels have been showing the Coastal Zone that they are more than capable of making it in a man’s world. And to be honest, I can’t see them letting Snap & Shock take their titles tonight inside the Steel Cage. [B]Mitch Naess[/B] Well the cage is now set up, so lets see if your right Melanie. Yes, that’s why the cameras were on Mitch and Melanie [B]RATING: [/B]D --------- The cameras go backstage to see Katie Cameron leading Snap and Shock to the ring as their entrance music starts to play. [B]RATING:[/B] D --------- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CZCW_Tag.jpg[/IMG] [B]MATCH 2:[/B] Coastal Zone Tag Team Title Match Snap & Shock vs. The Athletic Angels [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JoanneRodriguez-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/WandaFish-1.jpg[/IMG] Snap & Shock come out to a decent ovation, but nothing earth shattering. Seeing as there’s a lot of new fans with the company nowadays, they don’t treat Snap Dragon like the CZCW faithful do. So while a section of the crowd was cheering loudly, the rest of the crowd was slightly uncaring. And apart from those that followed Burning Hammer, Hyosuke Kokan, he is relatively unknown in the company, having only joined around August time this year. Wanda Fish and Joanne Rodriguez however came out to the distinctive jeers that they’ve been getting at arenas all across the States. And to think, it wasn’t long ago that Joanne Rodriguez was a fan favourite. The champions climbed into the ring as the referee held up the tag titles and then rung the bell. This match was fast paced and hard to keep up with, seeing as this was Tornado style rules. Hyosuke Kokan and Joanne Rodriguez paired off, as did Wanda and Snap Dragon. There would be no quick end to this match though, because this was also under Classic Cage rules. Escape to the outside if you want but it won’t win you the match. Wanda quickly put Snap out of the match for awhile with a flap jack type move into the steel cage and then raked the mask across the steel cage. This allowed the action to focus on Joanne Rodriguez and Snap Dragon at first, as Wanda continued to make sure Snap was out of the action. However after Hyosuke hit a belly to belly suplex, Wanda had to come over to stop the attack by Hyosuke. Wanda stopped the momentum of Hyosuke with an eye gouge through the mask, and then took Hyosuke down, grounding him and leading the way. Then Joanne came back in to the match as the two double teamed Hyosuke. I was relying on Joanne to be the ring general in this match, because she knows Japanese and can therefore communicate with Hyosuke, who the other two, being Snap and Wanda can’t do yet. Then Wanda Fish hit a Vertical Suplex followed by a Cartwheel Splash to get a close count, before the two started to utilize the cage. Once they had put Hyosuke out for awhile, Snap Dragon came back into the match. However the tag team champions were ready and threw Snap back into the cage with a double hip toss and then Wanda rolled up Snap Dragon for another close count as Katie on the outside was trying to cheer her men on. Hyosuke wasn’t done though and came back into the match with dropkicks, wheel kicks and heel kicks, as he dodged all attempts by Joanne and Wanda to stop him. The fans, probably for the first time in Hyosuke’s American career, really get behind him as he displays some great technical throws and great agility in the ring. A Belly to Belly Suplex on Joanne Rodriguez into the cage certainly helped get the fans behind him as Joanne found herself tangled in the ropes. He then reversed a move that Wanda was attempted and locked in the Electric Shocker Clutch as Wanda screamed out in pain. There’s no rope breaks in this match as Wanda screamed for Joanne, who was trying to untangle herself from the ropes. Alicia Strong ran out, but was cut off by Katie Cameron with a tackle as they brawled on the outside. And then the lights went out. The occasional flicker of light came on every five odd seconds, as Mitch and some of the crowd spot a hooded figure climbing the cage. The lights come back on again with the hooded figure on top of the cage, and Hyosuke up and looking around to see what was going on, as the figure jumped off and delivered a front drop kick to Hyosuke Kokan and sent him flying into the cage as he then crumped in the ring. The lights went back out, and when they come back on, the cage door is open and the figure is gone. The fans start to chant “bull****!” as Joanne Rodriguez is up on her feet and looks at everyone down on the mat. Joanne went over and hit a J-Rocker on Snap Dragon and picked up the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B] Athletic Angels defeated Snap & Shock in 9:51 when Joanne Rodriguez defeated Snap Dragon by pinfall with a J-Rocker. [B]RATING:[/B] C- --------- The cameras go backstage as we need a diversion while the cage gets taken down. I’m making my road crew work for their money today. We have Kristen Pearce backstage, chasing somebody, seemingly very excited by who she’s seen. Eventually her voice becomes audible. [B]Kristen Pearce[/B] Shane, Shane! The man that she is chasing comes into view as he turns around, and much to the fans surprise, Shane Sneer is the man that is backstage at a Coastal Zone show. [B]Kristen Pearce[/B] Shane, what are you doing here? [B]Shane Sneer[/B] First off missy, it’s Mr. Sneer to you. And I’m here to do what I promised to do. I’m here to change the face of Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling forever. [B]Kristen Pearce[/B] Are you here to see Cliff Anderson? [B]Shane Sneer[/B] Why, I don’t need to see Cliff Anderson. I see you’re under the same impression that the rest of the world is under. But your impression will be changed. Because it’s time to collect and it’s time for some, to get their revenge! So sit back missy, and just enjoy the show. With that said, Shane Sneer walks away from a very confused Kristen Pearce. [B]RATING:[/B] C- --------- [B]MATCH 3:[/B] Grudge Match Donnie J vs. Frankie Perez [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/DonnieJ.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/FrankiePerez.jpg[/IMG] The third match is filled with hatred, at least on one side. Frankie Perez has never hidden his hatred of Donnie J ever since he suddenly turned up in Katie Cameron’s life. However Donnie J has seemingly been unbothered by Frankie. And while he has said a few things about Frankie, his words have never been fuelled with the same sort of hatred that Frankie’s words have had. Donnie J came out first, being booed by the fans, more so for the swerve almost a year back when Donnie J and James Prudence who is now gone, both revealed their feud was just a smoke screen to keep other challengers away from Donnie J. He has since fallen down the ranks and isn’t as popular as other stars, but he still gets some considerable heat. Frankie has always been a fan favourite and his music hit, but he gave the fans little time to cheer him on, as he charged for the ring and slide in, going straight after Donnie J. And Frankie was all over Donnie J, kicking harder and locking in holds tigher and with more aggression than usual. And if you’ve watched Frankie’s matches before, you wouldn’t really think this was possible. However Donnie J locked in an armbar and tried to slow things down, seemingly calmer and trying to control the pace and pick up a victory. Donnie J did well with a very controlled pace, not allowing Frankie and his rage get up and launch another attack, all though Frankie did roll Donnie up once to get a close pinfall. The match then changed into a more even contest, with Frankie’s rage seemingly causing him to lose control every now and again as he would go for too obvious clotheslines and such. Frankie then hit an S.T.O out of nowhere and followed it with an Arabian Press and a P-Clutch, but he was far to close to the ropes and might have won had he dragged Donnie away, but Donnie got to the ropes and Pee Wee had to rip Frankie away from Donnie J. Frankie now looked in control, but his over the top attempts caused him to crash and burn after attempting another Arabian Press and this allowed Donnie to quickly hit his Death on Miami Beach. The two were laid out and Donnie J didn’t have enough to take advantage. As the two laid there, the lights went out again, when they came on, the referee was knocked out and standing in the middle of the ring was Bart Biggz. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG] Cue another “bull****!” chant as Bart hit Frankie with a Biggz Up before rolling Donnie onto Frankie and leaving the ring. When the ref came to, he counted the pinfall and Donnie J picked up the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B] Donnie J defeated Frankie Perez in 6:47 by pinfall. During the match we also had Bart Biggz run in and attack Frankie Perez. [B]RATING:[/B] B- --------- Bart Biggz now comes back to the hatred of the entire crowd as he slides in the ring and picks up a beaten Frankie Perez and hits another Biggz up. He then went outside of the ring and went under the ring, pulling out a black looking sheet. Biggz soaked up the atmosphere as he rolled back into the ring and casually draped the black sheet over Frankie Perez. On the black sheet read the words. [B]SNEER CORPORATION![/B] Bart Biggz posed next to the fallen Frankie before leaving the ring. [B]RATING:[/B] D [/FONT][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][FONT="Lucida Console"][RIGHT]To Be Continued[/RIGHT][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/christmascagechaos.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]The cameras go backstage as Kristin Pearce is standing by with Davis Wayne Newton, his Coastal Zone World Championship slung over his shoulder. [B]Kristin Pearce[/B] Tonight, you face off against Fumihiro Ota inside the steel cage to defend your Coastal Zone World Championship. Last week Fumihiro Ota pinned your shoulders to the mat, and many say you might end up having a very short title reign as the first Coastal Zone World Champion. Davis cuts Kristin Pearce off as he grabs her hand and brings the microphone to his lips. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] First of all, I’d like to welcome the world to the COASTAL ZONE! Naturally a CZCW chant starts in the arena as Davis lets it finish before he continues. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Tonight, we are on pay per view and you will all get to see the kind of action that takes place in our ring, when it comes to a battle for this title over my shoulder. The Coastal Zone title really is a World Title. And tonight I must defend it against Fumihiro Ota. And some people say that Fumihiro Ota seems to have my number and seems set to take this title from me. Well if you think that’s the case, then so be it. But let me just remind you of the people I’ve beaten for Coastal Zone Titles in the past. I’ve beaten Tyson Sanford for this very title. I’ve beaten Steve Flash to retain the Coastal Zone Title. And here is where the list gets really interesting. For that same Coastal Zone Title that I retained against Steve Flash, I beat Bryan Vessey, Bryan Holmes, Noriyori Sanda in PGHW, Dan Stone Jnr and last but not least, Mr. Fumihiro Ota himself. So, with that said, be prepared to face one of the best wrestlers in the world Fumihiro and your going to have to pull something out of that Ninja book of yours, to take this away from me. Davis smirks as he walks off picture. [B]RATING:[/B] C -------- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CZCW_Xtreme.jpg[/IMG] [B]MATCH 4:[/B] Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Cage Match Aaron Andrews vs. Anthony Jones [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/TJMasters.jpg[/IMG] Oh boy did Aaron get some big time heat from the 9,000 plus audience. I almost felt sorry for him as he walked down the ring. Coastal Zone fans aren’t exactly nice to people they don’t like. And you either love this kind of reaction as a wrestler or you hate it. And fortunately it looked like Aaron Andrews loved it. That or he’s a very good actor. Anthony Jones on the other hand got the type of reaction that anyone would love as he walked down to the ring looking as focused as any man can. Anthony Jones showed a lot more composure than Frankie Perez did, as he stalked the ring much like Aaron did, as the atmosphere rose in the arena. The two locked up initially, but pushed each other away. After circling each other again, the locked up and Anthony turned it into a Side Headlock. He then hit a knee right to the face of Aaron and hit the ropes, taking Aaron Andrews down with a vicious lariat early on in the match and covered. Aaron kicked out quickly but it obviously phased him slightly. As he sat up Anthony hit a Seated Back Kick and then an Elbow Drop on his knee, before locking it around his body. Anthony picked him up eventually which allowed Aaron to start a fight back, with fists and forearms. His traditional style of attack got the fans against him which only seemed to cause Aaron to do it more. Aaron slowly and carefully took apart Anthony Jones, until Anthony suddenly thought back with a Triple Kick Combo that got the fans back into the match. Then, in one of the spots of the night, Aaron Andrews went to stop the kick combination by poking the eyes and then lifting Anthony up for a Suplex. He held him up in the air for a second, and then Anthony Jones flicked his legs down but instead of landing on his feet, he twisted his body in the air and wrapped his legs around the head of Aaron and hit a Rana that got the crowd on their feet clapping as Aaron went flying into the cage. Anthony then hit a Running Dropkick and then a single leg grapevine as the referee checked for sumbmission. Anthony eventually released it and hit a Senton Bomb off the second rope, corkscrewing in the air to deliver it and got a close count. Aaron was then set up for a Glittering Magican’s knee, but Aaron avoided it and hit a vicious DDT to Anthony. Aaron then used the cage to his advantage with a vicious attack on Anthony. And then he continued to do so, getting close pinfalls every now and again. He got a close count after a Back Suplex, but his arrogant pin may have cost him. Anthony Jones was far from dead though, as he fought back once Aaron tried to pick him up, and kicked Aaron in what looked like a low blow and then hit the ropes and hit the Magician’s Knee. Aaron kicked out though, so Anthony picked up Aaron and hit him with a Brainbuster before climbing the cage. Cue second spot of the night as Anthony jumped off the top of the cage with a Moonsault and picked up the victory as the crowd lost their minds. [B]WINNER: [/B]Anthony Jones defeated Aaron Andrews in 9:33 by pinfall with a Moonsault of the top of the Cage. Anthony Jones wins the Coastal Zone Xtreme title. [B]RATING:[/B] B -------- The cameras go backstage, showing Fumihiro Ota getting ready for his match against Davis Wayne Newton. He throws some kicks and punches as the camera fades to another shot. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ -------- Elsewhere backstage, the cameras catch up with Donnie J as he is walking backstage. He looks like he’s leaving the arena but he gets caught up by Katie Cameron. [B]Katie Cameron[/B] Did you know about that attack? [B]Donnie J[/B] What? [B]Katie Cameron[/B] Bart Biggz and his attack on Frankie. [B]Donnie J[/B] I didn’t know anything about that, honest. I didn’t know Bart Biggz or Shane Sneer would be here. Look, I don’t even hate Frankie. I just think he’s a bit hot headed. And I’d much rather just put this whole argument aside than escalate it to any higher point. I promise you, I had nothing to do with it. [B]Katie Cameron[/B] Okay. But if I find you had anything to do with it! [B]Donnie J[/B] I promise, I didn’t! Look, I’m going to go relax at the hotel bar. You want to join me? [B]Katie Cameron[/B] Well, Snap and Hyosuke have already gone………..So yeah, why not! Donnie smiles and puts his arm around Katie as they leave the arena. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ -------- [B]MATCH 5:[/B] Tag Team Grudge Match American Puro vs. Sam Pratt and Steve Flash [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/InsaneMachine.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CalamariKid_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/SteveFlash_alt02.jpg[/IMG] The fans were solidly behind Sam Pratt and Steve Flash as they came down to the ring, clearly not liking the tactics of American Puro to get noticed. Insane Machine and Sam Pratt started off the match, as Insane Machine didn’t wait a second after the bell to start hitting Sam Pratt with the type of blows he probably never felt in SWF. A Snap Suplex was then followed with a ground and pound attack, all though naturally it was done with more of a Japanese style instead of just punches to the face. However Calamari Kid would fight to his feet and hit Insane Machine down with a clothesline. Sam Pratt didn’t seem to know how to handle Insane Machine, so he tagged in Steve Flash. Steve Flash faired better as he slowed down the Insane Machine as he slowed him down and kept him on the ground and in positions where his able feet couldn’t do any damage. He then went for a submission with a Bow And Arrow Lock but Insane Machine managed to fight his way into getting a release. A bulldog got a close pinfall before Insane Machine managed to fight back at all, as he dropped onto a Back Suplex and got a two count. However instead of tagging out, Insane Machine went on the attack with a Drop Kick and then a Russian Leg Sweep. He eventually tagged out after a Neckbreaker as Hell Monkey raced in as the fresh man. Hell Monkey hit a gutwrench suplex and then a Seated Dropkick and got a two count. The Hell Monkey hit a S.T.O and went for a pinfall for another two count. Hell Monkey then whipped Steve Flash against the ropes but Steve Flash held on, making sure the Hell Fire Kick didn’t get him. Same came in just to get hit with a Leg Lariat. A Kick Rush and then an attempted Hell Fire Kick missed again as Hell Monkey was clearly looking to pick up the victory as the fresh man. Sam Pratt hit a Leg Lariat, Triple Kick Combo and then a Spinning Head Scissors to get his team back into the match. However Sam Pratt went for the Pratt Buster only to have Hell Monkey escape and hit a thrust kick. Hell Monkey then locked in a Camel Clutch which Steve had to break up. The two then tagged out and Insane Machine managed to Belly to Belly Steve Flash. However Steve Flash landed on his feet and turned Insane Machine round to hit him with a Belly to Belly, followed by A Slingshot suplex for a two count. Steve Flash then hits a Flying Body Press and rolled up Insane Machine a few times, taking control of the match. The ending came when chaos ensued and Hell Monkey finally hit someone with the Hell Fire kick, getting Sam Pratt square on, as Insane Machine took out Steve Flash and they picked up the victory. [B]WINNER:[/B]American Puro defeated Steve Flash and Sam Pratt in 7:32 when Hell Monkey defeated Sam Pratt by pinfall with a Hell Fire Kick. [B]RATING:[/B] B- [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/christmascagechaos.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Davis Wayne Newton is shown backstage getting ready for his up and coming match up against Fumihiro Ota. As he stretched, he looked up and then straightened himself as if he’d seen someone. The camera pans out to show Fumihiro Ota. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] What do you want? The Super Ninja didn’t respond, but his eyes seemed to flicker as if he’d seen something behind Davis Wayne Newton. Davis Wayne Newton turned around to see Bart Biggz and the hooded figure from earlier tonight walking towards him. Davis turned back to look at Fumihiro who had now been joined by Shane Sneer. Davis, not being one to just sit back and take a beating, went straight for Fumihiro Ota, but the numbers soon overwhelmed the champion as they beat him down and then threw him hard into a table that was conveniently propped up against a wall. [B]RATING: [/B]D+ -------- A video plays showing the feud between Tyson Sanford and Stevie Grayson, and how Tyson Sanford wants to even the score after what some consider and upset victory on Coastal Warfare. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ -------- [B]MATCH 6:[/B] Singles Grudge Match Tyson Sanford vs. Stevie Grayson [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/sebstew097b.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/StevieGrayson.jpg[/IMG] The fans where hyped up for this one, and more so because they’ve seen three good matches in a row. And this one wouldn’t disappoint them either. Tyson Sanford came out to a heroes welcome, and Stevie, despite his words against CZCW, still got a decent reaction from some of the CZCW fans that have followed his career. It’s hard to not respect someone who was released by TCW, and took it as an opportunity to improve as a worker and become one of the better workers in the country. Of course, the welcome is only as warm as the character allows, but I’m sure Stevie loves the fact he’s now seen as a talented wrestler that TCW were stupid to let go. The match started with some fast chain wrestling, but Stevie got the advantage pretty soon as he spun out of an Arm Drag and landed on his feet before hitting a strong knife edge chop that took Tyson off his feet, as Tyson and the crowd definitely seemed surprised by the move. Tyson got up and the two tied up again, and Stevie pushed him back to hit a Spinning Back Hand, but this time Tyson saw it coming and took the blow without letting it faze him as now it was Stevie’s turn to look shocked. Stevie retaliated to this by hitting a Spinning Back Kick before Tyson could get in an attack. But again, Tyson shrugged it off and went for a Kick to the thigh, but Stevie Jumped over it and hit a snap suplex and went for a cover, which Tyson quickly kicked out of. Stevie Grayson controlled the pace, keeping Tyson off his feet and slowly working him over with various strikes. Tyson has been known as part of his character to no sell blows, but Stevie learning from the first time didn’t let it phase him and managed to control every fight back attempt. If Tyson shrugged off a palm strike, Stevie would hit a dropkick. His answer was to stay on top of Tyson at all costs and at the beginning it was working magnificently. Then Tyson had enough and hit a Slap that echoed around the arena and seemingly phased Stevie Grayson as Tyson went on the attack, showing he could do anything Stevie could. Tyson completely takes control. However after a few failed attempts, it would be Stevie who got the next pinfall attempt after a Springboard Senton. Tyson would reply with a Slingshot Senton after a Back Suplex to pick up a close pinfall. From here the match was back and forth with both men trying to finish it with high impact moves. But Tyson would lock in a standing Cobra Clutch and would slam Stevie down to the mat. The ref went to check for a submission but Tyson lifted Stevie up in the Cobra Clutch and slammed him down again. He did this five times before the referee called for the bell as Stevie was out. [B]WINNER:[/B] "Fallen" Tyson Sanford defeated Stevie Grayson in 15:36 by submission. [B]RATING:[/B] B -------- Tyson Sanford soaks up the adulation of the crowd after his victory. [B]RATING:[/B] C -------- [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CZCW_Championship.jpg[/IMG] [B]Main Event:[/B] Coastal Zone World Title Match Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/DWN_alt.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/FumihiroOta.jpg[/IMG] Fumihiro Ota came out with Shane Sneer, as they got the villain treatment all the way down to the ring. Shane Sneer took the Microphone. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] Well, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to the Sneer Era! I’ve compiled some of the top talents in the world. And now it’s time to take the top title in Coastal Zone Wrestling. All in one magnificent night. This night won’t be remember as Christmas Cage Chaos, but it will be remembered as The Night of The Sneer Corporation. Now Davis, we know your too proud to stay in the back, so get yourself out here, to lose that title like a man. Shane gave the microphone back to the announcer as the fans waited for Davis Wayne Newton. And as Shane said, Davis Wayne Newton did come out, looking rather battered and bruised and rolled into the ring as the cage started to come down. However before the match even began, Fumihiro Ota hit a throat thrust to Davis Wayne Newton, and then sent Davis Wayne Newton to the outside before the cage had been lowered in place. The two fought on the outside, with Fumihiro Ota getting the upperhand through most of it. They fought for so long, that Fumihiro had to send Davis Wayne Newton back into the ring through the cage door. The match unfortunately was met by a fanbase that was pretty blown over already, and so this match didn’t get quite the reception it could have. The match before was supposed to allow this match to go over with the fans even more, as they’d be heated up. But I hadn’t expected the matches before Tyson vs. Stevie to be so good. The match itself somehow, was an even affair once they were in the ring, all though it was always clear that Davis Wayne Newton was battling against the odds. Davis finally managed to get an upperhand when he dropkicked the back of Fumihiro Ota, sending him between the tops and the cage, and then hit a baseball slide, crushing Fumihiro Ota into the cage. He then hit a Side Explosion Suplex much to the surprise of the fans and Shan Sneer and got a close count. Shane Sneer took this opportunity to start climbing the cage. While I hope he wasn’t planning on actually interfering, what I think was the purpose was getting Davis away from Fumihiro Ota. Fumihiro used this opportunity to attack Davis from behind, and then rake Davis’s face against the steel cage, busting him open. However when Fumihiro picked him up and hit the ropes to deliver some sort of bulldog, it got reversed into a Wheel Barrow Suplex. And another close pinfall for Davis Wayne Newton. He then set up Fumihiro for the Fisherman’s Threat but the move was stopped by a palm thrust to the midsection. That’s when Fumihiro hit the Ninja Strike and picked up the three count. [B]WINNER: [/B]Fumihiro Ota defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 15:55 by pinfall with a Ninja Strike. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ -------- The match is over and the cage starts to rise as out come Bart Biggz and the hooded figure come out to the ring, as they all stand side by side, raising each others hands over the prone body of Davis Wayne Newton as the show ends. [B]RATING:[/B] C- -------- [B]OVERALL RATING: [/B]C+ [B]Public Access Select Buy Rate:[/B] 0.11 [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CZWcom.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][CENTER][B]DAVIS WAYNE NEWTON DEMANDS REVENGE[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/DWN_alt.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG] To say Davis Wayne Newton is angry would be an understatement. Davis Wayne Newton had planned to be a fighting champion with a long lasting reign, but instead he was robbed at Christmas Cage Chaos as Fumihiro Ota along with the newly founded Sneer Corporation cost him his title defence. Davis Wayne Newton has demanded that he be in action just two nights after his battle with Fumihiro Ota and the Sneer Corporation and begrudgingly management has given in to his request. So Davis Wayne Newton will be going one on one with Bart Biggz in Coastal Warfare’s main event. [B]ANOTHER SHOWCASE[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] While we all believe that CZCW is perhaps the best wrestling product in America, we do believe there are other good products to watch in wrestling land. We showcased two of them at the Pay Per View, and for those who missed it and want to see Brent Hill and Jack Griffiths in action one more time, will get that opportunity as CZCW tries to rest some of their roster after the big first CZCW PPV. [B]AMERICAN PURO UNSTOPPABLE[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CalamariKid_alt1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG] In a rather shocking match, and with a great tag team display, American Puro managed to beat the team of Steve Flash and Sam Pratt. Sam Pratt will be in attendance and has been said to be shocked himself that he and Steve didn’t win. But he says that one on one, neither of them can beat him, and has challenged Hell Monkey to a match on Coastal Warfare. Also, the Sneer Corporation will be in attendance to explain their actions at Christmas Cage Chaos. [/CENTER][/FONT] [QUOTE][B]Prediction Key:[/B] Bart Biggz / Davis Wayne Newton Brent Hill / Jack Griffith Hell Monkey / Sam Pratt[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/coastalwarfare.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW COASTAL WARFARE[/SIZE] Thursday, Week 1, December 2008 Attendance of 1,860 War Memorial Auditorium in the Mid West Region[/B] Mitch Naess and Melanie Florence are once again at ringside to welcome us to Coastal Warfare, as they go over the events of Christmas Cage Chaos. However the commentary team are interrupted when “Chaos Rising” hits the speakers and the crowd all turn to the entrance way, not sure who the music belongs to. However they soon start to boo as they see The Sneer Corporation walk out towards the ring. Shane Sneer has a very smug look on his face as Fumihiro Ota, Bart Biggz and the hooded man follow him out to the ring. Shane grabs a microphone. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] So this is the greeting I get from you ungrateful fans? This is the thanks I get? Because guess what, part of the reason this place is even getting any recognition in the wrestling world, is down to me and the investors who’s interests I’m here to protect. And, I bring Bart Biggz to this promotion and put the Coastal Zone World Championship on a respectable wrestler, and you all boo me. Well screw you all! I don’t work for you, I work for the investors that made this company something. So if you like what I do or not is irrelevant. Especially seeing as none of you can do anything to stop The Sneer Corporation. You just have to order the PPV to see how easy it was for us to exact our will on Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. And if you think that was just a one off, then your in for a world of surprise. Bart Biggz then takes the microphone from Shane Sneer to another chorus of boos. [B]Bart Biggz[/B] So this is the Coastal Zone? I can’t say I’m that impressed. I have read reviews and this is supposed to be this hottest place to be. Well I annihilated some of your top stars in one night. Impressive my ass! And if Davis Wayne Newton has a problem with the fact that I’m Superior to him in every way possible, then that’s his problem. I’ll just beat him in the ring and show Coastal Zone Wrestling it has a long way to go before it produces any real stars. [B]RATING:[/B] C- “Overburdened” would cut off Bart Biggz as from the back came out Cliff Anderson with a microphone in his hand. [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] So, Shane Sneer, I hear you’re representing the investors now, is that right? Well it doesn’t matter how many of them you’re representing, I’m still the boss around here. And the head honcho has to make decisions, some of them very tough decisions. But this one just happens to be rather easy for me. Now you fans might be wondering why Fumihiro Ota doesn’t have the Coastal Zone World Championship. Well, he’s supposed to be presented it here tonight. But, guess what Sneer. As of about two minutes before the match actually began I took it upon myself to change the match between Fumihiro Ota and Davis Wayne Newton, to a non-title match. I guess you can be stopped then can’t you? So ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce you to the reigning Coastal Zone World Champion, Davis Wayne Newton. The fans went mad as out from the back stepped Davis Wayne Newton, with the Coastal Zone title still over his shoulder as Sneer could be seen going livid, but Fumihiro Ota still kept a calm appearance as he stared down the ramp to Davis Wayne Newton. [B]RATING:[/B] D ========== [B]Match 1:[/B] Singles Match Brent Hill vs. Jack Griffith [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] This match was just a way of filling up the card without using too much of my own talent who had put in a lot of effort just two days before. The two put on a classic wrestling match, with some throwbacks to the earlier years of wrestling, as well as Brent Hill providing the CZCW style to the match. The match started with an all out fight as they both tried to win their first CZCW singles match. Brent Hill got all the cheers and Jack Griffiths was public enemy number 3 or 4, considering the Sneer Corp and Aaron Andrews are around. The match was a good bout, with Brent Hill getting most of the offense. However Jack Griffith would pick up the win with a Jack In The Box. [B]WINNER:[/B] Jack Griffith defeated Wrestling Machine #2 in 12:31 by pinfall with a Jack in The Box. [B]RATING: [/B]B ========== A video package shows the date that Donnie J and Katie Cameron went on after Christmas Cage Chaos. The two seemed to have a good time in each other’s company as it showed them dancing and drinking till the late hours of the night. [B]RATING:[/B] D- ========== Cliff Anderson is shown walking around backstage, as Tyson Sanford stops him. [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] What’s up Tyson? [B]Tyson Sanford[/B] Stevie and I aren’t finished yet Cliff! I want a rubber match to prove who the better man truly is. As long as I leave it like this, he has every right to say he’s just as good as I am. And I personally can’t live with that, so I want a rubber match. [B]Cliff Anderson[/B] It’s not that simple Tyson. Stevie has every right to turn it down as he’s faced you twice recently and the bookers may want to put you up against someone else. But I’ll think about it. [B]Tyson Sanford[/B] Well I hope you make the right decision cause you wouldn’t want me to take matters into my own hands. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ ========== [B]Match 2:[/B] Singles Match Hell Monkey vs. Sam Pratt [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/HellMonkey_alt.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CalamariKid_alt1.jpg[/IMG] Sometimes booking for CZCW fans can be a hard thing to do. And it doesn’t matter how hard I push certain wrestlers to be heels or certain wrestlers to be faces, there will be a section of the crowd that go against the grain. Hell Monkey is starting to grow a fan base in CZCW and I can’t really blame the fans for liking him. Sam Pratt on the other hand is improving but isn’t as well rounded as Hell Monkey is. Sam Pratt was vicious with his attack, wanting to prove himself to still be a main eventer in the company, and hit many daring dives and out paced Hell Monkey. But Hell Monkey didn’t panic and would get his hits in, before hitting a Hell Fire Kick from nowhere, to half the fans delight. [B]WINNER:[/B] Hell Monkey defeated Sam Pratt in 7:50 by pinfall with a Hell Fire Kick. [B]RATING:[/B] B- ========== Davis Wayne Newton is shown in the back, Kristin Pearce holding a microphone for him. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Two nights ago, I thought I was robbed. But turns out someone saw right through Shane Sneer and his plans and turned the tables on you Fumihiro. But, if you think I’m happy about any of this, even if I have kept my Coastal Zone World Title, then you got another thing coming to ya. You still beat me, in what we both thought was a Title Match. And all though your reign has been scratched from the records, I’m not happy with the fact that fans and wrestlers backstage will remember that in essence, you still beat me for this title. Even if it was with a little help. So I’m suggesting we finish this. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Fumihiro Ota one last time. As long as your man enough to do it on your own. [B]RATING:[/B] C- ========= Elsewhere backstage, Anthony Jones is seen with his Coastal Zone Xtreme Title, as he gets some congratulations from other wrestlers that are with him. Then Aaron Andrews walks up as the other wrestlers go quiet. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Well, you lucked out. Congratulations on becoming the Xtreme Champion. But as former champion, I have a rematch due. [B]Anthony Jones[/B] Any time Aaron. Perhaps I’ll just get myself DQ’ed and take the easy way out. You know, defend the title against you, like you did against the roster. [B]Aaron Andrews[/B] Well then, I have a simple solution. No DQ, winner takes all. [B]Anthony Jones[/B] I guess I’ll be taking all then. The two stared each other down as the cameras return to ringside. [B]RATING:[/B] C- ========== [B]Main Event:[/B] Singles Match Bart Biggz vs. Davis Wayne Newton [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/DWN_alt.jpg[/IMG] The fans got the fist memorable moment in this match with a “Superior Reject” chant. Davis Wayne Newton let the fans get to Bart Biggz as he then used it to take the early advantage. The match was good, but Bart isn’t main event level here at CZCW yet. He put up a good fight though and even hit Davis Wayne Newton with the Biggz Up but Davis got his foot on the ropes. The Fisherman’s Threat picks up the victory for Davis Wayne Newton as he stood over Bart Biggz’s body. [B]WINNER:[/B] Davis Wayne Newton defeated Bart Biggz in 14:46 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [B]RATING:[/B] B- ========== [B]OVERALL RATING:[/B] C+ [B]Los Deporte Hoy Rating:[/B] 0.20 [B]Turner South Rating:[/B] 0.15 [B]CN8 Rating:[/B] 0.06 [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/coastalwarfare.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW COASTAL WARFARE[/SIZE] Thursday, Week 2, December 2008 Attendance of 2,000 The Den in the New England Region[/B] We start backstage as a limo is shown somewhere outside the arena. The door opens as Mitch Naess and Melanie Florence debate over who could possible be arriving in such grandeur. With the suspense being deliberately built up as we made the fans wait, eventually out stepped Wolf Hawkins, to cheers from the CZCW fans. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] Wolf pulls out a gym bag and looks at The Den arena, giving off a blue chipper smile before heading into the arena. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ As Wolf Hawkins walks into the arena, standing right near the entrance is Shane Sneer and Bart Biggz of the Sneer Corporation. The two deliberately got in the way of Wolf Hawkins as Shane Sneer offered Wolf his hand. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] Welcome to CZCW Wolf. Glad you came. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Thanks for inviting me and giving me that pretty nice contract. Glad to be part of something new. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] Well, you know the saying. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. Wolf looked at Shane and then Bart Biggz and raised an eyebrow. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] I’m familiar with the saying. And I’ll scratch your back by putting on great matches. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] That wasn’t exactly what I meant. Wolf Hawkins smiles and pats Shane Sneer on the shoulder. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] I know exactly what you meant. Wolf Hawkins held the smile as Shane Sneer smiled too, Bart looking very happy in the background. [B]RATING:[/B] C ========== [B]Match 1:[/B] Tag Team Match Anthony Jones & Brent Hill vs. Aaron Andrews & Jack Griffith [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/TJMasters.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BrentHill.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JackGriffith.jpg[/IMG] This match was a standard tag team match to keep the Anthony Jones & Aaron Andrews feud in the minds of the fans and to finish off Brent Hill and Jack Griffith’s terms with Coastal Zone Wrestling. The match started with Aaron Andrews and Jack Griifth working over Brent Hill on their side of the ring. The Hot tag naturally followed and Anthony Jones came in with some quick attacks. Anthony Jones came close with his Totally Final (Styles Clash) and Jack Griffiths hit his Jack in the Box on Brent Hill. However it would be a double team move that ended the match when Anthony Jones hit a Roundhouse kick to Aaron Andrews as Brent hit a leg sweep from behind. [B]WINNER:[/B] Anthony Jones and Wrestling Machine #2 defeated Aaron Andrews and Jack Griffith in 13:32 when Anthony Jones defeated Aaron Andrews by pinfall. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ ========== Frankie Perez is seen outside Katie Cameron’s dressing room, talking to himself as he stares at her name tag. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Come on Frankie, you can do it. Just tell her how you feel. Frankie psyche’s himself up and is about to knock on the door when the door opens and Katie Cameron and Donnie J walk out. [B]Donnie J [/B] Oh, Hey Frankie! What’s up? Frankie didn’t answer, not knowing what to say. [B]Katie Cameron[/B] You all right Frankie? [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Yeah, I was just coming to see how you are, I haven’t seen you in awhile. [B]Katie Cameron[/B] Oh, well Donnie and I were just going out. Do you want to join us? Donnie J widened his eyes at this but Frankie was quick to dismiss the invite. [B]Frankie Perez[/B] Nah, I got plans with Anthony. Maybe another time. [B]Katie Cameron[/B] Sure, well see you later Frankie. And with that said, Donnie J and Katie Cameron leave as Frankie Perez watches them go, looking rather annoyed at the developments. [B]RATING:[/B] E- ========== Stevie Grayson is shown backstage looking for someone, and then suddenly picks it up a gear in his walk as he grabs onto someone’s shoulder. Farrah Hesketh turns around and looks at Stevie Grayson. [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] What do you want Stevie? [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] I heard Tyson wants a rubber match and management is thinking about it. [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] That’s right. Do you want to pull out? [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] Please, I want to beat him into the ground. Give us the rubber match! [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] Well I’ll tell management. [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] Thanks darling! Stevie Grayson then walks off as Farrah shakes her head and turns back to whatever she was doing. [B]RATING:[/B] D ========== The cameras are still backstage, we’ll get back to the ring in a bit. This time the cameras are focused on the devious Wanda Fish as she has her Tag Team Title slung over her shoulder. She has a wicked smile on her face as she rubs her title. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] Oh, look at this. I’m still one half of the Tag Team Champions. What a surprise! We managed to beat the great team of Snap & Shock. Some CZCW Original that just can’t keep pace with the new talent and some Burning Hammer reject. You boys should just go to Japan and stay there. Because The Athletic Angels have got the Tag Team Division locked down, and Alicia Strong is about to run over the singles division like her father did back in the 90’s. But tonight, it’s not about the tag team division. Tonight it’s about me. Alicia and Joanne are having a nice little break, but I’m about to show the wrestling world that us women, are not only the equals of the men, but better than the men. Wanda paused as she took the title from her shoulder and walked up closer to the camera. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] Wolf Hawkins, tonight I’m your greeting party. And all though you’ve probably never had the pleasure of being with a woman as sexy as I am, tonight we are going to get up close and personal. And when it’s all said and done, you’ll be my b***h and I’ll be on top. Welcome to the Coastal Zone punk! [B]RATING:[/B] C- ========== [B]Match 2:[/B] Tag Team Match Sneer Corporation vs. Snap & Shock [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JavierCano.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/SnapDragon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/HyosukeKokan.jpg[/IMG] Another tag team match to keep a few people on the roster in action. The Sneer Corporation’s team consisted of Bart Biggz and the hooded figure, who we still don’t know who it is. They faced the defeated team of Snap and Shock who wanted to prove themselves still in contention for the tag team titles. And the tag team division has definitely stepped up their game since CZCW started to give more attention to them. The Sneer Corporation took control with some cheap tactics and kept Snap Dragon from his corner as they worked him over. Hyosuke would get the hot tag but Shane Sneer on the outside would trip Hyosuke up and gave the advantage back to the Sneer Corporation. The Hooded figure would then go and hit a Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop! [B]WINNER:[/B] Bart Biggz and The Hooded Man defeated Snap & Shock in 8:04 when The Hooded Man defeated Snap Dragon by pinfall with a Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop! [B]RATING:[/B] B- ========== Backstage Davis Wayne Newton bumps into the new signing Wolf Hawkins. Wolf Hawkins straightens up and stops his stretches as he looks at the Coastal Zone World Champion. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Welcome to the Coastal Zone. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] Thanks. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] I hear Shane Sneer signed you to the company. You know he’s only after one thing right? [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] I know exactly what he’s after Davis. I can call you that right? [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Depends if you’re here to help Shane Sneer get what he wants. [B]Wolf Hawkins[/B] I’m not here to do anyone else’s bidding. I’m here to do my own. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Good to hear. I guess Davis it is! Davis Wayne Newton offered Wolf Hawkins his hand and Wolf Hawkins took it, shaking his hand with a similar smile the one he gave Shane Sneer. [B]RATING:[/B] C ========== Shane Sneer and Fumihiro Ota are shown on camera as Shane does the talking for Fumihiro Ota. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] So Davis Wayne Newton wants to finish this, between Fumihiro and himself and is going to put the title on the line one more time to restore his pride in himself. Because the truth is, you know that you lost the title and the only reason you still have it is because of Cliff Anderson thinking he knows what’s best for this company. You didn’t save your championship, he did. And your desperate to restore your pride and certainty in yourself. And to do that you need to beat Fumihiro Ota. Well I got some bad news for you Davis Wayne Newton. Fumihiro Ota isn’t interested in a rematch. He doesn’t see the point of fighting you in a company that is clearly biased towards certain superstars. So we decline your rematch. You may continue to carry that title knowing you don’t deserve too. Shane Sneer finished up as the two walked off camera. [B]RATING:[/B] C ========== [B]Main Event:[/B] Singles Match Wanda Fish vs. Wolf Hawkins [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/WandaFish-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/WolfHawkins.jpg[/IMG] This was an amazing match thanks to the two clicking as soon as they stepped into the ring. I expected it to be good, but not this good, and neither did the fans. But the fans soon realized how good a match this was and was going to be and got into it. Here are the main points for perhaps the best television match in CZCW History so Far and makes me wonder why Wanda Fish is in the tag team division. [LEFT]• The match started with the two locking up and Wanda Fish surprising the new signing with a Side Headlock take down and then keeping Wolf Hawkins grounded for a good minute with some rest holds, as Wolf gets up and looks surprised at Wanda’s obvious talent. Surprised but pleased. • Wolf Hawkins then decided it was his turn to show off his talent with a Rear Amateur Takedown and almost deliberately did many of the moves that Wanda Fish did. • The two would then reverse each others holds on the mat before they got up and Wanda hit Wolf with a vicious smack. She’d then go for the dirty tactics of hair pulls and eye gouge’s as the fans got behind Wolf. • This only angered Wolf as he came back with vicious Open Handed Slaps and Forearms of his own. • Wolf then took her down with a nasty running clothesline which Wanda sold by flipping herself over. • Wolf then mounted Wanda Fish and gave the crowd a sly smile before starting to pound away on Wanda Fish. • Wolf then picked up Wanda and hit a Back Suplex for a 2 count. • Wanda Fish would show her agility after regaining control as she hit a Cartwheel Splash. • It was Wolf’s turn to turn inside out as Wanda Fish hit a discus clothesline for another 2 count. • A period of “I can reverse any move you throw at me” followed between the two as both tried to grab a hold of the advantage. • Wanda twisted in the air to land on top of a Back Suplex. For another two count. • Wanda with the momentum on her side locked in the Blonde Ambition but Wolf Hawkins managed to get to the ropes as a “Please Don’t Tap” Chant echoed around the arena. • Wanda climbed to the top rope and hit a beautiful Missile Drop Kick for another close count. • Wolf got back into the match after dodging a Springboard Body Press. • Wolf then hits a Hot Shot which staggers the Tag Team Champion. • Wolf then looked to end it with a Full Moon Rising but got met with a Thrust Kick as Wanda got another close count. “A This Is Awesome Chant” starts. • Wanda Fish then locked in a Camel Clutch, queing another “Please Don’t Tap” Chant. • Wanda went to the top but Wolf met her up there and hit a Superplex for a close count. • Wolf would then go for a Full Moon Rising again, but Wanda seems to have it scouted as she turns it into a Hot Shot of her own. • As Wolf Hawkins staggered around, Wanda hit the roundhouse kick to the back of Wolf’s head, hitting his Dish of The Day. Wanda went for the cover but to the shock of the fans, Wolf Hawkins powered out and got up to his feet. • A vicious trade of blows was finished when Wolf Hawkins hits a Fame Dropper for a close count. • A sleeper hold neckbreaker got Wolf Hawkins another close count. • Wolf Hawkins then set her up and hit the Running Enziguri Kick, The Full Moon Rising. However it was Wanda’s turn to surprise everyone as she kicked out. Wolf Hawkins clearly looked surprised. • Wolf hits a Belly to Belly Suplex and then takes a moment to feel his own neck as both competitors are both feeling the effects of this gruelling match. • Wolf Hawkins goes for another Full Moon Rising but Wanda Ducks and then hits a powerbomb for a close count. When Wolf Kicks out Wanda turns it into a Blonde Ambition as the fact that Wanda is a heel has completely escaped the fans minds. Wolf turned it round and Wanda was forced to release it. • Wanda Fish then shocked the crowd with a Moonsault Press for a close count. • When Wolf got up however, he hit another Full Moon Rising. He was tired and hurt himself though and took some time getting over to Wanda for the cover. However Wanda wouldn’t be able to kick out of the Full Moon Rising a second time as Wolf picks up the victory.[/LEFT] [B]WINNER:[/B] Wolf Hawkins defeated Wanda Fish in 13:34 by pinfall with a Full Moon Rising. During the match we also had Fumihiro Ota run in and attack Wanda Fish. [B]RATING:[/B] B+ (Great Chemistry) =========== After a classic match that was put on display, Wolf Hawkins celebrates his victory and then rolls out of the ring. As he heads to the back, Fumihiro Ota, Bart Biggz and two hooded figures this time run out and start laying into Wanda Fish in the middle of the ring. The fans boo loudly as Wolf Hawkins watches on and the commentary team go ballistic, expecting Wolf Hawkins to go to Wanda’s aid. Davis Wayne Newton’s music hits and he comes running down and slides into the ring, but the numbers are still too much, until Wolf Hawkins finally slides into the ring and hits one of the hooded figures out of the ring with a Full Moon Rising. Davis and Wolf Hawkins then clear the ring as the Sneer Corporation flee. Davis then gives Wolf Hawkins a weary look as Wolf slides out of the ring and heads to the back himself as Davis Wayne Newton checks on Wanda Fish. [B]RATING:[/B] C- ========== [B]OVERALL RATING:[/B] B [B]Los Deporte Hoy Rating:[/B] 0.20 [B]Turner South Rating:[/B] 0.16 [B]CN8 Rating:[/B] 0.06 [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/coastalwarfare.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][SIZE="4"]CZCW COASTAL WARFARE[/SIZE] Thursday, Week 3, December 2008 Attendance of 2,000 Royal Brougham Pavillion in the North West Region[/B] Mitch Naess and Melanie Florence are on hand once again to welcome us to Coastal Warfare. They then announce that the next Pay Per View will be on the first Tuesday in February and will include Tyson Sanford vs. Stevie Grayson and will also be the night of the final of CZCW’s first annual tournament which will see the best from all over the world battle to be called number one. And the first match of the night will showcase five of the eight participants. [B]RATING:[/B] C- ====== [B]Match 1:[/B] Five Way Singles Match Acid vs. Bart Biggz vs. Champagne Lover vs. Kid Toma vs. Wael Hossam [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/Acid-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/BartBiggz.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/ChampagneLover.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/KidToma.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/WaelHossam.jpg[/IMG] This was a typical 10 minutes of faced pace action as we tried to showcase the abilities of all of these individuals. The majority of them are well verse in chain wrestling and aerial attacks, but Wael Hossam brought a fresh knew style to the ring, with his technical ability outshining even the jack of all trades Champagne Lover. Some of the older fans were happy to see Kid Toma back too, as he returns for his second stint in CZCW after being released early this year. However the star of the match was the ridiculously over Acid, who the fans were behind for the whole match. [B]WINNER:[/B] Acid defeated Kid Toma, Champagne Lover, Bart Biggz and Wael Hossam in 9:55 when Acid defeated Kid Toma by submission with an Acidity Test. [B]RATING:[/B] C ====== The ever growing, familiar music “Chaos Rising” begins to play around the arena, interrupting the celebration of Acid in the ring. From the back walks out Shane Sneer flanked by Fumihiro Ota, Bart Biggz and the two hooded men as he climbs into the ring. The other competitors have either rolled out of the ring or headed to the back by now as Shane Sneer takes a microphone. [B]Shane Sneer[/B] I’m usually a man of many words. But I know you’re a man who lets his actions speak louder than any words any man can say. So I will make my actions speak volumes here tonight. Shane Sneer then extends his hand as Acid looks at it, then at Fumihiro Ota, Bart Biggz and the two hooded men. He then slowly shakes the hands of Shane Sneer much to the despair of the crowd in attendance. [B]RATING:[/B] D ====== The Cameras go backstage as the three Athletic Angels standing their, Wanda and Joanne with their tag team titles over their shoulder. [B]Wanda Fish[/B] So you want to come and mess with the big dogs, or should I say the big bitches! You want to come into our territory and throw your weight around like you guys mean something. Well let me tell you Sneer Corporation, it doesn’t matter how much of this company Shane Sneer represents, we are the dominant divas, that put women all over the world to shame. We aren’t your Missy Masterson or even you’re Victoria Stone in the sense she doesn’t face men. We are the Athletic Angels and we are one of the best things to happen to wrestling for a long time. [B]Alicia Strong[/B] Did you see last week? Did you see Wanda vs. Wolf Hawkins? That’s what we bring to the table boys. The type of fight that you couldn’t even dream of displaying! Wolf Hawkins is supposedly one of the hottest talents in the wrestling world, and Wanda Fish stood toe to toe with him. Can Bart Biggz say he can do that? Can Fumihiro say he can do that? Sure, he’s beaten Davis Wayne Newton, but we all know why he did. And then you got two freaks who won’t even show their faces. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] And tonight, we put any doubt to rest over whether we are the dominant group in CZCW. Tonight I’ll prove that against hooded guy number one or two. It doesn’t even matter though. Boys, you’ve messed with the girls thinking things would be easy. But far from it! We’re the real deal! And tonight we prove it. [B]RATING:[/B] C ====== Kristen Pearce is shown backstage standing by with Frankie Perez who has asked for time to speak. [B]Kristen Pearce[/B] I’m backstage with Frankie Perez who has demanded this time to say something to the world. So Frankie, what exactly is it you have to say? [B]Frankie Perez[/B] It’s simple, I want Donnie J and I want him in that ring as soon as I can. We all know that the ending to our PPV match was bogus as hell. Bart Biggz came out and messed everything up. So I want my rematch and I want to do as much damage as I can and prove to everyone Frankie Perez is the better man. [B]Kristen Pearce[/B] Are you doing this because Donnie J and Katie Cameron have been getting close recently? Frankie looked at Kristen Pearce and then stormed off in anger. [B]RATING:[/B] D ====== [B]Match 2:[/B] Singles Match Joanne Rodriguez vs. Hooded Man [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JoanneRodriguez-1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/JavierCano.jpg[/IMG] This was a match in which Joanne Rodriguez was looking to get revenge for the assault on Wanda Fish last week in the main event. Joanne Rodriguez got a semi cheer when she came out as she went straight for the hooded figure. To be honest, the Hooded figure got very little attack in, but did go for a Konda Driver. But other than that, it was a squash. [B]WINNER:[/B] Joanne Rodriguez defeated Hooded Man in 7:41 by pinfall with a J-Rocker. [B]RATING:[/B] C- ====== In another backstage video, American Puro show up on camera, Hell Monkey does all the talking as he takes off his mask as his fiery red eyes looked into the camera. [B]Hell Monkey[/B] Our ascension continues at the expense of Sam Pratt and Steve Flash. The insanity of hell is slowly casting it’s shadow over Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. It won’t be long till you all feel the punishing heat as we reign over you all. We all die, we just bring you to deaths door earlier than you may have planned. You can’t avoid it, and then when you are condemned, you will suffer forever at our feet. Sam Pratt and Steve Flash, your judgement isn’t over. It’s only just begun. [B]RATING:[/B] D+ ====== We seem to be spending a lot of time backstage as Davis Wayne Newton is seen arguing with Farrah Hesketh. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] This is supposed to be a promotion where we settle everything in the ring. Where’s it all about who the better man is. And you’re telling me I can’t get another match against Fumihiro Ota unless he agrees? [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] That’s exactly what I’m telling you. Matches have to go through Cliff and Shane Sneer and with Sneer on Fumihiro’s side, we can’t book the match without Shane or Fumihiro’s say so. And you know Shane does all the talking for Fumihiro anyway. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] This is crap! Why can’t we take it to the investors above Shane Sneer. [B]Farrah Hesketh[/B] Because they’ve given their power to Shane! And unless they take it from him, he’s as powerful as Cliff. And he’s saying no to the rematch. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] I’m getting this match Farrah. If management gives it to me or not! [B]RATING:[/B] D+ ====== Quick Hype Video for Anthony Jones vs. Aaron Andrews Rematch! [B]RATING:[/B] C- ====== [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/CZCW_Xtreme.jpg[/IMG] [B]Main Event:[/B] Coastal Zone Xtreme Title Match Anthony Jones vs. Aaron Andrews [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/TJMasters.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/CZCW/AaronAndrews.jpg[/IMG] This was to end the feud between Anthony Jones and Aaron Andrews, as Anthony Jones moves on to represent America in the International Tournament to start in January. Anthony Jones was on fire, and couldn’t be kept down, even though Aaron Andrews tried to control the match. Aaron Andrews just didn’t have an answer to Anthony Jones’s attack. Anthony Jones won the match with a Totally Final off the top rope in a match that didn’t meet the same quality as their PPV bout. [B]WINNER:[/B] Anthony Jones defeated Aaron Andrews in 13:57 by pinfall with a Totally Final. Anthony Jones makes defence number 1 of his Coastal Zone Xtreme title. [B]RATING:[/B] C+ ====== [B]OVERALL RATING:[/B] C+ [B]Los Deporte Hoy Rating:[/B] 0.18 [B]Turner South Rating:[/B] 0.14 [B]CN8 Rating:[/B] 0.05 [/FONT][/CENTER]
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