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AAA - Dare to Dream

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It wasn't the big corporate headquarters, complete with corner offices and cubicles full of subordinates, that I had experienced at SWF. Anne Stardust met with me in a dingy single-roomed “HQ” which mainly existed so that there was someplace for the money to go through. It also seemed to double as a storehouse, as the room was cluttered with unsold AAA merchandaise and DVDs. At the same time, it felt a lot more honest. “So, why exactly did you get fired from the SWF?” Anne asked. She was past 40 now, but Anne still had the beauty that had made her a star. She matched her office – very casual and down-to-earth. “I kept arguing with everything and trying to make a women's division,” I laughed. “Well, that and all of the 'boys' thought I was a wimp.” I was being interviewed for the head booker position of Angels Athletic Association. It was quite a step down from my job as writer for the SWF, but maybe that was a good thing. The politics and corporate culture of that job had nearly killed my lifelong love of wrestling. Trying to rekindle it, I had gone to a local indy show, which just happened to be from the AAA. The girls were, quite frankly, amazing. I was so impressed that I immediately looked for a job there. Anne smiled. “Well, you're certainly qualified for the job, and I think you'll do well.” She offered a hand, which I shook happily. “Thank you, Ms. Stardust--” “Please call me Anne.” “--Anne, then, but why did you want a new booker? Catherine seemed to be doing well.” Anne frowned. “She was, but Catherine wanted to move things to more of a pure wrestling promotion. She's kind of got the indy mindset in her now, where the goal is just to go out and put on a good show without worrying about the long-term. But I don't want to be promoting out of armouries forever. I don't want that to be the only option for girls in our sport, other than bikini contests in SWF. If that means we have to get more mainstream, and do some sports entertainment, than so be it – as long as we treat the girls with respect, of course. Ryan, I hired you because you know what it's like writing for a major, national promotion... which is what I want AAA to become. She made sense, but I had to raise an eyebrow. “You want me to make AAA a national promotion?” “Obviously, it won't happen overnight... hell, it might not happen at all. But it's worth working towards. Don't you agree?” I nodded. “At the very least I can try. I need to go home and think some storylines up. See you tomorrow.” So, I was essentially assigned to bring women's wrestling into the mainstream. Yeah, that would be easy. Oh, and on the way out I passed Catherine Quine, who gave me a glare that would kill lesser men. I, Ryan Keyes, was the new head booker of AAA, and I certainly had my work cut out for me.
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It looked like I would be thrown into the deep end first, as our first show was the very next day. Before I even started thinking about that, I made a few calls, trying to get some arrangements. A couple were for new workers – there were some talented girls out there – while one was for a much-needed manager. I also wanted to make a relationship with the European promotion UCR. I've watched a couple of their tapes, and aside from having some truly amazing gimmicks, they also have a fair woman's division. I'd like to maybe work out some talent trades in the future... that is, if I can get ahold of someone who speaks English. I was up nearly all night brainstorming ideas, gimmicks, storylines, etc. The good part about AAA is that despite it being a fairly small federation, there's not much of a demand for female wrestlers in the higher-ups, so you can rely on your talent being there in six months' time. Eventually, I had enough ideas for at least the first show. “You look like hell,” Anne said as I arrived at the morning meeting. Apparently it's still a meeting if it's held in a McDonald's with two people. “Never mind that,” I said with a shrug. “Anyway, I've been looking over your roster a bit and... well, it was interesting.” “Do you want to make cuts?” Anne said, biting her lip. “I'd be willing to do it.” “Oh no, they're all either talented or getting there,” I said. “It's just that... well, about a quarter of your wrestlers have gothic gimmicks. Another quarter have girl-next-door personalities. And another quarter don't even have gimmicks.” “Well, Cat just wanted to go with what works,” Anne said. “But you're right, they could use more distinction.” That segued into an overview of the entire roster, presented here in colour-coded summarization for your reading pleasure. Heels in red, faces in blue, and so on and so forth. [b]Main Eventers:[/b] [color="red"]Wanda Fish:[/color] Probably the best asset this promotion has. Great in the ring, great on the mic, and not bad to look at either. Our current Femme Fatale champ and a fixture of the main event for a while to come. [color="blue"]Catherine Quine:[/color] Not my biggest fan, but a talented wrestler in her own right. She's developped quite a reputation as a high-flyer, but she tempers it with solid matwork and an entertaining personality. Not to mention she's a real company loyalist. I have to admit, Cat has a lot of upside. [color="blue"]Joanne Rodriguez:[/color] J-Ro, as she's called, is a good all-around wrestler who had a title reign last year, as well as a lengthy feud with Wanda Fish. She needs a fresh program, but she's still one of our major stars and an automatic main eventer. [color="red"]Suzue Katamiya:[/color] A Japanese import, Suzue plays her role as Wanda Fish's monstrous enforcer well. She's not fancy in the ring, and she doesn't speak much English, but she has a simple and brutal style. Now all she needs to do is move out from Wanda's shadow. [color="blue"]Raven Nightfall:[/color] Enter the bevy of gothic characters. Raven is probably the best of them all, and poised on the brink of a main event run. She's solid in the ring, but her main asset is her great look and natural charisma. Raven is currently holding the midcard Top Contender belt, which she's getting a bit high up the card for. [b]Upper Midcarders:[/b] In a lovely twist, all of our upper midcarders are heels, and most of them are goths. [color="red"]Cherry Bomb:[/color] Another rising star, Cherry Bomb is pretty good in the ring, and gives awesome interviews. Her bright red hair and crisp technical moves set her apart from the crowd. Someone to watch out for. [color="red"]Vixxen:[/color] Another goth, one half of the goth tag team Wild Times. Vixxen is a decent technician and always reliable to put on a decent match. [color="red"]Devil's Daughter:[/color] The other half of Wild Times, and the third goth. An all-rounder, Devil's Daughter is a lot like her partner: reliable and a hard worker, but without anything to really make her stand out. [color="red"]Grace Harper:[/color] A jack (jill?) of all trades, Harper has done pretty much any job in the wrestling world. She's decided to focus on being a straight wrestler, and she's not doing bad, even if she is a bit one-dimensional as a technical wrestler. [color="red"]Black Widow:[/color] One of our veterans, Widow pioneered the vampiric goth chick gimmick which has been shamelessly copied several times. A decent brawler, but not much else, Black Widow is mainly as popular as she is due to her great mic skills and persona. [b]Midcarders:[/b] And all of our midcarders are faces. Weird. [color="blue"]Sara Marie York:[/color] Perenially popular, Sara has a strong fan base due to her charisma and mic skills, and she's pretty strong in the ring too. She does seem to be stuck in the midcard, and although she recently held the Top Contender title her main event push kind of fizzled. [color="blue"]Katherine Goodlooks:[/color] One half of our tag champs, Good Lookin' Bunny. A good technical wrestler, she's perfectly fine where she is. GLB's flirty babyface act is always popular with the fans, and they help make up a solid tag team division. [color="blue"]Jessica Bunny:[/color] The other half of GLB, Jessica isn't particularly good at anything, but is still pretty popular and isn't too terrible. [color="blue"]Kristabel Plum:[/color] Another hot prospect, Kristabel Plum was brought in late last year by Catherine Quine, who obviously saw the talent in her. She needs a bit of handling to hide her weaknesses, but she's improving rapidly and could be a future main eventer. [color="blue"]Suzanne Brazzle:[/color] Another good midcard worker, Suzanne has a smooth in-ring style and is good on the mic. Unfortunately, she doesn't really have a gimmick and has been kind of drifting around for a little while. Time for my first dramatic makeover! [color="blue"]Michelle Brendon:[/color] One half of the Brendon sisters, a decent tag team. Michelle is definitely the more talented of the two, and has a well-rounded set of skills. She's most memorable for her freakish strength in the ring. [color="blue"]Golden Delicious:[/color] A young wrestler from Australia, Golden Delicious pulls off some great aerial moves, but is rather lacking off of the top turnbuckle. She's still improving, so hopefully she'll balance out her skills. [b]Lower Midcarders:[/b] [color="red"]Gorgon:[/color] A hot prospect for the future, Gorgon looks like she could legitimately kick your ass. Also working for 5SSW, Gorgon is stiff as all hell, and has picked up a lot of the realistic puro style. The only thing holding her back is that there aren't many people in the lower card that she would match up well against. [color="blue"]Tracy Brendon:[/color] The lesser of the Brendon sisters, Tracy is still decent, and complements her sister well. [color="red"]Steph Blake:[/color] A British-born rookie who uses mainly brawling. She alledly has the potential to be a future star. Me, I don't see it, but I'll give it a shot. [color="red"]Helen Bach:[/color] A heavyweight from New York, Helen Bach is an okay brawler but is overall pretty bad in the ring, and a black hole of charisma. She could make an okay tag team wrestler, I guess, but she may well end up my first firing. Openers: [color="blue"]Missy Masterson:[/color] A high-flying rookie who's mainly noticed because of her variable ring wear, normally highly fetishized. Has the potential to be much more than smark porn, but for the moment she's a fun opening act. [color="red"]Miss Mexico:[/color] As the name would imply, MM is a veteran Mexican worker, identified by her bright pink hair. She's a solid in-ring worker, albeit lacking charisma. [color="blue"]Wendy Anderson:[/color] Receptionist turned wrestler, Anderson is an all-right high flyer, but is rather noticeably green. [b]Enhancement Talent:[/b] [color="red"]Tsuki Kawamata:[/color] A novice wrestler, Kawamata's life consists of jobbing for AAA in the states, getting on a plane, and then jobbing for 5SSW in Japan. It must get rather depressing. [b]Other Staff:[/b] [color="blue"]Anne Stardust:[/color] The owner of the promotion and sometimes manager, sometimes authority figure. As the “founding mother” of AAA, she's something of a heroic figure. [color="blue"]Jimmy Lou Freebrush:[/color] The only male on the payroll (well, besides me), Freebrush is a decent play-by-play guy who recently got fired from USPW. There are only so many Bruce the Giant matches that you can call without losing your will to keep trying. [color="red"]Farrah Hesketh:[/color] A former Femme Fatale champ, after her knee injury Farrah has started doing pretty much anything else, and runs double duty as a road agent and colour commentator. [color="blue"]Sue Danes:[/color] The third member of our commentary team, Danes is doing commentary on the side from her job as a weatherwoman. She doesn't know a lot about wrestling, but damn if she isn't enthusiastic. [color="blue"]Lois Hudson:[/color] Our standard referee. Not much to say here. * * * “It's not a bad roster,” I admitted. “It's just a little... quirky.” “Quirky?” “We'll need to make some changes, but there's a lot to work with here.” “Good.” Anne paused, and then went into an obviously pre-prepared speech. “But before you make changes, you should know what I want you to accomplish. We need to get bigger... become a nation-wide promotion, instead of just a regional favourite. I want us to at least be a cult movement in three years.” “Got it.” “But don't ruin our image along the way.” Anne ticked off three restrictions on her three fingers. “Don't go into debt. Don't sign anyone past their prime. And don'tsign anyone with a drinking problem.” “Sounds fair. I don't think there would be many 50-year-old alcoholic women I'd like to use anyway.” I laughed. “All right then. We'll see just how good you are after tonight's show.”
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[b]OFFICIAL PREVIEW FOR PRETTY AMAZING[/b] AAA welcomes in 2007 this Tuesday with Pretty Amazing! The best female wrestlers in the country will be in action on this show, and it will be one to watch as they look to start the new year off on the right foot. In our main event, AAA tag team champions Good Lookin' Bunny will face their toughest challenge yet, the super-team Glorious Power, consisting of Japanese monster Suzue Katayama and AAA Femme Fatale champion Wanda Fish. GLB have dominated the tag division, but can they compete against main event stars? Will Wanda Fish get a second belt around her waist, or will Goodlooks and Bunny make an impact that could carry them into the main event? Also on the card, two AAA icons will clash, as former Femme Fatale champion Catherine Quine takes on the gothic Vixxen. It has been confirmed that whoever wins this match will receive a title shot at a later date, giving these competitors an added incentive. Raven Nightfall will defend her Top Contender's Title against Cherry Bomb on Tuesday night. Both girls are rising stars, and both want the belt. The competition is sure to be fierce in this match. Also on the card, Sara Marie York, Devil's Daughter, and Suzanne Brazzle will clash in a triple threat match; Joanne Rodriguez will be in action; and much more! Full Card (Predictions are welcome): Tag Team Titles: Good Lookin' Bunny © vs. Glorious Power Catherine Quine vs. Vixxen Top Contender Title: Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb Sara Marie York vs. Devil's Daughter vs. Suzanne Brazzle Joanne Rodriguez vs. Gorgon Kristabel Plum vs. Grace Harper The Brennan Sisters vs. Helen Bach & Steph Blake (The first show will probably be posted tonight or tomorrow.)
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[CENTER][B]AAA Pretty Amazing At the sold-out Portland Center in the Northwest (1000 in attendance) Tuesday, Week 1, January 2007 [/B][/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Missy Masterson vs. Miss Mexico[/B] Decent match to welcome the crowd. Masterson came to the ring in a Catholic schoolgirl outfit which caused a number of catcalls from the vocal crowd. She took them in stride, and took it to Miss Mexico. The two girls wrestled a fast-paced match, with numerous highspots. Masterson took it after an Identity Crisis.[B] Result: Missy Masterson def. Miss Mexico in 7:57 by pinfall with an Identity Crisis Rating: E+[/B] A hype video played, promoting the match between Catherine Quine and Vixxen. [B]Rating: D[/B] A hype video played for the main event, the tag title match between GLB and Glorious Power. The crowd didn't really seem to care. [B]Rating: E+[/B] **Show Starts** Catherine Quine comes out to the ring, drawing cheers from the crowd. “Now, everyone knows how much I love this company, and how hard I work to spread the word. But everytime I do, there's one thing I have to apologize for. And as much as I want AAA to succeed, I have trouble living with one fact. And that is the fact that Wanda Fish is the Femme Fatale champion. A 4-time champion, no less. To be honest, Wanda... you're the only thing keeping this company back. As long as we have a cheating, mediocre, undeserving bitch for a champion, we will never be recognized as a great promotion worthy of honour. And I'm going to change that. Tonight, I have to go through Vixxen to get a title shot. But once I get that shot, your days as champion are numbered, Wanda. After tonight, you'll have one month to hold that belt, shine it up, but it on your wall and brag about it... because after that, you'll never have it again.” [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]The Brendon Sisters vs. Helen Bach & Steph Blake[/B] Not a very good match at all – worse than the dark match, even. After getting in a bit of quick offense, Tracy Brendon was isolated by Bach & Blake and, like the audience, suffered from their slow and dull double-teaming. Finally, she was able to get the lukewarm tag to her sister Michelle, who ran through her opponents. Michelle military pressed the heavyweight Bach over her head, drawing a few “oohs” from the crowd, and hit her with the Whirly Bird for the win. [B]Result:The Brendon Sisters def. Helen Bach and Steph Blake in 6:12 when Michelle Brendon defeated Helen Bach by pinfall with a Whirly Bird. Rating: E[/B] [B]Kristabel Plum vs. Grace Harper[/B] Harper was the epitomy of confidence coming into this match, more concerned with keeping her nails intact than she was with Plum. This quickly changed, as Plum smashed her up but good, and nearly got a pin with a sunset flip less than a minute into the match. After that, Plum and Harper but on a chain wrestling exhibit, and both girls used some nice holds. Ultimately, however, Kristabel Plum was just that much better. [B]Kristabel Plum def. Grace Harper in 7:43 by pinfall with a Plum Tucker Rating: D+[/B] Plum celebrates her victory in the ring, but it's rudely interrupted when Grace Harper attacks her from behind, choking her out in the ring. [B]Rating: E+[/B] Suzanne Brazzle gave an interview backstage, included on the DVD release. From her words and demeanor, she had perhaps partaken in some, shall we say, recreational pharmaceuticals before hand. “So, like, I'm in a triple threat match today... whoa, wait a minute. They call it a triple threat match... but I'm only facing two opponents... so isn't it like, a double threat match? Trippy. Anyway, I've got to go beat the double threat... hey man, have you got any food? Like, cheesies or something?” The cameraman presumably didn't, so Suzanne grumpily left, complaining about her munchies. [B]Rating: D-[/B] The next interview was with Wild Times, who were fighting as single competitors for the night. Vixxen grabbed the mic and said “We've been dismissed all our careers. As freaks, as nobodies, as girls who could only make it as a tag team. Well, tonight we're proving you all wrong. Because I'm going to go through Catherine Quine and toss her aside like the piece of used trash she is. And then, Wanda Fish... I'm setting my sights on you.” Devil's Daughter got a little mic time, and managed to sound more intimidating than she had before. “As for me, I've got Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle. Two rotten little sweet things. Well you know what happens to sweet things, girls? They get devoured.” [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Triple Threat Match: Sara Marie York vs. Devil's Daughter vs. Suzanne Brazzle[/B] A fun three-way match. York and Devil's Daughter took to each other right away, while Suzanne Brazzle rested against the ropes, seemingly dazed. Eventually, SMY and Devil's Daughter realized their error and went right after Brazzle, who showed herself to be not quite as out of it as she looked, hitting some nice aerial moves including a double tornado DDT. However, she eventually succumbed to the two-on-one assault, which lead to York and Devil's Daughter fighting for the pinfall. York seemed to be victorious, but Devil's Daughter was playing possom and attacked her from behind, locking her in the Going Down Below. York had no choice but to tap out. [B]Devil's Daughter defeated Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle in 7:55 when Devil's Daughter defeated Sara Marie York by submission with a Going Down Below. Rating: D+[/B] After the match, DD's stablemate Gorgon ran in and beat down York and Brazzle, while the victor quietly fled. She grabbed a mic and demanded Joanne Rodriguez face her NOW. [B]Rating: E[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez vs. Gorgon[/B] It was a clash of styles, as J-Ro's high-flying offense met Gorgon's stiff strikes. Gorgon, who was put against someone much higher in the card, actually got a surprising amount of offense in, and nearly took the pin with a vicious-looking chokeslam. However, it wasn't enough, and Rodriguez was able to hit a J-Rocker on the big woman to claim victory. [B]Joanne Rodriguez def. Gorgon in 7:59 by pinfall with a J-Rocker. Rating: D[/B] Dueling Promos! Intercut video of Raven Nightfall and Cherry Bomb talking about the upcoming Top Contender title match. Raven -- “Do you feel it, Cherry? Do you feel the darkness closing in? You like to talk a mean game, but I know inside you have fears like everyone else – fear of loss. Fear of pain. Fear of humiliation. Well that's just too bad, because tonight? You experience all three.” Cherry -- “Raven, I used to hold that Top Contender's title. And I appreciated it a lot more than you do. Because that title made me a somebody. Defending that title gave me a purpose. And since I lost it, I've had no purpose... except for violence. Nice, joyous violence. So tonight, I'll fulfill that purpose... and take back another one.” [B]Raven's Rating: D+ Cherry's Rating: C-[/B] [B]Top Contender's Title: Raven Nightfall © vs. Cherry Bomb[/B] A bit disappointing for what's supposed to be the future of our company, but still a solid matchup. Cherry Bomb was all over Raven, beating her with vicious shots and tough submissions. Nightfall got a chance, however, when Cherry Bomb missed a moonsault and was laid out on the canvas. She capitalized on this, ultimately winning with a Night Faller. [B]Raven Nightfall def. Cherry Bomb in 10:47 by pinfall with a Night Faller to retain the AAA Top Contender's Title.[/B] As Raven was celebrating, Vixxen came out, sarcastically golf clapping. “Oh, I'm so impressed,” she said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Let's see, what have we got here... makeup, black clothing, spooky-sounding name... have you ever seen anything like it before? Oh yeah, me. And Black Widow, and Devil's Daughter, and so many other wannabes who've come before you. You think that by dressing like us people will think you're as good as us? Well I'm sorry Raven, but I look at you and I see just another poser.” With a scoff, Vixxen turned and left. [B]Rating: D[/B] Backstage, Catherine Quine was interviewed about her upcoming match. “I'll keep this brief and to the point. Vixxen, you're in between me and the Femme Fatale title. You won't be for much longer.” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Catherine Quine vs. Vixxen[/B] A good match – match of the night, probably. Both girls had something to prove and they fought for it tooth and nail, trading stiff shots and increasingly impressive aerial maneuvers. After about ten minutes of quick action, Vixxen's partner Devil's Daughter came down to ringside and slid her a pair of brass knuckles. While DD distracted the ref, Vixxen drove the knuckles into the skull of Quine, busting her open. She then tried to capitalize on this, and got several near-falls, but “The Cat” refused to quit. Eventually Vixxen went for a powerbomb but it was countered into Quine's signature Cat's Cradle (pinning hurricanrana) for a well-earned victory. [B]Catherine Quine def. Vixxen in 13:31 by pinfall with a Cat's Cradle. Rating: C-[/B] Wanda Fish came out at that point, reminiscent of Vixxen earlier. “Not bad, Catherine. But let's face it... you're not champion material. You wrestle like a twelve-year-old in his backyard. I won't tarnish this title by defending it against you. But I'll tell you what... next month, you can face my good friend Suzue, just so you know what a real wrestler is like.” [B]Rating: C-[/B] We cut to Good Lookin' Bunny backstage, looking nervous before their title defense. The faceless interviewer pointed a mic at them, and although they were reluctant to respond, Jessica Bunny eventually spoke up. “Look, we know the odds are against us tonight. We're facing a 200-pound Japanese monster and the Femme Fatale champion tonight. But we have a secret weapon – something they don't. We have teamwork. We have the gold.” Katherine Goodlooks added in “It may be a miracle if we win tonight. But in a way, our whole career has been a miracle.” [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]AAA Tag Team Championship: Good Lookin' Bunny © vs. Glorious Power[/B] Bunny started out against Katamaya, and nearly got her head taken off by the Japanese veteran's vicious strikes. She tagged out, and Goodlooks tried her luck against Fish, but was similarly unsuccessful – Fish wrestled her to the ground and started working over her legs, trying to submit her. Between Fish and Katamaya, a good half of the matchup was spent stretching out Katherine Goodlooks in various ways on the canvas. Goodlooks had some surprises of her own, as she was sometimes able to not just hit her opponents but genuinely hurt them. Unfortunately, whenever she got up for the tag, Suzue Katamaya would come right in and slam her down to the ground. Eventually, Katamaya went for an Ankle Lock, but Goodlooks rolled her up. Katamaya rolled through to pin the champ with a rollup of her own, but Katherine was close enough to the ropes to finally tag in. Jessica Bunny came in like a house of fire, to use an old announcer cliché. However, she also found herself outclassed by the challengers, not helped by their liberal approach to the rules. This time, GLB found a way to make it work, using quick tags and double team attacks to showcase their advantage in teamwork. Glorious Power again took control with a mean double clothesline, and Wanda was setting up Katherine Goodlooks for the Dish of the Day until it was shockingly reversed into the Pretty Fly, leading to Goodlooks getting the upset pin on the Femme Fatale champ. A good technical match, but probably not main event calibre. Wanda Fish looked like a star, proving why she belongs in the main event, while the others proved why they didn't by huffing and puffing by the end of the match. The crowd didn't get behind the underdog Good Lookin' Bunny until near the end, and still didn't buy them as main event level. [B]Good Lookin' Bunny (c) def. Glorious Power in 16:57 when Katherine Goodlooks defeated Wanda Fish by pinfall with a Pretty Fly to retain the titles Rating: D+[/B] After the match, Good Lookin' Bunny celebrates their miraculous victory while the crowd quietly leaves. [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]Overall Rating: D+[/B] Nothing on this show really stood out as great, but it was good all round, and it should have still increased our popularity.
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[B]January 2007[/B] January saw a bit of a shake-up, as everyone was grabbing for new talent and getting rid of underperformers, but by and large wrestling stayed the same. SWF and TCW continued putting on mediocre cards, Japan's big promotions took a break while the smaller ones strutted their stuff, and the indies ran as they always did. I signed two new wrestlers to AAA – Melody Cuthill, the NOTBPW Women's champ, and April Appleseed. They both look like they have serious potential. Leaving our roster is Helen Bach because, well, she sucks. Suzue Katamaya made a couple of appearances for 5SSW, teaming with Joanne Rodriguez at one point to represent AAA. In return, DEVIL Karube (the new 5SSW All-Asian champion) will be appearing on the next two shows. The inaugral AAA Rising Star Cup has been announced for March. What will hopefully become an annual event, the Rising Star Cup is a tournament highlighting the best up and coming female wrestlers. The participants announced were April Appleseed, Cherry Bomb, Suzanne Brazzle, Gorgon, Grace Harper, Kristabel Plum, Sara Marie York, and 5SSW's DEVIL Karube. All in all, not a bad month. We almost broke even, which is a feat in itself for a small promotion. [CENTER]* * * [/CENTER][B] OFFICIAL PREVIEW FOR AAA MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE [/B] Confusion surrounds the AAA Femme Fatale title picture after the events of Pretty Amazing. Catherine Quine won a title shot by defeating Vixxen, but Wanda Fish refused to face her, saying that she wasn't championship material. To confound matters further, the champion herself was pinned in the main event by tag champ Katherine Goodlooks. In the wake of these events, two matches have been signed for More Than Meets The Eye. In the first, Wanda Fish will put her Femme Fatale title on the line against Katherine Goodlooks. Will Fish get retribution, or will Goodlooks upset her again? And then, in the main event, Catherine Quine will face Fish's enforcer Suzue Katamaya. Pretty Amazing also saw Vixxen call out Raven Nightfall, accusing her of copying the trademark style of The Darkness. On Tuesday, she'll take on Raven's good friend and tag partner Joanne Rodriguez in singles action. On the flip side, Nightfall will be defending her Top Contender's title against Vixxen's partner in Wild Times, Devil's Daughter. Next month is the new Rising Star Cup event, and two preview matches will take place at More Than Meets The Eye. In a tag team match, Gorgon will team with her fellow 5SSW wrestler and new All-Asian Champion DEVIL Karube to take on Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle. In singles action, tournament favourite Cherry Bomb will face Kristabel Plum. Also, April Appleseed and Melody Cuthill will both make their AAA debuts, facing each other. Full Card: Catherine Quine vs. Suzue Katamaya AAA Femme Fatale Title: Wanda Fish © vs. Katherine Goodlooks Joanne Rodriguez vs. Vixxen AAA Top Contender's Tile: Raven Nightfall © vs. Devil's Daughter Cherry Bomb vs. Krisabel Plum Sara Marie York & Suzanne Brazzle vs. Gorgon and DEVIL Karube April Appleseed vs. Melody Cuthill
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[CENTER][B]AAA More Than Meets the Eye[/B] In front of 950 people at the Portland Center Tuesday, Week 1, February 2007 [/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Golden Delicious vs. Miss Mexico[/B] Golden Delicious has been kind of left out of current booking, being just barely left out of the Rising Star Cup, but she still got a place to strut her stuff. This match was basically a spotfest, with Golden Delicious doing all sorts of flips and spins off the top rope. Miss Mexico got in some cheap heel offense, but the young Australian star put her down with her Melbourne Surprise (tornado DDT). An okay match, but not something I'd want on the main card. [B]Golden Delicious def. Miss Mexico in 5:52 by pinfall with a Melbourne Surprise Rating: D-[/B] Katherine Goodlooks cut a promo on Wanda Fish. It was all right, if pretty generic stuff. [B]Rating: D[/B] [U]Main Show:[/U] A hype video played for tonight's main event, with Catherine Quine going up against Wanda Fish's “enforcer” Suzue Katamaya. In a pre-taped vignette, Raven Nightfall appeared in a grungy, darkened area. “You know Vixxen, you really pissed me off last month. You called me a poser? What is this, middle school? I know what you Darkness girls think. You think that I'm soft, that you can make a name for yourself by running me out of town? Well girls, if you want to see me live up to my damn image, if you want to see me be dark and crazy and everything else you like talking about then... well, you're going to get it.” [I](Unfortunately, the ratings for the first two segments have been lost to the depths of time.)[/I] [B]Top Contender's Title: Raven Nightfall © vs. Devil's Daughter (w/Vixxen)[/B] The idea was to open with a reasonably hot match to get the crowd into the show. However, these two had no chemistry whatsoever, and it ended up sucking the life out of the crowd instead. DD and Raven were evenly matched for the first ten minutes exchanging hold for hold, strike for strike, and botched spot for botched spot. Eventually, Devil's Daughter was able to lock on Going Down Below. Nightfall scrambled for the ropes, but Vixxen got up on the turnbuckle, grabbed onto DD's legs, and pulled back, all out of the eyesight of the referee. Raven couldn't overcome the added leverage and strength, and was forced to tap out and relinquish her title. [B]Devil's Daughter defeated Raven Nightfall in 11:43 by submission with a Going Down Below to win the title. Rating: D-[/B] Wild Times apparently aren't done with Raven, as they continue beating her in the ring. Vixxen whacked Raven with a chair, and the two of them started setting up for a Conchairto. Just then, Raven's partner Joanne Rodriguez ran down to the ring and chased the two out. The crowd went mild. [B]D-[/B] Rodriguez grabbed a mix. “Hey, you two freaks! You want to mess with Raven, you've gotta get through me first. So how about it, Vixxen? You want some of this?” [B]D+[/B] Vixxen nodded her approval, and stormed into the ring to grab Rodriguez's mic. “You shouldn't get involved in things that aren't your business, Joanne. But if you insist, I'll gladly put you in your place.” [B]D[/B] [B]Sara Marie York & Suzanne Brazzle vs. Gorgon and DEVIL Karube[/B] This match was a study in contrast, with the high-flying York, the technical wonder Brazzle, stiff striker Gorgon, and classic joshi wrestler DEVIL Karube. For all that, it was a decent match, although the crowd wasn't really into it due to the lack of overness. Brazzle did her new stoner comedy routine, until she got smacked around a bit by Gorgon and Karube, after which she actually pulled out some decent wrestling moves. Suzanne finally got the hot tag to SMY, who was a house on fire for all of 45 seconds before Gorgon overwhelmed her with sheer power. Sara put up a fight, but ultimately was put down by Gorgon, giving the 5SSW team a victory. [B]Gorgon and DEVIL Karube def. Sara Marie York and Suzanne Brazzle in 7:37 when Gorgon defeated Sara Marie York by pinfall with a Hydra Bomb. Rating: D[/B] Melody Cuthill came out to introduce herself to the audience, carrying her NOTBPW Women's Title. “Hey guys. My name's Melody Cuthill, and this here belt means that I've proven that I'm the best women's wrestler in Canada. So why would I come down to the AAA? To get another belt, and prove that I'm the best women's wrestler in the world. April Appleseed? Sorry girl, but you're just a stepping stone.” [B]Rating: E+[/B] [B]April Appleseed vs. Melody Cuthill[/B] Apparently the NOTBPW fandom is smaller than I imagined, as nobody really knew who these girls were. Because of this, the match really didn't get any heat, especially because both girls were working face (I had thought Appleseed was a heel, but apparently she didn't get the memo.) The girls chain-wrestled, with Appleseed working the arm of Cuthill. This lead up to a fujiwara armbar, which almost made Melody tap, but she managed to get out of it by trapping April in a roll-up. Appleseed reversed the roll-up and grabbed the tights to get the win on her debut. [B]April Appleseed def. Melody Cuthill in 8:11 by pinfall. Rating: D-[/B] After the match, April Appleseed rolls out of the ring, spies Melody Cuthill's NOTBPW Women's Title on the announce desk, and grabs it for herself. The crowd didn't respond to this dastardly act of theft. [B]Rating:E-[/B] Cherry Bomb was interviewed backstage. “Cherries and plums... two fruits, one sweet, one sour. How ironic, then, that the plum is just too sweet to do its job, so the cherry has to rip it's little head off and spit out the seeds. Kristabel Plum, I'm going to go through you, and then I'm going to go through everyone I have to at the Rising Star Cup to cement my place in AAA.” [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Kristabel Plum vs. Cherry Bomb[/B] A decent, if unremarkable, midcard match. Kristabel Plum got in some good early offense, and started working over Cherry's back to block her powerbomb finisher. However, Cherry easily escaped, and unleashed a vicious and stiff assault on the hapless Plum. Plum nearly made a recovery, but once again she went back to technical wrestling and Cherry Bomb was just too fast for that, taking her out with her eponymous finisher. Pretty good, but no one will remmeber this match in a couple of days. [B]Cherry Bomb def. Kristabel Plum in 7:48 by pinfall with a Cherry Bomb. Rating: D+[/B] J-Ro was backstage, and continued the trend of .underwhelming interviews. “Vixxen, you called Raven Nightfall a poser, and you said you'd put me in my place. Do you know who we are? A few months ago, I was the Femme Fatale champion. Not quite an hour ago, Raven Nightfall was the Top Contender champion. What have you and your partner ever done? Won a couple of tag matches? Scared some little kids? Big deal. After tonight, you'll just be a sideshow act again." [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez vs. Vixxen[/B] Vixxen came out to the ring , before grabbing a mic. “Oh, it looks like little miss Mexican Barbie has called me out. You don't think you know you were world champ? You don't think I want your spot? Well as soon as you come out here, I'm going to rip you apart and--” Joanne charged out, but she was jumped by Vixxen's stablemates Gorgon and Devil's Daughter. The two laid in some dangerous-looking offense, before tossing Rodriguez into the ring. Vixxen immediately made the pin, but Rodriguez kicked out. Frustrated, she started beating on the former FF champ. Vixxen spent most of the match in control, being absolutely vicious and playing fast and loose with the rules, as was demonstrated with a plethora of chokes. Eventually, she started trying to submit Rodriguez. This meant the match became Rest Hold City, but the crowd was behind it. J-Ro managed to rally, and finally started getting in some offense. The closing minutes were a flurry of exchanges, which finally ended when Rodriguez hit her patented J-Rocker finish for the win. Another decent, but not great match. [B]Joanne Rodriguez def. Vixxen in 12:54 by pinfall with a J-Rocker. Rating: D+[/B] Wanda Fish was backstage, as our faceless interviewer was quite busy tonight. “What's with all these nobodies wanting a shot at my title? I mean, first there's Cat Quine, and now Kathy Goodlooks? Seriously? Girl, I hate to break it to you, but just because it's the last part of your ringname, doesn't make it true. This match is just a formality – you don't stand a chance in hell of beating me.” When the nameless interviewer points out that Goodlooks pinned her at the last show, Wanda just scoffs. “Oh, like that even counts. It was a fluke, and everyone knows it. I'm going to prove that by putting Kathy here in her place.” [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]AAA Femme Fatale Title: Wanda Fish © vs. Katherine Goodlooks[/B] Katherine came out without the usual song and dance routine, intently focused on winning the title. Wanda Fish, by contrast, had more attitude than ever – she ****ily strutted around the ring, and refused to lock up with Goodlooks. She was soon surprised when she got taken down by the tag team champion, and put into a tight STF. From there, the girls put on a great display of mat wrestling, which ended with Wanda Fish barely getting to her feet, and all but collapsing against the ropes. Goodlooks pounced, but Fish was playing possum, and tossed her outside. From there, she hit a suicide plancha, to much applause from the crowd. Fish tossed Goodlooks into the ring and pinned her, but only got a 2. Frustrated, she went for submission after submission, but Katherine made it to the ropes every time. Frustrated, Wanda Fish went back to one of her old trips, pulling a packet of salt out of her tights. Goodlooks was ready for it, but Fish tossed it at the referee instead... and pulled a pair of brass knuckles out and smacked Katherine over the head with it, before dropping her with a Dish of the Day for the win. A satisfying match for everyone – the smarks got some nice chain wrestling, the sports entertainnment fans got another reason to hate Wanda, and Goodlooks looked like a major threat. She's still not quite ready for a singles push, but it's coming sooner or later. [B]Wanda Fish (c) defeated Katherine Goodlooks in 14:16 by pinfall with a Blonde Ambition to retain the title. Rating: C-[/B] Catherine Quine came to the ring and grabbed a mic. “Some champion you are, Wanda. You can't beat one of our tag team champions one-on-one without cheating, and when you have to face a real contender – me – you turn right around and hide behind your friend from Japan. Well, I don't care what I have to do to get my match with you – beat Suzue, beat anyone, go to the moon, you name it! Every time you come out with that belt, you taint it. That's why I want to win the belt so bad. So that the Femme Fatale title can truly be an honourable prize.” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]Catherine Quine vs. Suzue Katamaya[/B] I was hesitant about making this the main event, but it ended up being the right decision. Quine was on fire at the beginning of the match, hitting her usual bewildering array of high-flying offense on the joshi star. Despite Katamaya's size advantage, Quine brought her to her knees with a series of dropkicks, and nearly knocked her out cold with a Shining Wizard. Katamaya rallied, however, and managed to roll out of the way of a Quine moonsault, giving her time to catch her breath. From there, Katayama was all over “the Cat”, particularly working over her legs to try and block the Cat's Cradle and other high-flying moves. While this segment could have been tedious, the crowd was really into it, and the girls were sure to mix it up a little. Quine used every bit of her technicalskills, matching Katayama hold for hold, but ultimately was trapped in a dangerous ankle lock. After struggling for nearly two minutes, she finally got to the ropes, to an enormous pop from the crowd. Frustrated, Katayama charged in, but Quine levelled her again. With shaky legs, Catherine climbed to the top rope, waiting for Suzue to get up so that she could hit the Cat's Cradle... but her legs gave out first, crotching her on the top turnbuckle (which hurts a lot, no matter what gender you are.) Taking advantage, Katayama grabbed onto the hair of “the Cat” and, with one sharp pull, slammed her six feet down to the canvas face-first. The crowd was still wincing when Katayama followed up with her trademark powerbomb finisher and took the match. A great main event, with both girls putting in their best efforts. Our announce team seemed positively amateur next to it. [B]Suzue Katayama def. Catherine Quine in 14:58 by pinfall with a Katayama Powerbomb. Rating: C[/B] After the match, Suzue Katayama put the beaten Catherine Quine into the Ankle Lock again. The ref told her to release it, then tried to pry her off, but she was beaten off by Suzue who was intent on her job. Security came out to intervene, but not before a distinct snapping sound could be heard. The Japanese enforcer left with a smirk, leaving Quine unconcious on the ground. “The Cat” was carried out of the arena on a stretcher. [B]Rating: D Overall Rating: C-[/B] The motto of this show? “Sometimes, the bad guys win.” Heel dominance aside, the first hour was pretty lousy, but the co-main events more than made up for it. A step up from the last show.
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[b]February 2007[/b] February was as February always is -- cold, dreary, and uneventful. The most significant news in the world of women's wrestling is that the CWWF, Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation, have opened their doors up north. I'm happy for the competition, and since several AAA girls also work there, it should help them improve quicker. Of those that signed, most were relegated to a midcard role due to lack of overness (even Fish and Rodriguez), but Grace Harper was pushed as the top babyface, even winning the CWWF Triple Crown title on their first show. This is primarily due to her name recognition from working the women's division in NOTBPW. Congrats to her. AAA sent out feelers for a TV show, but they were all rejected. Also, I discovered that Catherine Quine was my only worker on a written contract, for a whopping $4, 000 a month. Considering that we have monthly shows, that means that she makes about four times as much as our world champ. No wonder she loves AAA so much. Perhaps not the best person to do an injury angle with... - - - [b]OFFICIAL PREVIEW FOR RISING STAR CUP I[/b] On the first Tuesday of March, AAA is proud to bring you the first ever Rising Star Cup. This is a tournament designed to showcase the brightest of AAA's young stars, and get a glimpse of the main events of the future. Joining 7 AAA wrestlers is 5SSW's own All-Asian champion DEVIL Karube. The first round brackets have been announced as follows: Grace Harper vs. Sara Marie York Suzanne Brazzle vs. Gorgon April Appleseed vs. DEVIL Karube Cherry Bomb vs. Kristabel Plum Two major non-tournament matches have also been signed for the March show. Wanda Fish was scheduled to defend her Femme Fatale title against Catherine Quine, but Quine was forced to withdraw after a devastating beating at the hands of Suzue Katayama last month. Katayama broke Quine's ankle, and she'll be out for about two months recovering. Quine was allowed to name her own replacement, and she chose none other than former champion Joanne Rodriguez. Fish and Rodriguez had a classic rivalry last year -- with the added element of Quine, will things get even worse? This is sure to be a good one! Also, Raven Nightfall has thrown down the gaunlet and challenged The Darkness to a match -- any one of them. Who will accept, and will Raven be able to exact revenge for the loss of her Top Contender's Title? Full Card: AAA Femme Fatale Title: Wanda Fish (c) vs. Joanne Rodriguez Raven Nightfall vs. ? (Any member of The Darkness) Rising Star Cup: Quarterfinal -Grace Harper vs. Sara Marie York Quarterfinal -Suzanne Brazzle vs. Gorgon Quarterfinal - April Appleseed vs. DEVIL Karube Quarterfinal - Cherry Bomb vs. Kristabel Plum Semifinal - (Harper/York) vs. (Brazzle/Gorgon) Semifinal - (Appleseed/Karube) vs. (Cherry Bomb/Plum) Finals (OOC: Sorry about the lack of posts, but school has been a big hassle.)
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[CENTER][B]AAA Rising Star Cup[/B] In front of 950 people at the Portland Centre Tuesday, Week 1, March 2007[/CENTER] [B]Dark Match: Wendy Anderson vs. Miss Mexico[/B] Your typical dark match. Anderson looked motivated but green as grass, and she looked lost when she wasn't pulling out some high spots. Still, they did their jobs – Anderson flipped around, Mexico blatantly cheated, and the ruda took it with her feet on the ropes. [B]Miss Mexico def. Wendy Anderson in 7:44 by pinfall with a Redhead Press Rating: E+[/B] Anne Stardust came to the ring to a respectful pop. She grabbed a mic. “Thanks to everyone for showing up to the inaugural Rising Star Cup! Now, there is the matter of the main event to take care of. After the assault by Suzue Katamaya, Catherine Quine's ankle has been seriously damaged, and she is no longer cleared to wrestle. Do to the circumstances, we have allowed her to pick who will challenge for the title in her place. Her selection is... Joanne Rodriguez!” [B]Rating: D+[/B] The show began with a hype video for the Rodriguez/Fish main event. It probably would have gone over better if it hadn't obviously be done on Windows Movie Maker the day of the event. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Quarterfinal Match: Grace Harper vs. Sara Marie York[/B] The fans didn't seem particularly sold on Harper as the arrogant heel – it might be getting stale. Grace came to the ring carrying her new CWWF Triple Crown title. York and Harper both looked cautious in this match, not wanting to expend too much energy in the first round. They locked up and immediately went to the mat, with Harper gaining the advantage after some even chain wrestling with a Greco-Roman thumb to the eye. She put SMY in the Sharpshooter, but with the help of the fans Sara rallied and made it to the bottom rope. Just then, Kristabel Plum ran down to the ring and stared down. Harper yelled invectives at her, but forgot about her opponent, who snuck up from behind and hit her with an Energy Burst for the surprise pinfall victory. [B]Sara Marie York defeated Grace Harper in 5:31 by pinfall with an Energy Burst Rating: D+[/B] Suzanne Brazzle was backstage, still looking stoned out of her mind. “Okay, so Rising Star Cup... it's like, the star... is rising... wait a minute, stars don't rise, they fall! Guys, you made a mistake! Oh, whatever man. Like, I'm facing a huge chick with face paint tonight... and that's not a hallucination, is it? No? Damn. So... yeah. I'm gonna win.” [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Quarterfinal Match: Suzanne Brazzle vs. Gorgon[/B] Another decent technical match, which was all I expected. Despite Brazzle's smooth moves, Gorgon's power advantage was too much, and she tossed the intoxicated girl around like a rag doll. The narcotics seemed to help Brazzle stand the pain of Gorgon's stiff kicks – or, for the less charitable, she didn't really know how to sell them. However, they didn't stop her from getting dispatched with a Hydra Bomb. [B]Gorgon defeated Suzanne Brazzle in 7:54 by pinfall with a Hydra Bomb. Rating: D+[/B] [B]Quarterfinal Match: April Appleseed vs. DEVIL Karube[/B] A heatless match between two of the newest additions to our roster. The hardcore fans probably liked this one, but the live crowd didn't really know who either one was, or who to root for, so they sat firmly on their hands. After some decent technical exchanges, Appleseed worked over the arm hard, leading up to Karube submitting with an armbar. [B]April Appleseed def. DEVIL Karube in 7:50 by submission. Rating: D-[/B] Cherry Bomb was in our trusty backstage interview area. “Kristabel Plum again? Come on, can't I get someone new to play with? Oh well. Kristie, do you remember our match last month? How I tore you apart, and made you feel pain like you never felt before? Well you're about to feel the same thing, only ten times worse.” Cherry is usually good on the mic, but she just seemed uninspired tonight. [B]Rating: D-[/B] Cherry Bomb goes out to the ring and calls out Kristabel Plum. “Come on out, Plum. Let's get this over with.” As she comes out, Grace Harper jumps her and beats her down for revenge. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Quarterfinal Match: Cherry Bomb vs. Kristabel Plum[/B] Cherry Bomb had the definite upper hand, as Plum was still suffering from the pre-match beatdown by Grace Harper. Cherry Bomb didn't let up with her strikes, until Plum was able to get out of the way of a corner splash, surprising Cherry with a fast-paced offense. Eventually, however, she just couldn't keep up and she was hit with Cherry's eponymous finisher. [B]Cherry Bomb def. Kristabel Plum in 7:44 by pinfall with a Cherry Bomb. Rating: D[/B] [B]Quartetrfinal Match: Sara Marie York vs. Gorgon[/B] Finally, a good match! These two work well together, despite having completely contrasting styles. This match was a battle of pacing, with York relying on her quick, high-flying moves and Gorgon using her solid ground-and-pound. One good spot saw Gorgon tossing York several feet up in the air, and York falling onto her elbow jaw-first... however, this somehow only got two. Frustrated, Gorgon tried again, only for Sara to counter it with an elevated missile dropkick. Gorgon was knocked flat on her back, leaving her prey for Sara's Energy Burst (shooting star press) finisher. [B]Sara Marie York defeated Gorgon in 7:39 by pinfall with an Energy Burst. Rating: C-[/B] Backstage, April Appleseed was walking to the ring, when Cherry Bomb ran in and attacked her. Cherry beat April to the ground, and hit a Cherry Bomb on the concrete floor. Appleseed was out cold, and Cherry Bomb grinned. “Guess I don't have a semifinal match.” [B]Rating: E+[/B] Raven Nightfall came to the ring, grabbing the mic. “So Vixxen, you come out and call me a poser, but you still won't face me? You want to hide behind the other freaks? I'll tell you what, I'll beat that washed-up hag Black Widow, I'll beat that psycho Gorgon, and I'll beat that little thief Devil's Daughter. If you want to prove that you're better than me, Vixxen, stop hiding and come out and fight! Or are you too scared?” [B]Rating: D[/B] Vixxen came out, looking infuriated. “You... you mock us? How cute. I guess you have to get it in before your jaw gets wired shut after our match.” She then slid into the ring and attacked Raven. The ref hastily rung the bell. [B]Rating: D-[/B] [B]Raven Nightfall vs. Vixxen[/B] This match wasn't very good at all, and I may need to end this feud early... not to mention the Nightfall push, as she didn't put much effort into this. It was probably at least better than my original plan of Raven/Black Widow. Vixxen and Raven fought an even match that saw both girls score near-falls on plenty of occasions, but not be able to get the 1-2-3. The finish came when Raven went to the top rope and went to splash the prone Vixxen, but the Wild Times member rolled out of the way, and rolled up the prone Raven with a handful of tights to win the match. [B]Vixxen def. Raven Nightfall in 11:35 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Rating: D-[/B] Sara Marie York came to the ring to cut a promo. “You know, people are starting to say that I can't do it. I can't win this tournament. I can't be a major star, I'm doomed to rot away in the undercard. Hell, I'm starting to think that way... or maybe that's just all the pain my body's been put through tonight. But I believe that I can win this match. I believe that I can be a champion, like I have before. I'm not quite sure how... but I know that if I keep trying, I will succeed.” [B]Rating: D[/B] [B]Rising Star Cup Finals: Sara Marie York vs. Cherry Bomb[/B] Both girls were fatigued from previous matches, so this match wasn't as good as it could have been, but it was still entertaining. Sara brawled more than she usually does, which is encouraging – it's one area she needs to work on. The two finalists were evenly matched until Cherry Bomb started working on the chin of York, injured from her match with Gorgon. At one point Cherry Bomb set Sara up on the top rope and hit her with ten consecutive European uppercuts to the jaw. It looked like Sara was out cold, but she shockingly kicked out at two and three quarters, much to Cherry Bomb's dismay. She then hit the Cherry Bomb, but York kicked out at two again. Nearly tearing her red hair out, Cherry Bomb went to the top rope and pulled Sara up for the Cherry Bomb, but SMY countered with a flip DDT! Both girls slowly recovered, and then traded blows, but a nearly invigorated York ended it with another DDT. Sara then went to the top and hit the Energy Burst for the trophy. [B]Sara Marie York defeated Cherry Bomb in 11:49 by pinfall with an Energy Burst. Sara Marie York wins the AAA Rising Star Cup title. Rating: D+[/B] Backstage, Catherine Quine, with her leg in a cast, was giving Joanne Rodriguez a pep talk. “Look, you and I both hate Wanda, and you and I both know that we're the best of breed here in AAA. That's why I picked you to take my spot... because I know that you can do what I intended to do, which is beat her and redeem that title. And don't worry about me. I'll get my shot soon enough.” [B]Rating: C-[/B] Wanda Fish was in the ubiquitous backstage interview booth. “Rodriguez again? Really, are these the best challengers you can come up with? Oh, I forgot, it's so heroic that Cat gave up her title shot. Well, you guys can be all lovey-dovey, but it doesn't change the fact that I beat Rodriguez for the title, I beat her after that, and I'll beat her again tonight. So go cry in Cathy's arms tonight, Joanne, but remember to watch the ankle.” [B]Rating: D+[/B] [B]AAA Femme Fatale Title: Wanda Fish © vs. Joanne Rodriguez[/B] These two can always pull out a great main event to salvage a mediocre undercard, and that's what they did tonight. The opening minutes saw both trying to end the match early, but their finishers were countered, showing the experience both had fighting each other. Rodriguez gained the upper hand when she countered a Dish of the Day (enzuigiri) attempt with an unique side powerbomb. Fish was dumped on her head and staggered, allowing Rodriguez to hit a series of high-flying moves. The champion was seemingly out cold, but when J-Ro went for the pin, Wanda revealed that she had just been playing possom and rolled her up for two. Although Rodriguez kicked out, Fish didn't release the legs, instead working them over with kneebars and an Indian Deathlock. Joanne managed to escape, and got to her feet shakily, but was blinded with a packet of salt pulled out of Wanda's tights – one of Fish's favourite tricks. With Rodriguez blinded, Fish quickly put her in the Blonde Ambition (Figure Four), her devastating finisher. Rodriguez struggled as the crowd rallied behind her, but eventually got to the ropes. Her legs were quite obviously shot, however, as she struggled to stand up and was hit with a Fish shining wizard. Wanda went for the Blonde Ambition again, but J-Ro fought back, leading to a captivating technical exchange which saw Fish hook on the Blonde Ambition again, but Rodriguez was too close to the ropes for it to matter. Frustrated, Fish went for the Dish of the Day, but Rodriguez caught it and took the champ down with a side slam. From there it was all J-Ro, dominating with a mostly ground-based, but still exciting offense. She even managed to get Wanda in position for her J-Rocker (cradle piledriver) finisher, but her legs gave out at the crucial moment, putting Fish in prime position for yet another Blonde Ambition. It looked like J-Ro would make the ropes again, but at the last second Wanda Fish flipped forward, grabbing the ropes for leverage, and pinned Rodriguez to retain her title. [B]AAA Femme Fatale Title: Wanda Fish (c) defeated Joanne Rodriguez in 15:07 by pinfall with a Blonde Ambition to retain. Rating: C+[/B] [B]Overall Rating: C-[/B] This show revealed three things: one, Sara Marie York is a potential star. Two, our midcard seriously needs work. Three, you can always count on Fish, Rodriguez and the like to pull out a good main event and send the crowd home happy.
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[B][CENTER]AAA On Tour[/b] In front of 47 People at Biker's Paradise in New England Tuesday, Week 3, March 2007[/CENTER] [i]A small house show to help spread AAA's popularity. For the moment we're targeting New England to be our "second home" -- one thing we'll need to reach the status Anne wants. As this was a house show, the results will be summarized.[/i] Catherine Quine cut a pretty good promo on Wanda Fish, saying that once she's healed Wanda had better watch her back. [B]D+[/B] April Appleseed jumped Suzanne Brazzle backstage before the match. in an attempt to turn her heel. It didn't work out too well. [B]E[/B] Suzanne Brazzle def. April Appleseed [B]D[/B] Michelle Brendon gave an interview hyping her shot at the Top Contender's Title. [B]D-[/B] Top Contender's Title: Devil's Daughter (c) def. Michelle Brendon to retain [B]D[/B] Raven Nightfall challenges Vixxen to a rematch. Good promo, but her act is getting a little stale. [B]D+[/B] Black Widow squashed the newly-signed Jaime Quine [B]E+[/B] Wanda Fish cut a great promo on Raven Nightfall. [B]C-[/B] Femme Fatale Title: Wanda Fish (c) def. Raven Nightfall to retain [B]C[/B] [I](Now, why can't I have main events like that on the main shows?)[/I] [B]Overall Rating: D+[/B] Served it's goal by giving us a huge popularity boost in the NE area, but it won't be pretty on the wallet.
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