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MAW: Rise to the top?

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I couldn't believe Rip Chord had offered me the job of head booker for Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. I was there when Rip won the SWF Title in 1990 from Sam Strong, needless to say I wasn't as happy then as i was now. Rip told me he heard about my booking in my local fed in NC and wanted to see if I could help put MAW on the map. [I]OOC: Probably not the best backstory but hey its my first diary so don't expect much. I'm not good with pictures so i won't have many if any.[/I]
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My Roster [U]Faces[/U] Des Davids Mainstream Hernandez Eddie Howard (Current MAW Tag Champion) DC Rayne (Current Tag Champion) Erik Strong Thomas Morgan [U]Heels[/U] Steven Parker (current MAW Champion) The Mean Machine Antonio Ricky Douglas Oscar Golden Flash Savage Max Mayhem Stan Manna Ryan Turner Curtis Jenkins I currently don't have alot of faces so hopefully I can sign a few more. Also I changed the schedule around a bit.The Rip Chord Invitational is in april now and Where it all begins again is in june. I Changed the product up a bit and put realism at low so my angles won't bomb. I hope you guys enjoy this.
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[SIZE="7"]MAW HIGH IMPACT[/SIZE] Held in Stanley hall sold 59 tickets We open with Steven Parker in the ring. Parker: [COLOR="Red"]I making an open challenge to anyone in that locker room to come out here and see if you can take this title.[/COLOR] Mainstream hernandez's music hits as he comes out. Hernandez: [COLOR="Blue"]Parker,When I won the 2007 Rip chord Invatational I beat 3 men in one night your only one so you should be no problem. I'll see you later.[/COLOR] [B]Rating D[/B] [B]Thomas Morgan v Curtis Jenkins[/B] Good match from two technicians. Jenkins gets the win by cheating. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Natural Storm v The Canadian Blondes For the MAW Tag Titles[/B] Strong showing by the Blondes but Natural Storm pick up the win and retain their titles. [B]Rating D-[/B] We cut backstage as we see Mean Machine beating down Des Davids [COLOR="Red"]Machine:See ya out there Des[/COLOR] [B]Rating E[/B] Mean Machine v Des Davids Des fought valiantly but couldn't pick up the win. Machine wins with the mood swing. [B]Rating C-[/B] Steven Parker v Mainstream Hernandez These two had a great match. Parker Gets the win with his feet on the ropes. [B]Rating C [/B] Great show really proud of the guys [B]Final rating C-[/B] MAW rose to small after the show. Managed to only lose 330 dollars this month
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