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ROH - A New Era

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[center][img]http://www.rohwrestling.com/images/home_logo.jpg[/img][/center] On May 12th, Ring of Honor enters a brand new era in it's history. The signing of a Pay-Per-View deal, despite the loss of all TNA contracted talents, has catapulted them to brand-new levels of popularity. Ring of Honor now has a decision to make. Does it take the jump, and truly throw their hat into the metaphorical "ring" of major promotions? How will they use their new audience, and how will the viewers respond? Will Ring of Honor take advantage of this new opportunity? Will they lose their soul, with the big money and big exposure coming up? Any way this goes down, Ring Of Honor Wrestling is entering a new era! [b]Roster[/b] [b][color="red"]Main Eventers[/color][/b] Takeshi Morishima Bryan Danielson Chris Hero Roderick Strong Nigel McGuinness [b][color="red"]Upper Midcarders[/color][/b] Jay Briscoe Mark Briscoe Claudio Castignoli Matt Sydal Jack Evans Brent Albright BJ Whitmer Jimmy Jacobs [b][color="red"]Midcarders[/color][/b] Davey Richards Adam Pearce Kevin Steen Mike Quackenbush Jimmy Rave Doug Williams Trent Acid Johnny Kashmere Matt Cross Rocky Romero [b][color="red"]Lower Midcarders[/color][/b] Delirious El Generico Erick Stevens Xavier Shane Hagadorn [b][color="red"]Openers / Enhancement Talent[/color][/b] Pelle Primeau Tank Tolland TJ Perkins Jody Fleisch [center][img]http://img224.imageshack.us/img224/2620/rohworldbeltgw2.jpg[/img] [img]http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u111/Jeven316/TEW/Kykys/TakeshiMorishima.jpg[/img] Ring of Honor World Champion Previous Champion: Homicide [img]http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/7698/180pxrohworldtagteambelab4.jpg[/img] [img]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h172/Crychon/JayBriscoe.jpg[/img] [img]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h172/Crychon/MarkBriscoe.jpg[/img] Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions Previous Champions: Naruki Doi & Shingo [/center] Female wrestlers * Daizee Haze * Lacey Announcers and Commentators * Rebecca "Becky" Bayless - Backstage interviewer * Bobby Cruise - Ring Announcer * Dave Prazak - Play by Play * Jimmy Bower - Commentator * Lenny Leonard - Color Commentator Referees * Garry Morere - Referee * Jason Harding - Referee * Mike Coughlin - Referee * Mike Kehner - Referee * Paul Turner - Referee * Todd Sinclair - Senior Referee Authority Figure * Garry Michael Cappetta Teams and Stables * Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn * Chris Hero, Larry Sweeney & Tank Toland * The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe) * The Backseat Boys (Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere) * Hart Foundation (Teddy Hart and Jack Evans) * Lacey's Angels (Lacey, Jimmy Jacobs & Brent Albright) * No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong, Davey Richards & Rocky Romero) * The Resilience (Matt Cross & Erick Stevens) [center][size=3][color=red][i]Show Results[/i][/size][/color] None Yet...[/center]
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[center][img]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b213/yinyangguy/ringofhonor.jpg[/img][/center] Ring of Honor comes to Pay-Per-View for the first time on May 12th at the Manhattan Center! Several of the top matches in wrestling have been signed for the match. These include the return of Bryan Danielson to face Takeshi Morishima, The Tag Team Titles on the line, A five man elimination match for the reborn ROH Pure Championship, and much, much more. The main event is Bryan Danielson versus Takeshi Morishima for the ROH World Title! The returning "American Dragon" faces off against a man who has dominated Ring of Honor since his debut, and is the man who has what Bryan Danielson has had, and wants again! These two square off in what is sure to be a major event in Ring of Honor History! Also, we have The Briscoes Taking on two new tag teams here in Ring of Honor in 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 action! The Backseat Boyz are a veteran independent tag team, and have held belts in many a promotion. They look to do the same here in Ring of Honor! The other challenging team is the Hart Foundation, made up of Teddy Hart and Jack Evans. Hart and Evans are two incredible high-flyers, and the match should be all action, all the time. The ROH Pure Championship is reborn! Five of the best technical stars on Earth face off, as Nigel McGuiness, the former champion, will take on Doug Williams, Chris Hero, Mike Quackenbush, and BJ Whitmer! Be there for the renissance of a title! Lots of great action is scheduled for this Saturday! Buy this ticket today, or catch it only on Pay-Per-View!
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[center][img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0b/Ring_Of_Honor_Logo.png[/img][/center] The Fans chant "ROH, ROH, ROH, ROH!" as we open to the first ever Ring of Honor Pay-Per-View! Gerry Michael Cappeta is in the center of the ring with a microphone. The crowd refuses to let the show start, as they continue to go absolutely nuts, really illustrating the love the ROH-Fanbase has for their favorite wrestling promotion. [u][b]An Announcement[/b][/u] Gerry waits for the cheers to die down, as he waves his hands, trying to calm the rabid crowd down. They continue to chant, like soccer fans at a big match. They really like us, they really like us! After a long interval, Gerry finally gives up, and begins to speak his piece. "Welcome, to the first ever Ring Of Honor Pay-Per-View! Ladies and gentlemen, I have been appointed the honorary Commisioner of Ring of Honor, at least for this one night. Thank you all for coming, and ensuring the growth of the company you all know and love. Now, I've been asked to make one big announcement for all of you, so here it goes. Ring of Honor, will be back next week, and every week, with another Pay-Per-View extravaganza! All of you ROH-holics out there will be able to get their fill of great Ring of Honor action every Wednesday, only on Pay-Per-View! So don't think this is the end, it is only the very beginning. Now, we've got a great match up next, as Davey Richards will go one on one with a former ROH World Champion, Xavier!" Rating: C [u][b]Davey Richards vs. Xavier[/b][/u] One of these men, a Ring of Honor World Champ, the other, a major up-and-comer in this promotion of ours. They lock up, and the match is solid. Not spectacular. Really a good opener though. Xavier is acting as a heel it seems, as he tries to utilize several dirty maneuvers in The match is technical in nature, with an emphasis on arm drags it seems. Xavier does pretty well in his re-debut here in Ring of Honor Wrestling, but Davey ends up picking up the victory with a Stretch Muffler. Winner: Davey Richards Rating: C- [b][u]Kevin Steen vs. Jimmy Rave[/u][/b] These two men lock up in the center of the ring, and the crowd is interested, but not going crazy. They're waiting this one out, and seeing where it takes them. Kevin Steen is one-half of Steen and Generico, a new tag team here in Ring of Honor. The match between the two is good, and Jimmy Jacobs gets the win with a Greetings From Ghana. Winner: Jimmy Rave Rating: C [b][u]The Man In Black[/u][/b] Kevin Steen can't believe his loss, he's yelling at Jacobs, but out comes a man in black with a steel chair! He blindsides Kevin Steen, laying him out. He puts the chair under Kevin Steen, and Jimmy Rave with another Greetings From Ghana onto the steel chair! Oh my! What carnage here in ROH! Rave and the Man in Black exit together, while paramedics come out to assist Kevin Steen to the back. Rating: C- [b][u]The Future of The Resillence[/u][/b] Matt Cross and Erick Stevens walk out to the center of the ring with a microphone. They seem dejected, but they catch themselves, and assume a tough face as they slide into the ring. "As you all have probably heard, our leader, Austin Aries, has been snatched away from us in our most desperate hour. Our battle with The No Remorse Corps is at its peak, and we need someone to stand with us and help win this fight. Who will stand with us? Matt Sydal comes out and grabs the microphone. "I am ready to assume the mantle of this most prestigious duty...haha. I can't be serious guys, but I'll stand with you. Why the hell not?" Rating: D+ [b][u]Adam Pearce vs. Brent Albright[/u][/b] Two of the bigger men here in ROH square off in the ring here. Pearce uses that old-school style for which he is famous to catch Albright off-guard, but "Gunner" soon battle s back, and effectively negates Pearce's early advantage. The match is even throughout, but not especially exciting. Finally, Albright manages to lock in the Sharpshooter. Shane Hagadorn storms the ring, trying to help his leader, but the referee stops him. Pearce is tapping for what seems like days, but the distraction of Hagadorn just causes him more pain and agony. Finally, the ref sees it, and gives the victory to the Gun For Hire. Winner: Brent Albright Rating: C [b][u]Briscoe Brothers Promo[/u][/b] "Folks, tonight we defend these ROH World Tag Team Titles against two new teams here in Ring of Honor. We would like to just say that, despite these punk-a** challengers, we will go home the ROH Tag Champions. There is no damn way in this whole damn world that either of these teams is gonna "Man Up" enough to take these belts from us! Hear me! [b][u]The Briscoe Brothers vs. The Backseat Boyz vs. Hart Foundation[/u][/b] The Briscoe Brothers are already in the center of the ring, and they watch the two challenging teams come out to smatterings of applause. Both Acid and Evans are ROH vets, but Kashmere and Teddy Hart are basically new here, so the crowd doesn't know them as well as the other men in the ring. However, the match gets started, and they forget about not knowing the men, as they are too busy cheering. Hart and Evans take to the skies, flipping and flying all around the ring. Acid and Kashmere, as well as The Brisoces, follow suit, and the match turns into an all out war in the skies. The crowd really seems to enjoy it, as it's a new thing for the matches tonight. The match gets out of the ring, and all the men are brawling and battling around the ring. The referee doesn't count them out though. Mark Briscoe hits a shooting star press onto every other participant except his brother and Teddy Hart, who slide into the ring. Jay Briscoe kicks Teddy in the gut, and goes for the J-Driller, but Hart reverses! He hits a powerbomb of his own! Top Rope, SHOOTING STAR PRESS! 1-2-2.99999! I can't believe Jay Briscoe kicked out of that! The men are getting up outside the ring, and Evans shouts at Hart to get down there and help him. Teddy is distracted by this, and as he turns to look at Evans, Jay Bricoe rolls him up in a small package! 1-2-3! The Briscoe Brothers retain, but in questionable fashion. Winners: The Briscoe Brothers Rating: C [b][u]The Pure Title Match Is Up Next![/u][/b] Dave Prazak, sitting comfortably at the announce table, hypes the upcoming elimination matchup between Nigel McGuiness, the former champion, Doug Williams, Chris Hero, Mike Quackenbush, and BJ Whitmer. It's gonna be a great one! Rating: C [b][u]Nigel McGuinness vs. Doug Williams vs. Chris Hero vs. Mike Quackenbush vs. BJ Whitmer[/u][/b] [u]ROH Pure Championship[/u] After the spotfest of the last match, these five men focus on what they do best, a pure wrestling match. They take thing back a notch, but the crowd is still into it. As the bell rings, Doug Williams rolls BJ Whitmer up! 1-2-3! [b]BJ Whitmer Eliminated.[/b] Wow, an early elimination here! The match goes on though, with Doug Williams squaring off with McGuinnes in a battle of the brits, and Mike Quackenbush and Chris Hero going at it in a CHIKARA classic. McGuiness crushes Doug Williams with one of his trademark stiff lariats, and gets the pinfall. [b]Doug Williams Eliminated.[/b] On the other side, Hero's Welcome on Quackenbush! 1-2-Kick Out! Quackenbush springs up, QUACKEN DRIVER 3 ON CHRIS HERO! 1-2-3! [b]Chris Hero Eliminated.[/b] WOW, what an upset! Now, McGuinness and Quackenbush square off. The two go back and forth, back and forth, building tension in the match. Lariat! Lariat! NO! Quackenbush ducks it! QUACKEN DRIVER 3! Mike Quackenbush gets the win! Wow! Winner and NEW ROH Pure Champion: Mike Quackenbush Rating: C+ [b][u]Bobby Cruise Is Ready![/u][/b] "Up next we have the MAIN EVENT of the Evening! In One Corner, a former Ring of Honor World Champion, standing at 5 ft 9 inches, 185 lb, He is "The American Dragon!" Bryan Danielson! And, in the other corner... He is the current Ring of Honor World Champion... Standing 6 ft 3 in and with a billed weight of 308 pounds... TAKESHI MORISHIMA! And the match between these two, for the Ring of Honor WORLD Heavyweight Championship, is RIGHT NOW! [b][u]Takeshi Morishima vs. Bryan Danielson[/u][/b] [U]ROH World Championship[/U] These two put on one hell of a show, worthy of the main event, one that lived up to the expectations of all the fans out there who wanted, who needed this matchup. Morishima uses all his power, all his brute strength to dominate the much smaller American Dragon. But Danielson did not become the world champion of Ring Of Honor without being one hell of a competitor, and he uses all that knowledge, and all that technical ability to keep Morishima off balance, enough for him to stay in the match. Morishima seems to be surprised by the resilience of the challenger, who would be a cruiser weight in any other promotion. But that man, "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, is staying with, and excelling with a mountain of a man, Takeshi Morishima. Danielson with the European Uppercut! To the top rope.. Morishima is up, Uppercut from the top rope! Wow! 1-2-Kick Out by Takeshi Morishima. Morishima rolls to his feet, and lifts Danielson onto his shoulders. He tosses him like a rag doll over the top rope! What strength by the ROH World Champion! He bounces off the ropes, and SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE ROPES onto Danielson! My lord! Danielson is out cold! Takeshi Morishima tosses him back in the ring. That's gotta be it! 1-2-KICK OUT! NO WAY! NO WAY! NO WAY! Danielson kicked out! Danielson is still basically out, but he somehow found the reserves to kick out! The two lock up again. Danielson goes after the champion, and he's driving him into the corner! Rights and lefts by the challenger! He staggers Morishima... BELLY TO BELLY TO MORISHIMA BY DANIELSON! MY WORD! 1-2-WHAT THE HELL! There's a man in the ring! He pulls Danielson off Morishima, and floors him with a big right! Brass knuckles are glinting off his fingers as he grabs a microphone. "I am "The Jackal" Don Callis. And I will manage to keep this man, Takeshi Morishima the champion, no matter what it takes. So "American Dragon," don't expect another shot at my client for a good long while, as long as I have something to do about it." Callis and Morishima raise their hands together over the fallen Danielson as we fade to black in the first-ever ROH Pay-Per-View. Winner: Bryan Danielson by DQ (Morishima Retains Title) Rating: B Attack and Promo Rating: C- [b]Overall Show Rating: C[/b] Raised our popularity. [quote][center]ROH.com Poll What do you think of the first ever ROH Pay-Per-View? Who should Ring of Honor Sign from the outside world? [/quote] [/center]
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Not wanting to be picky but why have loads of randoms on your roster with explanation, Johnny Kashmere is such a notorious no show that he isnt even in high profile matches in PWU, his home promotion. Onto the Show, why randomly starting calling GMC Gerry rather than Gary Richards v Xavier (Heel vs. Heel) I wouldnt call Richards an up and comer, hes very near the top of the card imo Jimmy JAcobs is on the shelf for a long time Pearce v Albright - Heel vs. Heel (again) so Evans just gave up on his group to form an old useless team with Teddy? bit of a step back rly The Pure title coming back is a decent idea but then a five way match for it makes little sense and then Quack winning it, as much as i like him, McGuinness is a world title contender and he loses to Quack, a guy who has just come in Don Callis managing Morishima :s and a very sports entertainmenty thing with the whole manager with brass knucks Not saying it does not have potential but maybe try researching the promotion more as when the roster was wrong from the start i kinda figured the show wouldn't be up to much
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[QUOTE=forlan;233887]Not wanting to be picky but why have loads of randoms on your roster with explanation, Johnny Kashmere is such a notorious no show that he isnt even in high profile matches in PWU, his home promotion. [/QUOTE] The inaccuracies on the roster are additons. I'm sorry they weren't noted earlier. [QUOTE] Onto the Show, why randomly starting calling GMC Gerry rather than Gary[/QUOTE] Uh... Next Question. Sorry. [QUOTE]Richards v Xavier (Heel vs. Heel)[/QUOTE] I see Richards as a tweener, but this will be avoided in the future. [QUOTE] I wouldnt call Richards an up and comer, hes very near the top of the card imo[/QUOTE] Never won a title in ROH, but has the potential. Up-and-comer to me? [QUOTE] Jimmy JAcobs is on the shelf for a long time[/QUOTE] Oh SHI- Forgot about that. Fixed above. I started this using 1RC, wrote it up. Then got T-Zone. I then tried to run this show, and oh... SHI- [QUOTE] Pearce v Albright - Heel vs. Heel (again)[/QUOTE] See above. I have Albright as a face, btw. [QUOTE]so Evans just gave up on his group to form an old useless team with Teddy? bit of a step back rly [/QUOTE] Who said he gave up his group? >_> [QUOTE]The Pure title coming back is a decent idea but then a five way match for it makes little sense and then Quack winning it, as much as i like him, McGuinness is a world title contender and he loses to Quack, a guy who has just come in[/QUOTE] Quack and McGuiness aren't finished, check it out. And I like the five-way, gets some people involved. [QUOTE]Don Callis managing Morishima :s and a very sports entertainmenty thing with the whole manager with brass knucks[/QUOTE] Yeah, I know. Callis is a hell of a manager, and was within the price range. Plus, I needed some way to get Morishima - Danielson to a draw, and that was one way. In the future, expect more clean finishes. [QUOTE]Not saying it does not have potential but maybe try researching the promotion more as when the roster was wrong from the start i kinda figured the show wouldn't be up to much[/QUOTE] You'll see. You'll [I]all[/I] see.
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